FWT21 Stop #2 Ordino Arcalìs Andorra | Competition Replay

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this one [Music] oh foreign [Music] um [Applause] welcome welcome welcome friends family free ride fans 2021 is off on fire yeah what a journey it is great to be here [Music] teeing off with a huge backflip [Music] in the middle of this crazy double section yeah you can make look terrain that is so difficult and he's going big yeah victor it is free ride wednesday and the vibe is high here in ordinal arcades and dora my name is derek foose i'm here with neil williams and we are ready to go neil what's going on well it is sunny there's fresh snow we've got writers hiking up the face already super excited to see this go down again here today and ordina aqualis the second stop of the free hard world tour to replace unfortunately canceled haku bus stop yeah andorra absolutely glorious we've been here for a week it has treated us so well the riders love it we love it when i was on my way here a lot of people are like andorra where is it what what are you even talking about the purity mountains are up in between france and spain ordino arcelis is the zone that's where the ski resort is the country principality of andorra providing us the goods the riders have been basically filling their down days with action non-stop skiing they get up every morning it's kind of a groundhog day get up have breakfast go shred all day sleep well you know the elevation not super high so nobody's dealing with elevation issues but the snow is gorgeous the views are unbelievable and we are so psyched to be here in andorra that's right derek and we are back on puertarat the venue that we had the first competition on though it is a bit different today we'll go into that a bit more soon but first the competition order we're gonna run the snowboard men first snowboard women right after that and then we're gonna get on with the two ski categories men then women so you can see the times obviously you can do the math to translate those into your own time zones but super exciting to get the snowboarders on course first we've got fresh snow and they're pretty amped to get after it out there that's right freshen on the venue today and a little little bit of a crust unfortunately but we think that's going to break down pretty soon probably a little bit better be on a snowboard than skis at the moment and as you can see the sun is already hitting the venue so we think that'll be pretty nice on skis not too far away as well just to get you a bit more information about the venue although it is in principle the same venue as the one that we had for the previous competition stop number one at the fried world tour here in ordinary police there is fresh snow and we have another start gate as well so features have changed there's no tracks on the takeoffs of the landings there's no traverse track but accessing it a different way only hiking up the look is right side of the venue you can see the athletes doing it now yeah so let's dig into it this is the same venue the elevations all that neil kind of run us through what we're dealing with today well you can see these amazing drone shots of the venue so this is starting from start one start two quite close to it a little bit further down to access and look is right side of the venue these are shots of course before the snowfall so that you can see now start three the new start for today from a completely different zone a different cool while we're going to see a few riders coming down there today to show the new options i've been presented with and uh part of a different venue so i think it'd be a lot of variety in comparison to the first competition 310 meters in total 45 degrees steepness up to the maximum of that and the finish down at 20 uh 20 i believe 20 and 60 meters so we've got heli's buzzing around riders in the start gate gonna have a forerunner to assess the snow for you and show you how it's all looking yeah so it's pretty cool the rider's definitely generally excited about running this venue again there's some different strategies in place some of them are looking to go back to the well the ones especially that did it right that skied to their plan or road to their plan some of them looking to change things completely others looking to fix the mistakes that they may have made on stop number one on this face the snow is different the features are the same but the way you attack them is going to be totally different so really interesting to see what some of the strategies are going to be with our with our tour athletes today on this base lots going on lots to come we're so excited to get stop number two out of the way or sorry underway i should say not out of the way because we are stoked to see this happen you can see this is the only way the riders can access the face by foot on foot right up the side and uh they're you know it's a great way to get warmed up yeah for sure you can see the skiers already starting to hide the face probably going to take the time have a look at the features on their way up a little bit of an advantage that although not in the venue they're very close to the venue as they're hiking and maybe get a last minute side angle look at one of the features that they want to hit snowboarders though starting today got snowboard men coming up at you first and then snowboard woman before any of the skiers get on course uh yeah as you were saying derek you know lots of different options today uh the snow that's filled in and some of the landings has changed the way that some of the features can be hit and that's really interesting we've got max palm just about to drop in our forum out of sweden yeah young frother swedish rider living and skiing at the lizard in france he four ran the last competition and full send and looking like he's going for it again he's just got that young kid vibe he cannot be held back max palm oh my well now we have a bit of an idea of what's going on with the snow max palm going for the full punch front there that is uh quite a way to kick off a four run on the portel rahat for max looks like he's all right possibly a little bit embarrassed um but you know that's the way it goes when you're 18 and on the free ride world tour as a forerunner yeah commentators curse saying that nothing can hold them back just before the snow held his skis back unfortunately uh you can see it's sticking out of the snow just above him so he's on his way to get that let's have a look at the replay now well he went absolutely huge there and so i think this is a great opportunity neil for us to just check in on snow conditions we had a bunch of new snow but as it often does in the mountains it came with a bunch of wind and so what we've seen now especially with a fairly rapid temperature change overnight and a bunch of wind is this little bit of a crust develop on the surface and it's going to be a little bit inconsistent based on uh exposure and direction and all of those things so you know for max like it looked pretty good at the top where he did that 360. he dug in the turn worked all right and then the big air you put a bunch of pressure on the snow punch through that crust and unfortunately underneath it's quite soft so essentially it acts as a trip wire um so max delivering some great information there uh to the riders in spite of the fact that he went down yeah that's right as you're saying maybe yeah exactly see what he's got in this bottom section for us as well going a bit further look at his left than he did on the previous four run you can see the snow is a little bit inconsistent there in some places he's he's going through with his skis in some places it's uh not leaving that much of a track so max farm like you said very interesting helpful information for the riders and uh for us and our own eyes as well i wonder if that might even potentially mean that we look at putting the competition back a little bit maybe let the snow soften that cross break down in the sun but first we'll hear what hypnosis there's more snow in the face i'm excited to find a new line for tomorrow yeah first tip uh just gotta close your eyes and envision it i like free riding so you envision your line and then uh cut the outline and dig down but look at all this dirt in here isn't that crazy tomorrow are going to be judged like if it was a brand new competition we are not going to say oh you went into the same line so you're going to take some points out it's a completely new one you want to go on the same track you want to do something different it's all down to you and up to you so apparently it will be super playful tomorrow so we are super lucky to have this new snow coming and it will be a new beautiful show for sure let's go this feels just like home for me i'm psyched got some crust underneath some heavy pow on top pacific northwest let's go make one big backflip ride fast and make a second big backflip ordinary back to you the studio so that was the face it yesterday and the vibe was high the rider's really excited about the new snow enjoying riding the new snow as well and wondering what it's going to look like today a little bit of information from max baum in terms of what it is going to be like today and the new snow like you said derek getting a bit of cross on it yeah i thought it was really interesting hearing what lolo had to say about they are going to re-do reset everything as far as judging goes they're not going to take uh what you did in the past into consideration which i think is is a great way to do it new face new day new start basically a fresh slate for the riders the the the judging the way they're doing it um is is quite specific so i think it's really important for everyone to understand exactly how the judging works in this realm on the freeride world tour all right so we're just getting the information in our ears based on what we saw there from max palm we are going to let the sun take care of the face a little bit we're going to let it soften that crust right now we are going to a 15 minute delay of start so if it was 9 15 before we're gonna be looking at nine sorry it was 9 30 before we're gonna be looking at 9 45 local time to kick this thing off because as we saw with max the crust a little bit punchy nail and i think the riders would prefer it if it was a little softer yeah that's right as they're saying indoor you've got to have patience to make the right soup they do they do say that all right so we are on we're on a little bit of a delay if you didn't catch that we're just going to let the snow soften up you can have a look you see the start gate there start two and then up into those high cool wires to start three and looking over the back we're looking straight into france that's uh that's the beauty of andorra of the pyrenees over one ridge you can be in a different country not only changing valleys and then just beyond that valley of spain it all kind of converges it's such a i don't know it's just such a cool mountain range the way that the formations are super sharp super aggressive mountains quite young i guess in a geological sense but pretty exciting for free riding that's for sure yeah that's right you can see these cool bars from the heli view beautiful open rippable freeride cool wires exactly the stuff that freewriters dream of and and the reason that we're here and ordinal accolades nestled high and during pyrenees the rider's still hiking up the lookers right side of the face i wonder if they have got word that the start is going to be delayed maybe having seen max palm right then they probably won't be too disappointed about that yeah you know everybody wants the conditions to be great so i i was i was kind of alluding to this before but the judging super important obviously for results and of course for consistency uh in terms of of competition so we're going to check in with head judge dion newport and see exactly what goes into the judging on the freeride world tour [Music] my name is dion newport and i'm one of the head judges for the freeware world tour for 12 years now the free road world tour judging was created by writers and the the overall impression system is what is all based off and within that there's five criterias the first criteria is line which is very important it really shows where the riders go if it's more exposed or if it's an easier more simple line the second criteria is erin style that is from the take-offs to what happens in the air and to the landing so this incorporates tricks or how they send how they see their features the third criteria is fluidity this is super important it's how the energy of the run is if a good flow or if they slow down in between features the fourth criteria is control this is very obvious it's in between the features and the actual control of the whole run and then the fifth category is technique technique is more about how they're getting down the face if they're side slipping through a feature or if they're really banging turns and showing us good strong technique so taking all of these categories into consideration we go back to that overall impression system and this is really designed that any rider can win on any day [Applause] it's so good to hear it from the judge's perspective we say it all the time here on the broadcast but those those people have the toughest job maybe second toughest job to the athletes uh in freeride is taking those criteria applying it to the face applying it to the way the athletes are moving down the face it's so tricky but i think they've done a great job in breaking it down into the categories i mean line you know is kind of king or queen uh and just everything else kind of stacks on top of that but you know neil you had some some pretty good insights in terms of like watching the video compared to the categories there yeah that's right fluidity for example you had a image of someone stopping on the top of the line and of course it's good to be sure where you're going it's much worse to send something you don't know if it goes but if you want to have high fluidity score then you need to be so sure of where you're going that you can just grease right into it not stop not hesitate not sideslip so there's a couple of things in that video that was kind of how not to do things you know the control had a picture of a vaticorex crazy crash into a tree and kicking horse a couple years ago and also the the shot of um i think it was jan rasi stopping on top of the line also in kicking horse is what the judges are not looking for as well as other great shots of what the judges are looking for the great technique shots and the great ear and style shots of going big being solid in the air and landing it cleanly so what we're trying to emphasize here is that we want to see people in control doing things that they can do and doing them really well and what we don't want to see what the judges especially don't want to see but none of us is people doing things that past the edge of the limit of their ability you know maybe they'll land it but maybe they'll have a big crash and we don't want to see people getting hurt putting their bodies on the line that's what we're trying to emphasize and encourage with the judging criteria there yeah and you know one of the things that i think the riders look for and this is something that i've heard a lot of veteran riders kind of passing on to the rookies and the younger riders is for them to select the line that's going to suit their riding style because so many riders they come into the they come into the tour and they're unsure about the judging or the what the judges are looking for from them what the judges are looking for from them is for them to be the best them and and instead of selecting something that you think the judges want to see it's when you start selecting or choosing the line that that really speaks to your riding style you know i i specifically i think of andrew pollard two years ago when he was a rookie in the first two events he was really just trying to do it for for the judges and then he found his own style and applied it here and all of a sudden he found himself a regular uh a regular appearer on the podium which for for andrew was just a massive weight off off of his mind to recognize and realize that he can just do his thing and then people are going to like it and i think that's that's one of the biggest things for you know if you're young freeriders out there maybe your free ride coaches you guys probably already know this the riders need to find their style they need to identify it and then they need to place it on any given face but that's not easy i mean neil you rode on this tour we talked about it on the chairlift this morning that that game of putting your competition face on this face or your competitive signature it's tough yeah for sure and i think that something that people don't really realize about scoping lines is for a start how much effort and time goes into it you know some people ask me oh do people even check where they're gonna go down before they have a competition and yeah they sure do they put much much more time into looking and deciding and scoping than they do into the actual writing you know that's over in a flash all the preparation is done and these drone shots that we've had of the venue are just fantastic because it really shows you that you can't see what's behind that take off you need to know you need to be absolutely certain that you have decided already this is where visual inspection is a insanely important and b insanely difficult this drone shot is your chance to get into the rider's mind and view it through the riders eyes this is what they're seeing how blind those takeoffs are and how uh you know they just know exactly to the nth degree and watching them study their lines is just fascinating you know these drone shots give such a great insight and inside look into exactly what it looks like and what it feels like to be a tour athlete it's so cool big ups to the drone pilots these uh these folks are out here they've got their vr goggles on they look like they're living in the year 3000 find these things around the pyrenees that's right we're focusing up on the start now you can see the riders choosing their start points carefully as well as their lines they need to know which features they want to get to and which angle they're going to hit them on so you might see some riders coming from start to the higher start and then going into the traverse to get the start one features but it's because they want to hit them on a different angle part of that whole scoping thing that we've seen before because when you're watching and people are sending features and landing nicely it's like obviously that's where they're gonna land that's the softest wide open steepest landing of course you want to steep landing so the impact is less but you can't see from the top that that is where you're going to go so it's much much more scary and intimidating when you're skiing towards a blind takeoff and just all you can see is the finished gate hundreds of meters below you oh this is so cool so the drone just making its way up into start number two you can see how rugged these peaks are so sharp that little cornice developing riders as we said before they have to get up there on foot there's no heli drops there's no chair lifts in the freeride world tour you gotta hike to uh to to make your way up there so having a look at all our riders if you're just joining us now we are on a slight hold we've got a little bit of a wind and temperature shift crust that form but we have the sun on the southeast face and it's going to soften fairly rapidly so we're looking to kick things off next update for you will be at 9 40 as you can see on your screen riders the vibe is high up there the sun's out everyone's ready to throw down we want to get the conditions right for them so we can get the maximum show for you you can see the snowboarders that's our first category dropping today snowboard men so they are shred ready yeah there's amazing drone shots and huge ups to these guys for their professionalism able to fly these race drones so quickly and close to the venue so that we can get great images both of you at home and for the riders to scope their lines with it's a big improvement on that as you were just saying derek the ride is hiking to the start today and if you're a young freerider wondering how to get to this level you want to be on the freight world tour one day maybe you're looking at entering junior or qualifier comps already cardio fitness is under emphasized and importance in my opinion being fit is just as important as being strong be able to do it all day and not get tired and not be worse at something when you've maybe had to travel or not as had much sleep as you'd like to you know you're eating different diets you're in a different country like being physically ready in every way apart from just shredding hard and jumping big cliffs is super important yeah look at ray mcdermott just full mountain goat mode up there hiking his way it's cool for these riders the the the way the setup is here because they're hiking up the lookers right side of the face a lot of the spots on hike give the riders a great alternate view than what they've had from face check of some of their features so really important you know ray he's a he's a tactician he's stopping along the way to check it out and i hope just to take in the moment raise a young rookie from the us getting out of a basement in colorado taking in these moments i mean is just so cool so critical for these athletes to just kind of breathe and and just enjoy where you are we're on the freeride world tour we're high up in the pyrenees and andorra you know above the resort of ordinarco elise and and just kind of recognize how special it is to be able to be here right now things are you know things are a little topsy-turvy in the world so to have these moments of kind of reflection in the mountains i think is is so so good and also kind of important for for free riders for for all of us as staff for everybody just to reflect on how uh you know things are still pretty good yeah that's right one of the veteran world tour writers once told me that the will to it is like a wedding you look forward to it for ages and you plan it with everything you've got and then suddenly it's over before you know it yeah so checking in you know riders mindsets but we also want to get into the fans mindsets we want you guys to be involved in this process so of course peak performance has come up with the ultimate way to get involved the peak performance fun bet brings you into the action get yourself involved get in on it with us hi calling near here i'm a skier on the freeride world tour my dream is to ski back to ross in berbier again [Music] but this time all the way down and make it to the podium with peak performance fun bet you can guess the results on all stops of the free web world tour and if you do well there are great prices to be won you can also create a private league to compete against your friends [Music] and hey my final advice bet on me and i promise you i will make a flat three peak performance fun bet i hope you got your bets in neil i did uh you did i did i hope you guys did uh it is closed for now as soon as the webcast starts to close but you can still get on it for fifa burn and if you did well after competition number one good on you there were some surprises and some uh un or expected i'd say results definitely matching up with your votes um the world is a little different the freeride world tour is a little bit different we kind of wanted to bring you guys in the loop uh you can see both neil and i sitting here we're wearing mass master become a part of almost everybody's life but within the differences i think we found some great ways to keep things the same you know in terms of just finding the vibe and and keeping everything i don't know moving forward uh pretty exciting and i have to give up some props to the freeride world tour just for making it happen in tough times yeah absolutely there's been 500 tests performed on athletes and staff over the last week or two and of course all negative results no quarantine required we've got a contingency plan for if one result was to be positive but uh getting regularly tested keeping to our bubbles uh not quite as social as a freed world tour event usually is unfortunately but big ups to the organization for making it happen against all odds many events unfortunately having to be cancelled and this one meaning that we can't have a public viewing area or audience but the best place to view it is from at home just like you're doing right now so thank you for tuning in yeah big up to everyone involved making this happen so i i just want to get back into these drones i mean it's just such a crazy cool view we're gonna take a look at start three this is new we didn't have start three in the mix on the first one look how steep it is narrow cool wire you can see there's some options on the right some fins and then there's that left move if you can get up onto it this is serious mountain goat territory yeah i really like this die actually i think that if i were starting today it was one i would have gone for steep long kind of committing you need to display that good technique that we talked about in the judging criteria before to get down it quickly and and control and get off those features as well because they have a steep takeoff which means you have to have them lined up perfectly land in that steep landing and be able to shut your speed down in a way that can get you to the next feature so really interesting start i'm looking forward to seeing some people start from there i think you were saying that ray the uh young american ski was on the ridge before is planning to go up there yeah ray mcdermott given uh given the heads up last night at dinner that he wanted to go to start three he he kind of was explaining to me and i'm sure we'll get deeper into it that um that suits his style better you know as as we got lower into this face and the the features were a little bit more compressed a little bit closer together you know kind of like we alluded to before it it shifted from the style that he likes to ski or wants to ski so he's looking for that big open big mountain terrain see olivia mcneill making her way up the young rookie out of whistler representing the whistler freeride club doing them proud doing us proud [Music] for those of you that don't know i've been working with olivia since she was 11 