Claudia Sheinbaum projected to be Mexico's first woman president

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a moment of many firsts for Mexico the country  has elected its first fumal president and first   president with Jewish Heritage preliminary results  from Mexico's electoral Institute show claria   shamam as the winner of Sunday's presidential  election winning as much as 60% of the vote   her Administration will face several challenges  though including security organized crime and   setting the tone of calls for the pivotal us  Mexico bilateral relationship for now though   thousands of people have been celebrating this  groundbreaking moment have a listen this is a   great victory for the first woman president for  the first time in over 200 years of elections in   Mexico with the support of the people a woman  has arrived to power a leftist woman who is   committed to all the needs of the Mexican people  let's get more on all of this Gustavo valz has   been tracking this historic moment and joins us  live from Mexico City Gustavo to see you I mean   it is an historic wind breaking through as that  gentleman was saying 200 years of male government   but now Gustav the hard work truly begins just  talk us through how this win is being received   in Mexico and of course the challenges and there  are many that shine Bal faces here hi Isa well   yeah the celebration almost felt a little bit  anti-climatic in part because he came so late or   early in the morning there was a delay announcing  their results and voters had told us that they had   already uh known that they were going to have a  female prent because the two top contenders were   women so they had already gotten used to the  idea that the next president was going to be   a woman yet they celebrated they know there are  a lot of challenges ahead uh Public Safety being   their main concern all the Foreign Relations not  only with um the United States but also countries   south of the Mexican border but they all seem  ready to have a woman to take the Reigns of their country Claudia shamon has made history  as the first woman projected to be the   next president of Mexico the  61-year-old handedly defeated   her two opponents with at least 58% of the  vote according to the National electoral Institute our duty is an always will be to look  after each Mexican without distinctions although   many Mexican women and Mexican men don't agree  fully with our project we will walk in peace and   Harmony to build a fairer and more prosperous  Mexico besides being the first woman said to   become president she would be the first one of  Jewish ancestry her grandparents migrated from   Eastern Europe fing Nazi persecution although  she rarely mentions her religious background   her parents were leftist according to a biography  by journalist arur oo in which Shane bound says   that she grew up talking about politics all day  with her parents but her first career is Academia   she has a PHD in environmental engineering  focused in renewable energy and climate change   her introduction to politics happened in 2000 when  she became Mexico City's environmental Minister   under the head of government Andres Manuel Lopez  obrador she became part of his team during his   three presidential campaigns and in 2018 when  he won the presidency she was elected chief of   government of Mexico City she pledged to continue  the policies of Lopez orador with a fivepoint   planned increase Public Safety free public  education fight poverty through social programs   and higher minimum wage better regulation of water  resources and transition to renewable energies   on Foreign Affairs she has pledged  to protect Mexico's sovereignty and   while recognizing the importance of  their relationship with the United   States she wants to focus on growing  ties with Central and South American Nation now today Claudia shamon has been quiet  judging by the messages on social media she's   been Fielding a lot of calls from world leaders  how who have congratulate her in the Victory and   perhaps her first first uh uh the first uh clue we  might get about how her next uh the government the   next 6 years is going to be could come tomorrow  because uh we're expecting uh the United States   President Biden to announce some changes to US  policy regarding migration and for that they're   going to need a Buy in from Mexico obviously  andrees Manuel Lopez orador it's still the one   making those decisions but being that technically  we are already in that transition and they work   too close together it would be interesting to see  if she has something to say about how she feels   about whatever is going to be announced tomorrow  in washingt and Gustavo just focusing here on what   you've been hearing from people who from voters  really in the last 24 hours what would you say   was the number one priority that they want to see  clly and shamam hit first and foremost they number   one two and three priorities security security  security they are tired of the violence they   didn't like that this political cycle they  saw about 200 people killed 30 of those or   more were candidates they see the violence across  the country and they don't feel safe uh so that is   their main priority and that's what they would  like to see change and here's also another uh   question mark as to how