Mega Man ROM Hacks - AntDude

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[Music] megaman is back baby sure it may not be some brand new experience that nobody saw coming but the blue bomber finally has a spotlight on him once again and that is what counts so naturally it is time that i celebrate the only way I know how subjecting myself to the stuff that fans have made who's ready to take a look at some more rom hacks here show a hands [Music] hell yeah people have been modding and hacking the classic super fighting robot games for years now and this is as good a time as any to finally talk about it and what's interesting about it however is that fan-made Megaman creations have gotten so close to the genuine article that the fan games may as well be rom hacks too and i know i don't specifically talk about fan games yet but i just couldn't go on without talking about a few of them here megaman unlimited oh my god this game is so good i was following the development of this game for years before it was officially released it was actually given the name Megaman 10 before Capcom made their own just to show you how long it's been in development for essentially it's just a classic Mega Man game you all know the drill here yay gotcha nana games with doctor wahwee there is a troll bad masters to pick from and then you shoot as many lemons as you possibly can to get the job done as for the best part not only does it look and sound great aesthetically fantastic the pixel art is super well done and the use of colors in every stage makes each of them very memorable and the soundtrack is so good each of the Robot Master themes fit perfectly with the levels that they play in as well as fitting in with the rest of the series but on top of that the game also plays just like the real thing jumping and shooting feels perfect and the benefit of being a fan game as opposed to a romhack is there are new mechanics and gimmicks that are spread throughout and combined with simply really good level designs this has honestly become one of my favorite Megaman games and it's not even a real one and thanks to similar engines made by fans there's even these full-on D makes of Megaman seven and eight titled Rockman 7f c and 8f c respectively replicating those games basically perfectly but making them play just like the titles that made the character famous in the first place whether or not you're a fan of the styles that the original games took these are definitely ones that are worth checking out these may as well be official products considering how accurate they are I really wouldn't be surprised if somewhere down the line Megaman 11 gets the same treatment we haven't gotten an 8-bit demake of Megaman and bass yet as well so maybe that'll happen soon too maybe then the game can finally be fun screw you burner man you suck but ok I'll cool it on the fan games for now maybe again at some point in the future I'll bring this topic back up I know what you guys are really here for you want to see some really strange rom hacks [Music] [Music] okay da wurld was stupid Ultraman guy cuts man the man was chillin like why like why indeed hashtag deep Pressey Sturtz or witnessed doom amen doom I love that game ah yes we are quickly greeted by the typical roundup of bad guys here you got pecky qu w bush carrot top and an upside-down hook em horns with a bitter green on the knuckles pretty I'm pretty sure that's what that is and I guess the goal here is to stop the evil wait wait sorry the EE vile mist mist our oats after you make your choice of boss to go for well at that point it's just Mega Man 2 I but I guess that's supposed to be cut man and he moves and jumps super fast and all of the enemies are these weird abominations because of course they are you beat a boss you get their weapon no matter how weird this is it's still Mega Man to the core oh no it's evil Santa okay this this is a bit much for me and all of my studies for this video I found out that there was a couple of pretty consistent hack ideas that spread across multiple Megaman games first up is the lovable roll Chan where you play through the numbered game of your choosing but as roll instead aka I think that makes these games better there are even hacks that inserted endless modes into the classics you remember how Mega Man 9 and 10 had those modes where you would just see how far you could get in a series of randomly placed screen structures well now you can do that in games like Mega Man 3 as well how cool is that my experiences in the world of Mega Man hacks began with this one here The Adventures of base 2 there is no Adventures of base 1 I was lied to when I was younger it's a pretty simple hack of Mega Man 2 new level designs you play as base yeah that's about it it is really basic but as a result it's still a pretty good time it's classic Mega Man here you really don't need anything too crazy just some solid levels and reasonable difficulty then you're good remember that statement because it'll come up again soon much like the sonic hacks that I've talked about in the past this style of basic level design hacks is everywhere like here proto man the new adventures a hack of Megaman 1 where wait I advance yours okay it's a hack of Megaman 1 where you play as proto man through revamped levels that's it or here you got the Riddler's escaped from Arkham ok this one actually doesn't even have any new level designs you just play as the Riddler through Mega Man 3 I wonder where this fits in the DC Cinematic Universe or you got something along the lines of this Mega Man 3 hack called dr. wily visits Indonesia alright that's an interesting vacation destination Who am I to judge it is just 2 the original game with new level designs and modified themes I just really like the idea of wily wanting to take his robot creations out for some rest and relaxation but Mega Man comes through anyway to ruin his day spoilers Mega Man was the bad guy the whole time if we go a little bit fancier here we have Mega Man the hedgehog trap oh dude I love Super Mario and this one is actually pretty cool the 8 levels have been redesigned and re skinned to look like levels from classic Sonic games everybody loves Green Hill Zone right it's the year 2017 absolutely nobody is sick of seeing this place yet I know this guy's fine with it oh ok a go drun it would be really cool if there were more Sonic elements that were throwing here in the future like loops and more badniks but at the moment it's still