Martin Short Canadian Lifetime Achievement Candy Award 2016

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well it is the time of the night for the Lifetime Achievement Award and boy this is going to be exciting because there are going to be two of the funniest people the Canada has ever produced and I'm not talking about Elwood Glover he will not be here is christopher plummer laughing did a joke for one person so now how exciting is this as we are going to witness Levy present a candy too short Eugene Lenny everybody well it is indeed an honor for me tonight to be presenting the CSA Lifetime Achievement Award to my oldest and dearest friend Marty short as its name please as its name implies this award recognizes a lifetime of exceptional work years and years and years and years and years of it it's an award that sugarcoats a cold hard fact when you reach a ripe old age as is the case with my dear friend Marty you could look back on your career and know that just because you're too old to do it anymore you now have a beautiful trophy that you can hold in your hand and say to yourself what a career I had and what a shame it's over and it's certainly fortunate for all of us tonight that my good friend Marty is touchwood in despite his age in good health and physically able to be here tonight to accept this very prestigious award the Lifetime Achievement Award you know when I met Marty back in Hamilton at McMaster University in 1970 frankly I was shocked he wasn't gay no other 22 year old male was doing a drop-dead impersonation of Katharine Hepburn opining the fragrance of calla lilies or doing Elizabeth Taylor just ordering it pizza or a pitch-perfect betty davis you know just a pepper a conversation or using the entire floor to glide into a Sonja Henie impersonation 1936 Norwegian figure skating champion Sonja Henie this was so not Hamilton to me marty was still writing his finals at McMaster in 1972 when I told them to come out and audition for the Toronto production of Godspell which he did and which he got and that was the beginning of Marty short in show business that did not take place in his attic with the tape recorder his early career here in Toronto was fully enveloped in musical theater before he discovered the second city where his most famous nerd with a point ed Grimley would be created Marty rolled in and out of musical productions like they were water each one of these shows in the 1970s becoming a rung on the ladder that would eventually take him to impressive heights like becoming the toast of Broadway 21 years later winning a Tony Award in the Drama Desk nomination for the goodbye girl a Tony nomination and a Drama Desk nomination for little me and a Drama Desk nomination for his own Broadway creation Martin Short Fame becomes me honestly if you haven't seen Marty on a Broadway stage you haven't seen anything in television after working with Marty for two insanely fun-filled seasons on SCTV in 1983 and 84 where he created two characters that could only have come out of his head the incomparable Jackie Rogers jr. and the incomprehensible Lawrence Orbach he was tapped to do Saturday Night Live in 1985 and it was there in that pressure cooker on a national stage doing live comedy every week that Marty's career really took off he became a household name and ed Grimley and Nathan therm became national obsessions a few years later he would again hit the airwaves with the Martin Short show and my all-time favorite half-hour in the history of television prime time Glick and while all this was going on he still managed to squeeze in a few iconic feature films like three amigos father of the bride Clifford Mars Attacks and most recently inherent vice to name a few the fact is Marty has done it all and I've only scratched the surface tonight we'd be here for three days if I had to go through his imbd to me in the world of comedy bar none there is no mind smarter no mind faster and no mind funnier than Marty short but then again I think he mentioned that in his book so why don't we all take a look at what he's been up to for the past 44 years this room here is the makeup loop when dreams are made and image realized what's happening to me from time start lab quality mmm well I tried to do the dope I can't pay for us what it is you loose money that we value your friendship Kalasha tamati oh oh Mars's offer you thought that alcohol i mean that's good isn't it you bet could I have another Cointreau in Saudi and could you send an almond torte over to the gentleman of the whites in the corner oh I can't believe it's a white Christmas I mean it couldn't be much more perfect I must say casual sex what are you talking about this this is like my best suit this is the greatest throw my life who is she men are mice what'll it be because of you every cop in the state is on my ass who do you want me to do cry I'm the kind of guy who bruises easily but heals fast one cow Hey give me a see a bouncy we laid a music papa ha ha I mean really what have I done to deserve this besides providing decades of quality entertainment past 60 is a miracle to me since my life began most I've had is just talent to Moo's hi Oh were all and then you have God ladies and gentlemen please welcome the 2016 CSA peon Marty short they're down No thank you so now is thank you very much just because I say thank you doesn't mean you have to stop applauding this is very decent of Marseille there's no question a lifetime achievement can be oh you should have I'm oh I'm so utterly overwhelmed by this and and I didn't even know I was sick and helping me to achieve this remarkable moment in my life there are so many people I must and should thank but the reality is I did it all myself now that's actually that's not true far from it as you can imagine it is somewhat daunting to try to determine whom to acknowledge when you're basically seeing your entire life presented before you between the forceps and the stone as the Canadian genius Joni Mitchell once put it please don't worry I'm going to keep this short because my uber driver is waiting and you know how testy Stephen Harper can get first of all let me thank the heavens for the family that I was born into there was a comedic break I'm telling you the spectacular shorts my parents Charles and all of them my hilarious siblings David Norah Brian and Michael in fact my brother Michael and I have written comedy together for over 30 years from SCT beyond and in fact this year Michael is nominated for two Canadian Screen Awards for the brilliant shits Creek put up but a proud little brother I am let me also say that I would not be standing here tonight without the guidance the patience and the endless love of my three children whose names are eluding me oh yes Katherine Oliver and Henry and for me there's nothing more rewarding than getting a deep tissue massage while glancing over and seeing one of your kids getting tutored in math and what I admire most about my children is that they've always understood the financial upside of faking a laugh for as we all know you simply must balance career and family unless that is you have an amazing unstoppable career and then of course who needs family they'll just get in the way of course there are myriad schoolteachers who guided me and Who am I kidding I paid no attention and school forget them um I would also like to thank miss Luba in whose winter garden dressing room I first became a man haha gee I never noticed what tiny hands I have om God Donald Trump is so right but here's a point and by the way here's the truth for over 40 years I've been lucky enough to work with some of the greatest comedic talents imaginable and can you imagine what it must have been like going into an office every day and working with the cast and writers of sctv Witter privilege what an honor so I thank them and particularly my dear friend Eugene Levy who it's true was the one who actually convinced me in 1972 when I was still a student McMaster University to perhaps give this show bids ting a try and last but never least I'd like to thank my beautiful wife Nancy Nancy guided me on every single step of my career and there was no one more supportive and no one wiser or funnier 36 years of bliss makes one happy creative fella in fact it was nan on our honeymoon who came up with the expression it's better to have loved to short the never to have loved at all so to my brilliant friends and my brilliant family and to the Academy of cinema and television and to our beloved country Canada which I believe is the most receptive to the arts of any country in the world I thank you so much for this great honor earlier this evening the Ted Rogers best feature-length documentary award
Channel: fivealex2014
Views: 450,587
Rating: 4.8581738 out of 5
Keywords: Martin, Short, norm macdonald, eugene levy, martin short
Id: lTdHzvoKmV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 49sec (949 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 26 2016
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