Catch The Fire Worship and Michael Koulianos | Catch The Fire Conference 2018 - Session 9

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holy spirits will you come and join with us will you link your arm into our arm right now Holy Spirit we are sons and daughters that are here that are that are longing for more of your presence father we thank you for all that you've done this week but Lord we want to go home and take this home father we want to be changed forever lord I thank you every word of affirmation every word that has come out of the Word of God Lord I thank you for the prep our prayers Lord I thank you for the power of testimony in this place Lord where people have been healed father Lord I'm asking that you would just come home Holy Spirit whoa will you just come and just pour on these ones right now will you come and minister to their hearts Lord I'm asking that you would come Lord even for those that that I just felt you know there might be some people in the room that felt like they didn't get anything listen you got it all don't worry don't look around just trust your heavenly father he loves you so much he would never let you leave this place without giving you something he gives you treasures he gives you gifts he loves you so much so Holy Spirit I ask that you would just come and minister to them lord I thank you for the big hugs that you've given to your kids this week Lord and father I thank you for just all the people that have worked this conference Lord the ministry team Lord the people at the front desks the worship team the maintenance team Lord I thank you for all the little things that are being done food-prep Lord you have been incredible Lord father just keep coming just humming come on fix your eyes on him see your heavenly father just looking down at you and just saying okay let's go one more time come on let's go one more time one more time one more time Holy Spirit one more time Holy Spirit we thank you for your presence whoa we thank you for your presence just come and minister over your kids right now thank you lord thank you lord this is Dallas wicks ten one of our worship leaders from Toronto this is hopes true she's an American from Nashville that's based here in Toronto as well they are courting just so that you know just if if it makes a difference in how they look at each other and is that enough that's what I'm working it's been amazingly [Music] I'm a Hartford tonight was just that we would really just pursue God his family can we do that King just like let the people around you know that hey we're family tonight and we just pursue our father come on let's just begin to lift up worship just begin to lift up adoration [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we we welcome we welcome thank you [Music] you just tell the Lord [Music] while you're thankful for even if it's just one thing in this past week just take a moment and say thank you just say thank you thank you [Music] come on guys lift up your sinks [Music] if he was right in front of you right now how would you thank him how would you think [Music] we don't [Music] [Music] oh you have Graeme's you brought me out of darkness [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you know how it is [Music] as you say [Music] confident [Music] here's your face [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I was [Music] you Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I swear [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] what do you leave [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we will follow [Music] just invite you to look up tonight tonight [Music] [Music] [Music] as you as you get [Music] [Music] [Music] bring it all the peace storm surrounding [Music] call the seed Stan Rajon me how [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] call these bones call these lungs to say [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you make a darkness channel Jesus Jesus she's you make a darkness tremble Jesus [Music] every fear [Music] every fear [Music] the shadows [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you might the darkness he says [Applause] you make the darkness [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] mother god [Music] mother god [Music] [Music] the [Music] [Music] we jeez [Music] [Music] no other God [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Jesus to the beautiful [Music] we love you Jesus through the beautiful [Music] name [Music] surely my to say worthy of all the worthy apprentice for Jesus Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh - cheese Oh [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Roger [Music] [Applause] lovey what you the [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] but those who hope in the Lord sure will renew their strength they will mount up they will rise up on wings like eagles they will run and not grow weary they will walk and not be faint and I saw a vision tonight of you as Eagles and some of you were running and you had crutches and you were throwing them aside and just beginning to just saw up in this renewed place mounting up in into the into the skies and leaving behind the weariness the tiredness for the things that had held you back and I see you I see you soaring I just see that you soaring into freedom and I and if this is for you if this word resonates with your heart I want you to just close your eyes and stretch your arms out because what I saw was a was like an army of eaglets of little eaglet soaring out on the wind of the Spirit carrying the anointing carrying the presence and being tutored by the Holy Spirit and he said he's saying saw here catch the thermals of my presence and so Holy Spirit we we just say yes to you tonight we say yes just soaring deeper into your heart thank you that we are rising above the things that have been holding us back and I saw some of you have had there's been things that have just been clutching your legs like hindering your ability to walk forward and you've just been like like trying to brush it off and I just see you running and leaping up into the sky and I just sense him saying you've waited on me you've hoped in me you are my people you are my beloved that is the heart of your heavenly father and so father we just saw into your presence tonight [Music] Just Breathe him in right now he is the glorious one and III declare over you i prophesy over you think you are gonna run and not grow weary you are gonna walk and not be faint and I just sense there have been some here who have come and you've you have given like your last drop you have just you have nothing left and you've just and I said I says there's someone here and you've just said you've had this conversation with a lot like well I've given it everything and I'm done I'm like I'm weary and I there is a supernatural refreshing coming to you right now and so daddy we just reach into heaven right now like little kids if you need your strength renewed if you need that refreshing if you've come to the end of yourself which is a good place to be we just say daddy daddy we need you we need more we need filling we need new hope and let's just pull it down from heaven like little kids little kids trusting in their heavenly daddy that when we ask him for something good he's not gonna give us a stone so we receive it and I want to speak it out whatever that thing is whoa [Music] I receive their I receive my hope I receive my hope [Music] lord I asked right now then your sword what come in this place tonight father distorted the Lord [Music] the shorter the Lord this sort of the Lord [Applause] [Music] Lord I cut those Eagles free I cut them free from envy I cut them free from jealousy I cut them free from insecurity I cut them free why [Music] yeah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] for the Lord would say I am getting you ready I am getting you ready [Applause] do you understand do you really understand we cannot afford division we cannot afford Envy we cannot afford jealousy we have a king who loves us we have a king yeah [Applause] [Music] and his name is Jesus and he is victorious and as we are walking into these days these days of revival these days of the million so harvest the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the Lord is saying tonight [Music] will you to take up my holiness my righteousness my integrity will you be lovers that pay the price that love the unlovely [Music] we have a king [Music] there is full of love but his eyes are a flame of fire and he has been pouring out his love and his compassion in healing our hearts it's setting us free but here the song yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] will you follow him will you have eyes for only him we have such a mighty work to do and so little time to do it he's calling you when you leave these property you are no longer [Music] weak gossipy envious full of jealousy full of comparison you are lovers of the king you are warriors of [Applause] [Music] closed in his glory he's saying to you tonight come and follow me [Music] [Applause] do we how do we respond to that yes sir yes Lord yes Lord [Music] okay you know how transitions are smoother than others put the brakes on brakes just trying to get a sense of what we want to do and we feel we're going to start to pray for people to be healed but before we do that I want you to hear a couple testimonies so Anthony and Stephanie if you guys can come on up these are two the doctors from our congregation they happen to be married I think within the month they're gonna be having their seventh anniversary for being married which is wonderful and let me just tell you the back story a little bit for Stephanie she's a sports medicine doctor and started having headaches seven years ago Plus and Anthony they were engaged the time is a MRI specialist he's figures that what's wrong and keep telling the story well have you ever heard about healings that happen and wondered if you could see one for yourself I was in that position several years ago and I got a surprise I had grown up as an athlete and so I had read of regular medical treatments and tests and care and my tests came back and they suggested that I had a brain tumor I needed an MRI and praise God I was engaged to a doctor who could arrange that for me I had an MRI done and I did indeed have a brain tumor in the center of my head and I went to see three of the city's top specialists all of whom offered me different treatment options ranging from medication to surgery what they didn't realize is that I had sought another opinion and that Jesus had told me he was going to heal me and that through my experience others would come to Christ and I believed him so I respectfully declined all of the medication all of the treatments and all of the surgery I came to my home church here and Heidi Baker was speaking just just before you talked that part yes Anthony phoned me a couple times how do I