Top 10 Hero's RANKED and EXPLAINED! (My Hero Academia)

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the beauty of my hero Academia is that we're given so many different groups of people to care about class 1A class 1B the pro Heroes hell I'm sure there's a large majority of you out there who actually care about the league of villains the downside with spreading ourselves thin in terms of characters is that we don't get to know a lot about a lot of the characters I mean genuinely there's probably what 30 kids between class 1a and 1B and then there's hundreds of pro Heroes but within the confines of all of these lists there's one list that exists as the most exclusive list a list so exclusive that in order to make it into this group that this list confers there's an entire ceremony held this group only houses the most elite of the elite this group I'm talking about of course is the top 10 Heroes now there is thousands of pro Heroes within Japan and we've seen Heroes like tiger Pixie bob and Mandalay who are heroes 411 that were still incredibly powerful so to exist in the top 10 of Heroes is in honor unto itself once again because there's so many characters in my hero Academia we don't even know that much about the majority of the top 10 Heroes but today I want to rectify that because today we're talking the top 10 heroes in My Hero Academia ranked and explained I don't know what you're saying you're saying Nick they're already ranked that's my popularity not by strength though admittedly there is a small amount of correlation but before we get to reiken or explaining anything guys please or me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that Noti Bell the top 10 Heroes the symbols of Freedom above villains in Japan how are they chosen what's their ability why were they given the certain rankings that they were before we rank any of these Heroes we have to answer these questions hero ranking is kind of a complicated process it's not solely based on strength and it's not solely based on popularity or things are taken into account before a hero can receive their rank the level of strength their contribution to society the amount of cases they've solved and their popularity every Pro Hero is watched by a commissioner people that pour over everything they do in a certain year to ascertain what rank they should receive and these rankings are presented as the new Hero rankings now of these four things one thing is the most important and that's number of cases solved but there's even a little bit of complication within the number of cases solved you see if you stop eight people who steal purses every single day that may not count as much as somebody who let's say busts an entire drug rig high profile cases count for much more than lower profile cases and this is actually largely why Endeavor is now the number one hero both Hawks and best genus have a higher approval rating than Endeavor but he's solved more high profile cases than both of them the higher your rank the higher your prestige and the higher your prestige the more money you bring in for jobs and sponsorships and the higher possibility you can run a successful hero agency but what are these top 10 Heroes capable of it does the ranking directly correlate to their strength well within the confines of the top three maybe however yorowi Musha the number nine hero stated that everybody outside of the top three is basically chosen through luck in timing meaning that if you've had a good couple of weeks that you could make it into the top ten thus implying that there's most likely people outside of the top 10 Heroes stronger than some of the heroes in the top 10. in fact ryoku tatsuma the number 10 hero feels as though this is the case for her she was elected as the number 10 hero she tried to decline the position saying that there was more people that she could have saved in the battle against Shia so unfortunately for me I had to do a deep dive on each of these characters they decide where they would actually fall into a power ranking in a top 10 system at least that's what I did for nine of them which perfectly takes us to our number 10 entry on the list your wemoosh this man is a bit of an enigma yorui Musha is the number nine hero in Japan and is referred to as the equipped hero he's the large man seen donning Samurai armor by the way we're talking current anime rankings I know after the Paranormal Liberation Arc there's a big shake up in terms of the Top 10 rankings for reasons I won't necessarily get into right now well we know next to nothing about your week we've never seen him in combat in the anime or the manga I mean based on his age and the fact that he's number nine in terms of Hero rankings we can assume that he's been a hero for a long time and that's probably symbolically represented by the fact that he is Dawning Samurai armor we know that he believes that hero should play a very standard role in society acting as protectors for civilians but that he also only became a hero for fame and respect so knowing nothing about his abilities and knowing the fact that he has basically no mental fortitude I couldn't put him above anybody else on the list especially not our number nine entry because I love him with the entirety of my heart the laundry hero wash wash is the number eight Pro Hero and we see substantially more of him in the manga than we do in the anime for some reason for some reason the showrunners just didn't want to give my boy the attention he's due wash got to the top 10 through popularity see wash is the symbol of a child-friendly hero and while becoming incredibly popular with children he shot through the rankings because of this we usually see him talking in a