My DELICIOUS Strawberry Almond Frangipani Tart 🍓🍓🥧

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hi y'all today I'm showing you how to make my strawberry almond frangie pan tart this is something I saw in a video of somebody vacationing in France and they went to petis and they ordered this and I was like oh my gosh it looks so delicious so I came up with a recipe and here you go please enjoy equipment and ingredients you'll need a stand mixer measuring spoons a mixing bowl a 4 cup storage container a spatula a 9in pie dish a box grater a large spoon a rolling pin a cutting board and knife a one cup measuring cup one egg half a cup of ice water 1 and 1/4 tpoon of kosher salt two sticks of butter 1 cup of almond meal 2 teaspoons of almond extract half a pound of fresh strawberries 3 tbsp of flour 1 cup of GR granulated sugar you'll need to preheat the oven to 400° and here I'm just measuring out the flow I always use white lily everybody knows that and I'm using allpurpose white lily flow here I fork fluff the flour this is just my grandma's basic pie dough recipe it's I made it I don't know five six times in videos maybe more I do sometimes use the leaf method which is something I learned from um Southern pastry chef but nine times out of 10 I just use my grandma's because I needed something that would be sturdy enough that I could take it out almost like a tart and you'll see that at the end and here I'm just grating I always freeze my butter before I grate it just one stick of butter to two cups of flour and one teaspoon of salt and I'm sorry for the dishwasher noise in the background it's quite loud and once I have it grated I'm going to put it in the flour and I'm going to make sure that I completely coat the butter um in the flour because you that's how you have the best rise and the best because when the when the the heat hits the butter the cold butter it expands and so you really want um it fully Incorporated with the flour so and I always it's always about a half a cup of water humidity plays a big part if it's a very wet day like torrential rain outside you're going to use a less if it's incredibly dry you'll probably use more but usually it's about a half a cup and I added a little at a time and I just look at it and the more like I always say practice makes perfect the more you do it the more pie crust you make the better at it you'll become and um that's just how it always is you know with everything rarely do get it perfect the first time so if I feel it needs more ice water at this point I'll add it if I don't then I will put it in the plastic bag and I think that I put it in the plastic bag after this it looks pretty good yeah and I just puted him as my plastic bag I don't remember who I learned this from it was some Chef I think I think I went on Bona was it Claire zaffet who taught me this I can't remember but she put it in a a plastic bag and then she would um no it wasn't her because she uses plastic wrap um she puts it in a plastic bag and she forms it into a disc and that's what I do now and then I just put it into the freezer you can see it's perfect pyo and I Le at least refrigerate it at least for 30 minutes before working with it you want it cold because again remember when the butter hits the Heat and it flour and it expands and you get that nice lift um and after I refrigerate it for 30 minutes I'm going to roll the P dough out I'm not going to show you the whole thing because it's you know you don't need me to show you how I roll pough out for the 15th milon time you've seen it there's enough videos on it it's a pretty pretty beautiful dough and I'm always moving it around that's another tip always making sure there's enough flour down flipping it over dusting it off I just want to make sure that um it doesn't stick because that's the worst you roll it out and then it's stuck and you're like oh and I always measure the pie plate against what I rulled out and um I think it was a very wet day that day and I remember thinking H this P was giving me trouble but I was able to um get it in there so but it was it did it did fall apart a little bit so I remember I was like really frustrated with it and this is what it looked like when I had it all in there and I'm just crimping the edges and um hopefully you can see how I crimp it's it's pretty simple you use two fingers in your thumb and now I'm going to dock the bottom of the pie with a fork and um doing that just helps to make sure that it doesn't lift up cuz I am going to Blind bake it now so I just do double I'm going to put first before I put my pie weights in I'm going to put it in the refrigerator for 15 minutes because I really want that cold cold cold butter but first i'm going to make the Almond frangie pan I'm going to add one cup of sugar and I'm going to add I believe it's 6 oz of softened butter yes it is okay and I'm going to whip it up till it's light and fluffy and very pale yellow and once I've scraped it down I felt it light enough I add the egg and then I will mix until it's fluffy it it mixes in it's a bit of alchemy there as they say that happens when you add the egg into um whipped butter and sugar and now I'm just going to add a cup of the almond meal which is just ground almonds and 2 tpoon of almond extract and I always add a/4 teaspoon of croser salt I don't know why but salt always makes dessert taste better just a little bit of it does I'm not sure of the reason why scientific reason there must be some I think are taste BS or something I don't know so I'm just adding 3 tbsp of flour and this will hold the fry Canan together so when you're baking it becomes crispy on top and tender inside it's just I love this stuff and now I'm just going to put it into a 4 cup um storage container cuz I wasn't sure if I wanted to use it right away away cuz I was thinking about just baking off the tar crust or and just use it the next day and put it all together but I said no I'll just do it all at once because I was making a lot of things that day now I'm just going to clean off the strawberries and once I bring out the pie crust from um refrigerator I'm going to put some pie weights in you'll see pretty fast the the clip and I just used some parchment paper and some beans I'm going to Blind bake it in the 400° oven for 20 minutes and then once that done I'll it's done I'll bring it out and I'll take out the beans and everything and now I'm just going to cut the tops off the strawberries and then cut them in half you want to go outside it goes pretty fast I only use about half the container really of the strawberries it was a pound they are really nice strawberries strawberry season is just beginning and so it's get beautiful ones now I think that's enough I let the blind B pie cross cool before I filled it you'll see it's very blonde it doesn't have a lot of color on it you're just trying to set it um so it doesn't Bubble Up on the bottom so everything stays flat and that's why you do the docking and you put the um I use I use beans you can buy fancy beads to put in the bottom but I just parchment paper or foil um works well now I'm just spreading out the franie pan and and then put in a sliced strawberries in half you know in half on the bottom it comes together so fast that's why I always like to keep the frangie pan some in the refrigerator because what if I want to make a dessert or somebody's comes over I can whip something up so fast because I can always I always keep Pao in the freezer and once I've assembled it I put it in the oven for 40 minutes the oven obviously is preheated and it's in the oven now and it's going to be there for 40 minutes and this is what it looks like it's delicious and and if you make it you'll love it to help our Channel grow we're asking everybody to please like us subscribe and comment that's some funny like us please like us but we stay hidden otherwise because it's how the YouTube algorithm works we won't get referred to other people and we can't grow and we want to grow we want to get to 10,000 by the end of the 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Channel: A Southern Woman’s Lifestyle
Views: 199
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 02 2024
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