Claudia Sheinbaum Inherits Illegal Migration Problem & Right-Wing Rhetoric From US | Geeta's World,

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[Music] let's unravel G's World hello and welcome to the 93rd episode of gita's world and here in India Gita such a busy week such a friendy has been created for us to I mean those who think that you know it's the political reporters who had to Monitor and this and and see how the election which turned out quite different from what the exit poles were saying but for us it was a busy day because we saw a lot of international reaction um true congratulatory messages coming in pouring in for Prime Minister Modi including Italian Prime Minister M Georgia Malone who in all probability uh will be seeing him soon if they manage to form a government by then for the G G7 Summit so yes she was one of the first ones but so were quite a few others including the neighborhood uh they've all sent messages and uh we've seen a lot of international media reaction as well the primary focus is that this is not um just to put it very straightforwardly a Modi sarcar but an NDA sarcar which which means that modi's diminishing uh numbers humbled victory that uh because none of the major parties I mean all eyes were on BJP but it could not attain that majority Mark but most of them said that you know on many counts there might be Continuum like you know countries that are writing from certain capitals DC London Beijing um even you know in the neighborhood they've all said the same thing but in terms of foreign policy you know there there certainly would be Continuum State Department reacted responding the same with there's a time difference so by then the numbers results were not uh finalized so they said let the numbers final results come in for us to react yeah but it's a Continuum in terms of relations Okay so I mean we could see a lot of make or I mean makes or breaks like some of them were critical too they were saying that you know there was uh in their reporting they said uh they spoke about uh divisive politics and that you know somewhere that has been shunted um so or rejected so yeah the the the you're saying that the organizations who uh have had a difficult ride with the uh with with the last government right are are now writing those critical pieces because the numbers are because they have come back with reduced numbers yeah but you saying that either uh party you know makes the government it will work as a Continuum right that's foreign policy always is a continu and I don't see that change much but in terms barring a few areas where there might be maybe a stronger Voice or a maybe a little more tempered voice yeah like how we react to our neighbors that that or how we react to the Wars wars uh that have that are currently ongoing either Israel Hamas or Russia Ukraine um the reactions might not be as uh almost the same as the previous one but in this also um in all property it's going to be Prime Minister Modi taking over uh the Helms again but with allies so we'll have to see whether those allies really so the Allies that we're looking at right now I don't think uh are focused so much on uh foreign policy they're more focused on domestic and what is it right now they just talking about what are the cabinet births that they're getting so it's too early to talk about what they will really influence or how will they influence policies but uh foreign policy certainly largely is a Continuum uh when it comes to India uh right I think U it will be fascinating definitely to watch because um it's like you know it's election season in India is like a festival everybody enjoys and uh this time I think it was a very competitive fight some cry some celebrate some celebrate yeah some reason it out yeah yes so uh this time around uh in this episode of G's world we are discussing I mean since we have said in the very beginning uh when we first recorded in January the first episode that we did was on us elections which are due in November uh but this has been I mean this is the election year so this time uh Mexico just underwent uh uh the presidential elections and it is a moment of first in Mexico we have the first is historic it is historic the first woman president and the first Jewish president in a Catholic country like Mexico um so she is uh Claudia shanbom and uh she's a climate scientist and a former Mexico City mayor and uh uh you know having a woman president is a remarkable achievement in a country uh like Mexico which is known for its patriarchal culture and which is known for its you know High rat gender based violence where Reports say around 10 women are murdered every day each day uh so when she uh you know clinched this title she said that she'll become the first woman president of Mexico and she also said that I don't make it alone we have all made it with our heroins who gave us our homeland with our M mothers with our daughters and our granddaughters um so definitely having the first woman president in Mexico's 200e uh history is historic but there are concerns which we will delve into this uh in this episode because people are concerned whether uh Claudia Shen bom she has the ability or the will uh to break free of the policies of her populist predecessor amlo which is um it's called amlo his name is Andre Manuel Lopez orador and both belong to the same party the same uh leftist party called Morena so we'll analyze this uh so gaita I mean while you give like a you know full detailed profile of Claudia let's also understand who amlo is with and this the one of the uh you know important questions that people are asking that whether the people of Mexico have actually voted for Claudia or have they voted for amlo because you know both belong to the same party and uh you know observers they say that Shane bomb she lacks the Charisma that attracted many uh of her political Ally and despite amlo not being on the ballot much