she is going to approach  this issue if she continues the policies of andr   Andre Manuel Lopez obrador which she has said  that she will do but he has taken a hands off   approach uh he hasn't really engaged the army or  the police forces to go against after the cartels   or organized crime and many think that is part  of the problem or if she's going to take another   route and break up from the GetGo with with her  predecessor yeah interested to seeing whether she   keeps to that hugs not bullets policy of course  from amlo Gustavo great to see you appreciate   it thank you very much well Sunday's vote came  just really five months before the US president   election where immigration as you heard there  from Gustavo is one of the top issues joining   us now from Washington DC is Jason marzac who is  the senior director of Latin American Center the   at Atlantic Council Jason great to have you on the  show look I think it's historic of course we've   been saying it pretty much all day she has indeed  broken the glass ceiling and the the ceiling in   Mexican politics um so what is it really about  shamon that has appealed would you say to the   roughly 60% o of of the Mexican population I  mean how has she won them over here thank you I   she won them over because of this continuity of  the policy of the am presidency president Lopez   oor is incredibly popular in Mexico uh he's  raised wages for workers uh he has had large   infrastructure projects especially in the south  of Mexico that many where many people can see   some of the tangible benefits that government can  provide so she's been able to build off of that   popularity of amlo uh with a frankly a margin  of victory that even surpasses amlo's margin of   Victory when he won six years ago she as she'll  Win It by at least five percentage points more   than than when he secured the presidency so she  will come into office with an even larger more   clear mandate then amlo came into office and she  will do so with sizable uh representation by her   party and the Coalition in the Mexican Congress  on that point Jason I mean how much do you think   that perhaps she may struggle here to just step  out of amlo Shadow I mean she has promised we   heard her say last night she promised to preserve  his legacy how much does she need him in your view   does she need him at all in that relationship  I I think that because I think she she is she   will continue the policies of amlo but I think  she will also be her own president I had the   opportunity to sit down with her last year when  she was in Denver for the city of the Americas   and I found her to be incredibly pragmatic very  technical and very uh firm grasp of the issues as   head of governor of Mexico City as well the first  time went to go meet with her team they had a 220   page plan of action for how the government will  be run so she has clear ideas uh she has a clear   policy Direction but at the same time she does  believe in the policies of President Lopez oor   and will continue that general direction that the  president has laid out and I'm not sure whether   you were able Jason to hear our correspondent  gustava Valdez in Mexico City when I asked him   what were the main priorities that they would  like to see her really Target really hit off   the bat and he said security security security  to talk to that I mean that we know it's a one   of the main concerns right organized crime  violence and security and we all know looking   at least at the numbers for was looking at in  the last kind of 48 hours that amlo's policy of   abaso is not balaso the hugs not bullet strategy  that has not worked uh have we seen anything new   from her because we have we are seeing we have  been seeing from mamow an over Reliance here   on the military so what can we expect from her  you know she talked about during the campaign   a continuation of the hugs and not bullets uh  policy at the same time though she's talked about   investing further in Social programs uh education  programs to be able to uh uh find Alternatives   than going into uh the illicit world you know  I I I think that as your correspondent said   security are is priority one through three maybe  even priority one through five for the Mexican   people uh the number of candidates that were  killed during the election uh also the rate of   homicide that has increased over the course of the  next six sen so Mexican voters uh overwhelmingly   brought her into office it's a reflection of their  support for PR president Lopez oor uh from so far   as improving their day-to-day lives but there is  General frustration with the security policies of   the president and there's also frustration on the  US side with regard to our security relationship   and especially the issue of fenel these  continues to come across the US Mexico border
Channel: CNN
Views: 120,024
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Keywords: latest news, Happening Now, CNN, Isa Soares, Isa Soares Tonight, Gustavo Valdes, Jason Marczak, Claudia Sheinbaum, Mexico, Mexico Election, Mexico President, Mexico Politics, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, Morena Party
Id: s7h-7DniwmI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 38sec (638 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2024
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