Mega Man X | | The Completionist | New Game Plus

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So glad he went with β€œNew Game +”.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 24 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MattLocke πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 17 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

The old episodes were good, but I can tell that these are gonna be even better. They're like the HeartGold and SoulSilver of YouTube shows.

Great work, my dude!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 23 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DrunkenSepton πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 17 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love how the intro is a mashup of all the intros from different eras of the show.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 19 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/byniri_returns πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 17 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

I thought for Hadouken, it was that you had to get to the end of the stage without taking damage. Not just that it'd show up randomly.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Lightsong-The-Bold πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 17 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Mega Man X is tied with Chrono Trigger as my favorite games ever.

Proof- Lol

Can’t wait to keep up with the new series.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MikeV2 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 18 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Jirard you forgot PS2 and Gamecube on platform that people can play this game via Megaman X Collection.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/kratosgow342 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 17 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Man, when that Wild Arms music kicked in at the end, I experienced a wave of nostalgia.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Critic_Kyo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 18 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Great episode. I love Mega Man X. One of my very few Complete in Box SNES games I own.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/StumptownRetro πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 18 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies
hey everyone and welcome to the very first episode of the completionist New Game+ the show where I revisit games I've already completed to find out if my opinion has changed as I become an older and wiser gamer that in the first 120 episodes of the completionist are no longer on this channel then on the internet somewhere if you want to watch them you totally can this is a very different show if you want to update on that and what happens here on the channel you can give a click into the description down below take a look at that video that explains everything up until this point longtime fans of the channel and the completionist show will recognize this room this is my bedroom this is in fact still my bedroom this is where it all started six years ago New Game+ a show about not only me revisiting these games and my opinions from years ago but sorry experienced these games alongside you guys the fans at home will follow me throughout all this time this is going to be very different from the older episodes you've known to love and care about not gonna sit here reminiscing the nostalgic nough self I might share some behind-the-scenes secrets or stories or maybe things that were happening in my life during the time I was completing these games in the older episodes but overall this is going to be a very different show and you know what that's okay sometimes different is okay it's going to be a learning process for all of you at home as much as it is for me and the team who make the show this show is for you the fans both new and old we've got 120 games to complete so what better place to start the very first one than the one that started my entire career here on YouTube Megaman X for a young beardless Girard Megaman X was a revelation everything that made the original Mega Man games great was still there with some massive improvements and some unbelievably clever ideas this game was made for childhood me so much to do so much challenge so much to learn and that damn art style it was the perfect SNES game it's so perfect and I pleaded so many times on the Internet that I've got the boss order predicate tattoo to my brain but does it hold up when I first reviewed it many years ago I definitely thought so and I gave it my completionist rating of completed and as far as I'm concerned before I even get into this game I'm probably gonna believe that again things have changed a lot in the last six years though I myself have played a hell of a lot more games so so many more games but even the gaming landscape has changed dramatically there's even a roguelike Mega Man X inspired game that came out called 20xx the video game landscape has shifted dramatically since I started my career here on YouTube it's inevitable that my tastes are going to change over the course of my time as the completion ISM so well I continue to endure one of my favorite games of all time let's find out [Music] [Applause] [Music] when the Super Nintendo was released in 1990 the big-name games came quickly along with it Super Mario World and Link to the Past both came out in the