Michael Koulianos | Jesus '18

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[Music] Jesus oh Jesus praise welcome upon our praises Jesus thank you Jesus the cars the lay between hi the Mount I could Parisa I turned to her and spoke [Music] through the darkness [Music] tore through the showers [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I mean always be enough for us may it always be enough for us the price that you paid on a bus Jesus it even if you did not one more thing or the cross was it [Music] come on everybody let's sing that chorus from mortality [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you were they [Music] [Music] [Music] all the Fugees [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] just [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] together and for the passion you brighter loved [Music] your arms that never are too short to say [Music] tears you went those yulong together [Music] you bribed [Music] see [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] forever Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] give it to you Jesus in exchange for your kingdom in exchange for heaven on earth go in exchange for your presence Jesus God we give you every song we give you every dream but we give you every triumph because every disappointment we give it to you Jesus in exchange for your kingdom in exchange for your presence go mix cheese for your joy it's change for heaven on it give it all to you God I'll give it to him give it all to him give him every desire every dream every setback give it all to him leave it at the altar in exchange for his presence in exchange for his presence in exchange for his gaze Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] never disappoint never disappoint me oh and you're never disappointed [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I just feel so strongly today that there are people in this room that you desire to do things for the Lord more than you desire just to sit at his feet there are people in this room you have dreams all of which are from the Lord if callings that are pulling on your hearts Jesus is saying come and sit at my feet let me tell you more about the things that I have planned for you let me tell you more about what I think about you how precious you are how worthy you are how beautiful you are how amazing you are how capable you are how qualified it's in those times when you're sitting at the feet of Jesus and he begins to speak and lavish his love over you it's out of that place you can go [Music] it's at at that place that you can go [Music] so today tonight I feel like the Lord is calling us it's income put all of your dreams aside and Commodus come and rest my feet there's no striving in this love it's no striving and as you're good enough just where you are right now you don't have to do one more thing to earn his love for you he loves you he loves you he loves you he loves you he loves you he loves he loves he loves you he loves you the cross was enough the cross was enough let's just come and sit at his feet [Music] oh let him lavish his love on you or daughter your word [Music] they don't let shame don't let sheep come on something you didn't do or something you didn't do for something you couldn't control let it go leave it at the feet of Jesus tonight leave it at the feet of Jesus tonight o sons o sons come to the feet of Jesus bring every mistake bring everything with a heart of repentance to him he wants to wash it clean he wants to wash it by his blood tonight the cross wasn't lovely cross was enough No Jesus may you be our reward may you be our prize not the end destination but you Jesus you Jesus do you make us new because new [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and so I [Music] so careful when I trust [Music] [Music] Oh give me Jesus [Music] crash [Music] you were making [Music] in the soil you were breaking [Music] come on sing it out [Music] come on [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] she [Music] I can't Oh [Music] come on just your voices sing it no instruments no instruments come on sing Jesus spring new wind Jesus Jesus thank you Jesus Lord we love you we love you [Applause] now let's lift our hands for Jesus come on every hand lifted begin praying in the spirit all over this place loud out loud vegan praying in the spirit or lift you boys device 50 boys bah-bah-bah bend the old Mondial McKay oh Jesus we love you tonight oh we love you tonight we love you lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] boys [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] nothing [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh just begin to bless him in the Smirnoff [Applause] [Music] [Applause] bless its name [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Hey [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] giving praise [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh every eye closed every eye closed every hand lifted the Jesus we love you love you recognize you tonight its king king over us King [Music] your present King and your wonderful we know you're here in the room let me hear your court let me hear you we recognize you in the room won't turn your heart towards it now holy spirits holy wonderful spirit of the Lord [Music] there you are [Music] fall like a blanket of glory [Music] thing about tonight we yield we call on your mercy tonight to help us honor the blood that we plead tonight we plead the blood honor that Holy Spirit fall like fire and wind and why [Music] captivate our hearts again for Jesus sake amen amen can we lift the praise [Applause] are you ready can you grab a seat please I'm gonna ask it I know many of you are probably wondering why don't we keep going there the Lord has given me specific directions if I don't do them he'd fire me and then I'd have a major problem the Lord is good are you happy smile at me like everyone to find their seat please and I'm just gonna ask that for the next 10 minutes that nobody move around and we love babies here but if if your baby starts crying super loud or you feel like it could continue I'm just gonna ask that you'd step out there and we are gonna have the most important conversation we could ever have right now and sometimes when you're part of a crowd this size you just feel like part of the crowd but I want you to understand I'm not speaking to the crowd I'm speaking to you and the Lord is speaking through me to you I want you to realize tonight that before you were ever born the Lord knew you'd be sitting in that seat right now in that amazing and that amazing you can give him praise because that's a wonderful thing before you were ever born the Lord knew you'd be right there sitting right there facing exactly what you're facing struggling with exactly what you're struggling with though he doesn't want it he knew you would be tonight I want to talk to you about Jesus oh there's nobody like the Lord so I'm gonna ask you some questions tonight and you won't choose between what I'm preaching or a doctrine and yourself you'll have to choose at some point this evening between Jesus and yourself that Jesus that I am talking about it's not a long way off he is seated at the right hand of the Father you by his Spirit he made a promise and it's an amazing promise he said if two or