pretty neat I mean it would make sense considering there's a whole Megaman and Sonic crossover comic that's that's still just an odd thing and a similar idea was actually done years prior but with Mario in Megaman in the Mushroom Kingdom we all six levels use tiles from different mario games i think this one is cooler honestly since enemies have been reese kind-- to look like the ones from Mario's universe and the level designs are pretty solid too this one turned out to be one of the more interesting hacks that I've played for this series the Megaman formula works out really well with the concept of exploring other franchises I would love to see more stuff like this in the future I wonder if the bosses are any different to follow suit its guts man or better yet why not just play as Megaman in Super Mario Bros 1 instead look at them look at the little boy well now I have to wonder what's gonna happen when we grow them up oh man oh this is awesome now I know that not every megaman hack out there is this weird little experiment it's time to talk about some of the good ones out there that I'm sure some of you are familiar with something that should come as a surprise to absolutely nobody Mega Man 2 is the home of some of the more interesting hacks what a shocker there guys I hate to break it to you but to make a mad Mega Man 6 is the best one all you gotta do is take one quick look into Rock Man no constancy to see what I'm talking about here rather than just having some simple graphic modifications and level design changes the entire game has been reworked and practically stands on its own as some sort of Master Quest of the original game like on top of everything else there's even been new music added to all this and it's also incredibly difficult yeah playing all of these hacks back-to-back made me realize how bad at these games I actually am and this is the normal version of this hack there's a hard mode to no thanks the bosses have been made out to be absolutely brutal and really I'm not much of a fan if you're really into twitch reactions and heavy memorization then maybe but yeah yeah this is not for me let's take a look here at Metal Men he's the one that you normally start out with so this can't be too bit okay okay okay okay uh-huh mm-hmm okay rapid-fire please save me all right moving on and then there's deus ex machina and it is basically the same idea its Mega Man 2 but completely revamped with a new soundtrack and modified enemies and bosses and really I can appreciate all of the work and effort that goes into this stuff believe me I do however yeah I can't I just added this these two hacks are definitely impressive I'll give them that they are sort of considered to be the Megaman ROM hacks out there so I know I had to play them for myself they're just really not for me if you are into getting your super fighting robot but hand it to you constantly then have at it but now the real stars of the show here come from Mega Man 4 yeah 4 didn't really see that one coming now did you hear you got rock man 4 burst chaser X air sliding I bet you'll never get with this hacks all about this one is awesome like the Mega Man 2 hacks from before this is a completely revamped Mega Man 4 however now Mega Man even plays slightly differently to he runs and jumps a whole lot faster and now has this nifty air slide this makes for gameplay that is super fast and hectic and after the hacks prior I was really worried that the level design would lead to things just being far too difficult but that's actually not the case here it turned out to be really really fun it feels so good and satisfying to jump around and land all these jumps like a speeding blue blur but now I'm curious let's see how toad man operates he was a real Punk in the original he just would jump around and do his little hey let's see just how he could have been changed ah uh-huh yes I I definitely made a mistake so yeah the bosses are difficult too I'm just gonna chalk that up to me being garbage rather than the game being too hard overall this hack is awesome and definitely worth playing but the real number one star goes to where has this game been all my life even from the beginning this game was just pandering to me the level select team is the one from Kirby 64 you guys already know I'm a sucker for that kind of stuff I like I like Kirby a whole lot unlike the previous hack Mega Man doesn't control any differently here but what is absolutely crazy is the amount of stuff here that is not Mega Man 4 stages are filled with enemies and gimmicks from nearly every Megaman game even ones that weren't on NES here you go you take one step into a new room and then suddenly shadow man is attacking you on top of a giant frog and then you're riding atop of rush on this fast-moving water what what is this and the entire game is like this mechanics both new and old combining into these really fun and challenging levels and having a fair share of surprises and fanservice in there every so often as well sadly once again the bosses are just a little bit too random for my taste but this hack was so good and the levels are so interesting didn't stop me I actually got to wily on this one boy howdy where would I be in life if save staining wasn't a thing oh okay I'm a frog now oh what's up it's just anchor one of the Megaman killers that's something that barely anybody knows what's up oh and then for a short amount of time you get to use his ability in a room where it's catered to using that ability this guy's guys this is without a doubt the best megaman hack that i've played yet and if you choose to check out just one from this entire video please make in - infinity I just really wish I could understand why the hack was named that so that's gonna wrap up a bulk of the hacks that I found surely I missed a few and if I did I apologize this will be a topic that I come back to again in the future but for now I'm nearing the end of world one in Megaman Super Mario Brothers I want to see what dr. wily looks like happy holidays everybody [Music]
Channel: AntDude
Views: 783,604
Rating: 4.9235363 out of 5
Keywords: AntDude, Dude Reviews, Review (Media Genre), Video Review, Capcom, Mega Man, Mega Man 11, Mega Man X, Mega Man Unlimited, Mega Man ROM Hacks, Sonic ROM Hacks, ROM Hacks, Pokemon ROM Hacks, Mario ROM Hacks, Mega Man X9, Mega Man Legacy Collection
Id: RaqjdYcFhqk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 24 2017
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