consoles first year even classics like pilotwings in f-zero were introduced at launch but one name was conspicuously missing from the list of NES stars making their way into the new generation Megaman to make matters worse Capcom continued to release NES Mega Man games with Mega Man 5 & 6 dropping before a single entry on the SNES clearly they had to be working on something huge for the next generation of Megaman what else could they have kept us waiting for Megaman X was the first time the Blue Bomber made his way into the 16-bit world and oh boy what an introduction it was from that point forward it was all Megaman X all the time X himself had seven sequels plus several spin-offs including and we're not even mentioning them games Mega Man X influenced most notably 20xx shovel knight mighty number 9 and Asura's striker gunvolt but really there aren't as many megaman x clones as you think there would be it's not just that Capcom had the market cornered on that style of game but the industry was changing 3d games were just on the horizon as was the explosion in popularity of Metroidvania games as a result Capcom was really the only one making these games modeled after the blue robot dudes adventures up until recently Capcom really were the only ones making Mega Man X style platformers or at least the good ones anyway and I think that's why Megaman X holds such a special place in gaming history it's a one-of-a-kind series one that no one else has truly been able to master even as a young kid as soon as I picked up that controller to play I somehow knew that Megaman X was something special it's stuck in my memory for years as one of my favorite games of all time and that's why I wanted it to be the very first episode of the completionist some of you guys might not know is that I spent 6 or 7 weeks researching writing editing and completing that very first episode and it was my passion for Megaman X that kept me going all that time oh and caffeine and that's how I became best friends with energy drinks no matter what Megaman X will always be something special to you because it was the game that made me realize that I would be completing games every single week for the rest of my life and here we are doing a game a week for the rest of my life until I die I might not have been aware of it when Megaman X first came out or even when I first reviewed it but looking back now I realize that Megaman X is the adult version of the original Mega Man and no not that kind of adult version it's darker it has a deeper plot and Megaman support system that is his family is completely absent this is a game about a lone robot with no identity trying to save the world and live up to the example of his hero zero for a little backstory Megaman X was created by dr. light as a futuristic Android who could think and feel for himself he was then sealed away to be awakened when the world needed him most meanwhile an entire robot civilization was built based on his technology unfortunately for all involved a virus spread that turned a ton of the new robots evil or maverick as they're known to stop them Megaman X Oh rises to the occasion meeting up with the group of Reptoids known as maverick hunters led by the famous zero later on in the ex franchises its inted that zero was created by dr. wily the rival scientists to dr. light and villain of the original Mega Man series I think the biggest focus for people approaching Megaman X is that you do not have to have played any other Megaman having played a few of them is a bonus but it's not required more importantly the total shift from X in the original Mega Man is fascinating in the originals we have this Megaman that is all-powerful from the very beginning tons of life gets weapon power-ups and saves the day but this Megaman Megaman X is weak and that's the theme of the game becoming powerful and stronger to conquer anything that may be in your way X starts off weak and looks to 0 for its inspiration and this essence is something that not only becomes one of the main focuses of the X franchise but it becomes the biggest reason as to why X is more important than Megaman to me at least as I jumped into that oh so familiar first level of Megaman X a wave of glorious nostalgia rolled over me just like it did six years ago this is the era I grew to love gaming the most right away sprinting across the city landscape as things exploded around me fighting off cartoonish but wonderfully designed enemies all the while shooting to the right in classic Megaman fashion this was my game this is what blew my mind when I was but five years old and it made me want to become a gaming legend I know this game so freakin well I can practically beat this game using the Nintendo GameCube donkey conga drums was it a dumb thing to do hell yeah was did I actually beat the game you know but you get my point last time around I complimented the sharp crisp graphical presentation of the game and yes surprise surprise I still think this game stands out every single level has its own distinct style every any type is wildly inventive and unique and every boss is straight-up innovative compared to the original Mega Man games enemy placement is truly a wonder to me just in Capcom deciding what enemies go where turns every little section of a stage into a mini tutorial that doesn't ask much of you other than to use the tools you have to get past this particular section the further you get into the game the easier your tool selection will become really Megaman X is one of the most beautiful SNES games ever made and I'll