Lou Engle + David Popovici + Bethel Music | Jesus '18

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[Music] [Music] you come on just lift the salt [Music] just left some time this morning telling me is everything means everything Jesus Jesus [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my cheese now you are here now my Jesus you never miss a moment you are [Music] you are here Oh My Jesus you never miss a moment you're right here you're right here on my Jesus you never miss a moment right here right here Oh My Jesus you never miss a woman right right here you never miss a moment you never miss a moment you never miss a mom [Music] miss Wang right [Music] right here all right yeah my Jesus you never miss a woman you're right you're right here right now on my Jesus you never miss a moment you're right here you're right [Music] your eye here you're right here [Music] ha [Music] right here [Music] this next breath and in this next step you never miss mom be my everything we my everything be my everything be my everything be my everything Jesus everything be my everything be my everything be my everything [Music] from this moment on be my everything be my everything be my everything [Music] God in my seat God in my feet God in my living God in my pre and all my soul soul Jesus Jesus [Music] Jesus Jesus we open the door we let you in we hear you knocking here we open that's over our heart this morning take your rightful place car [Music] be my everything be my everything be my everything [Music] everything be my everything [Music] [Music] [Music] No [Music] we save [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] see [Music] [Music] whose name on your lips every nail bar if it's on to the no our deliverance in the night Jesus I join our joy our joy name [Music] let's just lift our hands come on all over the place begin to sing in the spirit out loud come on fill this room [Music] lift your voice today stainless spirit [Music] [Music] lift your voice I sense a breakthrough come on [Music] that's it Jesus you inhabit the praises of your people come on in come on in [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] here yours is the kingdom and yours is the pie is the glory for [Music] is the good for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is the king [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is the power yours is the glory forever yours is the kingdom is the [Music] [Music] the [Music] [Music] honor honor honor [Music] Oh owners honor [Music] on earth on earth on earth God listen [Music] [Music] car [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on in Lord to fall like fire we didn't come to play game this morning to host an event we want you Jesus fall like fire now in every heart fall like fire on every heart King Jesus beautiful holy and wonderful perfect kind and loving we love you Jesus we love you tell him you love and what you please we love you we love you we just love you dia de Lafayette McKay Monte offical Jesus will love you everything about you everything about you everything is so wonderful just close your eyes lift your hands to heaven come on just love him just begin to love it no Lord who is like you in heaven and on the earth they're perfect in all your ways we store the wonder of Jesus and our hearts Holy Spirit mesmerized us with his beauty oh you're wonderful oh you're wonderful oh you're wonderful you're the point you're the goal you're the message oh Jesus beautiful husband you're longing for love we're here to love you huh I hear I'm asking to be loved today all we're here to love you Jesus remember when we wept reading the Scriptures take us back God restore childlike wonder every song made us cry every song with straight to you master kill kill every idle murder it with the sword of heaven raise up Levites who look at you and love you and move you and move you know the way in know the way in when they're there they're fulfilled with you Holy Spirit burn the face of Jesus on our hearts not about God I love you a lot thank you for what you're doing just take a deep breath in his presence it's restoring the amazement Lord Jesus I said Jesus you got to come in today he said I will and then I said well when you do I'm I'm not moving on I your your your the point if you're not here then this is not even a Christian event you're the point you you're the point we recognize you here Lord and we want you to know that we'll love you you know it's possible to cry out for revival and never tell Jesus you love him but here we love your Lord come on in and skip skip upon the hills King of glory King of glory Wow we love you why don't you find your way back to your seats if you came forward but go in the presence of the Lord just keep it right here guys in your hearts go ahead well Dave you want to come over here how many of you feel Jesus here this morning can we lift the shout of praise don't tip him don't tip him with a shout can we lift a shout that moves heaven come on lift this shop what a morning what a morning thank you so much Amanda Stefan Jeremy wasn't that beautiful and the whole crew thank you that's so good I we did run a little past schedule but how many of you know that Jesus is worth it I think some of you are willing to go to lunch late for an encounter wouldn't you say many of you have paid an amazing price to get here my job is to make sure that you have an opportunity to see the burning bush and it just got lit on fire this morning the bush is burning and I hear the voice of the Lord he's here oh my dear friend Dave Papa VC is here with us can we welcome Dave amazing man of God and man he's been with us since the beginning he and his wife Danielle Danielle would you stand please let Danielle know you love her in 2015 it was the first I remember the first moment the glory of God came into one of our events and that was in 2015 and Dave had just ministered and basically ministered a message to come and die to give your life to Jesus just to give it all and I remember Dan and I were standing in the back and Dan said bro I feel like something's about to hit the room give it about five seconds and sure enough how many of you remember that moment when David breimer LED and it was just amazing but Dave really carries he's like a living portal for the glory of God and so I want us to position our hearts in honor and hunger this morning and I want you to welcome with everything in you my dear friend and brother David Papa VC would you do that please if you Jesus we worship You Jesus but we worship you this morning hello just as Michael said Lord we turn our attention to you lord we want that burning bush the reality of who you are and the living voice to grip our hearts Lord speak life into us today in Jesus name Amen amen well I have to say I have to say first for those of you guys that were not here last night you missed something very powerful the brother Dan shared a message on what the true gospel is they call to come to Jesus and to lay down your life I about got born again and and was ready to sell all and go again and it's so important because the the depth of our revelation of the Lord determines how deep we can go into repentance and a depth of our repentance produces the depth of our faith what our Christian life consists of and I really feel gripped by the Lord I really feel like the Lord is wanting to speak that same thing to us today you know the last two set of instructions that Jesus gave His disciples were to wait and to go and awaiting being together and beholding his face just like we did this morning just like I did this morning when I woke up and I opened the scriptures and beheld his voice waiting is not a one-time event waiting before the Lord is a way of life and the other set