Architectural shingles vs Metal roofing: Which Roof is Best?

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hey guys it's jeff from home renovation here today listen i'm gonna here to talk about roofing today's one of the most difficult questions for homeowners especially if you've owned your home for a little while is what kind of roof should i be putting on my house and part of the reason for the dilemma is that we went through a change in the industry where we went from just a traditional asphalt shingle and they went to organics and it failed miserably we had all kinds of problems with those products and now we've come full circle and made room for the whole metal roofing industry it's gone crazy they've got lots of designs and structure and capacity 50-year lifetime roofing and so then the whole the whole traditional shingle has had to kind of re-emerge and reinvent itself and so now we have this thing called architectural shingles and these new shingles are about a 25-year product and when i was looking at doing my old farmhouse i have lousy airflow i was concerned about heat buildup and early decay and i wasn't sure which direction to go and when i started investigating and talking to the pros i was surprised by the answers i got so i invited the owner of the local roofing company out here who did our roof and we're going to have a huge chat and bring all that information to you this is kind of a video for those who are researching and you just want to know the truth and you don't know who to trust well you can trust me because i got nothing to gain from giving you this information except helping you out which is our goal on this channel i'm just going to jump into the conversation i have with the owner of the company and we're going to go through all that information and i'll see you on the other side so i'm over here with arzan today now he's one of the owners over at roofmaster and we're going to have a quick chat about the roof and where it went and where it came to yeah because i'll be honest with you when i went to go and price out my roof i was a little shocked yeah it's been a while since i bought a roof prices have gone up they have but it's not about price per square foot it's about price per square foot by how long it's going to last yeah exactly right so this is what i'm learning and it made me feel better so yeah i remember the days being on a job site there'd be a roofer next door and they would knock on the door and say hey we're here it's a simple two sides you know 412. we can knock it off in an afternoon 2 000 cash yeah those days are gone those days are long gone yeah all right so talk to me because when i was looking at my pitch i got a 12 12 right i was looking at the idea of maybe going with metal yeah i got the quotes for that i started getting quotes for uh the architectural shingle that's been installed now that's right and it came down to basic math for me it was almost the same price per square foot per year yeah right essentially yeah that's what it is is that fair to say that yeah and i mean for most like most people may not understand what a 1212 is and that's basically a steep roof something that's not walkable uh it has a really good pitch to it so you're not going to have the issues you'd have with lower pitched roofs like like in the winter time yeah you know those winter related issues sure sure um you know but it has its own challenges right because a steep roof is a lot more uh labor-intensive to remove and reinstall right our shingles you know of the past would last they were rated for 25 years and um they would last anywhere from you know 10 to 15 years on average so let's talk about that yeah it's like um uh wow that is probably one of the only industries where people have a product that you buy with a year attached to your life expectancy yeah where you'll never meet it never because life expectancy in a roof shingle is dependent on so much other technology in the home yeah and where you live what kind of weather conditions you're getting and there's one shingle being sold on all of north america with the same expectation so you do is you take that that base of we'll call it a 25 year and then we apply it to where you live and then you can have a realistic expectation yeah right like climate climate's a big factor and then also the way that the the the building construction right so if you have a conventional attic with soffits and good exhaust vents you have a lot better air flow in there and your shingles will last a little bit longer with old houses like this we just we just don't see that conventional construction everything's closed off like you said here you don't have any functional soffits right right uh you know so the roof's going to get very hot it's going to deteriorate a lot faster than if it was conventional construction okay so let's talk about that because uh when i was making my choice i was looking at a metal roof and they call it a 50-year roof yeah your shingle uncertainty does a 25-year roof yeah this is a bp shingle right and it's a uh but they're all very similar so like most of the manufacturers have what they call a lifetime shingle okay that's a 50-year uh roughly like a 50-year you know the warranty is very slightly yeah uh you know in the way they prorate so so all of those shingle products are pro-rated that's something that's