Pretty Fly... for a Spy | Bratz Series Compilation

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all right [Music] hey guys i have a riddle what makes working day and night at fashion magazine all worthwhile fame nope fortune free samples bingo the style convention had a little something for everyone like this briefcase for the working girl who wants a little more girl in her work what's in there anyway everything you need for a little professional self-pampering mascara oh lipstick ooh angel you'll like this as for the briefcase sorry it's all mine thanks cool cat mmm sweet yet spicy it's swicey by kelvin kind and the sales rep said to try it this way now walk into it even spicier i don't know whether to flounce or strut byron what are you doing here shh quiet they're out there are you being chased by bad guys again of course i am and as usual i've eluded them unfortunately i've made a grave mistake you smell terrible precisely that's the last time i hide in a dustbin outside the sushi factory try this [Music] brilliant idea here they come so anyway like then i'm all uh-huh and he's all no oh and i'm all as f and he's all whatever and that's how i got dad to raise my allowance oh i wish i was good with words yeah well like ew i think ugly creeps anonymous meets on the first floor yeah and if i wanted the heebie-jeebies i would have picked some up from the heebie-jeebie store [Music] that's right go on shoo [Music] and like stay out anyway more allowance is nice but for like the big box look at this the national inquisitor is offering a thousand dollars for photos of mysterious phenomena [Music] weird stuff like the amazing beaver boy and this microscopic alien spaceship while those things shouldn't be too hard to find we can take our own pictures duh that's where we're gonna borrow burning's camera come on by the end of the day we'll be rich there you two are berdine we wanna borrow your camera excellent bring it tonight we might want a record of the proceedings don't forget the secret rendezvous i'll contact you with a definite time whatever you do don't let anybody know especially those brats what was that all about the super top secret thing remember a scheme so extraordinary that no one must ever know of it who's mummy mummy's bestest riddle kisser yes you are yes you are it seems those paragons of pink have frightened my pursuers away that won't last for long who's after you yeah and what's in your case this case contains top secret government property no that case contains makeup it's mine oh right you are this case contains the results of a 20-year long scientific research project those men are drovakian agents and they'll stop at nothing to get their hands on it well now that they know you're in the building won't it be kind of hard to just walk out with yeah those two chumps will grab it in no time yes although it won't matter if it's the wrong case will it no you can't take my case i just got that it's all for the good of democracy jade meanwhile watch that keep it safe and whatever you do don't open it oh but cheerio oh great so what do we do with it i don't know leave it there yes unopened just like byron said would be interesting to know what's in it seems he owes me at least that much yeah well too bad we'll never know yeah sure oh absolutely [Music] i've gotta know but byron said i know angel i heard him too but think about it what if byron took his own briefcase by mistake yes this could be mine it's our civic duty to be sure he got it right go on cool cat pop it open oh i have a bad feeling about this it's like that story of pandora and she opens her box and all the sorrows get released into the world what if it's full of sorrows or tribulations or bees or [Music] perfume for spies huh 20 years of research it must be some sweet smelling stuff oh let's check it out but guys oh it's just a spritz they'll never even miss it [Music] boy that's one subtle fragrance so subtle it smells like nothing huh oh my gosh jade sasha it doesn't just smell like nothing it looks like nothing and so do you where are you ow that's my eye your eye you're just an eye now no i i i think the rest of me is here where right next to you you can't see me either no jade ow my foot but what happened to you guys oh my gosh that spray it made us invisible oh what if it never wears off we'll be stuck like this forever can you imagine my wedding day here comes the bride think settle down cool cat there's gotta be an antidote ha look stealth compound number 56 no antidote say what well at least you'll never have to worry about zits again ow that's so not funny well don't take it out on me i told you not to open that case hi angel i'm back from the mall yasmin did that cushion just stagger across the room and knock over the sofa not exactly joe bless you what's going on here where'd that sneeze come from where are jade and sasha yeah about that what would you think if i told you that they were in this room but you couldn't see them because they were sorta kinda invisible i'd say that's ridiculous there's no such thing as invisibility huh [Music] you better believe it we are out of sight you know cool cat now that we're stuck this way i'm starting to think maybe it's not all that bad yeah it's kind of fun and think about it we have a power that no one else has had in the history of the world no sense letting it go to waste come on uh guys where'd you go oh the hallway [Music] someone did the same to you [Music] and the mountain