Michael Keaton - Letterman - 2015.04.28

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listen to this here's the guy what a guy met this guy in the 70s years and years ago really funny guy it's just funny naturally funny and a tremendous actor as well he can do anything honestly he was recently nominated for an Academy Award as I mentioned he's a very funny man please welcome back to the program our good friend Michael Keith yeah I could keep you lighting gonna welcome back thank you I am really really really excited to be we I mean so as the Academy Awards we have like nobody could what do we have here I'm collecting a lot of oh yeah that's actions of the show that's right and these are your shoes you know I had the for those for my chiseling I had the foresight last time with her I don't know folks coming back her going to be aspects like the foresight and to you know take some memorabilia so Dickson begin some things in the last year I know things I wanted to have huh yeah what kind of things did you take I took a computer and slide some copper wiring that's that's very value but it's not exactly ah I wouldn't call it remember bill well all right anyway nothing says but you know the last time you were here I dragged you through it and I did exactly probably what you were sick and tired of doing which was talking about your film but I was so taken by the movie Birdman I wanted to know everything about it yeah thank you I apologize nope nope okay but that experience it must after a while it takes on a life of zone if you feel like you've been dragged down a gravel road by a truck yeah it was extraordinary and and really oddly fun you know you know what it's like sometimes things really really difficult and you want to see if you can pull it off it's it's an odd kind of fun and the whole experience the the grind but but it was a great grind a great reaction people reaction was crazy you know when we were picking up and I was personally picking up a lot a lot of a lot of warts and I have to tell you this thing because I've saved it thank you for what you said about me in the account not not receiving an Academy Award for for Birdman and how nice you were about that and we'll get to some other stuff later so thanks for that and when I heard that it was very it moved me for one thing and I thought I have to say this story from they have a luncheon which is a great thing an Academy luncheon before the awards and it's it's really you when you're in the room it's really something you think you know everyone in the world was there every big name you've ever heard of or even thought about is in the room and it you really feel like you're in the real world of what I do for a living it's just a really great event and so I'm walking back I was kind of walking to the table back to my table and there I couldn't get around these people so I was kind of waiting and there was a gentleman sitting at a table really nicely dressed man probably in its 70s and and maybe even eight years old really nicely dressed looking like a real gentleman looks up at me and I look at him and he's sitting by himself at a table and he calls me over he says I want to tell you that's maybe the best performance I've ever seen in the movie and he goes on I mean he says he says I'm in this Academy for some ridiculous amount of years like over 50 years or something and he said not only did I go back and see the film in a theatre like three times which I never do your performance will go down it was it was unbelievably like you know it's that thing we've really uncomfortable first thing I thought just enjoy this and and by the way he when he finished and he was saying I didn't know what's a and I thought to myself I am a walk shishi yeah I would think so this guy this guy he had been around forever he knew everyone in the Academy I thought what's about it that's about all I need so so we're talking and he says these really nice things I go boy that is awfully nice you sir and thank you thank you very much and as I get up like this he goes he kind of grabs my arm he says uh just remember Michael when it comes to winning an Academy Award illness always wins and I thought I am so free right now is over I went from is a done deal - I'm done yeah Oh Michael O'Neill always always win oh my god and then you have the big event and then it comes and it goes but your life is different now regardless isn't it as to some degree I mean you know I think it is but you know I still you know live basically the life I want I mean it's it's great and and you know the you know I mean I you know I was picking up some w's there you know we were doing okay and it was such a great experience to be in it and to go through the whole thing in the movie very grace gracious and graceful well thank God all right and when we come back I want to hear I think this is an old story about you meeting the Pope oh sure sure now this is Jenna it's totally true well if I I'm a big fan of the current Pope I got I'm the camp statue of st. Francis of Assisi I've had in my yard since forever because I'm a very lapsed Catholic I love this new guy yeah he's the greatest when you when you were at the Vatican did you pick up any memorable you know no I didn't I did yeah I didn't leave empty-handed let's put spiritually or material whatever you need I'll be right back with Michael keeping everybody all right all right I don't I don't know I don't know it's planned I don't know what we get plenty of time this is supposed to be I'm gonna get this out of the way okay this I want to thank you for all these years it's been tremendous oh I know I know look look look you're just gonna have to sit back and hate hate this just for a minute just bear down just bear all right man up didn't bear down with me it not only when he showed up in LA everyone knew it this guy was so funny and fast it was like somebody who when we were standing around these place likes Comedy Store the improv and this this guy showed up and everybody just kind of look to one I said how long has this guy been doing this and it had been about 15 minutes and you were thought he was doing it for a year it was so clear how bright and funny and you're that great really great Midwestern thing that I till this day I find funny like Bob and Ray and and