MeMe's Recipes | Bread Pudding

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welcome to Mimi's kitchen well our fall weather continues y'all it's beautiful and I'm a summertime person but I would be the first to admit the break of the weather is nice and so we're enjoying it it's the kind you can just go out in your short sleeves and enjoy the day and so it's it's beautiful and we love all times of the year today we're going to make bread pudding now this is not something that I grew up eating um my mother to my knowledge never made bread pudding and so my husband loved it so as time went on he said do you think you could learn how to make bread pudding and I thought well yep I guess so so I started searching for recipes and um and then I actually ate it at his house they had a lady that came in and cooked for them every day and so when I ate hers then I knew kind of the taste that I was looking for so in my search for recipes I came across one and I thought ah I believe this is it and well it turned out it really was and y'all it's so easy well oh my recipes easy so if you have my cookbook Sunday lunch at Mimi's turn to page 70. and right there at the bottom of the page you will find the recipe for bread pudding now y'all I have already set my oven now y'all pay attention 350 degrees and if you wonder why I'm burning a candle over here y'all I cooked some collards yesterday for lunch and Lord those things lingle forever and so I'm trying to get the Collard smell out in the kitchen now y'all this is that Pepperidge Farm and this is this the raisin cinnamon now that's two or three different flavors of this and so if your family doesn't like raisins then just get the cinnamon and so um but but we kind of like raisins so I'm using the raisin bread and what I'm going to do is I am going to cut this introduce little pieces had to pull apart but y'all it's just so much easier just to cut it yourself and so what what I'll do is I'll just do it like this okay okay you can all right now what I'm going to do is I'm going to cut this into cubes you don't have to watch all that and so we'll be right back okay y'all here we go now that is that whole loaf of bread you use the whole loaf all right now we'll just kind of pull that apart and then what you do is you pour a quart of milk whole milk now I'm not gonna say don't use two percent but whole milk works better okay and so what you do is you just pour this right over the chopped up bread all right now we're just going to toss it around a little bit be sure that all of this gets in here so what we want to do is we want to soak this in here all for I guess about 10 minutes or so and that's so that all of the bread is completely absorbed with the milk so we go set this aside here a minute we're just gonna let it just sit and soak and I'll stir it occasionally I'm gonna set my timer on 10 minutes okay y'all it's been 10 minutes now this is well soaked so now we're gonna put our other ingredients together which is three eggs and these are room temperature thank you and I use Eggland's Best you all know that everybody that's been watching me cook that was that was fast okay now it says slightly beat them okay that's slightly beaten all right now one cup of sugar and y'all I use Dixie Crystal oh I love Dixie Crystal all right we just mix this together oh break my heart three tablespoons of butter melted melted butter don't we wish it was a whole stick but that may make it just a little bit greasy okay now then vanilla flavoring oh y'all this Watkins is so good I buy mine at Walmart how much one teaspoon all right now then what we do is we mix this with and now I know you're asking why aren't you why aren't you putting any kind of flavoring in it like cinnamon all that but y'all remember we used cinnamon bread so we don't need any additional flavoring in it all right so we're just gonna mix this together that all these things get acquainted with one another okay all right y'all this is a 9x13 casserole dish we just go spray it with this ham we've got all that mixed together pour it right here in the dish oh y'all it smells good all that cinnamon and okay in the oven it goes and okay for all you observant people okay I cook on the bottom right yeah it's like one thing up from the bottom but everybody you know it's fun I never thought a thing in the world about cutting on the cooking on the bottom rack it's just what I've always done well you would be surprised how many questions I get why do you cook on the bottom right well why do you cook on the top rack you know that's that's the same thing so anyway so here we go it's in there we're gonna let it cook now we're gonna set this timer oh 50 minutes and then it's at the end of 50 minutes we'll check it and make sure that it's done okay so we'll be right back oh the magic sound okay y'all that is our time that was 50 minutes now I want to show you how you can test this to see if it's done just take something that's um kind of thin like like a now this is a paring knife and what you do is you just stick this down through there and when it comes out see it doesn't have any of the pudding on it so it's done that's kind of jiggly oh y'all that is beautiful oh my goodness um smells so good oh it does smell good okay y'all oh y'all this smells wonderful now you saw how easy that was so now you girls when you go for Thanksgiving this year this would be wonderful for Thanksgiving and so you just gotta whip it up and make it now this is really good served with like a vanilla pudding over it now you can make the one from scratch that's okay and that's a dozen recipes for that but let me show you something Jello makes cook and serve now don't use instant because it's cold and this is this you can serve warm and it's the cook and serve and I made some this afternoon and then you put the wrap right on top of it that way you don't end up with the with that skim over it this you know kind of yucky so what we're going to do we're going to let this cool and y'all thought about something when I was cutting that bread up if you're looking for something different to have for any occasion that you're having where your server just like pick up finger food if you will take that um cinnamon raisin bread and spread pineapple cream cheese now they get the one that you buy because if you make it yourself sometimes it's kind of runny so just get the fill it out few cream cheese and pineapple and spread that nice and thick on there and then either cut it in like four pieces or stack you three pieces of bread and then trim it and then slice it like in Little Finger sandwiches and y'all it is so so good and it's just something different and it's great with with all kind of other finger food so it's just something just something different to add now we're gonna let this cool just a minute and when it cools um we'll take it up and let's see what it looks like on plastic okay y'all when you take it out of the oven now it kind of has that souffle sort of look it's kind of raised up and then as it cools it begins to settle so don't think it's falling apart or not doing what it's supposed to do all right so here we go okay we've got us some served here and the longest sits the more it will um congealed together oh all right okay y'all I tasted that and y'all I'm gonna tell you it is so good I can't wait to eat the rest of it and KK is on a diet and she is tortured by having a look at this now she did take a little taste of it and she said it was really good and so um it's just something different to make it makes a nice dessert and um it's just a it's good for them you just think about this kind of thing this time of year you know now you could sprinkle like some raisins on top of it or anything or those that are hung up on that pumpkin spice stuff you could sprinkle a little bit of that on the top of it but anyway it's good and it just makes a delicious dessert so it would make you proud and you saw how easy it was so it's not much it can go wrong with it so whip you up one enjoy it with your family oh y'all it's a beautiful time of year just have a good rest of the week and everybody Shine for Jesus
Channel: MeMe's Recipes | Diane Leary
Views: 138,866
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: BjdCifbFgq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 37sec (757 seconds)
Published: Mon May 22 2023
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