icon thingy means far away but what's this little lightning bolt thingy [Music] do it again again as f you're going to wear out the flashing bobber do you see what i see bunny boo two giant pink suckers so wait wait guys you cannot prank the tweevels yeah it's bad enough messing with your friends pranking your enemies you're just asking for trouble hmm you're right and that's exactly why we've gotta prank them let's go keep an eye out for something amazing look it's the yeti that's mr baba zooby with his shirt off ew [Music] [Music] would be easier my eyes are getting bored hey give me that back i take the pictures then why'd you give the camera to me i didn't give it to you you took it did not camera steeler taker backer hey laparator ventriloquist mother of pink you two stop fighting she started it i don't care now listen up here's the time for our super secret meeting eight o'clock 777 flamingo terrace apartment queue eight o'clock 777 flamingo terrace apartment queue keep it down you mega mods i've been planning this for far too long to have you ruin it now don't worry your secret is safe with us what secret ow if all goes well we'll finally be able to enjoy life as it should be prim pink and free of those awful brats [Applause] let's go buy some lip gloss great they're gone can you stop fooling around now are you kidding we just got started they're having a secret meeting with a devious plan something big something worrisome and we're gonna find out what it is oh i'm okay i'm all right nothing to worry about i can't believe you wasted the whole afternoon waiting in the shoe department it was the size 15 aisle where else is bigfoot gonna buy shoes just because it says monster sale doesn't mean monsters show up bernie maxwell like it's us there you two are good stop bunny boo thanks cool cat sasha hey guys we're in the building what is it i don't know it's a sinister place i don't like the looks of it no communications from here on out or will blow our cover if you don't hear from us soon the address is 777 flamingo terrace apartment q be careful nothing to worry about bunny boo out now what do we do i guess we wait we wait for what byron you're back not before i led my two drovakian friends on a wild goose chase of course and accidentally dropped my secret briefcase down a sewer drain for them to fetch and uh speaking of briefcases [Music] ah well done ladies the international security agency is in your debt if someone had got their hands on the contents of this case there's no telling what trouble it might have caused well um actually oh don't tell me you opened the case not us it was jade and sasha i told them not to but they did it anyway and now they're invisible and first they were freaked but then they thought it was funny and now they're spying on some super secret meeting spying what time do they spray themselves with a formula i don't know a little afternoon but it's eight o'clock and so so the formula only lasts eight hours any minute now they'll become visible [Applause] [Music] are you alone no we're with each other hello you don't have to push i didn't push ow why'd you kick me i didn't kick you ow well now i did all right we're in we've got a passion for crashing girls welcome to my apartment mother of pink it looks just like her office i beg your pardon wasn't me listen up girls because tonight is the night we shut out the world and we enact the glorious plan i've prepared for all these weeks [Music] prepare yourselves [Music] who wants a waxing who wants a pedicure [Music] that's right it's our first ever super secret ultra pink twin power appreciation fest we're twins and so are you tonight is the one night i choose to ignore insipid remarks like that oh thank you verdane just don't let it out that i was nice to you it'll ruin my reputation all right sis get out the foot pumice time to scrape each other's calluses while we watch fried green magnolias not so fast bernice we are the ghosts of design and fashion [Music] hear our words and you must abandon the color pink embrace earth tones and another thing you [Music] [Applause] [Music] like how did they get in here who cares the movie can't wait till later girls we're starting things off with a makeover no no no no no apartment queue here it is open up no telling what's happened by now step aside i'll pick the lock good gosh what have they done to you we've been pinked you poor dear girls bye girls like have a nice evening thank you so much for dropping by finally i've gotten the upper hand on those measly meddlesome rats [Laughter] and we finally got a truly amazing picture looks like joke is on bratz girls eh moral to story is don't spy not unless you're professional like us [Music] [Music] oh my gosh that's the second jewel theft in less than 24 hours my gut says this is just the beginning i've got to hide all my bling bling i heard the thief left no clues my dangly chandelier earrings with the pretty crystals and could strike again at any time and my lucky charm bracelet with a silver skateboard and 14 karat gold angel the hotel is offering a 10 000 award for the jewels returned and my rhinestone toe ring and ten thousand dollars guys we have a case to crack [Music] suspect numero uno damon self-described billionaire playboy is into fast boats fine foods and revolting women ew damon was hanging near the crime site when the theft occurred anyone warped enough to hook up with radine is warped enough to steal he's mine suspect two nigel