Mica Goes Missing! | Bratz Series Compilation

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[Music] so [Music] [Music] i mean awesome all right uh take five oh micah you so rock jade your cat is so styling and so perfect for my article on what your pet says about you sorry guys i've gotta run before my allergies turn my face into a big red swollen ball and i'm blinded by my watery eyes and bye chloe next up fine dining shoot we can't cha-chi still isn't here with micah's silver platter a matching dinner chair what's a chachi the owner of a gourmet pet food company he's launching a new line of fancy designer pet accessories and wants to be featured in our magazine just for pets sounds a little out there and i suppose you would eat your meals with a plastic fork no you brute sterling silver and monogrammed super stylin let's do it next week for the annual pet show hey i read about that dogs and cats are competing against one another this year for the first time you should enter my cool cat the winner gets 5 000 wow you could give it to my pet rescue group wow i guess i could don't count on it no mere animal will trump my journey this year oh no you'll just do they won't say that's right you look at your little first we've just got to be chachi in his miserable little mutt this year again especially after last year so help me mother of pink so on behalf of your thing magazine of which i am founder president and editor and reigning queen of fashion i rightfully accept royale's much dessert award at first place mother of pink no junior you stop that [Laughter] your last doggy like no prob right royale's won the last three years in a row this time it won't be so easy the judges are new so i might not be able to bribe them that is so unfair i want you to cat nap that bratzy feline at once and keep it until the show is over they've just left for lunch get it now here kitty kitty kitty here kitty kitty kitty yikes city will like never get her death from there wow check out all this neato stuff we've got like their own photography studio here get [Music] [Applause] all right fine i'm sorry i called you a spade now get her off [Music] looks like micah had a little accident no way pretty princess my cat does not make mistakes hey where is she here micah micah micah [Music] hey my allergy it's gone so is my mica [Music] we've just gotta find her cool cat don't worry we're gonna find her [Music] oh my gosh look at all these poor missing pets so far away from home separated from their mommies and daddies and wondering if they'll ever see their owners smiling faces again oh the pain the heartbreak weird what gives guys that was amy from my pet rescue group jade don't freak but amy says there's been a ton of pet nappings recently oh no what if they got micah what if she's in some dark hey no jumping to conclusions micah's stalin she's probably hanging with some tom cat [Music] i've got a orange chachi hi it's jade look there's been a bunch of pet nappings and now mike is missing and what oh no i am so sorry i will bye joanie's missing too what have i never seen micah again i never should have let mike out of my sight with all these catnappings going on cool cat it's not your fault you didn't know come on let's check the pound again [Music] kirsty where do you think they get that saying fight like cats and dogs hmm i think it's because dogs and cats like fight so much really let's see [Music] [Music] quit wasting time and get down here and fix my flat chop chop oh you're both fired [Music] my god [Music] oh sorry here you go hey that's micah's [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] chloe oh my gosh chloe are you okay [Music] wow this tire is like really stuck on here let's get this spare instead oh it's like so heavy come on [Music] fix my flat and i'll make it well well worth your while that's not just a flat somebody slashed your tire all done here's your reward come on girls that's it a copy of your thing magazines [Applause] think angel think what did he look like um kind of creepy i mean he was wearing these mirror sunglasses and dark hair and oh cool cat i wish i could describe him better i know he got a good look at me oh no what if he decides to come after me i'll have to join the witness protection program and change my name to rhonda and dye my hair in icky color and angel you're gonna be fine oh no he's coming to get me [Music] he's gone he's gone my darling royal you rotten little brats give me back my royal at once what are you talking about don't give me that my girls put her in the cage with that horrible cat of yours i mean you stole my micah give him back jade i didn't steal her i just barred her now give me my dog give me my cat i don't have her i don't have him liars this chill people someone else grab royale and micah it's true i saw the guy who took them micah's charm fell out of the cage when i was chasing him both your pets have been pet-napped [Music] [Laughter] i love it more than anything in this world even myself i've had my mica ever since she was a tiny kitten she's seen me through everything minis platform boots the corduroy craze she's my best accessory she sleeps on my bed every night and nuzzles my face i'd do anything to see royale's wagging little tail hear the sound of his pointy teeth as they gnash casey's nose we've gotta find them what are we waiting for jump jump uh you two are gonna work together since our animals were stolen together you know the people