MeMe's Recipes | The Queen's Cake

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welcome to Mimi's kitchen well y'all summer continues it's good and hot today right here in South Carolina and just a beautiful day and you can tell though that it's beginning to change a little so we know the fall is around the corner but you know what hold on to that pumpkin and all that spice because wait a minute summer is still here so we're celebrating summer y'all today I think a lot of minds and hearts are on the Queen's funeral and she just lives such a beautiful life and I thought today in honor of her memory that we would do in English dessert so we kind of did some research and KK helped me and we found the recipe well the recipe that we found is called um sandwich cake but originally it was called sponge cake and it started out with Queen Victoria and she was the one that had this every afternoon with her spot of tea and so we thought well hey you know what that'll be fun just to make it so we decided together together well y'all as it turns out the explanation says that it's not sponge in the way that we as Americans think of a sponge cake when you say that you probably think angel food it's not like angel food texture really it's more like a pound cake texture and so in the ingredients I love this it calls for King Arthur flour well I couldn't find King Arthur flour not least well shop and that would be Walmart most of the time and I guess they aren't into that sort of thing but I have seen it I mean it is available but I just couldn't find it today so the ingredients y'all are very simple unsalted butter sugar flour and four eggs and that's it and so once we make that and those layers cool then it has a filling in it that really makes it sound delicious so the first thing we're going to do is to put our unsalted butter in here and y'all know this makes me happy because it has two sticks of butter so we'll put the two sticks of butter in there the cup of sugar and that's granulated sugar just your regular sugar put that in there and we are going to let that mix really well until it's kind of light and fluffy and I have already set my oven on 350 degrees so when that preheats and that we'll we'll let this mix a little bit and then we'll be right back okay I think that's good those are well Blended and that butter was oh oh yeah I'm sorry the bottle was on room temperature very soft so we're gonna add our eggs one at a time and it says to let it completely in fourth grade before you add your next one so y'all it's four eggs all right that's number two and that's number four [Applause] okay we're gonna let those mix really good okay y'all it also has a teaspoon of vanilla flavoring so I'm just gonna pour that in there now two cups of self-risin flour but we'll just kind of put this in a little bit at the time and we'll be right back okay I've put all my flour in there now this makes two layers now in the in the um recipe it says eight inch pans or nine inch pans I am using nine inch pans because that's what I use to make my cakes this did them with butter yes and I just I just did that with butter you could spray them with Pam or whatever you'd like to well Pam for bacon now let's look at this dough here batter and yo when you put the flour in it don't over don't over Beat It so let's now look how thick that is that's thicker than really than a pound cake so we'll put these we'll try to divide it evenly so we'll have two even layer okay we're gonna smooth this out so that it fills her whole pan okay our oven is ready 350 degrees so I'm gonna put these right in here now it says to bake them about 22 minutes but my pan is bigger so I'm gonna set my timer on uh let's see I'm gonna set my timer on if I can get it right let's do 18 minutes and I will check it and and make sure that it doesn't over bake because we don't want it dry okay y'all 10 seconds we on the countdown here we're getting ready to blast off we're gonna check this thing and I look I can see through my glass here and it pretty much looks like it's done so you can kind of really tell all right we're gonna stick that in there all right that came out clean and that came out clean but I can tell by the way it went in there I am going to cook this two more minutes see now it is pulling away from the side of the pan and that's really what you want it to do but I'm going to stick that back in there for just about two minutes just make sure that that top is is well done so we'll be right back okay oh yes now you put these on a rack to cool sit it right there foreign they look so pretty and look how even they are I love that because when we put them together they won't be lopsided anything now the reason you let them cool completely is because we're gonna put whipped cream between these and so these have to be really cool because not you know what happens if you put whipped cream between them so we just gonna let them cool there and you know what KK and I are going to get a pedicure okay we're back from the pedicure y'all now see we're getting ready Kinley and Graham are getting married this weekend this Saturday I'll be so excited and so we have to have everything just right so we knew we could get our toes done today we'll have our manicure later on okay we're getting ready now to assemble this these are completely cool I went ahead and turned one out and got it right there on the thing so now we're going to whip out creamer this is one cup of heavy whipping cream um yeah the actual recipe says two-thirds to three-fourths cup but since I did a nine inch layer I'm gonna do a a whole cup so you don't need to hear all this noise so we're gonna whip this cream up okay y'all it says to add about two tablespoons of sugar so we're guesstimating here about two tablespoons and I'm sure all of you know that you don't over beat this stuff you'll have butter so all right that looks good right there okay now first thing we do is we spread the strawberry strawberry jam no in um in England they use sometimes they use marmalade but their Preferred Choice is the strawberry jam now this is strawberry jam that I made this summer it's in my cookbook so you can go in this call freezer freezer jelly and it's so easy to make y'all you just love it and then when you get those good hot biscuits or toast or pancakes or whatever you will be so glad that you took the time to make you some of this jelly and we're gonna put plenty on here oh y'all the queen ate this every day with her afternoon tea I don't see how she didn't get to be big as a house okay we just go doll up this on here I've already started I want to make sure what it was going to do tell you truth all right I love this cover this hole thing here with whipped cream oh boy this makes for Rich dessert I would have to say in the recipe it says that this is not a cake an eloquent I think it said cake but this is just an everyday dessert to be used like it tea time okay now put our second layer on there and then just sprinkle this top with and y'all this is just a little sifter and I just put my powdered sugar in there and you just more or less cover the top of it with powdered sugar okay y'all this is what it looks like assembled Kayleen said I got carried away with my powdered sugar and I probably did but anyway it looks beautiful and so what we're going to do now y'all this is my English China it's called Fontaine Blue and um we have a spot of tea here and we're going to cut this thing and we're just going to see exactly now you know when they said when they first started making this they made in a long loaf pan and then they cut it kind of like little finger sandwiches which would be beautiful too but we're gonna cut this now and we're going to see exactly what it looks like when it's cut okay y'all this is what it looks like I believe I could get used to eating that every afternoon it certainly looks delicious and I'll be trying it here in a minute with my with my tea um I would like to say that the queen was an admired person and one of the things that really let me know where she stood spiritually um recently was um published that one of her chaplains was talking with her about the second coming and she got very interested and she said oh I pray that the second coming will happen in my lifetime and he said well why is that and she said because I would love to lay my crown at the feet of Jesus oh my that was so powerful and that let me know exactly where she stood and where and what she understood about the gospel so y'all we've got a busy week we're getting ready for the wedding and everybody's just so excited you know all the activities that go on with that and guess what I am making 18 dozen chocolate chip cookies as part of the reception that's their favorite and that's what they wanted and you better believe that's what they're gonna get from me and so I'll be making cookies all day Friday and Saturday and getting ready for that Wednesday afternoon I hope y'all have a good rest of the week thank you all for all your beautiful comments and for the friendship that that we have established here with this page oh y'all it's just it's wonderful and and I thank you for all that you see and and it just adds more to my life to tell you the truth so have a good rest of the week and everybody shine for Jesus
Channel: MeMe's Recipes | Diane Leary
Views: 24,968
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Id: I7LBz_cehF0
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Length: 14min 41sec (881 seconds)
Published: Wed May 24 2023
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