Gumball Watterson's TRAGIC moments | Gumball 2-Hour Compilation | Cartoon Network

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we need to cover as much of the neighborhood as we can but we can't ask for help and we obviously can't be everywhere at the same time all right dudes this is our Target if you see him just pin him down okay ready steady go what have you done with your antons did you lose them all again no well there was a bit of an accident I told them to split up to cover more ground so I think they might have taken it too literally it was BAS side don't beat yourself up these guys are so sweet and obedient that if I told them go jump in a lake they won't even think twice before they stop the machine's boarded we're going back home we're going to need a place to hide on when we go to school tomorrow tomorrow hello hello oh hi oh hi hey hey gotcha you're coming with me Ant too and who I told you he was the Clone what clone uh they're trapped they're being held captive they're [Music] close don't worry you're safe now until it's time to make a sandwich my name is anwan I was the first KN before me actually you know what I don't think I care anymore see you later guys Anon what you're late for class oh no thanks guys huh see when do we have a mirror here a mirror here oh my gosh this mirror has an echo echo I'll see you guys later thank goodness he's as dumb as the other ones I thought we were busted and he'd find out about the cloning what cloning what the how did you hear me dude just because I'm out of sight doesn't mean I'm out of earshot you made a clone of me how many did you make not that many how many how many uh how many how many enough to have my revenge there can only be one original and it's me quick come with us Anon we'll protect [Applause] you what do we do there's only one way to fight an army of antons we need a bigger Army of antons that's a great idea did you learned anything today that you mostly have bad ideas uh yes but more importantly it's bad to play with life this way unless we get a some scientific progress comment I guess and because of us our friend is in danger dude what are you doing go and protect him I'll buy you some time but tell Inon I'm sorry I'm sorry for betraying his friendship and I'm hey sorry dude you were speaking for too long well I might go down but I won't go down alone dude you guys are totally useless in a fight this doesn't feel fair at all I'm going to have to stop no you failed me no I feel a great disturbance in the food chain as if a thousand sandwiches cried out in Terror and we're suddenly silenced okay I think we'll be safe here what's your problem man why are you so mean because once I get rid of him I'll become the only Anton maybe then you'll be my friend Father messed up come back father everything will be perfect when it's just you me and mother dude I'm not your dad please don't tell ah he attached $20 to the note how cheap does he think we are now you can't even remember what he doesn't want us to talk about if money isn't enough to stop you revealing I don't have a diploma I duck a little dartt of my own What If This Were to go public look Principal Brown first that was a phase and secondly we felt a shame so many times in life that I think we're now incapable of feeling it as in chemically the doctor says we've run out of shame oone let me show you as you can see the brain is composed of many sections dedicated to emotion here's anger here is sadness this here we just don't know and finally this is the shame gland as you can see it's pretty dried out dude could you put me back together please sure how's that ah thanks that's much better and Darwin Waters please report to the principal's office H what does he want now kids I think I'm losing my mind finally well at least you realized it's a problem I looked everywhere I looked in the drawer I looked onto my desk behind the bookshelf wait what are we talking about here my glasses I can't find my glasses uh you're wearing them oh no not these my spare pairs I think they might be in this safe you keep your spear glasses in a safe I can't see them oh no no no they're right at the back just keep going further in you're going to lock Us in the safe aren't you uh would you believe or no look Principal Brown this is ridiculous if you keep wasting your time on us instead of doing your job this place is going to start falling apart oh sorry okay you really want to do something for us anything then you'll leave us alone of course then just take care of the school yes he say of course that's it take care of the school and all my problems will be solved thank you Waterson all I have to do is blow this place up exactly all I could find was these oh well that would explain the Sal box wait did he say blow up the school we need to raise the alarm are you crazy no one can know about this there be complete Panic we just have to stop him before he blows up the school he's going to blow up the school no no we were just saying how the wind blows up the help me out [Music] here what did you do that for you said no one could know and he wined at me yeah but I was never mind let's go R can I have the keys to the boiler room I'm going to blow up the school sure you'd better run all right it's the little blue one sometimes it sticks so you might need to give it a principal going to blow up the school no no no no no it's nobody me it's it's not with you wait a minute are you trying to knock me on if there's no school then there's nothing to lose excuse me Principal Brown Eyes take the children outside coach I'm going to blow up to school wait blow up what enough fin I'll take care of her I'm sorry coach what's that I'm trying to pinch a Nerf cluster but it's buried pretty deep now let me try something apparently it works on cows I've got to blow this place out Principal Brown is going to blow up the school Mr small we can explain hold on kids I need to make a symbolic gesture of protest hold in the Name of Love once his place has gone my reputation will be safe save yourself Lucy oh sorry I thought there was another dry wall don't worry you'll never see me best friends best friends friends best friends best friends best friends best friends best [Music] friends for a very long time I've watched you from afar punched in your closet or strapped beneath your car I treasured all the stories the three of us share wherever you are I'll always be there when you were alone I was there too behind the shower curtain that you never knew I dressed in your clothes and wa in your air I washed your both sleep and nuzzled your hair it helps that your bedroom has places to hide and the windows don't lock so I can get inside I've waited so long to be a part of your life and one day one of you will call me his [Music] wife [Applause] I think we need to have a reasonable conversation with this young lady where is she we've been looking for 2 hours now oh man not you okay Mr small why are you looking at that painting like that oh thank Mother Earth you can see it too did you see that see [Music] what Sarah [Music] wait Sarah listen I know what you're going to say I'm sorry about the hair what what what hair is there something something wrong with my hair no Sarah this whole thing isn't really working out yeah it's not you it's us by which we mean it's you wait don't you want to see what's inside my locker is this another one of your tricks why would we want to see inside your locker because this is the part of the story where you realize maybe I do all this because I'm lonely no Sarah this is the part of the story where you realize there is no story and you leave us alone oh yeah sure dude look at this the first people who spoke to me at El more Junior High and this the coolest kids in school Gumball and Darwin the only people who really know me are you thinking what I'm thinking I know right I'm definitely taller than you if my eyes were that close together I'd be a cyclop no she really cares about us and we just pushed her away look at this the amazing Adventures of Gumball Darwin and Sarah oh man all she ever wanted was to be included this this is today here's us at lunchtime yeah look at that hand it's like a big thumb well hands are difficult to draw here's us watching the video and here Sarah walking off just a second ago I wonder what happens next well whatever it is I hope she goes to Art School no you say we're her only friends we have to do whatever it takes to make her happy we're only friends we have to do whatever it takes to make her happy