who made this pet blanket might have a customer list unfortunately their logo must be on the half that's missing high-end pet accessory i bet chachi knows who makes it let's show it to him [Applause] bertine can you drive any faster every second counts how dare you tell me how to drive this is my car and you will do as i say hey i don't work for you anymore remember spare me your excuses you are fired fired fired you will do as i say anyway [Music] later and let you scoop your thing on my daring pet rescue exclusive i don't think so all right fine but we do it my way [Applause] oh my little joey would just love this blanket if only i knew where to find one and no i so wish i could help i want to get that horrible horrible mr fat napper as much as you can this bed is so plush i can tell you really care i do i do [Music] [Music] well call us if you hear anything i will [Music] just as i predicted that was a total waste of my time number one joey's not missing his doggy bed was warm two he knows who made the pet blanket because he owns several of them three i found these on the floor oh royale sachi is the puppet let's go around the back [Music] maybe if we put up more posters guys i just got a message from jade she's the pet napper oh my gosh knowing jade she'll go in on her own i gotta get over there i'm getting the police here we go come on this place is filthy well i'd fire the cleaning crew if i were chachi what's this turn on the light someone's in here oh my gosh i hear [Music] them look there they are micah i've missed you so much i never want to let you go [Music] hello ladies so nice of you to drop in so soon why chachi unfortunately no one is buying my fabulous new line of pet accessories and i must win the pet show to promote it so i hired someone to pet nap julie's competition sorry but you two are dead meat or more precisely dog meat you're going to take a little trip through my food processor and voila it's off to shelves in the pet food section [Music] second jody [Music] oh [Music] [Music] so you want to be chopped liver too we'll see who's chopped [Music] oh come liver grab my hands [Music] now who's dog food [Applause] someone get me out of here very nice lovely synchronization let's hear it for royale and his owner virginia maxwell [Music] can you believe that bertine was like able to bribe all the judges again this year i know she's such a people person next up jade and her cat micah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ladies and gentlemen have you ever seen anything like this before excellent excellent routine and now a word from our finalist ladies if you win what will you do with five thousand dollar prize money i'm going to donate all my winnings to my friend yasmin's animal rescue group the pet protectors and miss maxwell i'm going to buy hundreds of pairs of new pink pumps i mean donate my reward to that pet rescue thing and the winner is huh i can't believe it for dean maxwell and royale there's gotta be a mistake thank you for coming to the obvious conclusion hey that checks made out to some charity not me but you said you'd donate the money if you won [Music] jaden mike smile cool cat micah only won second place but what matters is that yasmin's animal rescue group got their prize money and bratz matt got a rocking article what your pet says about you it just goes to show that even the worst of enemies can sometimes work together for a worthy cause let's hope it's only once [Music] [Laughter] okay people listen up time for the number one rockiness sleepover activity time to play truth or dare okay sasha you first truth or dare what's the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to you truth that's easy remember the time i announced the school dance competition listen up people we're gonna have a scorch and dance competition next week so get moving and groovin put a zip in your hip and glide in your stride [Laughter] not cool i'll never live that down jasmine your turn truth or dare how many boys have you ever kissed no way that's a secret between me and my diary dare dare i got one okay pretty princess i dare you to go to the mall in your pjs run up to eaton and ask him for a great big kiss [Music] will you give me a great big smoothie i did it hot not hot i chickened out yes man okay chloe truth or dare if we were in a burning building and you could only rescue one of us who would it be there's no way i'm gonna answer that then you have to do a dare are you sure this is the number one rock in a sleepover activity chloe fine dare hmm let me see i dare you to hmmm no way come on angel answer the question my name is chloe and i have a crush on cameron and i have a crush on cameron and i have a crush on cameron me too [Music] ew the two evils not cool i thought you guys went home uh we like changed our minds gee chloe i can't believe you like told the whole world that well it's only kind of true we're playing truth or dare and sasha made me say it can we play pretty pretty please okay fine but only if you two behave okay kirsty what's the super meanest thing you've ever done to casey that's like so easy it was a time i put like hair remover in her shampoo and she went bald ah you did that it took like forever for my hair to grow back i like so hate you i like so hate you more [Music] would you guys think i stopped now get off of her hey remember no blood on the carpet my mother will kill me last warning behave or you two are out of here for good [Music] casey truth or dare how many nose jobs have you had uh there [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Laughter] so like tell us about what your next bratz magazine is about oh okay so you bastard freaks have to like do a dare yeah do something like adventurous with casey wait you mean together yeah how come i have to do a dare because i'm the one who like made them up dipwad cameron's motorcycle have you lost it cameron would lick his tires before he let someone ride his bike i have to teach kirsty how to dance oh this game bites neo guys really like girls who can dance so i'm gonna be like so popular this is so not gonna be pretty get a picture of bardeen without her makeup [Music] [Applause] so i got this stuff that's been on all the major news shows lady marble face the makeup remover guaranteed to take off your makeup and all your ugly old wrinkles for dean won't be able to resist well i'm making a list of reasons cameron should let me ride his motorcycle number 34 everyone should experience the thrill of picking bugs out of their teeth at least once um maybe you should stop at 33. i've always wanted my hair to smell like pipe exhaust [Music] hey what are you doing in braden's car she sent me out to look for pink windscreen wipers but i couldn't find any hey get in we can like talk about our adventure dare [Music] [Applause] [Music] where people hang from ropes no bungee jumping hey look out [Music] i know let's jump up a mountain in one of those kite thingies no nothing that involves my feet leaving the ground oh my gosh watch it what about a desert survival what about me surviving right now pull over okay okay listen let's just do look rockin rock climbing adventures all skill levels try our super easy beginners course neato let's drive over and sign up can't we just [Music] yeah oh yeah uh-huh yeah pay attention i am trying to teach you something here whatever okay we're gonna start with the funky puppet now watch i can do that i've got rhythm not cool you gotta put your whole body into it get into the beat you know some people find it easier to dance if they move their feet i'm dancing i'm like a rapper like sorry okay again [Applause] i'm dancing look out like how is that ugh maybe we should start with something simpler hey cameron looks awesome can i help hey what are you doing no no you can't polish a fender with the seat rag that's like using vinyl touch-up spray to restore rubber tires what was i thinking it's just that i love this bike huh you hate motorcycles you're always ranting about how they're nothing but noisy polluted death traps that should be banned from the planet except this one it's so um styling i have the urge to get on it and go for a ride oh yeah okay no way no one rides my bike not even if i gave you 50 good reasons why you should let me huh forget all those other dances we're gonna try the robot nifty like how do you do it you just bend your elbows and hold your arms all stiff and move them real jerky like a robot watch [Music] hi jade look at me i'm like dancing hey watch it you could hurt somebody i'm getting out of here i only came for the camera not cool [Music] i uh gotta go wait wait we were just i was only how do i look i'll be straight with you you're showing every ounce of your talent thanks [Music] kirsty ever hear of a dance called head and shoulder knees and toes yeah i love that dance it brings back all these neato memories of eighth grade head shoulders knees and toes knees and toes head shoulders shoulders knees and toes knees and toes [Music] girls mother of pink where are my interns the reigning queen of fashion does not answer her own door [Music] and what are you doing here the mail carrier made a mistake and left this at our door a package for me you may go now [Music] to your thing magazine with our compliments yes a freebie oh lady marvel face i've heard about this it's the makeup remover that takes 10 years off your face [Music] oh my gosh this is too hard i can't go on i'm not gonna die ah mommy come on casey you can do it we're gonna make it to the top go higher than anyone's ever gone before set a record show the world that you can climb every mountain and still be super styling we'll be in all the magazines maybe even on the news oh so we're gonna be like famous yes come on casey let's go for it reason number 46 why you should let me ride if all the world's leaders went for a ride together there'd be no more wars ah look yasmin you've never even sat on a bike before that's not true watch see i know my way around a bike i can even make the noise turn off the engine turn off the engine i can't i can't i don't know how help me just turn the keys switch it off save me oh my gosh god [Music] ten years younger my pumps oh this is a ridiculous waste of my valuable time hmm perhaps i need to rub harder huh ow my skin it's red oh mother of pink i'm allergic oh what was that the flash i forgot to turn it off who is in there i demand you show your face at once good thing looks can't kill maybe i spoke too soon oh my gosh i can't go any further we need to like find a place to rest or we'll die up here and starve and get frostbite and our toes will turn black and be all unsightly and then we'll slowly freeze to death and maybe be buried under an avalanche so deep that even those cute labradors can't sniff us out and then a hundred years from now then find my box and wonder who's that skeleton with a really cute outfit there's like so