talk my fiance into listening to the doctors did you know that it doesn't matter I don't recall and and it was in between us all right sorry it's no one heard that no one heard that and I remember him saying well when's the next healing meeting if she's only gonna listen to Jesus when's the next healing meeting and it's like well you need to come to the catch of our conference because that was within a couple weeks so you came so I showed up and Heidi Baker actually did an altar call not knowing any of this for health care professionals just to pray for them and bless them in their professions so naturally I ran up to the front and she prayed for me and she touched me or at least I think she touched me I went flying back and I came to on the floor I believe that I was healed so we arranged for another MRI and I let my husband tell you the good news well let me just start where all these healings I was a little skeptical right does that show me the proof I'm a doctor I want to see the MRI pre-imposed so God says okay I'll show you so we had the MRI pre healing that showed the tumor we came back a week later after the healing meeting with Heidi and the tumor was gone I got it I got a I got another phone call from Anthony this time very very grateful you remember that yes I do yeah like this is a big deal isn't it Stephanie to have a brain tumor and to be healed in just one touch from the Lord yes yes that would be the correct answer there would be all right now here's Anthony story this is recent Anthony is a concussion specialist like one of the best in the world at doing concussion stuff he's also a cycler he does the long-distance cycling and he recently had a cycling accident and got a concussion and up and even last week even this week sorry headaches these kind of lights really would bother you and so on Wednesday night you were sitting over here and the sound was affecting you the lights were affecting you and so you had to go in the back room the next night Thursday night Carol and John started barbecuing you in the Holy Spirit [Laughter] and so Anthony what's what's the update because you were you've been just laughing for the last couple days you couldn't come Friday night because you were know what tonight did you miss you miss one night because you were drunk at home yes yes so the first night I had glasses head to headset earpieces earplugs and then John put his hands on me and I and there was a change and then all of a sudden the lights don't bother me the music doesn't bother me the bass is great but just the funny thing ja God is a joker again to me because a few months ago he says I want you to do a media fast and he's kind of nudging me a bit what do you mean by that okay no iPad no TV no phone just take a break okay maybe later so I get the concussion have the accident then all of a sudden I can't look at my phone I can't use my iPad I can't use the TV all I could do is read read and read the Bible read Steve's books I've been reading all his books thank you and so that's how he's quite a joker that way because he I didn't get the message the first time so he had hit me in the head to get the message real time so who's gonna who's gonna test you this week can you test yourself how do you do concussion protocols she's my tester all right 50 you're looking at you she's looking it just looked like you weren't sure that that was gonna take place do you need a concussion review or do you think you're good Stephanie's the concussion expert also right after John laid his hands on me right away she says you're healed yeah those symptoms are gone perfect yeah very very good so I'm going to pray for these guys sailors got some words for people for healing so let's get ready to just transition into good stuff Oh whose faith is inspired by then hi God healed me of I lost my sense of taste and smell and in a brain injury about ten at ten years ago I sort of as a result of meeting my husband and yeah he broke my rib accidentally and then I had a high foul and had a smash the back of my head in and a type of injury snapped my mind no the things that went from my nose to my brain and the specialist said to me you'll never taste or smell again and for someone whose hobbies are cooking and eating that was a pretty challenging diagnosis but you know what the day I went to see the specialist God spoke to me and said who's through old song whose report will you believe and we shall believe the report of the Lord so I went home and I wept and I soaked and I plays songs that just declared God is my healer week after week month after month I got went up for every healing call I snorted more fruity lip balm than anybody here can the testify to having done tech checking my healing like is it mango and you know what over a course of two years God 100% healed me totally healed me and my husband would say that my sense of taste and smell is quite acute nowadays but I felt there were people here tonight number one who've been pressing in for healing and you've you've reached a point of discouragement and I felt tonight God's saying I'm renewing your hope I'm renewing your faith that God is here for you if that's you why don't you stand up right now I just want to pray for you if you've been pressing him for healing and haven't seen it yet I want to encourage you though it took two years though I responded to words of knowledge God was faithful to his word and he is gonna be faithful to the word he spoken over his over your life so father I thank you I thank you that when Jesus went to the cross he took every sickness every disease every pain into himself so that we could be healed and this off tonight I speak over each one here each one where discouragement has come and tried to whisper I'll just sit down don't bother getting prayed for tonight I speak a renewal of hope to your spirits right now in Jesus name and I declare over you that God's will is for you to be healed and so tonight we speak healing over every sickness why don't you lay your hand on your body wherever it is whatever that thing and say be healed in Jesus name elbows be healed there's people here with an elbow injury and I see that just like that elbow like renewed movement coming to it and I see legs legs being healed if you have pain in your legs I see someone lying in bed at night like with restless legs you're unable to sleep I speak healing to that right now in Jesus name I see I hear the lungs the word lungs and if you have something to do with lungs or those asthma maybe even you keep in bronchial complaints or you know pneumonia just lay your hands on your chest right now we speak to those lungs and we say kingdom of God come in these lungs right now kingdom function be renewed I I just feel like the father's saying it's 100% he wants 100% kingdom function for your bodies feel lungs for your hearts for your respiratory systems for your digestive systems we speak and declare the healing of the Lord over to you in Jesus name yeah I saw a picture of people who have to wear neck braces from time to time and it was the Holy Spirit Himself that was taking those off and healing your necks I saw I think it was probably like someone's you Safa guess going from going into their stomach that there was blockages and just the Holy Spirit just cleaning it out so for all of you that have have stomach kind of related things I I saw lungs as well didn't Sarah's just said Holy Spirit were asking for you to come we're asking for the anointing of Jesus to come friends I love the fact that Jesus kept saying over and over to those who would listen I can do nothing by myself he kept referring to that he was led by the Spirit hearing his father's voice yet ears did see sorry ears to hear eyes to see his heart was taught what the father was communicating which tells me that if Jesus didn't take credit for doing the miracles but kept saying that it was his father and then Peter in Acts chapter 10 clearly says that Jesus was anointed by the Holy Spirit beginning at his baptism and how we went around everywhere and healed everybody who was oppressed by the enemy and so for those of you that that you're the battle the doctors haven't figured out what the issue is but the an issue we just say freedom from every demonical assignment those of you that have have had symptoms but you don't know why why there's a problem very good chance it's the spirit and so Daddy we're asking for the anointing of the Holy Spirit to come cleanse our bodies afflicting spirits push back in the name of Jesus we welcome cleansing restoration come Holy Spirit come Holy Spirit come Holy Spirit if you're seated by someone who's right by you just why don't you stand up put your hand on their shoulder grab their hand and just welcome the Holy Spirit to go real deep for your friend come Holy Spirit one of the wonderful gifts of God is our bodies to be restored to the plan that God had for us God himself says that he's a healing God and book of numbers Jude in his books talks about that we are to be in health and as God's will absolutely if you're not convinced it's God's will you need to read the lord's prayer again jesus said on earth as it is in heaven your will be done on earth as it is in heaven and if you've ever read revelation 21 22 nobody's sick in heaven so in heaven everyone's healthy on earth as it is in heaven that's the prayer jesus said a billion times a day especially by catholics and orthodox they pray that prayer on our behalf that god's will be taking place on earth as it is in heaven and so God wants your body to be free from sickness and disease and we speak that over you right now Holy Spirit come cleansing cleansing cleansing in Jesus name I see I see some there's someone here you've been suffering from the side effects of the medication it's almost like the side effects have have been as bad as the thing that you took the medication form and I feel right now Jesus is coming to heal the side effects the things that have been debilitating you and I also senses we're just laying hands and we're receiving the peace of God Jesus is bringing freedom to to mental illness that has been afflicting you I feel there are some people who have been struggling with anxiety and depression and debilitating agra phobia and and maybe that's for someone watching online right now but I see I see the peace of God just changing your brain chemistry as he just flows through you right now amen those of you that are standing if you feel sense God's with you he's speaking to you and he said I'm with you so it's not a feeling it's a knowing that you know that God's with you right now that he's doing something in your body am i just putting your hand up and just waving or something's happening amen father thank you so much and those that haven't got a feeling or haven't heard a word we bless you that if God's touching others he is not a respecter of persons in the sense that you don't fit in he loves everyone he releases everyone so Holy Spirit would