Men’s Snowboard Slopestyle Final | 2018 Winter Dew Tour Day 4 Live Webcast

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[Music] [Music] all right welcome back snow fans we're live from Breckenridge Colorado and you are about to watch fence slopestyle it's finals day here at due to our 2018 Chris Kattan here with Todd Richards we have 12 of the best jumpers and jibbers on the planet about to compete in this split jumps and then jibs for Matt Todd there's your list tell us your favorite all right well we've got some Olympic gold medals up and up and this mix we got red Gerrard Chris Corning came home with a medal tally SOT Beck has a medal from the Olympics we have a who's who that could come out here and absolutely smashing and I look for you know it's very different format that these guys are used to it's you know they have a free jumps in a row they're gonna have a basically two separate competitions and they read rack and move over to the three runs through the rails it's judged the same way you know but it kind of it mixes it up a little bit so it's you know it's not a full top-to-bottom run it's actually like having two separate competitions in one day so it's a heck of a lot of riding for these guys to be doing you know we just had a yesterday's second-place finisher in women's slopestyle Jules Marino talking about you have to adapt you have to now focus on basically two different disciplines where you focus on the jumps and then you focus on the jibs of the rails and do you think that's gonna equate to just more technical tricks on both sides you know I kind of I'm one of the guys that kind of likes the traditional slope style format just because I think once you get into a rhythm once you get into a flow you can make your whole kind of just flow into one big expression of what your riding style is this it's a little bit more microscope focused on on how are you jump skills okay now do you carry that you carry the score over into the rails can you still kind of play a ball if you don't have a big jump jump score are you better at the rails so there is a little bit of strategy that kind of goes on here but you'll just want to see you be really really technical I mean we have all these the judging criteria they all have names like execution amplitude all that stuff but really what it comes down to you got to be tech you've got a LAN smooth you've got to go huge and you got to bring innovation that's really what it all comes down to when the judges look at your runs I think it has to be said that we have the best judges in the business these are five incredible writers themselves there's snowboarding fans they want to be excited you know and the writer they you know basically blows them out of their seats is the writer that's gonna win today so yesterday we saw things super pipe modified super pilot and this was a t-shirt challenge and we see DC coming through with the win in 2018 in 2017 they were last place but I really think it was the coaching of Iike Backstrom the finish wonderboy came out there gave them all the motivation to come through and absolutely crush it and team BC did just that we see Toby Miller right there taking it to the modified super pipe and then they all went over to the jumps as we see right here you've got a combine all the the modified super pipe then you got to go hit the jumps and then you got to go over and have someone represent in the race so mods muslin representing her team DC over in the jump you see right there that front side 1440 just a foreshadowing of the craziness that we are going to see here today the team competition these teams were able to pick specialists in the modified Co 5 for the jumps and the chips again like you said Toph foreshadowing is what we'll see today you think we're gonna see similar lines similar tricks a lot of these riders competed in both the team and they'll be competing today individual it's been a long weekend for most of these riders you know it's hard you've got to come out here you have to be able to conserve energy you have to peak at the right time you don't want to get hurt during practice you don't want to get hurt and save the team comp so here we go we're about to drop this thing get underway here for the men's slope style competition all new and exciting for du Tour 2018 yeah heavily stacked international field and one thing I saw a lot of red maple leaves a lot of comedians looking to I form here today we're gonna start with the writer out of Japan to curl suka seven years old girls Egbert euro is super talented the other day he represented in the rail portion fourteen Burton and the team challenge but he is primarily known as an insanely good jumper here we go coming into the first of his three hits and you got to get his technically incredible as he possibly can frontside 1440 to start off his and run four complete rotations and a big double cork 1260 a little bit too deep so he gets three runs to put it together on top we're gonna have another look at that front side of 1440 that is four times around that's a lot of whirling so of course the judge is weighing their scores heavily on the cleanest of the landings and we saw that opening jump super clean on the landing things to fall apart second hunt side fourteen tail grab holding that thing all the way around watch this landing like it like nothing even happened and then into this backside double dip of the head 1260 and not able to handle the impact of that landing of washes out on his heels comes through at 25 so spent organ coming up next his hometown is bro bro what's up bro the pros come all right here we go coming in whoa cap 1260 unfortunately washing out on that first these guys have been kind of sitting up there practice has been closed down for a little bit so these riders are you know they've just been up there they've been kind of hanging out trying to stay warm trying to stay loose it's hard especially when you come out and you you practice practice practice and then you've got to go and and put it on ice for a half an hour it's sometimes it's best if your last practice running almost late to get into the start key because you're still heated up here you look back at spend target seem come around here 1260 lot of impact in that landing and just kind of bounced him onto his heels yeah so you see the conditions we have here at mean beautiful Bluebird about 12:15 here local time at Breckenridge I don't think wind is going to affect anything here today which has been a issue in the past I don't think it has been but I think today we are blessed with some decent conditions super blessed tis Mikey sister Ella representing Canada Ciccarelli coming off this first hit 1080 frontside grab straight into the backside 1260 and then coming off as heels it's gonna be so three bangers in a row remember each one of these riders three runs through the jumps and then they will react over at the rails and Ciccarelli he's an incredibly good rail technician he's really good off the jumps but I think we're where Mike he really really shines is over on the rails he's super technical assistance rider to complete his three jumps top to bottom putting yourself in the top three heading into rails yeah the exact get rails it's all about strategy I mean where where you want to set yourself up obviously you want to be leading the charge but you know if you only lead in the charge by a couple points and you know that the guy like maybe in second or third has gotten insane rail skills you're nervous see getting ready up top Darcy sharp another rider from Canada we have five Canadians competing today they're some of the best in the business at slope style Darcy Sharpe his sister won the gold medal in ski superpipe at the Olympics super talented family what do you think Darcy's strengths are rich jumps rails Darcy is a you know he's a really well-rounded slopestyle riders but he really impresses me on the rails he's got super technical ins and outs on the rails but you know when he comes to hitting jobs none of these Canadian guys can be you know you can't discount their ability overall ability here we go get things rolling here this is Darcy sharp Whistler Canada Vanna so far trend wise in trick selection are you seeing anything new occurring here at Dew Tour 2018 I know I think it's kind of the same tricks we saw last year hasn't been too too long since the Olympics see the triple-triple 1440s Darcy switch backside 1260 so clean coming in to hit number 2 terrific or 1440 and unfortunately for him not able to stop it out but that was the first triple that we've seen here today three tips of the shoulder coming around four times in the rotation now when looking at that landing they're kind of the accidental River out if if you can do that clean do the judges still give you full credit for the trick or they count that and it's similar to a hand rag it's it's you know right there with a hand you see he sets down Darcy just kind of lands pretty tight on his toe edge and kind of just kind of rails him out of his landing kind of just pulls him on that edge because the impact is so hard comes around he's leaning way over his edge all that weight making contact and the board just wants to rail him away so Darcy Sharpe waiting for his score to come through a 34 so no one yet to remember three drafts through excellent range by coming up next Tyler Nicholson another rider from Whistler BC Canada when a whistlers been having a pretty good year so far gets seventh place 2018 Winter Olympics Tyler so good this kid has got so much talent it's get really good style as well super calm in the air let's see initiates these chairs he just kind of locks the rotation here we go see that see how he just locked on unfortunately kind of a hard landing right there but locking into those grabs judges are definitely going to be taking away some points switch back 1260 frontside 1440 so he just needs to clean it up a little bit up top like I said he's got such good style once he leaves the lip we're gonna nother look at where things went wrong on the first hit but as soon as he grabs that tail on the first trip he is just holding on for the entire rotation okay hold it bending bending bending that boy comes up just a fraction short on that rotation though you see right here so much control just locked that drop in judges love that because it just shows the riders have super control in the air whose third head here it not Grayson frontside 1440 four times around sixty six point three three so like you said Todd if he cleans up the landings on those three jumps I'm thinking we've seen a score up in the eighties at least he's got it there it's all in there we'll prep work before the jump making some adjustments this is Yukiya code oh no Yukio Edano is what he's been known for the past few years in snowboarding he has a switch backside 16 2016 20 16 16 20 it's right there for four and a half times around in the air jeez that's so much whirling well this is gonna be interesting here because you have to think that all these riders have some nerves going into their first jump you know the guinea pig jumps for their first of three and then you saw right there having to make some last-second adjustments how do these guys get themselves in the mindset to stay calm before hitting that first jump I think a lot of it comes down to just experience it's really what it is I mean if you if you find your way in calm yourself I mean I used to like just try to listen to as lot of music as I can kind of not talk to anybody they just actually just get really pissed and start get myself I just freaked out at myself that's how I would kind of get myself out of my own way there we go unfortunately a little bit of a scrub there on that 14:40 off his first hit but you can tell you don't know wants it you come out swinging over the 1440 on your first jump you know that big things are coming and as I said he's gonna better 61 in his bag I look at that on the third final hit it's a triple dip of the shoulder four and a half times around you kick you don't know who's the first one to do it if you can believe it he se switch backside 1800 as well which is I don't think we're gonna see that here today the judges on big but yeah it's a we're just we're talking about serious whirling in the air so right here just looked like a bit of a speed control issue or you know speed coming planers too fast too slow speed is everything because a lot of times with the initiations of these tricks if you edge too hard you know you come in too hard off to jump sometimes that edge work will just cut your speed you'll basically eat up all the speed that you have as soon as you leave the lip and you need to be able to project yourself into don't matter a little bit of a sketchy start so far only two of our riders Reeth jumps in a row see what happens now Wow Mac child Mac coming off of a medal over there and Pyeongchang in the big air competition for the United States he's from Silverthorne Colorado Oh coming up just a little short because we were talking about speed no we're in lost time trying to think back he didn't really carve too too hard off the lip you know this is kind of like one that when the temperatures get like this Breckenridge you know it starts to warm up through the day the shadows begin to creep as the Sun kind of sets behind the snow temperatures change depending on what the the wax techs are for these guys maybe you were waxing for for it being a little bit of colder let's check out the start here Chris in this replay I kind of want to see started a little bit further down so maybe that was you know where he needed to start during practice but now the snow is kind of warmed up a little bit getting a little bit slower over-regulated his speed their lands on your knuckles unfortunately just blowing a lens out there as well never want to blow it lens slight yard till for calm at comes through at eight six seven so again no riders really yet to crack into this thing haven't seen anything in that range which where would you say the coverage if you want to be in the top three what average score are gonna be benign right now I think I think just based on based on who I know is out here and what they are capable of a maybe will be problem a minimum mark to be as we get going here with one of my favorites to watch just powerhouse out of Norway this guy absolutely ripped in our team competition here at Dew Tour stall a sandbag tell us one team row it was right there he's right there stall a sound back different style of rotating for hints as to speed really flat I love that wind-up backside 1260 setting them up right here stalefish kind of late dip the show there stalefish 1260 straight into a frontside 1440 there you go there we go Dolly's son back will be the first rider I believe to jump up into that hello I mean that was so clean crabs were held so perfectly because psyched is ollie is a super stoked on that run well we're definitely gonna have a new leader after that stomping three laymen's in a row you see their relief there again when you see a ratner push a big score on their first of three that's where they give themselves a luxury to really cut loose and I think the judge is gonna this up with a spoon stall a song back to is one of the riders favorite to watch not you know just as well as the judges and the folks at home styler is one of them the riders riders look at this just so clean driving stalefish on that is such a crazy grab because it kind of puts you in the back