important to understand because it's not like a 50-year uh some steel roofing products have a 50-year non-prorated warranty okay um and if there's any issues with that product the manufacturer will get you know cover the full cost of replacing the product okay if it's pro-rated you know if it's a 50-year let's say a 50-year warranty and it's pro-rated well after 25 years they're only going to give you half the original value half the original value right right so after 25 years you can imagine yes you know the cost of the product went up and so you're getting a few bucks today i buy a roof metal it's 20 to 25 000 for this house yeah let's say 25 years from now there's an issue i still own the same house yeah that's the other key that's the key you have to own you have to own the house in most cases some of them are transferable but yeah yeah um but if you have an issue of 25 years they're going to give you half of the 20 to 25 that you spent but now the same roof is going to cost you 50. yeah the same product has gone up say maybe maybe twice as much for the product so you're really only inflation okay and that's fine that's better than nothing yeah but so then when i was making my decision i was like okay what do i really need out here i gonna have either i'm all in on a metal roof and i'm selling the house anyway because i'm going to buy another one and do a bunch of videos there and so what i'm looking at then is i want to be able to sell this house and give a product to the next homeowner that if they were to buy this house that roof is going to last them the life of their mortgage yeah exactly and that i think is a very responsible way to do business yeah and that's how a lot of people see it right right no one really wants to spend money on a roof if you had 15 grand to spend you'd rather spend it doing your kitchen or remodeling right you know bathrooms whatever uh so roofing is one of those things that we we have to get done yep and you know you want to just you spend the money and then i'll have to think about it when we were researching return on investment outside projects get you the best return on investment roof doesn't do that great yeah but at the same time if you don't have a great roof you'll never sell your house yeah that's right it's kind of a weird oxy paradox weird thing going on there no one wants to buy a house and have to do the roof no because they they don't want to have to finance that operation after the fact yeah right so here we go so you need to have a good roof yeah we used to buy three tab shingle yeah we used to get five or seven years on it that's what we're ripping off now yeah it's a seven year old roof oh really yeah wow that roof is seven years old yeah um so let's quick talk about the product show me what you're putting on our house for the people at home okay so our artist they're seeing the system right they know there's layers of course there's a lot more water diversion system going on in the entire house now yeah so it's more umbrella based and not just diversion yeah so it's it's basically um you have you have two separate systems here so we rip off the old shingles of course uh we we never want to go on top of an old shingle roof that's just very surprising the heat factor doesn't yeah well and also with the um well you can you have no chance to inspect the deck underneath so you could be installing over rotten wood or yeah you know potentially something that was an issue you might have had a valley or a wall that was leaking yeah and you really have no way to inspect that you have no way to know where it was leaking before what the condition of the uh the substrate is you know if it's planks with large gaps or you know if it's nice plywood like you have here on this house it's an interesting point because now that we're using pneumatic nailers for everything yeah the guy that's installing you can't tell you can't tell the difference in good wood and bad wood yeah it's it's a lot you can but it's much more difficult to tell right and so it's it's a it's imperative to strip off the old roof inspect the deck make any repairs that are necessary at sure point then you install your new roof and it's basically two parts right you have your your underlay which consists of the ice and water shield right yep uh now that can be three feet from the eve up or six feet it's in intervals of of three feet uh in your case we're doing three feet at the eaves and then three feet up the valleys and the reason for the the valleys is because that's they're just very prone to ice back up especially with the ottawa climate and for the eaves it's it's also part of the building code to go with a heavier uh a heavier grade waterproof membrane yes and so that's why we put three feet at the eaves now if you have a lower pitch roof it's it's not uncommon to see us put six or even nine feet of ice and water shield from the eve up okay um and that's just to give us a little bit better protection against water backup you know during the winter right so when you're gonna fall freeze cycle exactly steep roof water will still run off yeah you got it on a flat roof it'll sit there yeah so you're done now you mentioned the building code what is minimum code for a roof so the minimum is yes you have to have a waterproof membrane okay like 36 inches up from your eve so that could be uh it it i'm not sure