three would gather together in my name and I will be there even in the midst of you we've got more than two or three tonight the question is have we gathered in his name I think we have now the name of this event doesn't guarantee that by the way the posture of your heart guarantees that the promise is Jesus in the midst Wow Jesus in the midst is different than Jesus in the back row Jesus in the midst is different than Jesus on the platform Jesus in the midst means to be closer to you right now than the air you're breathing he literally becomes the life exchange between you and him and the person next to you and Jesus actually is the one who holds us together by the power of his word and he's right here in this room right now that's amazing that's amazing no yeah you can praise him that's amazing it is his love that draws him so close not our perfection saviors save gladly I propose to you tonight that salvation is not something it is someone and so jesus blows that whole perspective right out of the water salvation is not checking something off on a piece of paper salvation it's not you coming to an event salvation is not even a prayer the Bible doesn't say for God so loved the world that he sent the sinner's prayer if you don't meet Jesus while you pray that prayer you're still a sinner you say man I I've been to an altar well so have a lot of people altars don't save and an altar did not die on the cross for you he said all man I I just went through my growth track well the Bible doesn't say for God so loved the world that he sent a growth tract or a dry race board or a manual Simeon held a little baby who talked about Simeon this week somebody did was it Heidi Eric what do you know Ernie Semyon a man of fasting and prayer living before the Lord I want you to hear me hold a little baby he looks down at this baby and says something that changed the game forever he looks down at this baby and says my eyes have seen your salvation allure Wow salvation is a person salvation has eyes of fire salvation has a heart salvation has a beard salvation has beautiful hair down though about right here salvation has holes in his hands and holes in his feet and salvation has a wound on his side salvation laughs salvation weeps when people don't receive him salvation is a person and his name is Jesus yeah oh yes now that Jesus is here tonight which is a beautiful thing and a very sacred and if I might say a scary thing in this way but it's possible for you to rub shoulders with him and walk right by him tonight and reject him on your way out you will have to get past the loving Savior if you want to get out of here without him it's an amazing passage when Jesus is rejected in Nazareth when they tried to throw him off the cliff there's a beautiful portion of that verse that says and he departed through the midst of them how sad how sad that he didn't take the exterior out how heartbreaking but even on his way out he wanted to rub shoulders with them while they were rejecting him and forever they would have to deal with the fact that he was that close Wow it's the love of Jesus that compels him to fill this room tonight and so tonight I'm not presenting some method yes hell is real hell is absolutely real it is a horrible place it is a place of flame and darkness where the worm does not die and a place of gnashing of teeth and anyone has told you otherwise it's not giving you the scripture don't listen to them for a single second hell is real Jesus died a brutal horrible death the worst death in history to save you from that place but more than that to fill you with himself to fill you with himself now it's interesting to me that today we wonder if it's possible to know if I'm born again well let me put it another way we wonder if knowing Jesus is measurable man drinking a coke as a man said is measurable knowing the person next to you it's measurable getting married it's measurable having a baby is measurable how many remember the first time you had to stay up all night when that baby came so well things have changed a lot I just can't go where I've never forget that just losing in the car I can never go where I want to go again whenever I want to go oh my god I can't go to sleep when I want to sleep ever again feel Michael stayed up all night for eight months I thought my life has changed but then we think that we met Jesus but sin just remains and we bought the lie that one day when I die I'll be free from sin that sounds ok the only problem with that is Jesus didn't say that he said he who sins is a slave to sin and Jesus came to set you free you say ha how do I know how do I know if I know Jesus it's very simple have you been changed are you still a slave you don't have to be a slave you know I remember in I think it was 2000 Billy Graham came to Tampa stadium he filled it I think they see it about 80,000 people they filled it had about 25,000 outside and and and I just had to get there I was super backslidden in those days and so I ran I waited hours to get into that Stadium you remember that meeting Dan you remember that whole deal No so I waited in line and ran tried to get some good seats I got average seats and Billy Graham preached the most beautiful gospel message and I was like man I got a run to that altar to get right so I did I ran to that altar something in me felt like if I could get to Billy Graham's altar call everything would change I went I felt a little better my conscious felt better two nights later I just went back to Ybor City and partied in the nightclub that was about ten minutes from the stadium I learned something that night if you don't meet Jesus at the altar and hear him in the call nothing happened it doesn't matter who's preaching wasn't Billy Graham's fault the problem was Jesus wasn't real to me in the moment I came to get a temporary scrub down and then go back to my life but I want to read this portion of Scripture to you it's in Romans 3 the Bible says there is none righteous no not one there is none who understands there is none who seeks after God they have all turned aside they have together become unprofitable there is none who does good no not one their throat is an open tomb with their tongues they have practiced deceit the poison of ASPs is under their lips whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness their feet are Swift to shed blood destruction and misery are in their ways and the way of peace they've not known there is no fear of God before their eyes in our own ability there is no one who is righteous nobody outside the blood of Jesus nobody here is righteous and let me be very clear Jesus 18 cannot save your soul Jesus image cannot save your soul the jesus book cannot save your soul you reading your devotion though that's beneficial cannot save your soul only Jesus saves souls you come to the Lord himself by faith understanding that he is inviting you so tonight I sense the love of God I want to think about tonight have I given my heart to Jesus have I just played a game have I attended church my entire life and never met the Son of God himself is it by accident that my friend brought me here tonight is it by accident I stumbled across some social media post and just happened to find myself here or is the love of God Jesus himself reaching out to me could it be that though in your own unrighteousness the Lord