My Hero Academia's STRONGEST Quirk EXPLAINED!

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I can't believe I'm doing this because I've had more run-ins with the my hero Academia fan base that I would like to admit but it's one of the biggest fan bases on Earth and well that's kind of how views get dictated on YouTube so here we go however run-ins are not this show is incredible and the manga is going absolutely insane right now so yes I'm going to swallow my pride and today we are going to be talking about my hero Academia but what within my hero Academia we're talking about today Nick well that's a great question today we're talking one for all the titular Quirk that belongs to our main character izuku midoriya this Quirk has an incredibly long in-storied history this stockpiling Quirk has seen nine hosts and the majority of those hosts have added a quirk to this stockpile in Quirk for our main character but who were these previous nine hosts how did they get the Quirk what quirks did they add to the stock pile how did they live how did they die and most importantly how does one for all really work we're gonna answer all those questions in four in a second here but please guys for me before we get into anything else like this video subscribe to the page and hit that Noti Bell well obviously I could sit here and tell you about all the abilities Deku gets in the manga I feel it gets more important that before we talk about where one for all currently is in the manga we have to talk about where it began most importantly we have to talk about the first host of one for all and then go through the catalog of hosts that have added onto one for all throughout the years basically what I'm saying is we're gonna start this video in the way that we usually start these videos at the beginning long ago at least a couple hundred years ago considering the fact that we have had nine hosts of one for all there were two brothers and these two brothers were born with quirks though one brother's Quirk was a lot stronger than the others see these two brothers were all for one in yoichi all for one was born with the ability to take other people's quirks and either give them to himself or other people Quirk that rises above all other quirks in its ability to either steal stockpile or give away it is absolutely role over Society run by quirks however all for one's brother did not have nearly as powerful a court in fact for the majority of yuichi's Life everybody thought he was born quirkless but he wasn't yoichi was born with what was known as a transference Quirk but that's it his Quirk conferred no powers outside of the fact that he could pass this powerless Quirk to someone else but since his court conferred no powers he never learned that he could pass this Quirk on and even if he did know he could pass this Quirk on until like there would be a reason to that was until his brother all for one decided to force a quirk upon him you see this Quirk was a stockpiling Quirk much like all for one this Quirk allowed yuichi to stockpile power within his body that is to say he could fill his body with energy and use it for explosive bouts of strength but it also meant that he much like his brother all for one could also receive other people's quirks but not in the way that all for one does it but since we're talking about all for one yuichi despised him he despised his totalitarian dictatorship-like views a man who played God in a core work-driven society and therefore yuichi driven by his sense of justice went to fight his brother however yuichi only had one Quirk and that was the stockpiling a power Quirk that his brother had given to him and therefore he fell very short in terms of the strength acquired to kill all for one realizing that he himself wouldn't be able to undo the terror that all for one was inflicting upon the world he trusted Heroes of the future with his Quirk you see after his defeat yuichi had been kept in a prison cell however yuichi was actually broken out of this jail cell by a group of Heroes specifically the second user of one for all see we've already covered the fact that yuichi identified he wouldn't be the one to defeat All For One and therefore yuichi decided to pass one for all onto the second user of one for all CSA second user because we don't know the second user's name now there is theories about who this second user is specifically because the second user of one for all looks exactly like bakugou he has blonde spiky hair a large scar on his face he wears a battle jacket and gauntlets to fight with he's all also aggressive and kills people without a second thought and he was the leader of the resistance army fighting against all for one and in fact recently in the manga Deco tried to use his meta ability and since we're using the terminology meta ability this is a good time to explain what a meta ability is see a meta ability is one of the quirks conferred through all for one so while technically not a quirk itself it has its own classification as a meta ability because it falls under the umbrella of one for all back to what we're talking about Deku in the manga recently tried to use this meta ability and the second user of one for all told him not to use it because it is a last resort that is to say that the way that this Quirk was powered up with the power of one for all might make it so powerful that it kills Deku upon his usage of it so