MHA's Strongest Group RANKED and EXPLAINED

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iconic anime groups when I say that term out loud you probably think the Akatsuki or the Phantom troop and honestly I couldn't blame you for that those are anime groups that will live in infamy for as long as anime exists but in the past couple of years there has been a couple of new additions to the list of iconic anime groups and the most notable of these editions has been the Paranormal Liberation Front see the Paranormal Liberation Front is the combination of the league of villains in The Meta Liberation Army and exists in my hero Academia and in both the manga and the anime because they're not that far from each other currently here is the my hero Academia Universe are battling against the Paranormal Liberation Army and while this group is Iconic and talked about worldwide as far as iconic anime groups go the anime and the manga don't do a fantastic job of telling you the powers of every single one of its members as a lot of characters within the Paranormal Liberation Arc have either gone through renaissances with their own powers that have completely restructured how their quirks work or we never really got a great look into how their quirks work in the first place so today I want to wreck defy that today I want to talk about the Paranormal Liberation Front ranked and explained but before we get to ranking or explaining anything guys please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that Noti Bell and if you want to see me explain everything that happened in anime this week go ahead and follow my brand new anime podcast that I'm doing with Danny Mata called utaku's Anonymous before we get into all that guys today I want to talk about our favorite reoccurring sponsor to the page Tokyo treat and Sakura Tokyo treat and sakurako are a monthly subscription boxes that send you Japanese snacks up first let's talk about Tokyo tree every single month has a theme and this month's theme is Japan's Best Bites but outside of that theme Tokyo treat focuses on how a modern Japanese household would snack sending you a myriad of Japanese exclusive flavors like melon kitkats but this might look intimidating to you because you don't read or speak Japanese so if you want to eat something like this you may not know if you'll like it or if you'll be allergic to it which is where our 24-page pamphlet comes in that tells us all about every single item in this box everything from common allergens to women where these snacks are eaten and from that we can learn that these are Curry kame-san senbai so let's give them a try immediately on the nose smells exactly like Curry but let's try them tastes like Curry too the flavor profile is incredible but enough about Tokyo treat let's talk about Sakura cup soccerco also has a theme every month and this month's theme is a taste of Japan while Tokyo Street focuses on how a modern Japanese household snacks Sakura Co focus on how Japan has snacked for hundreds of years supplying you with artisanal and handmade snacks from all over Japan so while you won't see things you're familiar with like kitkats you'll see more things like this which may seem intimidating but once again we have our pamphlet and from that we can learn that these are actually mayonnaise sounds interesting let's give them a try Down the Hatch if the Last Ship nailed the curry flavor this more than nailed the mayonnaise flavor I gotta go in for another one it's like every different ship is a different kind of mayonnaise on top of snacks soccer Co also sends you one piece of tableware a month and this month was a little box that you can use for pickled ginger or Wasabi so what are you guys waiting for use code TWC at checkout for five dollars off your first order from soccerco or Tokyo church just navigate to either of their websites through the links in my description and you'll be snacking like a pro in no time no one can nail a flavor like the Japanese now before we dive into this video I'd like to say that I'm not going to be ranking and explaining every member of the Paranormal Liberation Front as the Paranormal Liberation Front is over a hundred thousand strong with about 15 of those hundred thousand actually having names outside of the 10 leaders of the Paranormal Liberation Front so no we're not going to be talking about star serving or ending or muscular or sliding Joe today we're gonna be talking about the 10 leaders of the Paranormal Liberation Front which is a melding of the highest members of The Meta Liberation Army and the league of villains so if there's anybody in the comments being like where's Cider House where's dictator we're not talking about that no one cares about that so let's start with somebody that very few people care about because coming in at number 10 we have Skeptics skeptic also known as tomoyasu is the strategist for the Paranormal Liberation Army skeptic is a genius through and through and because he's so smart a lot of people believe that his Quirk makes him smarter but it doesn't actually skeptic is an incredible planner with a very high IQ and because of this he was the person who planned all of the meta Liberation and now the Paranormal Liberation Army's underground and political moves on top of this he runs the propaganda for The Meta Liberation Army and now the Paranormal Liberation Army as he was the one who put together Dobby's video and the video of hawks killing twice not to mention he's an incredible hacker being to break into