Scuba Diving One of Hawaii's Most Dangerous Cliff Side for Sunken Treasure! (Spitting Caves)

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so let's go ahead start walking down and meet up with him like I said we have to walk down this path right here and this is probably one of the most beautiful sceneries I've ever seen in Hawaii oh man if you guys have never been here you definitely have to check it out but we got Brandon right here Tristan's right down there as well let's go ahead and make our way down here don't slip on the leaf the water here is crystal clear and it's like super blue and it looks like dark purple out in the distance but it's a giant cliff and this is gonna be crazy man let's walk down here a little bit more let go high up we are look at this this is incredible let me show you guys where we have to go real quick let me walk down here I want to be super careful if I slip I'm gonna fall off this cliff and I don't want to do that just if you're ever here just be super super careful but this is actually where they jump off right here look how high that is my legs are shaking standing on this cliff this is ridiculous man oh my goodness Wow Stephen be careful man I told my mom I wouldn't do this Wow dude he was in the air for like five seconds all right the most of mine these guys are crazy man heavy how high do you think too much you're going to make it into the water we actually have to walk along this cliff side and it gets really narrow right over here if you slip right there you're guarantee you gonna fall down the cliff and end up on the rocks and it's not gonna be anything good so we've got to be super super careful okay there's actually a ladder by the fishermen over there and then go down the ladder make your way to the the bottom of the cliff and then we got to figure out a get in safely there's a lot of reef it's super sharp but we have to make it to this section right over here and this is where all the cliff jumpers jump off into the water right here is where I think we can find some pretty incredible stuff like maybe lost GoPros or maybe even wedding rings but honestly you never know what you're gonna find or see under the water here in the ocean and I'm super excited to dive down and look at everything so that's it let's go ahead and make our way this way Brendan's walking that way right now but I'll be honest with you guys I'm a little nervous about that section right there yeah we just don't want to slip and fall gotta be super super careful I'm looking out for sand or any slippery spots like right here yeah that's all dark I'm gonna go in the middle where it's dry but that's gonna be super super careful man we're really dangerous like I'm not afraid of heights but I respect Heights am I really scared of heights but I'm definitely gonna give it the respect that it deserves because we fall you're gonna die so it's going to be super careful but moments like these are what separates the great treasure hunters from the good ones my legs are shaking I've got a heavy scuba tank on my back I am scared this is seriously if you fall you would die if you fall you would die look at that we've made it to a safe area or safe-ish look at this guy walking over with McDonald's dude what did G I said you're brave you walked over here so fast with some McDonald's in your hand I'm over here stressing yeah I got the big scuba tank in my back play we're making our way to this side over here where everyone's fishing but right in the crack is actually where the ladder is to take us down to the bottom I was a little nerve-racking man I have to go back and grab the rest of my gear though but I'm gonna leave my camera here have all my gear with me have another backpack on my back Tristan and Brenna are making their way down the ladder right now how it's pretty scary man hey take a breather but I gotta make her way down this section and I get to the water and hopefully find some good stuff on there but this is seriously a mission and a half's just to get to the water but sometimes you know doing stuff like this is definitely worth the risk because you're going in a place that and that many people maybe if you know swam and explored this is gonna be so much fun I'm excited see what's down there all right so we're making her way down this section this is so beautiful that we this we started way over there I'd be lying if I told you guys that wasn't out of breath I have so much weight on my back look at this wow man that is so beautiful alright here's the little sketchy ladder we got to go down it's all rusted fresh it just say good luck all rights to the plan now is just to make her way down this ladder take a couple trips put our gear at the bottom and then walk on over there with all the scuba gear jump into the water over there at the spitting cave spot where they jump in and hopefully find some cool stuff but first we're actually gonna freedive and explore and then i'll get the metal detector and hopefully find some good things down there so let's go do that hopefully this thing doesn't break um the interns get in order to test this ladder got a couple more trips I got the bag not a can and my medal of safety maybe we made it walked all the way across this cliff walk down the sketchy ladder we have all the gear here and now we're ready to hop into the water I'm excited see what's down there look at all the fish and I already see two beautiful fish right there but I'm also excited that's the