Debunking My Hero Academia's WORST Theory

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my hero Academia is no stranger to absolutely insane tinfoil hat theories whether it be that Midori was actually born with Decay and it was given to shikaraki or bakugou travels back in time to become the second user of one for all or even more insane Dobby is Toria Todoroki there is one particular Theory however that has had the community in its grip for a couple of years now as one side loves to speculate on it and the other dreads its potential there also aren't that many theories left as we Barrow towards the end game of my hero Academia people can't help but feel stuck to lament on dad for one what exactly is Dad for one the absolute basis of it is that all for one is actually Midori izaku's father upon hearing this it probably makes absolutely no sense we've heard about his father before he's a salary man with a fire breathing Quirk who is for some reason not at all present in midori's life there are more or less no comprehensive dad for one videos and most of it is just sort of scattered information so I thought I would gather it all right here right now to finally put this Theory to rest so we can try and enjoy the final orc without biting our nails waiting for a DFO reveal every single chapter before we get into anything I want to talk about the specifics of the theory obviously it means that offer one is Midori izuku's father but what does it entail beyond that for starters what would afo be trying to achieve by having a child there are two sort of subsects of the theory here the first being that it was all a grand plan to eventually get back at all mine or one for all in general by having his son inherit the cork as afo is known to do these kinds of big brain schemes and the second is that there is a potential of Nana shimura and inko midoriya to be related as they both have float related quirks and all might even in Universe says that they both look similar and afo knocked up a family member of Nanos to Simply sow the seeds of chaos okay but there has to be more reason beyond that right just doing it to troll seems too one-dimensional and that is where another belief comes in we see all throughout the story Vigilantes included all for one trying to create the next hymn through scientific means he made six nine in shigaraki by transferring copies of his cork as well as a body built to endure the effects of having multiple quirks and being strong even without them so wouldn't it make sense that before all of the scientific experimentation offer one simply tries passing down the Quark through genetics which is something that the story places heavy emphasis on through the todoriki family plotline so basically all for one wanted to create a newer version of himself without resorting to such expensive and gratuitous scientific methods and found that while doing that he could stick it to the one for all wielders seems pretty straightforward there are even some points in favor of dad for one within the narrative and even some meta stuff related to comments by horakoshi for starters it is abundantly clear that the doctor Midori had as a child is the exact same person that supported all for one in the league of villains could this mean that Dr garaki was put on duty of watching over midoriya by offer one it's possible aspartoria grows up he also ends up wildly obsessed with people's quirks and it seems that is due to the lack of having one and wanting to be a 0 but what if it is some personality trait passed down by offer one it's possible not only does it fit afo's goal and love of tormenting one for all users but let's also think about Midori and shigaraki's ages shigaraki is five years older than midoriya and by all intents and purposes had outgrown the potential of having a court code during one particularly hot summer at the age of five tanko obtained a quirk majoria's birthday is in July or what would be summer could it be that all for one saw that his newest creation would be quarkless or basically a good for nothing something fitting midori's already established character so he pivoted back to tomra and the scientific method it's very possible all for one has also spent the entire series with most of his head being a mystery to us we see parts of his face but perhaps it's obscured for a reason and his hair even looks like Midori is right well no not really but still the rest is still pretty valid and all of this potential evidence doesn't even take into account the comments by horror coaching himself like how he specifically stated that midori's Dad will be revealed someday now reveal is a pretty particular word to be used when discussing the protagonist's father I wonder why it would have to be revealed and white hasn't come up as we Barrel towards the ending of the manga finally let's take a look at horikoshi's biggest inspiration Star Wars what is one of Star Wars biggest moments not even just Star Wars but even in film history I Star Wars references are littered throughout my hero Academia like dagoba beach Musa top of Japan Tatooine station Gran Torino being a reference to Yoda and afos link to Vader through his mask it's very possible that horikoshi would like to create his own I am your father moment I have just thrown a lot of potential evidence at you for Dad for one there is one primary issue with most of this evidence however confirmation bias is the tendency to search for or interpret information in a way that confirms or supports one's prior beliefs if you are already looking at my hair Academia through a dad for one lens then of course pieces fit together