on the technical specifications but it just you can't just have your your your base underlay okay from the eve up it's got to be something a little more substantial right um and so for in the ottawa area we always go with three feet of ice and water shield yep um you know toronto and other areas of the of the country have different climates maybe less necessary sure but for us we have a lot of freeze-thaw cycles are you familiar with anything in uh going down in the states how that how it changes well in the northern states it's it's a lot like up here you know similar weather patterns and stuff i guess where you're closer to water like larger bodies of water there's more moderate temperatures sure and so in those climates um i think you can get away with having less waterproofing right underneath the shingles okay right and so what what you have to remember is the shingles themselves are not waterproof uh you know and and even the under lace not really waterproof everything's going to work uh you know when water runs down the slope right and we talk about that on this channel it's a diversion system that's right if you install the roof upside down it's going to your house floods yeah it's going to leak it's not water exactly unless you go with a flat roofing system that's that's actually torched and welded and sealed it could actually hold water okay so minimum code is ice and water shield yeah valleys ridges all those things where we're going to get ice yeah do you have to have a synthetic underlay on a house it doesn't have to be synthetic you know in the past we used like a tarp paper um but the thing is with roofs lasting longer now that tar paper disintegrates and it deteriorates over time right so match the technology with the technology exactly so if we're going with a longer lasting shingle yeah we want to have a longer lasting underlay that's basically what this is it's like a it's like a very high grade tyvek right it's so it's it's a breathable one way right air can still air moisture can get out because we still have a lot of people confused about that yeah right house wrap the tyvek it's not a vapor-proof system water vapor can still move so relative humidity right this product here operates in the same technology so your your roof can still breathe which is very important to help keep it dry but this is cool this guy like an anti-slip yeah that's right it's also specifically designed for us these crazy reverse yeah so that when it's installed it's not very slippery nice even if it got wet a little bit it still has some grip to it yeah it's a lot more durable you'll know it's a lot thicker than a home wrap definitely because it's not just being installed on a vertical wall we're actually walking on it um there's gonna be traffic all right so let's talk about the shingle then real quick this is the architectural shingle that's incredibly dense yeah you can tell it's a laminate shingle laminate just means that there's multiple layers uh basically glued or laminated to one another here and what you're going to get is a little bit more rigidity against wind lift yes also these shingles are butted tight with the the ones beside them so there's no gaps right like you'd have in a three tab uh those gaps allow wind and water and things to to get in behind right and help you know just it just deteriorates so in the driving range that's right right driving rain or wind especially wind right wind can get under the tab and lift it up uh the other big factor here is we're going from an organic shingle to a fiberglass base shingle that's going to say because the old shingles of the day is you can fold them over and then just turn them off it would just snap like a cookie and these things are a lot more resilient because the base layer in here is just it's like a fiberglass mat right like a woven fiberglass base and then you have yours your standard you know tar and asphalt and your your um your granules the other big difference is where the uh the um they put the glue on these shingles two rows of glue here yeah yeah the important thing is that the the glue is now on the edge on the underside of the edge of the shingle rather than uh you notice the three times three times in the middle right yeah so what happens is when you have a tar line on the shingle everywhere every shingle would be able to lift up yes and it's also inconsistent because if you're if you're shingling slightly lower you're you're you know you could be an inch away from your tar line nice and um in this case you're always in a consistent area you're always gluing the shingle at that time it's basically activated yep so once you stick it on exactly melts together it's always going to seal right in an ideal location brilliant so now i'm going to have a 25 year roof well this is a this is a 50-year product i know so my expectations you could easily expect 25 30 years out of it i would think this is my thing because without the fresh air i want to just manage my expectation yeah and i don't want people watching the video going i'm buying a 50-year roof yeah because you then have to say what's the condition of my house what's the orientation do i have shade do i have winter right am i right is it am i in an area where i get so much direct sunlight and heat that's going to affect it what's my ventilation yeah all these different factors well even a