longs to make you righteous by his blood tonight now listen the Lord will not change you when you get safe Oh what that's the biggest heresy I've ever heard no he doesn't change us he replaces us it's way better so much better so much better because a changed Michael is still a hellbound Michael he's not good enough but Jesus isn't interested in changing and dealing with your sin tonight he will remove it and replace it with him you for him him for you and so on that cross hear me Jesus lived the perfect life lived the holy life before his father fulfilled the law perfectly spotless Lamb of God and because of his love for you he said I will take your sin now the scripture says this whoever hangs on a tree is cursed cursed the any man who hangeth on a tree and the scripture says he who sins must die the moment we sin we are cursed we are cut off that is death so Jesus in his love took your sin and became a curse now listen listen listen took your sin and became a curse that's what the Bible says he became a curse and he took your sin and as he became a curse he hung on that cursed tree and so that cursed tree cursed the curse that was meant for you and killed it and he murdered the devil's plans the curse was completely cursed and when he died and went into the ground death died with him so that you would not have to live a life of death and when he went in to the underworld the Bible says he plundered the devil and made an open show a spectacle of the devil the war is over guys look the war is over Jesus said it is finished and it finished he plundered hell he went into the underworld and absolutely embarrassed the devil princes and powers as the victorious king three days later after he just beat him up for a few days and embarrassed him and reminded him of who he is Jesus beating down the devil the Bible says he tore the ground open and pierced the ground as the firstborn among many brethren as Jesus conquered the grave and that's why the early church said this we are the Saints we are those who laugh at death death died the curse has been cursed your sin as you come to Jesus will be murdered and nailed to a tree and you get him and he gets you this is the gospel and it's glorious and because he's been raised from the dead you too will be raised from the dead tonight and you'll face death with a smile on your face and your body will literally become the house of the Living God Wow you can thank him you can think this is the gospel why is that important listen to me why is that important that means as eric says whether you're flipping burgers at in and out or you're digging ditches work at a construction company or you're up on a platform like this preaching the gospel doesn't matter where you are all the sudden God makes your body his house and he's a fountain that never moves and he's there to say there to stay and Jesus said I am with you always even unto the end of the age I want all of you to stand please would you please you say man I have never heard anything like this friends you haven't heard the gospel this is the gospel you say I well I I'm bound by sin that that doesn't have to be the case the scripture says whom the Sun sets free is free indeed beside I never met Jesus I've never met Jesus well then you can tonight you can be born again tonight you can be changed completely replaced his life in you your old life dying forever you don't have to look at that screen for the rest of your life you don't have to walk in shame because you're addicted to pornography and get stuck in this in cycle if you haven't heard what I'm talking about friends this is the glorious gospel and you can be free tonight whatever you had about a night close you say Michael I want these chains broken I want to give my life to Jesus once and for all for the first time I want to give my life for to Jesus I want to know him I want to walk with him I'm tired of playing the game I really want to meet the son of the Living God I want you to lift your hands all over this place well thank you Lord for those who you said I want to give my life to Jesus tonight I want to be free I want you to get out of your seats quickly and run down here come on come quickly come down come down say I want my sin washed away I want to walk with the Lord I want to give in my life I want to repent from my sin I'm repenting from my old ways I am giving Jesus my life look at their running so I want to be free I want to be born again come come to the waters come to the fountain it still flows it's the blood that flows from Emmanuel's veins come come hoods come close come close come close come close come close let Jesus wash you tonight pick those skis up a bit please come on friends come on come on come on come on can we bless them as they're coming come on Oh [Applause] [Music] thank you lord they're still coming look young little kids come come come we have room here come on we have room here for you sweetie come on down come get close [Music] come come give your life over give your life over tonight make him the lord of your life give him complete ownership complete ownership sound one to be born again I want to walk with the Lord come on bro come right here you come close yeah the young man who just can't come close but I'm right there yeah right there God has something special for you God has something special for these young kids thank you Father can we give the Lord praise just one more time come they're still coming [Applause] can we stretch our hands towards them if you've come forward I want you to lift your hands to heaven lift your hands to heaven in this moment I am NOT important this event is not important you getting every word right it's not the most important thing it's who you're talking to so with your hands lifted if you've come forward I want you to offer your life right now is on living as a living offering just offer your life give your heart to the Lord now we're gonna pray so I want you to close your eyes they're still coming bless you man bless you bro lift your hands to the Lord and just close your eyes if you come forward are you ready we're gonna talk to the Lord the best we can and he'll receive you are you ready say Heavenly Father I want to have all of us to pray Heavenly Father Here I am in my sin I am a sinner wash me in the blood of Jesus make me clean Jesus you died on the cross to take away my sin you were buried in the ground and you've been raised again as the Son of God oh come live in me tonight Jesus I believe that you are the son of God that you have been raised from the dead that your God Almighty and the king of kings so tonight I give you my life because you're worthy of my life so take it as it is change my life forever receive me as I receive you Jesus I am yours and you are mine you are King of Kings the Lord of lords seated at the right hand of the Father and you're coming back again to rule and reign [Music] amen amen amen oh look this shower [Applause] lift your hands from the Lord here lift your hands to the Lord all of you came forward all of you came forward to the trance Lord Holy Spirit you just receive them Holy Spirit begin to fall on them begin to fall and fill them baptize them Jesus the great Baptizer in the Holy Ghost and fire filthy I pray in Jesus name amen amen Hey amen amen amen I want you that's what Jesus said jesus said if you confess