years old and to see her make the free ride world tour this year and then have that debut with an almost banging run just falling apart as the ski came off at the bottom pretty exciting for all of us and i'm sure for the free ride whistle free ride club family back home pretty cool to see uh but of course every athlete wants their shot at the podium lots of big plans brewing out there neil definitely um some different ways of looking at it different kind of strategies brewing up from some of the athletes yeah that's right it's great to see some young freeriders that are not necessarily freestyle focused because it's a bit of a new generation thing where you know everyone that's a bit younger spend a bit more time in the park seen back country freestyle and videos as they're growing up you know they want to ski like that and to have some people like ray mcdermott like tom piper be like yeah i'm still one of the young guns but i like skiing red fast heavy big mountain lions you know like reyna barker does one of the veterans of the tour really like to see that yeah exactly it just goes to show that uh freestyle is is one element of this but it is not the defining element and to to see uh a guy like ray as young as he is have his style in his own mind really pretty locked in and you know as you said he's coming in and he's looking at a guy like randy barkhard as kind of his role model in this world imar navarro is another one that really springs to mind with that style of skiing so yeah as you said it's cool too uh cool to see that still you know still coming it was really interesting i listened to a podcast where they interviewed nicholas halewood ceo of the freeride world tour and one of the questions that he was asked was do you think there's room for the old style of free rider who doesn't grow up doing this either competitively or even in the mountains you know it used to be at least in north america you'd move you know from from the prairies or out east to the mountains you'd take a few years to get good then you'd start competing it would take you a few years to get good at that and then you start having success and competition but now all over the world north america europe new zealand even in south america we've at japan for sure we've got these freeride clubs where kids are being coached from the get-go on great technique on how to ski these big lines both safely and and in a way that is just unbelievably impressive and the skill set that they have coming out of juniors is uh essentially i'm gonna just call it mind blowing and nicholas was like no this is the way it is now uh it's going to be very difficult for somebody to just dive in without that pedigree and and find success when the level is so high and we've seen it with our own eyes on this face both in the last event and today with max palm max is one of the strongest juniors coming out of europe and watching him ski around this resort over the last few days with the tour riders neil eye open yeah absolutely he's not exactly lagging behind the touring riders the tour writers sorry so we've got another four runner coming up to follow up on max palm starting out a start number two in a couple of minutes uh but yeah just like you were saying we've had a couple of people that weren't able to make it unfortunately due to injuries uh leo slammit springs to mind is one of those and exactly one of the things that you were just saying with um kids coming up out of coaching clinics and clubs you know having seen free rides since they're a young age and having seen that it's a viable career path to have a free ride as something you do as a job and train towards so leo slimmer you know one of the the guys that first came up through the juniors with a good mix of of big mountain and freestyle and eventually becoming world champion through that avenue however unfortunately they're not able to join us uh getting injured in switzerland a few weeks ago and uh happy that it wasn't a more serious injury but unfortunately cannot compete here today and uh geeky roof as well bruising his ribs i think in north america after natural selection also got sam lee out with concussion head injuries unfortunately not particularly well understood part of the sport something that's really important and uh something took my oliver two years to come back from before he qualified and came second a few days ago i think we've got another couple of people out with injuries as well and covered restrictions yeah i mean claire mcgregor unfortunately going down hard in the first stop here in ordinarily since she's got a sore knee she's elected to to go the safe route and not look to put any further damage on that knee she's she's got her eyes on fever broon already so the hope for her is that she's uh she's going to heal up and she we're going to see her back in the stargate and fever burn um you know i i have to give a lot of props to claire talking to her over the last couple days watching her move around clearly in pain but trying to gut it out really you know she's she's done the hard yards to qualify for the tour and then to to to have that knee injury that is potentially not a season ender but still just she's in a lot of pain you know that she's talking to the doctors and discussing will i injure it further if i compete and of course no one can give a dead set clear answer on that maybe maybe not uh you have to listen to your body and and so i really want to give props to claire for doing that for for paying attention to her body to making sure that she's going to be 100 because you never know and if you sometimes you push too hard too early on an injury then it just lingers around for ages yeah exactly the more you rest it look after it at first the less you have to wait afterwards so big ups to clear shout out to the mcgregor family in new zealand but another 4runner just about to drop on course got a snowboard forerunner today one of the locals and uh something the snowboarders were specifically asking for to get a snowboard version of the snow yeah i think this is absolutely critical when we have the snowboarders dropping first having a snowboard 4runner is going to give them a great sense ah tame dog right off the top no trouble with the cross there for our 4runner so this is a really good indication for our riders for the snowboarders we've got uh hugo serra dropping first so he'll be hopefully breathing a sigh of relief watching this forerunner and and this is an interesting kind of little fact in the freeride world so in a crust possibly a little bit easier to ride on a snowboard because you don't have the two skis you know it's not possible for your snowboard to track off in two different directions so the snowboarders potentially able to handle the crust situation that we've got a little bit more easily than the skiers would and having the snowboarders running first is perfect because by time the skiers run we'll have the surface cut up a little bit by the riders and also the sun will have had a bit more effect so i feel that that snowboard four run has just pumped new life into the riders at the top especially you know all our snowboard athletes seeing seeing that athlete go down there they're going to have uh they're going to have a big sire relief and know that the um the conditions are rippable on the face yeah big helps to the 10 dog front flip off the top here having seen the last four to go down and just committing to to a cheeky weak trick up the top is good to say but like you're saying derek the the fact you can't unevenly punch through with the one ski going down in one ski not punching through when you're on a snowboard it stays the same level it's not necessarily like perfectly easier but less hazardous i might say than on skis so yeah good sign for maybe getting the snowboard competition off and underway soon-ish yeah so just to give you a little uh glimpse behind the curtain what we're gonna have is our forerunner who just ran he's in the finish is gonna pick up a radio and he's to connect with our commissioner of the freeride world tour lola best who holds the ultimate red light green light uh box in his hand they're going to discuss the conditions how things are right now where things are progressing to they're going to make a call within the next five minutes whether you're there you can see whether we are gonna kick this thing off asap or whether we're gonna stay on hold there's lolo on the radio and the rest of the judging panel looking on um everyone anxiously awaiting the start of this competition so it really kind of comes down to the decision made right now and i'll tell you what they don't take these decisions lightly that's right lolo both head judge and commissioner also got bertie danival uh after that run i think it's okay like it's the crusty layers definitely softened up so i think it's on well there you have it i hope you had your ears perked up um it sounds like the forerunner's recommendation now obviously the judges and the commissioner are gonna run that by the the panel but sounding like the um the green light we are tentatively moving towards the green light there at least in the forerunner's eyes and from what we saw that makes a lot of sense to me yeah absolutely just finished off the introduction of the judging panel that we had before laurent gautier out of canada from world tour rider having podiumed on the the victor ross the finals of the freedom tour before and dion newport veteran judge out of new zealand so great crew of very knowledgeable judges there and hopefully laurent bess one of the head judges the snowboarder himself has appreciated that snowboard four owners about to give the green light for the competition yeah that crew is exactly who you want if you're if you're a rider if you're an athlete on the freeride world tour that is the crew you want watching you they have such a depth of experience from judging from riding from watching all of it they know exactly what they're looking at they know exactly how hard uh each of these features is you know spending a lot of time with the judges it's really cool to see their process on studying the face so that when the riders drop they know to the t exactly what's going on who's doing what how hard it is um because you know the riders i guess the ultimate for the riders is to take something kind of easy and make it make it look really hard but the judges know they see through they see through the smoke screen they know exactly what uh what is going on out there so we have just got word that we are looking to start this competition in five minutes at 9 55. we're hoping to drop the first rider which will be hugo sierra the winner of the fw the free world qualifying series for region one last year so hopefully that is going to go off in five minutes really looking forward to ourselves and we bet you are too oh yeah hugo kicking things off the butterflies just kicked in for me and for sure for the riders when you have the certainty that it's on so the snowboard men are dropping first let's take a look back previously on snowboard man [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] absolutely [Applause] youth on fire in the snowboard men's category seeing cody their second year rider blake moeller first year rookie and nils minnick rounding out the podium there what a show we had i can't say enough about how difficult the conditions were and how good they made it look it was tough going out there yeah absolutely like you said the snowboard midfield just firing right now cody bramwell running for great britain taking out the top spot blake muller's second in his first ever competition deals midnick second time on the free world tour no strange to the podium and then victor de la rue he's been a champ before but he's struggling on the podium right now yeah this is our overall rankings as you probably have figured out also the same as our um our event rankings were after event number one michael mon another rookie and uh then we just we're seeing geeky roof in there giggy not able to show up but we're going to see him in fever broom soon so really exciting stuff in the snowboard men's category it's absolutely stacked with talent from top to bottom and i feel like more than ever this year on any given competition day it truly is anyone's game yeah just snowboard man so hot right now i i want to i want to kind of chat neil maybe about some of the differences between experience and rookie froth you know we've got we look down this list and you really have both hugo and blake right off the bat that's your rookie froth couldn't be more but then experience sammy luebke he's won everything there is to win he's won the tour he's won events he's one on the back three times in a row i mean sammy is the epitome of experience michael mon another rookie i mean it just goes on and on yeah i mean obviously very dominated by by america and france in this category but there's a reason they've got really strong snowboard culture there and uh the fact that sammy is so experienced and maybe prefers big faces kind of reminds me of uh reina barcaria if you can say he's the randy bucket of the snowboard category him reyna and drew tavi being the three most veteran writers on the on the tour but sammy a three-time world champ uh not doing so well in the last couple of competitions and probably the reason why he hasn't been voted by you guys to be on the podium today we've got victoria 79 percent of the votes he'll be on the podium even though he didn't make it last competition niels minnick 62 and jumping up in there cody brammel afterwards win in the last competition only just behind the second year veteran neil's midnight now yeah this this is what you think these are percentages of you that think that these riders are going to appear on the podium so victor de la rue uh you still love him we love him too everybody wants to see victor on the podium except for maybe the other two guys on that screen and the other seven guys at the top of the face right now but they do love to share the podium and you know as much as this is a competition it's it's a real family the freeride world tour and while they're competitors for the two minutes that they're on course the rest of the time everybody hangs together watching them do their face check together checking the uh you know checking the drone shots and the photos and everything they're they're very um they're very open with each other and i think there's something in in the shared risk that everyone is taking that really brings that sort of family feel to it everyone wants to do well but they want their friends to do well too the best thing that we can hope for is everybody lay down their absolute hammer run and leave it in the judge's hands which is unfortunate for the judges because that makes it hard but for the riders for the fans for us in the commentary booth that's what everyone's looking for absolutely and you just saw on the subject of photos before the drone flying past dom day here one of the photographers that makes all those amazing images for the fred world tour got jeremy bernard up in the helicopter getting shots as well and i don't know if you've seen the shots yet from the last competition but they are banging so check them out when you get a chance insane those guys are truly artists and to see what they capture just event after event after event out of the heli from the bottom side on i mean the riders love it because they're essentially on uh you know a powder magazine film shoot or photo shoot but while they're doing their event and every single time they just get this plethora of insane photos and and of course the the moving pictures but one of the coolest things to come out of this tour is just the imagery uh of the of the action of the riders and of this beautiful landscape that we get to play in all right all right all right so who goes sarah in the gate right now the french rookie uh doing reasonably well in the first competition looking to step it up and the second one here in ordinarchelis he is going to be fired up right now having seen that last rider the forerunner just showed that the snow is starting to look good he's going to want to show that he can do something even better than the last competition he already had 360s and big ears under his belt but i think he's gonna be looking to step it up and see him today yeah hugo you know he did he did his whole qualifying campaign in north america and we are underway free ride world tour stop number two is on hugo sarah on course yeah buddy riding straight out to the look is right right his left we saw max palm go airing off the same air and tweaking the myth it's really nice to see lining up the same cliff as well yeah same one that we saw max going for the three there now hugo dead clean on the landing huge syrah putting a stamp on this competition right off the bat great to see him he was pretty psyched after the last one he's a tall man he he's a powerful rider on his board you can see the snow's moving around the crust not seeming to have any effect on hugo as he comes into this lower section and coming off the pop that we saw ross tested back flip putting a three down but unfortunately a front flip straight away afterwards getting a bit caught up sideways in that crust maybe going even bigger than he realized and probably not going to be so stoked with that but making it look fun with the slashes on the way to the finish line uh yeah just a slight over rotation on that 360 for hugo as you said possibly just a touch bigger than he than he expected to go it's hard to know when you've done only visual inspection how hard to set a rotation so let's look at this top one tweaking the method that's a great way to get your uh to get your run started for hugo you know his adrenaline just went through the roof at that point and a nice backside three there as well straight to bolts this last feature going for a front side three but unfortunately coming unstuck maybe a little bit more catching that landing a bit more wind effect in that area could be yeah i think so and and with the the crust the way it is you're gonna have to land absolutely perfectly in the fall line you can see judging criteria all pushing into the green control a little bit down aaron style up with a backside three and a frontside three just that little bit of over rotation and and there the the crust is going to be ruthless today with that if you're not in the fall line it's going to grab you 47 33 for hugo he's going to be disappointed with that it was a banging run unfortunately just coming unstuck at the end which is going to be hard to swallow for him knowing how good things were going yeah exactly just below 50 which would be the score if you just rode down fast aggressively and good technique well a look at the face and a look at our next rider as we get this absolutely glorious shot from way back it's just so beautiful here in the pyrenees so we're going to move back up to the start gate young rookie blake moeller blake i can't say enough about his debut on the tour we heard i heard uh that it was gonna be strong we kind of knew you know he's but he's a rookie and so you never you never fully know until you know and when he pushed out of the start gate on his very first free ride world tour run uh eyebrows went up he finished second only to cody bramwell and it was with authority huge backflip everything he does absolutely stellar blake muller on course ollying out of the start gate they're so comfortable in the steeps star rider's not always so technical but blake muller can do both with a big three like that back three off that nugget in the middle of the shoot section and now making his way straight to the next nullies yeah so blake wants to win he's had to taste a second now spinning into the double 180 out and clean oh blake just going ultra ultra technical on this port del rat face he wants it oh boy does he blake now launching over that entire section and clean again what a run from the rookie blake moeller yeah blake mother what a combination steep technical and style that is going to be right up there i'm so impressed 180 in cab 180 into that double and holy something is what he's got to say about it i think he is going to be psyched right now i mean let's take a look at this that three right out of the top over the exposure can't say enough of it now you look he's adjusting he's having a look 180 half cab and immediately he had no time to to to do anything but stop that the only way it could have gone was right and then huge over the bottom transferring over all of it look at the line score line score through the roof i mean he could not have picked a more difficult way down this is just a spectacular line if if you had a if you looked at the free ride world tour judging handbook on how to do well in a competition run blake muller just aced it that was textbook boys back home shout out mom dad let's go so psyched the young man changing up the sticker jaw on his board boom blake moeller with authority second man out of the gate we're already into the 90s 92-3-3 that is going to be a tall order for anyone else to beat but luckily everyone else is also awesome but blake moeller just put his stamp on this competition and every single rider up there on notice that the rookie is here to play and he wants a win he got a second he was stoked he was really stoked to finish that way but boy blake mohler putting the hammer down all right well from rookie froth to veteran experience sami luki has won everywhere he's won everything he wants to win here today nine seasons on the free ride world tour former champion multiple times and he is on course let's see what sammy's got for us super aggressive through this top section going a little bit for the look is left and airing to the chute doubling through there earring over the old crown wall and going big off the bat oh what as you said aggressive riding from sami luki this is a great way to start boning out the grab there sammy getting himself a face shot looking he you know he wants it super bad now into this ultra gnarly section flying out the bottom sami luki adding the freestyle element there with the tweak look at this drone shot let's follow sami down classic sami lupke run there steep and technical at the top full of style creative finding side hits and he's not done yet with a nice 360 down the bottom sammy luebke welcome back yeah you can always count on sammy to have that that just perfect blend of just raw aggression and the playful freestyle side of it it's such a cool way i think of interpreting his own style on the mountain and he's one of these guys that you can just see from a mile away and know exactly who it is the way he rides is so distinct so sammy he's down at the bottom hopefully he's stoked to wrap things up airing to that cooler at the top i think you can see that he had to make that second year he had to go a little bit further and made it just putting the grabbing on this one as well getting the indie tweaking that like you see a deep face short for this side here as well just looking so styling in that deep snow you can see there's a little bit of a crust still but not going to catch him out yeah sammy knows exactly what he's got to put into it so you can see his line there pretty fall line pretty straightforward the only time he deviates from the fall line is to get to the next feature and that's one of the hallmarks of that fluidity category in in the judge's criteria they don't want to see you zigzagging meandering dilly dallying around the mountain they want to see you moving towards something for a purpose and that is exactly what sami lukey just did sami lupke 78 points sitting in second place right now welcome back to the veteran i think he was last in the last competition so what a way to get back into the game he wanted to give a shout out to his two young daughters as well already ripping on snowboards sammy loki sending hammers today ah the glory of the pyrenees we are here at stop number two on the free ride world tour we are underway in the snowboard men's category we've had three riders go down sammy lupke was the last one blake moeller right now sitting in the hot seat and hugo sarah with a great run just coming a little bit undone at the bottom we're going back to rookie town we just went from uh ultimate experience back to the rookie michael mont michael definitely uh an advocate of the raw big mountain style he likes to get techy he likes to billy goat his way through um the gnar essentially michael he's he's just so stoked to be here every time i hang out with him he's got a huge grin on his face he's just taking it all in he's making friends you know the other rookies the veterans he's just such a pleasure to be around and when when you watch him push out of the start gate you're just like wow is that the same guy such a nice guy in real life such an aggressive guy on the snowboard coming straight down to the same shoot that we saw sammy get into but airing from the side and just tripling off the we crown wall there not making the transition that sammy popped to but sending it real nice yeah almost using the ledge for the transition big back three there michael mohn he's another rookie who wants a podium on this tour every single one of them earned their way on taking the corner of that with the grab now straight to ball line michael maughan look at this run another huge one mike come on he's on it turning the double into a triple just keeping it pinned in the bottom section he looks like he is having a good time i think he is going to be so pumped as he comes through that finish line the nerves in the start gate to the elation and the finish corral wow let's all go here michael born the sun god rider giving a big hug to his buddy blake these guys grew up together lived together competed together known each other since about 12 i think let's just take a look at this airing in airing out skipping over michael's so strong so centered so balanced this battery above there was no room for error there and there was no air such an aggressive line and then this bottom section look at the way he just checks up his speed enough to keep control we talked before about line the judges don't want to see you deviating from the fall line unless you're going for something this is textbook for that absolutely bang on fluidity and control off the charts on the judge's criteria neil i don't know if you uh if if either of us really paid enough homage to this but his heel side turn at the bottom where he dug the rail in almost to his boots and just through