Melting Ice Sculptures In Reverse (Game)

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Hi, this is Davin (Devin on MCTs). Just stopping by to say— I stand by my decision of shaking my head “no” to Stevie when Rhett said “bean.” Wheel of Fortune rules babyyy. Kthxbye.

👍︎︎ 91 👤︎︎ u/DCT_X95 📅︎︎ Nov 11 2021 🗫︎ replies

That last round drama. 😂

👍︎︎ 48 👤︎︎ u/BurnZ_AU 📅︎︎ Nov 11 2021 🗫︎ replies

"All cobras now speak with a British accent because of colonialism", that killed me

👍︎︎ 35 👤︎︎ u/Robot_tangerine 📅︎︎ Nov 11 2021 🗫︎ replies

The damn S didn't appear until the last second, it definitely looked like BEAN

👍︎︎ 35 👤︎︎ u/lucydaydream 📅︎︎ Nov 11 2021 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 28 👤︎︎ u/sterling_mallory 📅︎︎ Nov 11 2021 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/KillerPalm 📅︎︎ Nov 11 2021 🗫︎ replies

Okay. I have a lot of thoughts on this...

A) The word was "Beans" not "Bean" If it was a spelling test in grammar school, it would have been marked wrong. This isn't like "Boat" - "Be more specific" this was a specific word and he did not get the entire thing.

2) Rhett should not have kept guessing when he was told he was wrong.

D) The S didn't come up until less than 4 seconds was on the clock. So really, he had no chance of winning that round if Rhett just didn't say anything. It was only Rhett's guess and the fact that it was wrong that made Beans a clear guess. Maybe Link would have guessed plural on his own despite the S not being there but the world will never know.

👍︎︎ 25 👤︎︎ u/sd2528 📅︎︎ Nov 11 2021 🗫︎ replies

The word was beans, not bean. Rhett just misplayed the round and as a result lost the game.

👍︎︎ 24 👤︎︎ u/weschester 📅︎︎ Nov 11 2021 🗫︎ replies

“Because I was waiting to see if it was plural.” Had me convinced lmao.

👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/Sinnuh 📅︎︎ Nov 11 2021 🗫︎ replies
- There's something strange about this ice, ice, baby. - Let's talk about that. (upbeat music) - Good, Mythical morning. - And happy Veterans Day, we wanna take a moment to thank everyone who has served. - Yes, thank you. Now, we've all seen ice melt before. - Yes. - In drinks, in coolers, in the slow death of snowmen. - Aw. - They're all sad scenes. - But thanks to the advent of video reversal technologies, sad can become happy, destruction can become creation. - And two friends can get way too heated competing over it. - Let's find out how crazy ice shapes can get. It's time for, Mystery Countdown Theater! Reverse Ice Figure Melting Edition. You know how this game goes, we're gonna be shown a video of some sort of unique ice figure being melted, but in reverse, so basically un-melting. - Whoever can correctly guess what the melting ice figure, but un-melting, is first, wins (speaks gibberish) on timer. - Yeah, right, we understand what it is. - If you're wrong, that was however many points were left on the timer. - That. - If you don't know, I don't know what happened to my voice. If we're wrong, the other person gets a chance to buzz in and guess, the winner gets to reverse stuff a snowball into the loser's mouth. - I don't know who the loser in that proposition is, but we'll figure it out. And if you're a regular viewer of the most competitive game in GMM history, you know that we've gone through an insane number of lucky shirts. (gentle music) (Rhett laughing) - Wow, that was emotional. - I think once we went nipple glasses, we had to just move on to something else, we've gone through all our lucky shirts which is... - It's been so special. - Why I decided to move on to a different accessory, a lucky bow tie. - Oh, okay, well, bow ties are cool. - I gotta... - I see what you did here, you got, it's got horseshoes and sham and a four leaf clovers. - I thought about leaving it here. - It's pretty crazy that you thought about this. I was thinking along the same lines, but I thought I needed an extra boost to really make it work. So I got my own bow tie. - Oh, come on, man. Why are you trying to out do me? - The bigger, the better the luckier, right? - Ah, well we're going to find out. Let's see our first video. - Oh crap. - [Rhett] Oh, just looks like a ice... (ringer chimes) - [Female Voice] Rhett. - Oh, you're taking a risk, homie. - I believe it is a bottle. - [Female Voice] Incorrect. - Oh, dang it. - [Link] Okay. - [Rhett] I mean, it looks like a bottle. - [Link] Yes this, what it this? - [Rhett] Oh, now I know what it is. (ringer chimes) - [Female Voice] Link. - The Batman symbol? - [Female Voice] Correct. - Oh yeah! Two big points for the Linkster. What's the sense of scale? Is that like as big as a house? - [Rhett] I think it's at least four feet across. - Yeah, definitely. Alright. Are you shaking in your boots? - A little bit? - In your bow tie? - That pretty impressive. - For you. - [Rhett] I'm getting the idea that we have to wait a little bit longer. (ringer chimes) - [Female Voice] Link. - What? - Is it a rose? - [Female Voice] You sir, are correct. - Yes! I started to see a little swirl. - [Rhett] That's good. Well, okay. - [Link] Hey man, this is what you do. (Rhett shushes) - [Rhett] (babbles) - Ice ice. - (sighs) - [Link] Mmm, What is that? - [Rhett] This has got to turn into something. (ringer chimes) - [Female Voice] Rhett. - I believe that is a set of teeth. - [Female Voice] Correct. - Oh. I never saw that coming. - [Rhett] Yeah, I just think once the gums came together. - [Link] Oh, nice. What would you do with that? - [Rhett] Wear em for a little bit? - Does it go in and drink? Is it? That's like the size of it? That's pretty cool to have like dentures floating in your drink. I'm game for that. Let's keep that around for all of our glass drinking adventures here at the office. - Glass drinking adventures. - Alright, let's do one more. Well, let's do a bunch more. - [Rhett] Yeah, how about... Oh, this is like a little of something. - [Link] It's a village. - [Rhett] A field. - [Link] What is it? (ringer chimes) - [Female Voice] Rhett. - That is chess pieces. - [Female Voice] Correct. - Dang. That's pretty good, man. - [Rhett] I mean, once the queen and the king came into focus. - [Link] Oh. - [Rhett] You got to play a real quick game of chess. - [Link] Hurry hurry hurry hurry. - Or maybe just a normal game of chess and like above the Arctic Circle. - Alright. So you've almost caught me, but let's talk about something more important than this before we really get at each other throats. Have you heard about our new project? SiKE! - I have. - SiKE, there's no project. - It's real. - SiKE is a project. It's a brand spanking new apparel and accessories brand, where the graphics change when they're activated or trick the eye, when you look closely. - [Rhett] What? What was that? - [Link] It's coming from us, but it's so much more. Check out the whole collection at SIKE.LA now. - Made you look! - SIKE.LA I can't give up my lead. - [Rhett] This is a different