seat a little bit but stall a locking into that you can look at the landing there opens up can totally see it and then sets himself up off the seals watch the way his head dips twice get stale frontside 1440 comes around truly unique rotation stop and no hands down perfect landing gear I'm looking for some big points remember it is the slow burn here you're not dying don't celebrate this yeah you've got rails to do stalling so if you're solid you cruise to your next job for you just gotta wait see what the progress in the field does every single person that is in this super slope style right now is capable of dropping nineties just with their jumps alone alright coming up next sebastian to talk happy and excited to see what said that's up to its is super good he's got all the triples 1262 started his campaign off the jumps one two three triple cork fourteen forty into a backside triple your defense up here but this C wouldn't talk geez this is what we have in store front triple into back triple 1440 yeah so we we just said don't start celebrating yet this is first run of three and just then Sebastian - Tom lays it down where do you think the judges go from here just a 90 climb in the 90s but you just see that in that backside triple court 1440 out of them just watch watch how clean his second hit is here here we go gets slob crap holding holding watching I'm holding I'm flipping coming around frontside 1440 that landing look at that and then just switches edges backside one dip to dip he's gonna get the third one in here backside 1440 lands hard on the heels kind of bounces him out almost sends him over there into the woods not a good place to go do you see that watch his head [Music] puts it down I thought he had it but just kind of bounces almost over into the fence line is a fine line there on the landing fine line how long yeah so you see a 70 point six seven so obviously the judges not taking away a good portion of potential score with that third landing look at this guy right here the pride of Summit County right now red yard right up the street 2018 Olympic gold medalist American superstar really lose on all the late-night shows he's been one of the busiest dudes in snowboarding off and on the board and I got to talk to him the other day in the alley he's just so stoked to be home you know it'd be home got in late to this hunter you came in as an alternate here no he did not hiss he was an alternate for the for the super pipe but yeah here he comes into the bottom hit Oh puts in some front side 14 40 down red chard switch backside 1260 so let's watch this cab 12 into the front side 1440 and the landing and just you can see behind him that hard edge marked away from the fence I wanna see this replay so here's switch backside 1260 no way nope that was down there that first hit [Music] comes around there's the back double cork 1080 straight into the front side 1440 cm grab front side keeps that neck and head locked in that rotating position and as he comes around opens up spots it over his shoulder and pivots off that tail perfectly so read your art his personal training facility right up the road yep cops in 83 for that series of three jumps he will have two more opportunities currently now read your art is in second place Talos and back in the lead Ciccarelli in third with a 76 here are your current standings you know only one rider cracking into that 90 point range the 91 forestall a sandbag but we've got some big names coming up next mom's Rosalyn and Chris Corning Norway USA represent with these next two riders a month of course part of the winning team DC and we'll see how the after party from the DC team will affect really good it was two days ago but knowing these guys you know it can really shake out into day three okay here we go dropping in one of the best jumpers in the business Norway is so much talent slow-mo jetting 1080 the first jump setting him up switch backside 1260 and then straight into the bottom 1440 but early very similar to what he threw down and the team competition but just you know it's just so clean so do you think the riders who competed in the team event a few days ago have a slight advantage more practice but also with a lot more practice also comes a lot more fatigue on that body or potential damage watch the landings and cleaner no hands down like the ultimate strength shock-absorbers watch puts it down stands up tall that's when you know you've landed with authority there's no squatting it out there's no hand in the snow watch this landing right here body pivots around boom Norwegian starfish vanishing mr. clean monster Iceland frontside 1440 four times around that landing no stiffening off the tail it was perfect he's lined up with the landing insane 21 years old from Norway score comes through in 87 Vermont roads and that gets him up into second place I think that's right about where he should be you know saleh's the the grabs that star late shows those were really you know that's what separated Stahl a from the rest of the crew but is the higher to give grabs what if the bus is just depends on what the rotation is and where you've put in your hand but the way that Stahl a does that stalefish 1260 it's really hard to rotate with your hand to be tough but still he's just made it his own and made a very unique frame representing Silverthorne caller Chris corny Chris corny you want to see someone that goes big Chris Corning last year in the qualifying events to go to the Olympics what often time takes him to take his trips to what we called the parking lot carrying a ton of speed Cornie is stomping out switch backside 1260 backside 1440 into a massive frontside 1260 lowest speed to burn morning lots of speed lots of landing strength and obviously it wasn't the crowd right here Summit County loves their own man you come out and you throw down a hometown here are you ask a layman's question go for the green landing lines for the riders use those it's it's for reference not only for the for the riders when they open up on a trick to know where they are where that landing is because yet you know these guys are spinning right here we see the triple 1440 and as soon as you leave the lip all you're seeing is is blue white blue white blue white so you need to have some kind of a reference to be able to extend your landing gear it is muscle memory but you know you do need a point of reference it also gives the judge judges a point of reference of how far these riders go down the landing how big they're going well distance-wise morning all three jumps you know flew the frailest a lot of power the waiting game waiting for the judges to deliberate throw in their scores and he might be getting a or I should say earning an early Christmas present here at 88.3 3 up his corny jumps up into second place knocking bonds rustling down to third still a sandbag untouchable so far so now we've seen the first runs of all 12 riders so far Todd here are your results but these results tell the tale that you think is good you know what it's just the first chapter chapter 2 is the real nail-biter that's one okay so jumps take a lot out of you two to go up there deal with the nerves deal with like the landings if you're landing really hard and then you've gotta like you've got to go over and then you have to practice on the rails and then re-rack and do a whole competition on the rail so it's it's a lot for these guys usually in a typical slope style run you do three runs that encompasses everything it's just amazing three runs and done these guys have to do six runs plus practice it's a lot just look at your current leader stall a son back solid sawn back washing put the locking in here get to that grab comes all the way around frontside 1440 tail grab super hard he's in the lead for the time being you've seen our 12 men's riders here in slope style take it one more look at your start list to Kara suka coming up but for now let's go down to the snow with Jeana Dixon oh boy guys we got a contest on our hands after that run one now there's a lot of fan support down here for Chris Corning he lives here in Breckenridge and you know what he hasn't even done his best run earlier this year in September he did a backside quad 1,800 to win a bigger event in cotrona so he's got more in store for us but I also think we need to keep our eyes out for taka rue he's kind of been swapping a first and second place with Chris in some of the early or big air contests he doesn't have what he hasn't shown us yet what he can do so keep your eyes on Taku but guys right now after that run one wolf I think it's gonna heat up I'm sorry did you see did you say quad quad 18 never go full quad that's what I always say Tukaram Takeru Otsuka I'm coming up second run and I here's where of course things start to escalate only two more opportunities for our riders Takeru it's like a lot of concentration going into this first jump came through with a 25 3 3 in his first run so lots of room to grow yeah there's a lot of room to grow but he didn't actually fall on his second hit here so here we go so you can get a whole run through nice to be frontside 1440 off the first jump backside 1260 set up off the heels cap 1440 super clean so to four teams in that run the cap 14 is and that's it's crazy how how perfect he came around on that landing gotta be relieved to slam on the second shot tonight all three ends it's not bad to bookend your run with a couple 1440s see right there that late hip whip gets that so perfect landing standing up tall and into the backside 12 into the cab 14 outside 12 63 and a half times around setting about for this heels coming in switch the switch triple there's a second dip the third dip switch triple cork 1440 Wow so we've got 214 and a massive triple-core 1440 he's definitely giving the judges exactly what they want to see but suka now waiting for the score to drop the until he's feeling it let's see what the judges have to say about it [Applause] super technical riding by the young Japanese rider I know there's a lot of secrecy going into these riders create to learn new tricks what do you think Asuka does to figure out tricks like this he's killed it right here is the cab triple cork 1440 you take on switch you spin around four times but it was like that landing the absolute perfect execution of it the choice of tricks where he put them he put the 14 to start or 12 in the middle to set him up and then boom just absolutely nails it on the third but suka putting the field on notice then target has to answer now the rider out of Sweden 24 year 24 years old here we go he's gotta answer any feet away between ninety five six seven score the judges are definitely warmed up now 1260 off the first hit into the 1440 and then off the bottom hit slowly row to the the double cork 1080 so so clean about 1440 I mean it's just it's a stock trick now a few years ago we saw that you know debut here really to tour the back-to-back triple cork 1440s Mark McMorris brought them unfortunately you know marks on some kind of tropical holiday right now somewhere but we're still getting them you know the influence that Mark McMorris and a lot of these other guys have pushed the limit of what's possible off the snowboard jump is being felt and now that we're looking at 14 40s as just like a stock move and we're bookending runs with him it's crazy like he's using his head and his shoulders he utterly whip themself rise that's all it is I mean with any board sport I mean you know you think about surfing you think about snowboarding your body is going to follow wherever you look for better or for worse if you open up in a trick and your head goes back and your shoulders kind of open up you will stop your rotation dead and prop piledrive into the landing so as long as you keep your head committed you keep your grabs and keep yourself tight you're gonna come down the landing the right way all right score for spent Orion comes through an 85 so that puts him in fifth place all these riders now have to deal with a monster score at ninety five six seven that asuka just laid down so if you go into your second run with a plan and then you hear ninety five points out the window alright we'll see what happens here Mikey Ciccarelli you know it's not just a jump comp we got to go over to the rail so what happens if Takuro he's a 95 over here and just fully finds it over in the rails and gets a low score that it's not over until it's over and I guess that is one of the best things about this competition is really landing is it's really not over until it's over that's right we do combined scores your highest score here in the jump section will be combined with your highest score on the jib section jibs and rails kind of a cool different look and of course there's a nice turn right at the beginning of that G of course but take a look here for Mikey Ciccarelli a forty one what happened here on the landing well Ciccarelli comes around just not enough air time to get that rotation cleanly done and square himself up into the land and comes down on his heels and there's just so much spinning going around the impact of that hit is huge coming up next currently sitting in tenth the place and he's got a lot more to give Darcy Sharpe has a 34 for now he will have two more opportunities will see what he can do here run number two this is men's snowboard slopestyle due to our 2018 perfect Bluebird day here in Breckenridge Colorado Darcy Sharpe he's up you know Darcy sharply out of Canada to set up switch backside 1260 super stand tall and that landing into the triple cork 1440 oh I had trouble with in his first run guess it here comes off the toes frontside 1080 puts it down what a great save right there from Darcy sharp kind of salvaged that landing off the second hit it was such a big impact on that triple cork 1440 that it kind of bounced him temporarily momentarily off of his line and he had to like get it back together again and square himself up with the next jump he get blew out his a toe strap back foot toe strap how did you see that okay so switch backside 1260 sets him up opens up right there you see perfect examples opening up those shoulders wide just stop the rotation here's the triple cork 1440 that head dips three times Darcy's so much control on the air lands boom big impact bucks him onto his heels he has to counter correct twice watch when he lands and watch the fancy edge work he's dancing like Michael Jackson over here check this out lands hard toes heels Oh back toes oh my god where am I going on the banana peel coming straight into off his toes adapting perfectly frontside 1018 puts that down perfectly clean so read of the chorus right there from Darcy sharp now the judges ever reward people for recovering their landing there's been riders over the years that they they tend to throw points out for being sketchy but Darcy sharp isn't sketchy Darcy's like a really calculated super stylish super controlled rider so when they do that they do subtract points but there have been riders over the years that that everyone's favorite to watch because they were kind of like you never knew it was gonna happen judges really thinking about this score for Darcy Sharpe currently in 10th place his first go was a 34 she's now in the 90s he knows that's his internal judge working yeah he knows what it takes to get himself up there I'm gonna get that point judge's figuring it out three three that's enough to jump him up into fifth place Darcy Sharpe now coming correct on run number two