the cross didn't look to shake him at all that was uh i'm gonna say mastery of snowboard technique let's see what the judges thought 7533 sitting in third just now michael moore potential podium contention seems happy with the run uh blake muller not troubled in the hot seat but damn the level is already high today ah this snowboard category is snowboard men's category is just so strong right now every single rider so far out of the gate they're so strong they're so aggressive true athletes of the mountain craft as you see speaking of athletes of the mountain craft renee barker just taking it in trying to put some last minute you know finishing touches on his creation but we do need to go back up to the top and this is a man that cannot be ignored victor de la rue he's a big mountain specialist he's a mountain goat he's ridden some of the gnarliest lines around the world but also really really comfortable with the freestyle element of snowboarding he can kind of go either way and often blends the two together in such a such an inspiring way a lot of these other rookie riders they say they got on tour and they're just looking at victor and say i can't believe i'm here with you yeah it's pleasure to have him there looking like the snow is getting a little bit cut up at the start start number two but victor making short work of it no trouble for him spinning it back three there and just stomping so clean looks like it's a little bit crusty in here you're saying it's maybe not the best day to put things sideways yeah but victor having no trouble with it seeing you know you can see the slough moving now getting over top of this double spinning in and checking up a little bit staying on his feet airing out victor de la rue through that ultra technical section nice and clean here as he comes down towards this large feature at the bottom what is victor thinking here whoa yeah victor de la rue sending one of the biggest ears on the face one of the hugest bottom sections that you get into and he is not done yet he is coming over to the tom piper zone i'm going to call it he's got another couple of awesome little features down here making the most of it with the indie grab but i think we didn't see any snowboarders hit that feature in the last competition and victor de la rue stepping it up now across the finish line and another strong run and one of my favorite hallmarks of this particular competition face and victor just showed us exactly the ability to be creative so many different opportunities landing there absolutely clean and then victor coming spinning into this i think he was looking to go full 180 there we're not quite able to get around drop bringing it to his heel side edge now super solid run but just like you said i think he was looking to do what blake muller did and the fact that he obviously tried and didn't quite pull it off it's probably going to hurt his score amazing run apart from that but i think because of that it won't trouble blake in the hot seat yeah the judges are like hawks at a high elevation they see everything they miss nothing and that is definitely going to come into play you can see it on control and fluidity there for victor and a little hit on technique as well so the two of them blake and victor just chatting away i mean the camaraderie like i said the shared risk all these guys they're so excited to do this together and they they want to share the stories when they're standing waiting for their scores so now victor just anxiously waiting to see what the judges thought and chatting away with blake yeah victor's bottom feature really cool taking so much speed out of that big cliff to one big arc of a turn over to the bottom section with a bigger air than some of the other riders being taken so 92 92-33 that was blake muller's score this is the hardest working group of people in free ride right now uh and not to take anything away from the event crew that set this all up but the judges right now have all eyes on them 76 flat for victor de la rue putting himself just in front of michael moore and for potential for a podium with three riders left to go well here we go back to the top speaking of experience kami armal he did not have the run he wanted last time he went for that massive backflip off the top and not able to hold on to it but i am not going to snooze on this guy i believe that he is a threat to stand on top of the podium at any one of these events he's a former tour rider he's been off doing film projects and riding for himself for a while he's back here now uh wild carded on but man he is a risk for all the other riders anytime he drops and he's so strong he's and i'm going to call him even though he's a wild card he's kind of rookie-ish but he's a veteran he's got the mind game he knows what to do he knows how to do it let's see what kemi armor has on store for us today that's right it's his fourth season on the tour so rookie back in the first year but no shortage of experience in the past getting to a new zone we haven't seen people go into yet before a little bit further look is right what's he got teed up for us here oh it's so steep there you can see he's just trying to make his way down now keeping things controlled backflip for kemi almost punching through but holding on to it that's veteran and that is that's core strength right there he's been doing his sit-ups in his planks camille holding on when his board broke through and continuing down to just lay waste to this line yeah putting in a nice method there's a mute sorry grab and lining up the same big ear needs some speed off this one and gots it stomping celebrating he is pretty psyched to have landed that one landing i think pretty much or partially in the bomb hall of victor de la rue not easy to stop and somewhere someone else has already landed big ups to commit among yeah looks like as you said bang on in victor's bomb hole hopefully catching the good side of it where he just adds a little bit of extra slope to the transition let's go back up here though what a way to start a run your hands down a little bit i think that'll like kind of dock his control on the judging criteria but not as much as the points you'll win from that backflip and this huge year yeah just catching the back of that that was solid and you can see he's really happy definitely not stoked to uh to to not put down his dream run on the first stop here in ordinarchili's so camille really happy to put that down top to bottom uh i'm just so impressed with the physicality with the strength and and fitness that he showed up at the top stomping that backflip not letting the crust take it away from him again yeah big ups to like go down on a backflip in the last competition and just back yourself to flip off something even more technical this time you know the mental strength is such an important picture in this game and camille ammon no shortage of that you can see the concept concept shot out of chamonix where camille's from sticker on his board shout out to those guys always looking after the wheelchair when we come to town this is one of the toughest moments for any tour rider waiting to see what the judges thought of your run 72-6-7 for camilo so that is going to push him into fifth place currently but we are not done yet so it's just behind michael moore who was just behind victor de la rue so yeah also that person is just behind sammy lucky so we've got six points separating four people it is tight up in there but blake muller sitting pretty in the hottie right now all right so we had a chance to catch up with our last event winner and current tour leader cody bramwell let's take a look at what's going on in cody's head leaders it feels yeah crazy but it feels like it's super nice to put down a good run like first completely like it will give me a bit more confidence and yeah i just want to keep it going and just yeah keep on yeah trying to go for that win every time now cody bramwell almost in disbelief to find himself in that golden bib uh you know he's he's got the riding talent for sure the mental game for cody seems to have just stepped to a new level last year he was riding for good finishes this year he's riding for wins and the way he came out of the gate in the last event showed that and while his after comp brain couldn't catch up with the fact that he's done it his competition mind the the inner beast uh was certainly backing himself was ready to go and he just did his exact plan it was so clean you cannot say enough about cody brownwell and he's in the golden bib and he deserves to be that's right pushing out of the start gate now is shaking his head in the interview because he was so in disbelief of having won the last bomb what's he got for us here today coming straight into the steep gnarly section starting out of start one though the lower start looking to line up this first hit that we saw camille amman just hitting managing to make turns through the other where comey was side slipping so i think it's gonna be an important factor in the judging and a nice front three with the indie grab or was it mute to get off that top feature the jump turns up there so technical the judges are gonna eat that up now coming into this double cody figuring out the best line moving across in the other direction we saw ross tester going a similar way oh cody getting tangled up in the crust there unfortunately burying the nose and just flipping over the front of his board this is the risk of uh going into uncharted territory today the crust a huge three there for cody and just another slight over rotation the crust is not going to allow that you can't get away with it today yeah just unfortunately not cody's day today going down twice i think that crust like you say and the fact that it's a little bit flatter in some of the landings that he chose ross tested really strong legs to land that one in the last competition but cody is landing really flat in the steep crust and the first person to go there so digging his nose and not any fault of his own just a little bit too heavy of a landing so what a way to get things started we saw cody making those ultra technical jump turns way high up and then here he dug he almost had it but then when it dug again and he was already a little out of balance unfortunately no way now you can see slight over rotation the board dips and down again it's just uh the precision required with the snow conditions today is is perfection is the only thing that will uh that you'll get away with so fluidity and control they're down for cody line super high uh style and and air in style of course great he's got great style but cody not gonna be a win again not backing up the win but man you can just see that he's riding for the wins now cody definitely looking he's got the you know the wolf has tasted blood and now he wants some more that's right dad out of england mom out of sweden lives in greece for summer he's a all-round man and i'm sure we'll be back for another comp and then there was one nils midnight he was on the podium he lost all his gear making his way here he's gotten it all back so he's pretty happy to be dropping in on his own boots and his own snowboard wearing his own underwear all of that is just a little bit nicer for nils now if he managed to come third in that stressful situation i can only imagine what he's uh what he's got in store for us today nils just loves to ride he's always so stoked he is a reigning freeride world tour champion and uh he would like nothing more than to back that up with another title that's right podium already this season sitting third overall how's it going to look after today we've seen some of the riders that did well crash the riders that crashed last time do well neil's midnight can he shake it up here he's got a shot at being in the golden bird after this event starting it off with 180. yeah so we're seeing now nils riding switch in this ultra tech section and going for the hack up there nils midnight oh man i mean he's bringing the style into the steeps doing that stuff where it's so steep you can't say enough about how difficult that is spinning a nice back three off that one as well just looking so smooth and controlled almost like he's cruising but i can tell you it is not cruise territory these ears he's hitting he's just making the book easy yeah i would say that's the hallmark of neil's style making the impossible look easy getting the grab there but just going up i'm gonna say a little too far that landing the tide goes out quickly on it and it's quite short to have the good transition but uh the the the method there at the bottom just showing his classic style making sure the base of his board gets on camera so nils super clean and then with one small mistake interesting to see what the judges do with that banger line but definitely not dead perfect yeah steezing it out at the bottom but it's going to be interesting to see where he falls and those four guys in the 70s this top hit love that so stays so smooth and then the huge air further down just coming a little bit unstuck on the landing like you said derek i think it went a little bit too far and the landing starts get bit flatter we love seeing people go huge but we even more love seeing people stomp yeah and that one precision required there because it is a short transition before before the tide goes out and it gets flat uh but it's hard when you're up there and you know it's big you don't want to land on the rocks you just give it that little extra crack of throttle and unfortunately knows unable to hold on you can see the judges seeing the same thing erin style technique all high but control a little bit of a knock there so we'll see what kind of numbers the judges come up with for nils blake muller anxiously sitting in the hot seat but i think he's about to take the golden bird blake nils nils blake i i think you may be right the worst blake can do now is second and that seems unlikely as we wait on uh on nils score so you can see sammy luke he's sitting in second victor de la rue in third mr michael mohn in fourth place so we'll see where nils slots in with a bit of a fall um both michael and kami were clean we'll see if the line score and the aaron style is able to step over those guys with a with a little bit of a bauble in mills is around 68 6-7 for nils midnick which means that he is six and also means that blake moeller the rookie is a winner on the freeride world tour we backed him we knew it was coming uh we didn't know it was gonna maybe come this soon but wow blake muller putting his stamp on this tour and you said it no uh you said it neil he's gonna be moving into the golden bib yeah blake's finally got a smile on his face i think the first few moments with disbelief but he's stepping out of the hot seat into the winner's interview and that smile is slowly overtaking his face blick molar body you just won a free ride world tour stop in your first season tell us how you are feeling right now i'm juiced i was nervous watching all those insane borders go after me but i'm freaking stoked we got loose but it was pretty lit so i'm pissed yeah like we're really stoked for you it's been amazing to see you ride around these last few days just sending everything sometimes i see tracks that are just left in the resort somewhere it's a snowboard track and i'm like whoa that looks pretty gnarly i think it was probably blake and now you've taken it to a world tour comp and won i mean like did you think that this was even a possibility when you turned up here i was just really hopeful but it's pretty insane that it came to life so i'm super excited well huge props to blake muller i mean we're just so excited for you riding kind of your riding shows a passion that is pretty refreshing pretty exciting you know to see on the tour how do you feel the the rookie froth kind of compares with the with the veteran experience you feel like you kind of have the i don't know have the the enough veteran in you to get it done here obviously the judges think so i don't think i'd call venerate i think it's just good energy i think everyone just kind of bounces off each other and good energy lasts a mile so that's it pretty much well i think that the judges agreed with you and i know the fans agreed with you both out in colorado where you're from and in utah where you live in take a quick look at this run unreal way to start that three in the in the gnar run us through what you were feeling there that three yeah i wasn't really sure what to expect on the takeoff there i was clearly trying to get the grab but this right here this was so loose landed right on that thing oh my god that was so sketchy and then this below here too what was i thinking i was laying on the grass huge look pretty sick to me like i'm so stoked on it for you did you say you landed on a rock in that double no no i just thought i was like barely cleared on oh on the double yeah i landed like right on that second one you know just right on the top of that cliff but it worked out it worked folks great final words from blake muller huge props to you first tour win let's take a look now at all of the scores the snowboard men's category absolutely red-hot today so many riders just lit nobody's riding for third you know everybody shooting for the win blake muller with the stamp sammy loopkey back in the mix though neil yeah that's right followed up by victor de la rue so the second and third being former world tour champions first blake muller the rookie big ups to him he's going to be wearing the golden bird michael moore taking a fourth solid result come here among also back in the mix getting back flips done well niels midnick only taking six today maybe should borrow gear again and get back on the podium hugo sierra unfortunately going down as well as cody brownwell and geek giroff not being able to be here today due to an injury wow well if that was what we have in store for us today then i just got 10 times more excited the snowboard men let's see where this leaves us in the overall so blake muller now with a commanding lead uh after two stops on the tour cody bramwell though he's still in touch and victor de la rue has now moved into an overall podium position that's right sami luki the 17 18 and 19 world tour champion followed by niels manning a reigning champion and michael moore so no shortage of talent in there come here among hugo sierra unfortunately bringing up the rear at the moment but no shortage of potential for them to take the podium in the next event when we head over to fifa brawn and jump right back into qualification for verbiage potential yeah so a good healthy mix there of youth and experience across the leaderboard on the freeride world tour 2021 there are our judges the sun is out the conditions are great light wind right now just keeping things uh keeping things cool but not cold it's a beautiful day in the andorran pyrenees and we are far from finished we're going to take a look at the women's snowboard category these ladies threw it down the other day they're going to throw it down again let's take a look previously on snowboard women [Music] no wow so she is on that incredibly exposed shelf yeah so up here at the top so steep [Music] on fire flipping the edge of that rock you're going down hard and a big one there at the bottom dead [Applause] super solo performance from the snowboard women in the last competition and we expect nothing less again here today marine lt the defending world to a champion taking top spot erika vikander was in second that time and marion's going to be kicking things off today for us on the start list as well claire mcgregor third on start list here today but i don't think she's actually going to be competing and then we've got neria caston boron the almost local rider out of spain yeah then erica vikander she was second the other day she would like to take the one step up onto the top of the podium manuela mandel she's a former tour champion easing her way back into competition after injury and then katie anderson man with a rookie sensation out of canada first stop first podium what a way to get things started and then our wild card after injury anna orlova so stoked to see the russian rider back on the tour and really excited to see what she's got in store for us on this face new face well sorry same face but new day new snow conditions knew everything we saw there were some challenges for the snowboard men with the snow conditions you have to be very precise with your board placement with your balance when you land the snowboard women are going to have learned a ton from watching the men and we're going to see them i'm i'm 100 confident we're going to see them apply what they've learned now in their category golden bib marion arty riding under chamrus in france no no lifts open in france currently so marin's been traveling a little bit we saw her over in the us riding jackson hole natural selection coming second there second not an accustomed place for marion she came back on the tour boom right back on top marion airte three-time free ride world tour champion she's won events basically everywhere you could win events and she is now ready to kick our women's snowboard category off she's got the frost she's got the fire she's ready to go clap of the hands and she's out of the gate meditation descending and sub five minutes marion ert laying down some arkan turns in this top steep section you can see the snow balling up a little bit probably a bit of sun effects in there but wasting no time and getting over to the lookers right part of start to the steep shoot that we've seen other people struggle to make turns down so can she get sideways and turn the board or is she going to point it straight at this next feature an interesting line so far strong moves there for mario and making her way she is uh you know shamroo chamonix she's a go in the steep she knows exactly where to place her board you rarely see her out of balance and this is just backing that up marine nice air there as she moves across she knows how to find features her her runs are always so well linked together and it's we're seeing it again here mario and rt doing what she does just down so quickly like you see the feature radar is popping where's the next one she's got that one too so many ears so far that i think that's exactly what the judge was looking for in the last competition and putting the method in on that one too really smooth run for marion rt always tough to do something like that after sitting waiting for a technical problem to get solved so that she can get a run done but i think she'd be pretty fired up with that she's got a smile on her face waving a hand in that french way that means like damn yeah mario and rt doing what champions do which is putting it down in the moment even when things are difficult even when uh you know you have to wait for technical challenges still able to rise to the occasion off they're getting the grab so air and style right off the charts line fluidity a touch lower control hallmark of marion's riding always dead in control she takes her fitness seriously other athletes uh no i'm not going to even talk about other athletes but almost every day she's leaving she's off to the gym that air is becoming the method air it seems to set up so perfectly for the athletes to tweak the method out favorite snowboard tricks so marionette kicking things off with an 8233 if you're standing at the top you're nervous now yeah absolutely we're talking about that before if you go first you want me watching the riders come down wondering if they beat you putting down a run like that and getting a score like that will probably help her to feel a bit more comfortable in this hot seat who knows what's going to happen though we've got a lot of heavy hitters coming right up after her the winner of last year's competition here in andorra or dino accolades michaela davis means the next one our way back up to the summit here of the port dillarat second season on the tour michaela davis means she's got a win under her belt and she was second overall last year only to current champion marion erity mckayla in the start gate ready to kick things off here at snowboard women back in the game michaela and the free will tour on course now getting down through that steep technical cooler at the top we see the snow looks like it's getting a bit rutted out maybe from temperature maybe from other riders but mikayla making turns now and making her way to the steep technical shoot that we saw oliver take second place with a little bit of a butt check there control coming into exposure not gonna be great for a score and a little bit of a side slip as well but pointing it now and bouncing down through there looking really solid and able to put the board sideways and can keep complete control through that section yeah fluidity here that is what you need keeping the board pointed in the fall line just directing it as you need to michael in there shedding a little bit of speed making her way to her lower section features as she comes in now looking trying to find the line that's one of the hardest things on the freeride world tour with visual inspection making sure you're in the right place and that's going to be particularly important to michaela that's right michaela unfortunately getting a little bit lost in the last competition but lining up another bottom feature here now the method here you are calling it she's gonna opt for a pop and pop and uh come down towards the finish line now pretty hard to stand in the start gate for that long in the win during the technical problem so big ups are laying down a line there but i don't think that's going to trouble marianne in the hot seat this time yeah tricky up at the top i can't overstate how steep it is up on the top of this face and you saw michaela you know she she got on that heel side edge and then working her way through the technically difficult section right there you can see it man just the commitment to put it into the fall line at that stage it's really really mentally tough to to convince yourself to just point it when the last thing you want to do is pick up a bunch of speed and you know the speed is going to come at you quickly yeah that's right solid and the the bottom snow down there but michaela not as much of a bright smile on her face as we are accustomed to seeing you can see the fluidity and technique bars down in the rear due to those stops and side slips so the judge is still deliberating exactly what score they're going to give her but i think that man ate can sit comfortably in the hot