let's take our first example Dr garaki could he be placed by afo to watch midoriya or is it just that the narrative has demonstrated that Dr garaki is quite literally an esteemed Doctor Who has a wide reach in the medical field as well as having places for child care like the orphanages we see young Toya and possibly chiseki in of course he might be seeing kids in relation to medical issues tanko could have been the backup plan after midoriya was diagnosed as corkless but midoriya wasn't diagnosed as Corpus until he was four years old leaving a four-year Gap in that theory unless afo took him to his super secret doctor's meeting to only confirm it for himself but if they go of that logic and anything might as well be possible before we dive any further into this I'm going to separate the next part into two sections thematic consequences so we could talk about how exactly it impacts the messages of the story and narrative flaws where we can dive into the narrative inconsistencies with this Theory so we can accurately diagnose and discuss the immense problems that DFO introduces into the story okay it's very easy to say that DFO has thematic consequences but what are they can we even Define what the themes of my hero Academia are to determine that we should determine what even our themes themes are defined by most people as the central dominant or unifying ideas in a text or a standpoint on the subject implicit or explicit which is reflected in the recurrent motifs imagery and or symbols so what ideas are being presented by my hero Academia this is something that due to the nature of interpretive analysis everyone might have a different answer for however I do believe that there are some commonalities that most if not everyone could agree upon such as the idea that while not everyone can be a Pro Hero everybody no matter how powerless has heroism inside of them something pretty explicitly shown to us when we watch effectively a nobody running to save a boy's life somebody with no power no support gear and nothing extraordinary about him besides the heroism within and further built upon by other characters who move before their body can think we see other things such as the pressure of expectation with people like Hawks bakugou and of course the Todoroki family or the Perpetual cycle of villainy or poverty and how not everyone is born bad a statement on nature of versus nurture you could probably create a lot more themes but one could argue that these are the core themes of mha and greatly inform the events and characters within so let's introduce the question what does Dad for one add to the messaging of the story does it add to the idea of how any random person on the street can act as a hero no not necessarily as it turns Midori into a chosen one type character basically destined to take up one for all and end up being the greatest hero he's no longer some random powerless kid but someone put on a path in a grand scheme something The Narrative has been trying quite hard to avoid by making explanations as to why Midori unlocks the quirks and how it could have been anyone as long as they inherited The Quirk at that time or how Midori isn't unique in himself in that he's the last holder of one for all specifically but more so because one for all is getting too big for its own bridges does it add to the story's messaging on how expectation or familiar pressure can Crush someone no not really as midoriya has felt this pressure from other sources and never once in terms of family and I struggle to see why midoriya would even care would it feed into the messaging that not everyone is born bad well yes actually but is it necessary we have characters like shigaraki whose Origins reveal him to be an innocent boy thrust into an abusive household and toxic environment groomed into evil or twice who was an ordinary person but shoved into poverty with a quirk that ate away at him or toga who was a kid who was emotionally abused by her parents due to her taboo Quirk or gento who had heroic aspirations but felt like his back was against the wall or labrava who was One Missed step away from taking her own life but found inspiration with someone else or shinso who was someone portrayed in a villainous way through his design in his Quirk but is clearly not a bad person is midoriya also embodying this theme really necessary in a grand story where you portray cycles of poverty abuse familial expectations and so much more one way you can make this tale feel far less epic is to make it feel contained or predetermined and almost like it was Destiny this is exactly what spamming familial connections out the ass achieves rather than all these random people coming together or butting heads ideologically who instead have faded battles between family members one or two here or there isn't anything too bad but when you start making the assumption that getting is related to Rey or Nana and inko are related or muscular and bakugou are related or that all for one in midoriya izuku are related all you are achieving is decreasing the scope of the world drastically and making it feel less and less like a living breathing organic world the strongest argument left for them being related is that they look alike and no not really all for one's face is kind of obscured sure but what if it wasn't for a relation reason what if it just makes him look like a terrifying villain like how shigaraki's design includes his face being covered until it becomes a much more humanized character their hair isn't similar midori's face is closer to ochakos than it is afos and they have different eye and hair colors characters looking