right how do we do it it's all right here Sarah you shall not be alone it's all right guys you don't have to do this yes I do Sarah I have been touched by the beauty of your art and now I think I love you no you cannot love her but I love her more she's beautiful and yellow and runny and funny you need to have have strong foundations ideally with a man cave you also need space two stories with a screening room for movie night should do right yeah and how about a hot tub for the winter and a swimming pool for summer yeah great sign this please now let me talk you through the process we start with you as you are right now with a problem then we exchange then you leave happily does that sound good yeah I think so great so let's exchange well it seems we've run out of things to say I meant to exchange my services for your money oh sorry yes of course very good so yeah this never used to happen to us but now it's like and now goodbye wa wait what about all that building a house stuff oh we're building all right my pool house bye okay what if we try something a little more off the charts no please not him look science let us down we might as well give him a chance please don't say it no alternative medicine please no [Music] alternative did someone say alternative medicine so you're saying you have no wind in your sails yes the train won't leave the station yes the goose is stuck in the hammock yes the potato is wedged in your tailpipe I'm not sure what we're talking about anymore you've got trouble talking yeah yes h i see I think we need to release the holistic of your thirde eyye chakras in order to boost your aura and stimulate the flow of Che or tongue what does that mean it means this how do you feel like I got punctured 200 times and set on fire I meant between the two of you I no still have nothing to say to him me neither wait wait I I can feel something coming yeah me too it's like my tongue is singling [Music] this is small let's go H that's really weird I've done this procedure three times before and all my other patients had exactly the same result what are the odds but don't panic their lives went back to normal very quickly once they accepted that this was their life now [Music] you know Darwin as that Backstreet doctor was violently draining the excess fluid out of our screaming faces using that grease coated bicycle pump I had an eye opening moment tell me about it my eyes are still popping out in shock no I mean that man had no diploma he was just pretending to be a doctor so so what if we pretended too I don't get it well you know how we can't keep up a conversation yeah it goes limper than an animator's handshake exactly but what if it wasn't us doing the talking what do you mean role playing if it works for Fedora Wizards in some basement why not us who you going to be then I'm a con ryuku a shy anime Kawaii girl who likes corgis and friendship okay let's go hey oh hey I'm a kanachan I'm not used to talk to people asterisk blushes and turns away congratulations you've win eone Black Edition thank you SLE MC Senpai it's the first time someone makes a ky Chana present asterisk looks away flustered you want to be friends with aane what question mark equals my message not going through chat with me now and win dollars dollars dollars what click link and talk dude what the what were you role playing a bot so even a kan's conversation wasn't real asterisk bash his head on while in anguish Asis skin realize it hurts a lot more in real life than in writing can we be of assistance in helping you to your vehicle so what does your car look like it's made of metal right I thought it would be okay what else it has a steering wheel okay it's quite long good good that's useful could you be more precise it smells like damp laundry and despair confusing oh it's got a lady on the side selling shampoo and it's usually park r there it's the bus isn't it sure is and I suck at you into giving me a lift all right enough with the parking lot let's just find a space any [Music] space [Music] [Music] come [Music] on and when finished there'll be more than [Music] honey come home from the surgery quick I got a call from mysterious my hot and buttered [Music] please y oh no look not this [Applause] time mom slow down you're going to miss the spot hold on to your [Music] heads my friends we have achieved total parking [Applause] in your face we got a SP in your face we got a space great job everybody dude chill out it's only a game you don't understand man I've never got this far before look how much I'm sweating stop it you electrocute yourself round complete I can't beat the final boss man I'm weak you're not weak you just lack upper body strength lower body strength and mental strength slap me harder ow softer okay maybe somewhere in between that was exactly right come on you can win this by the power of button [Music] mashine you win dude what's the point in learning all these combos if all you need is button mashing who cares top score oh man it's only three letters in the top score what do I go with gum or ball maybe go with the least dumb sounding you're right let's go with ball wait why don't you use your real name instead of your nickname great idea wait what is it what do you mean what is it what kind of guy doesn't know his own name you don't know it either do you then this shall be my quest I will find out that name I will stop at nothing I will leave no stone unturn I will climb the highest mountain explore every island search every cave I will question every man woman and animal find a bear if I have to I'll wear shorts I'll milk a fish I'll shave a baby clim a rainbow knew that would be ridiculous but I will like an owl I will wrestle a senior citizen in jello I'll kick a crap in the face I'll steal a watch from a ghost I'll eat a beard I'll marinate a plumber and when they write about me in history books they will say you did what had to be done to find out his real name your real name it's Zach Zach Zach Zach z z z z z z z z z who's Zack I am oh Gumbo's called Z now so yeah good point hey Coach G game last night you're not in the team water go El more [Applause] ducks W hey Carrie I think we really nailed that song last night we're totally going to win the Battle of the Bands man you're not in a band I'm not in a band I bet you can even give me the name of a band yeah like [Music] Germany hey that's my [Music] cousin watch now watch out world there's a new new cat in town and he's go school's over already yeah and you spent the whole day with one eyebrow ra behaving like a horrible Jack are you all right oh Zach is fine are you sure cuz Zach is kind of digesting part of an apple kid's face right now that's cuz Zach does what he wants sorry but who exactly is this Zach I thought it'd be like Gumball but with a shorter name no Gumball's a loser Zach is the man Zach doesn't ask he takes dude what are you doing Zach doesn't have to explain himself because he smells so good Zach listen to me Zach doesn't listen he hears that's the same thing wait what was that I'm afraid I can't listen you what oh walk with me see Zach doesn't wait for doors to open he punches right through them metaphorically of course see here's another example Zach doesn't waste his time he goes straight to the point Make Way losers I'm more important than you at least it's out time I wasn't built to take this much pressure relax man we'll just tell her what really happened all right you two what's today's excuse our dad ate our homework don't the guidance counselor immediately Len and don't come back until you found out to tell the truth and this is what the inside of a liar looks like e notice the dark abyss here that's the corrupt soul of the liar but Mr small we're not Liars you should tell that to the last boy that sat there and lied to me he's there now the prison no next to it the cemetery what happened to him he just works there now let me show you something this is the lying hat now watch what happens when I put it on your mother called oh she says she hates you she does I think my heart just broke it's okay kids that was a lie but you see that's what a lie will do hurt your feelings she hates you she loves you hates you loves you hat you L you you so what do we learn today never trust a man in a hat yes but what else um honesty is the best policy oh say it honesty is the best policy good and again honest honest is the best polic honest honest is the best policy honesty is the best policy honesty is the bestc okay Darren remember from now on we only tell the