fight anyone about that and even though there was a remake on the PSP I still think the original 16-bit SNES version is the one to play and for those of you who have iPhones do not play the redone version on mobile devices just trust me on this one do not even think about downloading it systems I would recommend playing it on however include the Nintendo 3ds Nintendo Wii U the Nintendo Wii or if you're lucky enough to grab one the SNES classic there obviously has to be something special about this game to war its rerelease on so many platforms and the sound oh my goodness gracious the sound in this game we have had a huge resurgence in retro games the likes of shovel knight undertale and owl boy but Megaman X is the og of simple chimes trills and 16-bit blasts that will absolutely rock you with their raw power surging through your robot bad-boy frame the music is also perfectly tailored to every levels theme from the cool ass frozen over hell tune of chill penguins level to the outright banger of a track backing up armored armadillo seriously listen to this freakin track now the major only difference on where I stand now on the music is that while I love it all the same we've been blessed with far more covers and remixes of those familiar tunes in fact the guys over at OC remix did an incredible arrangement of all the best tracks from all of the Megaman X Games and I highly recommend listening to it it's free and you know what I'll save you a step it's in the description box below this video enjoy but before I go too deep into a spire of listening to every single Mega Man X track on repeat let's talk gameplay we should do that right yep let's get right to it just like in every Megaman game before X you spend most your time running jumping and shooting directly to either side of you if you've only ever played the NES Mega Man games which I also highly recommend you'll feel right at home here but then things get wild X has new movement options including a - and the ability to jump up walls gone are the days of getting stuck on levels because you can't make that one stupid jump hello faster more agile Megaman thanks for the upgrades dr. light previously I had mentioned that gameplay feels precise and a veteran like myself - Megaman only gets better and can pull off some pretty quick and complicated maneuvers who these improve movement options and that's even before you upgrade X's - suit completely or even get the boss weapons there's four armor pieces hidden throughout the levels of the game that give X a permanent boost there's the helmet which allows X to take less damage from falling debris as well as be able to bust his head through certain blocks to open up secret areas there's upgraded armor which makes him take half damage from enemies there's the boots which lets you - all over the place and there's the arm upgrade which lets X charge up to a third shot this shot also can be used with the weapons you collect from the bosses for a really cool and overpowered effect there's also eight heart containers one in each stage which gives X more meter to his health bar and finally there's four sub tanks which lets you refill your health bar whenever you'd like providing you fill it up all of these upgrades will help you fight your way through all a to the initial levels eventually making your way to the Sigma stages where you'll have to face off against the last boss Sigma but as always in the negev and franchise you'll also have to beat all eight bosses again sound familiar it should because the format of Megaman X is exactly the same as every Megaman game that came before it it works like this you fight your way through a level eventually getting to a boss and when you beat that boss you get a weapon that's themed after that particular big baddie that weapon can then be used for the rest of the game and will be the weakness of another boss you will face off against Mega Man veterans know that there's a very specific order you need to beat the bosses in order to make these games as easy as possible and Megan NX is no exception while these eight bosses are fun and clever puns across the board over Klinger yeah and there's definitely a clear order of what bosses you need to take some of the best moments of my gaming experiences came from making my own route that's always been a staple in the Megaman games pick the stage that you want to conquer and sometimes you can snowball into an even scarier and faster build depending on your skill Megaman X isn't just a boss rush though each of their levels are themed after their particular abilities and they're beautiful to look at oh and to dyin while there aren't any excessive amounts of collectables in acts like more modern games exploring each of the eight levels is still satisfying no matter what you're gonna find interesting enemies new challenges and even a secret or two a nice little touch from the folks at Capcom is that whenever you kill a boss the moving parts from your battle can fall into other levels if you slay launch octopuses level before going to sting chameleons which you should do for the optimal boss order the water will have flooded lizard guy's forest and zone you can even freeze over flame mammoth stage if you beat up chill penguin before headed that way you know you're doing something right when you are single-handedly destroying ecosystems robotic and organic the result is a game full of attention to detail that makes the whole experience feel just as powerful and awesome as the character you're playing as Capcom went through this game with