UA's Flying Fortress closed computer system to make it fall out of the sky with the only person in the my hero Universe who's probably a better hacker than him being La Brava but none of that is his actual Quirk his actual Quirk is anthropomor see Skeptics Quirk allows him to take human-sized objects like a refrigerator or a desk and make them into life like puppets in these puppets are incredibly lifelike look-alikes of basically whoever he wants to make and upon creating these puppets he can control them like a puppet now skeptic uses his laptop as a median to control his puppets now usually the distance at which he can control his puppets from is relatively limited having to be relatively close to his puppets in order to control them accurately however because of advances made to networking technology at radastro's company he's able to plant transceivers on his puppets to increase the range which allows skeptic to control his incredibly lifelike puppets from far away combine this with the fact that he's a board member and one of the most important companies in the my hero Academia Universe feels good ink or in control of the majority of the information in my hero Academia allow skept it to control what information gets out to the public in what doesn't and because this relationship skeptic was able to make sure that the meta Liberation Army and the league of villains weren't pointed at in the destruction of DACA City moving beyond skeptic because honestly who cares we have coming in at our number nine spot sneaky the hottest member of the Paranormal Liberation Front Mr compress Mr compress is actually one of the older members of the Paranormal Liberation Front being 32 currently in the manga and because of this especially amongst the league of villains he was considered one of the more experienced bad guys this is because for the entirety of Mr compress's life he's been trying to chase after the Peerless Thief His great-great-grandfather who was one of the greatest thieves of all time however the Awakening of quirks in society basically ended the reign of his great-great-grandfather's Peerless thiefdom and because of this Mr compressed yearns for the destruction of the Quark based hero system Mr compressor otsu Heroes Quirk works by well compressing things ciata hero upon touching something and activating his court creates a sphere and everything within this sphere gets compressed into a marble now this fear could be a myriad of different sizes in atokiro uses that to his Advantage the oti hero can compress things the size of Boulders or human bodies down into marbles but he can also compress chunks out of human bodies down into Marbles and this is the real strength of Mr compresses Quirk see one of the more common ways we see otahiro use his Quirk is by by compressing his unconscious teammates into marbles stashing them in his pockets and running away a great example of this is when Dobby was knocked unconscious and not to Hero compressed him into a marble to carry him away but he doesn't only do this with allies if hypothetically Mr compress is breaking in somewhere he can compress a guard down into a marble so they have no chance to alert others not only does this end any potential fight immediately because the second that you're compressed you are stuck it also makes taking hostages incredibly easy as Mr compress can have a bag full of your guards in his hand that he can decompress at any point but Mr compress doesn't have to fully compress somebody he can also compress parts of people being able to separate people from their arms or their legs or their heart hypothetically you see if hypothetically Mr compressed were to place his hand on my chest he could just compress this part of my body and just like that my heart would no longer exist in my body and while my heart would still very much exist within Mr compresses marble it wouldn't be within my body and I would die Mr compressor uses this ability to take take the arm of overhaul he also uses this ability to compress parts of himself off to break out of best genus wires but Mr compress can do more than just take chunks out of himself he can compress his entire body into a marble which we saw him do during the Vanguard action Squad Invasion now obviously as a marble he can't really do anything but it does make it good for getting out of places or sneaking into places as one second you're looking for somebody in the other second there are marble on the ground and you don't know where to look and all of these abilities are perfect for otahiro who is a natural-born Escape Artist as up to hero comes from a family of Thieves being able to compress himself and others down to either silently take out enemies or hide from said enemies gave him the perfect set of skills to steal not to mention that a lot of otsahiro's ability comes from uncompressing things as atsuhiro uses a combination of his Keen intellect in his Quirk to throw marbles under cop car as in uncompressed Boulders which would lead cop cars to explode upwards as the boulder shot out of the Marvel and that's his true beauty of his Quirk the versatility of it though when stacked up to the other members of the Paranormal Liberation Front it's really nothing all that special though hypothetically if he were just to walk up to all for one and Pat him on the back of the head that'd be that but speaking of all for one let's talk about people who kind of had their lives ruined by all for one because coming in at number eight we have spinner Spinners heteromorph