truth okay your face is too big well when you say s you're gills whistle you smell so stinky Sailors think sea shanties about your stinkiness when you're asleep your face looks like this when you're awake your face looks like this you walk like a princess you walk like a pigeon okay that's us covered let's bring our honesty to the world you've got a monob You've Got No Hands just being honest your face is burnt I love you but he'll never make the first move he's having a party on Friday and he didn't invite you what sorry man you're just not cool enough wao this one is long overdue hey Tina you smell and it's not very ladylike it's like a sweaty watch Dr nah it's more like raw chicken and rancid milk in a plastic bag yeah that's been left in the Sun for a week okay now that we have your smelliness covered let's move on to your personality ow yep Truth Hurts let's leave all this behind and go and live on a desert island but how would we survive on fruit water and love did you ask us in here for a reason yes of course Waton I've been getting a lot of complaints what an Earth's gotten into Principal Brown can I be honest with you uh I yes I can't help thinking that your relationship with Miss Simeon could be compromising your professionalism I completely agree Gumball and frankly I thre my education and suffering as a result and besides Principal Brown you could do so much better than that okay so you got honesty wrong perhaps we should try something else I'd like you to meet a friend of mine uh one second hello children I'm the honesty bear okay 24 hours oh this is horrible all the things I wanted to do in my life all my plans ruin ruin you know I've been thinking 24 hours is actually quite a long time hey you're right I mean how many minutes are than an hour like 6 so that's like 60 * 24 which is 3 billion seconds that's like ages we've got to make every second count you know Darwin I've never asked you but what do you want to do with your life what are your hopes and dreams who is Darwin Waton well I guess what makes me happy is helping other people who are less fortunate than ourselves due to circumstances beyond their control so I'd like to start a charity for where are you going dude I don't think the end of the the world It's Time to Get Charitable and besides you're getting kind of boring I think we'd be better off doing some of the things I want to [Music] do what are we doing here learning card so we can get a career a home and feed our children in the future Darwin there is no future we need to make the most of it right now not listening to some baboon drone on about albra uh Gumball this is biology oh who cares it won't matter in 24 hours kiss me penny I've got a surprise for you today children a surprise [Laughter] test well I got a surprise for you I'm not going to do the test because it's the end of the world and nothing matters anymore not even [Music] this how's that for a surprise so come on everybody let's turn our last day on Earth into the biggest party ever woo okay on second thought spending 3 hours in detention wasn't the best use of our time oh I'm going to be late for my wedding now wedding yes Darwin my wedding by the power of the banana it is my duty to ask if there's anyone here who sees any reason why Gumball and Penny should not be joined in marriage speak now or forever hold your peace actually I've got more than one reason firstly I'm 12 and so are you secondly you didn't even propose to me you're just trying to marry me in the school Corridor hey guys happy wedding and finally this is not a wedding ring it's a bagel but you know what that shouldn't stop you from asking me again in 20 [Music] years but you don't don't have 20 years sh I love her too much to let her know the truth hey want to get married Gumball why do you have a perm it's just something I've always wanted to do so Mom under normal circumstances how long do you reckon I'm going to live for well your grandfather lived to be 102 so I wouldn't worry sweetie H that's at least 90 more birthday presents Mom I'd like to make you an offer you can't refuse I want to combine all of my birthday presents into one manageable lump present so can I have a pony after dinner what are you laughing at nothing do you want a tutu with that if I get you a pony you'd get bored of it in a day not an issue okay I'll get you a pony thank you finally as soon as your father starts laying golden eggs I haven't given up yet thought there was going to be a cake or something this surprise is going to be better than a cake I'm giving you reconciliation with your father oh man I should have known it was something lame like that nobody advises people to eat cake in a junkyard go on tell me your plan then it's simple we get picked up by that magnet and get dropped into that gr what are you insane and I've called D to come and rescue us what are you insane don't worry I can stop it at any time with this remote Oh I thought you were ring on dad there for a minute all right let's get [Music] started oh great job what are we going to do now it's okay here's that now he can stop it from that control box I'm coming to save you here we go we're doomed don't worry have some faith in him boys where are you up here how am I supposed to get up there oh I don't know how about you get us down using that L right there oh yeah okay wow really thought that one through didn't you what is wrong with you don't you know people have feelings he's trying to help us well great job he's doing so far you are so insensitive would it really hurt you to encourage him once in a while you can encourage a clam to read all you want but that's not going to get it into college people have limits and Dad reached his own a long time ago don't worry kids you have an idea I'm [Music] sorry that's what I meant to do great job Mr Dad thank you yeah great job do you want us to save you before you save [Music] us saving us in style huh no he's gone and I was laughing at him why didn't I tell him that in spite of everything I was proud Darwin I was proud of him if he were still here I would tell him if he was still here oh you're here so what's your plan to get us down huh [Music] typical you could have tried to land on the mattress wait a minute where's Gumball son you can do it I can't do this Gumball you have to get up I I can't come on son you can do it do it I'm coming down don't let me down I [Music] won't please stop crying dad you'll always be my hero it's not that it's just you're taking your closes into my [Music] nipple why are you crying buddy because I love hgs come [Music] here a I'm glad you guys made up come on dinner's ready [Music] get her get the remote looking for these [Music] thank [Applause] you no she's gaining on [Applause] us that remote is mine then come and get it [Music] let's take the stairs she's getting away if you leave without paying you're setting a bad example for your children I can't find the right change come on thank you for being a responsible [Music] citizen come on dude cutie bet starts in 5 minutes oh no it doesn't when or don't TN does give meity wait a minute this isn't a TV [Music] remote my carnit it's for a garage door what did you buy this for what it's the one na e told me to get why would ni tell you to buy the wrong remote she planned this whole thing from the start first she gave Mom the idea to buy a new remote I wish I had enough money to buy my own remote so when I called she must have given me the name of her garage door opener fine let me have a look it's a logicar 2000 thanks honey she overheard my riddle I know this was wait did till you guys were at butt Valley and cut a hole in the sofa so she could take the rear remote and the remote she smashed upstairs must have been a decoy which means the real one must still be in the [Music] house I had it in my hands thanks for the tip Daisy oh yeah all I need is my [Music] Daisy I wish I had enough money to [Music] buy why are you kids not in gym class you go to thck note where is this sick note exactly I think it's in there somewhere how convenient you don't look very sick to me and you look at me in the eye when I'm talking to you uh sure let me just take a step back what the what's going on here you don't seem to be getting any any further away ah there you go hi M you can call me coach now get to gym class what's going on what you doing you what a horrible code red I repeat code red this is not a drill this body is exercising somebody do something great dude what do we do I can feel myself getting healthier well