you come and do that tonight just finish us off friends we're going to have Michael come up in just a few moments and so I'm I'm guessing that we're going to probably to do the same kind of experience that we had last night but just to let you know the plan is depending on what happens with our guest speaker but the plan is that we're going to have some fire tunnels tonight so let me just explain in advance what that means and how it's gonna function because if there's a little bit of confusion if I can say that a little bit of disorganized later on our prayer team are going to divide it to three groups and so one of the groups will be here and so depending on what's happening here if this is full full then we will relocate but the plan is that one of the fire tunnels will be here and we'll have you start at that end and go that way and there's gonna be one right along the back of the auditorium and that one you will enter from that side over there going that way and then there's gonna be one in the overflows and that one will start at this end and go that way and so you have your choice you are able to migrate through all of them repeatedly yes how many have no clue what a fire tunnel is never heard of the word fire tunnel friends it's in the Bible it's all the way through not the same words together but - the word fires they're the word tunnels there we just put them together so basically instead of you going to the prayer team sorry instead of prayer team coming to you you go through and have all that like a gauntlet and the Holy Spirit just comes and and gets you in a very profound way so that's how we like to finish our conferences off I want to say thank you on for all of our staff that have been here helping out all this week we have had so many so many of our team just give up their normal their normal jobs and they're there helping and all different areas and I think there's like something like fifty of our team that have been working extra extra hours all week over here is prime ministry team there's been like approximately 50 of them every single night per team give me a wave so thank you for you guys because you've been some of you been here morning afternoon and evening for three days so thank you so much for doing all that and church family for just coming and being a part of this and letting us do these kind of things thank you for that Andrew and Kathy can you stand up so we say thank you again to you guys one more time catch the farm any aid needs to be come catch the fire midian guys so their church is if you're ever in Colombia you have to go it is a joy filled Church just full of joy it's a my correct I think the name of your church in English is joy filled church would I be correct community of faith no we're changing the main joyful Church okay very very good and Chloe and stew can you guys stand up sorry they're in the dark over here but Chloe way son our first speaker and you didn't get a chance to hear you didn't get a chance to hear Stuart preach but he's gonna be the one preaching here tomorrow morning and so you'll get to hear a good English accent and John preach this morning John that was profound if you want to stand up and take a bow John you have to do it over here John very very good and this is Sarah Jackson she's one of the great leaders at our church preached on Thursday morning most of we're gonna say nothing about Duncan because he's driving home and he's not listening so we'll say nothing about him Sarah oversees all the prophetic at our church so are they allowed to know book tomorrow or know we have prophetic ministry in between our two services so if you're hungry for a word from God prophetic team are a wonderful hold mature group of people and so come early to sign up for that I think you can sign up at the front desk and they'll direct you to where the prophetic team are meeting so that's between our two services tomorrow morning very very good and last group to thank is the worship team that are not here they are all over here so we've had coughs card Dallas that's far Raleigh touch far London TouchSmart Toronto and Ben who is playing bass tonight is used to be here but now he's part of catch for Moncton in New Brunswick and it's been really really good and John can I get you to come on up and Michael if you don't mind coming up general have you introduced Michael one more time if that's all right Church let's stand to our feet and I'm really glad that we're able to begin this conference by unashamedly saying that we were expecting to meet God here we sort of made that little bit of a promise to you and Michael before John sort of says all the nice stuff about you thank you so much for engaging people with encounters with Jesus last night well and the father and the and is just amazing my first time to hear you thank you so absolutely wonderful such an honor thank you okay this is a joy I don't think Michael needs much of an introduction because most of you met him last night who's here for the first time you just got here tonight anybody okay Michael colleano's has the distinction of being the son-in-law to Benny Hinn and so I liked him already just because of that but anyway we had a wonderful meeting here last night and we're gonna have another wonderful meeting again tonight so let's give Jesus a great hand for raising up a bunch of young bread champions as we go into I think the final harvest phase here across the face of the earth so give the Lord a big shout and a welcome to Michael well you're not alone won't you remain standing or would you do that please if you can tonight's gonna be a little different but it'll be better say Amen why don't you lift your hands and just start to tell Jesus how much you love him just fill the room with a nice nice pad just let your love drip off your mouth right now Heavenly Father we love you oh Jesus we love you you're wonderful and holy perfect and pure kind and strong your light your shrouded in darkness you're amazing there's nobody like you come on to speaking to exalt them and your own way now there's nobody like you great is the Lord and greatly to be praised great is the Lord and greatly to be praised see this great Lord requires a great praise great is the Lord and greatly to be praised big begin to praise him greatly tonight come on lift your mouth to the Lord lift your voice lift your voice lift your head TR defend the order Jesus we give you praise there's nobody like you none in heaven none on the earth there is no one like you worthy is the Lamb who was slain worthy is the wounded one who is raised from the dead who is conquered death hell and the grave Lion of Judah coming roar tonight coming roar tonight Lion of Judah you are thrown on the praises of your people so have a seat tonight King Jesus come and rule and reign here tonight and smash with your foot everything that is not of you tonight this Carroll said release the sword of the Lord here tonight Oh begin to praising the Bible says that he inhabits the praises of his people as you praise him you build a house for God Jesus we exalt you [Music] ba-ba-ba-ba-ba just begin to sing in the spirit all over this room that's it that's it that's it that's it singing the spirit every instrument every voice everything in us come on Levites let's go Jesus we love you [Music] blessed be the name of the Lord [Music] real to you [Music] Sharon exalted one lowly King we can be praised sign we give you a price [Applause] Jesus King James a time can you live the victorious shout up to God right now [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Lord we're thankful tonight we're thankful [Music] do you know the unthankful our spectators they're not even allowed through the front door but if we're thankful we have access Jesus we're thankful tonight for your blood I plead the blood tonight the blood that speaks a better word the blood that still cries out I plead the blood and I thank you for the blood I thank you for the cross tonight that is rendered the devil powerless [Music] that he's been rendered powerless through the cross of Christ Jesus I'm thankful for you I'm thankful for who you are I'm thankful for your word that your promises have never changed that there's no shadow of turning within you you don't change and we can trust you tonight I'm thankful for the presence of the Holy Spirit he's the one who makes Jesus real to our hearts eases I'm thankful for your mercy and your kindness and your love and your grace I'm thankful for your power I'm thankful for the stripes on your back that heal the sick tonight I'm thankful for the wounds that you still carry as triumphant trophies and glory because you love us grateful for your love [Music] in Jesus name can we give him praise can you lift a shot come on lift this out let the shout [Applause] [Music] might need you later are you happy tonight are you hungry give Jesus one more phrase come on one more want you to look at someone say it's gonna be a good night because Jesus is here can the keyboardist stay close could the keyboardist a thank you how many of you were not here last night okay we forgive you so does the Lord no the Lord doesn't need to but we've we forgive you what an amazing night we had with the Lord huh wasn't that awesome I haven't seen people running like that in a long time running to Jesus you know he is here could I just have a little help on the keyboard please sorry I'm I I'm one of those and I'm tough to follow I feel like I'm at home and I just just I really do I feel I feel that peace here I feel like I can be myself and I want to thank all of the leadership I want to thank Pastor John and Carol so much just for having me we've been telling stories for the last lap last evening and today and talking about miss Kuhlman and stories in the presence of the Lord they know when you start doing that the Lord lends his ear you know he's very interested in what we talked about and certain conversations actually bring him on the scene and you talk about Jesus and he'll come in fact if you want to know what's in someone's heart just listen to what they talk about say Amen and we were talking about the Lord it's been it's just an amazing time and I was thinking today how good the Lord has been to me actually just now number one just be able to come to this house is such an honor what what this place has represented really in the kingdom and to the world is amazing where would we all be had God not poured his spirit out here can we thank Jesus for what he's done here yeah I think we tend to think we're more divided than we really are you know I remember in the 90s you had in Florida alone you had Brownsville you had Rodney's meetings you had my father-in-law who was 45 minutes from Rodney you had Toronto you had what broke out at Tommy Reed's Church you had what happened in Virginia with Ron Johnson you had what happened really all over America there were these fires but we started building these boundaries that like we were