seat for now and at least not be beaten by michaela as she was here last year the sun got right out of australia picking up 59.33 points not a bad score at all second place for now and with six or five more riders to come still potential for a podium so two riders down still plenty of talented riders in the start gate ready to put their mark on this free ride world tour stop number two we are in ordino arkley's in the pyrenees in beautiful andorra we have a perfect sunny day and we are going back up to the steep technical start for the closest thing we have to a local in the snowboard women's field nuria caston baron spanish rider this young lady has been throwing down with the crew all over the resort and the the local shredders here absolutely love her her and imar navarro absolute rock stars of the snow industry here 23 years old this is her second season on tour nuria stood on the podium here last year much to the delight of the local fans making everybody around here stoked i have a feeling she'd like nothing more than to do that again yeah that's right just ripping around the resort with the last two days and she's been crushing it so i'm super excited to see what she's got for us here today looks really looks focused and dropping in on the steep start too right now oh look how steep it is it's so difficult for these riders just to commit to those turns especially when you're on the heelside edge the whole gulf just yawning open in front of you and so scary to move on the heel side across there you can see now nuria moving across her slough things starting to loosen up i think as the sun hits that crust and nuria now making her way into the meat and potatoes of her line yeah a bit of wits love coming down there always intimidating and not the kind of thing you're really riding into so well controlled and avoided from the spanish rider popping off this next feature now and stomping not as big of features as the others but smooth stomped more controlled turns and not side slipping as much at the top so i think this could be looking for a good score for noria quest number on yeah smart strategy for nuria you know as the conditions change you need to moderate and modify your plan to stay with the conditions taking the double there moving across the track nuria she's looking steady she's almost all the way through oh just reverting in the bottom the crust having its way with her that is a heartbreaking thing to see as it was going so well for nuria castanbaron yeah she's super gutted about that nuria just like lacing such a nice run being so smart picking the right features something she could ride aggressively smoothly and quickly and it really looked like it was potential podium run there but just throwing her arms out of frustration knowing that she probably had something in the bag and not quite able to hold on to it that crusty snow at the bottom heartbreaking so snow conditions really playing their part in in the in the riders uh hopes and dreams today it's so tough out there with that weird wind crest that we had a bunch of new snow and then the wind look at this doubling down landing cross hill on the track getting across and then let's see she got that little popper a little bit just a bit out of balance there neil and unfortunately the crust relentless once you're out of balance it's super hard to get it back because it doesn't just let you stand back over the board easily yes right see if she's got anything to say to the hot seater 39 39.33 there for nuria so that's going to be third place so far uh unfortunately and you can see she is not pleased with that result to uh to have felt what it felt like to stand on the podium here in andorra in ordinary at least she's going to be bummed with that but she's a resilient young rider and she's going to come back stronger than ever i have no doubt about that no doubt just a little bit backseat on that back leg costing her maybe a podium heart goes out all mario well moving back up this gives you a great view of just how rugged this is this start is just rough and uh and so so steep erica vikander she kind of thrives on it fourth season on the tour she's third overall last year she's sitting second overall right now has a silver medal on the tour already this year from our first stop i think mentally she's in a much better place dropping in today than she was last friday after her uh her travel drama so let's see how things go for erica vikander yeah that's right eric here going a little bit further look has left the top which is smart because there's better unwritten snow it looks less chopped up and a bit smoother to ride riding really well actually in this top section making smooth turns but picking slightly better lists tracked out to rain making it look real fun she said that she wrote this type of snow all the time in the pacific northwest where she's from in the states and that suits her and so far true to her word yeah erica vikander thrives on that stuff steep no problem technical great in places where we saw other riders sideslipping erica is making turns she's smooth she's fluid and she's got a great run on her hands right now chipping off that a little back but able to balance it fitness and balance coming into play balance is not something that happens to you it's not an accident it's something you do by staying strong by putting your feet underneath your body and erica did exactly that thing right over her snowboard yeah that's right good core strength and getting the grab off the method here as well eric if i can the viking they call her i think she's going to be happy with that ron just as comfortable in steep technical terrain as she is with the sarcastic jokes the american grooving out at the top to her music while she was waiting for the technique to delay managing to keep it together all the way to the bottom on her feet she looks a little bit overwhelmed but but well done on a sick run and i think you're going to be looking at potential another podium contingent with a tweaked out ending like that yeah getting the grab and then just slashing never looking out of sorts on this run look at the fluidity again a hallmark of erica's riding even in the technically difficult terrain erica always fluid looking at the line not deviating from the fall line very much loving this tool for us to see and for you guys to see exactly where the riders went on the face so erica really making her claim i'm i'm going to be interested to see what the judges make of this 7267 for erica dropping her into second spot here on the freeride world tour marion rt giving her bones their knuckles on the uh as she stays in the hot seat yeah we could be looking at an identical podium we've got at the moment marion airte who won last competition erica is second right now if katie anderson comes third then well that'll be the same podium but there's another couple of very talented riders are going to have something to say about that the next rider to drop out of the gate and the first rider we've seen at this different start manuela mandel's fourth season on the tour she is the 2018 freeride world tour champion she would like nothing more than to get back to that place she's always going into the guts of it real big sender but coming back from an injury so she's you know she's dipping her way back into the competition scene uh right now manuela getting straight into a super challenging section at the top nobody else lining this up so fine manu pointing it taking a butt check though and clipping a rock hope that wasn't too uncomfortable for the austrian looks like she's taking the time to get up right now not looking very comfortable yeah manuela mandel unfortunately not able to stick that in the next uh bounce taking her off a rock so she's uh she's gonna do a little bit of a self-assessment luckily we've got this the the safety team in place on the mountain we've got guides ski patrollers doctors everybody is ready to go if athletes are uh are unable to continue their run she's waving that is the universal signal for i'm okay or okay enough i'm sure that didn't feel good for manuela and uh and we're we're glad to see her up and riding again definitely manuela one of the favorites on the tour and as we said former tour champion yeah finding way over to some beautiful snow over here i guess that's why she wanted to go a little bit for the look is right than most of the other riders had and actually a pretty nice drone shot of her cruising down and enjoying the power over there but probably not in a lot of comfort right now the 2018 fred will tour champion uh saying that she wasn't happy with she rode the way she rode in the last competition when she came forth and wanted to step it up today and of course aim for the podium and push for the win but not working out quite her way oh catching her tip and that crusty snow there and that is going to be even more uncomfortable really unfortunate to not just get straight to the finish line and and have a sit down if if that's what she needs heart goes out to you manu part of the world tour by train project that we're doing with nuria and protect our winters along with friad world tour but uh not quite the day for the team there uh hope that you're good and heal up soon you can see there it is a family affair the other riders going to check in on manuela mandel as that was a heavy slam she had at the top bouncing over a rock the rider's wearing as much protection on them physically as possible they've got back protectors on they all have a full abbey kit in their backpack and the shovel blade often acting as a protector in the pack there so manuela she's she's up and moving around definitely not as you said not comfortable she's she's like i don't know i don't know uh that just happened um unfortunately for manuela mandel not the day she was hoping for and the score reflecting that but really in this instance i think the score the least important thing in that what's most important is that manuela is down at the bottom and uh moving around she's going to be sore for sure marion rt attending to her there truly uh a a free ride family and nobody wants to see another rider go down like that not at all and all amanda looking a little bit battle worn and battle weary there but she'll be back for the next competition in february in her home competition well the competition rolls on katie anderson the rookie out of fernie bc in canada she is in the start gate this young lady stopped number one she was on the podium and what a dream way to start your free ride world tour career very first go we we chatted about this before she tied for first overall on the qualifying tour twice going the first time the count back going to the other rider michelle locke but this time it going to uh to katie and katie making the most of it look at this turns right out of the gate very few riders able to do that on this face today now so aggressive out of the start gate her thermometer is gonna be right up on the judge's overall impression scoring system so fast through there not worrying about the slough too fast for it not seeing it not having to ride through it popping that ear and stomping it so clean this is a hot run right now from kd yeah slough management there doing it like a pro if you're ahead of it it can't bother you she is a former border cross racer and speed is her signature and you're seeing it here katie putting putting a strong case together for another podium spot she's linking the features together kind of as we said to mario feature feature about marion feature feature feature all the way down now arcing that heel side turn katie anderson she is looking strong another big send at the bottom this is a fantastic run for the young canadian really really solid i think she's going to be looking at another podium place today the question is for me how is it going to line up on the podium i think it was an even more solid run than her run in the competition on friday she's got to be stoked with it let's see a smile and we've got another talented writer coming up afterwards but damn gonna be unlucky not to land on the podium or something like that i mean look at this it's just blowing up around her control score through the roof the only thing that's maybe a touch low air and style as uh it was so fast she didn't have enough time still getting the grabs there i mean it's not like there was no air and no style but her hallmark is that speed and then getting this one at the bottom i mean she just looks so solid over her board never out of balance and i i absolutely love those turns at the top the way she wrote that top section stand out of the day for me looked like a snowboard movie that was just absolute pleasure to behold with the eyeholes all right so taking a look at our telestrator there you can see her line ultra direct super fast let's see second place for katie anderson with a 79-6-7 wow what a start on tour and with only one rider up at the top she is guaranteed to be on the podium again katie anderson wow what a debut on the freeride world tour for her the young snowboard rookies blake muller and kate anderson golden bird for one of them potential second overall for the other we'll have to wait and see she's just bumped uh erica vikander off the podium we've got anna all over left to go so interesting stuff got the first rider of the day out of start three anna orlova the russian rider she's back we're so stoked to see her back just getting her mitts on getting ready to go bubbly personality always so stoked to be around she just loves riding riding with all the uh the women on the on the snowboard scene in the freeride world tour it's so great to see them out there together and anna is just a such a fun rider to be around first rider of the day in this huge cool wire on the puerto rod look at this what a way to get it started it is steep in there as well the snow is untouched so a little bit smoother really nice for anna to make some turns down through they've got some slough coming behind her yeah this is no joke so steep you can see the slough running anna making turns up on the wall and then pinning it out of there blowing through the sloth cloud and now just cracking open the throttle to get things going so she needs to be 8233 the tricky thing about that start not a lot of features in there but the technicality of it is still going to give her a solid line score and what remains to be seen for anna is what she does with the lower half of this face yeah that's right just blowing through that sloth like you said there is nothing to be scoffed at very hard to do to keep your board in the four line when there's snow literally falling onto you but making it look easy the russian rider so far completely new section of the face really cool shady features probably a little bit better preserved snow in there technically good control good lots of things the judges are looking for but maybe it's not as much air in style as they want yeah i think you nailed it there neil that was a very steeped very technical line the kind of line you'd love to see in a snowboard movie uh we do have categories that the judges are working off aaron style is one of them line score another one i mean it's it was steep uh but adding features is really you know a clear and the way to bump up your line score but anna orlova cleaned top to bottom and and that is also a huge part of this game so she's got a big smile and look at this just the images coming out of that cool art the slough raging down and anna come flying out of it great to see that so control up high iron style you said it neil that one is uh is not popping as you might want as a tour rider gonna be a tough one for the judges to compare i think for michaela davis meehan for example versus annalova and completely in control but not really hitting many features to speak of michaela davis mean having some control issues but hitting some cliffs that were really impressive i would never really want to be a judge on the free wood tours especially not today for this run yeah they've got their hands full with that you can see anna's smiling marion's sitting pretty in the hot seat where she loves to be she's used to it hearts going out to the fans and to the homies of marion back in charming and chambrus and france anna now anxiously awaiting this is one of the most stressful positions a rider can be in maybe not as stressful as the start gate though so there we go 56-3-3 for anna orlova dropping her into fifth spot just behind michaela davis man so pretty tight in that score but it means the podium is marion et first and then erika vikander and katie swapping from the last competition to put katie in second and erica in third let's check it out mario arty right where she likes to be in control of the event in control of the overall katie anderson this rookie out of canada showing that she is right where she belongs on the freeride world tour erika vikander it's very rare that an event goes by that she's not on the podium and then we see michaela davis meehan and here we're going to take a look at the overall so again marion holding on with uh i'm going to say a commanding lead there 20 000 out of 20 000 possible points erica and katie though tied for second place right now and quite a far away or in front of manuela mandel the 2017 freed will to a champion before nuria the local rider and anna also tied for fifth michaela davis meehan rounding out the bottom of the table right now and clear mcgregor not starting today unfortunately due to the injury she picked up in the first competition snowboard women firing throwing down and developing stories across the board there so we are on we are in the middle of stop number two free ride world tour 2021 ski man we are rolling on the first man out of there or on the top of the podium last time these are our overall standing so far ross tester out of the u.s mile olivier out of france and blake marshall it's an international affair but very close behind is reigning champion isaac freeland and then as we look down it's just a who's who and in this field there is nobody there's nobody that you can sleep on every single man in this field could win if they have their day absolutely you've seen so many former fried world tour champions in that start list we've got reina barcaria drew tabke christopher turdell leo not starting today but a frenchman starting it off for us vatic gorick after winning the verbier and the last one being cancelled he's technically the reigning champion there now the swiss yan rasis before all of the americans coming in later on the table yeah and then we've got a few guys with some chips on their shoulder from last time david deliv tom pifer and cooper bathgate rounding out the event today randomizer went and spat out the order in no particular order so that's what we get as we said earlier there are benefits to starting early there are benefits to starting late the best thing you can do as a rider is to grab hold of the positives in whichever one you ended up in and hold on to that because you don't want to spiral yourself into thinking where you're starting is not the best place to start the mental game so critical in this sport so the ski men are up on the top of the portal route here in ordinarcley's they're ready to go let's take a look at what happened previously on ski man [Music] and he is coming out swinging teeing up a huge one right off the top 360 right off the top doubles down through that and takes it real fast getting right into it big becky and stomping it and another massive veggie off that one becoming unstoppable [Music] stepping over that that 360 was unbelievable this was an incredible one what a way to start ski men category on our first event fireworks across the board now let's take a look at what you think is going to happen in our podium situations today the votes are in christopher turdell he's won the world tour and he is back to try and perform today after crashing in the first event isaac freeland the current world tour champion and ross tester winning the last event here so people really opting for recent success in their voting for the peak performance fun bit yeah the ski man one of the hardest bets to place as we keep saying anybody could win and uh they are throwing it down so hard it's it's tough it's really just tough to know what happened vote with your heart vote with your brain you just never know we've had a reset and snow here on the portal route we've seen two categories of snowboarders drop and so the snow conditions playing into results a little bit so far but plenty of riders making the snow work for them so absolutely no problem this man is strong we said it before out of the gate backflip odds are good and then in his interview for the the fwt insider he said i'm going to do a backflip i'm going to go down a bit and i'm going to do another backflip well let's see what a gorick first ski man is on course i'm pretty damn excited for this one here we go so big and ha front punch man it ah i don't even know what to say about that it was so perfect in the air he put it down exactly how he wanted to but first person to land that landing today and it looks like the snow is punchy right at the same elevation as we saw our forerunner swedish uh junior max palm have the exact same thing there's only a certain amount of impact you can put on this crust especially if the surface isn't broken up and water gorek unfortunately you said it neil he's the first guy to hit that feature to test the waters and that side of the face seems to have been more affected by the wind and new snow combo as as the other and unfortunately falling victim to that crust he was perfect he was right over his feet he was dead balanced what gorick's not going to mess up a backflip he's the master of them but the crust i mean you can just see he's absolutely livid right now as uh the the snow conditions playing a huge part in wadix run there yeah that's right let's watch his replay sets the back flip like a backflip mask that he is and as he puts it down just goes forward so he's going for the absolute stomp sometimes people might lean back on their landing because it means that when they land their back might hit the ground it's a backslap and then they they don't crash but they lose a lot of control points but going for the full stomp just deciding i'm gonna stomp this so hard that i'm gonna be in perfect balance when i ride out but uh if you hit harder than you expected the snow is crustier than you think that's when you go four that's when you front punch and that's exactly what happened to her it looks like the the gopro is still recording so gonna have some rage on the gopro moments next time tough pill to swallow there for watch i feel for him as as being the first man out of the gate with difficult snow conditions and really just having to test the waters and as you said we saw max palm over on that side of the face as well have a similar result so it's going to be interesting for some of the other riders up in the start how are they going to react to that if some other guys had that plan will they stick to it or are they going to are they going to modify are you going to do it well the event rolls on jan rousey's the swiss style master he's smooth he's buttery he's happy he's he wants to get after it he finished 12th the last time but he is i mean he's a perpetual favorite he's always got something cooking up his sleeve look he's ducking under the guy rope there at the start gate to just get a slightly different take on the start yanrow sees getting ready to kick things off in a direction that i don't think anybody's gone at least not yet today that's right dropping in i think danny for now pratt took that one on the last competition and yeah i'm getting one of the starters to hold the rope out of the way for him so he can come charging at this 360 hit but landing a little bit on the side as well as he might clip a rock there for a second but uh just getting a bit unbalanced i think that's a really poppy takeoff and he was so caught there maybe the ground coming up a little ahead of what he thought now getting into the techie zone super smooth there just holding on to that we said it before if you come out of the fall line in this crust you're going to get bitten and youn now finding a massive flip there across court january sees again into uncharted territory what a creative run i mean you can always count on him for it but then when you see it it still catches you off guard because it's just so different than anything else we've seen so far so steezy that last cliff that he just hit before this one coming out now no one else has hit that this one other people have hit but not many and the one above it it looked like such a nice ear how has no one else seen that why has no one else hit it that's the kind of questions that yan always makes my art me ask myself when he's just skeeter's run and it would have been so amazing if he hadn't quite come down sideways on that 360. look he's just gathering speed he corks it out and then the ground comes up while he's still just a little bit tipped feet up beside his head so control down everything else popping the way he skied through that i mean we saw a couple guys trying that when he went that little airplane turned to control some speed yeah wow this is just such a stylish and creative run the huge backflip there again he's kind of the master of the cross court him pollard and drew tabke always have just a different a different take on the venue and it's really unfortunate because i think that would have been in contention for podium if he hadn't gone down on that 360. absolutely so creative and like you said i think that cork three he didn't do it wrong he just didn't go as big as he was hoping maybe the snow is a little bit softer and stickier in the takeoff i know we've found that free ride in the last couple of days so when the snow conditions that you don't quite see us right is what takes you down it must be even more frustrating because look how many hits you got on that line on the telecaster on the left side of your screen wow so creative still a solid score there that's one of the higher scores you're going to see with a fall for jan rosses and that just goes to show the judge is absolutely loving what they saw line score it's full full full of features and his air and style just through the roof as every single thing he hit he made looks so greasy smooth love to see it ross tester the next man coming out of the gate he was the winner of the competition on friday and he hit the three off that same ear