alike is oftentimes used in a thematic sense more than just a literal sense as well like the resemblance between shigaraki and yoichi or the motherly themes of natashimura and incomedoria or the direct narrative parallels with Endeavor and bakugou and bakugou with the second user dad for one contributes pretty much nothing to the thematics of the series that isn't already extremely present and in fact only takes away from the grand scale of Mahir akadema's remarks on society narrowing the focus and scope of the narrative to instead focus on fated Rivals since they all share blood but that's enough of the Thematic consequences let's talk about so we discuss things in a thematic or messaging sense how about how it all adds up narratively if things like the thematics of the series are fairly subjective then how about with the story quite explicitly tells us or do the story facts back up the potential of death for one there are four main points that I would like to address when it comes to these story beats number one horikoshi's naming conventions number two midori's character number three all for one's character and number four horokoshi's love of Star Wars the first point is often brought up because horikoshi has a very specific naming convention and the Japanese characters for each person's name comes a reference to their character and sometimes their chord commodoria for example a character in his name means nine referencing him being the ninth holder of one for all or Shoto being both burning and freezing so there is definitely a correlation between a quirk user's name and their power however asashi midoriya has absolutely nothing in his name referencing his supposed fire breathing Quirk that is a bit suspicious isn't it I would agree if Hisashi was the only character to have a name not matching as cork but this is once again a form of confirmation bias my hero Academia doesn't only use names to describe their powers it also uses names to talk about their role in the plot or just ref instances of their character in general Toya Todoroki has no references to fire outside of his last name his first name has no reference to his Quirk at all or we have someone like Hawks or Keiko Takami who just has a reference to his hero name and his role in the story or finally ochako uraka who also has no reference to her cork in her name and instead has characters talking about her personality so what does hisashi's name tell us his name is quite literally a play on the phrase hisashiburi a phrase meaning it's been a long time or something you say to someone after not seeing them for a while it is a reference to his absence in the family and story if we jump to point to midori's character let's think about him through the lens of dad for one well it doesn't really do anything for him now does it the very very loose correlation is that offer when in midoriya both obsess over quirks as if it were a personality trait passed down by afo obviously this is a very tenuous argument to say the least but there is some truth that there are parental links to behavior in my hero Academia take for example bakugou and his mom are quite similar in how they act or how Toya and Endeavor both love to abuse children but at the same time we have just as many if not more examples of the opposite being true in the same family bakugou's dad and bakugou himself are almost nothing alike and all of the Todoroki kids minus one do not encourage beating children in fact thinking everything Endeavor did was quite disgusting so our only connection here with afo is a very tenuous one at Best But there has to be something right so let's think if this was revealed how would midoriya feel how would he feel about being the descendant of his greatest enemy let's think about all the times he has had to think back about the people he has loved who is the one person who never pops up not only has the father of the Midori household never been mentioned since the start of the story The only time we see Deku think about him at all is when he was trying to use his Quirk not on death's door not when he was thinking about his closest relationships nothing if Deku as it stands now never has any thoughts about his father why would he care if afo reveals that he is his father besides the obvious shock of oh this guy's my dad anything beyond that would feel like a massive unearned contrivance as the story has never made a stink that Deku should care about who his dad is adoria the kid who told two separate Todoroki kids that they are not their father this isn't just a negative for midoriya himself but if we jump over to All For One it kind of makes him look like an idiot which is something you don't want to achieve when writing a grand Mastermind which is something horikoshi is already failing to do not only does it make afo even less interesting than he already is by having him premeditate every single event in human history including his son being taken in by his rival and receiving one for all to one day fight him this sort of begs the question though all for one the guy who cared for his brother so much that he sought out a cork that would work just for him why would he just up and abandon a child his child for a guy who always manipulates and uses people as tools would it not make more sense or be more consistent for afo to use his children rather than abandon them the theory also presupposes that two other theories are true that shikaraki was originally quirkless and was given to K by afo and afo chose inko because she looks like Nana so she must be related to her besides the obvious flaws in the familial relations side that we've