completely different they were almost serving a different holy spirit and if you really look at the history of all these moods of God they're so connected most of these people are friends we're not as divided as we like to think and the further you go back we get closer and closer and closer in our history Steve Hill was on furlough Steve Hill preached the Brownsville revival he was taking a break and he was in Springfield Missouri he had been down in Argentina and my father-in-law had to go to Springfield and answer some theological questions and he had to go through six hours of questioning over theology and in his heart he said man I love the Bible which he does he loves the word of he said I love the Bible but rather than discuss theology I just wish someone here was hungry for God like Reinhard says I'll start splitting hairs when I'm done breaking chains don't do that to me Cheryl while I'm preaching I won't be able to make it through she's dangerous with that tomahawk I scored it's like her glory laser and I'm not sure I'll make it through when I listened to carol talk I hear Kathryn so like oh we're all so connected we're all part of the same River aren't we so so my father once said I just wish someone were hungry and so he he was staying at the Holiday Inn in Springfield which is also a miracle I thought wow you slept in a Holiday Inn he's like oh yeah yeah I slept on holiday so behave Michael all right so Steve went to some of the officials there at Springfield at the Assemblies and said is Vinnie here he goes they said yeah what Steve said where's he staying and they said you know we can't tell you that he said guys tell me where he's staying and they said Steve we can't tell you he said tell me they said fine he's staying at the Holiday Inn and he and Steve said did you already leave and they said yeah he goes well I know a shortcut I'll beat him there so he took a shortcut and drove to the Holiday Inn and he did he beat my father off there and my father long came walking in and Steve was just a young hungry man how many of you know the hungry will do whatever it takes and so he walked up to my father I said Benny I'm hungry for God pray for me he said I'm a missionary from Argentina and I'm hungry for the Lord and he said I want an impartation tonight today and Benny said well where do you want me to do it and there in the lobby of the Holiday Inn and Steve turned to the left and pointed to the left of the front desk he said take me over there in that closet it was a mop closet so my father-in-law goes you want me to lay hands on you in a mop closet he goes yeah he goes fine so they went in he didn't know him from Adam and they went into that mop closet and and my father had just touched him on the arm and he said oh Jesus bless him and Steve grabbed on because that's not what I came for don't you give me some token Jesus bless him he said Benny you know what to do do it you think God uses people by accident most of the people he chooses aren't even there his first choice Reinhart said he was number three Catherine said she was number seven so he lifted his hand over Steve and he he went to say the name of Jesus and he said it before he could even get the name out he felt a power shoot through his body and come out his arm and Steve went flying into the mops [Applause] and my father law just walked away three months later a little move of God broke out called the Brownsville revival we are more connected than you could ever imagine and God God is breaking down these walls I'm telling you prophetically some people that we think are a certain way aren't that way and it's interesting how we've become experts regarding the lives of people that we've never met in that amazing how we know everything about people we've never met so I feel like me being here I I've I've I feel so at home behind this pulpit and I feel like the Lord is speaking that it's a prophetic thing that God is bringing us all together under the banner of Jesus under the banner of Jesus and I'm so grateful [Applause] Andrew would you come up here can you come I'm just gonna follow the Lord he'll he'll need a microphone we have one so the Lord really touched him last night as you know he's leads him a wonderful ministry in Colombia and just a mighty man of God I love people who've seen breakthrough but want more so would you just the best you can talk to them about what happened last night more than I was thinking was gonna happen he started talking heart just got sliced up yeah I just got exposed and so I was kind of like right next to you you know don't think I'm knocked over a few dear ladies I'm sorry to get up here and then and so I just felt in that surge of the of the spirit and then it's just coming on and I've had some experience of the Holy Spirit but I said oh this is this is thunder and lightning you know and it you know I just want to say in the and the people here the security protected me encouraged me to stay on because I would have gotten up and it just kept on coming more and more and then went out they did took him up to leave I felt something my legs turned into jelly and I felt something and it started coming up and I thought I was dying I remember hearing Bill Johnson say that one Thomas is yeah well but I think I want that to happen to me yeah I don't have the grid how this fits in but I just want more yeah it's perfect done Wow stretch your hands stretch your hand stretch your hands Jesus you feed the hungry every time and you give us more than we could ever dream up yeah yeah just just leave him right there thank you lord thank you for thank you Jesus [Music] there's a deep gripping that the bridegroom is performing right now he reaches down into the depths of your being and wants you and the throne of your soul as your will it's the bullseye and that's what he's after he wants you to want him and he has this loving jealousy that carol was talking about there's this loving and jealousy where he's even jealous of your thoughts he wants you to think about him he actually enjoys it when you just take a moment and think about him sometimes our theological perspective drives us out of encounter our theological quest that's important it's a foundation for encounter however structure is made for the encounter if there was no air these vents would be useless there's no line we labor in vain trying to create a wineskin I say give me the wine first and I'll build the skin in the chaos Jesus I need you I need you I can't even build the tabernacle unless I've been lifted up and seen the pattern in your glory sometimes our pursuit to be more intelligent it actually drives us out of the encounter and I've been there before felt like I was gonna die and I've learned you need this Shepard even in the encounter well you think you're gonna just not make it through but God needs to short-circuit some of us God needs to rearrange us you know I remember what Catherine used to say I watched her videos she would always say I died a thousand deaths Tommy Reed told me the same story about her when I preached in Youngstown some of the people in that church pastor John were on her staff and they say she she would always say that before I got on the platform I died a thousand deaths I thought what is she talking about I love going on the platform but I also was convinced of my own ability but when you realize these are real needs these are real children who want their real mother to be healed of stage 4 cancer they want their dad to walk that bride down the aisle they don't want their life cut short that husband wants to keep his wife that wife wants to keep her husband they don't want their dreams train wrecked by cancer they don't want that and then they come to you and you're hoping that when they come to you they meet God that's a big deal these miracles are not sprinkles on this Sunday as Pastor John said this morning this is unto something this is a big deal these are real people with real feelings real hearts real dreams and then the devil mocks what's been paid for it's a big deal and they come in I've had it happen where they've thrown three-year-old children in my arms with tumor the size of a baseball coming out of the baby's head and the parents said we've tried everything we just drove to Orlando from Nashville here he is this is our last hope this is this is all we can do we don't know what else to do this isn't a game it's fun but it's not a game and seriousness is not a fruit of the Spirit we can have fun but the stakes are high stakes are high and I sat there and held that little baby I just started preaching I was in a hampton inn ballroom its ballroom is that an exaggeration it was a Hampton Inn a conference room the biggest room they had probably sat 40 people they throw that baby in my arms and I look down and started weeping I felt the pain of the Lord over the situation and then I learned something about Jesus that I didn't understand he changed his gears really quickly and as I was crying he said stop crying do your job and get that tumor off that baby said I don't know you were like that bored he said you've known me as the lamb it's time you know me as the lion go to work boy come on let's go so yielding our lives to the spirit it's not a recommendation this thing is a necessity it's time we raise up a generation knows what it's like to die a thousand deaths but can I just since I feel like I'm a family can I just let it fly tonight we have to stop raising up leaders who don't know the anointing and the Holy Spirit and and are so programmed that they want God to work for them while they're preaching I know that I'm not being harsh I'm just saying we have servants of God who are not being led of God this is God's house right now and God has an overriding agenda for the evening and it's our job to give ourselves to the Lord even if we look like a fool in fact I think he loves that I think he just absolutely loves that thank you Jesus I'm not nervous I'm just waiting he knows what to do why are you standing ma'am what do you need what do you want say it loud get up here someone get behind her get behind her please come close he feeds the hungry feeds the hungry feeds the hungry oh Jesus we love you I feel a fear of God tonight that is a word of the Lord what Carol said thank you lord just start to love on him right there in your seat just start to love them make your father if you're female and you have a neck or throat problem on this line stand up in this direction from the front to the back get up come come just this that's this lady here just wait right there come you come come come come I could feel it right in front of me what's wrong in Jesus name I curse it and rip it off you stretch your hand did you feel it did you feel that pop come up here come come come come come come everyone just pray in tongues this is a very unique night come up there's no music that's just Jesus come come come up these stairs come yeah you come just thank the Lord I need