who was bullied out of society because of his lizard-like appearance spinner for the majority of his life lived as a hikikomuri a shut-in who never left the house however Ponting stain's Last Stand on television spinner was motivated to become a village which is why he dresses like snake but they didn't always go super well for spinner because Spinner's Quirk wasn't nearly as cool as stains Spinner's Quirk is Gekko which gives him a lizard-like appearance and abilities and the ability to stick to walls however the spinner of old is not who we're talking about today possible manga spoilers here but really it's nothing all that important because the spinner we're talking about right now doesn't only have the gecko Quirk see after all for one was broken out of prison he gave some quirks to spinner because he needed spinner for an incredibly important job specifically for the job of rallying up the heteromorphs of the country to battle against those who have been treating them like second-class citizens forever see within the confines of pan heteromorphs those who have the appearance of the animals their quirks are based off of or just people who have their appearance Changed by their quirks live as pseudo second-rate citizens dealing with judging glares people frowning upon inter heteromorphic relationships and so on and so forth and thus offer one task spinner with rallying up all of these aggravated heteromorphs to battle against the Society of Heroes it's still an important job that I'm not going to go into because that's actual manga spoilers so in order to make sure that spinner would be strong enough to Rally up all these heteromorphs all for one gave him two quirks body bulk and scale mail now the body bolt Quirk just makes him big but like really big like 15 to 20 feet tall big now the problem with this cork however is that it makes spinner mentally unstable you see the burden of having multiple quirks is quite literally what kills the users of one for all and it's very much having an effect on spinner as having multiple quirks in one body is making him mentally unstable to the point where he's barely sentient and the addition of his third Quirk certainly doesn't help with this Spinner's third Quirk is scale mail which allows him to cover himself in blade-like Scales now these blade-like scales not only greatly increase Spinners defense but also greatly increase his offense as anything he hits with these blade-like scales is torn to Ribbons so now spinner has all of the abilities of a Gekko being able to hang onto the side of buildings on top of the fact that he's 15 to 20 feet tall with impenetrable cutting armor it's kind of like the smallest version of Godzilla if you gave Godzilla a sword and ignored the fact that Godzilla already exists in the mha universe and is technically a hero in this form spinner is not to be messed with goes toe-to-toe with an entire building of pro Heroes and doesn't technically lose in this form he's League stronger than everyone else below him but also League's weaker than everyone else above him because coming in at number seven we might have arguably our most controversial placement on this entire list radastro does that feel low for radastro it should but I have reasons for him being this low one he currently has no legs which definitely doesn't help him in the whole combat back category and two because he's kind of recently been taken out of the running of combat a lot of other people in the Paranormal Liberation Arc have had Awakenings to their quirks or had Awakenings to their quirks during The Meta Liberation Army ARC listen I'm not trying to undersell how strong brodestro is he went toe-to-toe with a fully awakened shigaraki shigaraki who had to battle against Makia for weeks the shikaraki who could eviscerate almost entire cities in a singular touch rudestro for all intents and purposes was that guy in his fight with shigaraki is Iconic but now that we have Nick covering his own ass out of the way let's get to talking about rodestra rodestro is the descendant of the famous criminal Destra who created The Meta Liberation Army yeah radastro got super creative with his name now nobody knew that Destro had descendants and thus re-dash draw was actually adopted by The Meta Liberation Army and groomed into being their perfect leader the leader who would bring them at a Liberation Army back into the light in order to this by becoming the CEO of detronat darnet is a multi-billion dollar company within mha so rudestro used the money power and info influence of this multi-billion dollar company to increase the reach of the meta Liberation Army across all of Japan spreading its ideologies and its manpower to every nook and cranny while simultaneously avoiding any scrutiny from heroes or the police but even if the heroes or the cops did come knocking with radastro's corkability stress they wouldn't have been knocking for long the or destro's meta ability allows him to convert any fear anger or stress that he has into raw power and this raw power manifests on his body as a purple-like suit that not only increases his size but his power and his speed however in order to use this ability radesho has to hold on to as much stress as possible basically he's trying to live the least calm life available walking around his entire life being a ball of stress in order to be able to use that power should the day ever come when he needs it now this stress comes out in waves as rodestro slowly but surely releases his stress in percentages