who is the second user of one for all some people say it's bakugo time traveling some say it's bakugo's great great great great grandfather and what was their Quirk we just don't know we'll probably know like really soon though they're pretty much building up towards it in the manga right now but I don't do spoilers so you're welcome unfortunately though yoichi passing down this Quirk to this unnamed second user started a bit of a cycle you see all for one realized that the only Quirk on Earth that would probably be able to beat him was Unfortunately The Quirk that he forced upon his brother all for one One for All I'm gonna get those mixed up a bunch and therefore all for one started to hunt down users of one for all and this is exactly what he did to the second user of one for all and when all for one found these users he fought them and subsequently killed them however all the users of one for all were prepared for this and therefore they passed down the Quirk to others before they were killed themselves and this is exactly what either bakugou or bakugo's great-great-great-granddad did when he passed the cork down to the third user whose name we also don't know however we do know the third user of one for all's Quirk PHA Jin now fajin for the moment is a manga exclusive Quirk so if you don't want any manga spoilers until we get to the next user sifangin is a very interesting Quirk but really only when it's used in conjunction with one for all so he fought Jin is a bit like thinks his ability from Hunter Hunter essentially by doing repeated motions the user of fajin builds up kinetic energy in their muscles so let's say hypothetically I did a bunch of These Arm curls the kinetic energy built up in my arm from this repeated movement would get stored within my muscles the user of fajin can then use that stored energy to increase their speed in power and combat and fleeing and getting somewhere essentially it's a bit like cranking up one of those symbol monkeys the longer you crank it the more energy it's gonna have to bang those symbols together and that energy can be used for anything I know what you're saying you're saying the same thing that I say about things well then why doesn't Deku just crank his arm forever who never sees all for one just well fajin doesn't allow you to use all of your stored energy at once you can only use it in fragments however this does allow you to have multiple bursts of speed and power the reason that I say this Quirk is only interesting when it's used in conjunction with one for all is because the power of one for all super boosts this Quirk imagine repetitive movements based on kinetic energy build up energy that you can use for power and speed in your muscles now consider the kinetic energy that one generates in those same movements using one for all it's a much higher threshold and currently in the manga even though Deku can only use one for all at a 45 rate with the use of Pho Jin super boosting his muscles he can use it at almost a hundred percent rate and this isn't like when he used hundred percent in his arms and broke all of his bones because this is just storing of kinetic energy using a meta ability there's no backlash to his body however even with these quirks being combined the third use reserve one for all was also not enough to take on all for one and thus they died in combat against all for one now the fourth user of one for all is when we finally start to actually know something about these users in the fourth user of one for all is also probably the most interesting user outside of Deku see the fourth user of one for all was hikage Shino Mori and hikage shinomori was the longest wielder of one for all outside of all might but why did he wield one for all for so long and what did wielding it for so long do to him well strictly in terms of appearances hikage had a crack running down his face that was caused by the strain of having one for all in his body for so long but this wasn't the only crack on his body his entire body was covered in cracks from the overwhelming Power of One for All existing within him but then why isn't Deku covered in cracks why is it all might covered in cracks well because one for all works a bit differently for those who have quirks and those who don't have quirks when they inherit it see those who don't have quirks when they inherit one for all get to live regular lives outside of the fact that there are these incredibly powerful superheroes that can smash buildings in one punch however if you inherit one for all while you have a quirk it's much like getting a Demon Slayer Mark essentially it's a signal that you're going to die at a young age and this unfortunately was the case for hikage zikake understood that there was a massive difference in power between himself and all for one which like Fair therefore instead of confronting all for one hikogi decided to put himself in seclusion and train one for all for the next predecessors of The Quirk that is to say he committed his entire life to making the cork as strong as possible therefore the person he passed it down to would be stronger and more suited for a battle against all for one however hikage only wielded the cork for 18 years but the power of one for all in his Quirk danger scent tore his body apart but since they're talking about hikage we should talk about danger sense which is also technically only manga cannon at the