a mic yeah you felt that I felt that thing snapped right under my hand give me a mic quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly what happened I just felt this when you touch me snap yeah I think how does it feel man perfect are you happy lift your hands for the look never ever ever again drip drip healing power out of her hands drip healing power out of her hands go deep well that's all try to get God to take care of it I don't know what you're saying no idea what you just said mom this is very interesting very interesting just worship the Lord it's very cool quietly very quietly come down then but but grab your just come down but you can come down on the ground or whatever you need just nobody moving right now please this is new ground this is new ground just wait one moment please she's fine she can just stay right there thank you Father just close your eyes lift your hands to heaven I felt that net crack I'm gonna felt it snap lady did it not crack just say it again where did you go hey crack thank you lord thank you those ladies that stood up before stand up again stretch your hands everyone stretch your hands ladies you just receive don't pray a word just to receive stretch your hands towards them guys towards them Heavenly Father come with your power and heal now in Jesus name I speak to your neck your throat who has a throat out of you which one is a throat come come forward come forward come come come come come come come come this is a healing anointing lathered in the fear of God I feel it what's wrong with your throat stretch your hands just stretch your hand it's not by might yeah I need a keyboardist please it's not by mind it's not by power and felt that but it's by my spirit says the Lord of Hosts the Lord of Angels Army's ghost now check it out [Music] [Music] what do you feel [Music] you can't tell is there any pain [Music] command your body to be whole and I speak to your throat and your ear be healed Jesus Jesus now like throbbing you feel that Jesus man [Music] just sit there right now glory you stay right up here stay right up here why have you come forward man what do you need [Music] stretch your hands she wants to be free mentally just stretch your hands everyone stretch your hands father I plead the blood over her mind and I released the sword of the Lord into your soul before I formed you I knew you sister Lord I've loved you with an everlasting love beloved I wish above all things that you prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers you lying devil I command these voices to stop this woman goes free tonight by the blood of the Lamb [Music] now behold the whole behold [Music] just one second yeah just wait there minute can we thank the Lord gently just gently thank the Lord and I will love you how I love you just saw someone's chin I've never had that word of knowledge of my life I don't know if it's in or out like if it's a gum thing but I saw a chin stand up it's like in them it could be in the mouth I don't know but I just saw a chin is that anyone here in the room here come come hi my hands are burned in the fire what's wrong with your chin uh-huh it's your gun it's down here put your hand on it you put your hand on what's wrong with it it's sure their source or it's sore sores in there come closer Jesus do it do it gums be completely whole thank you lord Thanks [Music] we're gonna keep ministering to the sick but the Lord wants to speak to you I just want you to hear what I feel like he's given me I really believe the Lord gave me this I've never heard it preached so you can sit down but if you've come forward you can see it you're free to sit we will definitely pray for you I promise after hearing pastor John this morning what Carol said this evening there's no doubt that the Lord is inviting us into a place in his glory that we have not known when we enter with praise we gain an audience with the Lord that's what happens he comes in fact the praise itself becomes the habitation the Bible says he inhabits the praises of his people and praise has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not we feel like it it's a sacrifice that changes the way we feel not feeling like praising is the exact moment when you need to praise and the Scriptures have given us a way into his presence and it works 100% of the time the problem is twofold as to why we don't do it number one we don't get into the word number two we just don't think the Lord can be experienced 24/7 but he can't I said he can he can and it's that truth that drives you crazy in the most beautiful way his availability will beautifully torture you st. Teresa of Avila said it like this she said he is a fountain that never moves [Music] that means whether I'm on a platform or fly-fishing I can drink [Music] there's the note there's a song that my friend sings when I see your face I wish I had given more away I wish I lifted another praise it's that accessibility [Music] that makes us lovesick I have him but I can have more and I can have more every second of every day Jesus said this I am the bread of God he did say I'm the whiteboard of God I am the study guide of God I am the growth track of God he's much more experienced all than our study guides he said I am the bread of God who comes down not who just came down one gospel says came down who comes down that means he's constantly suspended before the eyes of our attention wanting us to feast on him 24/7 I said 24/7 there is no balance in the spirit it's six gears straight at the face of God there is no Jesus and then the rest of my priorities Jesus and according to the book of Hosea is adultery it's just Jesus it's just his present so when I'm in his presence I'm way nicer to Jessica I'm a much better husband when I've been in his presence I'm a much better father when I've been with him and my family knows when I haven't they say dad we kind of feel like you need to go back in the prayer room literally jess has looked at me at time schools babe give me a break go back in there she doesn't take me seriously you know I get snippy she said just go back in you you need some help go back in there is a way to experience the Lord and he's made himself available there's a glory coming that is meant to be our home it's meant to be our world I want to talk to you quickly about progressing in the glory of God listen turn your Bibles to Exodus chapter 3 thank you [Music] this is a word from God I know it exes 3 verse 1 now Moses was tending the flock of Jethro his father-in-law the priest of Midian sari and he led the flock to the back of the desert and he came to Horeb the mountain of God say the mountain of God and the angel of the Lord appeared to him that angel was Jesus by the way the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire from the midst of a bush so he looked and behold the bush was burning with fire but the bush was not consumed then Moses said I will now turn aside and see this great sight why the bush does not burn so when the Lord saw that he turned aside to look so when the Lord saw that he turned aside to look I'll say it again when the Lord saw that he turned aside to look God called to him from the midst of the bush and said Moses Moses and he said here am I say God knows when I turn aside say a flame the size of a bush now turn to Exodus 13 the Lord is calling many of you in fact all of you to be presence filled Holy Ghost and rapid Jesus loving hell destroying Bridal intimacy eyes of fire Jesus followers Exodus 13 verse 21 and the Lord went before them by day in a pillar of cloud to lead the way and by night in a pillar of fire say fire to give them light so as to go by day and by night and he did not take away the pillar of cloud by day nor the pillar of fire by night from before the people safe fire the size of a bush safe fire the size of a pillar turning your Bibles to Exodus 14 one chapter verse 19 and the angel of God who went before the camp of Israel moved and went behind them and the pillar of cloud went before them and stood behind them so it came between the camp of the Egyptians and the camp of Israel thus it was a cloud and darkness to the one that being Egypt and it gave light by night to the other so that the one did not come near the other all night say darkness to the world light to the bride say my rearguard I'm going somewhere Exodus 19 verse 16 you're not afraid of this many scriptures right I know I'm breaking church growth rules but that's okay Exodus 19 16 and it came to pass on the third day in the morning that there were thunders and lightnings and a thick cloud on the mountain and the sound of the trumpet was very loud so that all the people who were in the camp trembled and Moses brought the people out of the camp to meet with God and they stood at the foot of the mountain now Mount Sinai was completely covered in smoke because the Lord descended upon it in fire its smoke ascended like the smoke of a furnace and the whole mountain quaked greatly and when the blast of the trumpet sounded long and became louder and louder Moses spoke and God answered him by voice then the Lord came down upon the Mount of Sinai on top of the mountain and the Lord called Moses to the top of the mountain and Moses went up safe fire the size of a bush fire the size of a pillar say fire my rearguard save fire the size of a mountain Exodus 24 verse 9 mad big KK thank you Lord and then Moses went up also Aaron Nadab and Abihu and the seventy elders of Israel and they saw the God of Israel guys we got to get our act together they're encountering God in a measure under a lesser covenant that the church is not stepped into and they saw the God of Israel verse 10 and there was under his feet as it were paved work of sapphire and it was like the very heavens in the clarity but on the nobles of the children of Israel he did not lay his hand so they saw the God of Israel well and they ate and drank with him and then the Lord said to Moses come up to me on the mountain and be there come up to me and just be there man I could preach right now and I'll give you tablets of stone and the law and the commandments which I have written so Moses arose with his assistant Joshua and Joshua went up to the mountain of God and he said to the elders wait here for us until we come back to you indeed Aaron and her are with you If any man has a difficulty let him go to them then Moses went up into the mountain and the cloud then covered the mountain Moses went up and in and then the cloud covered it now the glory of the Lord rested on Mount Sinai and the cloud covered it for six days and on the seventh day he called to Moses from the midst of the cloud the sight of the glory of the Lord was like a consuming fire on top of the mountain in the eyes of the children of Israel so Moses went in to the midst of the cloud and went up into the mountain and Moses was on the mountain forty days and forty nights Exodus 34 verse 29 is this boring you verse 29 Exodus 34 so it was so when Moses