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when you talk about chainsaw man it's hard to not immediately think about the bad guys the devil's like the darkness devil or the gun devil iconic Devils that serve as the bad guys for the core of the story and this is for a couple of reasons one because unfortunately those are the characters that stick around as they're both incredibly powerful and Devils go through an infinite reincarnation cycle but two because the design of these characters is incredibly cool and their motivations are kind of up in the air we can't help but be curious about these iconically evil characters and honestly I'm no different I've done videos ranking and explaining the strongest devils and Chainsaw man I've done a video raking and explaining just the strongest hybrids in chainsaw man but I realized as I was focusing solely on these Devils I was ignoring one very important group of people the devil Hunters the so-called Good Guys of the story filled with as many if not more iconic characters than the devil roster and while admittedly there is a little bit of overlap here I figured with chainsaw man season one coming to a close relatively recently there there's no better time than now to talk about the strongest devil Hunters ranked and explained but before we get to ranking or explaining anything guys please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that notary Bell and while you guys are at it if you like hearing me talk about a myriad of different animes go ahead and follow my brand new podcast utaku's Anonymous with Danny Mata we're breaking down everything that happens in anime on a weekly basis devil Hunters whether they be in public security private security Japan China the Soviet Union they all come together in one unified cause killing Devils it is inarguably the most dangerous job in the chainsaw man Universe a job where relatively regular humans have to come into combat against infinitely resurrecting Devils there is no end in sight and it's kind of a losing fight and yet some people fight for the cause but considering the fact that being killed by a devil makes up for 70 of fatalities in the chainsaw man Universe you would hope at least a couple people stood up for it and throughout the duration of Chainsaw man we have met a lot of different devil hunters and while I originally wanted to do a top 10 there were so many devil Hunters that we've met and so many that I love I had to make it 12. so without further Ado let's get into devil Hunters ranked and explained coming in at our bottom spot which is really no disrespect on this list because it is a top 12 devil hunters in the entirety of the Chainsaw man Universe list we have copeni so Benny is kind of an enigma in the first chapter of the manga there is a popularity contest done and in this popularity contest kobeni lost in popularity to her car mind you this car was stolen by power and crashed so Kobe's destroyed Carr was more popular than her I would say by now that narrative has completely changed as kobeni appears to be one of the most popular characters in chainsaw man as a whole and it's not because she's incredibly powerful or well written she's just kind of a walking meme everything from her insane physical ability to her mysterious contract with the devil has been memed up to a Preposterous level and because of this even though she's a background character and tries to kill Genji at one point she is massively beloved and here's the thing I'm not even just putting her on this list because she's massively beloved Benny is the perfect example of a timid character who's held back by their timidness in fact this is exactly what himino said that she was one of the most talented devil Hunters she'd ever seen but her timidness held her back and we've seen this KO Penny while alone after denji got cut in half by the katana man was able to take on Katana man in his human form and akane mind you even though akane is just a regular human her contract with the snake Devil Makes Her an incredibly formidable foe as her and Katana man were basically able to take on himino and Aki simultaneously and don't forget denji was there as well she was able to take on Katana man and akane simultaneously because when it comes to speed and strength amongst humans she's almost unmatched she was able to cut off Katana man's arm with next to no effort on top that she was able to dodge the tale of the snake devil and react to bullets that Katana man was shooting at her even though she prefers to use a knife she's also an incredibly accurate shot being able to severely injure Katana man with a gun on top of that her battle IQ is pretty high using Den G as a meat Shield fully understanding that he's able to rejuvenate so while kobeni might be a little bit of a meme and be a nervous wreck you better believe I want her in my corner into her devil contract is what the community thinks her devil contract is then let's be real she could go up to number one on this list coming in at number 11 we have Cosmo now for those of you who are anime only you don't know Cosmo Cosmo appears in the international assassin's Ark and art that revolves