moment so once again this Quirk works exactly like Spider-Man's Spidey senses attention this Quirk does exactly what it sounds like it gives the user the ability to sense any potential threats around them and react accordingly so if somebody was running at me from behind me with a dagger and I didn't see them I would get a sharp stabbing feeling in the back of my head that wasn't the dagger that would tell me that there was somebody trying to kill me at least this is how Deku describes the feeling of danger around him like a sharp stabbing feeling in the back of his head this Quirk also gives the user the ability to pick up malice in negative emotions of humans around them however there is some weaknesses to this Quirk while The Quirk obviously gives you the ability to ascertain whether somebody's attacking you with malice and therefore whether or not you should take the attack seriously if somebody attacks faster than dangerous sense can pick up on then obviously you're not gonna pick up on it you're gonna hit by the attack but also if somebody attacks you without malice in their heart danger sense won't pick up on it let's say if somebody was like I'm gonna kill you out of love danger sense wouldn't trigger therefore this could lead people with dangerous sense into a false sense of security also the larger the threat the dangerous sense picks up on apparently is very exhausting as it can weigh down on your mental and the stabbing pain is almost unbearable which could have been why hikage decided to avoid battle with all for one the danger sense that he would have picked up on when he was fighting offer one might have quite literally killed him but in the end he still died at the age of 40 when he passed on one for all to die girl banjo is the fifth user of one for all and for those of you who are anime only on mha he might be the previous inheritor of one for all you know best outside of maybe all might or not shamura see daija unfortunately did not show the sentiment of hikage in that he wanted to come into combat against all for one and this could be tied into the fact that before he inherited one for all he was actually a pro hero known as Lariat see Larry or die girl had the ability called black whip an ability that ironically also works a lot like Spider-Man's essentially Larry its ability was reaching out black tendrils of energy from his hands in order to Grapple things and increase his Mobility kind of like Spider-Man's webs but less in a straight line I guess because they were more able to operate like Octopus arms than anything he was exact opposite of his predecessor being incredibly proud and loud person however that Pride was not unwarranted see because obviously unlike hikage daiguro wanted to fight all for one however when tiger came into combat with all for one all for one defeated him and tried to steal the Quirk from him however daiguro's incredible will in the fact that the user of one for all has to willingly pass it on to somebody else stopped all for one from being able to steal it and in fact while they were fighting dairo actually gave some of his blood that was shed in the fight against all for one to his next predecessor and essentially daigono understanding that he wasn't gonna be all for one passed his blood on to his subordinate or his sidekick in end and thus in the passing of this Quirk and the fact that he had gotten pretty roughed up by all for one died and we were given our sixth user of one for all but here's the thing n was the polar opposite of Larry while also a Pro Hero and technically a subordinate to Laria and was an incredibly quiet and bashful person unlike his very loud and poistry tourist predecessor and once again unlike his predecessor ends Quirk was largely defensive CN was born with the Quirk smoke screen which is exactly what it sounds like essentially n was able to create smoke off of his body that could be used to make a smoke screen and obviously with the power of one for all he could make like a bunch more smoke and also move very quickly within said smoke which with tactical thinking is actually a very powerful ability essentially being able to obscure the vision of your opponents and move very quickly within it and then attack where your opponent's least expect it however and was very humble and he understood that his Quirk was by far not the strongest which is why he's actually come to Deku through the planes of one for all to tell him how to use the Quirk correctly fully maximizing the ability of a not so strong Quirk however unfortunately awareness of the fact that his Quirk was weak wouldn't stop him from engaging all for one in combat and N went out much like his predecessor Lariat however one similarity he shared with Lariat is that in his battle again against all for one all for one tried to pull once again one for all out of n and n resisted it with insurmountable willpower and after being fatally wounded in this fight against all for one he gave some of his hair to our seventh user of one for all danishimura you see nanoshimura is my favorite user of one for all but her history is complicated and a bit messy tinana was an incredibly commanding present who was happy and smiling all of the time but outside of being a superhero she was also a mother a mother to a man named kotaru who got married and had some kids of his own one of those kids was named tenko tanko shimora however tenko was born with