of instructions is to go going is not a suggestion it's not the great suggestion right it's the Great Commission going is not for the those who would consider themselves fivefold ministers going is the call of every believer and it's always been God's intention for his people ever since the Old Covenant when God called Abraham and out of Abraham he created a nation he told Abraham come and go come to me that's weight upon me come to me and go I will bless you but not just so that she would be blessed I will make you a blessing and we live in a culture today that's so focused on ourselves self-importance self-worth self is at the center of so much even often what we hear within Christian circles it's all about exalting self and that's one of the reasons that is believers often we struggle with joy because joy is Jesus the less that we're taking up with ourselves the more that we're taking up with his face the more that we're taking up with his cause the cause of the gospel and the earth the more that we can touch genuine and deep everlasting joy amen we live in such a confused culture truth in the matter is there without the love of God we have no life but identity comes from the revelation of who Jesus is there's so much confusion in living in an oversexed relized culture confusion men think that they're women women think that they're men there's brokenness you can't even say anything affirmation has a deep place in the scriptures in the economy of the kingdom of God but you can't even say anything because everything is so over sensitized but Jesus and his words have never changed he's always calling people to himself to lay down their lives and inviting them to join him and his mission in the earth if you can please turn to Roman's 15 and as you do you know we we remember Israel Israel's call was to is to be distinct from the nations Israel was called to the Lord they were the one nation in the earth in the old covenant that had Yahweh's their God and it were called to the Lord to behold his face and their entire way of life was oriented around this place called the tabernacle the presence of God was central to all and the second part of that call was that they were to be a light to the nation's and in both of those areas in different ways they failed and then Jesus comes to his own people the majority of which reject them he has a core group of disciples they wait upon him in that upper room they behold glory he baptizes them with the Holy Spirit and fire how many of you believed the Lord wants to baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire during these next several days in Jesus name he baptized them with the Holy Spirit and Fire he gives him a flaming tongue which represents divine communion with God and divine communication from that place of the nation's he could have come in any form it could have been a burning hand but it was a burning tongue it could have been a burning eye it was a burning tongue because the Lord desires to communicate to us in a divine way and communicate through us in a glorious and powerful way but you know what's interesting is that even though the Lord in those final couple of weeks with his disciples up on that mountain he spoke to them and he says all Authority has been given to me and I say to you go make disciples of the nation's and and then here was the reward here was the reward attached with the calling and I will be with you remember what he told Abraham I will be your exceedingly reward that that's the payoff of laying down our lives and investing it in the cause of the gospel in the nations is that he comes with us but you know what's interesting is that as powerful as the glory of God was in that early church it was still it still needed to be developed that early church was a pure church but it was not the fully mature and complete bride that Jesus will return for in this last generation we have to believe if we believe the Scriptures that the last generation church will be the most glorious church that has ever walked the earth Jesus is going to return for a fully developed bride complete and adorned with glory and adorn with his beauty pure and spotless without any blemish and that early church was pure but it was undeveloped and one of the ways that we see that is although they experience the glory of God in powerful ways how many of us can say that we walked with Jesus and we beheld him and touched his flesh had a meal with the Lord sat in his meetings face to face those early apostles could however it took almost 15 years to bring the gospel outside of Israel 15 years to Paul showed up it's an interesting thing I think sometimes when we read the scriptures we so deify these these men and women of God who were broken before the Lord recognizing how desperately they needed his presence apart from his word apart from his leading apart from the maturity the Holy Ghost they they had they recognized they were bankrupt they had nothing sometimes we think of these men most of which when they were called to follow Jesus probably in the late teenage years we think of them as if they had no problems they had no issues they had no struggles but it took almost 15 years to leave Israel persecution shot up in Israel as a result of the faith Stephen died then James died some of the believers scattered went to different places but it wasn't until acts 13 when there's there was a group of believers in Antioch there were ministering to the Lord and beholding his face that the Lord spoke in a very distinct way and reminded that group of believers of what he had said almost 15 years prior so Romans chapter 15 started in verse 16 well let's just start in verse 14 Paul says I myself am satisfied about you my brothers that you yourselves are full of goodness and failed with our knowledge able to instruct one another but on some points I have written to you very boldly by way of reminder because of the grace given to me by God to be a minister a minister of Christ Jesus to the Gentiles in the priestly service of the gospel of God so that the offering of the Gentiles may be acceptable sanctified by the Holy Ghost this is the way Paul understands his identity and his calling in the earth he said God has called me to be a minister in the priestly service those two words in the original language are synonymous to the talk of or the order or the name or the title of what priests would do in their priestly function the liturgical function in the tabernacle and the temple in the Old Covenant we see priests they behold the Lord they ministered to Lord they offer up sacrifices on the altar they offer up incense on the altar this is their function this is what they do this is how they're brought up and Paul is saying nothing has changed in regards to ID our identity we live before his face however now our tap our temple is a mobile one and the sacrifices that we offer our very lives and the ones that we offer to the Lord are people groups and Nations he says a minister of Christ to the Arabs a minister of Christ to the people from the Sentinelese Islands a minister of Christ to Far East Asia a minister of Christ to South America a minister of Christ a priest of the Lord who's defined by the presence of God who is called to go offer a people for his namesake the sacrifice is not what the Gentiles can give the sacrifice is the Gentiles that's the sacrifice the sacrifice are the people themselves this is what mu Testament apostolic priestly service looks like this is what Paul was consumed with this is what ban was talking about last night this is the gospel and there's two surefire ways for us to resist elements of God's presence and to short-circuit any move of God to surefire ways ignore his presence as central and don't give yourselves to the