much that i've ever got to do i'll never find all the hidden ponies in that cereal box game or see what my nose job comes out like look there's a ledge over there well whoop-dee-doo for the ledge we need a place to rest let's try and get to the ledge and rest there oh what like i need no idea oh no i can't wait there's an avalanche oh that is so unlikely you treacherous little bratz girl you come back here and give me that camera help it's going to blow up oh i hate these things don't make any sudden movements okay if anything happens to my bike oh thank you thank you for saving my life yasmin you don't have to shout anymore the engine's off what you don't have to ah here let me help you off i really thought that was it i saw my whole life go down the drain oh cameron oh you poor poor baby i thought i was never gonna see you again in one piece [Music] i can't climb any higher me neither we're gonna have to turn around and climb down climb down i can't climb down to climb down i will have to look down and if i look down i will lose my grip and fall but we can't stay here it'll be dark soon and we won't be able to see anything but these creepy eyes staring at us and then i'll feel something nibbling on my ankle and that something will be the abominable snowman help help help [Applause] [Music] hey i just got a reader letter from dana awesome dear chloe hope you're running for president again this year stiles high needs someone who is smart caring and styling like you love your fan dana chloe i know i know i can't have everything dear dana i'd love to but with keeping up my grades and all my mag responsibilities i'm way too busy to run this year hi i'm kirsty and i'm casey we're like running for president and vice president of styles high and we like totally want your vote since when do the tweevels care about styles high since like never hi there hi guys i like so like your shirt there's like nothing we love more than the way our fellow students look totally and to prove it our daddy will give free nose jobs to everyone so vote for us and we'll like fight for you every day hey that was my line woefully amateurish but i suppose it gets the point across what on earth are you girls doing trying to burn some calories the camera adds 10 pounds and they used like two cameras on our commercials so that's a total of 20 pounds you mindless morons start passing out bumper stickers so that you two can win the election and squash the brats once and for all now chop chop i'm dylan and i'm here to turn this school around cut get it 360 turn the school around the only thing that slogan turns is my stomach [Applause] ready action i'm supposed to say that so vote for the hottest sexiest and most styling candidate on the ballot dylan the man with the plan what's your plan anyway use my office to get more chicks so dude what's our next order of business uh ask chloe to be your running mate yeah right good luck i know she's got more experience with student government than me but she's gotta say yes i mean who can resist the dylan charm don't answer that anyway i've got an excellent shot at prez and not just because i'm the only one running little help here [Music] oh so did you like see our commercial unfortunately so what will you do if you're elected um like presidential stuff hey old birthdays i mean burdeen never told us we'd actually have to do stuff if we won casey chutney upnay bradine what does she have to do with this nothing [Music] [Music] like like like like like like [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] hey hi i'm kirsten i'm kai i'm kirsty chloe yeah [Laughter] [Music] oh i'm running for class president i've got 15 minutes to sign up i know i said i'd work on the mag but this is major major league major if anyone has a problem speak now or forever hold your peace yo then what are you standing around for as your new campaign manager i say move those angel feet and sign up speechwriter image consultant go campaign rule number one you gotta have a great team in place sweet hey chloe got a sec can't deal right now [Music] just made it sorry dylan okay what's up i was gonna ask you to run as my vice president instead of running against me uh-oh the plot just thickened [Applause] like how much longer are we gonna have to be nice to people until we like win you bonehead but all this smiling is like so totally exhausting okay guys let's hit it chloe's got the smarts chloe's got the heart chloe is the candidate who set the school apart from chloe chloe campaign rule number two just cause it's politics doesn't mean it can't be fun [Music] you guys rock with all your help this will be a walk down the runway one more time chloe's got the smarts chloe's got the heart chloe is the candidate who'll set the school apart casey like what are you doing cheering for chloe i like so always wanted to be a cheerleader you couldn't cheer your way out of a paper bag well you [Music] about this mother of pink she isn't she it is i hate democracy very well i can deal with a little competition girls it's time for you to get ugly you nincompoops [Music] vote for dylan field man for class prez chloe for class president vote chloe [Music] hey people listen up i've got something to tell you all let me tell you all how i'm gonna catch my vote i'm going with the candidate who really rocked the boat so if you want to change the school and shake the status quo chloe is the only name you'll ever need to know wow all right cute