child-friendly voice even his costume which is meant to resemble a washing machine is meant to be child friendly just because wash shot through the rankings with his popular polarity with children doesn't mean he's not powerful you see what washes abilities may not directly translate to offensive capability they're very important when it comes to playing a support role you see Wash's clerk is called clean bubbler meaning that wash can create and control soapy water but it's stronger than it sounds see while usually wash will use the soapy water to disinfect wounds or sterilize people's entire bodies since he can control the water and therefore the bubbles he creates with his Quirk he can also make incredibly powerful bubbles bubbles strong enough to hold people see we get our best look at watch during the Paranormal Liberation art where he's one of the people who rushed the hide out with Edge shot however when things go south wash is responsible for evacuating patients and civilians we see watch create multiple bubbles to get patients civilians and himself out of the collapsing Hospital which implies he can Harden his bubbles to be strong enough to support the weight of a human and then control said bubbles to get to a safe location now obviously this isn't as powerful as a lot of the other quirks on this list it is incredibly useful for both Mobility rescue Ops and cleaning wounds so while he might be the weakest person whose abilities we know I still love him up next after wash is a hero who a lot of anime only Watchers just basically got introduced to that would be crust crust is currently the number six Pro Hero and Krust Rose through the ranks of the hero ranking by being a pretty powerful and B kind of an interesting character Seacrest is a very publicly emotional person crying at all Mike's retirement and crying that he missed the Camino incident however he doesn't do all of this for show see crust is a hero's hero a man who's dedicated his entire life to serving good for good reasons he has No Reservations with putting himself In Harm's Way which can be seen manifesting through his cork see crust's ability is shield and I believe krust's Quirk is supposed to be a physical manifestation of how he feels he should be in society a shield for the weaker behind him see cross Quirk allows him to grow a hexagonal gray shield and this Shield could grow in all directions to an unspecified size on top of this because the shield itself is made out of a bunch of mini hexagons the edge edge of the shield are sharp meaning that his shield can be used offensively the cross actually has an ultimate move you see since crust has control over this Shield he can detach hexagons off of it he can then using an ability called Shoot Shield throw these pieces of hexagon at his enemies to either pin them against walls or just injure them but at the end of the day it's a shield and while Shields are great do you need an entire Quirk dedicated to one and thus in terms of Heroes in the top 10 who have somewhat offensive quirks he's the weakest next on our list is ryuku tatsuma you see tatsuma was the former number nine in current number 10 hero she was moved one spot back by kamely woods now she raised to the rankings for a numerous amount of reasons one she's an incredibly humble and kind person who always believes that she can do more to protect those around her this became apparent when she said she would reject the number 10 spot if she could because she believes that she could have done a lot more to save those around her too she's incredibly composed in experienced in combat being a key leader in the overhaul raid three her strength is no joke her Quirk is Dragon meaning she can turn into a dragon and as a dragon she gets superhuman strength durability and the ability to fly on top of growing massive fangs in huge claws we saw the strength and durability on display in the overhaul race where tatsumo was shown blocking a punch from rikia a massive superhumanly strength Yakuza member she was able to fight on an equal basis with rakia for a good amount of time she was shown to even have the level of strength to knock him back which is insane when he consider the fact that Nez rejado the number three hero from UA currently they were here with her most powerful attack and he Shrugged it off however when Desiree used that attack a second time to drive Tatsumi and rikia into the ground tatsuma I'm sorry tatsuma was fine while the impact of the shock knocked rikia out and in the ultra analysis book Empower wits in attentiveness she was given an a which is a 5 out of six while speed and technique were given a four out of six which is significantly higher than anybody else thus far truly tatsuma's only weakness is the fact that her Quirk makes her a dragon it's pretty much impossible to use inside unless you want to collapse an entire building and possibly kill all the people around you which she would never do considering her demeanor our next entry on the list is the person who bumped her down a spot kamoy Woods kamui Woods also known as Shinji nishiya is the current number seven hero he's a relative rookie who's exploded onto the scene and shot to the rankings because of the strength of his ability Arbor see Shinji is a part of the lurkers under Edge shot and this is most likely systematic of the fact that he is once again a relative rookie meaning that he hasn't had the time to create his own hero agency which may not be the case for long because we've seen Shinji get very upset when others take credit for work he did but he also has an immense amount of respect for Edge shot and is very loyal to Edge shot so maybe not we saw this when Shinji cried for two hours after being invited to