going from 80 Liberation all the way up to a hundred and fifty percent at a hundred percent stress redest was able to release black waves of raw power from both of his hands and considering the fact that he only needed one enlarged finger to destroy one of twice's doubles in one enlarged arm to sweep away an entire Army of Clone while he only needed two fingers to destroy an awakened shikaraki's entire left hand rodestro at a hundred percent fully coated stress is a problem not to mention with the use of his suit called clostro rodestro was able to access 150 percent of his stress power see this suit was created by detonat in his incredibly claustrophobic which increases rodestro's stress and in this 150 percent stress output form rudestra was able to literally throw Tamara across daika City on top of the fact while in this form he had an entire skyscraper fall on his head and it was fine and while this is far from the strongest version of shikaraki we've ever seen the fact that radastro is able to fight him to somewhat of a stalemate says something shigaraki is probably anywhere between 10 to 30 times stronger than he was in this battle against radastro and he's still lost both of his legs against that version of shikaraki and while being able to battle against this version of shikaraki is very impressive almost everybody on this list above radastro has better Feats though Feats aren't everything sometimes you have to take into account raw upside somebody whose abilities we may not have seen at their Highest Potential yet and that's what I'm doing with our number six spot because coming in at number six is toga yes I am putting toga above radastro and it'll make sense in a second toga was born into a relatively regular family being the eldest daughter of the toga fam however when toga was very young a very troubling habit became apparent to her parents see toga had a fascination with all things blood which usually manifested himself as toga playing with corpses to the point where Togo would bring her parents corpses of birds and ask if they were pretty however in response to this her parents didn't take her into therapy or institutionalize her no they just told her to be normal which toga did for a while she suppressed her carnal urges living life is a regular schoolgirl and making a bunch of friends however all of this change when a new boy came to her school see this to see this new boy's name was saita and Saito would frequently get in fights where he would become covered in blood and bruises seeing him all covered in blood made toga obsessed with him to the point where she believed she developed a crush and therefore one day when Saito was alone toga attacked him with a box cutter and stabbed him and began to suck the blood out of his wound while crying and smiling and after this toga would abandon her life as a regular schoolgirl and go on the Run stabbing and drinking the blood of numerous other people until eventually she joined the league of villains she talked a while for a while was kind of just fodder has recently in both the anime and the manga gone through a massive transformation Quirk wise titoki's ability transformed for a long time allowed her to physically transform into somebody she's drank the blood out which will give toga that person's voice appearance and clothes making it incredibly important and Powerful reconnaissance tool as if Togo could simply secure a little bit of somebody's blood she could sneak into UA high now how long talk is able to hold his appearance depends on how much blood toga gets Toca states with a cup of somebody's blood she's able to hold the appearance for 18 hours now to most people acquiring this Blood would be a big hurdle however toga is quite literally a master of stealth being able to by clearing her mind and holding her breath to be almost undetectable even to Pro Heroes toga then uses her incredible agility flexibility and stealth abilities to steal blood from people she wants to use to infiltrate places this has only helped by the fact that toga is incredibly talented with the use of knives batoko recently underwent a massive upgrade to her Court you see for a while a long time toga could only copied the appearance in voice in close of whoever she drank the blood of it became apparent during The Meta Liberation Army ARC that a large part of Togo's Quirk also plays into these so-called crushes this infatuation that toga feels with a certain amount of people and if hypothetically toga consumes the blood of somebody she's infatuated with not only does she get their appearance she also gets their abilities which we saw for the first time when toga turned into uraka and toga then proceeded to use this Quirk to touch a bunch of the people around her make them float and then bring them back down to earth allowing toga to kill multiple high-level enemies like that and while that's absolutely the way that uchaku should use her Quirk it's not which made toga in the one circumstance of her being uchaku probably more powerful than uchaku what's truly terrifying about this however is that toga isn't only obsessed with uchaku sitoka so far as we know is obsessed with three people uchaku twice in Deca while obviously being able to control gravity is terrifying in the hands of toga those other two obsessions scare me a lot more see Togo with twice his blood could hypothetically pull off sat man's prey not saying she has done this anime only Watchers but hypothetically she could and the power of Sad Man's parade is not only