around a Chinese devil Hunter known as Quan Chi kwanxi is a hybrid with the crossbow devil but Quan Chi also has four girlfriends who are fiends now we don't really know the power of three of those fiend girlfriends but we do know the power of one of them and that would be Cosmo see Cosmo as a fiend means that at one point she was a corpse and a devil found her corpse and took over her body to become a fee however the problem with Cosmo as a fiend is that her body was relatively destroyed when the devil found her body which is why the iconic head she has as a fiend is actually just half of her brain hanging out of her skull and because of this fans speculated for a long time that she was the zombie fee well that and the fact that she can only say the word Halloween but it was revealed that Cosmo was not the zombie fiend and Cosmo was in fact the Cosmosphere and the cosmos fiend or the cosmos devil is the representation of the fear of the cosmos more specifically the infiniteness of the cosmos in the infinite knowledge that lies in the cosmos but because of this as the cosmos fiend Cosmo has an incredibly powerful ability Cosmo can send people into a sort of extra dimensional space in this extra dimensional space is represented by a gigantic Library once you're forced into this gigantic Library the entirety of the knowledge of the universe is shoved into your brain but because humans aren't equipped to know everything in the entirety of the universe this just forces you to think about Halloween until you die so for the rest of your very short confusing and painful life the only thing that you can say just like Cosmo is Halloween the only problem with Cosmo is that as a fiend therefore being in a weakened State this also affects her however within the confines of this extra-dimensional space Cosmo is able to talk regularly it's within the confines of this extra-dimensional space Cosmo has infinite knowledge complete omniscence there is nothing in the universe she doesn't know so while technically it may seem as though Cosmo is just some shambling zombie who can only say Halloween inside of her head is all of the knowledge of the universe that she technically does have access to as long as she's within her extra dimensional space and considering the fact that all she needs to do is get her hands on you to enter you into this extra dimensional space which is basically a One-Shot kill yeah she's gonna be at number 11. coming up at number 10 is one of my favorite characters in chainsaw man and should be one of yours because coming up at number 10 we have another fiend on the list this time it's beam the shark fiend beam is one of the minor players in Tokyo special division four and in the anime you've seen him already he's the shark who can swim through walls and is obsessed with eating things being is more or less dengie's best friend beam kind of idolizes denji as beam is also a young eccentric and very naive individual and therefore beam will always go along with dengue's plans going so far is to make sure that denji is always safe on those plans but outside of just being an incredible and loving character beam is also very powerful being able to tank multiple shots from bomb girl a hybrid much like denji of the bomb devil who's one of the most powerful people in chainsaw man as a whole he also technically has intangibility a lot like Obito or lamillian beam is able to make his body in tangible allowing him to swim through floors in walls in people which gives him tons of options when fighting against somebody on top of this as a shark fiend he has incredible scent being able to deduce what kind of devil somebody might be simply based off their smell more than anything his true peace State resistance is his devil transformation as like with most fiends he's able to temporarily transform into his devil 4. his devil form being a shark however the shark has even greater biting Force than he had as a fee and also denji rides him like a horse let's keep this fiend train rolling because coming in at number nine we have power see Power is considered by many to be the best girl of the show and I can't really argue with that she is fantastic power is the blood themed and as the blood devil Power claims that she was so powerful that other Devils would run from her scent however as a fiend unfortunately she's taken a step back in terms of power and asaphene she has all the standard fiend abilities regeneration Through Blood infinite reincarnation cycle if they're killed in boosted physical strength in speed the power goes beyond boosted strength and speed as power is able to wield massive weapons made out of her blood with relative ease being able to kill things like a bear or the sea cucumber devil in one swing not to mention that power moved faster than Katana man could react to and hit him with an uppercut he couldn't Dodge in mind you for a while there Katana man moved so fast that denji couldn't react to him but power's real ability comes from her ability to control her own blood power usually controls her own blood by creating weapons out of it however power is also able to control the blood of others however in order to do