steel roof well there's you know a common misperception is that a steel roof lasts forever yeah and you know in many cases the products themselves uh maybe may retain integrity as far as a waterproof system but they're going to lose that they're going to look ugly they'll look ugly right the paint we have we have a climate where you have snow and ice sliding down that painted steel finish right so it's going to slowly deteriorate it's going to dull first that makes good sense and then slowly you're gonna be left with a a scratched up or a dulled roof right and so a lot of people will still change their lifetime steel roofs because they don't look good i'm rethinking my decision now i'm even better than before i thought it was just being cheap yeah no no that's a good decision right because now i've got on this 50-year shingle yeah put next to a 50-year metal roof there's going to be deterioration on both of those products but you're paying more for the the steel pretty much yeah pretty much i'm getting if this reef shingle only lasts me 25 years and i replace it again it's the same dollar per square foot per year but my initial investment is so much lower exactly so shingle is the best bang for the buck you know if if you go with a laminate shingle like this lifetime warranty manufacturers offer various upgraded warranties that you can buy if you want to upgrade your warranty to have it like non-pro rated okay so a lot of the manufacturers are doing programs like that essentially it really doesn't mean conditions for that though right you know some conditions yeah yeah i would never match that with my nose outfit error but is it really going to do anything for you probably not are you going to be in the house 30 years most people sell their house a lot sooner than that right so in our country yeah yeah to pay more for a warranty that you you probably won't use uh you know just doesn't make the most sense to me there you go so if you're building a forever home made yeah right if you're building any other house and you put on a new roof and years gone by you could just put a three-tab shingle over an existing roof and sell a house and screw the next guy yeah he's going of course and don't forget the other downside with steel a lot of people completely overlook this is that if the house is not designed for it you're gonna have a whole whole other issue right with ice and snow sliding off the roof this is the thing compacting itself when it lands and you're going to end up with like this this moat around your house or this this berm right you know and then water is going to fill up you know behind it you could have foundation issues etc you know a steel roof isn't always the the best be all end-all solution that's good advice because when you're when you're dealing with your house you can't just look at every every system of the home individually you know you have to look at the overall picture yeah like most people always forget the grading on their house yeah that's the most common mistake yeah and then they end up with a foundation problem not a grain problem or you could have a driveway right beside the the roof edge and uh you know you put a steel roof on you'd never be able to park your car in that area right for fear that you'll have an avalanche you know come down and destroy your car well this is awesome so after 25 years if the roof is still in good shape it's just a free roof essentially anything after that is like pro bono it's just money in the bank yeah awesome well thanks for taking time appreciate that arsenal yeah absolutely there you go guys so you know what when it comes down to it best bang for your buck the world has changed okay get yourself a good quality roof don't be afraid to go the three tab shingle it's not a lesser roof it's just a different option so there's all the information to one of the most common questions about roofing now listen if you're a researcher and you've got a ton of questions i've got a great playlist for you i want you to watch because we do a live show pretty much every tuesday night in the winter time and we take questions and we answer them all and we've started making little miniature videos about the most commonly asked questions that people have about renovating and materials in the industry and we put them all in a playlist so that you can learn a bunch of stuff we're doing something new so you can check out this playlist it's going to have time stamps and information there if you don't like something just hit the button move to the next video they're just about four minutes each i think you're gonna like it we'll see you there
Channel: Home RenoVision DIY
Views: 73,545
Rating: 4.8863235 out of 5
Keywords: homerenovision, renovision, jeff thorman, homerenovisiondiy, metal vs shingles, metal roof vs asphalt shingle roof, asphalt shingles, metal shingles, roofing insights, best roofing materials, how to choose roofing shingles, metal roof vs shingles pros and cons, metal roof vs asphalt, metal roof vs asphalt shingle cost, roofing shingles, Steel vs Asphalt shingles, Architectural shingles vs Metal roofing, Architectural shingles cost, Architectural shingles performance
Id: vdBcDaPd_3w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 52sec (1132 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 16 2021
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