Metal Detecting Underwater Reveals Stunning Finds!

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all right the moment we've been waiting for if it beeps that means it's real so we just traveled to Van beer Missouri because my good friend Brandon Tucker who was born and raised in a small Mountain Town says there might be a treasure Trove waiting to be discovered by scuba Jake with my unique set of equipment my light my metal detector and scuba gear we may find something no one else has been able to find in the past all right so we made it to the top of the river I am so excited to get in the raft and go to our first dive spot today is going to be an incredible day we got Mr Bob Crawford here Bob what do you think we're gonna find out there today people's cell phones Keys a lot of different things people's lost you know it's probably in the river you're gonna get out there and find Spanish gold worth what 150 million oh yeah all right sweet they were up in these Waters back today right yes all right I'm so excited to get back on the water and hopefully find some more amazing treasure I can barely breathe I have so much wetsuit stuff on you gotta dress like this because the water's freezing cold I look a little ridiculous give me a second I look kind of cool here in a minute all right so we have all the gear on let's get underwater I am so excited hopefully we find some amazing Treasures [Music] check it out I got 10 bucks hey I got ten dollars oh you lost that a minute ago I don't know about that gotta get it look at that first thing I found ten dollars you cannot beat that it was sitting in the rebel it's actually a little mercury and I thought but I'm gonna try my best there's also a lot of people out here so we have to be careful I don't want to get hit by a boat or a tuber or anything like that but there could be some great stuff to find I don't see anyone out here doing this I'll see you guys in a second that's Kendall Brandon is his girlfriend Joe's over there treasure Joe Hey Joe and then we got his buddy over there on the boat let's find some incredible stuff here we go [Music] all right [Music] the water is actually really murky today usually the current river is really clear but today it's going to throw a little challenge at me but I know for sure if we keep pushing forward I know we're gonna find some amazing treasure [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] I did find a couple of things let me show you guys real quick I found some sunglasses some necklaces a USB drive of some sort if you know what that is let me know in the comment section below and a few other little things but nothing crazy now I have the metal detector and I think we're gonna find something amazing let's get underwater get to that cliff and pull it off here we go foreign [Music] [Applause] foreign I can't believe that we actually just got lucky enough and found a ring it's kind of hard to see but let's see if there's another ring right around the corner there could very well be another ring down here because this is where everyone hits the water when they jump off the cliff so there could be a lot of stuff to find let's keep searching oh oh wow so I have a weird signal with a metal detector I'm not too sure what it is but let's dig it out and see what it is so we just found a knife you know it wasn't a ring but still what a cool find I knew someone's off of that signal it sounded a little weird but let's keep going and see what else we can find foreign [Music] I can't believe we just found another ring I feel on top of the world it's such an incredible feeling finding a ring underwater but we just found two let's see if we can pull it off again and find a third one oh oh man I can't believe this because we just found another ring that's four rings so far I feel on top of the world right now I'm so excited but let's see what else we can find oh foreign so we have another hit on a metal detector let's see what it is oh I can't believe it you guys we just found our fifth ring underwater this is so exciting as a metal detector this stuff does not happen and this is a special day so we are having a great time out here let's see what else we can find I just noticed something weird right here in the corner it looked like a lanyard [Music] so we just found our first phone of the day and I believe it's an iPhone 13. it doesn't turn on but I'm sure it's gonna charge up it's in a waterproof case I'm gonna try my best to give this back to the people got an iPhone and a case hopefully that turns on so we can give it back to them I mean that's expensive and I'm sure there's memories that they would love to have back got a knife that's pretty cool got an Apple Watch dang dude got some more just like little knickknacks another cool knife this is where it gets really because yeah all right look away nope all right here we go not one what a bunch of rings nice Isn't that cool yeah man I'm shaking I'm kind of cold but like I'm so freaking out oh wow this one's a really cool one this one has a diamond right in the middle that one has a bunch of diamonds on the side pretty incredible right so so far we found four rings a really nice earring some change a couple knives ten dollars from earlier some sunglasses and Apple watch and this iPhone here that I'm hoping that turns on so I can give it back to him okay you got another one right yeah all right that's right let's do it we just made it to Bass rock where we're gonna be metal detecting and scuba diving underwater to see what we can find the last clip was amazing we found some incredible Treasures let's see what we can find here are you gonna get wet you ready to get wet okay yeah if you're enjoying this video so far drop a thumbs up if there's support I'll get back out here metal detect and scuba dive and see what else we can find also if you're new don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss out on my next adventure oh yeah she's murky murky a lot worse probably in the other spot so like I said the water's a little murky today but I am using my big dive light from Big Blue make sure to check their lights out I'll have a link in the description below they have lights pretty much for every occasion [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] that's a lucky penny [Music] [Applause] I got a dime boy [Music] all right we're having fun we have one more spot to check the last spot I didn't really find anything just on a quarter not all of them could be winners but we have one more spot and it's this spot and we'll make the bridge I already found myself a dime it should be minimum a fifty thousand dollar ring right here I'm hoping check it out got another pity 2018. [Music] I'm a little cold right now but that metal detective spot I found a few dimes and a few pennies and a fishing Sinker so no fifty thousand dollar diamond ring all right so that ends my dive here in Missouri we met so many cool people had so much fun I really enjoyed this town it's really cool to see people you know recognize us from the videos and even out here in Missouri people are watching them in total we found five rings an Apple Watch and an iPhone that I will try my best to give it back to the people who lost it completely for free all right the moment we've been waiting for we're gonna see if these diamonds on the Rings are real let's check it out if it beeps that means it's real so first ring is real that is so cool and it's 14 karat gold but that's pretty awesome here's the second ring this one has three diamonds we're gonna have to test each one so here's the first one all right the first one's real here's the second one that's a real diamond as well and here's a third hey all three diamonds real that is amazing the two rings that have diamonds are all real this is my favorite ring that I found today 14 karat gold with a little diamond in the middle but every ring is pretty awesome no matter what you find hope you enjoyed the video If you guys did drop a thumbs up subscribe if you guys are new but I'll catch you guys on my next adventure
Channel: DALLMYD
Views: 693,700
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: metal detecting, scuba diving, scuba diving for treasure, diving for treasure, metal detecting underwater, metal detecting while scuba diving, found iphone underwater, scuba diving videos, best metal detecting finds, dallmyd, found jewelry underwater, river treasure, river treasure hunting, found underwater, treasure hunting, river finds, found, fish, best cliff jumping spots, cliff jumping, lake party, current river, searching, exploring, finding, snorkeling, fishing, dive, underwater
Id: Qn-Tr9FpaxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 02 2022
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