Meme's Recipes- Strawberry Pie

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welcome to vimy's kitchen well yesterday was mother's day so i hope all you mothers have a good day i certainly did my family was here and we celebrated we celebrated mother's day we celebrated um a birthday and so we just take advantage of every situation and to celebrate everything that we can y'all i am still amazed that how many people just take the time to either send me a message send me a card write me a letter um y'all so thoughtful and it just makes my day and so um thank you for doing that i really appreciate it now today we are going to be making strawberry pie this is the season for strawberries so um think of everything you can to make with the strawberries and this is just a very easy pie it's very much like the one that shown shoni sad i'm not sure if any of them are still still around we don't have any in this area but um they were really known for their strawberry pie and so that's what we're going to make today and if you look back in my videos you will see also a strawberry trifle that is really really good and then there's a mixture of fruits that has primarily strawberries in it has that secret ingredient of vanilla pudding in it and so lots of things that you can do with strawberries so let's get right to this i have already baked um my pie crust and miss smith made our pie crust today and she'll make yours too and so um i just followed the instructions exactly like they were and so this is our beautiful pie crust so now according to the recipe and if you will turn to page 108 that is the recipe right there we have one cup of sugar to go in there and then three tablespoons of cornstarch this says no mess but what you think we gonna have a mess trying to get it out of here all right so that's one two three look at that mess so i'm not quite sure what they meant by no mess okay what you do is that you just take these and oh you over there and just whisk them together just just enough to get them just kind of acquainted with one another okay now then i'm gonna go ahead and cut my iron it calls for one cup of water just plain old tap water one cup put that in there and then what you do is you bring this to a bowl [Music] okay and as soon as this comes to bowl we'll be right back okay y'all this is beginning the bowl and it thickens very quickly and um so let it boil for oh at least 30 seconds to a minute it's nice and thick because remember this is what's going to hold all the strawberries together so that um see that's see how thick that is so we'll let that bubble there for a minute all right i'm going to cut that off now we are going to add that is a three ounce box of jello now you can use this is the regular cello you can use sugar-free this is what i happen to have in my cabinet so we just pour this right into um that mixture and then just stir it real good okay all right now we're just going to let that sit there and cool a minute the straw these strawberries i have already cut up and oh y'all look at this spoon isn't that beautiful i just love it and look how nice and big it is okay let's put these in our miss smith's pie crust you want this kind of even with the with the top of the pie crust because remember it has to sit in that gel so let's turn as many of these over as we can make it look pretty since we got plenty of strawberries we'll do this now we have a a strawberry farm here well really they do all kinds of vegetables and fruits it's called callahans and that's why i got these strawberries this morning so they were picked fresh today so you know that's going to be good when you get to this part be sure that you pour very slowly because what you want it to do is to seep all down in between those strawberries and so i'm gonna go very slow [Music] all right i'm gonna give that a minute to settle okay we'll pour a little bit more okay we're still pouring here so we're gonna let this settle down through there if you pour it too fast it's gonna run over the side of the pie crust and it'll make a mess so let's just be sure we get all right let's see if we can get a little bit more here across this so you may not use all of your liquid so when you're doing this don't just turn your pot over and just pour the whole thing in there you've got to pour it slow so that it settles and see that's that's pretty much that's pretty much full so if we did anymore it probably would run over the side of the pie crust so this is going in the refrigerator now it has to stay at least three hours before you can cut it so if you're making this to have um for a meal or for a party or get together whatever be sure to make it far enough ahead so that it chills completely because um all of this has to congeal and get very cool before you can start slicing it so i'm gonna put this in the refrigerator and we will be back when it's cool okay our pie has chilled y'all while it was chilling we went to a t-ball ball game now you talk about some fun you got like three to six year olds out there playing it's just hilarious it's very entertaining if you have one in your town you even if you don't have a child you go watch it because it'll entertain you but anyway here's how pie and it looks beautiful and every time i think about strawberry pie it reminds me you know we lived in a little town before we moved to anderson and it was north south carolina now that's a conversation within itself but anyway we lived there so there was nothing in the town i mean hardly nothing we had one little place at hamburgers and you would look if you got there while they were cooking them but anyway so we had some neighbors that we had lots of fun with we just were back and forth in each other's houses and they had children we had children and so we were always looking for fun things to do and it was nothing unusual for about seven o'clock at night and everybody say let's run to columbia and get us some strawberry pie it's shown it was either that a hot fudge sundae everybody would load up in the car and to colombia we would go y'all was 23 miles so you could tell we needed entertainment but anyway it sure did taste good okay that much okay so get missing now and make your strawberry pie that's so easy you saw how easy it was to make and your family will love you and so i hope you have a good rest of the week this week all this time of year is so beautiful flowers are blooming everything's green and it just um lets us know that spring is here and that new life is here that's the way we kind of feel in springtime so everybody have a good rest of the week love your family and everybody shine for jesus
Channel: MeMe's Recipes | Diane Leary
Views: 37,124
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Id: Nh2sb1TFe1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Tue May 10 2022
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