the lurkers by Ed shot but he wasn't invited for no reason he is incredibly strong see shinji's body is made of wood and while that might sound like an incredible hindrance it's actually very powerful see Shinji has full control over these wooden limbs meaning that he can extend or retract these limbs to basically act as wood release he can create weapons with his arms and legs he can create lashes with his fingers to lash onto things or bind people as we saw when he broke into the league of villain's Hideout he can do basically anything with his wood which gives him great offense defense and maneuverability in battle and we're not talking just simple constructs here we saw his ultimate move when they rushed the league of villains Hideout it was called lacquered chain prison this technique allows him to shoot one of his arms forward and split it into basically as many branches as he needs to grab as many enemies as possible upon wrapping these enemies with his wooden Quirk they can't move making him basically the perfect hero for binding enemies which is a big part of transporting them to jail so it's very useful on top of the fact that he can use his extendable limbs to swing around a city like Spider-Man giving him incredible speed which is why his speed is rated at a 5 out of six in the data book but unfortunately even with his spider-man-like abilities he pales in comparison to the next entry on our list Mirko also known as a rabbit hero or Rumi you see Mirko finally just had her time in the sunlight in anime only Watchers began to understand that she is in fact the realest of deals and just so hot you see Mirko is a lot like Endeavor she shot through the rankings using her strength in the amount of cases she closed but she's unlike Endeavor in one very crucial place see Mirko works as a solo hero and that's not because she doesn't get along with anybody that's because she thinks people who join teams or cowards you see Miracle believes if you join a team you're relying on the strength of your teammates and not yourself this is why we saw her rushing forward during the Paranormal Liberation R Mirko prefers to fight alone and because of this anytime she cracks a case that case belongs to her and her alone this happens a lot because Mirko actually travels all across Japan looking for villains to fight and she'll fight them regardless of their strength you see Mirko Revels in a strong opponent she faces life-threatening situations with a smile on her face and this could be mostly because of her insane strength you see those whose Quirk is an animal usually are blessed with more abilities than others and Mirko is no exception to that rule see with her cork rabbit she's given all the abilities and powers of a rabbit and while on the outside that may sound like an incredibly weak Quirk it is far from that you see most of your coach strength is manifested in her legs which allows her to jump several times higher and faster than any human could ever imagine and kick an unimaginable strengths but her abilities don't end with her legs as a rabbit she also has incredibly good hearing because she manifested rabbit ears and thus she can locate targets with incredibly minimal noise which is how she was able to find where shigaraki was located during the Paranormal Liberation Arc you see well it might have seemed like not that big of a deal that Mirko was fighting against several high-ends by herself it is hayaan nomus are one of the strongest things in the entirety of the mha universe and the fact that Mirko was able to fight with them and even kill one of them is an insane Testament to her strength now obviously when the high-end Nobles began to stabilize and learn their own fighting mechanics miracle was outclassed but she was able to keep up with them which is a testament to how fast she is you see both mirko's speed and power are listed as a pluses in the datable the highest we've seen thus far when you combine that with her insane pain tolerance I mean she literally had her left hand completely crushed and in the Manga she had to cut it off to continue fighting but she also has one of her ever important legs destroyed in this battle as well it also continues fighting she seems to not even notice that she's been injured because she's singularly focused on her objective which was destroying Tamara's container combine that with the fact that she didn't go to a traditional Hero's High School in fact she got thrown out of high school and just started fighting in underground fighting rings until a hero noticed her and took her under his wing on top of all of that as a rabbit she has a sixth sense for danger they refer to it as intuition meaning that Mirko was able to perfectly assess the level of danger she is in regardless of the situation not to mention she has five ultimate moves which are all just basically really powerful kicks except for Luna Tijeras which is where she mounts an opponent's head wraps it with her thighs spins her body and decapitates them which is the only way I want to die and yeah with that you have the best character in all of image okay I do genuinely wish I could put her higher but the top five heroes are pretty accurate to the level of power that the top five actually hold and with that we can talk about the previous number five hero and current number four hero Edge shot headshot is also known as the ninja hero or shinya and he lives up to his Ninja Name dressing as a ninja in his Hero Tire you see we're now in Big Boy territory and shot is the leader of the lurkers the team the kamui woods is apart and shot up through the ranks because of his stoic nature and his insane Quirk ability see Ed shot went so far as the hero to go up against the