me before men I confess you before the fall and that's what you've done confess the Lord before men I want you to look at that person next to you won't you say I'm born again Jesus is the Lord and Savior of my life go ahead go ahead and do that say I'm born again Jesus is the Lord and Savior of my life yo.hannes where's your harness to see here I want you over there and I want us to to get the information that we've been using for outreach to these people okay and the same discipleship program that we have for the people who are on been going out on outreach I want the same for these people can we give the Lord praise guys just stand up would you stand up if you're down here on your knees and I want you to begin making your way that way and we'll need some interns and some of our team go all the way over there Johannes would you wave keep your hand up buddy walk them all the way back to that corner can we welcome them to the family of God now listen look I'm gonna get I'm gonna get a lot of trouble I'm gonna get a lot of trouble for doing this but I don't care keep going guys just make your way down that way follow your harness tomorrow night I will be baptizing people in water lit listen listen listen my team's going what in God's name are you doing right now that's just what we're gonna do I want yo.hannes get their names and tomorrow in a dunk of Austin you got that baptismal tank oh it's so wonderful can we lift the shout of praise to the Lord I love it I love it Wow I love it oh man it's a it's an addiction grab a seat would you please oh yes I wanted to baptize him in that Lake out front of the convention center but it was super mucky I thought it was clear cuz it had a fountain then I drove by it to look at it and I thought I don't want a lawsuit they get those bacteria in their ears so Mulder the old-fashioned horse trough thank you thank you David hidden the Lord good I'm just gonna talk to you for 15 to 20 minutes and then all of the speakers will stand and will come up here and we're gonna release the power of God on you does that sound good does that sound good [Applause] kourt stay there give me a sound quick I just heard the Lord David yeah as soon as it starts I'll know what to do [Music] picked akiza if you are from the Middle East I want it listen no no no not if you're in Middle Eastern descent if you flew here from the Middle East I want you to get down here are those that group from Iran come down quick quick quick quick quick quick quick [Applause] from the middle-east of the world not of Florida from the Middle East right here [Music] line up here keep playing keep playing you play but [Music] come closer you flew in just for this close Lord spoke to me in my room today they said call the people up from the Middle East they're gonna catch the fire [Music] [Applause] [Music] they're gonna catch the fire and take revival fire back to the Middle East [Music] [Applause] oh you're the Lord all of your labor has been seen and now the Lord will be the wind at your back and he will do what you've been trying to do now he will begin doing what you've been working so hard to see the miracles the power of the Spirit the signs and the wonders the dreams and the visions the healings the casting out of Devils come on what y'all stretch your hands up rant tongues that I heard this from the Lord today while I was laying down the bed [Music] brain turns left [Music] fire of God Karia where are you from weirdly from Iran Egypt fire heaven [Music] where are you from need to fire where are you from fire cariann I can towards where you brother Saudi Arabia fire-god Jesus bar there the Middle East five carry it fire to Kuwait [Music] I heard I heard the Lord say like they carried it from Toronto they'll carry it from this place to the nations of the world that's where I heard today in the name of Jesus carry the fire of God where are you from carry it Jesus made Israel pick her up where are you from [Music] no she's right we're in from Iran fire [Applause] where are you from get on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] wait [Music] you'll need every drop you'll need every drop [Music] light him up light him up so bad it hurts take them deep they think they're gonna die tonight fire from God fire from on high wonder-working power wonder-working power Haven Daniel cannula handsome wonder-working powr wonder-working power he gotta find games with his power shuffling games he as an agenda God has an agenda a revival in the Middle East Oh revival in the Middle East stadiums in the Middle East where's he from where what you're from Egypt what do you want fire from heaven light him up my bed kay casting out Devils healing the sick making my torch more oh just say more over them God has a plan God as a plan God is a plan Danielle can you come pray for the women can she move she's toast okay more say it again more more more Lord see you got we gotta you gotta come to the lightning round of God let him go deep until you got a lift until he wrecks your independence so until it's not with with the wisdom of words and the wisdom of men but the power and demonstration of the Spirit and it's real power a dig what's your friend's name the dude from Arab who wanted to come to Salaam come here what are you doing instead white what grab him why you not coming come here God always finds that David in the in the shadows come here staying right there hit the thing hit the thing stretch your hands you're from Europe huh fire from heaven Oh Oh the glory of the Lord oh you guys need the glory you need the glory not just as power you need the glory you need the morning you need the intoxication of the spirit the Atlantic persecution drunk of new wine look there's tears on the altar you need to be drunk on the new I don't have your laugh at the devil the laugh at the devil just laughing the devil oh Jesus more Lord [Music] more more amore more of your glory more of your glory more of your glory mana Papapa Papapa Papapa Papapa [Music] she's breathing's presence of telling just breathe in his presence Revathy grab a seat grab a seat thank you get him good get him good get him good just lightly on the keys David super light get them good lord get them good see fire falls on the blood never pour oil on the altar until it's been lathered in blood just what the gospel deaths from the cross is preached Holy Spirit comes oh thank you Jesus you don't have to be from the Middle East tonight to get touched you can just sit right there and let your heart face the Lord and he can touch you to say Jesus I'm right here I'll just say that say I'm right here say touch me tonight say I want to burn your fire [Music] Oh help me God of Lord you know walking in the spirits to walk in the unknown it's a walk of faith dependency and childlikeness and faith are the dearest of friends I I've been thinking about what the Lord's been saying here everything in me tonight I want to be faithful to properly articulate that and steward it with everything I mean I I need help for that to happen but I trust the Holy Spirit he's he's faithful say he's faithful my father-in-law said last night in the back most of us were on the ground at some point last night and then back there he said really what the Lord is saying is one thing intense devotion to Jesus like intense loyalty that's what the Lord is