little cheer guys gee glad you approve look chloe you're my friend and i care about you i don't want to see you humiliated excuse me tell you what i'm gonna do i'm gonna spare you the nightmare of a landslide defeat by letting you hop on board my winning team as vp sorry dylan not a chance fine have you your way and may the best man win hey thanks and i do mean man hey chloe can we ask you some questions you know like candidate to candidate uh sure so like what's some of the stuff you do if you became like president well i'd raise money for new computers a better science lab and uh style the new gym uniforms then i'd show everyone well who cares about that junk excuse me that junk happens to be important students aren't just gonna yeah yeah what would you like do for the students well one of my mottos is express yourself so i would make sure everyone has a say in student government oh fascinating go on yeah i mean you see it's not just about me i want to win so i can make the school a better place for everyone else what's this for well that ought to do it thanks for sharing [Music] like why do you think dean wanted us to do this interview and sure my opponent chloe may seem nice i mean we've all seen her help old ladies cross the street but what happens to them after she gets them to the other side nothing he's way behind in the polls he thinks doing an attack head will help his numbers so i ask you my fellow students does this look like the face of a candidate you can trust well [Music] dude this was the most untrustworthy photo you could find you know what dee i don't want to do attack ads find another director i'm voting for chloe this is all your fault attention attention me and casey have a new neato commercial to show you this will be nasty students aren't important what's important is me i want to win so i can show i'm better than everyone else opinions depicted were edited for clarity paid for by students for a pinker tomorrow well what do you think i think you better get ready to get your butt kicked because my girl chloe isn't gonna take this line down are you chloe chloe i just want to lie down and pull the covers up over my head and drink my mother's chicken noodle soup and never run for anything ever again okay here's what we do counter-attack we'll expose the ad for what it is a cheap dirty trick and launch an assault of our own already wrote a speech for chloe to give saying that the tweevels lied i'm working on a campaign highlighting chloe's charity work self-interested egomaniacs do not volunteer in soup lines there's our girl chloe chill we haven't even begun to fight back sasha it's no use i just cannot go on like this the whole school hates me and i've never been really hated before i mean except by berdine i'm a total outcast i might as well grow a word on my chin and move to a cobblestone hut in some medieval village where the angry villagers can help me with sticks and stones chloe come on we're your team we'll get you through this we've already planned your comeback you can't let the tweevels get away with this it's not fair to you or the school sorry guys but it's too late i've already resigned but chloe [Music] [Music] vote for kirsty and casey vote for the candidates who like like you [Music] hey chloe so how's the campaign going oh that's right you dropped out what a loser think fast chloe is out and you're in i've seen the future girls and it's coming up pink [Music] stop it [Music] sorry but i got so carried away i mean you should have like seen chloe's face when we played your anti-chloe commercial yeah and she was like yeah she was like it doesn't matter what matters is that my plan is working so like what is your plan once you're in office your first order of business is to provide free copies of your thing magazine to everyone and ban bratz from the premises oh and that's just for starters that's genius oh by the time i'm done your thing will have completely captured the ever elusive youth market and those little bratz and their rag of a magazine will be finished once and for all oh my gosh i'm back we can see that i mean i'm back in the race bertine and the tweevel set us up there's no time to explain team we've got some major work to do yes [Music] [Applause] brainstorm alert let's run together as co-presidents really yeah come on we have work to do uh one problemo last night i realized that you actually care about the issues and i was only running for selfish reasons like impressing chicks important reasons but selfish ones so i was do not say you dropped out of the election only a loser would drop out i resigned so here's what we gotta do collect 100 signatures to get chloe's name back on the ballot figure out a way to show everyone the tweet was commercial was a fake and come up with one killer speech to give it the debates and we've got three hours to do it [Music] i want to win so usually commercials bore me but i never get tired of this one [Music] we'll destroy chloe and her goody two-shoes reputation so that you'll never run for anything ever again yeah well i was like really looking forward to the debate and i was like gonna give this big speech and be all vote for me and stuff but since like i'm running unopposed why bother excuse me excuse me may i have your attention please eaton if you would be so kind as to roll the tape this is the dark force behind the tweevel's campaign we'll destroy chloe and her giddy t-shi's reputation so that you'll never run