treasure wanted to see you know what I can find over there man alright so before we dive into our dive in exponent neat I'm gonna show you how to here I'll be using today to you know I guess see all the fish and hopefully find some cool things with a metal detector so we got the big metal detector today we've got lucky with this thing in the past have a pair of goggles with my GoPro on top so I can record all my adventures and share that with you guys on YouTube but I also have the big camera in this one right here it's gonna hopefully capture some beautiful footage with you guys there's gonna be a little bit better than that camera right there but I also have my treasure bag if I'm fine thing good with a metal detector or if I see something better it's gonna be good Brennan get your hands off my treasure Bay and I also have my scuba gear here so I'm gonna be able to dive pretty deep and just browse around maybe find some cool shells and I also have my free diving pin so what we're gonna do first is actually put these on with my mask and snorkel just swim around without a tank and then I'll come back up and grab the scuba tank and then head out there with the metal detector and hopefully find something pretty good [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] we just got done freediving and it was absolutely beautiful man I did not think it was gonna be that deep it dropped off 250 feet over there and we're underneath the water you could hear the whales and off in a distance we saw some dolphins but I didn't get a chance to get up close with him but hopefully maybe later on this trip we can but it was unreal man super super beautiful but now I'm gonna actually grab my scuba tank dive down there with my underwater metal detector and hopefully find some cool stuff so it's go ahead get down and do that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so I just get on scuba diving and I didn't find things super expensive but I didn't find a couple of cool things I think my favorite thing I found today was definitely some of the seashells a lot of them are destroyed that's just because like I was looking for some that didn't have any life inside of them and every time I find a shell with a snail or something inside of it I would set it back down so I could live and you know carry out its days but I did find this one and look how beautiful that is it's like something that you would buy out of a shop and I don't think there's anything inside none of these have anything inside of them but you know I get super lucky with this really pretty one right here if you guys want to see me go on a seashell hunt jump a thumbs up on this video if the support we'll try to find some more shells with nothing inside and I'm gonna see if it gets off this one right here there's thousands and thousands of sinkers out there I tried my best to pick up as many as I could as I went and but I only have this little bag just crazy man and I've never seen sinkers like this before with wires on there maybe it holds on to the reef fishermen probably cast out here every single day and you're bound to lose stuff here because of the current but it was definitely an eye-opener because I did not think I was gonna find this much sinkers here maybe will handy south to that fisherman right over there so you could reuse them even though we saw a bunch of sinkers down there I think the right thing to do with these sinkers that I found is to give them to the fishermen to reuse it definitely think recycling is the best thing about it I mean there's so many down there and it's bad because they're losing them and it's just terrible probably for this whole ecosystem down here is just trash you know but at the end of the day these people are fishing for food and what I'm gonna do is give them all the sinkers and they can do whatever they want with them hey thank you okay I also found some money with my metal detector nothing crazy just a few coins and also plan a surfboard fin alright so the guys and I are all jumping off the cliff we're not going from the top but I think it's like a third of the way up and it's still pretty scary goodness me hey you know what that sounds like the pits of hell dude it sounds like you after Taco Bell Brandon ha ha there's me um right I wish me I'm giving up Oh whoa go Jake go right boys room Oh I think we stay me away guys it's getting crazier with all right started to get out of the water oh my goodness that's too much place well that's it hope you guys enjoyed the video if you guys didn't make sure I just leave it a thumbs up and subscribe we got some new I love for you get to join us in dollar whore or Hawaii adventures but had a good time man we survived this one but till next time [Music]
Channel: DALLMYD
Views: 9,391,751
Rating: 4.8281131 out of 5
Keywords: river treasure, metal detecting, found jewelry underwater, metal detecting underwater, metal detecting videos, best metal detecting finds, best river treasure finds, dallmyd, underwater metal detecting, found money underwater, scuba diving, found in ocean, found in the river, exploring dangerous spitting caves, treasure hunting, hawaiian cliffs, real treasure found, scuba diving ocean, fishing, scubadiving, ocean, swimming, snorkeling, fish, oahu, finds, finding, freediving
Id: 0dDZ1dLDfyg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 31sec (1051 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2019
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