and we became friends and you've been consistently a friend and not only what you did and and we look you had a paper route right yes I did you had one look at this well that's good kidding me that's right you were some kid in Indiana paper route just living life and look what you are I mean it it's extraordinary aim could be said definite times over definitely I was shoving the family the Pittsburgh area yep Pittsburgh area astral Rogers yeah yeah they had a whole lot of other jobs but congratulations congratulate not only what you've done for comedy and shows like this somebody but has been fun and but thanks for all the stuff that did for me what really made it's been like you know there's I can't tell you I can't tell you how much I'm gonna miss it thank you I really need it I kind of hate I kind of hate being here to be honest leave other people would invite you places but Michael is there's a handful of guys and and Michael is the kind of guy that you wake him up in the middle of his sleep and he will have something funny to say he's he's always funny and he's the right kind of funny and Wow thank me if that sounds a feat but it happens to be true in this man's well thank you very much and by the way I have awakened him in the middle of the night it wasn't that funny Mike it's Dave hell are you doing here so anyway you were to Vatican oh no I wasn't at Vatican oh you were two ventricles destroyed by the Mia broke oh he always asked me to tell them so and I told her here and I thought you know what not like it's a best-of but I made so tell the story cuz I was raised Catholic and I'm a bad Cathy I'm a lapsed Catholic I don't even know if I'm a lapsed Catholic I'm a relapse cap so but my mom devout not my father was on Catholic my mom's devout Mass every morning you know really the old school Catholic morning every morning every morning I am there those are great stories but that's for the time so so so Pope John and I forget and I went things 94 or something or ladies I forget when it was the Pope was doing a tour they had jackets and everything jump yeah yeah he caught a back yeah to her silk they were the set up yeah you know sad sack matter that's very nice yes yeah yeah it was the kick-ass tour we go the Pope's she is I don't know whatever buddy don't we have did you have a laminate did you have my limit well I got this laminate fantastic anyway you get anywhere you ship into that party I don't stay Oh anyway he's doing it literally doing a tour of the world he's gonna come in the United States and there was a member there was a person who at a position in the Vatican was from Pittsburgh and knew my story and everything had called and they wanted certain people from the show business world to show up at this event in South Carolina at the stadium University of South Carolina you know also other people were showing up from all walks of life and so I get this call and it's unbelievable and this is true I forgot about this the guy told me in the back and there were a lot of Johnny dangerously fans I swear to God I swear to God that's what that's what he said I'm not making it up so I go unless his phone call and I go I didn't want to say how'd you get my number I didn't want to say that the Vatican so I said honestly I respect to you and everyone involved I'm not the right person it's inauthentic of me it's it's not I would I would think would almost be sacrilegious somebody who's not a practicing Catholic would would be part of this so I hanging up now I start thinking about it and I go man my mother finds out I just shot and now I start thinking wait a minute I might be able to negotiate something here I swear to God I call back I get the guy in phone I go alright I'll tell you what let's work this deal out and I go I think I could go I'll do it you know we'll go over what I had to say and not saying everything and but you know my mother's got to meet the Pope he goes yeah yeah yeah no no no no no no I mean not like hey hi Leona how you doing I mean like face-to-face blessing the whole thing not a mass not not a big like you know millions people I says got big faces that's the deal and I work we go back and forth and he goes well I'm like no no no I don't do it unless there's what happens he goes fine deal I'm negotiating a deal with the Vatican so so yeah yeah plus she wants 15 grand no no no no no so so here's how so here's how it works so how it works is he's doing he I've seen the stones maybe five times I've seen Springsteen oh he's good I never saw anything like this he comes in there's a line of limos that comes in through the parking lot a Gamecock Stadium University of South Carolina comes in like this and there's religious leaders from all over the world the place is packed filled packed he goes and and and the they run it they run it through you here's how it's gonna work he's gonna come in he's gonna go up he's gonna go on stage I'm on stage they gonna say what he says he's gonna say prayers then everyone who's there will get a blessing and you line up because he's got to get back in the limo and get to the next gig which I think was Syracuse you know I don't know I think I think in a gig with with journeys journey was opening up its lyric you know so he then he comes back he stops he does a blessing and that's all I got okay how's this gonna work and I'm making sure and she my mom was handicapped for most of my life and she was in a wheelchair so she's coming down and there's everybody standing there like this and I'm with my mom and my sister Pam well we're waiting and we're waiting and I'm gonna and this better work cuz he told me this was gonna get a you know blessing and he's up first of all he comes in like clockwork all these little Italian guys in suits get out and the doors go boom boom boom he gets up walks up Oh walks in Stadium and the place goes in saying I mean chill I went home this is huge he finishes he finishes all right now he comes down now I'm going I run backstage and I get the aunt of wheelchair I'm waiting I'm going this has got to work out the only reason I'm here and I go and he comes down and he goes like this and then the rule the the thing was always historically when when you're the presence of the Pope you kiss his ring you've kissed the ring at mean I don't know like a