MeMe's Recipes | Pork Chops and Rice

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foreign 's kitchen um it's been a beautiful week here in South Carolina and we've had some rain which we really needed so we're very thankful for that and um I thought I would bring you up to date on my garage Saga from last Sunday after we if I could not get out of the garage to get my car out to go to church well I had to watch online last Sunday so when everybody got here for lunch several of the men went out and lifted the door and held it up and one of them drove my car out and then they put the garage door back down well that was well and good except would you know that the very time my car is out in the driveway it rained every morning so that's Murphy's Law all right um today I'm just going to show you something just a little different I'm preparing for my Sunday lunch and I think there's a lot of curiosity about how I do what I do for Sunday and um so this just will give you a little insight into getting ready for Sunday lunch now the first thing um that I'm going to tell you is we're doing pork chops and rice that is one of the very favorite dishes of my family and so everybody looks forward to it including me and so I'm going to show you exactly how to do that it's really not all that hard and so it if when you see the steps you'll think oh I can do that too all right the first thing I did was I cooked my rice in the oven now you've seen a lot about this on my page and a lot of questions about it and I put this recipe on my page but I want to show you now for this yes I cooked three cups of rice I've already kind of fluffed it up a little bit because rice is our favorite part of pork chops and rice so I want to be sure that I have plenty of it so this is um this is my rice so I have bought I've got the cream of mushroom soup and I got the family size now if you're making a smaller portion of this like you can just make a cup of rice or two cups of rice you can what I kind of figure is about one can of mushroom soup to um a cup of rice a cup of prepared rice so what we're going to do is we're just gonna mix this in here and um get all of that out and then we just go mix it thoroughly here y'all this is so good and so easy and the way that you cook this rice is it's one cup of long grain rice to two cups of water and then um you can make as much or as little as you want to and it freezes wonderful so if you want to prepare your rice ahead and kind of have it on hand and then that way if you suddenly decide that you want something for supper that you need rice for just take it out your freezer pop it in the microwave and in just about two or three minutes it's ready so this um we're gonna mix this really good tell you what I'm going to do I'm gonna add just a little bit of milk to it because we don't want it too thick so that's about a half a cup of milk so we're gonna mix this really good and then we're gonna put it in a pan and get it ready for the next slice okay that's kind of mixed good so get our pan over here and then we just go put the rice in it this is our bottom layer so we'll get this all spread out and we'll be right back okay now this is what our rice is going to look like and I use something called um Jane's crazy mixed up salt and it's just a seasoning and so it just adds just a little bit of flavor so I'm going to sprinkle it generously here on the top of this rice you don't have to do this but it just adds a little flavor and I think we'll put a little bit of um black pepper on it oh you're sneezing here in a minute okay now that's all ready for us to put out pork chops on so we're gonna get the frying pan ready and we'll be right back okay our next step is going to be to fry our pork chops and you don't need to fry these pork chops until they're done because remember this thing is going to go in the oven and so they'll do their major cooking while they're in the oven so I let this freeze get a little bit too hot so I'm gonna sit it off there for a minute and then we're going to just salt our pork chops and this is self-rising flour that I'm using in here and I just buy just a regular sliced pork chops and I usually figure at least one pork chop per person and then I do two or three extra because we have some men that have some pretty good appetite so we like to be sure to have enough of everything that we're serving so I'm going to put this back on and then what to do is you just cover these with your self-rising flour so you just Pat it on there shake that off and I put just about I guess that's about a half an inch of oil and then just vegetables y'all will love this one it is so good you want to fix it your family is going to ask you to fix it again so because it will become a favorite I'll tell you that okay yeah most of what we're going to do is spray on these pork chops and then they just sit right at the top of the right as soon as they are brown and the will show you how we wind this thing up so this is really an easy dish to fix and the wonderful thing about it is you can go ahead and prepare it ahead on Saturday and then in the morning when you head to church that's what I'll do I'll stick mine in the oven but you can also just fix this bake it immediately and serve it right then and so it just helps to get a step ahead so if you're like me you have a lot going on on Sunday morning a lot of other things to get ready and get yourself ready and get to church so this just puts you a step ahead and let you sleep about five minutes longer okay see how Brown that is and that's really what what the world is just a pork chops to be nice and brown and I've got mine on six because I don't want to burn my Grease so because other people will be cooking probably I guess maybe three pounds well maybe four pounds of this because tomorrow we'll have um we'll be having 10 people tomorrow normally we have um 16 to 18 depending on who can be here but College just started back and then my friend Oliver and her husband are born to Mexico for a vacation one of my granddaughters and so um so not everybody can be here tomorrow and then one of my daughters had just retired from teaching they went down to the coast which I'm very envious of so they're down there for the weekend and they'll be back home tomorrow afternoon so I will save them some leftovers because this is one of their favorites too so I'll fix your son come for them and save it for them okay now what we do here is we just let that drain just a little bit there's a rain please pork chops and you can kind of stack them on top of each other oh that sounds good I'll let that one brown just a little bit more [Music] okay watch this keep adding our pork chops and then when we finish frying these we'll be right back pound of pork chops and okay we ain't showing the in that pretty so y'all you can do as many or as few as you would like if you have a small family and you say you want to cook six pork chops I would do like um cookie a cup of rice with two cups of water maybe a cup and a half a rice and then just a small can of cream of mushroom soup and fix that and then Brown your pork chops and put on it so you can do this for a few people or for a whole lot and of course then on Sundays with me it's a whole lot okay let's look at this now we've got all our beautiful pork chops here they're nice and brown now if if I were going to serve this tonight I would just cover I cover this with tin foil and then I would stick in my oven and so that I didn't have to bake it a long time I would bake it about an hour or an hour and 15 minutes on 350 degrees but now since I'm gonna put this in the refrigerator so it will be very cold and in the morning when I leave to go to church I will put this in the oven and I will set it on 300 degrees and that way it will cook about three hours because by the time I go to Sunday school in church and we come home I leave here at nine and we get home at 12 so about three hours and then it's nice and the pork chops are nice and tender and all of that juice and everything has cooked down in that rice and it is cooked with that mushroom soup and oh my goodness I hate that y'all can't taste this but you just got to make it yourself now all right one and um is it this pan here has a lip around it which makes it really good to be able to put this on here nice and tight and sew so all these ingredients now are acquainted with one another guess what they gonna sleep out there in the refrigerator overnight and so we will um get this going and and the next phase will be sticking the oven soap stay tuned we'll be right back okay welcome back to Mimi's kitchen we are all home from church and now I'm going to take this dish out that you saw us preparing yesterday this is the pork chops and rice we'll go see what it looks like here and then I'm going to show you my buffet that we have for Sunday to lunch let's take the top off of this oh my goodness doesn't that look good so for lunch today we've got pork chops and rice barbecue chicken legs Candace sweet potatoes lima beans peas macaroni and cheese steamed cabbage fresh corn broccoli casserole we have deviled eggs pear salad this is a strawberry salad we have also a macaroni salad our rolls and then our dessert today is lemon lemonade pie and Oreo pop and then that's everybody's drink for them to pick up as they go to the table now we're getting ready to stay off lesson I hope you have a good rest of the week and everybody shine to Jesus
Channel: MeMe's Recipes | Diane Leary
Views: 439,021
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Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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