almost Limitless but also said to be able to overthrow an entire country because the real detractor for Sad Man's parade is that it would make twice insane as the idea of having that many copies of himself out there would make him lose complete control over who was the original batoka is in effect with the bipolarism that twice is which would mean hypothetically if she had a cup of twice's blood she could run Dead Man's parade for 18 hours and considering the fact that there is no limit to the amount of doubles that can be created 18 hours is really all you need on top of this we've seen toga transform into decades during the overhaul radar toga transforms into Deca now she did this to distract the heroes and send them in the wrong direction and this was before her Awakening that allowed her to use the quirks of those that she turned into that she was fascinated by but now the Toca has had the Awakening and now that she's still very much interested in Deku it stands to reason that there's at least a small possibility that if she turned into Deku she could use one for all now obviously manoma wasn't able to copy deku's court but that's monoma not toga it's a possibility that because of all the vestiges of one for all live in Deku and that's where his power is derived from and those wouldn't go to toga that you wouldn't be able to use it but the fact that there's a possibility that she would not only be able to use twice his Quirk but also deku's puts her above radastro for me and so on and so forth sheer amount of upside that toga has tied into her emotions means that the power that she can acquire is almost Limitless and in the mountain as it currently stands she is one of the more intimidating threats but enough about togen let's talk about people who are threats but not necessarily intimidating because coming up at number five we have getat yes I have gettin who served under rodestro in The Meta Liberation Army over rodestra one he still has both of his legs two I have other reasons I feel like I need to Circle back to rodestro here Destro fight twice now after his battle against Togo where he lost his legs and the Prosthetics that he has now can't bear the weight of his full stress output so we've seen his Prosthetics break out from under him which is what happened in his battle against Edge shot so the fact that he can't even use his 100 output let alone his 150 output puts him pretty low on the list is my point clear enough cool back to get him gets and grew up in the meta Liberation Army he didn't go to school like regular kids instead he would spend every single day honing his ice Quirk ability as gettin's only purpose in life was to be as useful as possible to pedestrian because of this gets in his Spence the entiretive is relatively short life I think he's 18. honing in mastering his ice Quirk and you can tell as far as ice abilities at mha go get 10 is by far and away the strongest as gets in during The Meta Liberation Army ARC was tasked with battling against Dobby specifically he was tasked by radastro to eliminate Dobby's long-range blue flames and get them was up to this cause so getting came toe-to-toe with Dobby and fought him to a stalemate which is insane we consider the fact that Dobby has the hottest flames in mha hotter than Endeavors hotter than shotos and gets in as an ice user was fighting a losing battle and yet because gettin is able to use ice on a scale we've never seen before being able to cover eight city blocks in ice with a mere movement of his hand and create massive constructs of ice like a giant iceberg that nullified Dobby's blue flames or Dragon made of ice he could ride on in fact upon seeing his abilities Mr compress deemed getten the biggest threat to the league of villains but getson doesn't just control and manipulate the I surround him gets in underwent an Awakening that allowed him to control the temperature of his ice which means means it can either make his ice significantly below zero or he can change water into ice however this does mean that gettin needs water around him to use his core as he can't create ice like shot but still the fact that he fought Dobby to a standstill when Dobby beat the brakes off albeit a distracted Endeavor in Shoto while fighting with an elemental disadvantage is insane now obviously he was recently captured in the anime however he was going toe-to-toe against Mount lady in dozens of pro Heroes and was only captured when cementos caught him off guard with a wave of cement with him and cementos also coming to a stalemate as cementos after capturing it and was also knocked unconscious but genuinely being able to skill get him with an elemental disadvantage to the level of Dobby is wacky's this high on the list but I still couldn't in good conscious put him in the top four thus coming in at number four we have Weiss gin also known as twice is a lot of people's favorite member of the Paranormal Liberation Front or the league of villains chin led a very difficult childhood but both of his parents dying in a villain attack when he was very young he was left as an orphan however fortunately he was brought in by a man who was willing to give employment food and shelter to Jin however unfortunately if this job twice ran into somebody with a motorbike and while this person did jump out in front of twice meaning that it wasn't his fault that he ran into him this person regardless of blame ended up breaking their arm and while twice wasn't arrested for this the person who ended up breaking their arm