of the election was revolved uh you know revolved around him so have what is the Mandate for who is the Mandate for so the mandate is for Morena party a leftist leaning strong populist government of auor now what happens in Mexico is basically let's talk about the rules it's uh for the president it's a single term sixe cap okay you can't if you cannot be and you cannot fight why is oor not standing he is still so popular he's not standing because he cannot stand so what has he done he's put his prote M and uh if he were to stand he would have won and gotten reelected um uh it's really Food For Thought for all those other countries where there are no caps I mean caps do help even if you're a popular uh person um you can contribute to your country and then move away I mean I think one might be two less but two yeah like uh the American system where Barack Obama retired as us president very young in life because he was a very young president and he goes on doing what he wants to do um so that's the reason why oor was not on the ballot did he campaign of course he campaigned very hard for uh for Claudia Shen bomb and uh he really hit uh the opposition very very hard uh he he he ensured that the people were listening to him in what she can bring to the table as opposed to what her opponent can bring to the table GV did have a very very tough time in during campaigning but she gave it a very very tough fight so yes it was a historic moment it was one woman against the other um and when you speak about mandate this was what was asked of uh operator as well that are you going to be um the The Man Behind the presidential chair uh Puppeteer your prote to which he said no he's not going to and I want to quote him here he said I do not aspire to be a moral leader a maximum boss a cordillo so he was basically saying that this is going to be her moment we'll have to wait and see how how it's really going to pan out you know because in elections and when you see only a single term for 6 years you will have the withdrawal symptom to say oh well you could have done it like this you could have done it like that but um for now I think it's it's a mandate for the party but I think uh like you said uh that you know there should be a cap as in you just no I'm just saying it's food for thought it's Food For Thought yeah you're not endorsing it yeah but uh like here in Mexico when you when you say that okay if um a person has to be elected just once and later on you know he or she can advocate for some other party uh leader in his or her party but then uh if you see Claudia I mean people are saying that critics are saying that uh she's just making the same proposals as arm loaded so she's not like uh differing in any of the proposals because she came on that ticket it was very clear very clear yeah yeah yeah just the faces are changing in fact it is so Stark that she's a climate scientist and if you see the winning Banner behind her when she comes for that Victory lab yeah are all oil companies yeah so that's how she had to restrict and confine herself to uh oor's policies so she did speak about Renewables and all of that but she's confined herself to saying okay right now we are an oil energy dependent and producing Nation uh we our revenues come from there so that's a red line she was not allowed to cross okay so it's it's it's a very different story altogether when you see um the evil ution and I think there will be a massive shift right um to what the policies of orador looks and to what her policies could look like but for now she's saying and she's sticking to what they have been there are challenges there are challenges when it comes to the economy there will be huge challenges when it comes to the United States of America which of course we'll discuss a little later but in terms of challenges her biggest challenge will be how to navigate that space of being a climate science scientist standing in front of those banners that are oil company you know sponsored banners and sending out the message that we're moving forward but keeping orador policies uh you know absolutely intact what a paradox so what a what what a you know I mean it is a win but it's not just the most enviable win you see there is a lot that she'll have to now navigate yeah interesting um so like you were saying that U uh I mean a lot has been actually I me there are critics who are saying that during amlo's presidential uh you know term democracy has been compromised a lot and there was like his moves to attack the Judiciary uh Slash funding to Mexico's electoral agency and expand the military's civilian uh civilian life responsibilities they have all contributed to you know this this narrative that democracy in uh Mexico has been compromised um also like you said uh us will talk about it later whether it's about you know efforts to control migrants coming from the US border or about funds and investment in the country uh I mean they're saying that we have not utilized the funds and investment in the country to its full potential so I mean how have the Mexicans then voted like were these factors not factored in when they chose uh um Claudia Shane bomb from the same party because they know that she'll be endorsing the same things so um there's not aned against it well those are the challenges and uh she will have to um see how she handles them and why did the people vote because I think it was between um two women okay who have promised almost similar things when it comes to security matters also uh the fact that you have over here uh a government that has in terms of taxes in terms of you know um the the the policies for the poor and for they they seem more they seem more um amable to the idea of taking the the the the economically backward sections with them rather than you know go with the other go with the other side I suppose that could be one of the reasons but only I'm thinking this this is um this is uh