came down from the mountain and the two tablets of the testimony were in Moses his hand when he came down from the mountain Moses whisked or did not know that the skin of his face shone while he talked with him so when Aaron and all the children of Israel saw Moses behold the skin of his face shown and they were afraid to come near him verse 32 after that the children of Israel came near he gave him the commandments and all that the Lord had spoken with him on Sinai verse 33 and when Moses had finished speaking with them he put a veil on his face but when the Moses went in before the Lord to speak with him he would take off the veil Moses's first encounter with god the measure listen listen ah the measure a presence he was entrusted with the measure of fire was the size of a bush a bush catching on fire in the desert is not a rarity happens all the time when these freak storms comes through lightning strikes it's very drying something catches fire there was just a minor difference to the eye this bush wasn't being consumed speaking of Christ who's experienced and never completely consumed his encounter started with that measure of presence the size of a bush Moses obeys the voice that comes from the presence friends listen if you want more of his glory you have to do what he tells you while you're in the glory the reason Jesus whispers more than he screams is because the tone of his voice alone causes you to draw near he's a master lover instead of saying Martha he did that to me when I was really bad when I was back slidden I didn't want to preach the gospel most of the time he says Hika understanding that the whisper alone forces me to draw near and when I draw near he gets what he wants he gets me he's a master romantic Moses seized this fire this bush burning he draws near he looks aside and then draws near gives it attention say attention gives it attention here's the voice and says yes even though he's unqualified say this his voice comes from him see we want God to tell us what to do it's just sometimes we don't want God we just want the blueprint show me how to build a church show me how to heal the sick just give me the outline give me the hell - the whole time Jews Jesus is saying I'm the how - I am perfect doctrine under how - Moses says yes obeys never forget this the Word of God will bring you to the end of yourself God offers you a destiny it is so beyond your natural capability and usually goes against your natural gift set my greatest fear growing up was speaking in front of people my parents owned retail stores I had two choices when I worked there as a little boy one worked the register which was in the air conditioned in Florida - to work the dumpster I chose the dumpster every time because I didn't want to talk to the people at the register - think of think of that I ran out of my college exam at the University of Florida I had an A for the semester and I ran out and took a seat because I could not speak to people how many of you know the anointing changes you God is glorified in those situations God calls Moses and Moses says yes Moses delivers the children of Israel all of the sudden he needs a little help he needs somebody to protect him and cover his back and he's pressed up against the mountains and the Red Sea and the Egyptians and he turns around behind him and sees that same fire listen but it had grown a bit are you tracking with me it had grown a bit it wasn't the size of a bush now it was a pillar of fire that stood between the children of Israel and their past if you want to be free from your past make the cloud your life it will fight on your behalf even when you don't know about it and so the Lord cast darkness on Egypt and light on Israel all because Moses turned aside to a little burning bush Moses begins to follow that cloud of fire he allows God to listen tell him what to do I know that's not popular in today's revival culture but friends God still has the right to tell us what to do he can still say no to you even in the midst of your deepest grace theology God can still say don't do that go here go there don't go there if he's not if he doesn't have that Liberty he's not the lord of our life so now Moses follows this cloud and the Bible says here in Exodus 19 that now that cloud of fire descends upon the mountain and covers it it started with a bush it grew to a pillar and now it's the size of the entirety of Mount Sinai from a bush to a pillar to a mountain and it starts to consume everything on Sinai that is not of God even the dust you know God is a consuming fire you know the beauty of that is that when he consumes you there's one thing left God why do you think Carol's eyes would have that little flicker to him why are Heidi's eyes a little wild why does David Hogan when he looks at you you just want to run away what what what happens to these people God begins to consume them until only God remains remember God only receives what he does himself it's not us it's Jesus now this fires the size of a mountain and it's consuming everything and the fear of the Lord comes in Exodus 24 God is covering the mountain as fire but now he takes it a step further he invites Moses into the fire are you listening if you Stewart tonight if you steward that little nudge at 3:00 a.m. if you steward that little nudge at Walmart or Target to tell somebody about Jesus if you steward that moment when God says open the scriptures and turn off your phone you don't think that's a big deal friends that's your burning bush that's your burning bush and every time you say yes that bush grows into a pillar and every time you obey the voice that comes from his presence that will grow from a pillar and cover a mountain but there's another step as you steward his presence God says come on in come on in and make my glory your house make my presence your world I want you to experience what it really means to be in but not off the world your feet are planted on the earth that's why there was no floor in the tabernacle it was dirt God wanted him to remember they were on the earth but their world was heaven God is inviting us in to what we've only beheld now here's the deal when God invites Moses Moses has to wait for six days at the front door of the glory six days of waiting imagine beholding this cloud of fire but you can't come in until God says come on they that wait upon the Lord when you feel like praying you didn't come up with it when you feel like coming to events like this wasn't your idea it came by invitation the Bible says draw me and we will run the Shulamite wrote the king now brings me into his chamber David wrote quicken me and I'll call unto you it all comes by invitation and the invitation is from a king so Moses sat there for six days staring at the glory do you know why he's sat in front of the fire because there's stuff in us that can't go with us into that dimension and only God can burn it out there's a measure of the presence that is so amazingly fearful in the Lord that our mistakes are actually accentuated in that dimension it's why Moses was dealt with harshly even though he was God's friend he had beheld the form of the Lord and the Lord said you have not hallowed me in the eyes of the people you have treated me as being common Moses and I'm not common and if you treat me as being common it affects the entire nation so for your own good come up the mountain it's time to come home David encounters the Lord takes a census God has to deal with him quickly Judas was not the first person to sell the Lord out for money why was the judgment so Swift because of his access to Jesus so to get that out of Moses for his next encounter Moses had to sit before the fire and let the fire be a furnace that burns Moses away because God is after light kind and so Moses goes in on the seventh day and he makes it his home for 40 days 40 days help me please he lives in God's environment he lives in God's presence he lives in God he doesn't eat or drink because Jesus himself became his food and as if as if that weren't amazing enough God takes it a step further because Moses lost listen because he lost self-consciousness in the glory because that's what it does can I just be super free there there's two ways to experience sonship in the Lord one is better than the other one way is to come out of the presence and say I am a son there's a higher plateau another way is to come out of the presence and say father the glory blinds you to everything about you even if it's good and you gain a single eye for Jesus alone and you're not building fig leaf underwear anymore because the Spirit in you cries Abba not Michael and you lose and that's that's part of the danger with preaching identity outside of Jesus outside of his presence his glory blinds you to everything but him and when you have him you have everything and so Moses lives in that world and he becomes blinded to everything but God and then guess what happens God says Moses because you steward it this bush decides to flame the sides of a bush I became your rearguard the size of a pillar and then I led you with that pillar and you followed that pillar so I came down on a mountain and covered a mountain then I invited you into that flaming mountain and you lived there faithfully for 40 days so this is what I'm gonna do Moses because I'm a romantic now I'm gonna live in your face and that world that you just lived in it's gonna crawl up into your mortal body and when people look at you they're gonna behold the same flame that's on that mountain friends that's what it means to be filled with the holy spirit we need faces to shine again we need eyes to flicker we need tongues and voices that cause Hell to tremble we need humble people again who've so been with the Lord they don't care if they ever take a platform they want Jesus to put a ring on their finger they are not able to be purchased they don't care where they speak that they're not into that they want God to walk into there every moment and they want Jesus to feel comfortable around them they want their life to become a Bethany that's what God is doing today the Lord told me Michael if you'll protect the secret place more more tightly than the pulpit you'll never lose the pulpit because it's when you're alone with God you just can't fooling can I say a little more God's not going to call you apostle Michael or evangelist Mike it just calls you Michael the titles die there it all just dies there the lingo dies there the hallelujah is that really don't flow from your heart that don't mean crazy the Lord they die they're the shallow Christian easy just dies there and all of a sudden God becomes your own ambition and you're not waiting on your devotional you're waiting on the Lord you're not waiting on the clock you're waiting on the Lord and the Lord becomes your teacher and he's the one who teaches you to minister to the Lord and his gift is more of the Lord God is wanting to train us and teach us how to increase the glory on our