communicating and what I'd like to just do for a few minutes is put by the Holy Spirit some language so that it will erupt in your heart and so that you can carry it home we see all of these streams that are so blessed the body of Christ the faith stream revival stream the river the fire for the glory you know you know all the streams I'm talking about the glory stream with the flags and every color means something the prophetic stream the Hawaiian shirts and the gray beard you know what I'm saying you know I'm saying you know what the Birkenstock that'd be the prophetic stream there's the Papa daddy stream there's the confused guys that we don't a lot of us don't know what we're doing or who we are we just love Jesus this is what I see the Lord doing now there's the kingdom stream there's the kingdom now stream what I see the Lord doing now is inviting us into the Jesus stream it's not even a stream it's a big flood and you know the Lord told me once how did you a grateful for the kingdom good you should be do you know what the Lord told me once he said the kingdom without the king is dumb you can preach Kingdom as a system or Kingdom as a person it's very different and I have this sense that the Lord is reintroducing the simplicity of Jesus and inviting us into such a pure and holy devotion that our hearts will literally begin to scream Maranatha and it draws jesus in to every moment and eventually here to the earth he is making this thing about Jesus because I have news for you it is about Jesus in heaven I said it is about Jesus in heaven there's not a Methodist bloc there's not a cessationist section there's not a Pentecostal section this whole thing is about Jesus and the scripture says in the midst of the throne I saw a lamb Jesus is centerpiece Jesus is to focus Jesus is heaven song he's the beautiful one as beautiful as heaven is if you got there after a while and the street of gold would just become a little boring if it didn't lead you to the Lord you could say eventually this is beautiful but where's the one I love and I want to talk to you tonight about this intense devotion what it sounds like what it looks like what it feels like what the Lord is saying the Lord has feelings say that the Lord has feelings say that again the Lord has feelings now the Bride of Christ is consumed with the feelings of her husband she's consumed with them in fact oh this might pop the pinata but that's fun in fact that is their ministry you can have a 501 C 3 and not have a ministry was that rude good let me do it again you can have a 501 C 3 and not have a ministry you can copy somebody's sermon and start an organization and buy some followers on Facebook that doesn't mean that God has kissed your life I think now more than ever people who have no clue what they're talking about have the biggest platform to actually talk about it and that's the humorous thing but ministry under the Lord it's not just the beginning of ministry it is the ministry loving Jesus properly it's the ministry there are so many pitfalls to everybody here who's a pastor there are so many pitfalls so many opportunities to go the other way and going under the other way always begins with turning away turning to look at another but the feelings of Jesus are so passionate and so available guys listen that you can spend the rest of your life and eternity ministering to those feelings much of what we do causes a reaction in the heart of the Lord how many of you think Jesus is just okay with people going to hell raise your hands if you think he's not okay with people going to hell how do you think he reacts to it when they choose another way do you think he just washes his hands of them and it doesn't touch his heart he doesn't think about it doesn't feel it it breaks him deeply I'd go as far to say if he wept over Jerusalem who did not know the hour of her visitation that he weeps today when somebody says Jesus I just don't want you or he walks into a room like he's here tonight and we just treat him like he's the person to our right to our left maybe he cries tonight when we just don't turn aside when those tears begin to flow there's a way to wipe them away did you hear me when those tears begin to flow down the face of Jesus there's a way to wipe them away and that it's the heart a first love that is the heart of the bride the heart of the bride says this Jesus when you are heartbroken knock on my door come my way you might feel completely incapable but it is not complicated he is looking listen he is looking for love he said what else nothing he's looking for love he's not looking so much for you to cry out for revival though that's legal but there's a deeper realm he is a revival Jesus's are I'm all about regional corporate outpouring my god I want it but there's a place where you can live in if you are caught up you are gone Jesus completely mesmerizing did you know you're married to the Lord you're supposed to be the scripture says well the Lord spoke to Israel do you not know that your maker is your husband size 854 5 don't you know that your maker is your husband don't you know that you're married to the one in that cloud don't you know the one sending the manna and the quail and covering you during the day to keep you cool and a lighting like a pillar of fire at night just to guide you and keep you warm in that cool desert don't you know that he's more than a genie in a bottle don't you know there's more to this did you know you're married to him did you know that he cut covenant with you in the deepest way I'll propose this to you night Jesus is looking for love I'm looking down here I saw this great man great preachers Charlie and Jordan are off to Lebanon they're part of our team they leave soon see Chris Michaelson just all of you guys doing great things loving Jesus is more important than anything we do because if it's going to last he has to do it anyways God's not raising up employees God's not raising employes he's looking for love you could be like me you could cry out for revival for three years and never tell him I love you Wow so the scripture says in Psalm 69 verse 20 I looked for comforters and found none now I realize I could have read something that would cause you to jump and shout but I'm telling you this this invitation is the holiest of all it is the pearl of great price it is the X that marks the spot on the treasure chest it is finding the heart of Jesus and living there it is your heart in his heart becoming one until your wills begin to bleed into one another until his feelings become your feelings it's a place where nothing and no one can buy you because you'd rather die than lose his touch it's a heart that David had that said Lord keep me as the apple of your eye I don't want to be like the rest of the guys that's not competition that's love I want to love Jesus more than anybody has ever loved the Lord and I can't love him without him can't love him without it I have to see him to love him I have to look at him to love him behold you are all together lovely I have to see his all togetherness if I am going to experience his loveliness Jesus is looking to be loved you say why cuz he loves you a lot don't ask you some questions you remember when used to cry reading your Bible yeah Kyle said you over there Kyle said the other night I read my Bible 12 hours a day when