gospel and preaching it to the Lost as far as you possibly can and making disciples - guaranteed ways to short-circuit anything from heaven and here goes Paul stating what his life looks like and he goes on to say in Christ Jesus then I have reason to be proud of my work for God if I were not venture to speak of anything except what Christ is accomplished through me to bring the Gentiles to obedience by word and deed by the power of signs and wonders by the power of the Spirit of God so that from Jerusalem all the way to Illyricum I have fulfilled the Ministry of the gospel of Christ that word ministry once again same word used for tabernacle and thus I have made it my ambition to preach the gospel where Christ has not already been named lest I should build upon another's foundation but as it is written those who have never been told of him will see and those who have never heard will understand this is the reason why I have so often been hindered from coming to you why because I'm so busy doing this I've wanted to come to you but I'm so taken up with this ministers divine new covenant priesthood of beholding his face as a way of life and preaching the gospel and planting people and teaching them how to enter into his presence to behold him to become like him to lay down their lives on the altar of God that he would be praised and magnified amongst the nation's I've been so caught up with that I haven't had the chance here to visit you in Rome he says but I will I hope to see you he says I belonged for many years to come to you verse 24 I hope to see you in passing as I go to Spain Spain in the mind of a Jew during this time in the first century was about as far as the world went you know there was no internet there was no that there weren't the maps places haven't been there hadn't been discovered like they are today Spain was literally the edge of the known world Paul's ambition was to bring this gospel this presence centered gospel to the ends of the earth no matter what it would cost and I think sometimes you know for us we think to ourselves we think to ourselves about the price that we have to pay and in a very unusual way when we see the price without seeing the price through the lens of his face we become consumed with a lot of different things and this is why Paul used this talk of priesthood because his call his identity his call his purpose can only be understood from the context of God's presence and his voice and because of that he understood there was nothing nothing that he would not do you know what he says the Philippians he says to me to live is Christ and to die game he says I'm hard pressed on both sides for on the one side I desire to go to be with him that's what I really want but for your sakes it's better that I remain how many of you this morning after you spent time with Jesus got up took a shower and said if you want me to go right and I just I'll drop dead in this moment I so want to be with you there's nothing I want to be more then with the other how many of you think like that I mean this this this man was he was possessed with a desire for the Lord he's so he's so wanted the Lord who talks like that turn quickly to Colossians chapter 1 I'll read one more verse Colossians chapter 1 starting in verse 24 a passage that is puzzled many through the years I remember when I first got born again I used to think to myself what is he talking about Colossians 1 24 he says I rejoice in my sufferings we can stop right there and think about how different our lives often are from his he says I rejoice in my sufferings not I rejoice just for suffering sake but in the midst of suffering I find joy you know the beauty of suffering is is it strips you of comfortable aspects and things in your life that you depend on a little bit too much suffering as a way of stripping you Jesus tells his disciples when he sends them out to buy to take no money bag with you it's always an interesting thing to me that he tells him to do then take no money bag with you he wants them to learn the process of dependency to the utmost he says I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake and in my flesh I'm filling up what is lacking in Christ's afflictions for the sake of his body that is the Church of which I became again a minister here goes that word again according to the stewardship from God that was given to me for you to make the Word of God fully known once again beholding his faces unto something the mystery hidden for ages and generations but now revealed to the Saints to them whom God chose to make known how great among the Gentiles are the riches of the glory of his mystery what is this mystery that has been hidden for thousands of years that they at that point cannot wrap their minds around Christ in you the hope of glory the people are the sacrifice God has always desired to possess a people God doesn't possess buildings God possesses people he possesses people people groups are possessed by God no matter what their language may be no matter what the culture may look like God desires to possess people he starts to install a different culture a different way of living that mirrors the culture of heaven where worship is central we're laying down our lives is the way that we commune we're reward is anchored in the coming age where we do not fear the potential of loss or death when we don't fear death we make a statement to powers and principalities and cultures and nations that what we have is superior often we're asked you know because we live in Iraq we're asked often and I understand people's and you know their intentions are they have good intentions and asking these questions but they'll often ask questions like this is it safe there I think more than any other thing I get asked is it safe there second question are the schools good there there's nothing wrong with those questions I just wish they wouldn't be number one and number two how about you bump them down to like number 89 and number 90 when we think about whether or not it's worth giving our lives for people groups where it may require our life how good the schools are is not on God's top 10 priority list the Lord is much more concerned about your children and you are that's a promise but we don't understand everything we can't always understand the way heaven works from down here when we come up high when he says come up here and we come up high and we see things from his perspective we start to understand things differently what is it then it holds us back as people from really giving all when when Dan gave that altar call last night parlez it all down when we're talking about this this young man who gave his life for these people it's so easy to think about this young man who gave his life over there in the center think to think to ourselves what fruit does he have to show we have no record of anybody being born again it's very likely nobody got born again before he died what it was it was a waste he could have been more productive maybe he could have started a podcast and tried to use the podcast to try to drop you know through drones drop off satellite radios or something you know and maybe some songs in their native tongue which of course most people don't know but something maybe they might understand and it's slowly introducing the idea it's so easy to to measure success the way that we do as people based upon our own standards and say his life was a waste but God sees things completely differently what is it that holds us back so often so often it's the compromise in our own lives that defens us it bends our ears and our affections to the call to go it's because we don't understand what Paul said in Romans 15 he saw himself as a priest twice he uses two different words that talk about the