lives in tonight he is calling to many of you from this little burning bush and he's just trying to get your attention this is smallest whisper see you thought you wanted to open first Corinthians or read Ezra we're not that good that's the Lord saying will you come away will you be with me it's the Lord [Music] there's a realm God is calling us to that David understood he said keep me as the apple of your eye I don't want to be like the rest I don't want to be prideful Lord but don't look at me like you look at everyone else keep me as the apple you know the Apple it's that piece of your eye that you can see your own reflection in David didn't want God to look at him like he looked at everyone else no no no the Shulamite the Shulamite loves the daughters of jerusalem but she's just not content she's addicted she's had a drink her cup runs over she's in but not of Hell comes her way and she sings her way out of every battle no matter what she faces she knows God done changed the channel or the conversation he has one gear he prepares a table before me in the presence of man this thing's about Jesus it's not about building organizations what have we become Christian CEOs where's the glory where's the glory I told the Lord why did Devils not manifest in some of my meetings God I said that to him in Switzerland do they like my meetings are they entertained are they not afraid what's the deal I said God give me more because the Lord said Devils be cast out among you it's because the kingdom has come where's the glory where are those people holy people that's right Carol you're so right you Saul right where are those holy holy holy people where the joy dawson's who understood the fear of the Lord perilous people who treaded lightly in his presence sure they were having a blast God was giving him new wine of course where are the Friends of God where did Joshua's you know what qualifies that Joshua to follow Moses that he spends more time in the tabernacle in Moses that's what sons do son see an example and they turn it up a notch that's what they do the young man driving me here said how can I have a double portion of what you have I thought oh Lord I don't know what I have [Music] but the biblical model is you got to spend time with Jesus more than your fathers did and that's not the price prayers not the price where's the reward how can being with God be the price no no no drinking of the new eye is not the price Jesus I give you praise he's calling some of you away bring me this lady I need help please this lady right here bring her to me bring her to me [Music] just pray in the spirit gentlemen wow you just took my breath away thank you thank you thank you come come it's a holy presence here [Music] where are the Saints where the saints we're the saints of God where are those Carol said last night she she knew the Holy Spirit came in when Catherine took the platform because he came in with her he was her friend he could trust Catherine with his feelings [Music] he could trust Catherine with his feelings he liked the way she lived she thought about him she talked to him [Music] it's not by mine it's not perfect pick her up bring her it's not by power it's not by our own ability it's by my spirit says the Lord it's by my spirit pray in tongues everybody it just very gently very gently Rocha it's about my spirit it's by my spirit it's by my spirit [Music] join hands here join hands just stay seated and join hands stay there I'm gonna pray when I pray that power is gonna flow straight down this aisle God is hooking you the Bible says he draws us with cords of love lift your hands to heaven in the name of Jesus receivers receive all the way down this aisle receive receive join hands here join hands here you want prayer fire of the Spirit fire of the Spirit join hand close your eyes close your eyes close your eyes close your eyes close your eyes receive flowing power of God blowing power of the Holy Spirit release it or any of these guys Catholics are you a Catholic are you come here I felt the Catholic near me come here come here man you know what I'm talking about tonight being with Jesus close your eyes gentle gentle Shepherd fill her with waves of your glory I could feel I could feel a Catholic near me how I love them I could feel one join hands join hands everyone else just start drinking this drink just a drink you should just be worshiping Jesus I could give you give the Lord your body right now fire of heaven flow flow down this aisle like a river like a river of fire he's very real he's very very real you can feel him join Hansen join hands join hands join hands give the Lord your body fire of heaven flow fire of heaven flow fire of the Holy Spirit flow flow [Music] la yeah he did all my he's calling us in [Music] calling us in more for your girl more for you more for you where they're Saints extend the scroll up [Music] just enter uh where are the Saints come I hear the Holy Ghost saying where are the Saints [Music] I just want to pray for her one more time please where are the saints of God who've been on the mountain who've gone up and in [Music] we've gone up and in they've gone up and in they've gone up and in yeah it's holy holy fire flowing tonight they've gone up in it careful careful careful with her please [Music] they've gone up so Paul said I I feel this gripping on my heart Paul said it's I'm pressing on I'm pressing upward it's the upward call of God in Christ it's lifting me up above the natural cares of this world oh Jesus blessed be your name [Music] blessed be your man Oh blessed be your name forever it's a beautiful flow tonight ez-flo thank you God I want everyone to pray in tongues for 30 seconds [Music] where are the same where's the bride [Music] where are the lovers we are the lovers praying tongues out loud for 30 seconds out loud [Music] out loud please can you pick up those keys [Music] out loud up loud out loud and tongues there's a new anointing falling now the winds are shifting pray in tongues pray in tongues pray it down [Music] God is gonna mark lives now it's gonna mark [Music] pray in tongues forget about everything and praying the Holy Spirit Father in heaven I released the anointing of the Spirit on your servant to minister to you [Music] and touch your heart and you gladly move your hand catch her up tonight into the heart of God Polar's so into your glory and blinder to everything else [Music] and a fresh anointing fall under tonight name of Jesus I release it on you by faith [Music] receiving Jesus name receiveth if yours for the taking [Music] [Applause] father the relative glory [Music] the house of Angels happily host around him have it be as home but your voice fears addiction the spirit this feature the Lord says thou has taught me with your hand guided when your guided tonight all over again father story bring him to that bird [Music] receive a fresh anointing [Music] [Applause] [Music] mr. Singh this presents where it is heavily Flay [Music] [Applause] Oh tonight Oh pick up those keys I need a drummer where's the drummer [Music] the keys a little more [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the Holy Ghost [Music] [Applause] tonight [Music] [Music] the [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we were shipping [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] feel every light with your [Music] we want you to be [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] come aside but intensive [Music] release the fear [Applause] [Music] really [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a lot going on in here we're on holy ground we're on holy ground [Music] we can trust you with the anointing he'll send his glory and that's when God does the work and we watch father I give you praise for all you've done you alone are worth holy would you tell him father you're holding thank you God [Music] see a middle-aged woman who's been told she can't have children where are you wave [Music] I can't come come come come come come visit here I can't see because of the lights is there somebody here run up here come on stand there stand there come close come close but just come slowly come come come come are you married do one kids come come come come stand here stretch your hands [Music] father you are the lord of life you are the lord of life come alive woman come alive come alive come alive come alive come alive [Music] come alive are you married name the baby name it by faith Isak [Applause] [Music] you should stay here this presence Jesus do it do it [Music] pastor john to come [Music] like [Music] feel like we're supposed to agree for the sick just join your heart on your hands with someone we come into agreement all over this room that the people around us that need a miracle need handing can have it tonight or we agree with the promises of God that you are our Savior our healer our deliverer our King you'll forgive all our iniquities you heal all our diseases we agree with your world and it's the will of God to heal us yes because jesus healed everybody yet never did one thing out of the will of God your time is now yes I asked that a river of life would flow over your people right there [Music] resurrection life healing life renewing and doing the impossible because nothing is impossible with God [Music] just release that river all over this room I managed to sustain I want you to reach up into the glory realm right here like a little five-year-old kid would do is by faith reach for that Kingdom that is just there [Music] there's no sickness in heaven [Music] by faith put your hands into that anointing get that anointing all over you and let your hands be an extension of the hands of Jesus and then bring your own hands down lay them on your body where you need a miracle and say this in a total agreement with the Word of God I receive my healing now in the name of Jesus [Music] now begin to do what you could not do a moment ago just move that neck twist that spine move those knees touched touch those toes check it those tumors disappeared she inside i rebuked those tumors i rebuked that asthma that lung infection yes in the name of Jesus his breath goes deep into those lungs for the first time I give you praise Payne go from this room go from these precious people in Jesus name I want you to check yourself right now just move what used to her check it out wave at me if you feel like something's going on wave excitedly thank you Lord give him praise [Music] take it back somebody up here have a back issue behind me anyone anyone in pain aching pain anyone in the worship team Andrew anyone behind me it could be anyone you come come here come here [Music] father what's your name father in Jesus name thank you for Ben Ben right for the power of your stripes flow through him now the power of the Holy Spirit I rebuke all the pain commanded to leave him [Music] in the name of Jesus you feel feel any pain [Music] now it's gone Father in the name of Jesus now that you feel that it's