I got born again I don't know so did I you remember when some pastor came around and said all bro you need to be balanced man bring it down a little bit turn that thing down you can't last that long you can't keep you can't keep this up you're too fiery you have to use wisdom turn it down a bit that's what the Song of Solomon teaches when it says oh I went to the watchman and they wounded me they struck me because she was out running around town saying where's my beloved have you seen him where's my beloved I said turn it down a little bit get balanced so a young wild maniac set free from drugs and healed of stomach ulcers can't put his Bible down he's addicted to God he's just completely addicted to the Lord the problem is is sometimes those guys come your way looking for leadership and you're reading your Bible 12 minutes a day and so his fire convicts the ice in my heart and so I wrap it up in spiritual advice to cover my lack of love and I say whoa Carl you need to get balanced turn it down a bit don't preach to everyone you might offend them god forbid you offend them here and they burn in hell forever we tell our kids to pray but we don't pray all of my kids ask to get saved the same way I walked out of the prayer closet they said what are you doing there I said with Jesus they say oh I want to know him I want to do that too okay let's get on our knees and I got to lead all of my kids to the Lord well my firt I should say Theo and Benny hey guys that's how they got safe I'm walking out of my prayer closet we I'm on my knees I get up I walk out we're back on our knees and they want to get safe that's what the Bible says when Jesus came down the mountain from prayer his disciples said Lord teach us to pray as John taught his disciples if you pray and spend time with Jesus you will provoke hunger and other people we have people that don't pray telling other people to brain religion his birth and PK sleeve and they go out into the world because their parents eyes don't drip with honey there's nothing coming out of their mouth there's Watchmen wounding those that are hungry I want students who provoked me to more I want friends who provoked me to more and so I love hanging out with these guys I I'm not in it to get famous or share platform and we were friends before we even had him Todd came to Jesus 14 and didn't even preach dan and I were carrying bags Eric and I would drive around and get drunk couldn't find our way home drunk on the spirit listening the tapes my god Ben come to my room we just stay up all night talking about Jesus my god am I not right Dave when who Dave had come and preached in Chicago for Dave I don't know how many people were in the school like six but we had Jesus this isn't a career choice this is him I want to love him are you hearing me I want to love him this isn't work this isn't legalism this is love I want Jesus when he knocks on like 450,000 doors in Orlando he knocks on the door that heart revelation 3:20 boom-boom-boom will you let me in no you don't hear my voice so they shut the door in his face and then I want him when he comes to where I live and he knocks on the door my aura I want to open every time because I know when he gets to my heart because of all that rejection there's a tear in his eye and I went through love and adoration washings feet breaking my box the box with my heart all over him I went the wipe I want to wipe those tears away I want my heart to be a Bethany and the devil sold us this stupid lie that if I'm a an intimacy guy I won't have power if my heart becomes a Bethenny I won't have power seems to me when Jesus came to Bethany that he raised Lazarus from the dead seems to me that resurrection power lives in Bethany Martha wanted to talk about this and that Jesus just sat there and you know what can I talk to Mary first second she has the key to my heart then we spend our life doing stuff and forgetting the Lord Himself tonight this is what I feel I feel the Lord saying will you love me will you love it maybe you're like well how do I do that how do I love the Lord be with him you say don't I need to obey Him yeah but if you're with him you will if you're with him you'll fall in love with him and the Bible says they that love me obey me love produces obedience you can obey yourself in to love you fall in love by staring at him and looking at him and love fills your heart and his voice becomes food and you realize if he says something to you and you say no it could turn his voice off and according to the psalmist if you turn your voice off it's as though I'm living in hell I need your voice like it's bread and all of a sudden you're living a victorious life this this is this is it if we're going to walk in the Jesus Movement we've got a fall in love with Jesus and it can't be just like a theory or concept we have to feel him we have to sense his nudge and hear his voice our eyes have to be holding him we have to see him in the scripts do you remember when you used to highlight the genealogies you're like wow that's amazing stone the witch oh that's good whew remember when you got born again just thud oh my gosh these maps are incredible Wow love my maps these maps are insane do you love Chronicles you love the first and second chapter first I mean you just you love this stuff that today maybe you're just like let me check off that devotion let me just get through this time can I hit it can I go a little deeper let me fulfill that hour let me glory in my discipline eating bread and discipline are different disciplines meant to give you bread that hour is not the king Jesus is the king I'm all about spending hours but make sure you meet him there remember when those songs used to move your heart and maybe those songs today just they're just songs Dan and Eric and I sometimes we we'd put on some old worship songs and instantly tears just go straight down our faith why what do they do they remind us of a day Oh when Jesus was there you say he's here oh I know but there was a day where he disrobed himself of his mystery because he found the bride he could trust and he said Here I am you might walk all over my heart what I'll take a risk with you and he fills the room I want Jesus I want Jesus yes I want the sick healed but I want Jesus yeah I love to cast out Devils but I love Jesus are you hearing me I love opening my Bible but I love it because he lives and he walks through the verses like he's walking through the garden holding my hand I want Jesus there can you just lift your hands to have a father fall can you pick the keys a fall with liquid love come and invite invite us into the deepest bridal chamber in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name to start speaking in tongues in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus let me teacher in the name of Jesus he's inviting us into the currents of his love into the current of his love the gripping power of the Spirit of the Lord Oh pray in tongues a little louder friend times help me Court that's right just close your eyes and get lost now our Fenty or McEntee alpaca is inviting us into his love into the depths of his love looking for those who will love him who found these wounds to be entries to the heart who have stepped into his pain knowing every wound takes you to the heart [Music] louder on the cello [Music] oh I give