already discussed the first part supports the reasoning that offer one wanted to take a more natural approach to producing the next hymn rather than a scientific one with shigaraki something that on the surface makes sense but then here's the kicker if afo would abandon Midori of her being a quarkless failure why would he then go back to tenko who was also supposedly a quarkless failure the obvious answer is well of course because he is not a shimora's grandchild but hang on some sex of the efo itself presupposes that inco and data are related so what exactly is the difference here afo deciding to skip on a tank code to produce a child with another one of Nana's Offspring to only then give up on a cordless child to go back to another corkless child makes absolutely no sense if we stop assuming that all for one had a child with inko of all people for a particular reason then what it's just good luck there is also a potential theory that what if he were to mix the property of inko's cork that lets her grab things from a range and mix it with all for one so he can take quirks from a range this is actually a really interesting thought that would pretty much immediately fall through when you think that offer one instantly gave up on this idea after one child why wouldn't he make an Endeavor play and keep trying to reproduce I do think this idea is interesting though but basically it leaves us with no reason that all for one would pick inco wouldn't it also make sense for afo to want a corkless kid to begin with we learned later on that people with no quirks are able to assimilate to receiving a quirk better since their cup is empty and won't overflow making it so you don't have to endure a surgery that makes your body capable of holding more than one Quirk a quarkless kid is actually a prime target for afo yet apparently he said no to corcos tenko said no to his corkless kid then gave take away Cork and then eventually gives him afo it just makes his decisions seem absolutely nonsensical okay let's address the elephant in the room here Star Wars it is no secret that horikoshi is a huge fan of Star Wars pretty much filling the world of mha with references to it that I have spoken about prior this is in fact something that a lot of media does authors are human and love including Nas to some of their favorite works there is a point where a line is drawn however references to your favorite media does not intrinsically mean you are copying them story B by story B like how recently horikoshi has taken a liking to Akira references or how black Whip and Cerro both serve as references to Spider-Man but we're still not a bar for bar of recreating those series narratives does All For One have some obvious links to Vader yes the mask is very explicit does that mean he will have an I am your father moment not inherently however my hero Academia has already gone out of its way to give him this moment just not verbatim copying Star Wars he got to reveal the almight that shigaraki was related to Nana shimura and some of the dialogue is almost very similar to that evaders when he says you know it to be true it gives a nod to one of horikoshi's biggest Inspirations while twisting it to be his own and making it entirely unique to his own story you can't really just copy and paste events from one story and add them into an entirely different story that just isn't how narratives work and if horikoshi wanted to create a story that copied Star Wars Point by point he should have just been writing a Star Wars fan fiction instead of wasting my time with Star Wars in Disguise it adds nothing thematically damaging the already present themes adds nothing story wise besides damaging midori's character and all for once all while having a very tenuous circumstantial evidence that can only be propped up by confirmation bias that for one is the worst theory in my hero Academia history because even after all this it's not entirely impossible I don't believe it will happen but I can't discount the one percent chance that horakoshi has been leading to this and God would that be horrible I also want to make a disclaimer we all know that vocal pineapple is the biggest proponent of dad for one and please please please leave him alone okay do not use this video to talk him or anything I like pineapple or mutuals on Twitter I talk to him in group chats he's a cool ass dude okay please leave him alone okay I just want to make this video because it's fun okay that's about it sorry I'm answering these questions with my air conditioner on question one is my favorite mha openings gotta be Odd Future the opening for the first core of season three really fun I had a really good time with it and second question from the same person is about when will the retrospective part 2 be releasing and it's slated to release October 1st alongside season six so please do look forward to that if you have any more questions about mha related stuff or anything please do make sure to comment down below and I'll try to get to another video please remember to like comment and subscribe for the funny YouTube algorithm you can also go down below and follow me on Twitter where I post only objectively correct takes at all times and you can also join my Discord where we talk about my hero Academia re-zero which is kaisin and stuff like that that's about it see you next time
Channel: AsarathaHS
Views: 39,301
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: FX2NpGi1Wcc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 28sec (988 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 14 2022
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