likes of all for one I mean obviously he was accompanied by Endeavor while he was doing this but still he battled against all for one and didn't die or have his Quirk stolen for that much which is more than we can say about a lot of people but it's more than just his Quirk ability that gives him strength and shots deductive abilities are insane being able to deduce the strengths and weaknesses of quirks that offer one only used one time but what is Edge shops Quark how does it work well its name is stupid its name is foldable body and while it technically lends itself to being a ninja perfectly still very dumb name essentially Ed shot can flatten any part of his body you know like Flat Stanley basically like that but it's a lot more complicated than Flat Stanley see well obviously Ed shock can use his Quirk to fold himself to be paper thin to fit into basically any place he wants to he often uses this Quirk to flatten parts of his body to strike an opponent quickly accomplishes this by flattening his body into multiple different blades that can strike opponents in places they wouldn't suspect but it's not just about the fact that he can make these little blades canonically these blades that Ed shot is attacking his opponent with move faster than the speed of sound which within the confines of my hero Academia is very fast which is why Ed shot is the first person on this list to have an s-tier ranking in speed in the data book now how does he use these blades usually he attacks enemies such that he can cut off the circulation of blood to their brain and make them go unconscious immediately and if you don't have the speed to dodge and above the speed of sound attack he will do this with a hundred percent efficiency because he has full Mastery over his Quirk on top of this because he has full Mastery over his Quirk he can manifest things that aren't these blades he can manifest drills and make himself flat to increase his maneuverability in midair and truly the combination of all of his strengths came to a head when we saw him go one on one against redastro the leader of the Paranormal Liberation Army and defeat him only taking minor injuries not to mention just like Mirko he has five ultimate moves Fish Hook snag which allows him to make his arm into a fish hook to snag enemies thousand sheep Pierce Zenith where he stretches his body to his maximum and actually physically enters another person's body and once inside somebody else's body he can neither destroy or repair organs oh and also he has substitution jutsu which works exactly like it does at Naruto right before he gets hit he can replace his body with a log he's arguably the fastest person in the verse but unfortunately that's not enough for him to to crack the top three to crack the top three you gotta be the best genist best genus also known as number three fiber hero is our number three on the list and for good reason that a lot of you that are anime only are about to learn see best genus is actually one of the top heroes that we've gotten the most time with not only in my hero Academia proper but also in Vigilantes where he plays a central role to the plot I don't know who amongst you as red Vigilantes so I'll only talk about his my hero Feats see best genus is 36 years old which means he's been a hero for a long time we know this because he's won best genus eight years in a row whatever that means he's a flamboyant and outspoken man who talks about everything in metaphors to fibers but that doesn't mean he doesn't take his job as a hero very seriously see best genus is not above putting himself in front of others and by that I mean he will step to the front lines of any battle in fact best genus literally moved one of his allies so he could take the full brunt of one of all for one's attacks an attack that quite literally crushed his chest into destroyed one of his lungs but best genus was in this fight against all for one and his master with his Quirk fiber Master is to such a degree that he was able to literally restrain all for one albeit for not that long Sebastian's ability allows him to control all clothes not just his own this is a common misconception any fibrous material can be controlled by best genus it's just he usually uses his own clothes because that's what he brings with him best genus can then do essentially anything with these fibrous materials but more often than not he spreads his clothes into Strings and uses them to restrain enemies but since everybody is basically always wearing clothes this Quirk works a lot like telekinesis see by controlling the fibers on anybody's body best genus can move them restrain them basically do whatever he wants and we've seen best genus actually use this ability to move his teammates evasively but I know he's saying these are just fibers they can't hold people that strong and that's where you would be very wrong while he was technically only able to restrain all for one for a couple of seconds we have seen best genus restrain rain gigant tamakia and now yes was he using his best fibers and yes was gigantimakia technically a little bit sedated yes but the sedatives don't kick in until the end and gargantimakia's strength is said to be immeasurable said to be one of the strongest beings in the my hero Academia verse and best genus is able to restrain that and this is after losing one of his lungs and he himself stated that by losing one of his lungs he's become weaker and mind you when he restrains gigantimakia he's still recovering from losing one lung and a couple of other things that I'm not gonna go super into right now so while technically in that moment he did struggle to suppress gagan tamakia that means in a fully healthy State he probably