a vote for a party and a leader who already was quite popular he had not lost popularity and she rote on that popular uh populist uh government policies and agenda um if you talk about uh challenges of security yes if you look at the numbers um six of 10 voters according to data cited safety as the top concern uh this is these are government statistics and uh more people according to uh another statistic says that have been murdered during the six-year term of uh the operador administration than any other including more than 230 people in election related violence this election cycle so it is a huge concern and the ve the other very important part which everybody is highlighting and so has uh the opposition is the organized crimes Vice CP on uh on the country which is only increased so we've seen we've seen more human smuggling the problem that will become huge you know should the Republicans return in the United States of America and uh and drug trafficking so for her in her agenda she will have to see how she puts these concerns of the public as top priority right now she also comes from a very uh uh uh influential or a prominent family and um and some of the Articles if you read are not are not praising her or lording her for her attitude in fact one of them almost says that you know she'd talk about she talk talk down to certain people if certain questions are asked like you don't think I've read this yeah know things like that is a very is a very family oriented leftist family oriented kind of a an attitude according to you know how Mexicans see Mexicans okay and um her leftist leanings predate oor's populist government because her parents were uh very important leftist leaders till that entire attack and killing by the government of of leftists took place so she's actually she comes from that she comes from a family of leftists she is left Le cleaning herself and is the is the prote so there are a lot of areas that she'll have to cover one in terms of policies in terms of economy then on top of that she's a climate scientist that's what yeah so then the oil problems also will come to haunt her um she will have to see how she's going to ensure the promises that she's made because she has made some very strong promises especially on the count of security yeah I'll just come to Security One but like you said I mean but how Claudia will be different from her predecessor because uh like as a mayor of Mexico City uh she took a very technocratic approach to crime and she worked with the private sector uh while amlo here by you know as in contrast he was governed by like whim and uh you know he used to be old school versus new school um she comes she's quite educated she comes from a place where she's seen uh and she's grown to see how the world is changing nobody's going to and how um there's so much access now uh what is happening in India a lot of people are politically aware is because there's so much access yeah you cannot say that oh well the world works this way and you'll have to follow suit that is no longer the day and age so she will have to see that if she's going to come with the same old policy of opor it will not work because people are seeing and they know that if you have promised this you have to deliver on this in a certain way so getting in the the technocratic way getting in the private sector to maybe get rid of some of this but there is a lot of uh complicity and Nexus yeah how do you break that Nexus of cartels and uh people in power yeah and I'm not saying it's her but what if you know her party politicians from top to the bottom of both sides are involved that to break that Nexus will take some time and at the end of the day Mexico only has a single presidency with a six-year cap six years too so there's only that much that she can do so but the beauty of this is that you're only going to leave uh trying to attempt to leave a legacy behind rather than uh seek a second term and think what can I do maybe to gain votes so this is she does not have to be a populist she needs to be populist enough that her party is not dead because of her policies keeping the parties keeping the party alive yes but also then you know navigating the space to ensure that her promises and but I do think that there will be some changes there will be a slight shift maybe in some time after she takes over in policies in policies yeah in policies like she will go green like in terms of security no no all of them but primarily going green she will go green there is no way that she will change how this system of uh of of insecurity that is all you know pervasive um comes to an end right or or is reduced nobody can end this but yeah yeah uh speaking about uh cartle violence because we have seen I mean Mexico and these countries like for us inds especially uh who is so much fasinated by you know pop culture and must have seen Naros yeah so we know that you know organized crimes and drug trafficking and Cal violence that's very prevalent and like you were Columbia and Mexico Columbia and mexic yeah so um like you were speaking at least 34 candidates or applicants have been murdered here since January 2023 as gangs they try to you know come and influence those coming to par um and Mexico is a country where more than nine out of 10 crimes committed against the population go unpunished uh so but this this this country's you know powerful drug cartel they have long staged uh targeted assassinations of you know all these local candidates who threaten their control and uh their two most infamous inFAMOUS two Waring drug cartel are Jalisco and Sinaloa but I was thinking that it's ironic that in a country uh with security topping water concerns both of these uh candidates Shan bomb and Galway they have largely remained like really Co about their proposals like neither have said that you know they have reputed uh repudiated a nearly you know two decade long approach of relying on