a fine-tooth comb to ensure its quality there are so many little surprises hidden throughout the world it makes Megaman X a game that you can play over and over again it's that good the most important aspect to me as a completionist is being able to enjoy your journey as much as possible there will be tons of challenges you face when you play games some will reward you for your advantageous approach to completing everything you can while most will make you realize that completing games will most likely end in you feeling very empty for doing something really difficult and receiving nothing in the end and sometimes if it's a new game you may even have to unlock achievements yeah but for now let's talk about getting all the secrets and Megaman X when you've reached the last four Sigma stages there's one more stop you can make before you wrap up your journey to the last few bosses of the game this game features one of my most favourite completionist bonuses ever and you simply get it forgetting everything if you revisit armored armadillo stage after getting every item in the game which includes all eight heart containers energy tanks light upgrade capsules and you acquired the a boss weapons play through the stage as you would when you get to the very end of the stage climb up the very top and grab the health pellet and either save and quit the stage or jump off and die personally I recommend dying but you'll need some extra lives and you can farm for them in this stage after doing this several times on that final time you'll get another doctor like capsule but this time dr. light is dressed as Ryu from Street Fighter yup Capcom took the most iconic move from Street Fighter 2 and threw it into one of their most popular games now you can one-shot kill every boss in the game as long as you've got full health which when you're as skilled as me you get into that zone of wasting full energy tank pops just at a principle to one shot nailing a boss or two or almost all of them I have a problem I'm sorry this right here is the perfect completionist bonus because it rewards you for going above and beyond to getting everything and it gives you something that you don't have to necessarily use to get by it's a fun Easter Egg one hit mechanic that requires some skill it requires you to not get hit and to dodge the bosses and directly give them that finishing blow in my playthrough Mega Man X there were four deaths an hour and a half of total playtime eight main stage bosses defeated but it's a Mega Man game which means I have to fight them all again so really 16 main stage boss is defeated eight heart containers and four energy tanks collected five capsules of doctor light activated and one game recomputed out of a hundred and twenty 119 left to go whoa we got this overall Mega Man X is the complete package it's one of the best look and best playing games of the SNES era and there's a reason it's a classic its timeless it looks good in 2017 it's no surprise that the first one in the entire megaman x franchise is in fact the best one [Music] every little bit of Megaman X is lovingly crafted and makes you want to see all that it has to offer it's absolutely worth playing long enough to get you to take every last bit of it in now there's no big reward for seeing it all but there doesn't have to be there's no need for new modes because the limits already in the game is perfect there's no need for a new item to run the game in again with because it's perfectly tuned that anything else might break it it's these reasons that makes me torn on the PSP version of the game Mega Man X maverick hunter while that adds a lot more content to the game it's very unnecessary hard mode and playing as vile sure I get it but it's not really needed Megaman X doesn't need anything else to make it better because it's already about as damn near good as any platformers going to get and as a completionist going that extra mile for the hadouken hadouken a dork and whatever you want I could pronounce it it's just the right amount of extra needed in the game like this so with that in mind guys Megaman X still receives my completionist rating of completed completed that's all tell me ever today guys so please let us know you thought about today's episode somewhere on the Internet a massive thank you to the patreon supporters the patreon to the right of the screen right here these guys are what make the show happen honestly it feels good to do these episodes again and it's kind of scary but I'm excited to do it again because I have all these awesome people here to keep us going for the next few years I'm so grateful for you guys this is going to be a learning process as we go forward if you want to check out the vaad of me completing Megaman X live on Twitch you can click or tap on that right here on screen and be sure to check out all of our new videos here on Batman video gamer every Tuesday and every Friday I'll see you guys next time for another brand new episode of the completionist new game+ as for me I got a lot more games to complete so I'll see you around bye [Music]
Channel: The Completionist
Views: 469,650
Rating: 4.9342208 out of 5
Keywords: mega man, megaman x, mega man x, mega man series, gameplay, Video Game (Industry), mega man review, megaman review, mega man x review, megaman x review, snes, super nintendo, tovg, jirard, completionist, megaman X review
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 4sec (1204 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 17 2017
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