this she has to be in direct contact with that person and power could hypothetically do anything with his blood that she wanted to with Aki she was able to stop him from bleeding out and on top of that power is also able to mess with somebody's regenerative abilities if she mixes her blood into their blood which kind of makes her a nightmare to go up against if she's fighting another devil and power just like beam can also use devil transformation where she's able to temporarily re-become the blood devil and in this form she can use things like thousand Terra blood right where she creates thousands of blades out of individual blood droplets that she can use to throw an unwielding barrage of blades at an enemy this technique has been shown to be able to Halt the progress of some of the strongest people in the chainsaw man universe but enough about fiends let's get to actual Devils because coming in at number eight we have the angel devil angel also known as the angel devil is also a part of the Tokyo special division 4. an angel contrary to popular belief is not a thing you see in chainsaw man the more humanoid the devil is the more friendly they are towards humans an angel even though he does have an iconic head with his Halo like a themed wood is very humanoid and is therefore very friendly towards humans and therefore willing to help fight against devils and as a just straight up devil and not a fiend the angel devil still has all of his original Power which means things like his physical ability and his regeneration are much greater than that of fiends in fact the angel devil is considered the second strongest member of Tokyo special division 4 but his laziness holds him back Angel Devil's true strength comes from his ability to absorb the lives of anybody he comes into contact with and upon coming in contact with these people he absorbs away their life force now that light force is kind of like a monetary system for the angel devil as those years that the angel devil has accumulated can be used for combat down the line see the angel devil can create lifespan weapons weapons created from these siphoned off lifespans and he has four of these weapons we've seen five years ten years 100 years and a thousand years however even at the lowest level with five years these weapons are insane at five years Angel manifests a sword from his Hala this weapon kills anybody sliced with it without leaving a mark now his 10 years weapon seems very similar to his five years weapon but we're not entirely sure how it works because we never get to see it used 100 years weapon is very similar also a sword that we don't really get to see the full effects of but the 1 000 years weapon is a spear a sphere that was strong enough to defeat the strongest devil in chainsaw man and the angel devil really doesn't have to worry about using these ears because simply by brushing hands with Aki the angel devil estimates that he took two months of life from Aki which means in a matter of seconds you can lose months of your life a man on Twitter who is obsessed with femme boys estimated that if you were to you know with Angel and you started in your 20s you would get 15 minutes until you die more than enough time for me but what can I say I'm efficient on top of being able to make incredibly broken weapons and absorb people's life force the entry level has insane reflexes being able to react to bullets and use his wings to Shield himself from them meaning his wings are strong enough to block bullets but enough about e-boys who will slowly kill us let's talk about e-boys who will quickly kill us with kishiba sikishime is probably the strongest straight up human in the chainsaw man Universe I mean no fiends no hybridges human with a couple of devil contracts he's a copeni without the panic attacks and honestly the length of his career as a devil Hunter speaks to his power you see Keisha Bay has been hunting Devils for decades and because of that he's slowly but surely gone a little bit insane as batting the belief that the strongest devil Hunters are those that have lost their mind a little bit though it's not driven by hatred or revenge and just driven by a sheer Want to Kill Devils and that's who kishibe is to a t all he likes is women drinking in killing devils in fact earlier when I said that the angel devil was considered the second strongest member of Tokyo special division IV kishime was considered the strongest and the angel devil is an actual devil takeshire as a regular human in the devil hunting profession has to have some contracts with devils in DS3 contracts that we know of fun with the claw devil one with the knife devil and one with the needle devil we don't know the price of any of these contracts but we do know that these contracts allow kishibe to spawn these weapons out of the blue but his contracts aren't really what makes him powerful it is super for human ability is so strong he was able to speed rush both denji and power and Snapple to their necks with one hand and he's able to react to encounter surprise attacks like when power tried to stab him with a spear through a door I mean the man is the epitome of a veteran devil