and that's the mark that I think you want to be in going into the rails you don't want to be anything lower than fifth because all these guys are so skilled in both rails and jumps so fifth place is my my that's your cut that's my cut line coming from Whistler BC Canada Tyler Nicholson here comes Tyler rosamma run number one out a little bit of trouble but he's got the ingredients here coming hard off the heels in the background Jan 14 40 going down unfortunately for him a lot of pressure on to run number three yeah Nicholson currently sitting in 10th place got a 66 3 3 and he's got one just for fun he's blowing it out there he knows he's got to get back up there you know sometimes in these jumps you don't if you miss it you don't want to risk or risk it and blow yourself out you have one more run consequences are pretty big when you're hitting a 65 or maybe even 80 feet to the sweet spot on these jumps Jules Marino it's opted out these jumps and you know she just used to work scary to describe that and I'm right there with her these are massive jumps even riding next to them when you're just cruising checking out the park it's you know these are these are no job no job jumps here all right speaking of no jokes you can cadeau no coming out of Japan he's got that quad 60 and 20 frontside 1442 this setup will he get it right here Oh backside triple 1440 as well stoked on now on judges I've got their work cut out for them right now clean compression on that third landing there for you Kiku don't oh wow right now you key in the in the rare place for him sitting on 11th with a seventeen point three three were always used to seeing Yuki towards the top of the top of the field he's it he's one of those riders that's either gonna land perfectly or he's gonna absolutely critical in the landing I like that it's like that okay here's Yuki getting things going up top so then it was all about trying to get through this run being it nice and clean setting himself up for the last kicker here there's the first dip of the head the second you can watch him just really whip this third hip around so triple cork 1440 lands a little bit of a touch let's see it here in slow motion it gets that grab super firmly that was more but it was more of an impact touch she didn't go down I wasn't for stabilization it was just he hit sole compression and it was huge - that was a really big 1440 I look for this to be a good score well the crowd goes wild for you get Kudo no but now it's up to the judges they are dropping scores in Bama no he is now in second place to Japanese riders on the top bumping stall ace on back down with that 91 she is like that to second runs belong to Japanese snores Takeru Asuka with the 9567 you kiddo no chest drop to 93 what you got starting his run off trying to get that speed correct backside 1260 unfortunately for him a little bit of a hand touch switch backside 12 to frontside 1080 into a triplet card on her into the top of there ouch ouch ouch ouch heavy slam colomac we'll sit back here and just let him gather himself as always we have any critical incredible medical staff boom right on him in a matter of seconds you see right there riders going out and supporting each other I mean that that is a testament right there we talked about these are these are heavy jumps I mean these guys you look up top there look on that jump where where Kyle max knows smashed into the lip you can see it it's a big divot and he came around in full commitment you see it right there see that little shadow right in the middle he came around full commitment on that triple cork 14:40 and just augered his nose right into the knuckle that's a lot of impact right there let's take a look at it here gets that grab and pulls it up perfect style watch that pulls it around and watches he just impacts in shoulder hard hit right there but that knows just stopping all that twisting momentum I mean that that is a bummer because you always think of Kyle Mack as a favorite coming into any but just to knuckle up there so Kyle Mack but he's a tough kid man but here cheering so that's a good sign of course we never speculate as to what happened but as long as the rider can walk off or his own two feet that's a good sign there the crowd giving him his full credit thirty point six seven after a heavy slam you see right there you could Kudo know just the camaraderie between these riders it is a competition but in the end of the day these guys are such good they support each other all day long every day but stylish Steinbeck has the unenviable position of dropping in after witnessing a big slam it happens all the time it does it's never gonna be easy I stopped back he's been here before currently sitting in third place he's got a 91 you know obviously his first run was near perfection what else does he have to give well he's got to bring bring more little bit more I think that if it's dolly just you know he was kind of victim to going and putting that run down and it's in his first attempt here and the judges the scores up kind of in one bumped up a bit but the judges seem to be really liking this triple cork 1440s Stolley has a truly unique style that he rotates his so I'm looking for that to play the flat spins instead of dipping your shoulder really heavily like we saw with like you know you could own a Takuro Stolley rotates his flat which I will plan is more difficult furnished stopped outside Stalin starting things off nice and solid here we go similar to his other run backside 1260 14:40 so different approach different approach his riding style of just the way that he leaves the lip flat same approach at the bottom where there's no laying back celebrating survival of these three jumps just get my sound back just frosting himself down there in the bottom of the corral let's just take a look here at just the ultimate control that stall a sign buck has over his snowboard look out incredibly smooth this is so fast to be able to put that down that smooth cab 1440 and off this bottom hit here geez stall a Samba so much control like when he comes around and puts things down there's just nothing out of place there's no struggling to get back on a different edge so technical and you came home from Sochi with the silver medal and slopestyle Olympic slope style I like the awareness to and what everything is telling you to put your hands down to stabilize yourself and you kept them up and the judges reward him we asked for a little bit more we won three three four still a sandbag that's a slow creep but he's still in good good position good striking distance for this win we got to keep saying if if they're moving over now into rails after run three is done still he's really good a really super good rails right so from sallee assignment we go to sebastian to taunt another rider representing Canada 26 years old and we saw him on run number one about the cleanest you can do a frontside triple cork 1440 and then just going a little bit too deep on his side difficult 44-yard jump mister the 7.67 1260 frontside 1440 wyldstyle don't try to do the triple 1400 yeah everybody watching we all felt that one it's like look you don't have the speed don't do it these jumps are too big and they're too hard brutal landing ouch the third jump for Sebastian to Taunton now I see obviously all of our riders wearing helmets or any of these guys wearing any additional pad yeah some of these some of these riders do have like like a back protection thing but you know when you come around so hard and you know it's basically landing on concrete this snow is so firm so molded over the past few days that when you come down on this it's like landing on asphalt oh the old one sheet sneak oh oh yeah you saw the landing kind of got sketched out about a little loose in his second landing and that set him up for disaster and his third jump at 35 of just a brutal a hard earned 35 really is nothing like falling up like 25 feet out of the air and landing on your butt cheek we don't advise that leave it to the experts like this guy read Gerrard he heard and he saw that he probably felt that it slam from all the way at the top about read Gerrard put the slam out of his mind he's a gonna show us something here on run number two he started with an 83 which is Justin up for eighth place that shows you the level that we're starting to see here at number two I would talk to mr. Burrard the other day and ass you know what he thinks to this format Red's one of those riders that I think likes to have the slopestyle flow a lot more you know top to bottom feel instead of like having to react and react and flow as red puts down a switch backside 1260 version like ability and do a triple Wow backside 1440 coming off the heels hard tries to bring it around on the front side triple 1440 harsh slammed on the third job Josh yep listen to it we heard it that'll take the wind out it hurts so much it hurts so much to get your hip and just shock to the cheeks oh it's the worst well it was two out of three good three to three ain't bad as he comes around triple cork 14 beautiful in and then tries to do a frontside 14 this is the hardest right here excuse me frontside 12 frontside 1260 coming around then shut your lips around of whip those hips around and then just landing straight on the butt cheeks ouch and there's you know fortunately if it was a three run traditional slope style format you can get away with you know your adrenalin keeps that pain out your hip doesn't lock up your buck doesn't lock up but now you've got you've got all this time then between and things start to become more firm oh yeah unfortunately we're gonna lose Kyle Mac he's pulling out of competition more than likely just a day after just a savage brutal slam so we hope for the best for cow Mac he's being looked at now by our detour medical crew the contest rolls on we just I read your art now we go to mom's Rosalind you see that's that little spot they slipped down to and they kind of set themselves up that's where the riders are pretty much figured out that's the sweet spot to come into the first general you know it takes a couple days to figure out where that sweets those scary now let's really scary I'm glad you can decide you like do some crazy carve and hit that jump just out of pure adrenaline alone save it you got one more run yes please they want to see more monster Iceland this right here it comes off there's your screensaver there there's the screen said I look good you have all my icons up there I'm right there is your modified super pipe I mean the conditions we've had this year due to and it's it we're almost at the end so there's no chance at spoiling it right conditions have been absolutely perfect so we just stopped monster Iceland go down it is a second jump so we'll see more of wrongs but Kris Corning from Silverthorne Colorado it came through do tour last year got second place going absolutely huge and that's what Kris Corning is known for he's got all the you know the triple rotations but it's just the fact that he does them so gargantuan and lands so far down here's a look at last year as Corning came out swinging Chuck an hour here in Corning would go on to represent the United States and slopestyle in Pyeongchang this is definitely a special time and place recording this is where he got word that he earned himself a spot in what the US Olympic team nothing like doing that you know taking the weight off of yourself he came out with an early season wind and a big hair competition over at copper and then just backed it up here with a top three in slope style and that secured his spot to head on over a pion Chang so it was a big year for him last year cool visual their teeth are cold it's warming complete contrast so what we have here today bloob outside Spring Break yeah Spring Break Breckenridge Chris Courtney currently ranked fourth place right now sitting on eighty eight point three three solid score maybe the you play it safe he just trying to hang in there in fourth place and then head to the rails or do you throw it on the line here Todd that's good according is this gonna ride the way you can realize how to just take it deep into these landings and go huge and do what he knows he can do switch backside 1260 such solid landings from Corning backside 1440 into this bottom head double grab whipping it around shoes there's no first gear for Crisco fifth gear and all just line backing his way into the bottom hit their frontside 1440 Wow backside 14 just flying the furthest that anyone so far easily easily switch backside 1260 see that off the top hit sets him up it just clutches this right here this guy is fearless he's fearless he's so strong and still he powers out these landings you know Breckenridge is where he rides look at this double crab just holding it through the entire spin keeping it calm in the air and taking it past the third line both those hands went down not for stabilizing oh no that was just because the impact of that hip falling out of the sky as he almost out jumps the entire landing that was just a compression so in other board sports double grab you know surfing skating you don't see a double gravity often anymore of it for snowboarding 87.6 having the judges rewarding the double grab they rewarded it you know I look for him maybe to clean up the landing on run number three and they hold yet a little a couple more nudges and points but here's your current standings for men's snowboard slopestyle this is the final so we got the jumps and we're going in to the chips after one more run each to Japanese riders at the top of the field of suka and kotonoha followed by stall a sandbag and here is your bottom four it's just a rally to taunt Nicholson and Kyle Mack and again unfortunately how Mack out have come out of the contest with a heavy heavy slam we're gonna take a quick break but we'll be right back with the third and final runs for the men's snowboard slopestyle jumps we'll be right back [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi everyone welcome back to the do tour I am now standing at the bottom of the jumps were in the jump portion of the slopestyle top guru Atsuko right now is in the lead followed by you dono install a sandbag American Chris Corning right now in 4th place and I'll tell you what he had those two backside or did a backside 1442 a frontside 1440 he was not happy with how landing on that third jump and me knowing Chris Corning he this when he gets angry like this this usually gets him more fired up so I would expect some big things from run 3 for Chris Corning but just to point out taco is in the lead and he competed in the team event earlier this week he was the highest score on the rail so right now guys that Japanese rider looking very good there's a great stat to bring up there Tina Atsuko but suka was the guy to watch and the guy to beat in the rails for his team right now we're not giving out any trophies specifically just for jumps you got to do it both jumps and gifs but but suka this guy is looking like he is on a good one right outside yeah and he just 26-7 is such a huge score it's like a dream crushing score it is a dream just Grider's but you know like I said he's had a lot on his plate this week you know fatigue does play into this we'll see how he can handle it to see if he can up his score no he's just doing in his sleep here wait a second backside 16 20 into five six seven hello I was a triple cord 1446 with a backside 16 20 I would venture to say he is going to be going into the