for anything ever again yeah sasha photoshop [Music] [Applause] [Music] stop the tape we don't need to stoop to their level kirsty let's debate first question from the audience please uh chloe what's the biggest problem facing styles high today lack of funds we need to raise money to update our labs our libraries and our school uniforms kirsty your turn like the lighting in the girls bathroom is like so totally bad i mean like yesterday i was trying to apply my lip liner and it like came out all crooked she looked like such an idiot you're like calling me an idiot you're so dumb you thought you had to have a vice to be vice president i mean other than nose-picking you know i really care about the future of styles high and i believe that you deserve a class president who will do what's best for you and the school who's not afraid to take a stand who won't back down from a fight even if it makes her unpopular campaign rule number four practice what you preach in conclusion you don't need a crystal ball to see a silent future you just need to vote for me thank you [Applause] chloe is a candidate who set the school apart but chloe [Applause] [Applause] [Music] dear chloe i want to run for president of styles high next year can you tell me what it takes love your number one fan dana dear dana it takes believing in yourself and putting the needs of others before your own and don't forget a scorching team and a super styling running mate let's party so that's how it happened if you want to know more check out my article in the latest issue of bratz it's called how to run for school president [Music] hey oh my gosh hey my wallet's in there [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh no my wallet it's gone [Music] the good news is i got all my stuff back i mean except my allowance guess i won't be shopping at the mall for a while that's awful man no way would i have let that dude get away i would have pounded his face into the ground hey jasmine just didn't let the guy get away she was on it hi everyone i've got a special announcement to make as your reigning school president i'm declaring this styles high's very first it's not about me week gag me go chloe hey so i want everyone to reach out to someone else and do something awesome to help them let's make a really rocking difference in the lives of others bring sunshine where there's rain hope where there's despair and styling platforms where there are icky old sneakers so guys what do you think of my idea stylin scorchin jammin hot i already know what i'm gonna do teach yasmin karate so she can beat up muggers thanks i'll pass deal what do you know about karate anyway excuse me i've only seen about 50 bruce lee movies not cool rock hey how's it going those are some stomach muscles you got there you could be a um linebacker or a wall i'm gonna squash you like a bug oh god he didn't mean to hit you stop oh yeah who's gonna make me look i'm warning you you're warning me huh what a joke hey i've seen every bruce lee movie too rock i'm sorry but i did try to warn you dylan you are dead me as soon as i can walk again so i'm volunteering at k nice radio's teen hotline and i start tonight cool i'm doing double duty at my pet rescue group yeah well you guys are lucky i gotta teach the worst student in driver's ed to drive request of the principal oh that's so bites so what's your project cool cat no hairstyle and nothing no toe ring and nothing he still won't even look at me what's wrong with me i think i just found it roberta roberta how can i get him to ask me out maybe if i got a new tattoo i don't think so even if i made it a rat um no hey how about a makeover you could be my project for it's not about me week chloe hey oh pretty princess you are so not going to believe who i have to work the teen hotline with i can't believe i like have to do this lame-o job with you okay girls this is it you know what to do i'm like kirsty and i'm chloe welcome to teen hotline let's hear from our very first caller hi how can we help i just found out my boyfriend's been cheating on me with my best friend oh that's terrible how could they do that to you you must be so hurt and confused oh the pain the suffering oh want get me a violin you deserve so so much better move on and find someone else who's capable of being faithful and loving and kind or at least like throw a brick through his windshield a guy who loves sunsets oh and walks on the beach stop you're making me puke um sucker girl like here's what you do tell everyone that your best friend's got these like really gross underarm zits and then like spray paint boil butt all over her car yeah she can't do that like sure she can it's easy all she needs is a spray can but that's so wrong you've got to talk to your friend hi how can i help you i like really messed up my father's car and i'm afraid to tell him ditch the car across town and tell him it was stolen that way you can blame it on the car thief kirsty are you crazy if he lies about the car being stolen he could go to jail give me my give me the mic i'm not finished yet give me [Music] dead meat man when i get my hands on dylan god guys this is bad real bad guess who my driving student is [Applause] yeah and then when i found out that you were gonna be my driving instructor i said no way and he said like yes way casey quit talking keep your eyes on the road watch out calm down okay i know what i'm doing i mean like you first think kirsty telling me what to