same thing he says this is my priestly service in the gospel if we don't behold his face and we're not beholding his his voice both in the place of worship and presence and in his word it's very unlikely you will ever hear the call the Lord can only speak to us to the degree that our hearts are aligned to what he has revealed to his people isn't it interesting that groups of believers around the world that that completely pass over or perhaps black highlight I'm saying that facetiously passages in the scripture that have to do with for example healing it's why is it that groups for example that don't see as part of the atonement or part of Redemption today why is it for some reason that there's almost no healings ever do you think it's because the Lord doesn't want to heal them why is it that groups that are perhaps they don't understand the value of family and that God is a family of one why is it that isn't in those types of settings typically family struggles marriages struggle do you think it's coincidental that the Lord is never speaking something to them about family why is it that if we don't understand that the call to go and give our lives for Nations is central to the gospel for some reason nobody ever happens to get called and if they do get called it's definitely not gonna be somewhere we're in the top 10 questions is it safe there and how good are the schools don't come out with positive answers right we must live before his face and bury our hearts in the scriptures listen brainwash yourself with the truth because the truth will drive out wrong ways of thinking that resists the Lord I think often even even here in the United States of America the church in the United States has done so much as far as I heard the last statistics that the American church is still sending out by actual number the most missionaries to anywhere in the world may it continue made continue made grow may it be multiplied especially in today's generation where so much of what we give ourselves for is is ours it's the selfie culture that's what it is it's a selfie culture the love of money and comfort will your obedience to Jesus there it is you talk about money in a western setting you start touching nerves the love of money and comfort will you in obedience to Jesus you know what Paul says in Ephesians chapter 5 he encourages the church to pepper their speech to speak in a way that reflects Kingdom and then he says to him guard your hearts from a greeting and covetousness because that's idolatry greed and covetousness is idolatry you know what's interesting is that when when you're spending time with people if you're pastoring or if you're a leader if you're a brother that's involved or a sister that's involved with people you know sometimes when we when we get together we pray for one another we consistent we confess our sins to one another it's it's healthy it's biblical amen and often what you know I'm struggling with anger I'm struggling with lust I'm struggling with you know a confusion about what I should do I don't think I've ever heard anybody tell me at least in the last five to seven years I'm struggling with idolatry you know I have a man really going through something I need you to pray with me I'm struggling with idolatry what do you mean I love money too much it's maybe maybe maybe maybe you hear it more I I don't run into that kind of stuff too often but but Jesus says in Matthew 13 in mark 4 when he's talking about the seed of the gospel that's planted and nations of the world and our own human hearts as it grows in as it develops the love of money and the desire for other things choke out the seed do you know how often in our own hearts weed we take a step back from going all the way with God because they might not have air-conditioning there they the bed might not be whatever of whatever quality of comfort maybe they got mosquitoes maybe the people speak a different language maybe I don't like spicy food do you know one time a pastor told me God would never call me to Iraq because I sweat a lot he literally told me that he was dead serious he says well praise God brother I'm gonna pray for you he says for me no God would never call me to the Middle East I sweat a lot and I get really sticky and really uncomfortable but but praise God that he called you you must not have like your yeah you must not have sweat glands you know like a dog you sweat through your tongue or something we can only hear the call to go to the measure of Revelation repentance and faith in our hearts Jesus says I have so much to say to you that you're not able to hear but when we can behold his face in that place of worship and when he reveals himself in that place of burning bush it says that Moses turned to behold the voice that came out of the bush he didn't just walk by the bush and write it down in his journal as part of a testimony of an experience he had with God he stopped everything in that moment and gave all of his attention to that living voice that was coming out of that bush and what's so significant about a bush anyways there's nothing so significant about a bush it's not about the bush it's about what's possessing the bush just like your own life don't disqualify yourself because of your past or what you think you can or can't do well I'm not good at learning languages well I'm not good at doing that preaching I'm not good at this or the other I can't do this or the other it's not about the bush it's about the fire that possesses it it's not about how difficult the land is it's about the flame that will possess it and they won't become a sacrifice unto God and another major reason that often I believe that our hearts shrink back from going all the way with God understanding our identity as priests before him cold to go I'm not implying that all of you are called to sell all and move I am implying that many of you are in Jesus name go to your neighborhoods go to your cities be faithful there the Lord will speak to some of you about nations may the Lord raise up another volunteer movement amongst universities like he did years ago where Ivy League students Ivy League students the kind of people have put up all the certificates on a wall who make more than six-figure year jobs and have bigger than any respect in their communities they sold all and went John G Lake over a hundred years ago today modern-day he'd be a multi-millionaire called to go to South Africa gave all his money away and went see T stud was a modern-day athlete in England gave all his money away to George Muller and others serving orphans and he went to the very core of Central Africa gave his life for the Africans you can't do that and living joy unless you've seen his face but if you've seen his face don't just keep walking and write it in your journal as an experience stop and continue to behold until the voice comes out and you become a burning bush to your own generation and you no longer fear death what's the worst that they could do to you what's the worst that they could do to you kill you and promote you to glory the Lord is raising up a generation these last days that do not fear death you know what the devil fears the people that do not fear death do you know why you know what it says in the book of Hebrews it says that Jesus came and he crushed the power of death from the one who control through the fear of death and he kept people in slavery to the fear of death where they would not move because the potential of loss we make decisions and don't make decisions based upon what we think we will lose that's valuable to us but when we recognize that what has supreme value cannot be stolen cannot be taken away there's no fear you're a free man you're a free woman to live in the earth as a worshiper as a priest