jib section feeling pretty pretty pretty confident but suka just lays it down yeah are you kidding me I'm sorry it's just I'm shocked here just kind of doing my mental replay that's hot so we got a frontside 1440 ya ain't nothin but a thing comes in the backside to this one snaps it's so hard [Music] backside 16 20 grabs melon holds it holds it holds and eyeing up that landing and then just whips those hips around 16 24 and a half times around kids like a human throwing star look at this where I'm just flipping through the air I'm flipping them spinning them flipping them spinning and then ends it off with a cab 1440 so we can only kill we can only go up to a hundred Tod 1440 bookending a 16 20 smack me upside the head that was the craziest thing I've seen in a long time I'm thinking let suka just made it very easy for the judges that score came through quick watching the arrow replay now is this really worth snowboarding is that is a video game this is like this real-life because I'm watching this and you know when they go off the jump you can't really count in real time you're recognizing shapes and all I did was recognize the shape of one more world Jesus is gonna be a gargantuan massive monstrous humongous score the judges just brought the flame Thor and torched the rest of the field are you kidding me all right to perfection coming into the rail section he is riding on a velvet cushion filled with marshmallows go ahead and do some board slides you're good yeah you keep actually fun have some fun so you just got there's board slide down through the course you saw a quick celebration then the focus comes back oh it's a Sukkah how do you dream killer right here honor of spent organs Japanese writers artists on a tear I've always respect for the Japanese writers over the years or my favorite places to visit on the planet and it's this little conviction and their willpower to make things work so a span children coming down on that run nice and clean drop the bottom so if you're anyone else in the field do you've just now fight for second place well it's not over till it's over Christmas you just stuck it on them yet there is there is the randomness of just what life throws at you and Europe can have a shocker over on the rails and really open the door up so it's still about making yourself in a good position heading into the rail section you think you don't up currently in second solace on back in third place Chris Corning mons Roizen those guys are all the ones that you know really have a shot of this so coming in here towards the bottom spent organ per body positioning in the air what is that the mental game is well you have to be able to block out the cheers from the crowd the scores that are on-site announcers are throwing out there therefore spent targeted an eighty six point six seven that's his best run so far that I'll have them up in sixth place if you talked about the cut line being in fin but Gordon so get a chance just oh no no we're gonna have to start doing a little averaging here some quick math heading over into the rail section thank you sister Ellie Cicero name having some problems its first run uh come on a little bit better see if it can all come together for him on run number three backside 12 setting him up here on the bottom yikes big smash into that landing freeing that lens from his goggles Wow he sits right up double thumbs up but of course not only the medical crew but the writers also rush over course are you okay that's teamwork right there that was again that was brutal oh it's hard to watch ya know we have another look at that you know here to come but Ciccarelli getting perfect style on this coming around just not having enough air time to sneak in that last rotation and just you know just like what we saw from Kyle Mac just smashing into the knuckle here watch as it comes around full commitment luckily his board caught that first and not his head that's why they wear helmets ladies and gentlemen snowboarding is real now I mean you can get super broke off it's a matter of inches right there or in Canada matter of centimeters from disaster to a perfect landing so we will wait and see how Mikey Ciccarelli can react from that slam another Canadian rider coming up next our C sharp currently sitting in 7th place with 86 33 all these riders can thank Mark McMorris pulling out of this contest and allowing for Otsuka to sorely missed here because mark is definitely one to push the limits the Darcy sharp perfect switchbacks out 1260 back triple let's see if he can get this one clean still taking it too deep it's not like he wasn't doing the trick perfectly just going so big unfortunately or Darcy sharp will miss it this year at the Dew Tour in the jump section sometimes go too big yeah but geez he's just so good Darcy sharp is one of those riders that is just pushing the front of slopestyle rotting absolute Ripper well he was sitting at 7th place previous score and eighty six point three three can't get to that third jump there we go Darcy here switch backside 12 with the nose grab and then into this back triple 14 just going huge landing almost at the bottom you see that it gets that grab I like the way that his back arm isn't really tucked up underneath like some of the other riders it's you know we called that for a while the flying meatball when they get in like a little fall they flip around his arm kind of opens up a little bit adds a little bit more style to it all right here we go so with our third runs underway all these rappers gonna be taking their top score from here in the jump section over to the jib section couple more riders left to go higher hickle soon now Tyler having some problems on his first and second run but all the tricks are there right there 14:42 start off and then straight into switch backside 1260 much better than his previous runs coming off his heels frontside 40 era warning he's happy about that one that's the Tyler Nicholson we know such good style in the air Canadian writer so the honey bee hives 40 switch backside 1260 into a frontside 1440 so Tyler is gonna be much happier with this run comes around a little bit of a hand touch but more of a just an impact touch than a stabilizing touch this becomes a style element yeah it's just kind of you come down so hard that your body just smashes into the ground six packet switch backside 1260 another hard landing a little bit of a touch you know we're splitting hairs here but you kind of have to you I mean with Takuro Atsuko being a top with such a clean run especially when he's doing a 16 20 with no hand touch 14:40 you gotta hand it to the judges I mean the subtle differences between all these jumps all these runs they have been spot on throughout the entire week and then the score comes through in 87 6 7 now Tyler Nicholson he bypasses montz Rosen he finds himself now in 5th place you know striking distance uh uh a shake-up in the standings let suka of course still in the lead with that 98 but through with one more opportunity okay so he's got a switch backside triple cork 16 20 as well and he's gonna make it hard good honest currently sitting in second place in the 93 12:16 from switch super slow rotate ten eighty but that's it for him right there but he's in a good spot you can you don't I was in the second place I'm at 93 from run number two yeah if you're gonna be holding on to a score it might as well be up 93 93 is gonna stay there for him beats feeling good hanging on to a 93 heading into the jib section and here we go sitting in third place as of now so he said that he has a ninety one point three three a solid score still in third place good place to be getting a team room right now you know the team row of treatment is a it's really fun to watch even hanging as a game all weekend long it you know what you don't want to feel I can tell you from experience you don't want to feel alone and it starts you because it is a really lonely place you know much you can take your mind off of like what you have in front of you and just be surrounded by people with positive energy you're just riding with the home you're just ride with the homies man it's kind of like that's kind of who's Salah is anyways here we go is look they're gonna go down to the bottom of the bottle jumps know that wishing well Stolley coming in 14:40 first hit dropping his shoulder here on second hit huge backside 1260 into the cab 14 once again oh and clipping that lip I knew Lee wasn't going fast enough but just you got a LAN so perfectly in basically straight line up between two jump two and three alright well still enough to maintain his third place position for now still a sound like with a 91 33 and that time frame between landing and jump in between those jumps is just I mean that is split seconds alright here we go we're getting down to the wire here needing scores read Girard Sebastian to taunt these guys launch boys learn all needing a big score to keep themselves back up into the potential top 5 spot which where we're thinking could be that potential cut line I'm thinking Egypt I think out of the side of those three is about sin to tom is the one that has the most promise here to put down a serious heavy score to bump on top of the Japanese writers at this point here he goes first hit 60 in a triple 14 right there into just a big double 1080 unfortunately for him the landing I mean it's not like he didn't square up with the landing didn't plan perfect it's almost like that impact is so harsh off of jump number two that it kind of plucks you off of your line here it is right here triple 1440 watch the landing boom lands hard and almost washes onto his that was scary if you went down right there it's like a bug hitting a windshield at 60 miles an hour and the recovery straight into that third jump was yeah but it's apt a lot of his speed probably took his line off of where he wanted to be - yes yikes yikes that's where you see more swimming right there yeah that's that is a gnarly scorpion those are the kind of hits that you you take and you don't even have a chance to put your hands down it's just like smack into the snow so little grippy between jump two and three score comes through an eighty point six seven a solid score but pretty wild but that's only gonna be enough to bump him up one position into ten to play so now it's all up to red Gerrard here we go red does the sync single singlets side yeah it sounds cover the dinner I don't know a little security Lincoln yeah whatever to the second jump backside triple cork 1440 it works like ability to land let's see double it'll get here front side 14 double river almost fancy himself as almost like he tricked the judges there that landing rear it out real quick it'll be hard to trick this so red not carrying such a hot score into the rails unfortunately oh yeah 83 and a 43 yeah maybe pre lace 83 is gonna be his best score but everything else was going so well for him though he's got down here at the bottom tried to spin that frontside 1440 flat it's hard to stop that rotation and that's exactly what we saw as soon as he landed he reverted out just because your body still wants to continue rotating spinning around four times and then just trying to stop that dead and square up the landing that's super hard to do get that pivot but his body's doing they're going saves it though well technically you know you would consider that a make but yes you know the judges see that and they see the Reaver tout knowing that that wasn't on purpose so they're too late now nineteen seventy two point three three for that third and final jump here we go this is gonna be fun to watch launce Roseland down to rock Norway the last two riders here in the jump section the right after him will be Chris corny there's Mons this is smooth it's crazy like clean and slow at 1080 seems after seeing 14 forties and 1620s the washout side 16 it's hard not to just be relieved every time you see one of these guys land a trick because you know the ramifications cuz we've already seen some brutal slams go down here in the jump section of men's a slope style here at Dew Tour and there's your current standings of 98 a massive score for Asuka followed by Kodomo with a 93 and here we go Chris corn and currently sitting in fourth place with an eighty eight point three three he's been absolutely flying throughout this entire jump competition I'm excited yeah I'm excited right now see at Chris corny brings the Chris Corning will take it deep into the landings here that and it's gonna be the bottom hit he just wants to stand up tall not you saw both hands frontside 1440 he did he just went so big here we go silver thorns Chris Corning his final run in the jumps such a perfect the first jump back triple 14 here comes the front 14 boom a little bit cleaner on the landings still sitting in third I kind of don't see that bumping him up by much you might not a point onto that I still think that it's gonna be right around hovering right around that 90 89 90 mark yeah most likely won't get up there in that 95 paralytics is but still in a good spot heading into the jibs now currently sitting in fourth last the eighty eight point three three if he doesn't prove over ninety one three three he'll pass up saw a sound back you gotta consider Kris Corning a crowd favor you heard the cheers yeah it's representing for Colorado as good as never summer snowboard out there born and bred here in Colorado and Corning representing for Silverthorne it comes around look at this clean I don't know it's a little bit of an extension a little bit of an extension on that front arm kind of means he was a little bit off-balance you seemed kind of leaning on that toe edge that that was it close that was close I think that was more of a stabilization hand stabilizer third you know landing score comes through for Chris corny I mean look the consistency was gonna be an 89 so really really close still in that same position so now what we do Chris we got a we got a repo this whole unit Wow so we did lose Kyle Mack unfortunately to a just a brutal slam in his second run but here's we have for now going into the jib section is sakera Otsuka with a huge ninety eight point lead you Dona with a 93 and Steinbach coming through in third place red Girard with an 83 but he'll be towing into the rail section to tonk as well with an 80 point six seven so let's take a look back at what we just saw they're starting with saleh Steinbach we knew he was gonna perform he did so a 91 3 3 a 37 33 and a 91 3-3 for his third run your stalling stalling time that came out early and threw down in typical Norwegian crusher fashion and he would have to score to beat for a little bit there that Norwegian powerhouse putting down an amazing run to start things off and get the momentum going over here in the jumps his clean style is second to none [Music] good high expectations for Sally come on he lived up to it yeah you did with about to him and he's in such a good spot right now in third place heading over to the chips but then we switched our attention to two Japanese riders that are making a huge impact on hitting jumps in snowboarding not crazy for you dodo he started off with a 17 point 33 clean it up quick you know and dropped at 93 for his second run you dono comes out swinging and Yuki in Japanese means snow and it is it is fitting it's no coincidence that this kid isn't ruler when it comes to riding on snow check him out right here just dip in his shoulder 3 x 1440 1620s that's not a problem for these Japanese