a terrifying ability a quirk called Decay and one horrific night when he awoke to his Quirk he accidentally killed his entire family Nana shamura's son kotaro included obviously tenko was then adopted by all for one and given the name tomra tomra shigaraki and therefore one of the strongest and most passionate users of one for all ever and one of all for one's strongest opponent was the grandmother of the person all for one would turn into a subordinate one day it was Nana the best mom that she could be well no not really see Nana felt as though she was forced to place kotthero into foster care because of the dangers that her job brought her children that is to say that she wanted to separate herself entirely from her child in order to make sure that her child would never get brought into the crossfire of hero and villain work and while she thought this was a well-intentioned good thing to do kotthero her son felt exactly the opposite growing hate for her and heroes as a whole oh nana Cuts all ties with her son she cries which is very weird for her as a character because her entire personality is based around always maintaining a smile she believed by always smiling while doing hero work she brought Comfort to those she was saving this is why toshinori also known as all might always smiles while doing hero work outside of her personality Nana had a quirk outside of one for all and that Quirk was called float where and you're you're not gonna believe this she could levitate herself into midair however we don't know if she could fly we just know she could float which is like cool and all I guess if you ever fall off a building you don't have to worry about you know fall damage or if you got somebody with a wind Quirk that can push you really far but if that's like your whole thing it's not it's not great I mean obviously it works for Deku because he has things like fajin and black whip but for Nana it wasn't super powerful which is why unfortunately when she came into combat against all for one she died however Nana seeing the trend of one for all users coming into combat against all for one and then in a panic having to give him their DNA to their subordinates decided to give toshinori also known as all might one for all before her battle and their battle was legendary however Nana was killed and thus toshinori became the eighth inheritor of one for all however there was a couple of things about all might that made him unique and more powerful than any of his predecessors he was born quirkless see well at first nanoshimura laughed that toshinori thought he would become the face of Justice even though he was born quirkless as she got to know him she realized that he could absolutely do it and because all might was born worthless the strain of one for all didn't kill him at a young age in fact all might was able to wield one for all for 40 years double the time of hikage and it's actually a theory that all might had he was looking into the deaths of every user of one for all and he realized that by being born quirkless he got to have it for longer and thus he got to train it for longer than anybody else and get used to its power and use it at 100 capacity all because he was an empty vessel for one for all to fail see there's a common misconception about almight that he was born with a quirk and that's because of the way that he uses one for all so proficiently at a young age satoshinori while not born with a quirk was born with an incredibly incredibly resilient body I don't know maybe he drank his milk however because hoshinori was born with such a powerful and resilient body he could use one for all at a hundred percent rate much faster than anybody else could ever and because his body was so powerful and well trained there'd be very little blowback when he used this high level of 1 for all and because he was able to come into the power of one for all so quickly and it's such a high rate he became known as the strongest hero in history he became known as The Undefeated hero a man capable of fighting crime for three days straight with no rest anything that happened within his City could be resolved by him in mere seconds but more than any of that he was the first wielder of one for all to come into combat against all for one and win six out of seven previous wielders of one for all had gone into combat against all for one and every single one of them had died but all mate was not only able to defeat all for one but also to basically him see most people understand that all might took a crippling amount of damage in his fight against all for one and thus after that fight he was significantly weakened being unable to hold his all might puffed up form for much longer than a couple of minutes however in this fight all might also significantly weakened all for one which is why offer one is looking for people like shigaraki to take his place or just do his dirty work you know what I mean however since after taking this Grievous injury all might was on only able to hold his hero transformation for three hours a day which is why he decided to become a teacher at UA where he was scouting out potential inheritors for his Quirk however the problem with being a teacher at UA is that all of the students and therefore all of the candidates for receiving one for all had quirks and Alma was beginning to understand that the true strength of one for all lies in a quirkless