was a client of the person who employed twice and thus because one of his employees broke his arm this client vowed to never come back to do business with this man which led this man who was Jin's last connection to not only fire him but throw him out of his house making Jin homeless which left Jin on the streets with nobody ginzeliness got so bad that he used his Quirk twice to make copies of himself so he would have people around him he could trust and Jin began to make more and more copies to have more and more friends and he and all of these copies would commit armed robberies in order to stay alive slowly but surely becoming one of Japan's most wanted criminals however jyn eventually got lazy trying to force all of his clones to do all of the hard work however since all of his clones were just him none of them wanted to do the hard work thus they all caught the real gin and strapped him to a chair and for nine days they argued about who the true gin was until all of them killed each other leaving only the true gin strapped to the chair and ever since this moment jyn battled with the idea of whether or not he was a clone which led him to start wearing a mask to keep all of the Personalities in his head which is why whenever he takes his mask off he feels as though he's unraveling Jin is arguably the least evil out of all of the league of villains he more than anything was simply trying to defend the friends around him however he was unfortunately the wielder of an incredibly powerful Quirk a quirk that the league of villains wanted to twice's Quirk double allows him to make doubles and that's not just doubles of himself twice is able to make copies of anything living or not in order to create a double he simply just needs to know what something looks like but more specifically he needs to know its exact measurements and what it looks like however he is only limited to two duplications at a time which would mean that he would only be able to duplicate this phone and this coin or two copies of himself or two copies of chica Rock however that rule applies to his clones as well which means twice can create two copies of themselves which can create two copies of themselves and so on and so for mitotically splitting forever and this is exactly how sad man parade Works twice begins making clones that make clones that make clones that make clones that make clones until you have thousands of twices and there is hypothetically no limit to this there could be millions of twices billions of twices it only takes 10 generations of clones to get to a thousand twenty generations to get to a million I considering the fact that these clones can be made in a matter of let's say five seconds it would take about a minute and 45 seconds to get a million clones of twice if he had the space not to mention he can double more than just himself if jyn perfectly understands somebody's abilities and measurements he can make copies of them you want to know one of the people he understands shikaraki what if every single one of these 20 generations of twice made one clone of themselves in one clone of shikaraki well obviously this clone of shikaraki isn't as strong as the original it's still stronger than 98 of Heroes on Earth he also perfectly understands Dobby so he could switch between Dobby and shigaraki and while technically toga can hypothetically use the double technique because twice can use it whenever he wants for as long as he wants obviously he's gonna be higher on the list but there's a reason that it was said that this Quirk had the ability to take over entire countries and we should be grateful that twice was too busy trying to keep all of his Personalities in check to not try but since we were talking about people that twice can make copies of coming up at number three we have Dobby Dobby also known as Toya is one of if not the strongest flame user in my hero Academia at least currently so far as the manga stands Toya is the son of endeavor and therefore the brother of shotel specifically endeavor's oldest son in shoto's oldest brother now unfortunately as the oldest son to Endeavor he was endeavor's first failed project as Endeavor married an ice user hoping to get a half-hot half cold cork child a child whose power would be able to surpass all might and while that's not what he got with Toya what he did get with Toya was somebody whose Flames burned hotter than Endeavors now usually this would be awesome Toyo could be one of the strongest flame users in the entirety of mha stronger than in death except for the fact that Toya got his mother's disposition a body better suited for an ice Quirk than a flame corn as Toyo when he uses Flames too much would have his own skin burn now Toya lived with Endeavor for a good part of his child however when Shoto was born with a half cold half hot Quirk Endeavor threw Toya out like a piece of used garbage however all Toya wanted was to be recognized by Endeavor who was forcing raising this child onto his wife which led Toya to go a bit insane looking for the approval of his father until eventually he went up into the woods to train and lost control of his Flames engulfing the entire Forest he was training in and massive sea of flame I'll see a flame that endeavor and the rest of his family believed that Toya died in however Toya didn't die in these flames and he was actually found by all for one who recruited him into the league of villains and now it is Toya or Dobby's only goal in life to make Shoto in Endeavors lives as miserable as