riders definitely not for our next guy who has the biggest score of the day that was a quiet start for suka start with a 25 33 but just obliterated those scores with a ninety five six seven and then he popped it with a 98 talk about shifting in the third gear redline this guy comes out bookends of 16 20 with two 1440s puts the entire field on notice and also have the highest rail score in the team competition we have got a Smasher coming up here when it comes to moving over to the jibs and don't forget Todd in the tee in the team competition a 2 car dropped in 93.3 3 on the jib sections so you got to think of a Sukkah as the favorite going into the jib section this isn't men's snowboard slopestyle we got more to come you're watching due to our 2018 retake quick break we'll be back with more action from Breckenridge this is do tour well welcome back to do tour this guy goes from winning do tours to playing do tours Lumet Ronnie from last night opening up with the motet have downtown Breckenridge absolutely rockin Chris Cote here with Todd Richards and Danny Davis so with the midway point through men's slopestyle jumps just went down we're going to be heading over to jibs there is the man himself d-day this that was awesome by the way like your McTwist yesterday thanks love like an extra day yeah you know maybe you can hang out after rails we're gonna set you loose after this right now it's back to business as we go to jibs the rails are set right now Otsuka with a 98 heavily favored as we head on into the rails before we get there let's go down to the snow or tina dixon is here with an update yeah and I just asked our leader taqueria Otsuka which event he likes better jumps or rels and what does he think he's better at and he says I like them both the same and I'm pretty equal at both of them so if he performs as well on the rels as he did at the jumps then he's gonna be pretty tough to beat but guys for those of you who don't know much about him he's only been competing for about a year on the pro circuit I was first introduced to him at the US Open where he finished eighth in slope style but since then he's finished on the podium whether its first or second on pretty much every event he's entered so he's definitely coming in here with a lot of momentum but you got to remember only 50% of the score is jumps 50% is rel so there's still a lot of snowboarding that needs to happen thanks Tina yeah so let's dukkha confidently going into the rail section I'm saying right there that he likes them both and you really have to embrace both sides here of jumps and rails this is the first year that we've split things up so basically you have to take your focus off jumping and put it on hitting the rails the ins and outs Todd we saw already in the team competition and the women's side of things heavy tech shredding happening in the jib section yeah and we're about to get underway here and I'm just looking at this list of guys you know you've got people like Darcy Sharpe going over into the rails that they're so good and Danny man you know throw a question to you here who needs your call for who we have going who's like this gnarliest whale dude on that whole lives I didn't know talk guru is so gnarly a trails and then if I did the team thing the other day and he kind of schooled everyone so he's gonna be a heavy hitter here Darcy's gonna be a heavy hitter yeah sep 2015 10 in a team contest where he got ninety three point three three the highest single rail score of the day he does that same thing he's gonna be unbeatable I think you're gonna see something similar he's gonna do that back going on switchback one on the second rail and some hammers though so we heard earlier from Julia who was talking about you know the jumps being the scarier of the two obviously no matter what but do you think there's some relief in the field now that the jumps are behind them totally totally you're done flipping and spinning three times and one job so now you just get to do it this is pretty like I might be a little more fun all right Otsuka this is comments guy wrote yelled oh he doesn't ride like one she's 70 on 270 ah here comes he's gonna do that back one switchback yeah this takes a lot of control like is cakey I thought it was just rocking rocks do it do red how's that the transfer over to no slide back griever off of that backside 180 as I saw the other day in lutein calm it didn't quite get that last little looking for like a front you can clean that up but still I mean not a bad effort there's that 270 up and over pops off the nose 270 off and as you're saying Danny right here he wants to get a locked into that it's 50/50 switchback one I was textbook yeah it's pretty sick a lot of anti physics here he's for sure the bring back yeah stuff you know and a lot of that stuff boom there's a pretzel there you know like it's you know these guys are how's that the pollsters see there anyone a little too big missus front board but I think next trial that's kind of probably the easier of his rail run is probably that trick so definitely can clean that but still yeah first ron has always got to be sketchy in any of these contests as he sets the bar or the 60 so nothing crazy to start what I think this out everybody else will field has a chance 98 drops a 60 on his first run now we go to spam and target currently sitting in 7th place we have eighty six point six seven in the jumps see the span can be here starting with the Stanley Rose so my call you know we're looking into this who do I think the best performance we're talking about Darcy sharp anyone of these events Darcy is the one to watch in the rounds his super technical he's got a lot of coming up to do in his scoring 450 outs so span torque and having a great run through the rails currently spends right now sitting in seven plays he needs to build off in 86 676 is harsh tough deal look at that pop over tail slide off you could definitely clean that up a little bit and get a little bit more squared up on it but that's just me splitting hairs but there's now is sick the transfer up and over not as much time spent on the rail as we saw from Asuka but definitely had the speed blasting because howdy off of there down towards the bottom my board loads into it pops out 450 he's definitely got more but that's a good one to put now first run start yeah it's just a rally except coming up next year he's no slouch in the rails either the Stanley Plexiglas feature on to the rail that's the first time I did the seen anyone do that break-in and the bring bags are crazy stop your momentum going the other way why put together right here switch back to 72 cents this will be interesting to see his score that'll give us a good idea checking a different line than everyone else that's what I like to see you you're gonna we're gonna build this thing might as well use it look at that full slide up just like pop over 270 off that's crazy right there backside 270 to bring it back switch challenging one I think Mike is one of the more underrated kids in the world yes so judges look at what rail that you picked it turns into this course they throw it's a great question I think they're definitely gonna judge you know the rainbow rail might be easier to get on so I think three three solid wires effort for out one of four comedians so sad to see he's okay TV that was I mean that was the the question was he gonna cry right there were some the jumpsuit here we go here's our pink right here for most technical all of these guys over 270 lay back here we go Darcy sharp looking for a come-up in the points out of that switch front board slide dresser sharp right now he's got an eighty six point three three you could put himself into the top five with that run top cap fifty-fifty slide up the Stanley triangle look at this transfer this was estimate of the strength of his snowboard right yeah that's that's probably the most technical usage of the features I've seen so far for sure back 270 270 off the dock little kick at the end just adds that element of sketchiness yeah yeah it'll serve you up it just protrudes it's a little protrusion protrusion on the end of that rail how's this right here switch 450 on it any new trends you guys are noticing no railroads exclusive to do 2 or 2018 I felt like I needed to make mine skinnier yeah you want to fit in young kids are teaching me about hip hop Tyler Nicholson said coming up next currently sitting in fifth place he's in contention somebody use the Wally thank you the wall I was getting it was shedding a tear over there just switch back lip Nicholson 450 out nice and clean isn't that wall rod kind of switching up the line from everybody else creativity so the judges want take a unique line through here I mean there's no Park tech didn't spend all that time and effort to put a wall right there for you guys just to go around it came off a little early this is this right here Oh blip 270 out it's also being one motion through that turn yeah but swooping motion look at that that's great yeah good little tail putter what's that let's just tear about your guy's inner judges what are you thinking there little early on the first rail he came off just a tad by a tease maybe yeah I think there's more he can do there too he could obviously clean some stuff up but I think he left a few I have to point on the table oh you guys future in judging is in question 68 Tyler there so like I said I think the judge is really looking closely at the subtleties of your ins and outs on these rails was a real kick in the pants wasn't it currently sitting in second place has a massive score coming in from the Jos at 93 he could potentially overtake Atsuko right now you he's one of those riders I feel like he benefits from the yeah anything that he can you know leaves on the table for rails damage right now 180 I like that that was sick right there 50/50 to backside 360 powered Yuki likes it Japanese riders Danny how long do do you think it was when all said the Japanese riders came to play and it was like okay yeah was it Rio is kind of the but he wasn't you know Rio was he was gnarly but he was more like wow factor gnarly he was just kind of like a madman out there which which you know the did you know Kazu you know we've got some really like yeah credibly talented Japanese riders not just the guy who's just gonna check up at Cobo when his HUBO came on in halfpipe riding I think it kind of changed the game and almost paved the way for a lot of these Japanese Japanese riders to say hey we can we could play on this global stage absolutely it has not stopped yeah I mean cause you've just got rider of the year yeah and thank years that is student erosive right two in a row I think for him so he's definitely a big inspiration to guys they beauty check it out a 7.3 3 for you he takes the top spot I think that's kind of a low score for the rails for that low score I could agree I think the last rail he got a little sketchy on but that's what I really found but he's now building confidence because getting hyped he's got two more opportunities and currently he is your leader miss dolly sound back he likes to rip into the musical accompaniment it was a huge part of your riding obviously is let's get music what do you think Stahl he's listening to Oh AHA yeah singing some Bieber track earlier so that's I don't know but you can't not ride with music at contest at least for me man that's shut you're going out yeah look at all this look at them look at t but t Rome's there with him maybe they saw with his they asked to come to strong squad a little hope is that the way Stolley arrives the best shot at this besides our few Japanese riders who there's that stay back 150 fifties for 22y Holly back 180 although that doesn't really count the loaf is 400 that was tight that was really yeah you kind of whispered female weren't real what's most watched it but they've made it smooth up top though chuckling yeah that was a good run I'm I'm I'm thinking that they're gonna I mean give him something similar to look at this right here I like this backside 180 lock in switch 50:50 switch back 180 out [Music] and look at this right here what's the hardest thing about that Danny I think it's just the blind you know pity pity I mean bored sliding he got a lot of you know it's a lot easier to catch the rail in a boardslide position but the back one on 55th minute I pick and go wrong they're coming from the layman a round rail is always scary no matter what yes yeah and that's you know to talk you know asking what which which rails are gonna score higher which ones you know the the flat white box might score a little bit lower than the round rail they got a little bit more real estate to balance on you want to see you ride in the razor's edge well the judges know how sketchy each gonna be rail is it setting this course since day one thrown out the score of 76 we're starting Steinbach Stolley moves up to third place so again forget don't forget what you saw in jumps but remember that's only 50% of the story it was your leaderboard what we have right here Darcis sharp making a massive leap up in the second place it is slow burn here definitely add more runs you know the three run format really works nice for the riders gives us breathing room we know how good sebastian Teuton is on the rails he's got to put it together here this is run number one for Sebastian to top 80 points six seven balus yeah that's good you know maybe that isn't hard dragging everybody everybody's doing it I guarantee you that trick is very these are 12 of the fast jump / jibbers - we'll go get that on a box can make it look good that primitive so you shoot it from the side it could be real you know Sebastian shoot a full pull from top to bottom I was smooth and I said I'd never used that here we go SEP 2 2013 2 anything but make the fans happy there's that 270 that super clean I didn't see any anything wrong here you know what I mean I think some people are doing the hard way to 70 onto that rail he did more of just a regular 270 so you know it might get a little you know a little different score than some other boys who are going hard way onto that and hard way being you have the most likely impact in the rail it's just a little scarier you're gonna go up and overcome exactly seventy three point three three okay not bad but you know you've got to keep the pace currently being set regice and back in Katonah here goes red Gerrard from right up the road Rico Gerardo I mean - there you go scooti gold medal go look at that over 270 like that come here rockslide 270 outs still rocking the side bib hello thank you pop 540 over the low fifty-fifty fact okay off he's like a ninja dude he has like that old kind of like when Terry I first came on the scene like that very upright very sprightly nimble when he comes in for his landings oh yeah striking minerals present yourself and he's got the he's got the rail water in the backyard and he was all like fairy I feel like this red right there red just did what he's doing in his backyard never been in his backyard what is his setup like compared he's got a tow rope and uh he's got like a bunch of different rails I mean I think is you know that's just part of growing up in Colorado and he can live in the mountains make yourself a little rail park yeah but this was just looked so routine for red I mean like fitty fitty back three off I feel like this was just him putting one down yeah rich rod he's one of those riders it has kind of a more narrow he's got