Hunter and if you're crazy enough to go into the majority of your fights against actual Devils with your bare fists well you're probably gonna be pretty strong but since we're talking about veteran devil Hunters next up on the list is Aki see I know I just stated the kishibes probably our strongest straight up human on this list so then why is Aki higher than him on this list and I'm not gonna tell you the answer that because it is technically a spoiler but just know I do have a reason Benji much like our previous entry is a veteran devil Hunter a man who has been through the ringer and has killed more Devils than he probably remembers and with experience comes power but here's the thing Genji acquires his power a bit differently Well dengie's Physical prowess is very very impressive being able to keep up with the likes of katana man before his future devil contract tanking being stabbed in the ribs by kobeni without going to the hospital afterwards and even being able to stand in front of the darkness Devil Without Dying his true power comes from his devil contracts specifically his contract with the cursed devil the fox devil and the future devil he does have another contract but we're not going to talk about that one he can't even technically use it anyways so it doesn't really even matter when we're talking about how strong he is Aki's contract with the cursed devil grants him a nail-like sword and in order to use his contract Aki has to stab his opponent three times with this sword upon stabbing his opponent three times with a sword and saying fire each time Chris devil will grab that enemy and inflict a massive amount of damage to them and usually this kills Aki's enemy unless of course they're a hybrid in which case with a little blood they can rejuvenate outside of needing to stab somebody three times using this sword also significantly reduces Aki's life Aki's other contract is his Fox devil contract which by simply making this form and saying cone Aki was able to summon the fox devil's head which he would use to eat opponents but also would have to sacrifice part of his being to the fox devil in order to summon now this could be part of his liver or skin off his forear however akiki can no longer used his contract because he fed the fox devil something she didn't like Aki's last and arguably most important contract is the contract he has with the future devil his contract didn't cost Aki anything because the future devil saw Aki's death found it hilarious and wanted to be there for it Aki allows the future devil to live within his right eye which grants him two abilities the first of which is precognition it allows him to see a couple of seconds into the future which means akiki know exactly where attacks are going to be before they're even launched the problem is this precognition only allows him to dodge what he can humanly Dodge if you have a gun to his chest and he sees you pulling the trigger he can try and move out of the way with a couple of seconds granted to him through precognition but if he can't Dodge he can't Dodge it's not infinite it's a couple of seconds and while he is incredibly fast resilient and strong he's still a human Aki is also able to summon the future devil which he can use for any of the reasons you would summon any devil really but usually it's to talk to the Future devil on top of this Aki is incredible swords building a sword given to him created by the angel devil which he can use to hurt things that wouldn't usually be hurt by a sword like ghosts and allows him to keep pressure on enemies significantly stronger than him like hybrids now Aki does technically get another power up in the man longer but like I said not gonna go into that just know it allows him to go Toe to Toe with some of the strongest people in the entire universe coming up after Aki we have somebody who we've already mentioned on this list in Quan XI siquanchi is known as the first devil Hunter the hybrid of the crossbow devil hailing from China and while she is technically an antagonist in this story she is still very much a devil Hunter Punchy is a woman of insane power She carries three swords on her in the way that she transforms into her hybrid form is by pulling an arrow in her eye in this form her head becomes very similar to that of dengi's in his chainsaw man form except she has an aphro of sorts of arrows and her arms become crossbows her strength has been described as Beyond what's humanly possible she's been shown several times to be able to cut through entire crowds of people in one slice she was even able to block an attack that knocked out both Aki and Angel and when it comes to reflexes those are also incredibly superhuman as she needs to keep her reflexes as superhuman as possible to keep up with her insane speed but this is all just inner human form because after entering her hybrid form she no longer uses her blades she focuses more on firing arrows from her arms now these arrows are shot with such a velocity that they punch circular holes in her enemies and you know what you're saying you're saying just get close to her but unfortunately that doesn't work either as she has the capability