it all gone it's all the paint gun yeah now that you've healed him let his hands drip at the balm of Gilead give this young man a healing ministry [Music] and heal his whole family the whole thing just put it all together she's asleep Jesus name thank you for [Music] thank you for anybody here have colitis colitis you lift your hand you might want to get behind her father in the name of Jesus touch her a rebuking anyone else I just saw the word flashed across my my the eyes in my spirit colitis anyone else Jesus name just for her it's just for her anyone have an ear that's infected come come up here just across Southwest oh but you how do they hurt right now can all of you stretch your hands and just agree friend tux [Music] speak to this infection can you pick those keys up just a little fire of God effortless Jesus this your will it's your will accurse disinfection rip it off you now by the authority of Christ who's been raised from the dead who is your life now goes ever about 10 seconds 10 seconds and then faster can I see that mic but do you feel now I didn't feel anything I just feel like I want to cry something just released from prison live just rabies from inside from inside or outside I mean science are just really is like loose I feel like relieved did it come out your ears how do your ears film um I didn't have anything didn't have any pain today how would you know that the Lord healed I've prayed how can you tell if he did it how would you know it feels something in here and release yeah because it here just came out so I came out yeah hold that thank you for what you've done the Sun sets free is free indeed [Music] whom the Sun sets free is free indeed what you're doing Lord love what you're doing Lord assists on the ovary I know with you get up here I know it was you come here I knew it I could feel it [Music] no it I saw your face and I heard fists on the offer I should have been more bold and just said it was you stress your hands this is it right here put your hand there come on prayer trucks this is gonna happen right here break it up I command you to die and shrivel now [Music] now curse that cysts it's more than one yeah I cursed them all God's to God's talking to me about her this woman is special I know it was more than one are you ready Father in heaven look at Jesus not me father in heaven thank you for what you're doing in her shoot through her now break those things up and destroy them the power of Christ Jesus do it [Music] I know is where I knew it I'm learning I knew it was her special woman your name is Eve Oh evening sorry okay what do you feel you have pain still Jesus name you ready Jesus name I curse this pain I'll command the pain to leave I command the cyst to go we the church commanded to leave your body and that river of heaven flowing through you destroying all the pain receive it [Music] there it goes there it goes what do you feel still sit right there sit right there thank you God I looked into her eyes and I heard cysts on the ovary father we thank you for every healing every sickness here there's somebody right here and this is how the Lord works with me I get directions somebody right here who gets intense pain or pressure in the chest I want you to just let me know if it's you it might be a heart it just could be stress it's just like a it's a tightness deal you get up here you two she just gotta have a wheelchair bring her up here come here this lady just got out of a wheelchair come here thank you Father can she come up is she able to re in the name of are you able to in the name of Jesus everyone stretch your hands we commend life to flow through you [Music] it's okay it's okay it's okay leave her there leave her there what was wrong with her how long has it been since you've been out of a wheelchair for months how long how long have you been able to has it been since you've been able to stand like this a year are you able to stand on your own [Music] she can tonight or she was able to do that before okay who prayed for her you have do you pray for her keep praying for her where's the lady who came up stretch your hands I rip it off you in Jesus name because you believe the lies and your thoughts get away from you and they spiral and you get all freaked out and stressed and Jesus name it goes it goes right now it goes because Pastor John [Music] I'd like everyone to stand we're just gonna worship a little bit more to see what the Holy Spirit wants to do is close your eyes again Holy Spirit count [Music] holy spirit come Jonathan Java saw hunger Ben Ellis let's just worship the Lord I feel friends that [Music] that even as we've been watching the holy spirit work tonight that cloud has got a little bigger for all of us I like you just ask the Holy Spirit girl the crack the cloud around me Glow that grow that fire around me grow it [Music] and if item to take you into a very deep place right here right now [Music] there's people in this room tonight you you've never given your life to Jesus yet I don't know what you're thinking about what happened today but I just know that you're here and you know you're not yet a follower Jesus and you need to call out say Jesus come save me it's the simplest prayer there is [Music] there's a story in the Bible of Peter he's walking to Jesus in the water and he gets distracted as every single one of us went by the width waves and he begins to sink and I'm not a the best Greek scholar but I did look up the word and the word is that Peter was submarining he is going down and he's he is under my understanding of the scripture he is under the water and gone down fast that's the word submarining and I think underneath the water all Jesus heard was war war goal but Peter was saying save me as he's drowning as he's going down and if you're in this room and you've never given your life to Jesus a mumble of Jesus saved me is good enough for God [Music] daddy we acknowledge our sin we acknowledge our need of you we believe that you came from heaven born of a virgin died in a cross for our sin not yours our sin put in a grave for three days and the power of God raised you back we believe that the Bible says if you believe that and you call upon his name you will be saved so if you're just doing that right now you are saved you're born again Jesus is in you right now you got on [Music] friends at Runa we're in a holy moment right here so if you are going to be baptized with the Holy Spirit you're gonna receive the Holy Spirit come on you heavy right now you saw people come on the stage tonight and as Michael began to look at them they were filled with the Holy Spirit Holy Spirit come immerse us again fill us again unless you to be filled with the holy spirit again [Music] [Music] and there's some of you in this room that have never met God his father [Music] don't know that he is your daddy and that he loves you with a the Bible says an everlasting love like it it just starts and it has no finish it's an extravagant love it's an over-the-top and for some of you you're going to begin to feel the love of God come to you right now if you were here Wednesday night and now he's done my little countdown that's what I that's what happened to me I met the father again in a second overwhelmed father draw people to your heart right here right now we want to meet you dad what a meet you we want to have encounters with you [Music] friends we're gonna transition in a moment into having fire tunnels for our tunnels [Music] we want you to receive the anointing for healing and for importation and for evangelism and like we said all week we have work to do but just before we we all move I'm looking for one other one more person Peter from Holland where are you Peter bitter from Holland wave at me I spoke to you earlier a couple of times make your way up to the front so I want to just connect with you for a moment all right Steve already if I could get those of you that are at the front to just head back to your seats for two minutes prime ministry team those of you in the back if you'll head there those of you along the the back corridor prayer team if you'll go there the prayer team that are supposed to be at the front if you will come up here and if everyone just sort of goes to your seat area or off to the sides and let our prayer team get organized that takes us like two minutes to do that once they're in position and again friends what we're gonna do is we're gonna have a group of people that are ministering at the front and it's like like a gauntlet you're gonna walk through and friends can I just if you've never done this before you have to keep walking the rule in this house is if you stop walking we push you out you have to go to the end of the line because if you stop everybody stops so you just have to keep going and if you go a little too slow the prayer team will just sort of pull you through you remember how we asked for captures the other day we also have another category called draggers that help you get through if you need if you need that so those of you that are on the on the team Sanders going to get your organized here and those of you in the back perfect they're over there by the stairs getting organized great and there's another group that are in the overflow so friends we're gonna start here in just a moment and right where Andrew is and yours gonna be personal number one to come through and if you're going through the fire tunnel at the back you're starting this way going towards the stairs and the one in the overflow you're starting at this side and the mezzanine area going towards the back if you'd like someone to pray for you [Music] and you cut down here they're moving the tunnel a little bit early you on this tunnel come on down here if those who view in the protein get in line right away perfect already poly spirit would you come and as the prayer team lay their hands on people father may anointing come may the fire of God come friends were asking that this would be an impartation time that's what we're praying for that the Holy Spirit would blast you which fill you with the Holy Spirit over and over and over and over again amen let's start so sir in the wheelchair let you go first let you go through so there's a tunnel here there's one at the back with no line does back over here no line so there's gonna be three different places it doesn't matter which one you go to first and remember you just need to keep walking keep moving otherwise no one moves the Holy Spirit come well can be well can be welcome you welcome you're welcome you welcome you Holy Spirit come come come come come [Music]
Channel: Catch The Fire Toronto
Views: 31,564
Rating: 4.8754578 out of 5
Keywords: Catch The Fire, Toronto, Michael Koulianos, worship music, spontaneous worship, toronto church
Id: wcjs_pj3xJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 219min 56sec (13196 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 23 2018
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