that yonder side slapped on the question is will he do it will he do the same thing he just saw someone else talented crash on because it must be so hard standing at the top and wondering that i just heard in the background on the start mic someone's saying are you gonna do it i wonder if that was it well ross tester came onto the freeride world tour with a bang let's see him back it up moving across there the athletes preferring that way especially those that are looking to uh to line up this move now ross gathering speed taking a slightly different line so definitely not seeing the exact same thing we saw from ross he's over into where we saw water go is he going to throw the flip going for the flat spin coming up short on that one i think this uh snow for takeoffs is just a little bit slower than people expecting when you had your speed dialed in in the last competition on the same hits you know this is where you start pointing it from that's the perfect amount of speed to get the perfect landing and have the right amount of air time for my trick it doesn't work if the snow is a little bit slower especially if you can't tell and i think that's what's happened here today for the first three of our athletes in the mansky field yeah snow conditions playing a big part ross now opting to just ride the rest of his run out it's tough when you've fallen you know to stay checked in into the game and put down the rest of your run and it's kind of you know a lot of riders talk about being a little bit disrespectful to the riders above you um to to leave extra bomb holes on the face when when uh landings are at a premium so ross is checking in with john there moving across finding the speed and then getting himself lined up that was a super creative take on that upper section let's check in and see what happened here yeah just under rotates a tiny bit puts it to his feet but weight was still pretty four on the landing a little bit more air time would have treated him well he lands a little bit side hill as well so not exactly what he was looking for unfortunately ross has to going down but such a smooth and creative line i think we've got some more promise to see from this young man in the future oh yeah we haven't seen the last of ross tester he came out of the gate hot on the tour with a win and he was swinging for the fences with this run too i think that's just the way he's going to be rolling 28-3-3 so second right now i have a pretty strong feeling that's not going to hold um this venue today and the snow conditions definitely uh riders finding themselves challenged so ross is going win and then crash cody brown will also win in the crash out of the rusty lips crew not on a similar level for the the snowboard woman a win-win for marion rt and it's all getting mixed up in the other categories well we're going again contrast rookie to veteran reyna barca red he has always a unique take on it and we are going to see the throttle cracked wide open straight out of the gate he likes to go fast he likes to stay in the fall line he's got back flips on lock we don't always see him but when we do they are so good so randy now pushing across little drop out of the gate and he is on course the veteran out of order sweden coming straight towards what i'm pretty much going to call the back foot cliff at this point laying it out and stomping it like it's nothing wow that gorick crashed that randy barker had made it look easy and i can only say that as a compliment to rainer because damn how solid can you be in snow like that the mayor of stomp town showing why he's earned that title strength commitment ability all of it and just knowing exactly where to be balanced over the skis now arena coming into this lower section taking the double as a single that was a massive send there for reyna barker and what a great run for him staying true to his form skiing the way he wants to ski and flashing that venue from top to bottom he is going to be so psyched with that i think that there's going to be a new hot seat sitter randy barcaria the dynastar rider out of sweden showing why he has called the mirror stomp down and why he was the world tour champion in 2012. he's still got it my people watch this so we saw ross we saw wadak we thought ah the snow's not really going to allow for at this time well reyna just put an end to that conversation it is possible aaron style high line super high fluidity control technique all of it just popping there glowing for rainy bucket and look at this barely deviating out of the fall line you can see the telecaster showing his line fall line pinned it was over before it started 86 points for reyna barca red he's gonna be pleased with that he's going to the hot seat dynastar rider sitting on the dynastar hot seat that is one happy swede [Applause] yeah rainer getting a fist bump from the swiss rider they've both competed on the back the ross several times before and i think have a lot of respect for each other's riding so from strength to strength from veteran to veteran the condor drew tapke he uh he showed us on the insider yesterday that digging a pit to do inspection in is very much like free riding in so many ways well we're gonna see what he's got for free riding here drew has a deep bag of tricks he's always he's kind of a you know analyzing he goes super deep into it but then once he's skiing it just looks so fluid and free love to watch this man ski fly in hawaiian they call him side hill earring into the top section also lining up the similar top section but not exactly the same taking a completely different angle on it off a different nose over a massive paper field and stomping it like it ain't no thing yeah he took about five little clips and just turned them into one huge one drew now oh one ski diving in the crust and going down oh the snow having its way with another one of these riders just one tip dropping and as soon as you do one it's basically one of your feet hit a tripwire and drew tapke now lining up this bottom one still trying to salvage some points with a huge three holy cow we wondered if somebody was going to spin that well drew tapke just answered massive 360 from the transferrinator as they call them and by they i mean i transfers everything always you're looking for creative side hits this time just opting for the biggest one in the middle of the face spinning it and coming unstuck on one of the things that was not a feature must be super frustrating i think drew honestly may have salvaged an all-right score out of that with that weird little fall but then so many great great features i mean that that run right up at the top like finding the totally different take on this section look he takes off way up there jumps over what could be three other takeoffs and just takes it all in one and then moving into this lower section i mean this is just magic such a nice way to do threes as well you can't tell that he's going to spend as he comes up to the drop some people always have the arms really wide to like gain that momentum for the spin but drew just casually skiing into it and then popping bringing his knees up exactly how you meant to do it landing pretty heavy going past the other bomb holes but keeping it together and like you said like jan rasis i think he might have salvaged a good score even with a control issue yeah the judges are going to nail him on control unfortunately just he did have that fall he went right over with the with the tip catching the crust but a 64-33 i mean we're deep into the field already and he's sitting in third not probably going to hold up for the podium but possibly salvaging a result there for drew tapke which would be uh you know a little bit of a an ease on the pain of of you know what was a blindingly sick run unfortunately not able to just keep it together that crust having its way with him again and i mean one tip goes under the crust you're in a tough spot well we're just staying on the veteran train here six seasons on the freeride world tour this man is beloved in this part of the world imar navarro he is a rock star he gets mobbed for autographs wherever you go if you have lunch with him don't plan on it being quiet because the kids and the and adults just rushing him for autographs i'm our navarro on course starting at a start one was a little bit surprising for me but i'm sure he's got some ammo off his sleeve like this one taking the same year as manu mandel and keeping it together through that heavy landing i think the snow must be quite hard in there but the muscle nugget got no problems with shutting that down yeah just bouncing but bouncing on his feet now through the same double that paid off for him last time so technical imar getting a foot up scaring us a little bit as he was headed towards rocks but holding on this man is so balanced so strong and he's coming back into the same air that he hit last time going deep over the bomb holes and pure stomp which is imar's absolute trademark flashing it and he's going to catch a little extra credit over here i haven't seen anybody cross hill on this thing looks pretty flat but no problem for him because he is made of steel taking all those landings heavy and by pure determination just refusing to crash ima navarro also out of the pyrenees like you said local hero good friend reina buccaneer and it's cool to see the veterans just putting their own style into this oh i mean he caught a bit of rock on that take off he took off directly towards the rock that manuela mandel hit and managed to just flick his feet around you can see control a little bit down but technique through the roof as that is the only thing that and just raw physical strength that got him out of those predicaments and then absolutely mocking off that bottom cliff we know the transition on that one is short the tide goes out quick imar no problem at all he's so strong he's so stable and now we're going to wait and see what that score is going to bother reigning it's not but it's going to put him into second spot with a 7567 for imar navarro yeah i think that a couple of those small control issues that he had probably docked him a little bit there without those like almost going over the front and like landing a little bit one ski backseat at the top here i think he would have been up in the 80s maybe even troubling rainer but as it was just mate staying on his feet through determination and strength what a show here ski men's category freeride world tour stop number two we are in ordinal arcales andorra we are making our way through the next man in the gate is isaac freeland he is your reigning freeride world tour champion he finished fourth last friday and stopped number one here on the port del rat in ordinarchelys we had a chance to catch up with isaac and see where he's at what his uh what is heads doing coming into the season as champion and then getting fourth in uh the most recent event has kind of lifted some pressure off my shoulders now i'm just kind of right below the podium and ready to strike when the time's ready because we're competing on the same face again there's a lot of insight that all the riders have keep those gopro runs in the in the back of my mind from a creative standpoint and i'm gonna kind of look at it as if it was a new face so isaac freeland the black diamond rider out of north america he is showing a lot of promise to return to his uh golden bib style as free world to a champion from last year because like he just said in that interview fourth at the moment we've just seen one of the guys that came first one of his uh podium contenders go down so striking the time's right looks like he's about to try and do it yeah you know trevor tanoff i isaac's former coach talking strategy and the strategy that isaac took into last season ease into it don't put all your cards on the table right away and it was in fact in andorra where isaac laid his full hand down with that switch overflip uh switch misty uh the the jury's still out on what we want to call it what i know is it was insane and everybody realized what a threat isaac is he has the full package he's a great skier technically super sound but his bag of tricks is so deep even for some of the more freestyle oriented tour riders they look to isaac or like what's he gonna do because he has so many tricks we haven't seen a tenth of it yet on the tour and he said it in the interview and it's so perfect so apropos ready to strike he's right where he wants to be he's in the mix but he's not leading he doesn't have the pressure on his shoulders so isaac freeland ready to drop here on uh on this second stop of the free ride world tour let's see what isaac's got for us taking the same top here as his buddy ross tester and coming through that cut up snow you can see it's been testing for everyone if you'll excuse the pun lining up that same top as ross as well i believe to get him over to the back flip cliff couple turns there for isaac throwing the flip muscling through we know it's possible now reyna broke the ice on that one after a couple of falls now isaac making his way into this technical section feet wide look at he's got that kind of ski racer stance he'll never get thrown off balance wow so stompy he just looks like he's a lego man ready to just get put into the lego ground his feet are connected to it like it can't be broken just so quick through to this bottom cliff and transferring across the chute effortless landing that's the sign of good transition when your knees don't even bend isaac freeland making short work of this venue top to bottom soap and never looked like he was out of sorts so fast fairly similar run to last time and again great to see riders still going to that backflip cliff even after a couple other riders uh going down on that one i i really like to see riders stick to the plan even if they see somebody else crash doesn't mean that they can't do it must have been one of the quickest runs of the day as well isaac no hesitation in this whole zone which is super technical as well look at this i think that was the only two short turns in the entire run perfect becky spots a good part of the landing no one else has landed there yet and then this one like you see it's ski racer star was it the downhill line yeah you could just see his knees working pumping the ankle still staying supple and flexible as he moved across that terrain and that allows him to stay balanced over the skis not get pushed around it's it's a it's an absolutely refined skill 81 3-3 for isaac freeland moving him into second spot that's a big threat there that's out of the way for renee barker's hot seat quest or quest to stay in the hot seat so isaac freeland now moving himself into second place the black diamond rider of course black diamond the sponsor for the world tour safety equipment well back up to the top swiss rider carl renvall he had a pretty strong uh well maybe not strong for carl he likes to be on the podium but he is in the top 10 he was 10th sun god rider out of verbier he's smooth he's buttery he's got such a distinct ski style and he's always another rider who can have a take on the on the face that you just never quite thought of i love watching carl ski it's always exciting but it's kind of in a way soothing he's just so smooth always and he snakes his way down and then there's just punctuated with these moments of insane action you see the verbier on the tooth there for carl as we push it out of the gate let's see what the snakey young swiss rider has for us that was such a good description it's soothing to watch him ski mixed in with craziness i'd say that's just the same as his personality look at that just enjoying the pow enjoying the transfer stomping it making sure he gets as much fun out of this venue as possible there's another one that no one else has just put his unique brand on his face so far every time he gets into the air you see him start to push the shifty out but then it tweaks even a little more now carl unfortunately getting hung up i'm not sure if it was in the snow or on a rock definitely fluidity issue there but yeah always with the tweaks now across there threeing into the pocket and holding on to it carl renval yes carl unfortunately losing a little bit of speed because of the sticky snow on the way up that wall but whatever that was such a cool creative feature no one else has even looked at going from the lowest start down to the bottom right of the venue barely seen any traffic at all and carl you could be happy with that my friend sun got right out of verbiage like you were just saying damn that was super cool around to watch yeah interesting point there neil and this has been a bit of a chat amongst the riders you know super creative creativity not one of the judging categories but it's so it's always interesting to see aaron's style through the roof as expected three in a very difficult place to do a 360. judge is definitely going to take that into account fluidity you can see a little bit docked as he got hung up moving up onto that feature but yeah it's a it's so tough for the riders to choose where they want to go and and i love the riders like carl who just go with what feels right to them you look at a face something draws you to it and you find your way through that not skiing for the judges skiing for the passion skiing for the joy and for carl just skiing for the smoothness yeah something else that i think might be interesting about his run is there's a stage one landing on that 360 and if you're not familiar with stage one two three stage one is basically putting a hand down stage two is maybe putting a butt down stage three is full back slap like skis off the ground or a front punch where you land straight back on your feet so that is basically how the judges assess the control factor on landing ears and i think that might also dock the score a little bit well let's have a look six seven six seven for carl randall so that's good enough for fifth place currently but that is not any indication of where we are going to end up that is eight riders in to 19 in this field carl renvall done another carl still to come carl regner erickson swedish rider he uh he had a pretty solid run on friday with a fifth place finish he's another man in this field is kind of poised and ready to strike he's been on the podium before he wants his first win on the tour he loves to ski he's always got so much style carl you know fourth place uh sorry four seasons on the tour but he's really kind of looking for that first event win and i really think we may see it from this uh from the swede this year yeah i feel like he's still a little bit of a dark horse so full of promise and potential that not quite put it down in a way that's like changed the world yet but with stuff like that casual front flip off the top looking so confident is this gonna be his run with a hugely a side three like that and park style dragging the tails out of this time damn he's having a good one uh we are about two seconds into carl's run and he's already got two massive tricks on board staying on this skiers left side i was wondering if the snow was going to start really changing for the riders as the sun starts to hit it but man carl just making it looks so good and now coming into this long one the same one we saw rena hit stopped carl making short work of the track tricks airs super fluid that was a solid run from the swede really really fast can't fault any of those ears shout out to six done spence on colorigna eriksen also out of order giving a high five for spam to reina swedish crew holding it down but that front flip uh what a way to start i mean if you want to start your free ride run in a way that just jud grabs the judges by the caller and demands their attention that's how you do it so line score the only thing that's a little bit lower and then everything else popping ski technique faultless there for carl rigner erickson the peak performance rider out of sweden look at the line zig zag and then pin to fall line with a huge air to stomp to finish what a great run for carl so now the judges have their work cut out for them super different than reyna barker at is it going to be enough to knock reyna off the podium hard to say aaron style and technique they're huge reyna had the full charge but carl was not slow so definitely an interesting one for the judges to click through as they factor everything in and see where they're going to drop him into the mix well we can guarantee you there will be a swede sitting in the hot seat after this run is scored caloric near is just stoked [Music] rain is saying he doesn't remember exactly what happened in his run whether it's because he actually doesn't remember or just doesn't want to say i'm not sure but both checking the score screen constantly here we go score dropping for carl right now erickson 73-3-3 so that is gonna put him into fourth place currently uh the judges having their say for carl um that run just looks like so much fun so much fun i think that there was anything that probably docked him in the end was it lion score you're talking about the fact that look is right is a bit more mellow in terms of technicality big tricks though yeah it's i mean it's just uh it's a tough day to be a judge you don't envy those guys any day but these guys just throwing hammers and carl making his case right back up to the top i recognize my helmet there on blake marshall unfortunately we gave you guys the story before his bag's gone missing while still missing so blake marshall doing it for a podium spot last time on borrowed gear still on all that boro gary still needs to get back to switzerland to his dad's place where he can re-gather all his own stuff but it doesn't seem to affect him blake marshall the young kiwi rider just going for it here on tour that's right quick through this top section those turns are ears because it's so steep and he's lining up a tail three nice smooth storm just classic blake style making everything look easy but i can tell you it is not yeah and snow conditions tricky up there going switch flipping around into the double making his way through look at the speed of his feet as he redirects off the second step of that double blake marshall definitely going strong getting a little caught up on the rocks but just keeping it in the fall line got to be patient there blake marshall not rushing anything and keeping it clean well blake marshall you can see he's kind of waving his hands around i'm not sure if that was exactly what he was hoping for just a little snag on the rocks in the middle of that one super super smooth and like a little shake of the head little tongue out i think you're exactly right there derek it's like not exactly what he wanted to do but just because he was so strong and they cruised down through the technical stuff i think he'll still get a good score yeah it was a good run for for blake and you know we got to kind of just see that these riders are perfectionists so let's take a look he was so strong through the top there neil right side tail three just missing the grab nice cross up and a little revert at the top of that shoot as he gets his directions really fast through the i think this bottom section we're about to see now maybe was the part wasn't exactly how he meant to do it but that snow was punchy bumpy not a perfect transition see almost goes forwards there but just out of the strain training the strong legs staying on his feet i think he'll still be a reasonable score out of that yeah for sure he just got a little caught up in the rocks right when he was looking to change direction which just kind of pushed his balance out a tiny bit nothing it's not even a stage one or anything on a control issue but just a small hiccup in an otherwise great run and uh looking at the the criteria there just a tiny bit lower on fluidity and hard to dock a guy you can actually see a core shot on his ski there 71-33 for blake marshall um strong run there loving that there was some contention on that tail grab on his last run where uh the the photo the video everything looked like he was just absolutely locked blunt on the tail of his ski and he was like no i actually missed it sitting in a fifth though yeah sitting in fifth so far reyna barcad holding on a bunch of or holding off a bunch of strong challenges so he's looking pretty there in the hot seat we're going up to start number three we haven't seen any other athletes drop in from here in quite a while actually since anna orlova but ray mcdermott the young american out of a basin in colorado he's a billy goat he said he loves the real true big mountain style and this when he saw that start was on the menu he was like oh there's no doubt where i'm going looks like a tasty start for ray mcdermott and he is dropping in now on course just like we're saying classic aggressive fast in the steep terrain he's doing that so far uh we wondered if anybody was going to get up onto that spine ray blowing out of the sloth cloud with a front flip i gotta say i don't think that was on purpose but it didn't affect his fluidity at all he just disappeared into his slop and came out maybe it was a big mountain tame dog i hope so that was absolutely insane it's so steep and gnarly up there such a tough moment to be a judge would you can't tell if it was an intentional front flip or not just comes out of a slough cloud onto his feet and a completely fresh line over here and the tracks of january so only one other line but going a little bit further look is right of that turning it into an air and coming down through the bottom section now wow ray mcdermott raymundo del mar as he is known in indoor in circles he just a completely new take on this face airing the cave cliff at the bottom uh i can't wait to see the look on his face at the top because he either just did something spectacular or cheated death either way it was exciting for us down here in the booth to watch the shake of the head probably indicates the the death cheating yeah i think so i mean that was serious business let's take a look here back at this yeah catch his tip i think yeah i mean let's give credit where credit is deserved for rey to get caught up do a front flip in the middle of that come out skiing and still hit his next heir having a chat to reign in barcelona in the background there saying that didn't mean to get caught up like that they're still making it look smooth he's cheesy down the bottom saying he's a bit of a freestyle rider as well i heard someone said he wanted to do a cork five run through the finish line switch one time but uh taking the big mountain approach