in circumstances like this I think it's safe to say that now would be the right time to freak out hey Waterston if your sweat reaches me I'm going to invite you to a pain party where the only guests are you me and my fists it's not sweat it's my organ crying come on Waton if you can't manage a simple pushup how are you ever going to do a cartwheel why would I ever want to do a cartwheel because everything you learn in gym class can make a difference in your life one day what possible use could I have for knowing how to do a cartwheel apart from physically replacing the wheel on the cart maybe the day you want to win gold in the 1986 Olympics that's not a cartwheel that's just a photo of you upside down yeah well that still doesn't prove it's his fault oh really Jamie you're running being chased by a pack of angry dogs but oh no you've dropped your pen now do you let those dogs have that hard earn pen or do you cwh your way out of it like a boss statistically that is quite unlikely but in that highly illogical and Incredibly specific situation I guess you do have a point but what about that stuff let me paint you a picture you're being chased by another pack of angry dogs you reach the Ravine with only asymmetric bars along you to reach the other side they want your pen what do you do I guess I just turn on my Jetpack fly over the Ravine land in my flying car and drive to space that's completely unrealistic Amy come here and show Waton how you would do it perfect you remind me of me at your age except for the fact she has a neck F bastard that's not how you take gold in the 96 Olympics don't with my pants try go faster speed will blur your sh I can't I'm at full speed do something anything hold on I've got to try and put them back on in three two okay so you just been to the mall but suddenly in the car park you see a pack of angry dogs here yeah yeah why don't we just let Jamie show us how to do it and that is how you win three gold medals in trampolining now show me what you got higher higher higher Angry Dog three Waton nil lesson over not working come on car you know there easier ways to hurt your eyes you could pour salt in them while you stare at the Sun for example I'm sorry Carrie it's just I promised Anna East we do something she wanted today we didn't realize how unbearable it' be and we haven't even watched it yet come on we're already late oh man we're going to get the face when we get home what this one no that's silent Fury what we're going to get is I know you let me down oh that's it but don't forget the slow headshake I can handle that as long as we don't get the human mean nothing to me back turn don't worry as long as nothing gets in our way we'll be fine what uh don't you think you should help that guy you clearly took the cover off so you guys are way closer that means it's your problem can I get a little help here listen man we'd love to help but we're kind of in a hurry well I'm kind of in a manhole but you wouldn't be stuck and if you weren't quite so what fat no what I meant was uptu us flesh Rich horizontally tall distracted I was going to say distracted I think you're a beautiful man still what kind of Bozo runs around not looking where he's going blindly texting on his phone I wasn't texting I was updating my status so everyone knows I'm jogging why to get those little thumbs up on Elmo plus all right let's get you out of here you attention [Music] hog hey you're doing the face aren't you why are you late well funny story uh we are hoping the guy out of a manhole and we no need to lie it's obvious you guys don't want to watch the movie with me oh no that's not true I can't wait to watch s princess trying to tame a stupid pony just to impress some fler Sprints from luxenburg sorry I didn't mean to say that it's just my brain refuses to let me lie about this film just hurry up okay H are you sure this is a great there whose problem is it now dude we need to get home she's already hit a force five on the guil trip skill jumbo Darwin what's up guys hey Rich did you just call me Rich like it was a question did I say Rich I'm sorry dude I meant your name which is which is Rob my name is Rob Rob of course van I'm sorry Hey listen we're in a massive hurry but we should totally hang out soon I'll I'll call you bro you don't have my number you don't remember me at all do you and this this is just some Holo promise dude it's not that we've just been distracted because the funniest thing happened see that hole Darwin I can't believe you just did that did what I don't remember dad am I boring of course not sweetie pie then why don't Gumball and dar want hang out with me think Richard think your little girl is feeling insecure this is a real parenting situation what you say now could affect her for the rest of her life so say the right thing say the right thing the right thing what speak to your mother I I got to stop man I can't keep running like this come on you can do it it's all in the mind you don't understand my legs have given up I even have a cramp in my bones your legs haven't given up you have you think you should try walking in my shoes for once is that a [Music] challenge [Applause] stop [Music] wait for us wait for us Rocky hold up wait for me uh Rocky [Music] rock well it seems like it's not my day but that's okay because it's nothing a good song won't fix when life hands you lemons you got to make some [Music] lemonade Darwin stop it already it's getting embarrassing come on how's it going a it's great except for the fact that this is turning out to be the worst day of my life it's like I'm cursed or something Waton this school has a dress code these Rags are obscene get to Lost unfound they'll provide you with something more suitable but Principal Brown there you go much better you've got to be kidding me I'm sorry dude but this isn't a department store you know oh Rocky there's got to be something else you're in [Music] luck yes oh well you know what I said last week my M people think I'm a fruit but I'm also classified as a ner what where did you get your clothes lost and found well actually yes I did oh uh hey where did you get your clothes the circus dude we kind of just went over this already lost and found ow hey where did you get your clothes the swim shop and the hat shop where did you get your brain from the dollar store 7 hours detention for hurting my feelings what but I'll see you after school fine oh paper [Music] cut uh Gumball are you okay everything's great Darwin everything's just peachy oh okay Darwin don't take everything I say so literally okay what about what you just said now should I take that literally no yes no I don't know talk to me I think I'm cursed H then what you need is a good luck charm guys there are no such things as Lucky Charms curses or tickets falling from the sky there must be a scientific explanation for what's happening to Gumball like there is for everything oh yeah how does your science explain the magic of rainbows then huh defraction of light through moisture in the atmosphere it's a sad world you live in come on Gumball Darwin how will I know if it's a fourleaf clover simple they've got four leaves and they're extremely rare rare one in a million rarer than the rarest found one top of the morning to you ooh I can already feel my luck changing hey look a lucky V dude things never go this right for us something Terrible's going to happen isn't it someone's going to ruin my chance to get a good photo I can feel it who would want to do that you will pay for this humiliation gumbo [Music] Waterson yes uh paper goes in the recycling bin uh recycle [Music] this well I don't know who'd want to ruin my photo but that's the problem if I can't think of anybody it could be everybody I'm scared too aren't you terrified but my face can't express [Music] it okay I think we're safe a watch out there's some kind of hob godlin freak right next to you what where I wouldn't worry about it dude run it's hideous what they talking about where is it trust me man you're fine wait a minute he thinks you're the Hobgoblin sure I'm the [Laughter] [Music] Hobgoblin why am I feeling so tense that noise what noise the one day Us in horror films to show something terrible is coming your way like that quick it's [Music] Dina what's going on with the light I don't know just keep running where is she come on Tina huh you have to be more flexible than that if you want to join the team H that was a bit anticlimactic yeah what's going on with the lights though night day night day night day well I'm