possible and he has the power to do that as we've seen Dobby not only single-handedly defeat Hawks even though Hawks does have a huge weakness to fire type users but also match and outmatch the Flames of endeavor in Shoto not only this but when Dobby gets serious and begins to use his father's flash fire fist techniques he was able to with basically no effort whatsoever to burn through best genus fibers and to overpower nejidehado one of yuei's big three but even if hypothetically one of these people were to land a hit on Dobby he probably wouldn't feel it as Dobby has basically no nerves left in his body as his body was left incredibly charred and maimed after the fire that everyone believed he died which pretty much makes his entire body insensitive to any kind of pain on top of the fact that his Quirk blue flame has been burning his body entire life see Dobby's blue flame technique has a greater destructive Firepower than his father's hell flint and this is because blue fire burns at a hotter temperature than red fire because of this Dobby can do all the things Endeavor can do he can use flash fire fist hell spider jetburk the latter of which he used against Shoto outclassing shoto's fire so much they didn't even really have to try and more than anything Dobby is also able to use his father's strongest technique prominence burn in fact Dobby was about to use his technique against Endeavor and kill both of them before best genus intervene but Dobby hasn't only copied the moves of his father he's also copied the moves of Shoto as Shoto created an ultimate move that combines the power of His Fire and Ice techniques into a move called phosphor a technique created specifically to beat Dobby however Dobby using his Mastery over his fire and his Keen intellect was able to copy this technique launching it directly back at Shoto definitely understands that neither Endeavor nor Shoto can really fight at 100 against Toya but the fact that Toya Dobby is able to use all of their abilities at a higher temperature against them means that he's strong now obviously Toya has a ticking time clock that is the rest of his skin that isn't burned which is pretty much all but nothing now in the manga the fact that he doesn't feel any of this means he can use it for as long as anybody else and while sure one day it will kill him he's gonna try and take as many people with him as possible speaking of killing a lot of people coming up at number two we have gagan tamakia now calling him a part of well any organization is kind of a stretch because gagandamakia is not necessarily sentient I would say the kagantamaki is closer to a dog than a human but we're gonna add him on the list here you see kagatamaki was actually a member of the league of villains before tomorrow long before Tamara joined the league of villains kagantamakia was all for one's bodyguard and his Quirk at the time was the endurance Quirk which made his body incredibly durable and because his body was so durable he was able to take on multiple quirks at once with all for one and Dr garaki giving him seven in in total and those seven quirks are endurance the quirky was born with which allows him to convert his morale into energy and stamina it's kind of the opposite of stress or the more invigorated and optimistic that gigamontia is the stronger he gets the second Quirk is pain blocker which does exactly what it sounds like it stops gigamatia from feeling any pain whatsoever is their Quirk is gigantification and while a lot of people believe that this is the quirks that made him big and they're not wrong and thinking that it's not actually how gigantification Works Maki actually isn't always the same size while we usually see him to be around 25 meters tall he's not always that tall see gigantification allows gigantimakia to grow the more excited or agitated he is with his max height being 25 meters but if he's not excited or agitated he'll be smaller the fourth Quirk he has is dog which is why I said he was closer to a dog than a human this Quirk gives him all the heightened senses that a dog has better hearing better sniffing his fifth Quirk is energy saver which allows to get into Makia to operate his massive body on basically no food water or sleep which is why in the months that it took Tamara to train up to finally be able to battle against gagentemakia that he only slept about 40 minutes a night or four hours it's either 40 minutes or four hours I don't remember which the four hours thing could be from Elf his sixth Quirk is fierce gains yes like games this Quirk allows you get into Makia to harden his muscles incredibly quick making all of the muscles all around his body work as a mobile suit of hardening armor and his seventh and final Quirk is his mold Quirk that allowski gantamaki to grow massive claws on his hands and put up a visor that allows him to dig deep into the Earth or through massive cities this is the court that allowed to get to Makia to hide for years while all for one was locked up in prison it's also The Quirk that allowed to get to Makia to run in a straight line to all for one's position even though that straight line took a gantamakia through five or six cities so all in all what is that level out to a 25 meter bulletproof mold dog who doesn't need food water or sleep and even if hypothetically you are somehow it appears through the hardest Diamond muscles he won't feel it your gantamakia fought against the entirety of the league of villains for months and for months he kicked their asses until