our stamps he's almost as skinny as you can get on that custom X I was checking it out yesterday I was like holy crap his dance we go score comes through that's crazy we missed that B final Richard oh that's why I'm judge cuz I'd be giving it one case they don't even hear scores with red red walks by they just get hiked unfortunately he hears them maybe he'll use that he is gonna use that energy into the next one yeah the judge is just kind of saying tricks too easy there we know how good red Girardi's got step it up you guys monster eyes oh whoa Steve stylist for commits T's on that when sliding it all the way back to 72 75 will up and over the hard way on that one with the quickness that was sick is that hard way coming going up it over are those legal is this red tricks might've been just a little too easy for the judges I think it throws down better trick of the event so far how does that pop up on that first feature then this puppet over 270 on over the spike back to regular this I'm just biding my time here because look at this get your phone out get ready to film the screen and all you just did or if you flip off your bedroom with minimal air time look at this front tail slide who's your grandfather flying off of that thing he's flying to the DCT where the judges go I think I think it's gonna yeah flow to the bag pretty decent solid high eighties well let's look for the jump all right he's currently sitting in 11th place where will this score put mom's Roseland gosh these rails are so crucial it really is and it's like wow 80 BAM Big John Vermont's Roseland you wait for the score to drop it's an 80 he jumps from 11 to 4 wow that's one super put in position but he's got more to go there two more two more tries here in the jib section I know maybe double cork out of the rail next time you're Annie here your current leaders you don't know in that top spot the 171 Darcy sharpens second saw a son back in third there's monster Iceland coming through in fourth place looking for our top three our podium first second and third place finishers are the only people currently riding who will get that trophy Kris Corning and here we go Kris Corning absolutely blew through the jumps collar scared us on every jump he did flying the furthest out of anyone in the field you know he's got on me you have to make note right now it's a Carew Otsuka is now in seventh place even though he smashed it on the jump section now just by the way of this whole equalizer is the rail oh the hard way [Music] between the bindings [Applause] it'd be two and a half hours that was pretty tech slide fitty he had multiple ingredients in most of his rails it goes back three back the other way 180 off Wow a lot of tricks in one I like it so interested to see this score because he had tech top and I think we're gonna be maybe maybe high look back throw do full clutch out into the flats Corning style that's definitely what's trending in slope style right now it's flips off of rails you know you got Marcus Cleveland who kind of kind of started some of that knuckle stuff flipping off the rails then Mark McMorris does the front board back 10 double out of it or whatever that's just silly huh well this is escalating quickly as scores come through for Chris Corning his jump score was an 89 as we wait for his score to drop now moved into the lead you seemed a little disappointed after the jump portion of this how did you get back into that competitive mindset I don't know I'm so happy though I came off frustrated for sure but I'm super happy on how that rug came out that run I haven't done like at all so I'm super happy put it together are you just kind of playing as it goes up there no I've been trying to get that run done for a week and a half well you got it done at the right time Chris is in the lead guys Thank You Tina Chris Corning comes through with a 91 score so far here in the jib section that helps him make the jump all the way up to the top spot he knocks Kodomo into second and Darcy sharp into third well so far so good here with one run down in the rail section it looked right there like escalation needed to happen in happen right the right at the proper time for Chris Corning yeah a little walk in the scores there but I think things are shaking out right now Corning on top and it just shows you how volatile this new slope style format is I mean you can go from last to first pretty darn quicker if you come up in the scores well guys this thing for real you have been inside for too long here but I'm gonna go go see this thing for real thanks to the rest of this rail contest and things are heating up quickly right there Chris Corning showed us that again don't don't rest on your laurels when it comes to jumps you got to go through jumps and then you got to bring it to the rails he's doing just that currently in the top spot doing everything right for now yeah it was insane to watch that go down so now we're erat back up to the top this is the star of the jump competition well he's got some work to do here he started off the day here with a couple of major scores dropped the high the biggest score of the day so far than 98 we'll see what he can do here in the rails big to 70 up to 75 right there now asuka needs to really bring some technical combos we saw what Chris Carney delivered the flip on the backside rodeo and it netted him that biggest score so here's nice transfer in fact whoa look at that shuffle it looks like he was gonna go back side 180 kind of jammed his tail and just shuffled it 270 off of that transfer right there so I'm not sure if that was on purpose I think that he was looking to do that transfer over to no slide to pop back 180 but I think he shuffled it that was that was on purpose but I don't think it was so look at this right here pop up and over 270 full lock pops 270 off nicely done and then kind of guides himself over here super casual on the flats backside 180s lock up switch 5050 to switch backside 180 off here we have this transfer over no slot I think you wanted to get backside 180 up but I do like the shuffle the fake-out right there purposeful shifty maybe maybe not though but there's that transfer over the tailslide 270 out super cache style just I think he's gonna be a better score than his first run but he has the luxury of coming into the JYP's section with a 98 so already well ahead of the game you know full ten points above Corning so we wait for the score to drop for a Sukkah you see right there 180 points I mean the grand total for Chris Corning but he's gotta watch out cuz just like that Sukarno jumps in the second place well within the range of Chris Corning so for his second ride improving on his first score there with a vast improvement comes through the 77 for a 175 point total now we got a spin tour get currently ranked eighth place so spent or grand coming out here riders are starting to loosen up a little bit off the rails a little combo right there and pops up and over to boardslide there's that trigger right there but like 180 switch 50/50 switch back so I would any obviously front flip on the low here's is 270 on maybe a little messy but still impressive thunbeast and then lesson and kind of a sloppy back 270 off of that bottom rail so not the cleanest there's room for improvement right there I think obviously it's about trick selection it's about you know how hard the tricks you do but it's also about cleanliness keeping things tight keeping things smooth the judges are really gonna be sticklers on your landings and just how clean you right out of your tricks here we go coming into this down here towards the bottom there's that board slide kind of some little bit sloppy in the air I mean he made it but still he was rolling the windows down came through at 66 so it's not gonna help his effort we go second Road here for Mikey Ciccarelli representing Canada this is really sliding the triangle like that then over into bluntslide to 270 out back to 70 back to swish oh that was nice and clean 270 up and over brought back regular to 70 to 75 Ciccarelli super tech another thing element that judges are gonna be looking for is how much you're locked onto the red that's exactly what it is I mean you have to have full commitment on these rails you see right here hopping up sliding his board on that Stanley triangle then over into that blunt slide and then popping off 270 I like to see that there's the backside 270 landing details life coming off switch that's hard to bring tricks like that back up and over the hard way 270 locking on and coming out regular right there another look at it from the backside up and over the rail you could have locked into that just a little bit more solidly and then you back to 70 on to the down bar and then kind of pivots out to 70 as well more like a nose drive kind of drove it off of his nose Ciccarelli was sitting in 11th place both in 88 he's going to jump up all the way to seventh place so creeping closer into that towards that top three here we go Darcy's sharp right now he's sitting in fourth place his first run was 81 six seven oh yeah Darcy sharp check no wizard obvious where else Darcy also using the triangle feature on top kind of maybe two guys that have been doing that 270 that was awesome never like a little lay back Larry 270 move stall pop to 70 hours switch for 50/50 off of there that was great I really liked he stalled out pop out he did on that 270 that shows super control that one think you're cheating from that Malia yeah the other half of this surf / no super couple Darcy sharp Leah Manuel a World Championship Tour competitor at a great finish the women's wsl - Darcy sharp I really like this reward you see that file ugly scary lip down but held on to it made it perfectly executed back to 70 the stall 270 off and then switch backside 270 out of a switch frontside boardslide you can almost see things just get easier firm as you dodged that bullet near slam finish strong comes through a 79 so the judges need to take a little bit of away from Singh they did survive the run thankfully he'll have one more go so Darcy sharp will stay in fourth place before now so from Darcy we go to Tyler Nicholson representing Whistler Canada Tyler had a unique line opting to use the wall ride future the only rider that's using the wall ride simple question here are they right in the same boards as they would rather the jumps yes is there just just ask let's give that you asked them yeah I think it's worthy of comment my details like you said yeah kind of like washing around back to switch you know this this run is gonna be a throwaway for Tyler Dickinson why he knows it right there you know she the body language he cruises down at the bottom he's sitting right now in a 68 yes work to do came through the jobs within eighty seven point six seven so right now he's got to go back to the drawing board clean things up stuff from Tyler they said we go to you donum who was sitting pretty in first place for a while itself Courtney and Asuka came through throwing hammers now who don't know is sitting in third place just write a better 78332 do is bump off into the 80s just like that just like that I mean you've got to be so perfect you get to be every point in this course can give you every obstacle has a certain value and you can max out your special meter on every single one of them so the local thread Chris Corning hangs on with Yuka Kido staying in a third place with one hundred and seventy one point three three to Carol Otsuka in 175 for his grand total for now the donor would need an 87 for the way which is not out of the realm of really not what he can do good they're gonna have to meet for an 87 you're gonna have to bring some of those like crazy check flip outs on some of these rails I guess that's where it's at I think the judges have seen a lot of rail riding already without you know everybody on their second run now they're really gonna have to get the judges attention back as they're you know what they're thinking they're remembering what we saw Chris Corning doing what we saw earlier from Stelling sandbag who right now is in fifth place he's got a 76 for his first run this his second go here in the jib Section G pro up there supporting him Stanley triangle that's you know a unique line actually switch 52 to block in and switchback 180 out nollie back 180 boom really be to 72 backlit wow it was going so that was such a good run what a bummer their style I saw back but he gets one more run one more shot at this it was going so well we can make that the perfect groom in the editing Bay yes we can fix that right there yeah almost looped out down there below but look at the bat trick was this pop or 272 backside lip catches it straight between the bindings lots of composure and watch this right here all these over to no slide and almost Zing's out when you mix a lofty air with a rail hit it always looks cool you're launching up onto your rail which dolly did was awesome but that finish that's really gonna come back to bite him in the judges you tell he was trying to transfer over to no slide and pop out backside when he was just gonna kind of spit by the rail into the back seat and if we're playing charades right there I'm guessing sketchy sketchy sketchy he's got one more go to clean things up Sebastian to top now he's in 10th place sitting on a 70 3.33 for his first run sub 2 it's coming out of Eastern Canada backside 270 on 270 off except to do so him in the jump portion have a little bit of a problem with some of his tricks over there but still managed to come what a respectable finish to actually put them to bed striking distance because these are those Oh tries to use that key commit rail to pop up up to 70 not that a matter if I could you get the coolest not the trick of the day so far yeah so again the bottom portion of this course having its way with our riders fatigue could be playing and now as we said you know Dani Davis and we heard from Jules Marino it's it's much like two contests two separate competitions sandwich into one so Sebastian to taunt still sitting in 10th place and this is weird red Gerard is in 11th place well used to that all it takes is one though all you got to do is put up one decent score here goes read the local in action 270 up and over the judges on his first run said it was just to stock you need to really up the ante there's the backside 270 I back to 360 into like smashed on 5050 backside 360 off of that rail and looking to frontside 360 off of the bottom now let's see where this one comes in with the judges he did have you know the I think the biggest trick that he did there was that fully committed backside 360 to 50/50 on that rail up top like pH start there we go to 70 over on to the Stanley feature right there comes around this corner whipped himself around then pull backside 360 stomping into 5050 question here is this in eighty eight point three three or better that would get him on the podium know if it's an eighty eight point three three just by virtue of what they give for his first run here we go Polly's on to its Braille here backside 360 off the donkey on the end of that and then kind of really lays it on there and that blunt slide to 270 off almost look they get a different trick in mind on that final sixty one point six seven again this this this could be you know red who's obviously he's an Olympic champion in slopes though he's having to adapt to you yeah of course being split in that's what I'm talking about you know earlier on I said that some of