starting to think there's nothing to ruin my photo after [Music] all I really don't know what we were worried about it's just a photo here we go this is it look at him come and get us oh Smiles hiding his Fury yeah he definitely want to get even because I whooped his butt earlier he's going to do something what what how do you defend yourself from the unknown with a preemptive strike hi I am so sorry we completely overreacted there I just thought you were going to stop me from it's okay I understand it's it was an accident well not really I kind of went for it could you please flip over that bit of rubber next to your foot uh sure why because I'm turning the other cheek dude you're so nice it's actually sickening well now we know that no one is after us and we're 20 minutes early for your photo nothing can stop us now come on Waton where are you come and FL me like a man I know right for the first time in my life I'm actually early okay let's do this right and you're sure you're happy with your weird face because this is the last photo I'm taking of you ready when you are okay then on three one [Music] two uh hello I think this thing is broken hey stop help okay you win this one next up shows mom in the reflex challenge I think you should give her a warning this feels kind of unfair heads up okay what you probably want to try is shouting before you throw the can good idea heads up dude you should have called from where the can is coming let's just give her a point for surviving this next up tobias's Mom [Music] strength that's one to me what where' you think I got my muscles from go on kiss it okay I'll kiss you all right Mom they've gone now you can put it [Laughter] [Music] down cheating round four agility wrapping up like a queen of the Empire nothing's ever going to bring it down leave the rest in a Mess by the wayside she's never going to be pushed around some kind of mystery she's making history the world round 32 tolerance she's the best your best Bring It On she take security round 143 intelligence round dude what's up with the leg running I'm just putting the show in The Showdown am I wrong yeah this is how you leg Str round9 resilience coordination compassion break she's so much more than all the rest andbody [Applause] [Music] [Applause] theity diplomacy raing skills accountancy okay this is the deci the hot sauce challenge Mrs Wilson's up first can she stomach a spoonful oh and it's a refusal what the and Mrs Wilson wins wait a minute did you just wink at your mom Tobias no what did you just cheat and swap the hot sauce with ketchup no have you guys seriously been cheating all this time no do you still think it's necessary to deny it no oh hot sauce that guy is such a gluteous [Music] Maximus hey bobbert what you doing I'm on the internet the largest source of knowledge in the world why don't you get connected uh hi hello is that the internet you need to click the icon and you need to click the icon which one is the icon dude it's the only thing on the screen I knew that wa it's beautiful I can feel it I'm totally learning [Music] something what happened your memory could not cope you crashed I had to reboot you oh come on there's got to be something in this Library making people smart this is such a great book I'd like to borrow this book please B book book book book that's it they're all watching books hey sh hey sh hey sh I think my book is broken I've been watching it for ages and I'm still not smart you don't watch books you read them sh people are trying to work okay brain let's get reading once a a time I'm out of here I've had enough I'm off to watch TV hey where do you think you're going I didn't sign up for this I quit you can't quit there's no way I'm going to pass a test without a brain please I need you we'll never pass I'm stupid then then I'm going to make you smart like Darwin um sir you appear to have a bit of Ink on your face are you sure there's nothing else you want honey ask for anything well uh can I have two cans of soda quick Richard the fridge oh and some jelly beans but only the yellow ones okay uh are you sure there's nothing else to wear Mrs Waterson please honey you can call us Mom and Dad V so don't make me aren't you tired of being so useless years and years of insults and abuse remember I f for you [Music] P okay I'm ready then prove [Music] it this may take a while I was AED guy I on nice and wonder why so many obstacles were thrown my way on a down would slide each and every day but something popped inside my brain I got up to fight that fight again and I knew what to do I went through a mental pain you got to think big think deep pretty soon you'll make that quum leap think big think small make your brain your finest body part the greatest man from yesterday will the crush the dust cuz I'm on my way you got to what went on here it all happened so fast first of all Darwin got angry because he thought he deserved a sunny Cloud for winning some dodgeball game yeah I remember that and then an flipped out because mom won't share top spot in the chart what anes too and when Mom put your face on the sun I trashed the house I got a son wait a minute you trashed the house die right and I'll do it again if she doesn't give me a star for my cheese crayon H not bad feels good to win doesn't it uh no it doesn't your CH is ruining this family they're all behaving like animals I mean Hello we were all happy before do we even realize what you're doing to us that's right use your anger cuz you're going to need it for our little family outing tomorrow tomorrow why what's happening [Music] tomorrow okay people first one to capture the flag wins you get hit you're out oh this is great pay ball with crazy people I'll be in the car what have I got to do to get you to show a little competitive Spirit okay I'll play but only if you tear down that stupid chart oh I'll tear down that chart if if you [Music] win all right you're on but please everyone this is a family outing so let's play fair and try to have a little fun okay [Music] great [Music] Dad please take off the [Music] mask oh thank you smells like other people's faces what happened I didn't even see her see who dad your m [Music] please leave me alone I can't take it anymore chill out dude it's only me I'm scared man you were right that Frid charge is evil look if we stick together we can beat Mom all we need is a little time to come up with [Music] the okay I think we're safe here buddy Darwin go on without me I'm not going to leave you here it's too late for me you're the only one who could save this family from Insanity I saw the flag from the tree just over that Hill no no just go just [Music] go don't move I'm winning this thing I don't think so h what of mine huh you know it's for the best oh Mom stop embarrassing me oh it burns my eyes what was that uh I don't know paint my hair what was that chlorine from the pool what was that a fertilizer oh I guess it's all right then but that's still two hours of detention for potentially damaging my beautiful face really Principal Brown you need to be firmer than that oh okay 4 hours detention 8 hours good see you in detention Waton mom you're not [Music] helping the Nerds think you look like a do DEA dor with your mom at school what does that mean it's a 12-sided dork honey mom you're not helping Mom you're not helping come on honey open the tunnel for the choo choo train you're not helping enough the Tina thing was kind of helpful but this is gone too far wait a minute I thanks now seriously I need you to stop meddling with my life I'm not meddling I'm helping helping by meddling you're just a big meddler I'm not a meddler I'm your mother and a meddler hey isn't that the girl you like Mom no excuse me Penny have you got a second sure but you guys will need to be quick the cheerleader tryouts are about to start mom if you love me please don't do this oh come on Gummy p don't be shy my baby has something to say to you no I don't he'd like to take you out on a date that's not true he loves you really no I don't I don't love penny and I never will Gumball well thanks for being honest with me no wait I meant I'll never love peanuts no ponies see what you did you upset Penny how am I supposed to get her back well you know I could help you with that that's enough okay that's enough I'm my my own man now I make my own decisions and I don't need you baming me anym any thanks now just go home okay oh come on we all had a great time didn't we Darwin to be honest I've never been so embarassed in my entire life why are