these Armed Forces to tackle organized crime and uh gal she has been like really critical of amlo's non-confrontational approach to cartel uh but I was like Mexico we know that you know it is a democratic country but why is it that a democratic country like Mexico has not been able to limit uh drug curles and gangs violence and influence in so many years and we are talking about the left party uh I suppose Nexus which is what we were talking about earlier you know suppose it's because of the NEX yeah but it's about I'm I'm saying in a democratic setup why is it that you know what is democracy Anna when you when you say it's a democratic setup and you say why haven't they been able to a democracy is only to the extent which is why we say that there can be no true equality or democratic uh system where you're not choosing yeah what is democracy if two people are standing your democracy today in Mexico is between gway and uh and Shane bong was there another choice so democracy is also confined to the leaders parties who are propping up people how many times have you seen Independence really win we were talking about us elections just you know uh few weeks ago uh what what happened there you have uh Kennedy who's come in and uh has has become a bit of a spoiler for the Democrats but will he actually make it so Independence only lasts that much if Independence are one in India independent MPS can they form government with their numbers so when you're forming government the choices are limited to that's your democracy your democracy is confined and defined in that space that you've been given for the people I'm saying so when you say that why haven't people then rejected who do they reject and who do they accept it's all a Nexus everybody's involved like look at look at the conversation that gal and Shen bomb had after she won she called her and she said the very same thing well you know there are massive concerns that I spoke to her and the first thing I told her was that they massive concerns with regards to security and why she's saying that to Shen mom is because this is a continuation of the same party yeah same policies now whether Nexus or not you you have said that there is going to be reduction they will have to do something about it let's see what she does and how she delivers on that account okay um right gaita I think there's also a concern uh about this like I said in the very beginning that headlines uh you know they say that she's the first woman president but uh uh there are uh you know critical analysis as to how about Shane bomb's uh non-feminist approach which I want to uh speak about uh which have I mean both Front Runners Shain Bor and Galis they have promised to address High rates of gender based violence be it femicides be it gender disparities if they win in Mexico because Mexico uh still uh has like a you know machism more very patriarchal male chauvinistic culture um so uh amid all these you know gender-based violence getting a woman precedent may seem quite paradoxical in the sense that in Mexico there's a through line between militarization and gender based violence experts have noted that uh in uh 2018 when Amo uh you know became the president he failed to actually demilitarize the country's war against drug Cartal and uh because of such militarization of the civilian sphere uh women I mean feminist groups have quoted have they have said that there is a dramatic increase in women being killed in by fire Firearms after 2007 as well as women uh being targeted in public sphere so much because the the country has not been demilitarized as has been uh promised in in uh you know before so because of this wide militarization Shane bomb has a very tense relationship with some feminists who you know encountered lots of repression by Mexico City police under the purview of shen bomb um that's what the concern is there people are saying that Claudia is not feminist enough to reverse any of this so how do you see this well this is her moment she has to prove uh her critics wrong every leader has to do that and there will always be criticism because you're coming from the shadows of a leader yeah and yes there are a lot of problems with the oror regime when it comes to how they um viewed gender equality and how they boxed it in in in a space where uh we did see a lot of violence against women we did see Killing of uh women and then when there were protests uh she was the city mayor of uh she was the mayor of Mexico City where uh she actually criminalized participa participation of uh of uh in in in those protest so yes she was uh she is a part of that system she will have to rid herself of um this but there are many other things that uh that have moved towards you know women's right rights and where she can also then contribute further uh like Mexico's uh Supreme Court under Pina um made uh prohibiting abortion unconstitutional yeah so she can take a leave from there and maybe start you know a chapter where she's actually looking at women's rights this is her moment Anna to start now there will always be criticism of course and rightly so because they've seen her as mayor of Mexico City they've seen her uh support um orador they've seen her turn a blind eye to the Nexus that you were talking about the militarization that you've been talking about and if she wants to turn a new page it has to be with newer policies fresher policies looking towards women and women's rights yeah okay and uh just lastly when I mean uh I think it's important to understand the migration issue that is uh I mean it's one of the very important important factors because United States is neighbor and illegal migration has been a uh very crucial issue so um you know like it seems that for any Mexican president relations with the US and the demands that the US uh has placed on Mexico lately has been like can be a headache because ever since Trump you know came to par and this whole