Unbelievable Finds while Underwater Metal Detecting!!

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[Music] foreign [Music] there folks it's Mish here and I've got something really special for you today in today's adventure you're going to see me go on an underwater metal detecting treasure hunt I'm using the XP DS2 metal detector and honestly this was my best underwater treasure hunt to date I cannot wait to show you what I found so without any further Ado let's grab the gear and let's go diving I begin this dive using just my snorkel for air so as to conserve the battery life of my blue Nemo portable diving system for When the tide rolled in what I didn't realize at the time was that the very first Target for the day was in fact a silver coin and this was only a teaser of what was to come foreign [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] y it's getting a little bit deeper now time to switch to the blue Nemo system this will allow me to go down to three meters or 10 feet underwater to look for those treasures and would you believe it my very first Target with the blue Nemo today as with my first Target with the snorkel was something absolutely amazing foreign [Music] come on [Music] oh good morning [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign was rather interesting it was a very strong signal considering it's just a toe ring I thought it was just a costume piece but on further inspection it actually turned out to be nine carat gold I haven't tested the stone yet as I didn't have a battery for my diamond tester however it could very well be a diamond let me know in the comments if you'd like me to test it [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign Target extraction guys I got a strong low 80 signal on the XP Deus 2. it took me a little while to find this one as it was trapped underneath that rock you see in the top Center of screen okay watching it is well worth the wait foreign [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign all right thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] sadly that brings me to the end of the dive I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did I would really love to do more Dives like this very rare that I get results like that though so I can only hope that one day I'll get the opportunity to repeat it now if you enjoyed this dive please don't forget that like button and in the meantime guys take care stay safe and I'll catch you on my next adventure cheers [Music]
Channel: DirtFishMish
Views: 145,680
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blu3 nemo, blue nemo, blu3 nemo australia, blu3 nomad australia, xp deus 2, deus 2, deus ii, diveblu3, diveblue, dive blue, blu3, blu3 nomad, beach detecting, metal detecting, underwater metal detecting, dirt fish mish, dirtfish mish, underwater treasure hunting, hookah diving, surface supplied air, scuba diving, ssa diving, snuba diving, river treasure, found underwater, snorkel diving, detect-ed, snorkelling, gold sniping, underwater gold prospecting, treasure hunting
Id: C0sSRds-pVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 39sec (1299 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 17 2023
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