today not quite paying off the 4833 for ray mcdermott well glad to see him okay loving the approach there ray going for it swinging for the fences out of start three big start not quite working out but i have a feeling when we get to some of the bigger faces we get to austria and fever burn we may have not yet seen the best of ray mcdermott well this man came out swinging miele olivier the french rider second in his first freeride world tour event he's we're calling the veteran rookie he's been around for a while but he is a rookie on tour he lost a couple years to a head injury and got to give him full credit for taking the full amount of time to let it get completely healed get everything right then get his body right again then get the mental game right again and then come back qualified through and now he's here and he shows that the path that he took was worth it take the time guys if you're injured take the time to get it right and then when you come back come back at 100 mile olivier did it he was the uh he was the silver medalist on their first stop here he uh he got renee it's not of approval for the technical dinosaur technical moment of the event and he is ready to drop in here for take two on course now man oliver can't agree enough what you just said about taking your time to get your injuries right before you try and come back and mail teeing off this top one into the gnarliest section wow i'm glad he could shut that down because there is a paper feel below him he took the rock that imar dodged and manuela mandel hit completely out of play by just jumping past it mayella olivier going full throttle here and he is now into this super technical section across to the yanrow seaswinlap going i thought he was over rotating there but he brought it perfectly just about 450 into the fall line airing over a rock there as well male oliver has already done one more feature but this has been such a fast run and that's a huge one as well stomping that i didn't even see that one before how is this guy finding these features that nobody else is doing wow myel just going all the way out onto the piste here at ordinarchelys as he found an extra air into the flats that was a massive drop at the end we can't even call that extra credit that thing deserves credit as its own strong feature that was a banging run top to bottom for miele and so big on that upper air that we've seen gives riders a bit of a challenge before mael i cannot say enough about how impressed i am with this line hitting three features that i don't think we've seen anyone else hit so impressive and just pure strength being like i am in control through determination like you it's left three going for the grab bring it around right and then this bottom hit you see he is over rock there you have to land exactly in that pocket and he just nailed it already celebrating a little bit before this bottom huge year like you said it's not extra credit it is a qualification in itself and that thigh strength to stay on your feet and right onto the piece like that i'm glad there was no one casually skiing fast there beast mode for maya olivia that was a fantastic run and i want to just give a little bit of credit to spinning left on what is a natural right side three wind lift he had to go you know if he took that to the right it would be a 270. he had to go 450 to get it back into the fall line to land in a way that he wouldn't get immediately chucked by the crust that was a super technical move mile olivier is he going to challenge second place morena parker breathing a sigh of relief and miele dropping an 84. so things heating up in this ski man's category absolutely boiling over rayne i think was nervous that he was about to lose the hot seat all right well speaking of riders with a chip on their shoulder this young man had a banger run going and then had it fall apart in a very strange spot it wasn't an air just a misplaced turn in uh in a transition from steep to flat and looking to kind of make up for that i'm curious to see if he's going to go back to the well because the run that tao had on top was definitely a potential winner and tao never goes for anything but the win he goes out so hard he's got a deep bag of freestyle but he's got those big mountain chops the austrian rider he just wants to stand on the top of that podium so badly so badly he's been sending huge threes and backflips in preparation for the fred world tour i think he's about to drop it edited about that too killing the social media game and coming up to the backflip cliff now boom so perfect how cryback fireworks already going off in his mind and on the venue looking so focused coming into this double this is where danny for now pratt got hung up in the last competition he wants to avoid that he's going back the look is right where ross tests to win the flat landing no problem for the peak performance rider tal crowbar heating it up 360 into the pocket there another stomp for tao so this is a little bit better a lot better now and tau going for the long and long stomping in the bomb holes wow that is a lot cleaner a lot better and probably going to be a much happier tau in the finish areas last time just not getting to express his full riding joe yeah there it is look at him he's so happy to put one down he was kind of saying i just want to get one of these runs in the bag and show everyone what i've got well there it is for tau cryback big becky big 360 big ear at the bottom as well i think look at that aaron style right up there it's exactly what he wanted to show he's been working on that aspect of his riding so hard lately i think we're coming in for a really good score for the austrian yeah the only the only nitpick on the run was just the entry into the double where he got a little tip and tail hung but he made up for it in so many places as tao you see him stomp that three and then right over into this big one and he takes it into the sea of bomb holes dead stomp so clean look at that so fall line slightly different approach at the top than he took last time he deviated out to the skiers right with the three that time it was fall line with the massive backflip and you can't fault it that was a solid line tau packed with tricks i have a feeling the judges are going to be stoked on that one yeah i think they're going to love this a lot i'm not sure if it's going to challenge rainer it might but if the only reason that i can think of that it might not is a hand down on that bottom landing i'm not sure if you saw that but like like you said there's a sea of bomb holes a really tough thing to judge because so many people land there it makes it more difficult to land there cleanly hand down on that landing would that be the difference between him and rayner he did a three as well as a becky we rainer only did a becky rain had a perfect landing on the bottom cliff i think it's going to be really close but it could go either way it could go either way yeah and it's so tough i mean you said not sure if you saw that well guess what this panel they saw it they see everything they don't miss a beat these guys and now they're just running it through they're they're running it through the criteria to see where it's going to come up but i'm very confident it's going to come up aces whether it's first second third he's in the mix which is where tau krybik really wanted to be and with a run like that certainly deserves to be yeah we've got lola best is checking in with the video replays on the on the left you've got two guys watching the screens to reevaluate things from different angles and let the judges know what happened in case they missed it first time around on the screen with the binoculars or the long lens making sure we've got all angles covered to give tao crybic his score but we both think it probably going to be pretty up there and he's been longing for that he is just hunting for that podium fifth and fifa run last year showing a glimpse of his potential but what's what the combination of steep big and tricks you know he's got to be on the podium sometime will it be today the chat has dried out between town rain and now it is just pure nerves i mean they'd both be stoked for each other anyway but the folks that these guys have hey annika giving a shout out to his girlfriend there tau kravik out of its brook austria yeah props to the homies back home it's always good to see i mean these riders all have such a big support crew in in their homes that kind of carry them on their backs 83 6-7 for tau cryback he is in third place currently you can see he's uh he's marginally satisfied with that it was a good a head nod like all right 83 that's cool i mean for him to put the full run down like you said there were a few little glitches for tao now it's just going to be going forward a matter of little cleanups rather than a full page one rewrite which i think is just a great place for tao to be going into the rest of this tour only three points for him between him and rayner but that being one position as well well the glory of the pyrenees and here is a man with something to prove massive backflip off the start last time and his ski abandoned him unfortunately for christopher turdell uncharacteristic as we said when when he fell and we missed the ski click off we were like that's weird christopher never falls and then you saw the replay that this ski just abandoned ship made a bit more sense christopher trudell now looking to have his way on this mountain yeah that's not getting really chopped up out of that start now but the technique on this man is so perfect that he puts down the back flippings in a different place and just bounces over a rock in the landing he's not bothered by that not bothered that was a wild place to do a backflip christopher threading the needle between the rocks now cross court moving here getting another long and low in christopher turdell he's always so balanced his skiing just looks quiet and effortless even though he's going huge there and finding the fresh landing that is veteran skiing right there just the same takeoff but a slightly different trajectory slightly different angle and he puts himself into the money spot on the landing you know maybe only a meter over but just the difference there is a fresh landing instead of landing in a pit where six other people have landed super smart skiing from the former fried world tour champion look at this worry backflips i'm pretty sure that's where rayna wanted to backflip in the last com landing just short of that rock ollying over it not looking phased and then like you said just so pinned in this bottom section and pointing it in exactly the right direction that has his absolute speciality knowing where the fresh lane is going to be and finding exactly the right takeoff to land there and i hope you guys saw it but when christopher came into the finish area and he did the same thing last year with his other best friend carl when he saw rayna sitting in the hot seat his face just lit up he's such a great friend to these guys and and when he you know he sees his bud his travel companion his countrymen sitting in the hot seat he's like oh nowhere that's so stoked to see him so he's as happy for rayna barker as he is for himself for laying down a good run love to see that the companionship is goes hand in hand with the competitiveness and and for these guys you know they're good friends they travel together a ton and always psyched to see your buddy sitting in the hot seat and you know that's a big relief for christopher to put one down first place for christopher toudell 89.67 knocking reina barker head out of the hot seat the two swedes on top going in for the hug the face away from each other corona save hug but looking like at least one of them will be on the podium today and like you said huge relief for the former fred will to a champion coming off a crash and loss of a ski meaning a no score in the last column he's right back in it now well the judges absolutely loving christopher style the ski technique the air and style all of it just coming together there and christopher turdell dropping himself into the hot seat all right local rider and doran hero danny fornell pratt he is a a frontier guard here in andorra and that's uh that's ah it's relevant because basically where he's standing is the border it's france down on the other side he's another man opting to start from start number three he had a banger going the other day and had it come unstuck let's see what danny fornell pratt has for us straight out of andorran police force coming at you danny fauna platt wild carted on to this event after being a wheelchair rider for several years same time as me actually getting into the zone first person to go through here i've looked at that all day and hoped someone would hit it and he has just made me gracious stomping that one too the flat landing we saw i think tom piper have a back slap off or a hand down in the last competition danny's strong legs and traversing quickly now to get back into the other features yeah looking good danny he's got the advantage of knowing exactly where he's going he is over some serious exposure now airing into the cool war and straight into this wind lip jump getting the grab danny for now pratt putting it all together yeah super fast down through here as well he just loves charging around the local rider knows this terrain and loves showing off that he does lining up a similar air to mail but off the other side coming back into the features that we saw other riders getting into but taking a fresh take on it i think yan rasis hurt turning into it sending slough over the cliff getting a little bit sat down on that landing because it is flat but a sick run from danny celebrating with a fist bomb stoked for him yeah that's that's uh that's a locals move right there definitely pretty flat loved that run top to bottom especially the top coming out of star three you said it neil that alley that cam comes out of the cooler that is a close-out move we're gonna see it in the replay but let's have a look he gets up onto that shelf there's no way out of here except to air and danny's so clean you can see his trajectory perfect otherwise he hits those other rocks a little bit of a control issue from uh from our judges and we we saw it there on that bottom landing i think possibly the only other man to hit that was imar navarro and uh you just you can't look at heirs and say well if i'm are stomped it i can stop it no that's not how that works if he can stomp it it might not be doable for anyone else on the planet yeah a little bit of a set down the last landing the one reflected in the judges control scores and the rear the only one in the red all the others very strongly in the green but such creative run look on the telecaster on the left hand side you can see that there's quite a lot for the look as lift and most of the other riders have gone and really cool and created from the local i think want to give a shout out to his son as well skiing with his son now too and apparently he loves the mountains just as much as danny i got the opportunity to ski with danny yesterday and he's just so stoked he's so fired up the whole time you're skiing he's like come over here i'll show you a line come over here i'll show you a line and everywhere you go it's just like these cool places you would never find on your own 66 even for danny fornell pratt just playing host playing guide to the whole freeride world tour here in andorra and couldn't ask for a better host than danny fernell pratt wow we are just flying through the ski men's field and still a whole list of heavy hitters in the star gate nerves are flying andrew pollard a paul missing his travel buddy his companion jacqueline pollard shout out to you everybody here misses you but andrew holding it down for the pollard family riding out out to utah always smooth always stylish he's got a fantastic mullet on the go right now neil you can't say enough about andrew pollards [Laughter] there you go 2023rd overall last year uh rookie of the year before that as well i believe so andrew pollard super solid writers already proven himself on the way to becoming a veteran and like you're saying dislocated his shoulder three or four weeks ago and coming to the first competition city had to find smooth transitions with nice landings and she'll be looking for that again today just flooring it out of the start flying massive three on that one andrew pollard makes the impossible look easy he's so strong long legs he calls himself gangly but what he is is a big strong man absolutely flying right now through this that 360 was rowdy and we've seen people struggle on that takeoff but not apoll i just can't believe how easy he makes everything look like that massive ear pioneered it yesterday opened it up put the first take off and landing track in it and stay other people have copied him but he goes back and does it better with a stubble or even a triple he is fired up look how stoked he is you rarely see andrew he always comes in was like yeah that was cool he is fired up his i i'm gonna put a put a case out for that was the fastest run of the day so far and that's unusual for andrew usually he's milking his way down but he was so pinned look at that such perfect technique the bars are firing through the roof andrew popping through this double barely touched down but still with the tweak and then oh zombies stomp legs i think we might have someone looking at a hot seat i don't know i'm pretty sure he's going to be on the podium at least for now first place andrew ballard 94.67 what a way to come back for injury holy damn my dude they loved it very similar line to turdell but probably 10 seconds faster in total down the face mocked off that bottom air and as we said it's rare to see andrew just froth out like that gets so fired up but that one felt good for him he found his spot he found his angles and he took it to the moon andrew pollard in the hot seat that three at the top wow all right well we have a rookie out of sweden david de liv he has shown us that he has what it takes he had what certainly to me looked like a winning run going and then just a slight angle miscalculation on a massive backflip at the bottom of his run last time took him out of contention super curious to see if he's gonna come back and try to do the same run or if we're gonna see something different from the young swede hungry sweet they call him out of this show the head going on verbier flipping again stomping it but going forwards no my man ah david deliv falling victim to the backflip cliff there just a bit of a cross catching him it looked like maybe it was only one foot but the the margin right now in these snow conditions for getting it right is so slim and unfortunately last time when it was just rock hard he had that one on lock this time with the odd snow finding one foot soft and one foot not soft unfortunately tripping him now he's coming down into this bottom air landing next to pollard's hole there to finish things out uh got it to see david deliv go down like that as we were i think in for a show from this swedish rider he's just not quite finding the magic da vinci coat to put a full run together but each run has these flashes where you go oh if this comes together he's shooting for a podium yeah absolutely he nailed that back flip at the top last time he nailed the cliff at the bottom this time couldn't quite put it together you combine those two runs it'll be right up there and podium contention super solid really promising rookie but gonna be a disappointing day for him yeah let's see if we can just dig into this one so the flip set perfectly yeah his one foot left ski just getting pushed back behind him once your ski's in that position and your other foot's in the crust there's no pulling it back so unfortunately for david to live control in the basement in the red zone and that's a real bummer to see as uh we're gonna wait for the score but that one is not going to haunt andrew pollard in the hot seat we saw wild rana sit in that hot seat all day long get knocked out by christopher and then back to back paula come down and knock him out 41 so david de leave dropping into 15 spots so far andrew pollard is sitting in the hot seat drinking a juice box showing off a mullet with some fantastic sunglasses just loving everything about that right now also that man is guaranteed a podium with two riders left to go he is in first place so gonna be a podium run for the uh the rookie of the year from two years ago like i said things can really change up with who he ends up with the golden bourbon it might be andrew pollard all right let's go back up to the top cooper bathgate whistler freeride club alum this guy has style he's always got a creative take on the mountain smooth smooth smooth smooth that's his hallmark great technique he was little off on his line choice he said the other day he just didn't quite get it but now in the mix in the steeps cooper bathgate throwing up a plume of slough and we're gonna see where things go switch into that cool and then tripling through it like it ain't nothing just so smooth you just said it you called it derek and then he backed you up and then smooth again off this one a nice casual floaty grab and this is this is already half done i already barely started talking oh cooper bathgate backing himself by going switch into that cool wire there is no way if you get that wrong it comes apart at the seams and off of that big bottom air so cooper definitely learning from his line choice last time he skied he was like i felt like that would have been a good ski movie line uh and this time a competition line but a switch one into the hourglass uh what exactly i can't wait to see what the judges are going to make of that you can see him drop in pop in there over the air and then just pinned out of there cooper bathgate over the downhill ski coming across let's see what the drone are yeah just keeping it so solid in the air as well it doesn't look like he's gonna crash for a second and i think it wasn't just a switch one but it was like a smooth style relaxed in the air switch one just concentrating on the jukebox juice box and hoping you won't get knocked out of the hot seat andrew pollard but cooper basket switch wanting where mael oliver three'd onto the podium the other day what's gonna happen now well it's in the judge's hands which is all you can do as an athlete cooper now anxiously waiting looking at the screen trying to see what's going on uh the idea of being switched skiing backwards above that hourglass shoot i cannot even imagine what that uh what that would do to your head dropping in out of the start gate knowing hey this is the steepest part of the face you know what i should do i should just turn around backwards but cooper bathgate just looking to put his stamp on it totally different henchmen pollard casually on the juice box now we wait we put it in the judge's hands these guys know what they're looking at we saw their uh their judge's criteria lit up pretty good the only thing possibly a little lower was the line score but everything else popping for cooper as we wait to see what the judges are going to have to say it was nice cooper and april just having a chat saying it was nice saying you'd like to be in the last one that's interesting this is always an interesting sign when the judges take a long time it means they're really putting some thought into it they're really they're they're they're running the numbers they're they're putting it through the filter of their criteria to see where they want to drop it when we look at this list right now there are so many as you think back to those runs so many of those runs were just pure fire i can't even imagine how the jets you can see hands going discussion intense right now to see where they want to drop cooper into the mix right now and he angst most anxious of all other than possibly a paul not sure if that one's going to challenge for the top spot as andrew's run was just so aggressive and so fast but definitely cooper putting his mark on this and score in 12th place for cooper bathgate 67.33 a little bit lower than uh maybe he was expecting but still got a smile on his face about it having a chuckle and chatting with apollo the judge is having their say on cooper's run which means we only have one more man to go tom pifer as you said twin brother of liam pifer formerly on tour together ryder another one out of the whistler freeride club all the homies at home tuning in to see tom drop in he's got that classic stance he always goes out of the gate hot and he wants to get he's got the the bull stomp now just waiting to get things fired up for tom pifer as he drops in the free red world tour on course seeing a north american contingent going further look is left out of that and so you can line up to bring speed into this next section it's been a really fun place to watch to separate riders whether they can make smooth turns through it or not and tom making short work of it really good technique left three full stomp not opting to go for the lookers left and to the flatter cliff where he had a hand down on the last time fast through the section bull stop like you just see it and looking real good so far now a big send off this one transferring into the pocket finding that transition tom and a big send out the bottom absolutely making short work of it tom piper kind of going back to his roots if i can say tom pifer kind of took a gamble on the far skiers right last time maybe going a little bit away from regular tom skiing that was classic tom pifer fall line aggressive huge and that bottom air i mean it's barely a takeoff but when you hit it that fast you're gonna go a long way i'd love to look at the gap in the track there for tom yeah really sick round from tom pi for there waiting on the first bomb gets it from a pole he looks pretty stoked and like you said classic pinned four line top to bottom but with a nice 360 as well so it could really stack up the judges criteria all in the green line a little bit down apparently but all the others really firing and that three was just perfect i can't really fault anything in that run yeah clean pop there you can see tom staying over the ski going deep on this transfer at the bottom we saw olivia mcneil hit that last time and come up quite a bit shorter than tom and that is the pace you need to go if you want to catch transition on that one look at the relief on his face tom wanted to put down a tom run and he did barely coming out of the fall line as you