when you understand they can take nothing from you who cares what they say about you on Facebook and they're in a hyper sensitive generation where all that matters is what people say about me who cares what they say who cares what they say it doesn't matter what they say doesn't matter what they take away from you we have the kind of wealth that we can't be robbed of the worst thing they could do is promote you to glory and may we remember afresh this morning that the Lord is no man's better he never asks anything from us that he will not repay and reward many many times over I tell my children all the time when we have you know devotions different times and we have devotions especially when we first moved to Iraq in the Middle East we would sit together and we would say if the day comes or when did they come that they should require our lives should be required of us by the Lord as worship when Abraham went up the mountain with his son he tells his son let's go up to the top and worship when Jesus is martyred enough when when when Stephen is martyred in that first century church geez stands up and receives the worship if that ever were to happen no this that the Lord will multiply grace beyond any grace you've ever experienced prior to both in this life and you can bet in the ages to come we have nothing to fear we have nothing to fear we can no longer be a people controlled by fear what's gonna happen to us what if we died of cancer put that thought underneath your feet and behold the blood of Jesus what if we lose we can't lose if you can't to give your life how do you lose if they take it jesus's game plan was to come and to give his life a ransom for many do you think he ever felt nervous that he might lose when they took it game playing come and lay down your life give it for the people they're like we're gonna kill you he's like then I then I fulfil why I came those early as our brothers shared last night that that word for witness that word for witness is the same word that they used for martyr or one who gave their lives for their faith you know why because so many of the witnesses became that it became a synonymous term there's places in the world today that as your ministry profile grows the X on your back grows we're gonna sift sift through the motives of why you really want to you know why you want to grow in ministry there's nothing to fear I want you to stand please stand and I don't know if we can get anybody in the keys or if there's a pad or anything just for the next couple of minutes brother Lu is gonna come up here in a couple of minutes but I want to invite you I want to invite you to respond however you would respond if you want to come up I want you to come up and get before the Lord and respond if you want to stay there in your seat feel free to stay in your seat and respond but in essence this is our heart cry we're continuing on we believe that what the Lord started last night is continuing into this morning and the Lord is asking us in a fresh way will you love me remember what he asked Peter three times do you love me Lord you know I love you give yourself for my sheep do you love me Lord you know I love you feed the people give yourself for a people may the Lord renew our minds by the power of his voice in the power of his word some of you have been terrorized by fear your whole lives the Lord's gonna break that this morning some of you have had idols in your heart the idols of comfort listen there's nothing wrong with comfort as long as you can walk away with it when Christ calls there's not a thing wrong with money money's an amazing tool in advancing the gospel and the Great Commission as long as you don't think about it more than you think about Jesus and serving others more than you think about your family and things that have eternal significance there's nothing wrong with it as long as you could part with it [Music] thank you Jesus you make us a sacrifice Lord break off the stronghold of fear from hearts and minds in Jesus name this morning every lying devil of fear begone from your heart in Jesus name [Music] freedom in Jesus name freedom in Jesus name freedom from fear in Jesus name freedom from tyranny to the love of money in Jesus name freedom from idolatry Jesus name freedom to love you Lord clear the threshing floor in our hearts Lord release the call Lord in Jesus name release the call to nations released the call to nations this morning deposit occulta nations to neighborhoods and cities and the United States of America deposit the call Lord raise up a priesthood that would lay down their lives in the Ministry of the gospel [Music] [Music] brother Luo fuer you can come please [Music] you can just stay where you're at and see God in the 90s this is everyday people would be crying out to God and weeping and the preacher just had to go ahead and preach I believe we're entering into the great greatest sending era of evangelists and missionaries in fact maybe if America will send her youth to the nations of the earth God may save this nation our forefathers came here and said that America was to be a light to the nation's we failed so much but if we would throw our sons and daughters into the unreached people group sent into the inner cities we may see a mercy kiss from heaven over this nation safely because we're fulfilling the divine calling on this nation father we pray lord the Spirit of the Lord would begin to stir thousands of young men and women got to go in to fulfill the scroll of Jesus the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because the Lord has anointed me you may be seated if you want to stand and just pray and forget about what I say that's okay too but if you do have your Bibles I'd like to encourage you to turn with me to John chapter 12 [Music] David's message is so connected with what's on my heart today if you would turn to chapter 12 of John and verse 20 now among those who went up to worship at the feast were some grease so these came to Philip who was from Bethsaida in Galilee and they asked him sir we wish to see Jesus come on there's thousands and millions of young people in America who are beginning to say we wish to see Jesus set all this turmoil that's going on all the divisions the opioid crisis at all folks brothers and sisters the sixties were like this and it prepared the way for the 70 where Jesus the Evangelist exploded with the Jesus Movement I'm not too concerned about the turmoil in the nation cuz I know when things begin to shake Jesus the Evangelist it's gonna rise in America and give us another season of the 70s and way beyond Seyed we wish to see Jesus but I'm stunned by this passage Philip when told Andrew Andrew and Philip when told Jesus and jesus answered them well let's get our website together jesus answered and said let's start a Twitter camper an Instagram something blast whatever that is Jesus doesn't even answer the request for those who want to see him because there is no scene of Jesus unless there's first been an offering at the craw we're looking for better message we're looking for better implementation of technology which thank God we have but brothers and sisters Jesus was not looking to set up an appointment with the Greek here's how Jesus answered the hour has come for the Son of man to be glorified truly I say to you unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies it remains alone but if it dies it bears much fruit whoever loves his life loses it and whoever hates his life in this world will keep it he must follow me and where I am there will my servant be also if anyone serves me the father will honor me oh what a mighty thing he said there's not gonna be a scene of Jesus unless there's a willingness to go to the cross people watch stages they went