MeMe's Recipes | Coconut Cream Pie

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okay welcome to Mimi's kitchen well March has certainly been true to form it came in like a lamb but it is going out like a lion because I'm going to tell you this past weekend we had wind that you couldn't believe sometimes you could hardly walk against it so that's just part of it y'all and so March is moving on out we're headed toward April and so we know those April Showers will bring me flowers so we're looking forward to that y'all yesterday was so wonderful uh we have a multi-generational worship service where our youth and our children join the Adult Choir and it was just just a wonderful time but the most wonderful thing that happened yesterday you know Ken my son that had the heart transplant well he went to Charlotte today a week ago and they gave him permission to come eat with the family on Sunday well that was a wonderful time so he was here yesterday and his wife Teresa and they were here for lunch just like normal so it was just a very happy occasion all the way around and we certainly enjoyed it today we are going to be making a coconut cream pie now this will be something that will be wonderful for Easter and we're starting to think about that now because April is on Easter is April the 17th and so that's coming up pretty fast so we need to start thinking about some things that we can use for our Easter lunch so in my cookbook Sunday lunch at Mimi's on page 83 right at the top coconut cream pie and y'all it's so easy and even you young cooks that don't have much experience y'all you can do this because you use a frozen pie crust then we're gonna make um the filling for the pie and it's super easy so here we go all right the first thing that we're going to put in is 1 4 cup a cornstarch so I'm gonna put that in and one half cup of sugar put that in okay and we're just going to kind of mix those together we'll sit them here and let them kind of get acquainted with one another while we mix our next okay all right I have already prepared our egg yolks so this is four egg yolks and we're going to put this in our Bowl I'm gonna come in y'all we're trying to work with the with the sunlight because it's different now that now that the time has changed all right and this is two cups of half and half now y'all I'll just use just the the store brand which that is from Walmart so we're going to whisk these together [Music] and get them all mixed up and then what we're going to do is we're going to add them right here with these other ingredients so now we're going to whisk all that together and then we're going to put our eye on about that's really about six because you don't this will sport pretty easily and so you don't want to uh too high of course you'll Scorch this mixture so we are going to let this come to a boil and we will be right back okay y'all it's been exactly 10 minutes with that down on medium I have been stirring this and see how thick this is now so it's getting ready to boil so as soon as it starts bubbling well you see it's already bubbling and you have to be careful because it will stick to the bottom so we're going to put oh let's clear that all right one minute and at this point you should I just go ahead and cut my eye off because it's going to the eye will continue to be hot unless of course you've got gas so foreign we're going to put three tablespoons of butter whoa all right we don't have to measure this a teaspoon of vanilla all right start mixing those together like that butter melt in there see how nice and thick that is oh my goodness y'all it smells good of course anytime you put vanilla in something and butter you know it's gonna smell good so we've got our one minute coming up all right we'll set that off right there and we're going to add one cup of Baker's coconut I want to show you this package it's called Baker's [Applause] Baker's sweetened coconut and y'all sell a lot of Brands out there and I can't believe that this used to come in a can you could buy a can or the bag and you can buy some of the store brands of coconut but I'm going to tell you it's dry I haven't seen one yet that is nice and moist so we're gonna put the coconut in there I'm going to stir that in and all you need to do is just be sure that all your coconut is stirred in all right now I still have to sit for 30 minutes and I want to show you something just leave it right there KK [Music] okay this is plastic wrap and what you do is you just push it right down in your pot let it touch your pudding that keeps a film from forming on top of your mixture here so that when you get ready to put it in your pie crust it's going to um not have you know that film on the top of it I have already baked one frozen pie crust and you can make your own that's fine if you one of those that makes pie crust that's fine or you can use the refrigerated pie crust but I just use the Frozen and today I'm using Mrs Smith because that is all I could find in the grocery store and so um and it's good it's a good brand so we're gonna let this cool now for 30 minutes and then we'll be back and get this put in the pie shell and then show you the just what we'll do next okay our timer is up it has been 30 minutes so now I just wanted you to see in here this