said the three at the top that's a scary spot and the skiing required the technical scheme required to get to that three is so difficult and especially i mean this course has been worked over especially that entrance far and away the majority of the riders so far in this event have skied out of that start gate so definitely showing his technique really strong run i think uh tom pifer they're vying for a spot in in the upper echelon of this field the upper echelon tom's gonna be stoked with that i think you're right that it was relief on his face you know he knows he can ski like that i thought he did it pretty well in the last comp as well but this one is just double proven that he is here to play you know he only just re-qualified i think he was the last guy to re-qualify after the last season it's pretty stoked to still be here and i think he's just double proven why he is yeah absolutely i mean tom is he's becoming a fixture on this tour and he knows he can he can get it done you know his very first appearance on the freeride world tour was standing on the podium with tanner hall and mark cedar uh that's that's rare air for sure to be in the mix with those guys and uh every time you know he just comes out swinging and he always he kind of struggles with staying true to himself and i'm really glad for tom that he did a classic tom piper run there and now we just wait to see what the judges thought about it 82 points for tom pifer into six and as the last rider that means he will finish in sixth place today in the ski men's field that also means that andrew pollard takes his maiden victory on the free ride world tour look at his face i mean look at his whole scene doesn't even know what to make of it that smile belays quite a lot the hand to the head it hasn't sunk in yet [Music] and the last time he's having a chat there i think he i heard him mentioning his sister's name check it out andrew pollard on a 94-67 with a stamp christopher turdell coming back from a tough one last time randy barker had on the podium neil he's going to be stoked with that he often says it was my turn and i waited a while that was nice mael oliveira second the last comp fourth in this comp i think that means he might have the golden big tower cryback storming back into form yeah great to see and then we're just kind of rounding out we see jan rouse he's called renval cooper bathgate there drew tavky unfortunately going down so big date there for the ski men let's go down and check in with a paul because that was just such a hot run andrew pollard if you can hear us first of all congratulations that was just such an epic run for you uh tell us what that means to have your first victory on the freeride world tour uh pretty sick i actually didn't think i could win one of these comps anymore with how good the kids and hell even the old guys are skiing like reyna like it's such a cool group of people so to win it's pretty much the biggest honor i've ever had so yeah shouts out to jacqueline for keeping me safe back home and always watching congratulations andrew pollard april and your sister jackie uh jacqueline sorry for keeping it safe at home and uh recuperating to be back here maybe you guys can be world tour champions together one day really stoked to have you here and super sight for you to come back from injury and land the second round to win all right so let's see what that did to our overall rankings a bit of a shake up for sure we're gonna run the math run the numbers and we're gonna get that to you uh right away i think you're gonna be right we're gonna to see mael olivier oh he sure is he is up there in first place new man on the golden bib andrew pollard jumping way up into second he's in the hunts is andrew pollard and reyna barker right now in the top three overall things are looking good for the swede ross tester fifth winning the last one but isaac freeland the defending will to a champion fourth still in the position where he's ready to strike blake marshall karla rignet erickson they're still in a good position as well and towel not quite in position to re-qualify yet but right up there now yeah making a case for himself there shaking things up in the ski men's ranking well guess what guys this competition this competition has plenty of action still to come ski women standing up at the start gate gathering clicking into skis stretching getting ready but let's check in and see what happened previously on ski women [Music] bigger hit and taking it far more for line from elizabeth garrison but coming unstuck that's a transfer you've got to make that landing and she does oh looks like that crusty snow costs her a ski big ups to the new polish rider rookie [Music] boom boom boom dead fall line top to bottom won't be back on the tour this is a new juliette williman and this new juliet is looking absolutely unbeatable that was unreal off with a huge backflip here big thistle blowing my mind it's a kick and i like that oh check it out check it out check it out ski women on hold up not on hold on uh they're ready they're up at the top they're stacking up let's see where we are ranking overall right now runner now hitting vessel 10 000 strong at the top julian woman right behind with more bears coming back from injury and susanna vittek they're coming off rookie season winning ariana tricomi not managing to make it here and then tracy chubb elizabeth geretson and olivia mcneill rounding out the field so much talent in there so let's see how we're going to run while the way random bib draw works but suzanna vitek dropping first again but this time not first of the day tracy chad the u.s rookie she's dropping second olivia mcneil so close last time elizabeth garretson we saw her come out of the gate hot and then lose a ski unfortunately that was a huge bummer but we know elizabeth is going to come back strong and then the rest of the field hedvig running right down there at the end and julia william and wilman will be the last rider on course today and the last of the ski women's field anybody's game here a lot of strategy this is kind of a moving and extremely consequential physical chess game let's take a look at what you thought epic vessel 96 percent of people that voter thought should be on the podium elizabeth garrett's in 75 percent and juliet women 56 percent kind of lines up with what i was thinking as well elizabeth garrison did say she woke up with a bit of a sore neck this morning and she's used to sleeping on a pretty firm mattress and that's not the way they are here so i don't know if there's going to be an effect on on the bedding or the results but uh no surprises with hedwig and julia at all who knows could be the same podium as last time could be could be but i'm sure there's going to be a few riders who would like to have a say in that plenty of action still to come in the ski women's field freeride world tour 21 this is stop number two we are in andorra the resort of ordino arceles hosting us once again doing a fantastic job just showing such an incredible level of support for the freeride world tour so this young rookie she's polish she lives in switzerland she speaks french like a native she speaks english better than i do uh just she had a chat to her she said her first run on the tour the other day on friday wasn't quite what she wanted she felt like she was just a little too tentative so she wants to show what she's got but really for her she's a smooth rider and i think that's her hallmark so you know stick to the strengths that's right styling it up out of the gate air off the window going to the same zone as you did last time tough to start first in your category twice in a row airing off that one as well we bit of a grab on the left hand getting the skis up coming down towards the same area she's going to hit it the way elizabeth garrison did yes she is coming off at hot a little bit of a hand down maybe stage one stage two maybe lost a pole there but whatever she's still on her feet making way further lookers right skiers left into the venue we've got another cliff off that for us as well just crushing it so far but looks like something is a little bit of mess yeah i think she might have broken her pole looks like she maybe still had the grip in her hand but zuza making a strong case for pre-season gym work there taking that deep into the travel on her legs now jumping into that moving sloth susanna definitely a stronger run than what we saw from her oh no oh getting caught up in the crust ah that's absolutely heartbreaking for susana vitic there just getting the skis a little bit cross fall line there and that side of the face has seen a ton of sun nail and it seems like it's uh it's not going to be very compromising for you emotions coming out there for susannah as she was almost done and definitely had a strong run going yeah we thought she was done you know she was coming out towards the finish line just like you said that part of the sun part of the face has got a lot more sun than the rest that this ear was so solid a little bit backseat like you said broke a pole maybe hurt her hand a little bit as well but whatever she was coming out fast she was looking strong jumped into a slough like you said here that's a really strong move maybe didn't get enough credit for that but then yeah this you can see the snow is quite heavy as she's putting her skis back on it just grabs them and she pops right out super unlucky and i really feel for zuza right now because that was exactly what she wanted to do came back stronger skied a similar run the last time but better went bigger really showed us why she's here and we thought she was on her way to the finish line in a celebration but instead it's no score for the polish rookie and a bit of heartbreak to be honest heartbreaking yeah you hate to see it i mean for a rider to to put a run down like that you nailed it neil she she just showed a bit more than what she showed last time which is what she kind of wanted to do but the inside ski punching through the crust that's just heartbreaking for her you can see you know where she goes sometimes and for zuzanovitz it's not not the showing that she wants that she wanted there she's bummed she's disappointed and it's so hard when it just happens in the blink of an eye like that yeah it's a little bit tough for the mind game as well because last time she's like i i didn't go that hard i skied pretty conservatively and she came forth you know and this time she's like right i'm going to do it i'm going to prove why i'm here i'm going to show my potential and looked like she was about to crush it and then she goes down and gets a no score so you know after this like in a few hours it's going to be like oh should i like ski cons considerably again tough break there for the polish rookie out of switzerland but the comp rolls on start number three up in the heart of the pyrenees tracy chubb another rider who kind of mentioned she didn't quite show her full her full hand she she said she didn't feel as she was riding like she's as playful or as kind of joyful as she normally is when she skis and there were some some things that just kind of uh contributed to that having the heli in your face when you haven't had that when you're not used to it is absolutely terrifying being in a free ride world tour start gate all of those things stack up and then you drop in and you know we said it i think in the broadcast on friday just skied a little bit stiff so hoping to see the real tracy chubb will the real tracy chub please stand up because we're gonna see it here start number three tracy chop dropping it uh getting a little air out of that top section as well showing that she's fully confident and skiing that spiny bit real nice i like that slashing that snow like we see we haven't seen many people down from start three at all so far today now tracy going into this closeout zone we saw danny fernell pratt he's the only track in there there's no way out of there beyond airing and tracy no hesitation stepping down and she's now onto the big open face apron this is looking strong right now from tracy chubb strong an inner section of the face where there's a little bit heavier snow similar kind of aspect to where we just saw zuza go down so tracy just holding it together you can see that wet snow kind of sloughing a little bit but tracy no problems there getting back into the shade where it's a little bit softer and less unaffected and looking pretty solid yeah and the judges recognize that they know when the when the snow is changing exactly what it's doing now tracy getting into this technical zone pinned out of there into the transition and much more consistent snow over there you can see even just the direction that she drew those turns out she's being patient she's not taking any chances with the crust that's what you have to do if you want to stay on your feet here tracy another air there on the edge of the cave this is i think a lot more indicative of how tracy chubb skis and what she wants to put down on the freeride world tour 100 agree lots of errors the judges liked connecting lots of smooth features in the last in the last competition so smart skiing from the the rookie uh 35 years of age rookie on the freight world tour just put down a run she's happy with she looks pretty stoked but just linking all these technical features together without hesitation i think it's gonna be really good for a scorer yeah and you could see just the difference in in uh in her take on it i mean tracy's smiling at the finish i like that i love to see that that belly of the turn kind of uh end in an air it always has just adds that element of style i love this shot the overhead and that turn we saw so many dreams killed in that section in the crust so to see tracy just be smart about it keep it in the fall line and be patient with the turn shape really smart ski in there for tracy chubb 6133 for chasey chubb she looks happy with that that shoot that she straight lined was similar to the one that sammy lupke did who came second in the men's snowboarding tracy chubb going a little bit to the left getting it fresh and having a real good time hitting the hot seat right now back up to the top the young rookie olivia mcneil having an absolute blast of a run last time falling apart at the end olivia want to give a shout out to her university professor professor paul for allowing her to do her midterm early so that she could actually show up and compete today uh big ups to to po for getting it done for olivia and uh you know when you want to make and move an exam up to earlier most professors are like uh sure you want less time to study yeah okay but hopefully uh the professor and the whole crew in the whistler free ride club watching olivia start with absolute aggression coming out of the gate so strong there for olivia mcneill just putting it through that top section you can see how cut up that snow is it is not easy in there right now making it just look like it's a pleasure to ski i'm not sure if it is but she makes me want to ski it because she is ripping man olivia mcneil coming out hot she made a big statement as a rookie and she's looking to do it again keep it together live oh going down in a really unfortunate spot there olivia mcneill just not quite able to hold on i think she was just a touch shorter than she needed to be on that air wow i i'm just glad she's all right actually there was a pretty pretty gnarly place to fall she was taking a lot of speed out of that that big yeah that she sent real really solidly but like you said not quite able to keep it together and coming apart in that uncomfortable looking area [Applause] yeah that's a tough one for olivia i think she just really wanted to come back and put the rundown that she almost had last time you know definitely was fighting for a podium spot little inside maybe we'll catch it on the replay but a bummer there for olivia mcneill as not quite having the uh the showing here in andorra showing so much promise but it is hard to put it all together on the freeride world tour and uh you know olivia now feeling that really kind of seriously as she comes in to tracy and all the athletes they share their stories and that was a tough one for olivia just i i think maybe a little short let's look at the way she started so sick just so aggressive in that you can see how steep the section is and she just makes it look like just playing around skis across the four line nicely pointing this you had a need to have a lot of speed for that and i think she did but just a little bit backseat on the landing popping her up falling down through those rocks in the end and glad you didn't catch one like manu did yeah getting sat down there and then once the hip is is to the inside of the feet uh especially with the snow the way it is today that's all she wrote so olivia going down looks like she's all right though hopefully she's gonna bounce back 35 points right now so second place but confidently uh to say from this position that's not going to hold up given the nature of the field that still awaits at the top of the face here yeah that's right injury to jacqueline pollard being the reason that olivia was well cut onto the tour and with moves like that we can 100 see why she's here really looking forward to when she can put a whole run together like that yeah i have a feeling the best is yet to come for the young rookie super strong start and and just so close so close to glory for olivia and we will see it she'll piece it all together back up to the start elizabeth garrison she's a verb a champion we saw her with a real unfortunate just ski coming off after a huge stomp she came out swinging for first place in the last event here uh now she's going to want to put it back together and finish a run i think for elizabeth garrettson it's going to be the goal here yeah that's right coming in to start two no hesitation to get into the steep and technical zone you can see it's kind of slipped out now a lot a lot of tracks going through there and not making it easier but uh elizabeth not taking too much time to get through there and lining up this cliff on the look is left threeing off that right side three and landing it elizabeth garrison getting me psyched wow well we've seen her out in the resort doing threes everywhere all over the place you kind of got the sense she wanted to do one in competition but there man what a place for elizabeth to debut that and now stepping through this lower section step step and out elizabeth now making her way down the apron the snow is not easy down here and she is not going to turn off the mental focus until she is under that arch in the finish area yes yes elizabeth hands on her head she can't believe what just happened we have not seen a lot of threes on the woman's ski field and especially now that ariana comey isn't here right now she is absolutely blown away she is in utter disbelief right now it happened it worked it went perfectly elizabeth garrettson after a couple of heavy crashes this week throwing that down yeah bouncing off the backpack so a tiny little bit of a ding probably probably a stage two i'll call that one but we'll leave it to the judges and then elizabeth clean through here and you can see she's just staying in the game because so many dreams killed in this lower section finding another air there nice clean stomp and elizabeth right there is where she actually starts to believe it mouth open almost in disbelief like did that really just work top to bottom well guess what elizabeth it did and you are now sitting in the finish area and i think that's going to be a big challenge for it sure is tracy chubb out of the hot seat elizabeth garrett moving in with a 79-6-7 yeah elizabeth super stoked for you rocking those black diamond gloves that you bought yourself with your own money just wanted to say that uh hey black time maybe you should give us some of those for free elizabeth geretson taking her spot in the dinosaur hot seat great run so aggressive i mean i just can't say enough about what a place that is to do a 360. above all that exposure right into the you know just getting into the run and then to throw that down up there magic run from elizabeth garrison so we've got three riders left to go and elizabeth in the hot seat swiss rider returning from injury we saw her already on her return to free rad world competition free ride world tour competition finish on the podium mudfast would love nothing more than to take another step up that podium into a second or a first and she's coming out a little bit hotter a little bit more aggressive i think even than last time what no no more piss that was so sick well i mean i said aggressive i didn't expect uh that kind of aggressive i mean that was double claws out aggression from modbus massive superman front flip but in for sure the crustiest most difficult snow on this face and not able to hold on i mean she got it to her feet but the crust just ate her alive more bears absolute commitment to that front flip skiing straight towards it from the start line no hesitation no slowing down but over rotates a little bit because she sent it so hard i'm so impressed with that the ski woman's field is going off right now but the snow is not quite for operating that was bonkers neil mod best wow i mean absolutely bonkers to just throw caution to the wind so you know we we saw maud dip her toe back into competition i mean she lost a year and a half to injury from a wild competition send at kicking horse a few years ago and so she came back looking a little bit more conservative and in the conservative run got her onto the podium so i mean i'm obviously speculating what's going on into her head but she went the polar opposite of conservative there went absolutely ham with a massive front flip right at the top of a run not working out but man what the ski women's field has never been stronger absolutely hectic to be in this field we've seen a 360 from elizabeth we saw a gigantic send from olivia we just saw a front flip we saw tracy in the gnar i mean yeah i'm baffled as well all the way through the field i'm absolutely baffled as well mort bear's going for a massive front flip and i wonder if she'd seen that the others had crashed you know because suzanna vittic no score olivia mcneill crash uh we had uh yeah i think matt she could have just done a conservative run having seen those two crashes go down there's only two more athletes to come after this but she just wanted to show why she's here she wanted to throw this back from injury she wanted to do a big front flip in a competition because that's dope and i've got so much time and respect for that more best big ups yeah it's just it's it's straight up it's not in her dna it's not in her dna this is no chill yeah so mode best throwing it down the next rider in the gate is our current tour leader and the winner of the last event hedwig vessel let's take a look at what makes her tick um competing on the same venue for me like going back i in moguls like i did the same brands over and over and over and over in the same venues so i tried to like look back in the muggle career and like okay i need to find maybe a different line a more creative line i want to try to find something different and i will look over at live stream and see if i can find something cool and maybe get inspired by the other riders into the mind of a champion epic vessel took out the first event here and literally changed the day with what she did right at the top of the face that massive backflip i can only imagine what she's got planned here now hedvik is she is a strategist she may have watched she might have planned a b c and d or she might just go and swing for the fences too i mean she seems to be a win or die type of competitor and there is there's just there's no telling what's about to happen and i'm so excited to see this run go head big vessel current tour leader right now dropping in that's right she's on course coming out aggressively no hesitation through that super cut up zone airing that but catching an edge taking a fall hitting pretty hard i really hope she's going to stop here and i think she will seems like she's moving around wow has he lost the ski absolutely fire engine aggressive out of the stop out of the top i mean you saw elizabeth in that section side slipping because it was so gnarly hedvig almost looked off balance right from the jump and then so much speed into that other riders rolled over it immediate high side and then look at this just head over heels thank goodness she was able to not to slow herself down before she connected with the rocks there looks like she's fine we're just gonna wait for uh for the uh ski ninja crew to collect her equipment that was a scary fall for hedwig vessel yeah she hit super hard there that even on the snow it was pretty hard snowing it looks like she took the impact with her upper body which is usually more uncomfortable so glad he's up and moving around pretty big hit for the the current golden bird holder but can we just take a second to to focus on the aggression that we're seeing from this field i mean we wondered if the the crust was going to pay into into the game plan into the strategy in the ski women's field every single one of these women has gone out absolutely swinging for the fences no holding back i mean hedwig watched a few falls we got a few no scores we had olivia you know undershooting on her big air and falling she honestly could have just skied the gut and probably finished either on the podium or just off but no way it's like we said with mode with the front flip it's not in the dna these women are not not willing to sacrifice the integrity of the quality of their runs just to finish on the podium they so much respect for that so much respect because talking to a few of the athletes and they were saying like it just doesn't feel right to ski the same line twice i could i know i've done it i can do it better or i can not crash this time but it just feels like the ethics of it is to do something new and all the girls have and it's been amazing to watch so so much respect big up ladies really looking forward to the next competition and you guys keep your foot on the gas like this sorry to see there's been so many crashes today but i think it's because of the snow yeah for sure i mean the snow conditions are wild and and this category is running at the end of the day when a there's a ton of tracks and and stuff and then the sun obviously coming into play here as uh as it starts to cook the crust the the crust gets more breakable in spots less