MeMe's Recipes | Fluffy Stuff

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welcome to Mimi's kitchen oh y'all it's been a nice March day now it's been very windy but that's what we kind of expect in March and our skies are kind of threatening like maybe we're gonna have some kind of storm or something but for the most part it's been very comfortable and uh just the day that you can get out and do some things and not have to be all bundled up so we welcome this time of year today we are going to make a very very simple salad and if you have my cookbook Sunday lunch at Mimi's turn to page 10. y'all this has a funny name and I think this is one of those recipes that I picked up at some kind of church function or something and somebody just hurriedly said you put da da da da in it and it didn't have a name so I call it fluffy stuff so we go find out today how we can make fluffy stuff okay the first thing to start with is eight ounces of whipped topping and I use the Walmart brand it's just re actually I actually like it better if you will know the truth it's very good okay now then the next thing it calls for is Jello now this is the three ounce package and I do use the sugar-free in this now I wouldn't recommend for you use the sugar-free Jello and sugar-free Cool Whip because I just don't think your flavor would be as good so if you have to make a choice choose one or the other so what we're going to do is we just go sprinkle this right in here and then we're going to mix this with the Cool Whip oh and I hope y'all notice I'm using a wooden spoon so I don't make so much noise it's really kind of comical about people there are some people say the noise don't involve them and then there's some people say I wish you wouldn't do that all right now this is eight ounces of crushed pineapple now all I can say is good luck on finding this size I was lucky today um we have a a grocery store here called Publix and I and I just pinched my hand um and I went in and and they had it so you just empty that just right in there juicing on and juicing all you don't drain it so we will be right back okay y'all I have a little kitchen accident when I pulled that pineapple open somehow I pinched my hand right there and so I had to go get me a Band-Aid so that's one of those little minor things that happens in the kitchen I don't like those kind of tops to tell you the honest good and truth I just don't like them they're harder for me I much rather use my can opener all right cups of miniature marshmallows dump those right in there now y'all if you well if y'all are looking for just something that you want to add to a meal that you you think I just need just a little something more this is perfect because it only takes a minute or so to whip it up and it's good if it can chill for a while but it doesn't have to chill so isn't that pretty nice and pink speaking of pink boy if you like pink clothes you're in love this year tablets well I'll do a lot of my shopping they have a whole table full of table of pink pink stripe pink everything pink everything so all right all right I'm gonna put this up in a bowl and we'll be right back okay now we're gonna make this one with lime jello put our Cool Whip in here I mean I'll Whip topping the Walmart brand now to make if you're if you're a pineapple a little chunkier I'm gonna make this one with pineapple tidbits actually not on purpose looks all right okay now this is the sugar-free lime Jello and Walmart didn't have their brand today so I had to get the jello jello Brown so we're going to sprinkle this right in there on top of that pineapple now y'all this would be good for St Patrick's Day that's coming up in a couple of weeks and so if you're having um anything near then or on then this screen would be pretty so get this now this salad is something you can kind of use your imagination on marshmallow is in there and if you don't like marshmallows just don't put marshmallows but they sure do add to the flavor and the consistency now I'm gonna do something you'll ever hardly ever see me do because I have a granddaughter that's extremely allergic to nuts but just for the sake of showing you um that this can be done we'll go put some pecans in this so I have chopped them up and we are going to just fold them in oh y'all this smells good oh this would be so refreshing so this is something good that you can add to to your buffet and it it goes with with any kind of meal so um we'll be right back okay I did want to explain one comment I made when I said not by choice well on the pineapple well you know how it is when you go in the grocery store and people Shuffle things around and you're in a hurry you grab the front it says crushed pineapple you pick up two and you come home well well I'm just happen to be pineapple tidbits but that's okay because it let us know that you could also make the salad with pineapple tidbits and so now I have just created just a cold plate here and um everybody tonight has something to do so I didn't cook a meal for everybody to come over one had a meeting one's got school uh one's getting married this summer so they were going to look at a house and um so everybody just kind of spread so we just kind of did our own thing here tonight and so um it's just me and Kaylene now even Caroline had something to she videos a lot but Kayleen is my daughter and so she's videoing tonight so I just wanted to show you um how nice you can make a plate look now this is just lettuce and some cut up vegetables and bacon bits a couple of slices of tomato this macaroni salad is left over from yesterday's lunch we have that and so we've got just a nice cold place so I think the one to add to this would be our alarm so let's put that on there and oh y'all isn't that pretty mm-hmm that would be a plate anybody would love to get and so um this is a salad that you can use your imagination on now this is kind of the basic starter you can start from here and so if you do a variety of it would you put it in your comments so that we can see what everybody's doing with the salad because this is something I can imagine you could probably put fruit cocktail in it um just a number of things and so use your imagination let me know what your imagination is put it in the comments and so that we can all see what you're doing with the salad and make it just a nice addition for any meal this is just a good side dish and so as you're thinking about your meals from now on out as our weather is beginning to get warmer and we kind of think lighter food this is just something wonderful to add to your meal and um so let me know what you do and um I hope you have a good rest of the week everybody Shine for Jesus
Channel: MeMe's Recipes | Diane Leary
Views: 66,586
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Id: usFv9eed2XY
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Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Sun May 21 2023
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