you smiling then well at first I was trying not to hurt your feelings but now I'm just stuck I beg of you just get out of my life okay I guess I'll just go home then Mom you've got to come back I made my own decision it was a bad one a really really bad one oh thank goodness she's gone I'll Never Smell again Darwin mom you're back yay do you know where your brother is in the changing room thanks Gumball it's me open the door no no I won't what happened happened oh it's awful I made a decision on my own and it was bad listen whatever it is you've done you need to come out and face it all right all right I'm coming out oh oh you were going to try and get closer to Penny by joining her Cher team but now you feel embarrassed because you have to wear a skirt what no I'm going to beat penny at her own game so she'll realize how awesome and manly I am then she'll definitely want to date me right so what's the problem the problem is me what if I'm not as good as the other girls what if they laugh at me and this leotar makes me look bat so I put this skirt on the hide my butt who did this those kids I'm going to get you for this come out stop calling the oh no they know we wreck the car what do you mean you wrecked the car Dad hi Daisy Daisy the donkey mom why is the Robinson's talking to the sheriff on a lawn I don't know sweetie I think we'll just go around the back I'll tell you Sheriff it was those kids next door as sure as I can what we just touched it with the sponge and it fell apart so we decided to hide here forever such a sad story but it's not true you see it was 9:00 this morning and come on electro fat make me beautiful [Music] oh Mr Robinson's new car oh okay it's just a dink I'll bang it out this may take a while there finished pH so you see it was my fault not yours what should we do now well I think the most responsible thing to do is to hide here forever and never let your mother find out what happened I already know honey but it's not quite what you think it was 9:00 this morning wait can I do this put the tape on Mom yes honey where is it here they parked right in front of our lawn I just didn't see it I was about to tell Mr Robinson but horrible mother so we went to see the show and it was great so there it was mostly my fault I'm so relieved it was a family effort start it I know they're up there get in there and arrest those vandals not without a warrant sir I pay my taxes and that pay raise your salary Ergo I'm your boss now get in there and do your job please sir calm down all right I suppose I shall have to take matters into my own hands huh well here come the Robinson poor Mr Robinson we wrecked this beautiful new car and nobody has the courtesy to apologize we should be ashamed of ourselves so let's get out there and apologize as a family okay this is what happens when you mess with gay Lord this is what happens this is what happens this is what happens they look kind of angry Gumball please stop please please ma'am drop the duster please no ma'am no [Music] no no sir oh please maybe we should give them time to calm down so uh do you want to press charges no I'm sure they learned their lesson it's too bad you have to live next to such monsters don't worry Mr Robinson we'll look after your house while you're gone such a great guy well there's one important thing we learned today huh that electr fat machine was worth every penny Darwin where is think you're going uh buy some stuff at the shop what are you doing he's your [Music] son I'm sorry little guy from now on I'll always be there for you Darwin I think he's ready for his first steps wait go ahead come on don't be shy come to Daddy a he's kind of got my eyes don't you think got my CH too dude it's what babyies do it's just suckling it's not suckling it's baby okay relax he's just playing he'll come off on his own these s are sinking in okay that's enough bad baby stop mauling your father and get back in your jar this in he's got my neck I know what it is you must be [Music] hungry okay so it doesn't like fruits vegetables and cereal but it does like pigeons rats raccoons seagull and the mailman's butt what was all that noise what are you do what is that thing it's our baby what are you talking about where did you find it it came out of the the microwave are you sure it didn't come out of the toilet it's disgusting they always look a bit funny when they're just born he's actually very Advanced for his age you should have seen him catch that seagull what you took that monster out look I was trying to be nice here but you better stop insulting our child or I don't know what I'll do it's not a child and what is it doing in my high chair don't listen to her Kenneth she's just jealous you called it Kenneth baby needs a name look like it or not you're Kenneth's Aunt now we going to buy more pigeon traps you babysit are you crazy where do you think you're I guess you're kind of ugly cute what kind of animal are you wow those are pretty pointy teeth what the Kenneth we're home what a mess where's a nice yeah I knew she'd bail come blo Kenneth grown growing into a troublemaker this place is a mess nauy Kenneth parel for the [Music] water did Ken just eat the mailman no no no that's not possible not my Kenneth well where is he then what do I know mailing I'm more worried about Kenneth does it look to you like he's gaining weight I'm more worried about his attitude this boy needs discipline I think we need parental advice so um we're doing the school project uhhuh and uh we've got to look after this gross dog thing I'm with you and we need your help disciplining it okay it's pretty simple kind of like children actually the first thing you have to do is let it know you're the pack leader so you look them in the eyes and tell them firmly you're the boss now you've been a naughty doggy dad he's got your finger well that's to be expected son the best thing to do is to remain calm and reassert your Authority yeah but it seems to be eating your arm it's just testing its boundaries the worst you can do is give it attention for negative behavior I have always found that a positive reinforcement approach is Dad get e Dad it's probably an i e too we've got to save them we'll save them ler she thinks she's so dumb well I'll show her who's the dumbest in the whole town then Dad will be mine again yes can you tell us why we're here now you're here to race as you can see I gather the stupidest people in town word everyone has to wear a blindfold and run as fast as they can the person who gets the furthest is officially the dumbest dad you'll be the referee okay guys I want a good clean race anyone opening their eyes is disqualified all your mark get set wait for it go I can't resist the all of dumbness you might have W dad sis but not going to let you win this what do you mean one Dad I'm winning I'm winning I'm not winning who's the dumbest who's the dumbest [Music] I mama I'm a banana split it [Laughter] hurts who's the dumbest who's the dumbest who's the dumbest I'm okay oh Karen this is just a perfect day I was wondering yes Laurence will you marry me this is happening so fast um oh I'm not saying no definitely not saying no but I need to think about [Music] this you've taken my fles at home and I'm taking it back are you kidding dum I just wanted to be dumb for day no one could be dumber than you wow that's a really nice thing to say I kind of feel awkward now should we just hug a yeah [Music] okay W that was close I think we've out dumped ourselves let's go ow ow ow oh the eyes I blew it [Music] hello I'm Dr butt and I'm going to take your temperature Dad I can't play butt puppet right now I was only trying to help this is all your fault Richard well as referee I took every precaution I could and six kids ended up in the hospital four rocky and M grown-ups word and you Gumball Waton that was a very dumb thing to do a thanks and as for you young lady I expected more I know Mom I don't think I want to be dumb anymore because it hurts so bad and all this because you guys wanted to be my favorite when we all know in fact that Darwin is my [Music] favorite fish my favorite fish wait a minute where iswi did I win yet did I win yet did I win yet because if you don't then that happened is this boring or this you think this is boring call me boring now this for close the window Margaret fre pleas well um I think I'll follow the day I'm not boring what did he say gall what do we do we have to stop him I got it we'll just fly after him using one of your witch brooms that's a normal broomstick I'm