these riders don't like this format because they like to be able to flow through a whole course and leave more of an overall impression than trying to hit a max point value for each rail feature I like that right there little little tap on to 270 but just get back to what I was saying about red is that you know some of the riders really favored being able to make up for some of their inconsistencies on the rails or they're not being as technical with crazy technical jump tricks the judges seem to be liking these crazy moves on that's crowd likes it was it an 8 4 3 3 4 3 3 or better we could see it new names up on the podium I think so I think that is either right there just a little bit bolt up look at this little tap on taps it tailslide 270 that's a combo cut five tricks in one has a three in one right there we like that and then pops over backside 270 270 off very clean look at the body English styling up Barry style yup then up and over backside 270 backside lipslide but it was all about this right here coming in hot always on frontside tailslide and then just snaps into the rippy flip it really does defy physics as to what should be possible on a snowboard named after the legendary snowboarder Jim rippy which basically he took a back flip and turn it into a 720 off of jump and it looks like that 270 was initiating 92.3 3 for moms who is lee juck's all the way in the second place both Japanese riders see now it gets exciting in this format I kind of you know it's hard to wrap your brain around it but it's anything can happen this is the great equalizer the rails are where it's going down so it's a Carol let's suka goes down to third Yukiko dono goes down to fourth Darcy sharp to fifth Chris Courtney still hanging on to the lead so Chris Corning right now who's sitting on a 91 is your current leader so he added an 89 from the jumps to a 91 here jibs we'll see if he can do anything to improve here is this where he just goes back right here cuz I think it's just gonna be interesting to see what he does and he does get no it's gonna have to see he's got some crazy tricks that backside rodeo was huge Corning here back 270 back the opposite way a little bit rough on the landing a little bit of a glitch glitchy let's see what he's got though there's the 270 on over that rail could've been a little cleaner radio even bigger than the last one way out into the flats it wasn't as clean as his first one yeah a perfect finish but some technical difficulties through the mid portion of that run for Chris Corning yeah he's going for more than one and he does have one more opportunity one more run after this one that wasn't the cleanest for Chris Corning so now he has to just sit back and watch as everyone start from the top of the lineup remember we did lose power back unfortunately in the jump section [Music] it's well soon I'm tripping on how the you know the scores are bouncing around right here from what I thought it was gonna be it's completely different but I guess that's what they really want it to happen here is to have an opportunity for bouncing around up scores well if you think back to team competition we saw takeru otsuka drop a ninety three point three three and has change in terms of thing the set up the judges everything's the same so he just needs to think back to what he did a team competition he can give himself at ninety three point three three will hit overtake top spot high score so far 92 three three from Roy's look here in the rail section this is on suka it's a building off about ninety eight the jump section where he did two double cork 1440s through a sixteen twenty in the middle but he's bringing in this rail section if he wants to find himself walking away with the overall from the new slope style format coming off a little bit early so this is his third and final attempt at it nice and clean pick that Ollie over to no slide to pop off backside 180 he didn't lock into that rail perfectly and that's the judges are being so anal about how perfectly centered you are on the rails how far you slide it they don't want to see you just brush the rail no wants to you lock into it but the good news is for asuka he doesn't need a huge score eighty two point zero one did he do enough your face tells me now I don't know I don't know I think the judge is gonna be so harsh on in particular you know this was good right here back 180 switch 50-50 switch backside 180 off but let's watch right here where he does this transfer comes off of this angled rail always over doesn't quite get the perfect block in or slide around on the backside 180 revert and then switch 180 up then transfer that was perfect don't finish that was a strong finish so maybe he can camouflage that little inconsistency was such a strong finish as we wait for scores judges have spoken in 80 okay so just under the requirement you would need to climb into the top spot he's even an eighty two point zero one right now asuka has enough to stay in third place but of course we've got the entire field you have to go this was from the team challenge yesterday or two days ago where a touka just basically stepped up for his team cuts up a ninety three point three three I want to compare and contrast through to what we just saw basically similar up top see that was much better than he did on his first and second attempts here basically the same run I don't you know there was a little bit he left a couple points on the table I think with the commitment to that no slide back 180 out but yesterday or the other day that was a 95 today it's only kind of popping in in an 80 but it's not really that different but you know the judges said a different scale every single day and I'm gonna atribute it to that yeah and they're going against a different field right because now you're seeing guys like moms Rosalind Chris Corning especially with their finishing tricks really kind of raising the level than we saw during team competition here your current standings Chris Corning in the lead mons Rosalyn in second to Kara Otsuka in third but watch out for you go Yukiko Tony and right now Sven torgan he's currently in 8th place he dropped a 75 for his high rail sports final opportunity here we go over to boardslide catches the end of that rail Oh big boost II switch back so I went any off there's the nollie front over that hard way 270 up and over and that big 450 off so lots of authority for spent orbits on that last run lots of power lots of pop the judges love ya power pop of poise that's what you've got here in the rail he doing piece need to be poised on the rails you need to power through your slides and that pop needs to be big don't you fly off of you see that let's say that the hands look next to your Chris but look at this right here 270 on pops up and over catches the rest of it tail slider like shadows look heavy up on that Stanley extension yeah you expense carry you come into the Sun down here Matt switch backside 180 off and then pump it over there's the pop the plaques on side 270 and then here do that one slide to 270 our 450 excuse me out Ali bluntslide 450 out better than already move wherever he winds up here on the standings best organ rips 77 he'll jump out to a place where his little bit of a bump final finish jib so that's where he's going to wind up for now in eighth place spent target now we go to Becky Cirelli well we had only six riders in the team challenge and today we have 12 so that's another difference recalibrate this judging scale here we go rally that was then this is now it's all jig dang that's all you got to say about it doesn't you know you're not gonna get into semantics who the judges found over the years I spent my calculator way it's a possible target judges sister Ella curtain eight seven place is really 50/50 backside 180 out there that you know that little body language right there just that little kind of like hand up my pants yeah weekends over weekend for a lot of these guys I'm like what sister really has done all weekend long yeah I mean he's definitely put it down look at that right there that got to 70 so pressed out here we go 50/50 pop off 180 at the end so a strong finished at the end of his rails if he does finish in the south place that's huge these are 12 the best jumper / jibbers on the planet so that would be a big result here we go Darcy sharp all eyes on the Canadian currently in fifth place he's got an 81 point six seven as his high mark here in the JYP's an 86 33 for his jump score he's a ninety three point six eight to bump him up so a 93 for Darcy and just by virtue of how crazy technical this kid is on rails it's well whippin his striking distance now the highest score that we've seen here so far in the rails is 892 so he's just gonna do that in the name he's gonna say he's gonna win this let's get a win this section I don't doubt Darcy charlie nice transfer up and over just happened there he was locked into position disappeared from camera view and that's it for Darcy sharps run for the podium currently in fourth place that's a bummer it is a bummer I mean fourth place is not a bummer scheme thing but I wanted to see the best of Agartha sharp hopper and unfortunately on the second rail of the course that'll do it for today the Darcy Sharpe show but he will be back look at this right here tries to slide it around the see right there you see how that rail is angled he tried to lean into it and stay locked in that realm it's not easy because you got a redirect floor on that corner and he just gets popped out but here's the good news he didn't hit the rail on the way down true so he dodged a bullet there that was it that was a sketchy looking a slam but kind of escaped the worst of it as we roll through final opportunities for all of our riders see your current standings Kris Corning still in the lead Tyler Nicholson will be up next representing Whistler BC Canada maybe would need a pretty hefty score here in 92 3 3 much better lock on that 270 on that top feature who comes on the wall ride I love that everybody yet to go is still in this condo finally Nicolson looking much stronger in the upper half switch backside lipslide super-clean tyler technical here that was awesome that was great that is the run that he has been looking for all day he's definitely happy with that one so much style from Tyler up and down that course you can always read the faces of the riders too you see right there he is feeling good about that run so stoked and I'm stoked too because as soon as I saw him walk down to that first rail he's got a tendency during this contest to come off a little early and then gets up there into this frontside tailslide pop off 270 on the wall ride feature he likes that I like it too it shows a little bit of diversity maybe not the hardest of tricks compared to what some of the other people are doing but that switch backside lipslide that was difficult now look at this pop-up 272 drops that shoulder and kind of corks out the 450 off no hands down he's gonna do a big jump right now in the board here yeah it comes through a 71 so he moves up to 9th place so now we go back to you key code oh no he was just edged off the podium by it mom's Roseland currently sitting in fourth place in 87 if you wants to recapture the lead and again sitting in fourth place I don't doubt what you dono can do but now it's gonna take a plot like clutch performance needing a levy fight together plenty of an 87 to take the lead Yuki back to 79 to 70 off super clean 11 the first Braille switch back to 70 comes off early so that's it for you can keep doing us run to make it up into the top three who's not gonna do it not gonna happen score here you just tell off that one slip-up that's all it takes if you got him if you make one mistake the judges are so high for critical although right there that 270 transfer had he made that second rail that would have been such a big score just by virtue of technicality alone unfortunately for him that one bottle is gonna take reform so Kudo no need it at big scoring Louisville 87 if you wanted to get into the lead he needed an 85 if he wanted to get into that top three couple of mistakes here up top looking nice and clean but the switch backside 270 robbed him of his chance of making it onto the podium he was gonna go switch backside 270 on 270 off just robbed of his chance of making it into the top three I like that he figures here so this show finished super strong to watch this finish always on hardway frontside 270 off of that rail that was super tech all right you see Breckenridge is poppin Sunday here final day of the 2018 du Tour 2:45 p.m. what do you think it was about 40 degrees up here it's really warm it's very warm up certain to dip a little bit as the Sun Goes Down but that is not affecting our riders as they're absolutely destroying this course stylish Sun back right now in sixth place he was up in that top three for a minute right now he needs an eighty eight point six 70 P once you get into the top spot eighty six point six seven or better we'd get him into the top three from squad full of fact here you go Stella sighs back using the Stanley triangle Plexiglas feature oh good seat underneath the Plexiglas that's broken up backside 180 swish daddy daddy switch backside 180 off that is a powerful like the knuckle trick here we go 270 up and over to backside looks like the hard way there we go your stylus on back stylee sorry this guy coming through what a great performance the DI today over on the jumps his final run over here in the rails nice and clean top to bottom thorn line is already down there I don't have to get down there so fast he ran but he was just up from the zero is excited check out the triangle right here nice combo move off the top snowpark technology's doing a great job just in they you know kind of bringing the idea together of like wheat Stanley - lil sponsor this let's turn a standing Stanley tool chest into a feature where they are the best tools yes they do have the best tools look at this technical combo up and over look at this the locked out in the dab yeah you're bang you know what in watching that live I thought I was a mini dad but that was a full day a full commitment to the DAP where's he thinks he could be in the top three there I don't know it needs to be a pretty beefy score is it an eighty six point six seven or better let's check it out again there is that 270 up and over to back lip the hard way and then let's check this right here once again hard way backside 270 lock-in lands clean the judges are fully focused on this last trick 50/50 jumps over no slide back 180 off and after banged up an APD yeah here we go the score comes through there your current standings waiting for the judges to drop it Kris Corning in the lead come on Stolley wants a beefy score usually it's a good thing when the judges take the time rule takes a sledgehammer into surgery the dismantling of this jib course what style what control the pressures on you know we still have some heavy heavy hitters Sebastian - Tom red Gerard Roseland and Chris Corning you will be the last answer it's the stylist on that fake score wow so Saleh sound back right there just throws it down let's go to Tina Dixon who's with Sam back yeah and I'll tell you what it was some nail-biting moments down here us Tolly we were all glued to the screen waiting for the judges score when it came up what were your thoughts I don't explosion in my brain just I don't know I think he still can't believe it what's your take on this