wouldn't have implying the best genus can suppress anybody outside of Tamara and all for one with his fibers and those with fire quirks as he can just burn the fibers but weakness the fire is an oddly common vein in the top 10 Heroes best genus kamui Woods Hawk but if you don't have all for one or a fire Quirk if you go up against best genius you're probably losing in the data book his technique AKA his Quirk Mastery was given an A plus mind you Ed shot who was said to have perfected his folder body is only given an A so while technically best genus as it stands in the manga right now is not as strong as he once was he is still undeniably very strong but since we're talking about people with fire weaknesses nobody's got a better fire weakness than Hawks Hawks also known as the wing hero is our number two hero and number two on the list Hawks is a child prodigy having shot up to the ranks of top heroes when he created his own hero agency at the age of 18. and his child prodigy status is mostly thanks to the fact that he is a genius baltactically and logistically Hawks is on another level of IQ he's able to interpret situations perfectly and figure out the best way to approach them this is seen most accurately when he goes undercover in the Paranormal Liberation Army Seahawks perfectly interprets what he needs to do in order to make himself seem as though he's a double agent being able to trick Dobby into thinking that he killed best genus and identify exactly what twice would want to hear in order to gain twice his trust he was also able to infer information to Endeavor perfectly and not expose himself as a mole in the Paranormal Liberation Army and while he might seem laid back and calm he's anything but Seahawks is actually the only person who cares about ranking amongst the top 10 since he believes a ranking system is important to keep the masses pleased where this intelligence and Inner Strength come from well Hawks had a really tough childhood he was born into incredibly abusive and broken parents who would abuse him physically and mentally and his parents wouldn't allow him to go outside or interact with the outside world and so Hawks grew up watching Heroes on the TV but since Hawks had so little concept of the outside world he thought these Heroes were fictional characters when he realized these Heroes were actual people he was determined to become one himself he not only wanted to be like the heroes he saw he also wanted to use hero work to break him and his mother out of a life of poverty and being raised by these broken yet abusive parents allowed him to see the best in people even while their worst side was shining because of this Hawks is incredibly likable and therefore shot up in popularity and approval ratings but also his Quirk Fierce Wings didn't hurt see Fierce Wings grants Hawk's insane maneuverability even as a child who is able to save people from car accidents that were going 130 kilometers an hour and as Hawks became more proficient with his Fierce Wings Quirk he became known as one of the fastest heroes in the world in fact the sidekicks in his hero agency are only there to arrest the people he subdues because upon defeating a villain he simply flies off to the next one but on top of flying Hawks can also control every single feather in his wings and without seeing them mind you Seahawk is a somewhat sixth sense that allows him to control his feathers without having a line of sight which allows him to do things like evacuating 76 civilians out of it collapsing skyscraper and upon saving those 76mm billions Hawks then went on to fight toe-to-toe with hood a gnomu so fast that endeavor who has incredibly High reflexes couldn't keep up with and Hawks didn't stop there by the winter of the year that Hawk spot Hood he got faster being able to travel faster than the human eye can keep up with as both Deku and bakugou weren't able to see him as he flew up a skyscraper hux's one true weakness is his lack of brute strength but fortunately Hawks understands physics and he understands speed can equal force if used correctly so Hawks often manifest giant bladed weapons that are made out of his feathers and uses the speed at which he flies to deliver killing blows he can do this because hox's feathers are as tough as steel and if he doesn't want to make them into a large bladed weapon he can just telekinetically control all of them to fire like daggers in each one of these feathers is able to carry an entire human's weight meaning that at any given moment Hawks could telekinetically carry up to a hundred plus people Hawks does have a weakness though and that weakness is fire you see Hawk's feathers while incredible durable and strong are also susceptible to fight and should hawks's feathers burn it takes a couple days for them to grow back specifically about four it's canonically stated he can grow back half of his feathers in two days in the more feathers that hoxes lose the harder it is for him to fly so should his feathers get destroyed lost or he's simply just using them for something else it gets harder and harder for him to fly and now while this is an obvious weakness it doesn't happen often enough for it to be a real issue and considering the fact he still observe it and intelligent he usually takes preventative measures against this on top of all of this Hawk test by far the highest stats we've seen out of anybody in the top 10 list thus far with an s in speed in an S Plus in technique on top of an A in wits and while his power is only a c plus it's not really necessary to have power in hox's case but unfortunately all of that's not enough to be the number one hero because the number one hero is the flame hero Endeavor you see Endeavor