to release a cluster of arrows that works a lot like Buckshot not to mention as a hybrid she's not Immortal as long as somebody can pull her Arrow she can come back to life with enough blood so for being able to cut through entire crowds of people with a sword that she rarely uses having 4K ability to shoot armor-piercing arrows from her arms yeah she's gonna be pretty high on this list but not as high is our next hybrid on this list reze raise res I'm I'm going with reze it's Russian you see reze is also a hybrid like Quan Chi and denji but she is from the Soviet Union which still exists in the chainsaw man universe and while she eat just like juanchi is also an antagonist she is also technically a devil hunter from the Soviet Union and much like Juan Shi she's also a menace even in her human form sequanshi was trained to be a devil Hunter before she was even a hybrid the same can be said for reze which trained by the Soviet Union to be an incredible killing Force before she even became the hybrid of the bomb devil which I don't know about you sounds a bit stronger than the crossbow Devil in Her human form she has similar strength and speed to kobeni being able to speed Blitz Genji and being able to basically cut off his hand with a singular swipe of a knight however by pulling a pin in her neck she undergoes her hyper transformation and upon undergoing this transformation she explodes but she doesn't always have to immediately undergo this transformation as she's able to somewhat undergo this transformation being able to decapitate herself and have her body catch her decapitated bomb head she can then throw this Bob head at her opponent like a grenade and once that grenade explodes it turns into her hybrid 4. however the decapitated head is also still around and can be piloted as a remote control bomb because the decapitated body is also explosive not to mention that her own explosions do not hurt her decapitating herself is much like denji pulling his rip core it causes her to lose a little bit of blood but it's really nothing she can't handle but her durability is also crazy and she was able to tank a full powered kick from the violence fiend who I'm just realizing I forgot probably right after Angel but before Kishi Bay I I think that's fair back to reset the explosion she creates are not firecrackers they're able to destroy buildings and cars and damaged NG in his hybrid form she can also travel at high speeds using explosions generated from her hands or feet a lot like bakuga and also a lot like bakugoshi can use the explosive force generated from these explosions to increase the power of her punches or her kicks and also she has the ability to use parts of her body as a remote bomb but if she does something like pull her hand off and throw it at you she can control when it explodes not to mention she can also make her legs in arms into Torpedoes which makes her strikes and explosions much more powerful and then obviously on top of all of that she is a hybrid meaning she is not Immortal with a little bit of blood in somebody pulling the pin in her neck she can come back from anything and sue me for it but she's perfect for denji really her only weakness is that she can't explode if she gets wet which makes sense when you consider the fact that her entire body is explosive and if you get things that are combustible like matches or black powder wet then they won't explode after our favorite bomb girl next up on the list at number three we have Santa Claus now if you're anime only this is very confusing yes Santa Claus exists in chainsaw man however the technicality of calling her a devil Hunter is kind of a toss-up see it's largely presumed that Santa Claus is a woman who has a contract with the doll devil and controls multiple bodies simultaneously however one of those bodies does pose as a devil hunter in Germany this is presumed because of the form we see Santa Claus take in the library Dimension that Cosmos creates we already know that Santa Claus can control dolls all across the world and some of those are perfect dolls that basically passes humans like her private doll in Germany who's a private devil Hunter Santa Claus herself though the main body that's referred to as Master resides in the Soviet Union and is from the security of the Soviet Union that she creates dolls and perfect dolls that she uses and controls from basically half a world away the two perfect dolls that we know of are the devil hunter in Germany and tolka and tolka is a devil hunter in the Soviet Union now with this doll double contract Santa Claus is able to make humans into dolls basically if Santa Claus touches somebody they're turned into a doll and if that doll touches somebody else that person is also turned into her doll it kind of works like a contagion and because of this let's say Santa Claus goes to Shibuya Crossing she could in a matter of minutes have hundreds if not thousands of dolls under her control and each and every single one of these dolls is able to create a blade out of their arm and out of their feet however in order to control this many people Santa Claus has to be close by however this isn't the case for