angle. This is like above. - [Link] Of a hand? What is it? (ringer chimes) - [Female Voice] Rhett. - That is the United States of- - Ah! That's what I was gonna say. (Rhett laughs) - [Female Voice] Correct. - This is tough. - Man, this is tough. - [Link] Shoot. Oh.. - [Rhett] And you can get all the state. - [Link] Oh well, I mean 48. (crew-members laughing) - Wow, look it... I mean the amount of work that went into that, that's crazy. Is it one board, then you just pour it? Or are they individuals? Just one map. - One map. Hey, listen. I mean, it's been a while since we played this game, we look nice, we got bow ties on, and this is like, as competitive as it ever was. (Link exhales) - Back in the saddle. I'm in a comfortable position of being behind. - But the thing is we're getting a little like... Other than your first one, or one of the ones, like this is just, we're just this little chips, just like little pieces of ice. Just like back, I mean, it's like no one is getting big numbers. - Yeah. - You got a big bow tie though. - Okay, is this helping with global warming, by the way? - We've cooled down the environment a little bit. - Okay, great. Alright, ready. - [Rhett] Oh, this is fast. This is fast. - [Link] What is that? - [Rhett] Holy moly. (ringer chimes) - [Female Voice] Link. - Is it a bunny rabbit? - [Female Voice] Incorrect. - Oh man, bunny rabbit? I don't see anything yet. - [Link] It's the butt of bunny rabbit. - [Rhett] I can see how you could see that. - [Link] You see his ears? (ringer chimes) - [Female Voice] Rhett. - For zero points, Rhett. - It's a baby on it's side. And I could not see it until it was at zero. - Oh, what is that a? What's that a? - You know what it looks like? - It's a baby in a womb. - Have you seen that giant baby sculpture? That is in the, like the desert in China, I think? - I've not been to the Chinese desert. - Well I... But have you been to the internet? - Not that part of it. - There is this baby sleeping like this, at like house scale, just in the middle of like this sandy area. - (indistinct)? - I don't know man, not cake. Something That's like permanent. It's one of those things that like pops up on Instagram, the Instagram grid. I'm like, "Yes I like that weird thing", and then just people like walk up to it and I'm like, "Who is this baby?" Well, apparently he's also here. - Huh. You're trying to make us forget that none of us got points that round? - I mean, I did guess the right thing. - Yeah, you did. - Once it was done. - I saw it and was like, what is that? I got the butt right. Alright, hit it. - [Rhett] Okay, another side angle here. (ringer chimes) . - That was too quick. There's no way. - I'm going to be wrong, but I was gonna say, shark. - [Female Voice] Incorrect. - Shark? Keep it going for me. (ringer chimes) - Oh. - [Female voice] Link. - Easter island people. - [Female voice] Correct. - Look at that. Brought back and forth I love it. Little Easter island bobbin in your, I don't know, your gin and ton. - So you can just get all these molds just from the interwebs? - No. - Then you can just put them into drinks? - You could also 3D print your own. - You can put that baby into a drink? - I mean what else are you going to do with an ice ice baby? (crew-members laugh) - No answer. Growing and getting pointy. (ringer chiming) - [Female Voice] Rhett. - I think it's a Hershey's kiss. - [Female Voice] Incorrect. - That was my guess too. - Really, Oh man. Oh dude, I've left the doors wide open. - Alright. - Oh, there's a whole thing. - What is that? - Oh man, oh you- (ringer chimes) - [Female Voice] Link. - A shoe horn stuck in a glacier? - [Female Voice] Incorrect. - What is that? - Cobra. - [Female Voice] is that legal? - Once it goes back yeah. - Yeah at that point- - It goes back to both of us right? - [Female Voice] Oh no I know, but it was like at the same time so- - I was just going... I was jeopardying that sucker. - He buzzed in first so yeah. - [Female Voice] You are correct. (bell sound) - [Link] Oh it's talking. Did you see when it was dripping that it looked like a cobra was talking for a second. Hello just a cobra not a good shoe horn. Just a Cobra. Hello. Hello. - [Female Voice] Why is it a British cobra? - Oh, That's where they're famous. They're famous from Britain. - Well, it's the British colonization of India. - All cobras now speak with a British accent because of colonialism. - 'Ello gov'na, come get your shoe horned? - Dude this is the best one in history, there's never been a back and forth. This is like a Duke Carolina basketball game that we don't watch because we feel so bad that our team has that in it. - Yeah, I just, I can't emotionally commit anymore, but I am now. - [Link] What is- - [Female Voice] Rhett. - It is the Titanic about to hit an iceberg. - [Female Voice] You are correct. - Yes! - [Link] I knew it. I saw it. What did he get, two points? - Oh, I, how many? - it's still anybody's game. - Oh, dang. - Isn't that cute? - You want to do some stretches or something before this last round? - Yeah. Yeah. Now making a glacier, out of ice, I mean, that's a bit... - I