you praise just reach out to your Savior [Music] thanks Lord Thanks [Music] Thanks you're speaking to love him with your mouth all over the room Marvin fjord maka then lady they're black yeah bring her bring em bring em bring em bring em [Music] holy love of God subtitle surface it's the bridal service tonight it's what really matters loving the Lord loving the Lord Maude Fenty a make a loving the Lord Jesus loving a pearl of great price the bright and Morning Star me this girl in the green jacket just loving the Lord [Music] just loving the Lord just loving the Lord Oh keep praying keep praying everybody keep praying just loving the Lord like oil flowing from your mouth like oil flowing from your mouth [Music] like oil flowing dripping out with fragrance to the Lord simple phrases like Jesus I love you Jesus I love you you're beautiful nothing complicated nothing complicated no mixture simple childlike words well just Jesus is enough med font ear this guy Marta font he'll keep playing chord [Music] oh we love oh we love you just a heavenly glory a heavenly glory heavenly heavenly heavenly blanket I'll just get lost now just get lost just a heavenly glory just a heavenly heavenly heavenly heavenly heavenly glory bring me your harness God's inviting him into the deeper arms of God into the bridal chamber the bride has made herself ready made herself ready eyes to see [Music] to see the lords high and lifted up [Music] heavenly glory heavenly heavenly heavenly heavenly heavenly glory heavenly glory I mean this young man heavenly glory [Music] single eye single heartbeat complication gone performance gone self-promotion gone you know the way it used to be the way it used to be you just bought the lie that it can't be that way anymore it can be better than it used to be I give you praise I give you glory and honor power and praise Majesty Dominion who is like your Lord always like your Lord and he Maps always like your lure be better than it used to be more beautiful just into fresh vision of Jesus a fresh vision of the Lord a fresh vision fire fire fire loving fire deeper than excitement loving holy wonderful glorious fire lift your voices brainless fit loving wonderful holy fire a fire within a fire within fire that keeps you up at my fire of love it's the fire of love the fire of love ask the Lord to touch you now he's right here in the room ask him to touch you now he's right here in this room mad fendi Oh Lord Allah bah bah bah bah I mean this lady here more fancier [Music] do nothing but love do nothing but well do nothing but love do nothing but love you love him you have everything do you have everything and don't love him you have nothing nothing but love guys it's not about mission it's not it's his mission he's got it all figured out it's not about what people think it's about loving Jesus it's about loving the one who loves you can you lift your voice back there and pray in tongues please out loud I need you to pray for about a minute in tongues [Music] five from heaven [Music] [Music] it's about loving the lord wycombe it's about loving the Lord Jesus the one arrayed and white pure and holy looking looking with a wounded heart for lovers for lovers for lovers the lovers for lovers more more more more more more more more more more more more all over the building more more more more more more bent Lauren been Lauren been more love for Jesus muriatic alone radical love radical simplicity modfet the old moco bring me the guy in the Levites shirt just about Jesus Jesus makes the cross special Jesus makes the Bible special keep playing fire from heaven it's about love so loving the Lord it's as beautiful love [Music] it's beautiful up [Music] it's as beautiful of thank you Father I hear your word I hear your word it's spoken I see this young man in the black hat standing up in front row green jacket way dumb yeah bring him here it only feeds the hungry stretch your hands to pick up those keys in each other I see the word evangelist written straight over your head pick up those keys it's not your burden for souls it says you need stretch your hands pray in tongues fire of the most high consume him Holy Ghost stretch your hands pray in tongues God's gonna give this young man Souls are you from North Carolina let him leave with souls burning burning burning burden for social given souls give him souls [Music] I have the guys that [Music] bent just the whole crew [Music] how many since the Lord here and the view one more he's ok with that he's okay with that come guys and in microphone [Music] [Music] Kirti stay there Jesus sometimes he wonders how real your power is teach them teacher I want you all to stand and pray in tongues for a minute outloud I need the drummer to where's Ben he's not coming so with the Lord how many of you are hungry for an impartation now listen it's not our hands it's the Lord's hand you need but tonight tonight we're gonna stretch out our heads and we're gonna declare the word on the Lord and when we release the power of God the power of God is gonna fall on you I don't want anyone in the aisles nobody in the aisles please make sure you're in your seats the power of God it's gonna fall you might feel fire you might feel electricity you might feel the heavy presence of God but tonight you will not leave the same I said you will not leave the same you will leave with an impartation to love the Lord to preach his gospel with boldness to heal the sick cast out Devils and raise the dead that will happen now are you hungry for the Lord hoster drummer oh I need to jump on the drums yeah thank you buddy so I want you all to lift your hands begin praying in tongues all over this place loud loud loud and I need the drums [Music] [Music] [Music] I just spoke to me very clearly I want to pray this of you what Michael shared was the word of the Lord for your life and God said tonight it's just standing he just spoke it's so clearly to me he said some people here are gonna take this and they've said yes to loving me but they still going to think it means the secret place and God said to me he said I want you to pray for them that I might impart this to them that it would no longer be private that your love for him would become very public and so we're gonna pray that right now so if you want to be free and be undignified unashamed of your love for Jesus if you want God to impart that to you to stretch out your hands if that's you and listen as we pray this and impart this to you the Spirit of the Lord might come on you in a very powerful way you may come on you in a way where you just begin to run or something happens in this room I don't know what God will do to you but the pray that the thing is that when we pray if you let go of that dignity and you say God I'll be undignified and I will take that thing from my private secret love for you I will take that into the public I'll shine you everywhere if God gets on you right now and his power moves upon you just say yes in this room some very quiet people are about to become very free so father in heaven I pray in the name of Jesus but there yes to you that commitment to the secret place their commitment to love you above all things their commitment would just be the same as it is when a married couple is first married and they walk up down the street in the honey honeymoon there would be the same