perfect dolls you see Santa Claus is able to instill human emotions back into these dolls and upon instilling human emotions into these dolls these perfect dolls can act as satellites for Santa Claus in these satellite beings or these perfect dolls are able to make contracts with devils in Santa Claus's place as they are basically humans who are able to give things up like any other human on top of that Santa Claus is able to transfer her Consciousness into any doll perfect or non-perfect meaning so long as Santa Claus has at least one doll on Earth she will never truly die but Santa Claus doesn't only have a contract with this incredibly broken doll devil Santa Claus also has a contract with the cursed devil this contract operates very similar to Aki's but not exactly the same see Santa Claus has to stab somebody four times but the cursed devil kills them so if anything I would say it's an upgrade to Aki on top of that Santa Claus has a contract with the hell devil which allows Santa Claus to transfer anybody to Hell simply by naming the place they're currently in Santa Claus is able to transport an entire office building that's holding the majority of Tokyo special division four to Hell simply by naming the name of the building however summoning the hell devil does require that you sacrifice at least one of her bodies and three of her children but since children is kind of an abstract term when it comes to Santa Claus it's usually just dolls and more importantly than any of those contracts Santa Claus also has a contract with the darkness depth the only known Primal devil the darkness devil gave Santa Claus a piece of its own flesh and this contract through the darkness devil greatly boosted her abilities mostly it improved her ability to make dolls see previously to this upgrade to the darkness devil Santa Claus couldn't turn hybrids in fiends into dolls however after this upgrade she can on top of that Santa Claus is able to share her emotions senses in pain with all of her Devils simultaneously making all of them almost perfect dolls instantly on top of that prior to this upgrade the dolls would cease functioning it fatally wounded however after this upgrade regardless of what grave injury they take they're able to keep moving on top of that her speed and strength were massively increased and if she was in darkness she was able to heal from Fatal wounds almost instantaneously meaning there's almost no way to defeat her at night and more than anything she was given a devil transformation which seems like a combination of the darkness devil and the doll devil so while yes is it a bit contentious to consider Santa Claus a devil Hunter when really she was just using perfect dolls to masquerade as devil Hunters maybe while we're talking about a person with a hive mind Consciousness is kind of a loose concept so we're going with it talking about loose Concepts you guys want to talk about morality because coming in at number two we have the head of Tokyo special division four makima Big Time spoilers coming up here so if you don't want spoilers I would skip to denji surprise surprise denji's number one I guess that was a spoiler as well makimas arguably the second or third strongest being in existence but she she is after all the control devil and as the control devil she's one of the four horsemen the devil's so strong they're compared to the darkness devil a primal devil but also as one of the four horsemen she's able to remember the things that pochita has erased something that only the hunger war and gun devil as the other three four horsemen are able to do you see makima is feared around the world which only gives her more power in fact to the other country that's still trying to fight against makima is the United States but as a controlled devil makima has some incredibly broken abilities in that she can control humans to enter into contracts with her in arguably her strongest contract is with the Prime Minister of Japan whose contract stated that anytime makima is killed be it through ailment or a weapon that ailment or fatal blow is transferred to a random citizen of Japan meaning hypothetically if makima is shot in the head a random citizen in Japan takes the damage for her because of this the Japanese government can't fight against her because even if they do kill her they'd just be killing citizens of Japan and this contract makes her effectively Immortal until every single citizen of Japan dies meaning she has a 125 Million Lives but there's no chance she dies even close to that amount of times because her strengths are insane when pochita fought against the four horsemen before he came to Earth and was bound to denji makima was not only able to go toe-to-toe with him bare-handed she was also able to shatter his chainsaws with her fists the only reason that makima had to fight against cheetah using your fist is because she couldn't use her other techniques against him like her domination technique see makama is able to control anybody she believes is inferior to her so if makima believes herself to be greater or stronger than you you are immediately under her control and if hypothetically she doesn't