for years lived in the shadow of all might it's a bit like being the second best basketball player in the league while Michael Jordan's on the 96 Bulls Endeavor shot through the ranks of pro Heroes because he has the highest amount of solved cases in history even more than all might but obviously considering the fact that endeavor didn't have one for all his strength paled in comparison and thus for as long as almight was active Endeavor lived at number two obviously that changed what all might decided to retire but this was a shock to Endeavor because his entire personality was built around surpassing all might in fact he was so singularly driven unsurpassing all might that he neglected a lot of the other duties in his life like being in even remotely good father see Endeavor was incredibly abusive to all of his children trying to force their fire quirks to be the most powerful that they could be so that they one day could also be the number one hero thing is endeavor has an issue with overheating if he uses his Quirk too much which is why he wanted to find some way to balance out his Quirk and thus he had a child with an ice user hoping that he would have a child who could control ice in fire creating the perfect successor who could then and one day surpass all might and become the number one hero now Endeavor has had a massive character Arc going from the cruel abusive father who only looks at his children as ways to pass all might to a father who's seen the fault in his ways and is now trying to re-establish connection with his children and whether or not you've chosen to forgive Endeavor and root for him as the number one hero his strength is undeniable the Endeavor has The Quirk hell flame which is a fancy way of saying he's able to control fire but he uses this fire cork to an incredibly High degree being able to go toe for toe with the likes of offer one with Edge shot and actually leave the battle unscathed well that was mostly to do with all might stepping back up to finish the fight still impressive on top that we've seen Endeavor go Toe to Toe with high-end no moves like Hood in woman and while usually there's other Heroes there to assist him the fact that he was able to kill a high-end nomu like hood is insane once again hearkening back to Miracle killing a high-end Nobu insane and in that battle against Hood Endeavor was quite literally able to slice a skyscraper in half to to make sure that it wouldn't fall and if you need somebody else's word on how strong Endeavor is tomorrow shigaraki said that endeavor was the only person who had a hope of fighting against all for one now that all might has retired see Endeavor has no physical strength Quirk but through years of intense training and through the jet propulsion that he achieves using his Hellfire Quirk he's able to buff up his own physical strength to a level not comparable to all mites but about as close as you can get in fact his strength is to such a level he was able to knock over gagan to machia on top of that is pain resistance durability and Will are all on par with Mirko being shown to be able to move after being thrown through several skyscrapers by hood and continue fighting after he stated that his body shouldn't even be able to move currently and if you thought five ultimate moves was a lot wait until I tell you about Endeavor he has 11 but to be fair five of them are modifications of Flashfire fist so what's flash fire fist well essentially Endeavor can control the heat at which his Flames are by increasing the heat of his Flames to the highest degree he achieves flash fire fist the five abilities he can use under the subcategory of flash fire fist are jet burn which allows him to shoot a pill or fire out of his hands at an enemy this Pillar of Fire is so hot it was able to damage a high-end Nobu like Hood hell spider which allows him to essentially shoot lasers of fire out of the tips of his fingers this he used to slice a part of a falling skyscraper into a bunch of tiny little pieces so it wouldn't hurt anybody and then his strongest ability prominence burn which concentrates all of the flames on his body into a massive flame laser that shoots out of his chest and this will basically vaporize anything he hits with it on top of that there's hell Firestorm hellmind field ignited Arrow all of which is just him using a lot of flames to hurt you real bad he's the number one hero for a reason his power is an S Plus is speed is an A plus and his technique is an a while his wits are a b well technically Hawks does have some stats that are higher than Endeavor on an aggregate basis Endeavor stats are higher than hoxes C plus and power really does screw Hawks over here and that's it the top 10 heroes in My Hero Academia ranked and explained do you guys agree with my rankings where would you put the top 10 Heroes tell me in the comments below and why you guys are down there please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that Noti Bell listen all I'm saying is I might have been a villain in the my hero Academia universe so I could possibly run into miraco and she could rip my head off with her thighs but that's just me foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Weeb Commander
Views: 351,877
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, anime explained, nchammer23, weeb commander, manga explained, manga, my hero academia, miriko, best jeanist, hawks, wash, ryuko, all might, deku, endevour, quirks, all for one, one for all, boku no hero, nomu, kamui woods, mount lady, edge shot
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 5sec (1805 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 05 2022
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