forester ninth duke of lessex oh what did i ever see in him i'd like to know the answer to that question recently bankrupt royal needs cashola and therefore has a motivation and besides we don't like him let me adam byron powell reality show whiz kid closet jewel thief or both also in the vicinity at the time of the crime dylan your brain is so fried byron would so never do such a thing and i'll prove it suspect number four gertrude the hotel masseuse with a gentle touch of a fork left you know she's probably got room access and i did not like the way she was checking out my bling when i was getting a massage people she's mine your mission guys since you've decided to accept it is to catch the jewel thief red-handed should you be captured or killed i will disavow any knowledge of your existence and get first dibs on your cds goodbye dylan [Music] i can't believe her dean is like making us work i know you think with all her money she'd be like able to hire someone to do our work for us maybe she's like secretly broke because practically no one reads your thing magazine and she like already spent all of her savings on those ugly pink pumps and bad plastic surgery yeah she's probably the one who's been stealing all the jewelry so she can pay for another facelift yeah we should like turn her in and collect that ten thousand dollars yay and then like start our own magazine yeah we can call it k after kirsty no my name k after casey wait we're like gonna have to get proof but like how [Music] gather on the case is [Music] so come on [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] because we always do um [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes you're sure it was byron yes although i can hardly believe it either there's got to be an explanation so let's just ask him no way if he isn't the thief we offend him if he is we tip him off we're on to him i say we search his room for definite proof and if we find the diamonds then we have no other choice but to turn him in byron there you are may we join you please well actually i'm in a bit of a hurry this will just take a sec see chloe has this awesome idea for a reality show the two in one miracle stick it pushes back cuticles and opens hotel doors let's get moving before byron gets back [Music] wait i've got another idea it's called extreme truth or dare you dare someone to go on a blind date wearing bright green polyester chloe that's so cruel then the guy turns up an orange kilt see he's in on the gag oh there's something in here [Music] then how about this one you leave six girls stranded in a mall with just one credit card between them chloe your ideas are absolutely positively the worst for tv shows i've ever heard now if you'll excuse me but wait chloe please show some mercy guys you're on let's do it this bracelet must be worth a fortune this is so not looking good for our man hey yes got it on his way back come on let's [Music] go do you say a reality show called hotel football huh no no no now out of my way you insufferable frat boys i order you to cease and desist this instant okay so american football is not your thing um how about look i've absolutely positively had it with you and your cohorts ridiculous ideas would you please leave the ideas to the professionals and speaking of leaving would you delinquents kindly exit my room and leave me bay dude why didn't you say so come on cameron let's go jane and sasha aren't in there oh what a relief we're gonna get something to eat catch you guys later what are you doing trying to listen in on byron's phone conversation everything is going just as planned wait let me write this down yep i think so too this is going to be our biggest hit yet 9-1-1 tweeval alert well well what do you know miss getty two-shoes yasmin is eavesdropping i was not or two or two you guys are like such amateurs yeah when we eavesdrop we like know enough to use like a laugh yeah or a stethoscope you put it up against the door then maybe you can hear this what on earth do you two miscreants think you're doing go away you really think byron who the tools out here he said they weren't in the hotel where else could they be hey guys byron may have stashed the diamonds in the camping area so we're gonna go check it out later i wonder what jade and sasha are byron you are unmistakably breathtakingly dashing ugh i thought he'd never leave no forgot my we are so busted chopped up with my new tiara damon's going to be here in two hours for our date and i'm not even half ready yet so um burdeen like you know when those jewel thefts occurred like where were you let's see i believe i was having my mustache wax wait what business is it of yours shine shine guilty with a capital q so like how long are you gonna be out tonight let's see dinner dancing marriage proposal wait why are you asking me all these interminable questions because we like need to know how long you're gonna be no reason what if that bear comes back i think he's still mad at me for plucking his whisker during the survival competition don't worry i'll tempt him away with my honey face mask worked a few days ago it'll work again oh my gosh hmm my guess is it doesn't belong to the bear diamonds hello girls may i help you [Music] funny you don't look like room service and you don't look like a jewel thief but looks are so deceiving have you absolutely positively lost your senses yasmin saw you swipe a diamond necklace from a hotel room oh that i can explain i have a new reality