r/NuclearRevenge - She CHEATED on me, so I made her BROKE...

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[Music] what's up guys welcome to daily dose of Reddit this is your host Zach in today's subreddit is our slash nuclear revenge this story's called fool me once shame on you fool me twice face the consequences figured I'd shared here for anyone who's been cheated on recently and needs some catharsis as this is pretty fresh I met Jane after amicably ending a long term relationship I didn't think I'd want to date again but Jane and I really clicked and it was such a nice escape we hung out his friends before moving on to dating and within six months we had moved in together I had long since gotten over my ex and Jane and I were doing great and regularly talking about the future I was fairly socially awkward and only had a few good friends before meeting her whereas she had a large circle of acquaintances and friends she introduced me to who became good friends of mine as well about a year into our relationship Jane informs me that she had a one-night stand with someone she had met at the bar begs for forgiveness says she's so sorry that she wasn't used to alcohol all the usual excuses me not wanting to lose this relationship to and having invested so much time thinking about my future with this girl I believed her it wasn't easy and I ended up in therapy for my anxiety but we worked through it after a lot of talks and crying in long nights gradually rebuilding trust after she assured me regularly that I was the one for her and she was still committed to our relationship I can find it in a few close friends who kept it to themselves everything seemed back on track and I thought we healed another year passes when I noticed Jane seems off she's gone more often more secretive of her phone I wake up to find her on the computer instead of in bed red flags flying one weekend she tells me she's going to her mother's to help her with spring cleaning I don't really get along with or speak to her mother her mother was an incredibly religious woman who was already upset with Jane for living with me before marriage and a few other personal decisions on her end and feels as if she has control over her life due to financially supporting her which is why I assume she figured it'd be a safe bet that I wouldn't talk to her mom a few hours after she left I called her a few times and it went straight to voicemail meaning her phone was off so I called her mother knowing she wouldn't answer me and left a voicemail asking if Jane had made it to her house safely it had been hours and I hadn't heard from her few minutes past and she calls me back tells me that she called Jane and couldn't get an answer as I knew she wouldn't starting asking when she left etc etc I told her as she left that morning to help her with spring cleaning this was news to her mother who never spoke to her about that her worrying about Jane and her talking I sit there thinking about what I'll tell Jane when she speaks to her mom and has time to think of an excuse she gets home later that night and seems totally nonchalant turns out her phone is still off so she hasn't even gotten the calls for me or her mom yet perfect I asked her how her day went she tells me how much she hates dusting there was so much on the top of the cabinets and how they had to carry stuff down to the basement an elevator would have been nice all that good stuff I then decide to let her know I was aware that she hadn't been to her mom's long story short she admits to cheating on me again and had been essentially since I had forgiven her for the first time while I was dealing with anxiety and insecurity while she was reassuring me it would never happen again and I was the only one for her while we talked about buying a place into all our goals she was screwing around with the same dude mostly online but had met up with him every so often for quickies during the day I basically shut down entirely and went to stay with a friend and told Jane it was over the more I thought about it the more my sadness turned to anger in the stupider I felt for giving her a second chance I had wasted two years of my life and made myself vulnerable to someone I fell in love with who I thought loved me and made a fool of me Jane was inconsolable calling me my friend who I was staying with texting and threatening to show up in hopes of fixing it she was on the verge of a breakdown claiming she'd do anything talk to therapists give me total access to her accounts anything she could do to make it right to take back the past which is when I saw the opportunity to get back at her I told her I wanted to be able to forgive her but big changes needed to happen in order for me to do that she jumped at the opportunity I told her I needed to be sure she was serious about our future first I wanted to look at renting a bigger place somewhere without bad memories we were month-to-month so I gave my landlord notice and asked her to go through the process of securing us a new lease elsewhere as I couldn't handle it right then I then told her that if we're gonna learn to trust again I want to start taking steps towards an engagement I don't want to focus on the past if I do I want to leave I just want to focus on the future and the first step should be a joint account that I still trust her with finances to which she agreed I deposited a few hundred into the account told her I had spent the rest of my savings on paying two months advance rent to my buddy I was staying with and he'd give it back to me and installments since I'd be moving out sooner than planned now that this was set up I figured I wanted to ruin her social life but I knew it would take some more plotting to do that so I told her to come back to our apartment and we stayed there waiting out the end of the month we cried together she was overwhelmingly affectionate let me watch her delete her social media pages May me breakfast most days she was just so sorry I wanted to scream at her so badly but instead I'd ask for comfort and reassurance and play the wounded animal we had plenty of makeup sex - which is the only thing I feel slightly guilty about she was sure to be extra adventurous for my sake so when I asked if I could take some photos she was all for it during this time I had been distant from our mutual friends turning down invites and saying things like Jane wouldn't want me to go or asking a few one-on-one for advice for how they handle it when their partner gets mad does your partner ever break stuff or slap you no no Jane would never do that I was just wondering then shortly before we plan to move into the new place I had cold feet I told her I didn't think I could do it that I didn't trust her she was frantic pleading with me not to leave again and begging for something she could do to fix it so I told her I believed our social circle it her up to it she swore up and down that no one had any idea but I asked how could I believe her she's lied to me twice before I don't trust her around them that a fresh start means new people in our lives to that I'd never feel comfortable again as these people I didn't know if I can trust were still around I wore her down until she agreed to ghost them all but that wasn't enough for me I told her that I needed the bridge to be burnt because I don't trust them so I had her rejoin and send a message to the group chat complaining about fake friends and backstabbers and now she was better without them then blocked them all she cried for a long time over that but if it was what I needed to say she'd get over it I had a bunch of messages from mutual friends asking whether fit to which I told them it was complicated and I talked soon few more days pass and it's time to move