What Will I Find Metal Detecting the Treasure Coast?

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what's up guys Jake here today we're at a place called the Treasure Coast located in Florida this is a spot where people have found millions of dollars worth of real gold but also there's like millions and millions more to find out there so today I've got my metal detector the chances are pretty slim to find any but I'm so excited to see if I can get lucky I've also got my dog my girlfriend and some friends out here join me all along this beautiful day so the chances are slim but you just never know man so with that said I'm gonna grab my dog we're gonna go play in the waves first and hey you'll have another competition come on let me find the gold alright guys I'm out of breath right now Joe she's having so much fun definitely had to do that before I started metal detecting she's still here running around there waves but with I said I'm gonna grab the metal detector start searching the chances are slim to find gold but if you're not playing just like the lottery you can never win so give the shots tribest so this is all the stuff I'm using today to hopefully get lucky and find a real treasure it sounds pretty ridiculous but people have actually gotten lucky in the past and I'm hoping to do so as well today I've got my metal detector this is great for all types of things to find if I come across anything I've got a little bag to put it in I also have a big bag for any trash to see along the way definitely want to leave this place better than we found it I also got a pair of goggles my camera on top the water is a little murky so we might not need those well that said let's get out there and hopefully find some great stuff all right so we take a little break I got my buddy Joe here it looks like he's dug a hole and he's building an incredible Oh treasure does it the camera build an incredible castle right now and I'm gonna update you guys periodically to show you guys what this looks like it's pretty amazing so far Joe I'm so impressed in oh I almost lair here I've been meddling sucking on the beach for about 15 or 20 minutes and I haven't had any signals now obviously this is like it's just a persistence kind of game he's got to keep going and going and going it and maybe you'll get lucky but with the mindset of like I guess a treasure hunter there's so many cool things that you can kind of implement in the sense of like searching for the stuff so if you looked on the horizon you have up and downs on the sand at the down part that's where some of the gold could see gold is gonna be like the heaviest substance out here it's gonna get below the sand getting the deepest cracks or in the water's edge a little bit you know where all the seashells are I think it could be down there to bring the ocean right now and this is where a lot of the gold coins to be but there's so many way it's steady careful let's keep searching and hopefully get lucky right here I need something it's not like pretty cool TV show I haven't found anything else though we got Joe over here digging his hole what are you doing right now you digging a moat [Music] it's incredible dee how means probably the greatest cast I've ever seen my whole life I mean it's better than everything I found today jerk as such the extended I literally haven't found anything my metal detector yet I've searched on land and in the water I just think you know so far in between that you might not get lucky but I did come across a seashell sadly it was broken though so I'm gonna leave that for someone else to find all right let's see search we're gonna out here all day and we haven't found anything crazy good so I gave my friend Nick a call so my gosh tell me a little bit about yourself and like why I brought you down here yeah guys so I'm a treasure hunter in this area I love the shipwrecks in the history of all the treasure that got sunk here like 300 years ago so every day treasure is found along this coast using metal detectors so there's potential to find gold silver stuff like that so it's really just an adventure every time we come out here you really never know he knows his stuff because around his neck it's actually a gold coin they found out there in the ocean yeah check it out yeah so this is a coin from it's actually called the Atocha shipwreck from like 1622 so it's almost 400 years old which is crazy but alright so it would make here we're gonna try our best to find some real treasure I haven't got all that lucky yet today but honestly the real treasure for me it's just to be able to spend my day out here on the beach I'm having so much fun my dog and my friends and my girlfriend that doesn't really matter if you find anything but I do have a trash bag I'm gonna pick up some trash and hopefully get some all right so he picked up some trash along the beach there actually wasn't that much so it's actually a pretty clean Beach I'll get back to my metal detector and hopefully find some sound all right so the first fight of the day is the top to a can it's definitely not a gold coin so disappointing but we're gonna pick it up and throw it away I didn't find him a metal jacket but look what we found nasty crusty sunglasses must have fell off with a boater or something that's pretty cool still I just found the bottom of a shoe definitely from the 1800s this is the pirate shoe we're on them potential murder weapons shoot oh my god Amanda time apart maybe pretty incredible we were walking down the beach with the metal detector trying to find stuff and we came across this right here it's a logger turtle nest so check this out on the sign it says fun facts average number of eggs is about 115 time the hatch is about 55 days and the size of a mother would be about a 155 pounds at 375 pounds so all her eggs are right down there and it's really cool how they have this setup pretty amazing man all right so these are actually fake coins that are replicas is that what we could find out there in the ocean Nick brought him here today my buddy Bo out there he's metal detecting and I'm gonna plant these for him to find I don't know how we're gonna do it but imma put him in the ground and get him to go over these and he's gonna freak out so let's see his reaction so Jake was taking a break from metal detecting and I decided to pick up the metal detector instead of the camera and I actually got my first hit so let's see what it is bro yo no way oh my god oh my god what is that no I don't know those are coins no those are coins I'm dead serious I am dead serious oh my god there's no way it's all these three right here oh my god dude that's from the shipwreck bro - oh my god oh my that is incredible no there's no more ping dude I'm shocked I've never found anything like oh my god I got that we put that there for you so me and Nick hid his fake real coins in the ground these aren't real easy-like replicas bo is out here all day searching so I had to prank him and he was freaking out wait what'd it feel like to find real treasure it felt good though I pranked Brandon show up I woulda Frank Brandon today if we could oh my god yeah it's always fun to mess with their friends and I had to man he brought the fake one so his face was priceless our guys so we didn't get lucky and find real treasure but the treasure in itself is definitely the location I had so much fun hanging out with my dog my girlfriend and my friends and I hope you guys enjoyed the video if you guys did and you want to see a search for like more real treasure but actually do it for the boat Java thumbs up if the support will team back up and see if we can get that like organized but today was all about just exploring having a good time trying something new and not every time we're gonna find treasure but we searched for it we get lucky but we had a great time so hope you guys enjoy the video but till then I'll see you guys next time thank you so much for watching [Music]
Channel: DALLMYD
Views: 2,333,017
Rating: 4.7795382 out of 5
Keywords: metal detecting, metal detecting finds, metal detecting beach, river treasure, dallmyd, scuba jake, metal detecting underwater, metal detecting florida, metal detecting the treasure coast, treasure coast, treasure coast florida, treasure coast metal detecting, underwater metal detecting, gold coins, silver coins, 1715 treasure fleet, treasure hunting, metal detector, how to metal detect, 1715 fleet, found underwater, florida, amazing, funny, treasure, gold, beach, ocean, detector
Id: sjqV7KX-Tgs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2020
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