consistent for sure in other spots okay hedwig's finishing out her run she lost her skis so that's going to be a no score you're juliette willman at the top you've just watched chaos unfold underneath you what do you do i don't know man i can't speak for juliet i mean we almost have the same last name but like she's skiing like she's on fire right now i wouldn't want to tone it back if i was her i wouldn't want to say uh well i've seen so many people crash i'm just going to ski a mellow run and have a chance at a podium you know i don't think that's her style and i think it's the style of any of the the woman in the the woman's ski field right now so i think she's going to come out swinging anyway who knows i wouldn't blame her if she doesn't but no who knows in the chess game of free ride the logical move is to just get down because you'll probably be on the podium but logic is not in play here with with any of these athletes they are just i all they want to do is is put on a show one up each other you know win yeah we're baffled we're baffled in the commentary box i said logic is in play but strategy is not respect from your peers in the public that obviously is just number one priority right now because it's like you we're gonna stand until the end send until the end well we're at the end the last athlete of the day juliette wilman juliet went out so hard last time and it earned her a spot her first spot on a free ride world tour podium french rider she lives in chamini she's got the ski racing pedigree her technique is flawless but man being the last athlete on the face of the day that's mentally tough but i think if anyone's up for it it's juliet charging through his top section as well and looking so strong that ski racing background coming right out looks like she's going to jump into the shoot we saw a bit of traffic earlier but not so much now i hope the shoot is coming out as good snow makes it look like it's good snow i don't know if it is but she makes it look easy so aggressive juliette not holding back i mean we asked the question but we knew the answer before she dropped there was no chill to be expected and juliet not showing any kind of chill big double there pinned look how forward she is she just stays bright engaged over her skis never ever ever looks out of balance so clean so smooth so strong and that for sure the fastest run in the women's field by a mile super solid run there for julia willman wow well no one took their foot off the gas in the ski women's field it's in the judge's hands now she went out of the top even a little snag on the rocks did not let that affect her so solid from jillian wilman i mean i'm pretty sure there's a podium place like you know it could have been a podium place without such a full accelerator run like that but just that bottom skiing that we know that snow is not easy we've seen a bunch of talented athletes go down in it just made it look like it was playtime yeah fluidity and control pumping line a little lower erin style i mean did she even have time she the the ski racer still lives inside juliet and and much like we've seen some other athletes the speed is just always going to be there for her 68-33 for juliet and another silver medal on the freeride world tour for the young french rider so good so almost accidentally hugged remember hugs i miss them we'll get back to that place but these those two they're so stoked and i don't know if you just saw elizabeth walking away with her hands on her head to come from a no score uh double ski ejection to winning that's how you do it that is the heart and mind of a champion check out this leaderboard maybe she should wake up with a sore neck more often elizabeth garrettson winning for the first time since winning verbier two years ago jillian woman second place in second two competitions tracy chubb veteran 35 year old but first time in the free world tour and first ever podium in her second competition so let's see what this does to our overall rankings bit of a shake up in the score right now so juliette willman is going to be leaving andorra wearing the golden bib elizabeth garrettson crawling out from that uh that tough finish but julie oh and elizabeth and hedwig now tied both with oh my goodness both with a win and a no score tied for second on 12 620 unreal tracy chubb now moving up way up after last time mode best 90-20 susanna and olivia now tied in that six spot just on the bad side of the cut and then we are going to have ari tracomi come back into the mix when we go to feverburn let's check in with our winner elizabeth garretson we've seen you throwing threes around the resort all week we saw your insta stories with uh basically doing them all over what was going through your head how did that feel were you scared at the top or were you you were just ready to go with that uh actually i wasn't scared i was uh i mean i had like nothing to prove the last time i skied this phase i lost this ski for no reason so honestly it couldn't be worse that was my mentality and yeah i decided to spice things up a bit ari's not here unfortunately but uh i'm sure she would have done the same thing um yeah i'm i'm super happy like uh this was a bit of a mental game for me i don't come from a freestyle background honestly i learned how to do proper threes this year so super stoked to like pull it out today yeah i love that holding it down for the 360 crew on this face uh you said you've just learned it this year you've been doing a lot of backflips but i want to talk a little bit about resiliency because last time was tough for you you lost the ski after a big stop as you said for no reason the ski just kind of abandoned ship in your head in the start gate what does that look like for you when you're dropping in and you know there's kind of a lot of pressure on you for a result i mean as i said like it was uh i wanted to go all in like not interested in doing a safe run anymore i've done safe runs for four years in a row and you know i've had my fair share of third places and uh yeah it was it was a win or lose today i think win or lose well i i feel like the entire field took that approach today basically everyone went out swinging for the fences everyone was just looking for the win we we've got your run here on the screen maybe you can just kind of run us through what was going through what it felt like for you uh so there i was going so slow pretty scared to like it up there i was super like concentrated on my three and then boom pretty big back slap but you know i can clean that up another time and then the rest of my run was pretty boring actually i was just like don't it up now don't it up now like just stay on your feet i meant to do this as a proper double but i didn't and then there i was like i should probably do a like a last hit so i did this which was yeah kind of lame but um yeah i'm stoked anyways elizabeth garriton uh self-deprecating there but you are the champion here in andorra ordina arkley is taking uh basically one good one bad for elizabeth congratulations a second win on the tour and locking yourself into a tie right now for second overall with hedwig vessel fantastic run big ups to you elizabeth garrison incredible result here winning in andorra thank you all right well we're back in the booth i'm here with bertie denver bertie just sat in the judges pit for the whole time what a show overall impressions right now bertie from you well it was a great show obviously a little bit of tough snow conditions we saw some crashes because of that crust turning into spring snow some riders had issues with that but overall the really good show yeah unreal they're our dino arcades coming through for us again so bertie we just saw elizabeth run she kind of ran us through it i'd like to get the judge's take now we're going to take a look at the ski men's run andrew pollard wow i mean the the numbers kind of reflected you guys love that run yeah the speed the commitment at the top really really fast there he just nailed that 360 up there probably had the fastest time would we take times up to that point no hesitation over there as well in the middle nice and smooth and then here as well we love the way there was no hesitation he knew where he was there's no speed check just aiming straight to that bottom air boom almost lost it there luckily it was a perfect run yeah andrew pollard really kind of combining all of the factors there it had the freestyle elements but such aggressive charge and then you said at the bottom no hesitation it shows you guys in the pit uh that that he knows exactly where he's going how much does that play into the way you guys kind of run a run through the criteria it makes a huge difference you know taking the same jump uh without hesitation without speed checking compared to somebody who does two three turns making sure he's at the right place before he actually goes for the jump is a huge difference in commitment and we do award this yeah for sure i mean so good to see so exciting uh you know for the fans at home to be watching and i'm sure we felt it here and i'm sure you guys felt it in in the judges tents as well it there's an energy that comes off a run like that and you could sort of see it in the scores i mean christopher was was in there for a little while did you guys even hesitate to throw that huge score at that one no no we didn't there was a big difference but you could it's not often that the ski technique takes a big part of the scoring for us and over here the snow conditions were tricky at the top those who took start one you could tell someone had a hard time linking turns and christopher and andrew and reiny had perfect skiing up there where it was technical and you had to show ski technique yeah and there's i mean that's the reason right there from bertie that technique is one of those categories you cannot underplay how important it is on a face like this when the conditions are just difficult i guess it's a nice way of putting it okay let's move categories snowboard men uh fireworks we had so many riders in the mix and this young rookie let's have a look blake muller's run did he ever go out swinging it was a beautiful run so fast so smooth it the snowboard man had no issue with that snow one edge is easier to control in these crusty snows so snowboarders didn't have any problems and we saw a great show of a mix of freestyle big mountain speed everything was there and that switch to revert double was pretty pretty amazing to watch and then one more hit and here we go the last big air clearing everything well the technical at the top some freestyle mix in it stomped everything there was no question for us that was that was the winning run today yeah just kind of putting all those elements into the blender i mean everything you said the top of this and i think that's what's so cool about this face the top of it is so difficult to ride well and we saw a big variation in in terms of fluidity and technique and even control at the top where it's so steep it's so narrow and after a few riders went through it got so stepped out you know but blake able to just handle it and put turns in where others didn't how much does that kind of play into your into your judging it does obviously those starting uh with start two the lower start didn't have to go through that and uh so they took an easier entrance but they didn't take the risk to do something bad up there so would you choose that start one and show us that you could master it it was already a big bonus before you hit your first air which is something you wouldn't get if you chose start two you were you were having to count more on your heirs and you couldn't really show us anything on technique as much as first from start one so there you go that start choice really coming into play but if you choose the more difficult one you better do it well and that's a hard one for a rider you know the mindset of like knowing backing themselves knowing they've got the skill to do it all right snowboard women marin rt i mean it's not a surprise we're never surprised to see marion winning but this run again super technical right from the right from the get-go yeah exactly she showed us she could link turn up there in that in that crusty snow no hesitation and especially what we liked what comes a bit later she drops that step here and then goes for her first air and there was a lot of snow in the air but we think she couldn't really see her take off right there you see and she still didn't break didn't hesitate and went for it and stuck it so that was quite committed over there and then the rest of the run was smooth she kept her speed linked a couple uh airs in the middle the small one here with a small grab if i remember correctly yeah and then that double at the bottom coming over here smooth and then she went to the far right to add another backside air which was a pretty nice spotted that's one more air that she did the other day over here right so yeah very smooth but we especially love that technical part linked it to that bigger in the top steep section yeah so you mentioned something there that i thought was really interesting and i want to kind of dig into it if we can uh marion blinded herself with the with the face shot up top and still 100 committed to that move commitment isn't a category but where do you guys place it within the judging criteria that you do have well it it kind of goes into fluidity because if if you don't see anything and you have to stop yourself it's going to hurt your fluidity so when we say commitment when you're not sure or commitment where it's showing us fluidity and speed so it probably goes into the fluidity criteria right so having fluidity in the the middle of a difficult section or something that you know is going to be hard that's that's where it comes from so yeah commitment i mean like neil and i were talking about it all day well it's not a judging category it's not a criteria it it really factors into the way you guys are scoring these riders and the way their their final scores kind of drop yeah yeah when we talk about fluidity people kind of only think about speed it's not just that it's especially these stops hikes or hesitations that could really hurt your flow and will penalize your score or on the contrary you show us that there is no extra turn and you're pointing straight to where you want to go and you keep that fluidity going okay shifting gears a little bit uh with with bertie here snow conditions definitely coming into play for some riders today they i feel like they played it they played a pretty big role in the event overall what's your take on on both the effect the snow conditions had in the riders that either handled it or didn't yeah it was tricky especially for skiers with your two skis you go deeper and it could catch a ski and it's it's a little bit of a lottery on one side you could be unlucky totally or a little bit of technique as well but it was definitely a lot easier for snowboarders and for skiers today in these conditions yeah and i mean we saw that straight out of the gate on the ski men's side water gorak he was the first person to hit that that backflip air as neil and i named it that that factored so heavily in the other day and then for him just immediate punch front flip uh you know heartbreaking to see why do you think when when wadeck and ross both had a very similar result why do you think it worked out for rena what was the difference there well two things first of all people at the top saw it so they got maybe more cautious it could be that after snowboarders oh it's great uh conditions are perfect let's let's roll and second thing vatic might have broken the first layer and the fact that there were a couple tracks there and made the landing easier for the next ones yeah i mean that was that was tough to see because he came out swinging and you know he had a big plan to throw another flip i i didn't get from him exactly where but i i kind of had a sense that it was the tao and david de liv zone that one kind of sets up perfectly if you got the angle right um but yeah for him you know unfortunate and then we saw it in some other places we saw it with uh with zuza vita lower down uh what do you think the difference was on this face between lookers right and lookers left in terms of just the sun effect as we went through the day yeah it was in the shade in the morning and the first part of the face that got sun affected was the look is right the look is left stay in the shade a bit longer so the snow was changed more to spring snow faster and lookers right so for susanna who was coming from the left and was linking these turns on the far bottom lucas right of the face there was a big big snow difference and and she got caught with that right so the transition from the from the sort of more skillable snow to the less gable snow taking her down and that's something i i mean the riders kind of strategize they spend so much time choosing their line i mean you've been involved in this game for a long time how much do you think they factor in the way the snow will change throughout the day based on sun position and warming that is really hard you never really know what time you're going to go you know if the wind stops or if the wind stays the snow might not change at all so i don't think they think too much about that they think more about the line they want to take and uh and then try to make the best out of snow but to to choose a line thinking okay i'm starting late it will be spring snow i should take that line on that line it's tricky as well you never know if the you know today the course has been delayed for a bit so of course you don't start at your plan time right so and you're sitting up there you know you walk for an hour and a half before you're up there so it's not like you could change your plan at the last minute because you've been up there for an hour already so your plan is set yeah that i mean so hard for these guys to or these all of these athletes to figure out exactly the way it's going to change verity massive thank you for joining us in the booth and thanks for the work you do in the judges tent so difficult for you guys to put this all together and come out with these results but uh it is what it is uh so we're gonna we're gonna just continue our chat i am here with bertie denver he's the one of the head judges one of the judges for the free ride world tour a ton of experience and you know we we kind of looked at a bunch of the different categories and we saw pretty different results the ski women at running at the end neil and i were trying to figure out if they were struggling because of the snow conditions changing or if they were just going absolutely ham i mean we saw olivia go massive to crash we saw hedwig uncharacteristically just fully lose control at top mode best i mean just full send mode for the pretty much the whole group what do you make of where where we're at and where we're going with that a little bit is the result of the first event mode was told me she was a bit stressed after the event number one she didn't like the way she skied but she was happy she had one good result with the third place so i guess her mindset was like okay now i'm going to show what i can do and probably went a little bit too much for hedwig she's so competitive even though she won the last event she was going to go for it but she got a little bit hooked up right off the start gate i guess that probably you know got off a little bit of her uh concentration i guess that's what happened but we'll have to talk to her and yeah everybody else is is trying you know it is about even though she lost the ski on day one she fully went for that it's the biggest 360 we've ever seen from a ski woman in a in a free ride competition so she charged even though she really needed that result yeah and she said i mean and i love this mentality she said it doesn't matter it couldn't have been worse so i needed to make it better so she wasn't even she wasn't even carrying that sort of burden of the last result with her she just wanted to go out and do something better uh and i love that resiliency from from any of the athletes to be able to bounce back from a tough one to to really just show what you're made of uh ski women on fire everybody every category so strong bertie thank you so much for joining us it's always great to get an insight from the judge's perspective on on exactly what went into the results that we got we're going to head down to neil willman he's in the finish area with our podium today here in ordinarco is neil take it away thank you derek thank you for the show today going to have to yell pretty loud because this microphone is working for the live but not for in real life the athletes down here that are about to get caught up into the podium may not be able to hear me very well but you guys can at home that's important as well let's get straight into it i'm going to go into the first category today the first category that rode and third place for snowboard men no stranger to the podium get on up here victor de la rue [Applause] [Music] [Applause] self-service with the middles over here hello yeah buddy well done second place also no stranger to the podium but returning after a short leave of absence it's sammy lomki [Applause] self-service medals be a good boy and choose the one you're meant to take nice to see you guys in the podium together again yep but today belong to no one else other than the rookie out of america it's blake muller [Applause] yeah congratulations [Music] [Applause] there's a slot in the front thing from the podium blake if you want it you can put your snowboards in the front of the podium there you go huh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah boys well done for next time man because i think they'll be in next time yeah dude congratulations the podium getters old and new former fred world tour champions and potential future free world tour champions it's going off right now all right let's get into the second category hopefully you guys can hear me in third place also no stranger to the podium after a second place on friday it's erica vikander you [Applause] what's up i'm pretty good you're even better after a third place only a few days ago getting a second podium in a second ever welter event it's katie anderson [Music] [Applause] nice nice and in first place the same first place that we had a few days ago straight out of france as the golden bed wearer marionette [Applause] whoop whoops [Music] [Applause] hello [Applause] [Laughter] i love it i love it the better in teaching the rookie the most important parts about a podium [Music] and the next category the ski man three people are no stranger to the podium again former freed world tour from 2012 back up the top rainer back at the end in third place [Applause] don't forget your medal yeah good thing that your line scoping's better than your understanding of directions [Laughter] in second place also out of sweden also a former freeride world tour champion again gunning for a top spot it's christopher turnell [Applause] it's the swedish thing to forget your medal yeah dude nice and in first place not yet a fried world to a champion but a rookie of the year a former golden bird wearer and he's back on top of the podium it's andrew pollard [Applause] yeah boys this is the gnarliest shoulder press ever for someone that's just recovering came from a dislocated shoulder andrew pollard back on top how do you do this marion's gonna have to teach someone else now he forgot he's wearing a mask it's not a champagne-proof mask that's lucky cool this is christopher turned out quite nice rather all right very acceptable and last category of the day the one that just went absolutely hammers no matter what anyone else had done didn't matter if you could just stay on your feet to get on the podium everyone was down to throw down and it was so cool to see third place for the ski woman today tracy job [Music] you nice try see you and in second place taking your second second place for the same amount of times in as many days out of france it's juliet wilman [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey juliet welcome back and today after a heavy crash in the last competition to come back and win it with her first ever 360 in a comp it's elizabeth garrettson [Applause] [Music] treble [Applause] [Music] it's a heavy heavy heavy trophy at the top yeah girls we have to that's the call on the champagne compulsory don't want to waste none want to drink it all yeah girls [Music] nice don't don't go too far away because there's four more people i want to get back up here these are the people leading after two events the four golden bird holders are gonna shout them out all in one go and you can all come up here together please welcome blake muller marinati oliveira and juliet willman like wandering around since we've lost the snowboard welcome back yeah yeah welcome back juliet come on up marion and mael oliver the only one not to be on the podium today but winning overall you french crew holding it down three out of four ew congratulations to the golden birbs [Applause] three out of four what's it gonna bring at the next stop in february jenna b is what it's gonna bring say the frenchies so we want to say a big thank you a huge thank you to all the riders all the staff all the people that made this happen and dora acalis all the sponsors we really appreciate being here and getting to get this event done big love goes out to all of you and let's throw it back to derek first in the commentary box see you in february [Applause] all right thank you neil thank you and dora thank you ordina arcalis and to all of you for tuning in on facebook on freerideworldtour.com on youtube and on fuel tv you guys got a show we got a show here we are so grateful to everyone involved for making this happen tough times here but we are finding a way to get the freeride world tour off the ground huge thanks to you and we'll see you all in february [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Freeride World Tour
Views: 132,067
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Freeride World Tour, freeride, freeriding, freeski, skiing, ski, snowboard, snowboarding, FWT, powder, snow, Backcountry, mountains, outdoor, Verbier, Valais, Switzerland, Suisse, Xtreme, Finale, Finals, FWT20, DROPIN, FWT21
Id: PPDhwpzrhWo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 221min 40sec (13300 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2021
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