thousands on their Twitter accounts as if you even have anything to say you haven't gone through the sufferings and the difficulties and the challenges jesus said if I be lifted up I will draw all men to us I feel a lot of times our American Christian enterprise is filled with doing stuff rather than with moving heavens with the sacrifice of our lives I want you to notice in this passage he's stunned by it he says the hour has come he didn't say the year has come he didn't say the month has come the hour has come brothers and sisters there are moments called an hour where you have to seize your calling for that very moment or you miss everything you can be faithful your whole life but if you miss the divine moment where God says it's time for an offer you'll never step into your divine fulfillment of your key convergence I want you to get this he said and shall I ask the Lord to save me from this hour is it an interesting that the hour of glory is actually an hour that you would really like to cry on to be saved from but I feel and shall I say save me from this hour but for this purpose I've come into the war oh my god but know that you're in the hour of the fulfillment of your purpose jesus knew his hour he knew his purpose and his purpose was to go to the cross and before there will ever be massive fruit and a great and a great coming to the Lord in America there is going to be an hour when someone enters into the passions of Jesus and lays their life out to break principalities and powers principalities and powers are broken at the altar of intercession I love this end video Michael what you say in that sin video is there anyone willing just to sacrifice to maybe turn a whole nice this passage just stuns me the key for the Greeks to see Jesus is to be is to be willing to go to the cross I feel like I'm in that moment the purpose of God for my own life I'd like to share a few moments moments most of you've heard my story must get bored I don't have any other message I just want to just do my story how many want to do the story that God wrote about your life and in that story there are moments that you must see and risk everything that moment Psalms 40 I loved it he said burnt offerings and sacrifices you have not desired God is not into religion he said burning offerings and sacrifices you're not desired listen if you're fasting to somehow do a duty before God forget it have a burger burnt offerings and sacrifices you've not desired but my ears you have opened what a statement he says us then I said here I come it's written to me in the scroll of the book to do your will to be able to say in your life here I come I found what's in my scroll written by God I've come into my moment for such a time as this and to step into that moment not with religious sacrifice but delight because it started with the hearing of the ears he says when you get your ears opened then your sacrifice is actually delight because it's filled with faith coz on the other side of the sacrifice is divine fruit like you have never seen remember flying home from Canada in 2003 I was reading a book on William Wilberforce and I'm reading it there's a quote in that book that would be well worth his whole life to give himself for the ending of this slave trade England and when I read it the Holy Spirit fell on me and God opened my ears as weeping in the plane and I said and the Lord said to me you will raise up a prayer movement in America for the ending of abortions little did I know that the opening of that here brought such delight that God gave us a series of dreams or I walked with my family and my children and 70 kids slept in ghettos slept in gym floors with my wife nursing her infant son we walked across America praying for the native issues and the ending of abortion little did I realize that a worldwide movement would break out out of that obedience my ears were opened he says burn offers sacrifices I desired but my ears have opened then I said lo it is written to me in the book here I come God wants to baptize a generation of men and women into their scroll so they're not struggling with their job description is in life they know for the reason for which they've come into the earth I want you to lift your hands right now I want to pray that God would invade this place would dreams so powerful and would institute callings men and women are having callings to go to nations they wouldn't even think about it but suddenly one night their ears are open Holy Spirit come man this is the largest crowd did you sigh all the Suttons this this crowd to turn America back to God and their obedience I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision Holy Spirit invade lives with a whirlwind of prophecy prophetic revelation and drains caught up in the divine swirl of heavens activity for their lives in Jesus name and if your old dudes the Bible says your old dudes will dream dreams there's always another chapter until your - dreams are like Scrolls or chapter titles to the next chapters of your lives they tell you what could be if you're willing to risk everything and offer yourself on the altar David said this he said my ears have opened but Jesus himself takes that scripture and I said Psalm 40 and in Hebrews 10 it takes it for himself and Jesus says this he says burn offerings and sacrifices you not desire but a body you have prepared for me he shifts it from my ears you have opened to a body you prepared for me in other words you have never fully heard the voice of God unless you've laid down your body to fulfill that you have never listened to the voice you could have a prophecy and it will tickle your little spirits but unless there is a body prepared to lay down and you haven't even heard God you an offering of life and Jesus said a body you prepared for me I feel like the scroll of my life is coming at least is some kind of convergence right now in Orlando yet old older like me you know Randy it's older guys we look through the rearview mirror of our lives and we realized none of it was an accident there was a divine tapestry of heaven your prophetic activity twenty years ago wasn't in a lot isolated encounter it was actually God laying DNA that's those dreams and visions were not to be like shooting stars in the night and you forget them they were to be beacons when you cannot find your way to go back and revisit your prophetic journal over and over and over again and God if you're willing to keep going on the story line and take the risks and the sacrifices to offer up your body at the end of it you are a divine novel from heaven an epistle living epistle read by all men God had a dream about your life before you were born too wrapped a body around it to fulfill it it probably heard that I can't you I am a walking dream of heaven I am a walking dream of him I'll go back to my stroll because I'm headed for something here today many of you have heard me already but I want to hit it I've been over the last six days in Miami I've been in Fort Lauderdale I've been in Sarasota I've been in Gainesville preaching up and down the state because I believe Florida is becoming a swing state for a Great Awakening [Applause] I'm not saying hype I'm trying to follow my story 1999 many of you here but you know I don't get tired of telling my story cuz it's a good one so is yours and in 1999 I prayed a prayer how can I turn America back to God I'm even heard that story and not that many I'm gonna just spit on these folks right here in one moment I reached up into heaven and got ahold of God there are there are maybe one or two prayers in your life that you feel at one moment you reached it in heaven and you got ahold of God and you almost felt like everything was possible and then right of course you wake up the