a cleaning lady oh the witchy ones are over there I knew [Music] it how you doing pretty good what the do we really have to be this High yes we need to be close to his head so he'll hear the music box and fall asleep I'm not boring I'm not [Applause] boring mrhe for the record before we go on I'd like to apologize n don't sweat it kid now I'll try to calm him down you take the music box here I just go get it we'll lead him somewhere safer okay how do you stop this thing aha [Music] hey Gumball Darwin get me to that ear hey Gumball where to heavy you're going to have to jump jump what can you just get a little little bit higher why just get on with it fine follow me sweetie wait for [Music] me what's with the smug Bas nothing but I think there might be a lesson in all this you know next time you want to judge other people's life choices maybe you should take a long hard look at J well maybe you should take a long hard look at that duck du get out of my [Music] way hurry up kid I'll try and lead him to the stadium mom wait for me mom Dam whistle it what whistle the tone in is here [Music] okay [Music] [Music] h no I didn't get a new haircut h no I'm not desperately trying to get notice for waxing my mustache no I haven't had my dentures widened and I don't wear dentures and by the way I can plainly see your all miming so just man up and ask what do we do wrong it might be that a certain someone forgot a certain something uh you're being a bit hypocritical here you can't be angry at someone for forgetting something if you can't even remember their name or what they forgot it's fine no need to make a fuss about [Music] it I got it there must be some secret fuss that I shouldn't know about no there is no fuss no fuss got it no seriously there is no fuss you just said you didn't want to fuss also what is all this fuss about sure you didn't organize any fuss I'm not bluffing there's no fussing oh I wonder who who this could be oh a singagram uh hello M Darlin hello my baby this is from the IRS you better pay it they're getting serious your home will be repossessed there you go what a party I know it [Music] yay even acupuncture couldn't save him oh it's a special day oh get 25% off at Dave skywriting Emporium wait so you really haven't organized anything oh okay it's all right it's quite all right really don't make a fuss okay then something about her body language tells me she doesn't mean that yep pack your bags we're about to go on the round the world guilt trip unless we figure out what we should be making a fuss [Music] about dirty socks and filthy clothes when all I wanted was a sweet red rose and how could anyone foret or fail to see why I'm upset he made me laugh with things he said but now he can't remember the day gumbo put out the [Music] fire the song finish the song No a certain someone should know why today is important why did you say we shouldn't be making a fuss if you get all angry about it when we don't no need to make a fuss is a thing people say but they obviously don't mean it it's all in the subtext like when someone says I'm only 2 minutes away we should stay in touch or it's fine honey uh okay so are you going to tell us what we should be celebrating don't worry about it sweetheart you want a copy huh well copy this I just made you eat cowboy cavar dude he's standing next to the L chees wait so stop it it makes me want to r with other people so we were in the exotic food aisle and they were copying everything we did exotic food they were like us but fake like margarine to our butter margarine and butter seriously it was like looking at a mirror made of meat mirror are even listening to what we're saying oh honey everyone has a doppelganger remember that sunburnt guy's belly that looked like anaise you don't understand they were literally cupping everything we there they are what the what the look at this click translate oh here's my doppelganger Chi-Chi this goat is attention of the center he is serious don't you trust him a heavy party love hero with powerful personality defectives that makes no sense look at mine Ribbit this frog is a frog but why he's so green and mighty you wouldn't trust him with lunch what's that yes he is determined apparently I'm a tired lazy belly male lurking inside sofa watch him obnoxious laugh and spoil yourself I think I just spoiled myself a little look at mine wowe what a mother who cares if she's annoying you what's my toppel ganger like it what why because women no right to celebrate in Republic of people it's funny cuz I don't understand wait this isn't funny at all exactly I'm not part of it because I'm a girl no I mean these guys have their own TV show and they're ripping us off well look at this the kids you decided to have these guys are making money out of our Lives while we're broke come on we're not that broke mom we're so broke that we give you me to charity H yeah you're right all right we should sue them guys a lawyer would cost way too much dough how much dough like thousands of dollars I mean how much in cookie D millions of [Music] tons wait a minute how could they copy that it literally just happened it literally just happened what what the what what the what a a all right let's settle this in a civilized manner hi my name is Gumball hi my name is CH stop repeating everything I say but when someone says hi you say hi too fight me you coward ow sorry [Music] are we done here yeah I think she is you should be happy to be young before you know it you'll be overweight unattractive balding middle age get go for breakfast I don't want you to see me like this what's his problem H you never know what that guy come on let's have breakfast man what a pile of beans dude watch your language you'll get us in trouble well I'm sorry Darwin but it is it's a big steaming pile of beans gball look a shooting star this is our chance make a wish I wish I was a grownup me [Music] too that didn't work at all Baker oh darn kids what do y'all think you're doing today's lesson will be about the transformations of the human body as an older hormones begin to change your appearance here it's me as an adult talking to my secretary over the intercom it's me voting awesome passing notes are we no Miss Simeon well then watch's this uh that's us as adults I guess you're on topic then anyway pimples myons actually it's pretty gross you may continue pimples or can pop up at time dude what's that on your face what what that what it looks like a greasy yellow egg no no actually it's more like a small volcano with a sweaty golf ball do something do something okay okay hold on let me just [Music] um I think we're going to need more little hats just relax dude that's easy for you to say why don't you have any just lucky I guess oh oh I think that's all of them what's happening to us I think we've got the plate do you have any other symptoms my toet feels a little silky next comes the appearance of hair out the body and face dude you look like an undercover cup stop laughing do something okay I see Mom do this all the time and that on one occasion that feels so so much better don't worry dude I'm not worried about me I'm worried about you you look like a baby werewolf no not me it was better when it was just you uh guys I don't mean to interrupt but this is a girl's toilet uh yeah sorry we got to swort the sound start chewing okay settle down everyone get into your team for Dodgeball oh no not dodgeball you're going down you get the idea please not above the should the ear a bing [Laughter] [Music] ball enough oh hey oh thanks for coming Gumball you look uh Dressed I guess you should come in oh well that's one way to get in the house right so what do you want to do today today is the funeral oh for Mr Cuddles my pet oh thank goodness I thought it might be a real funeral I mean pets pets are great like part of the family so what happened to him my dad flushed him down the toilet by mistake that's terrible did it go rounder rounder straight down straight down I'm Penny's father blocked right come to the backyard the service is about to start penny I'm sorry I thought this was a date why didn't you tell me it was a funeral I did in the corridor at school do you want to come to my house it's Mr cuddle funeral I could use some support from a friend Gumball are you even listening H this Saturday 400 p.m. it's it's a date oh oh oh yeah don't worry I'm still here for you Penny thanks Gumball awesome day for remembering those who have left us shall we go Gumball perhaps you'd like to say a few words about Mr Cuddles