believe she's Superior to you after beating you in a fight she can convince herself that she is superior to you and force you into a contract with her the problem is once you've been forced into a contract you forget you've been forced into a contract and anytime you come under makima's control you forget anything you do while being controlled not only that if you get put under her contract she gets your abilities and she's able to summon these abilities whenever she needs and it doesn't matter if you die she can still summon your abilities but she doesn't only make contracts with humans in fiends and hybrids makima makes contracts with animals rats bugs and she can tap into the hearing in sight of any of these rats or bugs or humans or hybrids to know exactly what's going on everywhere she while on Earth can see what's going on in Hell through Devils she has contracts with that's not scary enough she also has the force yeah makima can destroy your organs by looking at you if you're weak that is if she has a sacrifice and your name she can Crush you as long as she's at a high enough place can use a literal spirit gun like yusuke when she creates a gun with her hand and says bang and the force waves generated by this spirit gun are so powerful that it was able to damage the darkness devil a primal devil and cut people's head off with a sword that isn't able to reach them listen if you're into possibly dying and being controlled then of course she's your number one she is very gorgeous to me but she is technically the antagonist of Chainsaw man so I'm sorry but speaking of Chainsaw man of course at number one our strongest ever devil Hunter is denji he's the main character of course he's gonna be number one Genji is one of four hybrids that we know about and he is by far away the strongest one however just like every other hybrid he has basically infinite generation and the reason that Genji is stronger than all the other hybrids is his control over his hybrid form see one of the biggest indicators that denji is the strongest hybrid is the fact that he's able to hybridize his entire body well every other hybrid is able to hybridize their head and their torso Benji is also able to grow chainsaws from his legs on top of that Genji is able to do more with his hybrid manifestation than anybody else that is to say well obviously Quan XI is able to shoot arrows that's basically all she's got res is able to explode but once again basically all she's got and she can obviously make chainsaws out of his head arms and legs but he can also use his chainsaws to climb walls he can detach his chains from his chainsaws to work as kind of spider webs lassoing people in and pulling them to him but on top of everything technically denji has infinite stamina in dengi's battle against the eternity devil he fought for three straight days as long as denji is constantly consuming blood he can fight in his hybrid form Forever on top of that his durability is nuts he was able to take multiple explosions from the bomb hybrid and even if he didn't have great durability like every other hybrid he could just regenerate but on top of that Genji also has a devil transformation a transformation where he turns into the chainsaw devil and as the chainsaw devil he is unkillable he is blasted into the upper atmosphere falls from the upper atmosphere back onto the ground and is completely unscathed in this forb he is sent to hell and it's implied that it kills every devil in hell while there and in this form it's revealed that he is killed the antagonist of the manga 26 times now the real question becomes why is the chainsaw devil so powerful how can the chainsaw devil be stronger than the darkness devil or the war devil or the hunger devil or the control devil well I made an entire another video on that speculating that pachita is not in fact the chainsaw devil so maybe if you're looking for more chainsaw content after this video go ahead and watch that one but that's it guys all the devil hunters and Chainsaw man ranked and explained did I miss anybody outside of the violence fiend tell me in the comments below and while you guys are down there please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that Noti Bell the violence feat incredibly powerful fiend has to wear poisonous gas to Nerf his power is all peace and love while he's wearing the gas mask when he's not wearing the gas mask things get messy his attacks are so strong that when blocked it cracks the ground to the people he's attacking are standing on he's a cool character but we don't know that much about him so I don't feel bad about missing him sorry [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Weeb Commander
Views: 152,515
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, anime explained, nchammer23, weeb commander, manga explained, manga, chainsaw man, chainsaw man explained, devils, devil hunters, hybrids, fiends, makima, denji, pochita, power, aki, fox devil, violence devil
Id: 95w3TUDuuhA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 24sec (1824 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 15 2023
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