host and by using the evidence of hikage's early death in the crack marks on his body he understood that the power of a cork and all for one in one body was too much which is why when he found Azuka midoriya who embodied the idea of the face of justice and looked up to him he gave him a strand of his hair to pass one for all to him toshinori and Azuka had a weird relationship as far as one for all inheritors go because every previous inheritor of one for all upon inheriting one for all basically lost the person who had it before that but izuku and almight got to exist simultaneously as inheritors of one for all which left us with a lot of questions about one for all and how it functions anyways that's the question could people have one for all simultaneously or does the actual Act of passing it down to somebody else begin to dampen the flame within you the flame of one for all that is well basically what we've learned by Deku Awakening to all of these meta abilities in previous users of one for all kind of answers that question for us see when all my passes one for all down to death who he says that he's only Clinging On To The Embers of one for all which makes it feel as though The Quirk is actually being transferred to Deku and the stronger that it gets in Deku the weaker it gets in all might but what's that just because all might was getting weaker because of his injuries and what was stopping all might from giving one for all to multiple people to answer that question we kind of have to look at one for all as a sort of possession see we know within one for all Lays the spirits of every previous user now obviously these beards didn't manifest as meta abilities in previous users and that's what makes Deku unique but the fact that your soul gets stockpiled because of this Quirk into one for all kind of points Us in the direction that only one person should be able to use this Quirk at a time and this is further evidenced by the mha movie Heroes Rising nine being the bad guy in Heroes Rising so like by and large the community does believe that this movie is Canon however in this movie both Deku and bakugou have won for all simultaneously however at the end of the movie One for All leaves bakugou because one for all wants to stay with Deku showing us that two people can simultaneously briefly have one for all but one for all wants to stick with one person and that one person in this circumstance happens to be Deku our ninth inheriter now I'm not gonna do an entire Deep dive into Deku as a character because that's a whole video on its own but Deku obviously inherited one for all from all might as a corkless nobody and because he was quirkless and because he was quirkless he can use one for all at the highest level of power well sort of you see Deku and the manga skill isn't able to use a hundred percent of one for all you can use 45 however like I stated earlier he can use some of the metabilities given to him by previous users of one for all to boost those numbers up at least pseudo boosts those numbers up because he could still hypothetically one day achieve a hundred percent of one for all which means that with the combination of 100 of 1 for all fajin black Whip and float and all those other things it would be significantly stronger than all might ever won now Decca uses all for one in the same way that everybody has used all for one prior to him except his use of all for one is largely influenced by all mine which is why he uses things like Delaware smash or Manchester smash or Detroit smash however where Deku differs from all might as the fact that he uses things like full cowling where Deku spreads the power of all for one all throughout his entire body at a lower percentage than a hundred unless of course he has Ariane is back in which case he can actually use it at 100 and by using full cowl and thus using the stockpile of power all across the entirety of his body he gets the boost his speed durability and power substantial and then obviously he has the rest of his meta abilities fajin danger synth smoke screen black Whip and float and therefore he has the Arsenal of every previous user of one for all however he has their quirks at the hyper boosted level that one for all provides and he will have it for a long time because just like his predecessor almight is quarkless and therefore he will be able to to embody one for all for basically his entire life The Deco zero work is far from over and that is basically everything we know about one for all guys did I miss anything tell me in the comments below and while you're down there please or me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that naughty Bell listen I'm not saying this is a trial run and if the mha comments get way out of pocket this will be the last mha video I ever post on this page but you're on your best behavior thank you [Music] Instagram [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Weeb Commander
Views: 129,949
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, anime explained, nchammer23, weeb commander, manga explained, manga, deku, midoryia, all might, one for all, all for one, shigaraki, bakugo, whip, my hero, my hero academia, full cowling, eri, united states of smash
Id: ayfhl4vppCw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 15sec (1395 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 01 2022
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