next day as a mere mortal bad breath and everything else thank you yeah who's gonna pay for it but for that moment faith lay hold of you and I laid hold of God in 1999 brain for the nd of praying that America could turn back to God it seemed like an outrageous prayer the Lord wants to give us permission to pray outrageous prayers I don't want a skinny story I want the thick novel of heaven that he dreamed about me before I was ever born and that will actually separate you from a lot of other side novel write your own no don't write your own did a ghostwriter Holy Ghost [Applause] and a woman came to me soon after this I'd been preaching to the John the Baptist Nazarites are coming to Washington DC and put a million on the mall in DC and it'll be a sign that there's coming a shift in the turning of America back to God come on i phi i I gathered 4,500 kids to fast and pray for five days that stadiums would be filled in America with a John the Baptist movement fun brothers and sisters you get into the dream stream of heaven you get carried along by more than your nice organization ability you are the breath of heaven I don't want just the media campaign I want heaven they take my life as an offering then men and women will move not because of me but because have because if you can move heaven heaven can move men pulling away from from the need to be a bored-out offering cuz you're gonna start something with the use of America that will change the destiny of the nation many of you've heard this a million times every time I say it it prophesize again that is the real deal every time I go over my story I'm getting more and more baptized like Abraham he did not get weak in faith I get stronger in faith I love that passage that Abraham became stronger and faith did not waver in unbelief I'm thinking what Bible did you was Jesus or God reading this is Abraham he didn't waver and unbelief or really this gives hope to every one of us but a man said this he wasn't looking his ups and downs he was looking at the lifetime of the trajectory his faith was ever-increasing even in the midst of his failures that trajectory is moving until he can get a young man and the young man would give him a nation and then the nation would give him the nations of the earth I have not seen nor ear heard all that God has prepared for those who love him but these things are revealed to us in the spirit for the spirit searches the deep things of God there is a realm in heaven that has all of God's thoughts toward you hidden in Christ but you have a search to search out the dream of God the fullness of his plan sometimes it's fast e that's the great search engine you shut down everything but God give you bread from heaven cuz you want his story rather than following someone else's miserable facebook line I never did understand why they put food on those stupids Facebook what do they put some empty plates because you're fasting I must have spit up I'm out of spit on this guy or something let me get you this that woman came to me she said I'll pay your salary this year she paid my salary for 16 years she's 95 years old still alive can't pay my salary anymore she came to me and she said have you ever thought about putting kids on the mall like Promise Keepers I said ma'am I prophesied it two years ago she said I'll give you $100,000 to start it and started a supernatural movement that led to four hundred thousand young people pray social media someone says that great leaders give articulation to that which is being grown in the mass thereby completing the circuit from the solo leader to the masses creating mass movements we need men with voices that can prophesy that bones were rattled and stadiums will be filled in America but souls being safe four hundred thousand and two thousand before that call and in the dream I was overwhelmed with the impossibility I've seen America turned back to God do you see how the dream was connected to the prayer he's answering my prayer since it's impossible to see America turn back to God but in the dream look what 17 rolls in front of me like a scroll and he shall go on before the Lord and the spirit and power of Elijah to turn the hearts of the father's to the children and the rebellious to the wisdom of the righteous I cup of the Lord says when I am pouring out in America is stronger than the rebellion it did that say it would end the rebellion but it is stronger and I knew the Lord was showing me my scroll I'm not John the Baptist but I had somewhat of the DNA a fasting and prayer and Nazareth young people arising and that sound God says this is your stroll I know all of my life has been for the last 18 years seems like there's a Jesus [Music] we have a generation baptize with fire lift your voices begin to cry to go from Orlando mighty baptism of the Holy Spirit and Lord bring forth a mass beholding Lord we pray that Jesus the Evangelist would come forth in America Lord he's already been here men like Randy Clark and Daniel kolenda and Michael Jesus the Evangelist is here but there are moments of time what it takes a breath a profound emphasis where Jesus the apostle prophet evangelist pastor teacher manifests himself in certain seasons of time as the Apostle has the Prophet as the Evangelist as the pasture teacher but there are times like in the 70s Jesus the eventually there's evangelistic callings coming on people here today we don't have to wait for the sent to a stadium vet here in the Citrus Bowl World Campus stadium ain't begins hair salon put upon me I spared of evangelist let me speed dial this all these years praying that John the Baptist's crew and then these white wine guys came into my living room and eBird Brian Brandt the adrenaline gland on the body of Christ you didn't get that and they say there's coming a shift to the goal and it will not be just fasting prayer but the proclamation of the gospel signs and wonders and stadiums we built it be filled and Billy Graham's mantle is coming on the nation seven years ago we prayed for two days these guys walked in or in my living room and a prophet called from Nashville to my friend and says you know where Lou English yeah I sing this meeting tell him I had a visitation last night tell him that the Lord said there's coming a shift to the call and it will not be just fasting and prayer but the proclamation of the gospel signs and wonders and stadiums will be filled and Billy Graham's mantle is coming on destination I know this is what you do with prophetic works like that but Jeremiah the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah and said by my field and Anitha and it says and then my brother had a mill came to me and said by my filled-in Anathoth then I knew it was a word of the Lord when a confirmation so powerfully unites the prophetic word you were to be baptized in confidence and not have a casual approach to the prophetic the moment is now it must be now we can't wait for another four years for a Great Awakening and there's a flashpoint moment the hour has come the body you have prepared for thee and then the following year I was in Orlando Orlando House of Prayer with why when they're these brothers said to me we're gonna hold pre send rallies [Music] and the word will be cold and they will be called egg below maybe you've heard me priestess but you haven't heard me until you go paid to work the word egg below is the word that Jesus uses when it comes out and he sees the harvest field he's broken to pieces shattered and he comes out there harassed and helpless I can't help but thinking as he's going to the lost sheep of Israel sadly he's caught up and he sees the billions of Buddhist yet to come to Christ the billions of Muslims and Hindus I wonder if he's overwhelmed realizing the limitations of