show to catch a thief and i've come to capture world-renowned jewel thief damon van doren damon what yasmin saw was me replacing real diamonds with fakes if damon suddenly skips town i could be in trouble for letting him escape with the actual jewels right and you just happen to carry around fakes get enough to fool damon and the victims no way this is fake wrong i had it made last week the possible victims were happy to let my staff copy their pieces in exchange for the once in a lifetime chance to appear on my new television show ah people are such attention freaks so would you girls be interested in helping me catch a thief huh will we be on your show all right girls this should keep you until i return for my date now remember one move and you'll set off the motion detector which will in turn release the arrow latch but what if i have hiccups well then your little friend gets heartburn like she's never had before ciao ladies [Music] oh pretty princess this is the end we'll never see bunny boo or cool cat again or go to our senior prom or graduate or return that dvd and the late fights will go through the roof and my parents calm down you'll move and set off the motion detector now come on we've got to figure a way out of here right right oh if only we were wearing arrow proof vests although they'd probably be really tacky looking oh that's it tacky looking arrow proof vests no my necklace the silver medallion is like armor if i can get it over my heart without setting off the motion detector we can trigger the arrow and get out of here so tell me more about you well i had a very rough childhood my father was sick depressing tell me more about your houses well my villa in italy they just sat down come on let's search the room for the jewels yeah people i'm worried chloe and yasmin don't just disappear they're not at the pool but if you're looking for damon he's at the restaurant with burdine at least they're getting what they both deserve jake let's tell damon if he has anything to do with chloe and yasmin's disappearance he'll lead us to them girls damon is dangerous and more than likely armed are you sure you're up to it totally okay then i'll stake out by dean's room in case the gruesome twosome returns dylan cam keep searching the hotel for yasmin and chloe got it my is that donald trump where oops i was wrong my mistake now where were we oh yes how many bank accounts do you have offshore or onshore oh is that your dime yes look it's royale my baby he's supposed to be with my good-for-nothing interns come on we've got to find him oh if one hair on his precious little head is hurt i'll have those insufferable girls hung by their toenails on second thought it wasn't royale it was a puddle i mean a poodle please sugar sit down enjoy your coffee you must be mad i only drink non-fat hot soy decaf cappuccino waiter don't ever hear it once i remove this sludge ugh hurry up you weigh like a ton do you see any jewelry um i'm looking hello thanks a lot casey i miss like a really important call [Music] get off of me dork monkey we're like never gonna find those jewels or get a 10 000 reward or start our own magazine i mean we've looked like everywhere except in her car dean and damon must have already left oops forgot to turn my cell phone back on hey there's a message it's from chloe they're checking out the camping area let's go yeah maybe we should like check the trunk again uh casey why are the trees moving may i invite you in to show you my astonishing collection of pink pumps i thought you'd never ask [Music] mother of pink i've been robbed [Music] [Music] my one-way ticket to the retirement planet of the filthy rich damon isn't it just the man i wanted to see actually now is not a good time oh why that looks just like gold [Music] let's see building maintenance get him out of this [Music] okay i'm ready yes are you sure this is going to work we have no choice one two three oh it got me yes no talk to me psych [Music] come on let's go quick inhale into a size zero [Applause] not so fast ladies [Music] these heels are just murder on the feet [Music] [Music] we are super psyched to see you you know what are you doing here me this is my room get out out out i can't it's stuck well i'm stick at you miserable crew magnum ah my rhinestone tiara is gone you stole it give it back you thief i didn't touch it [Music] wow ten thousand dollars for catching damon and all we had to do was risk our lives girls once again i commemorate you on a job well done what are you gonna do with the reward money buy some diamonds not funny actually we're going to donate our award money to the q hotel wilderness program for city kids excellent oh oh my precious wishes oh no it's the abominable pig woman may your heart never break like mine mother of pink my car what happened to my car no one leaves this hotel until i get an answer mystery solved damon did 15 to 20 burden discovered that love hurts and the girls with the passion for fashion got a great cover story for our magazine how to catch a thief in style [Music]
Channel: Bratz
Views: 192,142
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bratz, bratzillaz, bratz episodes, bratz dolls, bratz toys, toys, toy, videos for kids, kids videos, cartoons for kids, magazine, camera, makeup, pink
Id: qUL7RPDcnrQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 52sec (2512 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 25 2020
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