into the new place we spend the day moving some things in and Jane is practically giddy talking about future plans I tell her to pick up anything she needs from her mom's I'm gonna go get some stuff from my parents place and we'll meet back at the apartment that night as soon as she leaves I call my friend and we pack up everything I had brought over and take it back to his place then I messaged my friends telling them Jane had been abusive the last few months which is a lie which is why I didn't go out and that the reason she had blocked them is because she thought I told them that they were telling me to leave her I then went to the bank and drained our joint account which had about $400 from me and about 3,700 dollars and some change from her then I sent an email to Jane's mother claiming to be an angry ex who had access to my phone including all those sexytime photos I took with Jane just thought you should know what you're her daughter and that piece of crap get up too and lastly I had my friend hit me in the eye twice swelling it up then blocked Jane and asked two of our mutual friends to meet up with me and just like that it was over I told them how Jane had become mentally and physically mean for the past few months after I caught her cheating I showed them the screenshots of her chance with this guy I told them I had kept quiet to keep the peace how she lashed out at all of them when she thought they had been helping me behind her back how it was so out of character how she threw a remote at me and swelled my eye when we were moving and that's when I knew I needed to leave and why I needed to take the money to get to safety Jane showed up to my friend's house looking for me while he told her I had moved and would call the cops if she showed up again while I hid upstairs heard how frantically she tried to find me to figure out what was happening and reached out to our mutual friends to make amends and tell them it was all my idea only to discover the ones I had been talking to and subtly alluding to being mistreated brutally for weeks as well as the ones who remembered me coming to them after the first time she cheated and the ones who had seen my I had passed along the information to her entire social circle and she was met with threats insults and being ghosted by everyone she knew how she told the last mutual friends she spoke to before he ghosted her that her mother had said she'd pray for her and cut her off financially for living an unhealthy lifestyle until she can smarten up after seeing the photos which she can't prove I've ever sent as her mother certainly wouldn't have kept them and that she's severely depressed she's trapped in a six-month lease with zero money no friends to rely on and no one to help her stay afloat aside from maybe her former fling should she run into him I'll be using her money to cover the rent on a new apartment for myself and bought my friend a nice gift for being an accomplice in this I plan to stay in therapy both to get over this sand hill work through my feelings and how low I stoop to get revenge as I don't want to carry this negativity with me in the future after that I plan to relearn how to be single and enjoy life on my own with the friends I inherited to keep me company and it and before anyone forgets what's up there in I know this was crappy of me to do but I'm okay with that and no I don't agree that this brings me to her level screwing over someone who trusted you and never did anything to break your trust it's not the same as getting revenge on someone who you screwed over coming to this sub and complaining about people's morals it's like going to the happy Medicine subreddit and lecturing people on the dangers well this guy definitely went nuclear cheating is definitely not something that's excusable especially when you do it twice or though the shootin just do it twice she got caught twice personally I always try to advocate for the moral high ground because you'll definitely feel better in the long run and there's not really a potential for it to go wrong oh this guy it went as far as he could go that's naturally that's actually not true I remember this one story where he infected his cheating girlfriend with HIV that was that was intense just don't cheat guys that's not nice alrighty the story's called husband who is very mystery T loses his family house visa dignity and $100,000 this story happened in Lebanon Australia Lebanon in that order so please bear with me my cousin Australian has just met a wonderful person he cared for her loved her and really treated her in a special caring way or so we thought one day she came in the middle of the night to my house and then I saw her with her son both had bruises on their face as it turns out he just married her for her privileges as an Australian so when they got a son she got pressured to handle the mistreatment and stay with him just so that she can see her son and now this guy is gonna pay my family and I devised an elaborate plan to send cousin and her son to Australia where she has more custody rights but we also had to make her get some money to start off her business there as well first we went to the police who said that they can't arrest him because the cousin did report him but they mind us taking care of him so later that night one of my cousins and I attacked him with bars of soap wrapped in a towel no bruises or wounds and we beat him until they broke and after he went to the police station to report us they laughed at him after he got out we warned him to leave Lebanon before we seriously hurt him and after that confrontation he got his wife son and $100,000 here came the tricky part we had to have incriminating evidence of his mistreatment to blackmail him we can't attack him in Australia so after my aunt helped them get a house she rigged a camera and after she captured the mistreatment and time the recordings my cousin took her son and $100,000 when the guy tried to confront her and take his son and money back to Lebanon he shown the incriminating footage in given in ultimatum he either leaves Australia without divorcing the wife with the son and he might get killed we beat him up for beating the son or he leaves Australia penniless and he chose the latter when he made it back to Lebanon he slipped into alcoholism he lost his house due to his temper issues lost his visa since his ex-wife reported him anyway and is currently a homeless man I saw him while I was in the car in Lebanon I'm currently stuck there and he looked so empty even when he saw me and recognized me he didn't react and then I realized that I made him lose everything even his Australian visa got revoked but then you realize that this man deserved it my cousin is currently running a restaurant with her new husband who has a daughter and is a truly amazing guy disclaimer no illegal actions happen in the story other than the mistreatment okay this one I feel like is a bit more morally sound because they gave him options but we're obviously not here for morals we're here for people not taking any of that into account and just going crazy with their revenge I'm just really happy for the wife in the Sun and it makes me happy when people take care of each other like that it's just a great thing don't forget to Like subscribe and hit that Bell to never miss an episode [Music]
Channel: Daily Dose Of Reddit
Views: 108,125
Rating: 4.859262 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit funny, daily dose of reddit, daily dose of internet, daily dose of memes, She CHEATED on me, so I made her BROKE...
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 52sec (1012 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 16 2020
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