How to install a metal roof-over.

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hey everyone welcome back to another video today I'm just going to be talking about it's kind of the basics of how to install a metal roof so first of all if you're installing a metal roof over top of a an existing roof you are determine whether or not you have to take the shingles off most of the time in our state here the code is you can go over two layers of shingles but if it's three layers you have to tear it off and if you're doing a metal roof like this where you put one by fours down it's considered a standalone Roof System so you can go right over top of the shingles and for spacing on your 1x4s generally we go about uh 16 to 20 inches in between depending on how steep the roof is because if you run them too far apart and you step on a rib like this you can't actually Buckle that and you don't want that so and what we like to do is we'll take the old drip edge off the bottom sometimes you can just tear it off and then cut the shingles back flush with the fascia and the reason you need to do that is because if you ever want to put gutters on this roof after the new roof is on that's going to be a real pain because your metal is going to end up overhanging way too far and then it's going to be pretty much pointless to put a gutter on there and then first of all put your trim on so generally drip edge comes first and then we like to put the rake trims these things right here we like to put those on first before the metal especially on a steep roof that way you can slide your metal underneath it and you don't have to worry about installing that later so drip edge Corner terms and then valleys if there is any or sidewall or Endwell trims one by fours and then your metal goes on top of the one by fours here in the valley we're gonna double one by four about three inches apart in the valley and that gives us plenty of surface to sit on top of I like to close that off a little bit and then we put this uh sealer strip it's called m-seal in the valley and we run our metal three inches back to the edge of the valley like so and then you screw just above your sealer strip when you're screwing your Valley sheets down another thing we like to do on a re-roof like this we like to use at least at least two inch screws I'll normally use two inch or two and a half inch screws actually and that will allow the screw to go all the way through the 1x4 and into the roof deck below the shingles and it's helped really bring everything together normally the way we put screws in is we'll put a screw beside every rib on the bottom and then we'll skip a row where we only do every other one and then the next one the screw beside every rib we'll skip another one it just depends on where you live some places require you to put a screw beside every rib every two foot or however you space your one by fours but that's generally how we screw our metal then when you have all your metal on it's time for witch cap now on the end of the ridge cap we like to take it and go in an inch and a quarter [Music] you'll cut in on every one of these Bend points it'll take and bend these ears in thank you and we'll go ahead and cut these off on a little bit of an angle Bend this down move that down nip these bottom corners off if they need to be nipped and there you have it I hope you can see that okay but that closes the end off really nice otherwise you'd have a gap up along there and bees could get in there so that'll close that off really nice we also do kind of the same thing with our Corner trim gives it a nice finished look next we'll flip it around and put some of this foam strip on the bottom this is called univent and basically what it does is in the little seal off in between the ribs supposed to keep things out out of the ridge yet it's breathable so it allows air venting through the ridge [Music] foreign [Music] well it's getting dark so I'm gonna call it for this video hope you guys learned something found this educational until next time thanks for watching
Channel: Plank Roofing
Views: 201,577
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fcRkDz4Yl8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 22sec (322 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 06 2022
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