his own incarnation he's thousands like himself he comes out and he gathers his leaders his disciples and he doesn't say the harvest route is better but the laborers are few therefore pray once in a while that the Lord would send some laborers out there he doesn't say that the word did oh my is the first word of that prayer that is the word not for pray it is the word for bank it's an imperative command Jesus came out filled with God not to send laborers that's not what it means it's a word that followed it's the word that Jesus uses what he says if I by the finger of God and follow demons its drive out demons let's see what Jesus drives out demons demons gotta go but drinkers drives out Labour's I want to start a revolution here in Orlando for Jesus the Evangelist to be multiplied in tens of thousands I have a dream today that all over the world in Argentina Indonesian Russian the church worldwide I began to pray that prayer and the Lord began to show me it works because it worked in my own family my daughter I was praying day and night praying that prayer and I'm trying to rip I'm trying to be faithful to it and ignited afresh and my daughter 17 year old comes to me she dad I had a dream and in the dream I saw Lauren Cunningham the leader of ym on a stage and it was preaching on the mantle of Moses coming to Joshua and she said I was in the front row dad and he was preaching to me she said in the dream suddenly fell to the stage from on the stage and died she said I leapt up on the stage isn't finished dad he raised from the dead grab me from the shoulders and said it's not my task to finish your [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] translated for my son Lord Cunningham was on stage preaching anyone preaching he she said I ran from my seat out to my car weeping under the passion of the Lord crying here am i Lord send me here am i Lord send me he ended up in the Himalayas with the Jesus feel healing the sick preaching the gospel why cuz God answered the prayer of the dad for Labour's what if all of us tonight begin to pray for the harvest we make new signs and wonders in the streets Labor's in the church gets their ears open what you are but has to put a body good you've got to act it obey I don't want to preach this anymore I don't want to touch anything take those people's ears let's start tonight and in two and a half months we're going down to the Jordan River at Orlando and I'll end with this the beginning of this I was fasting an assembly of God little churches not Hawaii fasting for two or three months and a breeding how the mantle of Elijah came on Elijah and I wrote in my Bible I got it right here and I wrote Billy Graham I will not let you go until I get a double portion of your spirit on the next generation I had no die I did when I said to 1218 that within 10 days Billy Graham would die I felt I was one like one of the sons of the prophets don't you know that your master is soon to be taken from you today there is a today and you can't miss that today they went down to the Jordan and in one day Elijah gets the mantle of Elijah I believe on February 23rd if I'm trying to hear my story right I'm not siding to hear the stroll it was a John de Jesus Movement on 2:16 cuz I'm flying home from Hawaii I write down in my Bible where it says and Elijah went down to the Jordan I wrote down in my Bible I said I'm flying home from Hawaii Wow I'm going to Orlando to the Jordan from that call do the same for Billy Graham's meant little did I know that in three days that he would actually die and that we had actually set up a meeting with evangelist Michael colleano's Daniel kolenda Todd white and we had no idea but we were gathering to talk about going to that Stadium it was three days after it's done it's done his death I gotta believe that the prophetic moment is now and someone has to say shall you save me from this hour but for this purpose I've seen 18 years of stadiums but I feel the Lord searching me out to test me do I want him more than that comfort do I want him more than having a nice little place in Colorado Springs with my 8 grandchildren and seven children I hear the Lord say loo this is the moment for which you are born I feel that calling the fascistic God now there is no alternative but return father tonight stir all of America stir all of America and go to the same most anointing I've ever known 1997 and the people in preparation but I said Shawn I've ended the call I can't go into the old I gotta move into the nude I've locked myself on to evangelist now I'm an intercessor prophet kind of guy nonprofit organization but I like the Lord said you gotta walk on to the Evangelist right now Paul Cain sought these stadiums of America would be filled no bad news tonight only good news the media would covered nameless faceless people are in the stadiums there's a healing there there's a resurrection he says all this coming up baptism we know nothing about today can you say I'm not gonna live for comfort or the world anymore I've heard the voice of the Lord I offer myself on the altar session I all I offer myself on the altar of going to the hardest darkest places I bless this company tonight fan the flames of revival out of this place let Jesus image be manifested I'm living for another scroll today I'm not looking for Luke 1:17 I'm looking for Luke 4:18 where Jesus opened the scroll of Isaiah and he said the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because the Lord has anointed me to preach good news come on reach God open that scroll over America open the scroll of Jesus I end here third time I've ended Paul Cain's mom he went through difficulties pause to gone through difficulties what a prophetic calling on his life he said his mom was pregnant with him at age 44 ravaged by three diseases her breasts were completely eaten away the doctor said you'll never give birth to this child and you will not live but the Lord came to her and said you shall have a boy and you shall name him Paul for he will do the miracles of st. Paul he was one of the early healing revivalists seventy years and seven years right now let Daniel set his face too fast she gave birth to Paul and she nursed him I'm completely restored breasts seventy years ago 1949 Billy Graham's Ted blew up in Los Angeles and the rest is history you may be one of those that no one knows but God is preparing you to roar Jane lived 104 years old she was dying and she said to Paul I've given you many words but I'm gonna give you the greatest word I've ever delivered and he said what is it and she said I don't know yet she went into a coma for two months they prayed her out of that coma and she said the Lord gave me the word the Lord has given you Paul and the whole world Luke 4:18 and she died on for 18 and for 18 Mike Bickle was actually there come on lift your hands oh we have to live for Jesus Jesus is coming there is one coming judge said there is one coming come on brothers and sisters can we begin to live that Jesus the Evangelist will arise in America give a shout to God [Applause] [Music] [Music] just do it Lord do it Lord Holy Spirit still every word that we heard today still everything every thought every desire every dream seal it in Jesus name come Lord Jesus come we love you
Channel: Jesus Image
Views: 34,702
Rating: 4.8805194 out of 5
Keywords: Bethel Music, Bethel, David Popovici, Jesus18, UPPERROOM, Bill Johnson, Reinhard Bonnke, Holy Spirit, Jesus, Jesus is king, Benny Hinn, Lou Engle, Todd White, Eric Gilmour, Jessica Koulianos, Michael Koulianos, Image, Upper Room, kanye west
Id: wnjEsdEeisg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 7sec (7147 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 13 2018
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