Mexico's Pres.-Elect Claudia Sheinbaum May Institute Major Reform That Would Change Mexico Politics

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you're speaking live from Mexico City you were there for the elections last night tell us what are you seeing on the ground and what is the mood of the electorate right now you know on the one hand this was a landslide that most people saw coming if you looked at the polls Claudia Shane bomb was holding a between 10 and 20 25 point lead above her nearest rival for weeks so this has been a campaign without a lot of suspense uh most people thought they knew where it was going um on the other hand I would say that uh there was still enthusiasm I went around several different neighborhoods of Mexico City yesterday talking to voters um and uh you know I think overall uh their responses matched up pretty much with what we saw in the election the fact that um 60% of Voters supported um Claudia Shane bomb to the next candidates 30% uh so it really it really was a landslide for the ruling party before we get into the nitty-gritty of Mexican politics can you just give us a very brief overview of the structure of the Mexican Government for those who might not be familiar with it and is it structured similarly to the American government you know somewhat similarly uh it's also a presidential system uh in Mexico's case until now uh with multiple political parties not just two um so what you have here is a pres a strong presidency uh the president can hold office for six years uh and cannot be uh reelected after that uh that's a very strong Norm here in Mexico um so so Claudia shaine bom will have six years ahead of her and that's it um now in addition to the president there's a senate a congress um and also a supreme court which for now is selected through a a judicial process uh independently but which Claudia Shane bom and her party have suggested should be actually selected through popular vote so that is one proposal we may see uh Su uh put soon to Congress is whether or not to reform the Constitution to elect Supreme Court judges and actually also elect the people who administer the entire judiciary that change could make the system look quite unlike that of the United States and most other democracies a popular vote for the Judiciary that blows my American mind but while we're on policy will can you tell us what were the other policies that Shane bomb ran on and and what was her strategy broadly going into this election look her biggest message was that uh she is here to continue the policies of the president who's held power for the last six years uh man andrees Manuel Lope oror sometimes called amlo uh amlo is a nationalist populist uh he started governing uh you know began began his political career as a governor in a very poor state of southern Mexico uh you know ran every political campaign um against the political Elites and and what he perceived as kind of a wealthy Fe controlling the country uh and eventually he won in 2018 also in a landslide he became quite popular before and then as he helped the presidency by hiking the minimum wage by increasing social transfers and cash transfers to the poor but also very controversial he empowered the military um he was very harsh on Defenders of the environment um so we combine views that we sometimes think of as right-wing and leftwing now Shane bom has basically said that she's going to continue those policiy she's been by Andre L over side for the past 25 years 24 years excuse me one of his closest political allies however Shane bers has a very different profile which make people think that maybe she has different ideas about where the country should go she's climate scientist she comes from uh the student movement in Mexico which is much more let's say traditional kind of leftist in the sense of caring deeply about human rights um yeah considering themselves progressives somewhat closer to the mold of of those in the US um so we'll see Shane bom may make I think important changes on energy policy um on fiscal policy uh potentially on the environment um but I think no matter what she does though she will be trying to uh to sustain this Lego and appeal to that same base
Channel: Forbes Breaking News
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Id: iMyzSJBW3Lw
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Length: 4min 0sec (240 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2024
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