format though we had the big airs now you move over to the rels it's been fun it's been a really good day and after everybody got used to these massive rails we've been having fun like it's the best day I've ever had in Breckenridge no-win Bluebird amazing crowd I'm happy happy guy right now yeah all right guys I'm gonna let him just sit here you can also have though some big heavy hitters coming up red Gerard Chris Corning bonds royland what's what are your thoughts on that it's not done yet I've been in this position before I catch your breath Solly oh he was so happy and then he realized that the last remaining riders were really good so now he sits back and waits he's got to go through Sebastian - Conrad Drive monks Roseland and Chris Corning those are four names names alright so as we gather ourselves after an incredible showing from saw a sound back we go - Sebastian - Tom representing Canada here we go last chance for Sebastian to tonsure prostitute on frontside 270 up and over off of the first hit there's his version of the back switch switch backside 180 out boom tail skitter up and over the loaf crazy-talented this guy's about to time Oh unfortunately for him one little mess-up is all it takes to derail your quest did you know that I just heard a big sigh of relief superstar samba yeah that was a huge exhale there he is he's just waiting been here before saw a sign back in the lead with one eighty one point three three Chris pointing in second ponch whistlin in third so pretty cool you're second third place riders yet to go for their third and final runs but do not discount this guy right here okay maybe gold medalist read your I've read your art you know we kind of hurt the judges you know he's had clean runs all the way through but the judges want to see you not just play it stock and unfortunately I think they're judging red against himself instead of against the rest of the competition because you know they're saying that his runs are just a little too stock it's gonna complement back in it isn't a compliment but it sucks though and you're not getting the points backside 360 off the little donkey there frontside 270 out trying to get that seat belt lab go plow ground way up there any nervous it was cool but it's almost like you know when you see a run like stallion each go I'm gonna get blown away I think dahlias run - it's not that stylee's run was hyper-technical you know it's not like it was beginning to have crazy crazy combos but everything was just done with power and authority lots of pop lots of finesse lots of poise on the right on the rails it was just done look with the ulti bang pop power of precision right that equals points yeah pop power position point before positioning read Gerard coming in here backside 360 to 50/50 on that down rail right here the backside 360 off that little kink ER at the end of that rail and then lock me in here into the 270 off tries to get both hands on deck well this is cut this is wild because we pretty much figured a Sukkah was gonna come yeah I totally pretty top three I've gotta win this whole thing I totally figured this an unpredictable finish with more to come as we have two's definite threats to take out sorry with moms Rosalind and Chris Hornet coming up installing an Mons both from Norway but right now thank you we got a feeling like rivals is momsRising currently sitting in third place he needs an 89 if he wants to jump into the top spot he's only the top three so he's done his job there it's doable it's within his grasp right here we've seen what he's done so far a lot of power pop it off of that rail Norway and full effect right here super clean okay so remember his big move is down here at the bottom big 270 full lock slid a good portion of that rail right now because that's his friend riding well but at the same time you're good just just give them an 88 I'll tell you what just the little things and if I am right there Monza's hand touching the end probably drop it couple points on the ground this awesome huge back 270 nice lock into that backside lipslide okay up to 72 backside lipslide and then here we go boardslide snaps into it I'll watch the hand go down ah that was a pretty double hand drag trying to save himself and getting piledrive into the snow that wasn't just incidental contact that was patent the dog still a really cool run and the score comes through top of the podium now you can do the no better than third place right down in the fourth and fit all right look at this right here we got a piece of American meat and a Norwegian sandwich we're gonna have to see if Kris Corning can pull it out in this last run Stolley son back on top Kris Corning has had the biggest scoring well he did up until stalling but he's got a he has a lot of potential here a lot of potential we're expecting big things from Kris Corning he showed us what he's capable of in the jumps he's done well so far here in the jibs he's gotta hope for his best run of the day right here this is Chris Corning big being the operative word Kris Corning take huge always to slopestyle ooh nice to come combo off top rail there I'm just a little bit early I'm splitting hairs oh did you see that trying it not 270 off the opposite way that a super tech 270 up and over now you just see so hold on will this be another big backside rodeo jumps it up and over nose grab adds a little bit different flavor into it wow this is gonna be a real tough one for the judges being stuck feeling the heat where did the judges go with that rugs well there was a couple really technical tricks up there that I need to see some replays up leading a ninety two to bump up up in front of stall a side buck right now this contest full male fighter right now high school there's your podium yeah figure out who this shuffle will be let's check this out I want to see the replays because there was a couple tricks up there that were psychotically technical alright we're looking for for a 92 from Kris Corning if he wants to take over the top spot everybody's hype down right now got your top three we go but now it's about where do these fit switch 5050 270 off or 360 off the hard way this one's the crazy one backside 270 lakh front side 270 out that was bonkers no hands down that is gonna be a huge point giver super ticket this back oh man this how do you get your body to rewind the other way again it defies physics it shouldn't happen look at that it does look at Chris morning and then here full lock-in nice press lands up on top no hands down and then into this the backside rodeo nose grab nose his biggest one yet that was a huge one this is gonna be a huge score huge huge score one more look Chris corny that was just the icing on the cake that was some frosting it's a wonderfully made cake up until that point now we just have we have pink frosting and sprinkles sparklers and it's up to the judges boy and they are taking their sweet time with this decision style a song that Emily Chris cording in second mom's Roseland in third for now here's the score with science getting the win here Purdue toward slopestyle chris cording comes through in second place bombs rustling in third just when we thought it was going to be team japan dominating all right stall a it is official you said you'd been in that moment before where you just sit and wait some of the most nail-biting moments it's official Eva finally won congratulations what does this mean this is unbelievable this is crazy poor thing over there really nice unbelievable well yeah I've been in this position before waiting and like it's a typical move that I get bumped down to the second or third last guys in it wow this is uh yeah unbelievable you have been part of the team event earlier this week I've been watching you you know riding with moms and just your team manager Bjorn Linus has been here you know every step of the way what is this week meant to you this week has just been really fun like honestly all that all the guys gathered back after summer and it's just been like good vibes it hasn't been too serious it's been like I mean a little bit serious but also super just good times I can't even speak enough all right well just one more quick question then a strategy and jumps you had to put up a high score and then you had to also put up a high score here because it was 50/50 each so what was the strategy going into both I don't know land on my feet I was pretty surprised I landed my first jump run and then I just had to take something take something up from the back pocket I I didn't plan on doing those tricks the second two runs and the rails kind of just came together today it all worked here we are it all worked congratulations thank you so much thank you alright thanks Tina congratulations to Stahl a sandbag he's been doing it for Norway for a long time great Steve Stahl a the wind he's one of the best riders on the face of the planet she can't discount how good the Norwegians are in slopes all barking riding snowboards in general big congratulations to stylist on back here today absolutely crushing it you know and honorable mentions go out to the Japanese riders we're absolutely handing it to the rest of the field over there on the jumps yeah and you wonder uh you know would it have been different if this was a combined slopeside that well you'll never know because for the first time ever separated jumps from rails that worked in the favor of Stalin Beck bonds Roseland and of course Chris corn and Chris corny no I mean he came from I would say at the gaps of the jumps and came into the rails came out swingin with a hundred eighty-four second-place monster Iceland in third so look at that you said it best Tod Chris Corning the meet in the Norse sandwich it really is you know you just you can't you can't discount bets I mean according because this post cinderella story today just came back you know but it just what it really does is shows me how different this format is how exciting it can be that the rails become the real you know it's it's the game leveler here well it was cool because you saw the relief when these guys were done with jumps they had to reload everything and hit the rail so take a look one more time and our finishers here and a rail section stylist on back starting off with the jumps Salah getting things cooking over there on the jumps earlier today it was such a long day for all these riders they had to go out put three runs down the jumps which takes a lot out of here there's tons of impact there then they had to go and wait around and then go and practice rails completely separate practice usually in the slopestyle event you're top to bottom with your rails of your jumps but now you have to go and do two separate practice sessions two separate competition sessions with a little bit of a break in between it is so taxing both physically and mentally to be able to come out and grow down the waist all I did in both sections and it was onto the rails for him and it wasn't until his last run that he truly put the rubber to the road and slammed out a perfect run well you talk about a focus you know the headspace that these riders have to put themselves in of course when you're attacking jumps of that size you know the ramifications that could potentially happen and then you got to refocus on a completely different type of riding when you're just focused on rails yeah you have to do you kind of need to dial it down a little bit you can't be blasting at these things you have to perfect amount of speed and that's all it touched all this time back with his winning the rail section today if I burped you of such a strong performance over in the jumps as well crushed it this weekend here and wins the Dew Tour slopestyle in this new and modified format all right there you see it when we come back we're gonna give away some hardware we're gonna recap what we've just seen here in men's slope style gear for 2018 dude totally reimagined and it's been incredible so uh some of the best riders on the planet throwing down in both jumps and on Rails lot more action to come we're live from Breckenridge all day today a big final day here at Dew Tour we'll be right back with more action stay tuned [Music] welcome back to Breckenridge this is the 2018 do tour and that was amazing Chris Cote here with Todd Richards and we just witnessed slopestyle go down and to Norway came through in first and third I mean it was a it was a crazy day today Chris I mean just watching the new format for the superpipe watching the new format for slopestyle it's it's a different do tours the year after in Olympics it's a lot less pressure you know you talk to any of the riders and the vibes are really good here it was beautiful outside this is like a perfect snowboard contest right now yeah I'm gonna give my my my letter grade to do tour 2018 a plus and a plus for do tour 2018 Socko yeah it was amazing but let's talk about the writing that we just saw what a clutch performance from the writers that basically left it all on the jumps and then they had to bring it back up and hit the rails and the rails like he said Todd the great equalizer it really was and it was just really cool to be able to see the you know the crazy performances put down in a clutch Monroy Islan coming in in third place these riders did the team challenges you know so they wrote a lot this weekend my most impressive rider today is definitely this guy Chris Corning coming out of Silverthorne Colorado unreal the way that he huge jump up in the standings after his insane performance on the rails Chris corny then wailed on its they haven't set this once throughout the whole weekend but Chris Corning really sick did send it I mean safe to say he said he was with Supercenter Chris corny from just down the road so with our product that's why you hear the loudest cheers yeah that's how it goes wanna you want to win in your hometown this guy Norwegian a powerhouse doll ace on back coming out he's been on the podium before he's never stood on top of it he's been on the besides the fringes boys a bridesmaid never a bride Stolley son back goes home with the incredible win here today and I would say this has been his weekend great showing in the team challenge and here take the top honors for Dew Tour slopestyle and definitely I would say this year harder than last year just of course the field but then breaking up with jumps and rails of the entire a huge accomplishment for this 25 wheeler and as you said also competing in the team competition wow what a weekend he earned it riding hard you know and this is not backing down to what took it came through with the 98 stoppable wasn't over till it was over and that's that's what I do like I was a little questioning this new format until we brought the drama of the way this thing played out well snow fans we know you were entertained with what you saw all weekend long Breckenridge as usual comes through [Music] [Music]
Channel: Dew Tour
Views: 309,850
Rating: 4.762208 out of 5
Keywords: 2018 Winter Dew Tour, Action Sports, Breckenridge, Chris Corning, Colorado, Darcy Sharpe, Dew Tour, Extreme Sports, Kyle Mack, Mikey Ciccarelli, Mons Roisland, Red Gerard, Seb Toots, Sebastien Toutant, Slopestyle, Snowboard, Snowboarding, Sports, Stale Sandbech, Sven Thorgren, Takeru Otsuka, Tyler Nicholson, Yuki Kadono
Id: nuNTRuOw4kE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 154min 29sec (9269 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 18 2018
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