public affection it'll be the same public intimacy it'll be the same bold intimacy father I pray an impartation a boldness right now in Jesus name God I break this fear of man spirit I command it to lead in Jesus name i impart this to your people God get on them now God get on them now god I pray father those quiet ones those ones that are afraid I pray he Allah shame this room and Spirit of God take this intimacy to a whole nother level Thank You Holy Spirit now if he gets on you right now you know what to do just like Dora if he gets on you right now let go father we pray right now we'll leave behind this false dignity this respectability it's rubbish God we ask you for deep intimacy father I pray in the name of Jesus for boldness it comes on them and peeta mercy thank you lord that's right just let it happen right now let it fall let it fall on you [Music] but it's fun but at fun let it fall in you thank you Father from the secret place to the ordinance the secret place to the public place thank you Jesus but it's fallen thank you lord [Music] ah can you sense that sweetness in the boldness can you sense that sweetness inside the boulders god we pray in the name of Jesus in part that freedom to those even some of you are still holding back your heart just even let go hold don't hold back your heart love him dance for him be joyful for him [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] God's gonna bring increase right now and to fear the Lord [Music] holy spirit Cup [Music] baptize people afresh in the fire of your presence chacoly spirit [Music] come [Music] increase entries entries [Music] touch [Music] and trace [Music] the fear of the Lord is the love with the Lord [Music] in three Scott and Reese lip trance and Greece Greece and Greece just cry out bread Greece right now the brush impartation to fear the Lord [Music] fire right now Paul fire right now Bo fire right now Paul holy ghost we want it off we want to know increase increase entries what's your hand on the bar [Music] I want you [Music] right now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Jesus says if you then being evil know how to give good gifts to your children yes Lord how much more where your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him we thank you right now for an open heaven an open heaven by the virtue of the blood of Jesus and we call upon a great Baptizer in the holy spirit right now but we ask for every single soul in this auditorium and even watching by internet or television right now Lord release a baptism of the Holy Spirit and fire release the baptism of the Holy Spirit and fire right now in Jesus name Lord release the dove from heaven and filled with the Holy Spirit and fire received the Holy Spirit and fire ain't Jesus name fire of the Holy Spirit fire of the Holy Spirit fire of the Holy Spirit fire of the gospel in Jesus name fire the love of God fire his glory forever your kingdom jeez in Jesus name in Jesus name lift your hands lift your hands and tell the Lord what you want lift your hands and say to the Lord Lord give me your Holy Spirit give me your Holy Spirit say to the Lord with your own voice give me Holy Spirit baptize me with your Holy Spirit fresh baptisms not just a prayer language but a fresh in movement with the person of the Holy Spirit the love of God the power of God [Music] be filled tonight with the Holy Spirit [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is what I heard the Lord say some of you don't understand what it is that you're hearing and feeling and sensing I heard the word Dunamis Dunamis is power now that's different from anointing it's different from gifts of the Spirit this is a raw power encounter and the Lord said in my heart he wants to release that in this room in you and through you a Dunamis encounter this is what I want everybody to do and when I tell you not now but when I tell you to I want you to turn to the person next to you and I want you to take your hand if it's a man just put your hand right on their chest if it's a woman just lay your hand on their head and when I tell you to I want you to begin to release the fire the power of God and listen if they're sick releasing him into them for their healing if they need to be filled with the Holy Ghost release it into them for their infilling if they have bondages addictions demons release it into them for their deliverance whatever they need you're gonna release that power and many of you for the first time in your life you're gonna feel Dunamis surging through you and I also just heard this while I'm talking now gift of faith the Lord's gonna release a gift of faith in this place some of you as you pray right now you're gonna find that you're in a different zone you're in a different realm the faith that you're using is not your own it's come to you for a moment and mighty miracles are about to happen right now turn to that person and ask them what they need prayer for ask them what they need what is the need what is the desire and when they tell you it doesn't need to be a big story just give them one word when they tell you put your hand on them and begin to release Dunamis into their life right now in Jesus name do it do it don't be shy don't hold back release it right now in Jesus name [Music] [Music] [Music] now take it in Jesus a receive it in Jesus name we say that in Jesus a every sickness again out in the name of Jesus every demon get out in the name of Jesus every addiction get out in the name of Jesus every infirmity in the name of Jesus you receive the Holy Ghost right now see the Holy Ghost Jesus [Music] Savage [Music] fire fire [Music] I am [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the Lord has been loyal he has been committed he's made a covenant with us a covenant that will never change that will never leave us and he is asking for commitment he is asking for loyalty and a steadfast heart so I pray in the name of Jesus for spirit of loyalty for a spirit of a steadfastness never changing God for you have been loyal to us you have committed your life to us and give it a covenant and Lord we enter into that covenant of steadfastness we enter into the covenant of loyalty God and I just pray over us for it's a loyal heart god to you and no other lovers no other lovers in Jesus name but a loyal heart to the one who has given us all to a loyalty like we give you our loyalty can we just pledge him our loyalty right now because he's worthy of our loyalty and our commitment and our covenant thank you Jesus Bridal Rhino rhino Union Bridal Union Bridal Union triangle Union Friday Union Bridal uses Bridal you where is she Bridal Union I'm here Jackie come on Jesus Father in heaven Bridal oneness [Music] come to her ring with a ring outstretched and honor [Music] put it on her finger [Music] inner ring [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Jesus Image
Views: 48,595
Rating: 4.8942528 out of 5
Keywords: Jesus is king, Bethel, Benny Hinn, Holy Spirit, Bethel Music, Upper Room, Todd White, Jesus18, Michael Koulianos, Image, UPPERROOM, kanye west, Jesus, Eric Gilmour, Jessica Koulianos, Bill Johnson, Reinhard Bonnke
Id: SNBZhhk-2cI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 174min 53sec (10493 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 15 2018
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