eventually tomorrow was able to somewhat compete with him which allowed gigamontia to accept him as all for ones next inherent it took almost the entirety of the class of 1A enough tranquilizers to kill a herd of elephants Endeavor Ed shot and best genus to take him down actually Edge shot may not have been there but Endeavor and best genus absolutely were on top of the fact that this monster is 25 meters tall and bulletproof he can also run 62 miles an hour or a hundred kilometers an hour and at that speed of 62 miles an hour he was able to run through 20 cities to get to All For One resulting in thousands if not tens of thousands of deaths however gontamakia's biggest weakness is the fact that the amount of Quirk stuffed into his body have made him all but nonsentient as he has no free will being the only time that he'll ever do anything is when he's told to do that thing by all for one or Shinto but since we're talking about all for one let's talk about all for One's next reincarnation Thomas because surprise surprise he's number one on the list listen we've already done a how strong is tomoder shigaraki video so I'm not gonna be doing a full dive into exactly how strong Tamina is but he is without a doubt the strongest being in my hero Academia right now maybe actually it's kind of up in the air right now see shigaraki was the grandson of nanashimura the seventh inheritor of one for all however because NADA was afraid that villains would try to attack her family she abandoned her son when he was first born which led her son to grow up hating Heroes so when shikaraki grew up talking about how he wanted to be a hero and idolizing Heroes his father would scold and abuse him and this abuse both mental and physical got so bad that one day shikaraki just snapped however that day also coincided with the day that shikaraki awoke his court Asia shigaraki accidentally decayed his dog and his sister and his mom he realized that something was going wrong instead of being afraid of this power shigaraki realized that this was his Awakening as a villain and thus when his father was the last to come to shikaraki shigaraki actively decayed it was at this point that shigaraki was found by all for one who groomed him into being his next vessel all for one of course understanding that his current body simply wouldn't cut it after his battle against all might and now it was a currently stands shigaraki is pretty much all for one as a copy of all for one lives in shikaraki and there's also now reverse aging all for one in the manga but shigaraki has the original all for one Quirk with all for one just having a copy and upon gaining all for one shigaraki has become an absolute weapon being able to battle against the likes of endeavor at 75 of all for one while having his Quirk suppressed meaning that with only the power of His muscle shikaraki was on par with Endeavor it stated that while having his Quirk suppress his strength and speed are comparable to that of all might on top of that his control over his body is so precise that while having his Quirk suppressed he can actually grow giant masses from his body being able to do extend his arms into monstrous entities arms that are five to six meters long and three meters around created out of hundreds of hands and if any of these hands touch anything they can cast Decay and considering the fact that with just two-hand shigarakis able to Decay entire cities in The Meta Liberation Arc the scale at which he could Decay with this many hands is incomprehensible but he's even more of a menace when he has all for one as he's gone toe-to-toe with the world's strongest Heroes he took a laser barrage to the chest that was being wielded by a cloud Avatar that was a hundred meters tall and held it he avoided a nuclear blast by swimming into the Earth like it was in Ocean he has super regeneration search Air cannons rivet stabs heavy payloads scatter spring-like limbs Wings every character in mha has thrown their ultimate move at him bakugou every member of The Big Three Deku Deborah has used a full power prominence burn on him and he recovered and maybe most terrifyingly out of all of this is while all of the this was going on homura has become better with his Decay court now being able to decide what gets decayed and what doesn't meaning that he could Decay an entire Battlefield and save all of his allies in nomu that are standing on that Battlefield while killing everybody else fighting on the ground is a death sentence as he's able to Decay entire cities and everybody in them that's touching anything that's getting decayed he has come a far away from almost getting ended by a dude with a revolver and that's it the Paranormal Liberation Army ranked and explained what do you guys think do you agree with my list did I leave anything out tell me in the comments below and why you guys are down there please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that note said everybody listens to him and everybody forgets his name I didn't even want to include Skeptics [Music] I remember foreign
Channel: The Weeb Commander
Views: 87,664
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, anime explained, nchammer23, weeb commander, manga explained, manga, my hero academia, boku no hero, dabi, shigaraki, all for one, one for all, gigantomachia, twice, toga
Id: h12MpAzZhow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 0sec (2280 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 15 2023
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