rhetoric against migration U you know in the minds of so many people Mexico has become synonymous with uh illegal migration and uh that is besides his already soiled you know reputation as a Haven for Haven of drug cartel because of course there's some Merit to it uh like we discussed but the reality is more complicated like the Mexico Administration it has pointed out there's actually just a country that has been just caught in the middle because many of the illegal migrants who are crossing over uh from Mexico into the US are actually not Mexican an this year for example they said 64% are Venezuelans and the rest come from countries such as Ecuador hati uh Colombia and even China and Mexico has rightly raised this this issue with the Biden Administration as well and it has uh asked uh to help this region the Central American region with funds to lift people out of poverty because the this illegal migration is just growing and growing so uh historically I mean if you can explain how crucial that this issue of illegal migration yeah and uh and for like Mexico's domestic Politics as well like is this a reason the uh the left has come to par uh this time as well and in 2018 and is this a factor that can decide a president's Legacy it is it is a very important factor you see when we talk about refugees and Refugee convention and they talk about you know how how do refugees become refugees there are those who are politically persecuted those who are um who suffer persecution from communities so on and so forth so persecution is one but then there are economic refugees if a country is poor and you really don't have anything to eat and the government has nothing to provide for or the economy is such you do look at and your neighbor country is well to do then you do look and seek uh uh Refuge there and there is no way of uh justifying and recognizing economic refugees at this point in time so which is why it is a historical problem then what happens people move and this is an example I give on India Bangladesh as well people think that they've left their homes because they want to come and capture space here in no there is the the today Bangladesh is doing well there was a time Mana when Bangladesh was doing nothing and the poverty levels was so bad that people actually would just come cross the border work earn their 10 Rupees and go back that's economic you know crisis that a country faces and you know why people take refuge in the other country I'm not justifying illegal immigration here in no way am I saying that it's acceptable but it is why it is happening most Mexicans too um left Mexico or are or continue to leave Mexico mexo for the United States of America only for better opportunities only so that their children can can be rid of a of an environment that is riddled with uh insecurities violence and drug cartels that they go there they get an opportunity to study and do well so it is it is it is historical because it's a problem that exists from and stems from this yeah um have they made it a political issue yes have they made it an issue which allows them the space to return to power absolutely uh how is it going to be different for uh Shane bomb I don't think it's going to be very very different in fact it is it only could get a little more difficult although we know that the Democrats will work with the new Administration should there be a change in Administration in the United States of America then it's going to be a very difficult yeah because TR Trump comes to par it's yes it's it's it's going to be Havoc so so let's wait and see how that really pans out for them but it has been a political uh it has been on their agenda and is part of the political agenda and I don't think um this is something that you know you can remove from Mexican politics or us Mexico relations yeah Okay g I think we'll put an end to this conversation and very well explained in terms I think uh like it's just just the beginning uh when you know Claudia will clinch the Pres ENT uh you know the the term will start and I think in uh the near future we'll get to see whether she actually you know break away from the so-called shackles or the or she has the will yes yes she has the will to break away from the uh I don't think she really has the will but I think she wants the space to also come as her own yeah so she will have all the leftist policies but she'll also be a little more Progressive on uh CL H also like about the non-feminist if see that is for her Anna if there are critics and if you've done what you've done you were mayor of a city and uh they've seen your work then it's for you to prove yourself you know with not just the critics but with your country right right yeah so I think we'll put an end so thank you so much G it was very fascinating to discuss Mexico country that we never discussed in this so podcast there's always a first there always a first like the first woman president of Mexico yeah thank you Anna and thank you to our listeners and our audience who watch us yeah uh for joining in every week it's always a pleasure thank you so much we'll be back next week till then keep listening to G's world thank you
Channel: India Today
Views: 4,492
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Anna Priyadarshini podcast, latest Anna Priyadarshini podcast, Geeta Mohan podcast, latest Geeta Mohan podcast, Geeta’s World, India, Mexico, Sheinbaum, Claudia Sheinbaum, Claudia Sheinbaum president, Morena party, climate scientist, oil policies, greener future, elections, gender-based violence, feminist, cartel violence, security, migration, leftist politics, presidential term, democracy, nationalism, minority rights, Green New Deal, illegal migration Mexico, challenges for claudia
Id: pIQdBYaHedc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 23sec (2063 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2024
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