is why we put the plastic wrap on in let's see when we take that off then we don't have any kind of film on top of our pie filling and y'all oh my goodness this smells good now it is still hot so you go see in those instructions where now what we do is we take this and we're going to put it in the refrigerator so spread it out evenly here in y'all this will make you so proud if you fix this for Easter and take it and now I sat my Tin Pan in one of my regular pie plates and that's just for presentation and you could take it just in your tin pan or you could actually take the pie crust and put it in your regular pie plate and then put the filling in so now we're going to put the hem wrap on top of this y'all see my junk drawer okay so that fits nice and tight over there and then I'm going to put this in the refrigerator and leave it for at least an hour before I start putting um the whipped topping on it so we'll show you then what that is like so we'll be back in a while okay this pie has been in the refrigerator now for about an hour you want it completely cool before you start putting your whipped topping on it now if you're making this like the day before you can actually wait till you've taken it to serve it to put your whipped topping on it but I'm going to go ahead and show you so that you can see what it's going to look like with the whipped topping on it and you want plenty on there so I'm going to use this this is an eight ounce container ear of whipped topping and I use the Walmart brand which I like I think it's very good and we're just going to put this all the way around Let It cover all those edges Okay so just swirl it on there with you with your spoon make it pretty all right now my coconut what I did with this coconut is I got it green because I figure if this is gonna be something we'll talk about using for Easter then we want to make it look like Easter so we just go sprinkle this coconut right here on top of it and I'm sure most of you know how to dye your coconut you just put it in your bowl put just like one one or two drops now not much just one or two drops and just keep stirring it until all of your coconut is is green now you can also toast your coconut and put on top but you have to be very careful toasting coconut in the oven because it'll burn very quickly and so don't set a very high temperature probably 250 degrees would be enough just put it in a little just a pot pan will be fine and um and just stick it in the oven watch it very closely because it will it'll get real crispy you could use the brawl if you wanted to but you'd need to stand right there and watch every minute of it because it will hum it'll burn fast but but this is this is good for Easter because it um it it kind of looks like grass on top of it so we just thought that would be that would be pretty now for those of you who have been asking we do have my cookbooks still in stock and so order it it's right there it's available and we ship them out very quickly and so if you have any questions about it go to my page Mimi's recipes ask whatever you would like and we'll do our best to answer it now just a little side tip Kaylene wanted me to show you this y'all I get this at Walmart and it's called the Great Value brand and I'm gonna tell you it is wonderful if it's right in my drawer there but it it you just pull it out like that and slide this across all right we're going to go ahead and put this on top of our pie life changing very Loosely Kayleen says it is life-changing because it sticks so good to your dish and um you don't have to worry about it um coming off and if if you do it Lucy you've not Mash down the top of your your pie at all so that'll be ready to go now that's going tomorrow night to a meeting so I like to tell you what I'm doing with my food this time of year it's a little hard to cook for my family on Monday because everybody has different schedules they've got spring things going on they've got spring Sports everybody's um uh still finishing up school finishing up exams getting you know ready for Easter holidays and all of that so I um Kayleen has a meeting tomorrow night with some of the women from her church and so they will be this is what they will be getting tomorrow night in the name of the uh the group is called flourish last week I sent um another coconut pie different from this one to another group that my granddaughter is in so we just spread our food all over the church everybody gets to tasted and so um it's just it's just a great thing it is um something that we enjoy doing I hope you have a wonderful rest of the week enjoy this beautiful weather it's still just a little bit cool and a little bit windy but hey if that's okay um spring is um in full bloom here everything is coming up including the weeds in fact they're coming up twice as fast as flowers and so that's gonna be a project within itself I hope you have a good rest of the week a good rest of the evening and everybody Shine for Jesus
Channel: MeMe's Recipes | Diane Leary
Views: 45,535
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Id: YylELClnr6c
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Length: 15min 46sec (946 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2023
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