Found Lost Graduation Present 46 Feet Deep in Lake (Returned To UNEXPECTED Owner)

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we are at the spot where he dropped is Apple watch hey Mary I actually just found something in the water hey is this Jaron we're just heading out to the lake to go look for your Apple watch all right well we'll give you a call back once we've once we get out and we'll let you know if it down there or not you're welcome we are at the spot where he dropped his Apple watch so we're gonna jump in check this guy out he's ready to go we're gonna hop in we're gonna swim over to where he said he lost it he gave us a pretty exact location so hope we can find his Apple watch and maybe even a few other pieces of treasure so if we do find the watch we'll be getting that back to him at the end of the video you find anything else that can be returned we'll be getting that back too so make sure to keep watching to the end if you want to see that let's go let's do it [Music] now there's no telling what's down there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a little bit [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my god I've found a lot of interesting finds including one really good one by my cousin Steve also got this kitchen scale I'm gonna leave it up to you in the comments to tell me what this was doing at the bottom of the lake leaving a comment about that I got this old Nokia backing to a phone got a writing utensil everyone needs a writing utensil up the cliffs of the lake but also be part of a murder mystery so you never know Arif 805 s never hurts 805 but they're in pretty good condition so it must mean that they're made a little higher quality plastic so make sure to keep watching if you want to see us return that I'm really hoping that it's the right person he hasn't described it so I'm gonna have to describe what the watch looks like if it matches up we'll go get it back to him we got lots of trash from the bottom of the lake today let's go ahead and chuck it in the trash can where it belongs I don't think it's gonna work guys alright there is let's answer the call can you describe the Apple watch everything was black well I was gonna give him the good news right there if it was his but it's not his watch dang it we did find somebody else's Apple watch and there's always a chance of it can find that person so let's let's see if we can do that so we got plugged in and turned on so it's Julia's Apple watch see if we can contact her and she can get it back to her what a good guy let's see I've gotten pretty good at finding owners to phones but not much experience with this he give us her picture I'm sweet right all right let's give him a call what was your name again Julianne okay all right so about to call Julia's mom I don't answer phone numbers that I don't recognize but let's see if she answers hey Mary this is Dallas it's probably kind of a weird call but I actually just found something in the water I think it might be your daughter's because I just went to her contacts and called mom that's you you know if she lost anything recently sorry it always it always goes like this because it's kind of weird I'm a youtuber yeah my name is Dallas and what I do is we go look around for lost items in the water this afternoon we were in the lake and we found something so yeah it's an Apple watch Wow go easy on her cuz it still works so and I get to have a really awesome video so she'll be on YouTube and everything if you guys are okay with that okay thank you okay so she didn't know about it I think we might have gotten somebody in trouble but hopefully since it's gonna be on YouTube she'll go easy on her all right here she is hello this is Dallas hey Julia yeah yes yeah we found your Apple watch do you live it was in the lake where you dropped it yeah yeah so so I'm a youtuber so what we do is we go around we snorkel and scuba dive and we look for stuff that people have lost and we try to get it back to him how long ago did you drop it last Saturday Apple watches are supposed to last a four hours or something like that in like 10 feet of water unfortunately it was like 50 feet deep and it was down there for like a week but it does still work yeah we're looking at it right now it's still work you should make sure you didn't have a code on your watch so we just went into your favorites and called your mom do you want to meet up soon to get it back - yeah right now okay all right guys so we're here at a local coffee shop we're gonna meet up and get more - watch that we were jumping I went off like the really high one yeah and I like my half watch it's like waterproof so I was just like like taking it off yeah and I didn't even notice that it like came off until I like went till I climbed back up and like do it again and I like looked at my wrist and I was like oh my God where did my Apple watch to go and I was like so upset I hope we can get you in trouble your mom said it was from a graduation present and your mom was like that was for graduation I can't believe she lost it but my mom called me and she was like did you lose your Apple watch is the first thing she said to me I was like yeah how'd you know I'm not in trouble I mean it sounds yeah one of her friends lost two GoPro do you like jumped in and was like holding it and like God he was like time to it and somehow like my god that happens a lot I mean if you guys didn't least up I would be out of a job so this is for you [Music] I'm gonna like tell the stories like my grandchildren while I have a shirt to prove it [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Man + River
Views: 2,187,081
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: man + river, river treasure, scuba diving, snorkeling, freediving, found apple watch in lake, found apple watch in river, found working apple watch, returned to owner, owner's reaction, swimming, treasure hunting, man vs river, man river, lake treasure, best river treasure finds, found in the river, river finds, lake finds, unsunk, searching for river treasure, newest apple watch, apple watch, found drugs in river, found drugs in lake, mystery, underwater, found 46 feet deep
Id: pGnUP6KqJO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 53sec (653 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 31 2018
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