of of of course well Mr C puddles was Penny's Pet even though I never met him Penny's pretty hot so I'm sure he was pretty hot too thank you Gumball that was really special my picture huh my sister made a photo tribute so we can all remember Mr Cuddles a how thoughtful want to [Music] see the spider knock his block off that's awful I hate spiders who would want something that creepy in their [Music] listen son I think it's best you leave I'll uh let myself out play on dear oh dny boy the pipes the pipes uh sorry it's me again can I use your bathroom Cara it's kind of it's a second on the left upstairs thanks from Glenn to Glenn have a nice feel get out of here oh man what is wrong with me she's never going to forgive me for that I'll spend the rest of my life alone and never find happiness the spider knck is block off no wait but back I found Mr he's on the toilet is he trying to say something on the toilet look just ignore him and I guess I'll have to show them come here little fella oh good boy Mr get off get off get off get off get off get [Music] off don't look you'll just encourage [Music] him ow [Music] Mr Cuddles you're back I thought you were gone forever where did you find him in the toilet somewhere Gumball this is amazing oh yeah yeah it's great son I stand corrected I thought you were a good for nothing young Troublemaker but no that's it no I'm sorry but this is all I am huh I don't feel any different do I look okay potato potato potato potato potato potato H nice to see you glad to have you back with us we have things we need to tell you if too much we really can't forgive you when you CAU us into pieces we wish you hadn't eatting all our nephews and our nieces smashed them baked them fried and roasted saut boiled and grilled and toast and ped up all our skin dug out all our r d us into wedges and you slce us into price we are glad we came to see you one more thing we must discuss the final thing we need to say is pleas will you stop us uh you okay buddy that's it I need to do this on my own I'm going to lock myself in my room until I beat this thing uh Mr small Darwin just skipped out on the rest of the school day don't look at me protato we did it we did it D's given up eating potatoes I knew you'd be pleased but I didn't realize you'd get so emotional I'm not you just shut my hand in the locker oh sorry so what was that about Darwin he's gone home and locked himself in his room to quit eating potatoes because it was upsetting you why would I be upset I'm not the same potatoes as he eat in the canteen are you saying that all potatoes look the same say no no huh I'm going to go see Darwin so it looks like everything worked out well in the end I don't think you understand what just happened Darwin is struggling to battle his potato cravings and you just let Idaho the potato go off and see him so we're good we sure is hot I better put some sunscreen [Music] on well plow my furl this ain't son screen it's tan and oil look at me getting all crispy okay one more time so Idaho has gone to see Darwin remember Darin is struggling to resist eating potatoes and if I have a serious expression and Nod really slowly it'll look like I'm listening to every word she say Gumble what you do realize you said all of that out loud quick think of a good excuse and that hey what do you think you're doing I'm salting the roads for ice but it's like 90° out here and it's June I'm so fired okay so here's the model of the block you live on I'm sorry I didn't have time to build it to scale so here's Darwin Sarah we don't have time for this I've just realized that Idaho is on his way to see the potato starve Darwin and Idaho is a [Music] potato oh no the truck is out of control oh I guess it's all right Darwin Darwin Darwin Darwin Darwin Darwin Darwin Darwin don't do it open up open up oh thanks [Music] Darwin you know what I don't think I'm going to wear this anymore why I thought it brought you good luck yeah it does but nothing's fun anymore see watch this wo taada whoop the boring dude what are you talking about that was fin flapping fastic yeah a week ago maybe but now it's just lame I think I'm going to throw it out don't thr it out I could really use some luck right now I've been trying to get on win or don't win for 5 months but they're not returning my calls you're never going to get on that show hat or no hat there's a show called hat or no hat look you you want it you have it hello what I tomorrow oh thank you win or don't win wow this head is amazing okay guys as impressive as all this is let's not get carried away there's no way a tinfoil hat is responsible for Richard what are you hello interview tomorrow for a promotion and a pay rise what was that that was the sound of Doom for the Waton do you ever miss your helmet no why well everyone seems to be using it for really cool stuff like Dad with the TV show or Mom with her job all you ever did was lame party tricks it doesn't matter Darwin I'm happy to see the back of it succeeding at everything really took the joy out of life besides sometimes in life you make make your own look it's so good to fail again you see you take a pinch of success a dash of failure you mix it together and that's what makes life see that wasn't so bad you just blew up the a farm it's okay life is great darwi so you're saying you're happy when you fail absolutely it's a struggle that makes a victory sweet besides I still got it butter side down just like poor Uncle Eddie what do you know my lunch is on the floor hey who's the funny guy who did that and you know what the best thing about failure is Darwin well is that it build your sense of humor oh am I kidding I'm nothing without my helmet I want it back I need it but I need it more cuz I need to win the show well I need it to get the promotion which is more important than a game show but if I win the show I'll get a speedboat think about how great it would be for me Richard you'll never use it Nicole if I win a speedboat I'm going to use it you have to understand I'm doing this for the greater good winning the speedboat will be good for you but not for the rest of the family uh you're right I'm sorry Nicole I don't know what came over me it's okay just where did you hide the helmet it's in this bag no wait actually it in it's in this one I was going to trick you I'm sorry I guess that helmet's got more power over me than I thought thanks for being honest honey maybe it won't be so bad I'll just meet Tina in a quiet calm atmosphere and we'll talk things through like civilized people yeah this is a great idea this is a terrible idea what's going on here I'll have no fighting on my watch oh Gumball Waton I might have known oh thank you Miss Simeon oh I was going to find a T-Rex please send me to detention well I suppose I could after my coffee break but miss Simeon coffee break but miss Simeon You're My Last Hope please uhoh yes can [Music] here what am I going to do what am I going to do use the Bunny Hop son son son son dad what are you doing here well wasn't going to miss the big fight Gumball time to deal with this like a [Music] man stop running dude I have no idea what you're saying [Music] sorry sorry oh [Music] [Music] man mhm SC cat oh Mr small please let me in no please let me go [Music] away would you mind removing your glasses when you're at the table uh yes what happened to you I ran into a door that's not true he's being bullied seriously I did run into a [Music] [Music] door Mom calm down I'm perfectly calm I just need a word with Mr Rex honey pie [Applause] gbo s you guys make up Mr [Music] Rex hi Mr Rex we need to talk about your daughter so it's going to be like that is it well that's fine by me your dad is pretty scary so's your mom uh Tina is it true that you're bullying me what
Channel: The Amazing World of Gumball
Views: 1,188,415
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mrbeast gumball machine, gumball factory tycoon, gumball machine, baby anais, gumball, the amazing world of gumball, gumball and darwin, the amazing world of elmore, darwin singing, sing with darwin, amazing world of gumball, cartoon network, gumball full episodes, amazing world of gumball full episodes, gumball cartoon network, gumball the night, gumball copycats, gumball movie, amazing world of gumball clown is everywhere, the amazing world of gumball movie, Gumball reboot
Id: 8Ha5E1qiLgo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 50sec (6830 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2024
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