mean that's kinda morbid to think about the fact that they, all those people that hit that iceberg and then just died and now you're drinking it. - Yeah. - [Female Voice] Okay, so this last round is special because we've spelled out a word. So you need to guess what the word is that we've spelled out. - Alright, alright - And you got to get four to win. - Yeah. - Oh man, I'm playing a little defense here. Can't go too early. - Yeah which words are going to appear? Which words melt faster? I think is what we're about to learn. - Lowercase. - Okay. I think this spells something. - [Female Voice] Rhett. - Bean. - What'd you say? - Bean. - [Female Voice] Oh, I'm getting a shaking head from Devin. - Now how many points are still on the board? - Okay, beans with an 's'. - You don't get more than one guess. - [Female Voice] He needs that I need to give him it's correct beans is correct. - No, he said bean. Why would he- He should be punished for guessing bean that's the dumbest guess ever? Why wouldn't you just guess beans? He shouldn't get a hint and said, well, it's kinda, oh, beans. It's like why would you guess bean? That's stupid. - Because did you see what it was? Did you see what it was at the time? - The 's' completely gone. - Yeah exactly, and that's why you shouldn't get it. - I should just invent an imaginary 's'? - He guessed bean, that's not a word. - [Female Voice] I'm taking myself out of this and out of the comments please. Thank you very much. - Okay so here we go. Let's keep playing. (bell sound) - Beans. I mean, but seriously, just tell me, you guessed bean. Why? - Because I read B.E.A.N. - Right and that's wrong, - But why didn't you guess it when it was up there? - Because I was waiting to see if it was plural. - You didn't know if it was... You didn't even know that it was bean. - I knew that it was a B.E.A. - But I knew it was B.E.A.N. - I knew that it was a B.E.A, and then I didn't buzz in. You took a risk. You said bean, when you could've said beans. It's a different word. - I said bean, and was waiting for, be more specific, which we often get, we often get that. Like sometimes we say burger. Like if I had to say ship on the last one, you would have said be more specific. And I would've said "Titanic about to hit an ice burg". - I know, here's what I'm going to do for you. I'm going to change my attitude so that people don't want to- - You what, Link wins I give this, I mean, you know what? I didn't do it right. - This is fun. This is fun, and you know what? - I don't know what, I don't know. I don't know what the winner does. Whatever the winner does. Link gets that. Whether it's stick sticking this in my mouth, or I stick it in his mouth, I don't know. I don't know which one it is because I can't remember the punishment. - Bean, you know what? I love you, man. And I'll give it to you. But bean, just with all due respect, what's a dumb guess. Why would it be bean? - Well, because it's what it said. It said, bean. - [Link] You know what- - [Rhett] Look how late that 's' was. - [Link] I'll let you if you want to win. But I just don't think it was- - [Rhett] Oh no you win 15 to 13 final score. I lose. - I agree with that. Okay. So reverse stuff, a snowball into your mouth, which means I've got to shove it in your mouth and then that's when... you shove it in your own mouth. - No. - Because all I have one, I have to pull it out. No, but you won. - But I do the reverse. Like shoving it in there. - But the winner gets to do the stuffing in the pool thing. - Do you really want me to stuff this in your mouth? - I'm not angry. - You won fair and square. - You're not at risk. - Now this isn't... Try not to touch it with your mouth. Bean. Bean? You were embarrassed when you guessed it, you knew it was a dumb guess. (crew-members laugh) - Can I push? Alright so I'm ready to pull. Right you're ready? So I gotta... I'm going to back my hand out first. What is that brown thing? - Hmm. Hmm. - Hold on for a second. Alright so now... What the crap? - I'm sorry. - Did that come from the back of your throat? - I think that came from me. Err, that's what was on the inside of a snowball? - Bean. - I'm sorry man. You should've won. I've learned my lesson. - Bean. - Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You know what time it is. - Hi, I'm Steven, and I'm Wanda. And we're here at the Gullfoss waterfall in Iceland. And it's time to spin the wheel of mythicalty. - Is it actually water right now or ice? - No I saw the water flowing back there, and I saw that t-shirt. - Click the top link to watch us find the best and worst ways to break the ice, and good mythical morning. - And the wheel of mythicality is going. Get SiKE'd on our new brand of apparel and accessories. SiKE. No really, it's called SiKE. Shop The first collection now at SIKE.LA.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 1,058,314
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test
Id: m58rpaAmJWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 28sec (988 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 11 2021
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