thirteen with if you're within like 13 mile radius or what's the exact know what I mean you're somewhere in the city know if you're if you're there if you're there rush over uh know if you're you know when you're in presence of Pope you kissed the ring if you're a Catholic and I said I'm not I'm not I'm not they said that has changed you don't have to Oh and so I think myself I would really be hypocritical if I me you know some of the things I've done I'm not confirm not kissing that's that's not the right thing to do it's for really good Catholics so I'm staying there and he's come down now I've seen this guy people go insane people weeping people like her like this and I'm going oh this is huge this it's really bigger than I counted off I might be in over my head here so so now it comes down and I'm looking at my mom I'm looking at my mom she's so excited you can't believe it and he comes down he stands in front what stops in front of everybody stops because a blessing lose to the next person there's blessing stops next person blessing and he comes down he's getting closer and I'm thinking I'm not kissing the ring she don't need to know need to they said I didn't have to that's right it's it's hypocritical I'm not kissing the ring I think you're right right you're with you're with so you're with your in my camp now all right all right so I'm going I'm not kissing right I'm not kissing me he comes down he stops in front of my mom well those are gonna be like this he goes he goes Gazzara blessing he starts to leave he comes back he stands there it looks light in her eyes and leans down looks in her goes you prayed for me you prayed for me he says do you pray for me and my mom's looking out like this like a lord girl he didn't even his hand was actually his hand learning about this for animal I'm he's he's actually get it going I'm buckled there you go I buckled like a on Sphynx I went down plate well that's great I'm sorry we don't have time to show the embarrassing videotape oh boy it's a great - yeah it's me and him from the marriage show well friend this has been fun am I am I done am i leaving am i hell good show it alright this is a Ted Williams moment this is you and I here's what it is you and I you soon week tape rolls I'm leaving the week wait I just did SNL recently I haven't done sketch company for a long time and Hugh and I were on a show them he was a very Tyler Moore variety show right like every Wednesday the choreographer would come in and teach us Michael and myself and the rest Joe asked how to dance Tony and the big number yes and it was the worst day of my life hardware an entire summer car Wednesday it would be we'd all go up to the big rehearsal room and we'd learn the big and this was serious oh they would bring in real real dollies and dance yeah yeah I didn't know yeah no you didn't I know I but you got in there but no yeah well I've committed you yeah no not me no you could hear his molars cracking yeah it was yeah it was unbelievably uncomfortable yes it was it was very it was a and I'll tell you it was something I've never told anybody before for a while the people at Saturday Night Live were nice enough to invite me to host that program sure and it was because of the experience that we had on Mary Tyler Moore variety show I said no dice no dice but he'd be greater oh man but yeah I remember all the horrible every third here comes and you think maybe they won't have enough yeah maybe it'll be a big dance number this week what were we thinking yeah I said yeah sure we'll dancing oh my god so so here's what I thought I thought all right I've never we've never done this it's been brought up on the show top lily and I big statement cover were not happy but I really want to do it and I thought you know what we could be for like a big sissies but this is not and go no no no we want to go out or we're Ted Williams and we say sure give me the bat I'm already right I'm always really obsessive sit out the same of a double aired for detectives 400 everybody up no no he goes up to the lake so it's that's where we're at right in other words when people see this yeah raise it and this is opening number of papers I know I haven't seen it I do remember there was one time when we dressed as the Village People he remember that and and we were we were dressed as a village for like days oh man alright welcome right back and see what he's got okay break1 tomorrow as day workings jungle jackhammer and john foggerty the Late Show is partnered with the World Food Programme to provide disaster relief today pow you can help visit WFP dot org slash Late Show make a donation today thank you alright ok this makes your staff so happy because they've been asking me to do this I said well I can tell everybody who's in Mary Tyler Moore yeah it was you it was me it was Jim Hampton yeah it was judging Shawn dick Jean Concord Swoosie Kurtz some very good writers yeah and Thomas J Tom Petri are really great and a family raised yeah yeah J Tarsus and hum Padgett yeah yeah yeah by the way honey you by the way I may get a text layer so if we're getting interrupted because like I said sometimes they text me you don't see that wow that's pretty I get he mentioned earlier they really text now more yeah so so I hasn't kid no you're not kidding I think he gets Batman yeah thanks by the way a lot of times it's just kids prankster prankster every now and then yeah your show up you'll get into a suit there's nothing really we all get him a ticket for like a crank call yeah no that's the show this room your staff is so happy about cause they've been wait how long is this thing last by the way alright 35 35 a terrible seconds you go ahead alright here we go this is me and him he and I isn't me and him yeah on he and I whatever is on bring it in for landing keep away god bless you my man thank you very much you
Channel: Andrew L
Views: 136,016
Rating: 4.8274002 out of 5
Keywords: Michael Keaton, David Letterman, Keaton, Letterman, Late Show, Late Show With David Letterman, 2015, April 28, Final Appearance, Mary Tyler Moore, Mary, Birdman, Oscar, Pope, The Pope
Id: f8G0tm4BMQs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 28sec (1348 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2015
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