do [Applause] you don't have to yell you know i can't really hear you so how would you describe your style um black leather spikes you know kind of like the girl next door got it roberta it's morphin time ragin that guy in crushin on won't even talk to me so do whatever you want turn me into a blonde fashion doll if you have to [Music] yasmin meet the new roberta [Music] so what do you think super stylin i look like you um not quite now are you ready to rock the world [Music] or maybe after we go over a few things just say look ferret face stuff it you can't say that to your teacher you'll get expelled and then you'll never graduate or get a good job and when you're 30 you will wonder where your life went [Music] roberta you gotta lose the gum not cool okay you're on a date guys love to talk about themselves so start by asking him a question um does food ever get stuck in your tongue stud ew hi my cat died today get a new one next you didn't give me a chance to reply we're supposed to be helping people cat girl if you want to talk call me on my cell at 5550124 you are like such an idiot now all these losers are going to be like calling you in the middle of the night talk to me i do not like being called a loser you're not a loser you're seeking advice to improve your life so like what's your problem well no one likes me loser lose our lives don't you dare hang up on him what break it cry baby loser what did i tell you about keeping your eyes on the road no radio no talk just focus you are like so bossy drive this parking lot it looks so boring i want to go in the freeway oh forget it we're staying right here in this [Applause] [Music] dylan man when i find him that is so sad that would happen [Music] excuse me chloe have you seen dylan lately relax dylan it's only me i knew that you're not still hiding from rock me no way not me um hand me that menu enough already how's about i teach you a little self-defense you teach me yeah right someone can start hit the brakes wow this is like such a blaster reel [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] forever oh i'm cold i'm calm i am so lucky chloe i gotta tell you it's not about me week tanks i couldn't teach that table to ride a scooter angel how's your it's not about me project it's great our audience is up 30 percent that's awesome i know it's really slamming if only i could just stop thinking about those poor callers oh poor little lisa all the kids just keep teasing her about her mustache how about you [Music] well i'm stoked about my project i've turned a biker chick into a biker chick roberto what happened you ruined my life that's what happened that dude i was crushing on said he hated the new me and the only reason he didn't ask me out before was because he thought i was too hot for him now he says i'm too stylish and stuck up like i'm so miserable i hate you what was i thinking how could i have been so wrong don't worry cool cat i am so here for you you just sit down and tell me all about it what if rock attacks me oh paul leave if rock attacks from the front fend him off with your feet watch now you try got it [Music] [Music] oh since you are incapable of listening i am going to show you how to drive but i want to drive no way never again this car is my parent's prized possession if i get one scratch on it i'm dead dead get it no more gone so shut up don't say a word just sit there and don't move think you can manage that yeah oh my gosh stop shut up [Music] oh just let me add him dylan i wish you just gave up this whole idea of fighting rock oh no way i'm gonna make him wish he never crossed the deal man say your prayers dil man [Music] hey you you stole my purse [Music] dylan you nailed him you nailed him awesome how'd you do it i don't know it all happened so fast you want a piece of me too uh no man we're cool so where do you learn karate dude i was born to kick butt hey jade roberta i'm so sorry i messed things up with that guy you like hey it's cool at least that freaky makeover got his attention he's decided i must be wacko so he asked me out slamming yo rock express yourself girlfriend pull over now you hear me you can't make me you can't make me [Music] [Applause] after all he is your brother give him another chance fill his snickers with rotten eggs like what's your problem like i've got this boxy driver except that she's in the front seat and she's like a total control freak i mean watch out give me the phone i mean like totally casey oh like how did you know it was may well if i were you i'd tell miss bossypants to like walk already you are going down my my temper temper oh my gosh is that you bunny boo [Music] [Applause] [Music] don't hurt me awesome angel your show made headlines auto accident unfolds on teen hotline radio not awesome i'm banned from my parents car for three months oh bunny boo that's terrible sit down and tell me all about it chloe sorry force of habit okay so not about me week wasn't the best idea i had a school president but at least we got a scorching magazine article out of it [Music]
Channel: Bratz
Views: 1,294,543
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bratz, bratzillaz, bratz episodes, bratz dolls, bratz toys, toys, toy, videos for kids, kids videos, cartoons for kids, cat, pet show, lost, truth or dare
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 59sec (4619 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 27 2019
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