Meet Taylor Tomlinson, late-night comedy's newest host

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but I've been single for the last year now and it  has been the most relaxing year of my entire life   it has been lovely waking up every day going oh  no one's going to make me cry today but me she's   hit all the benchmarks for success in comedy  at a pace that's no joke sold out tours Netflix   specials and now her own late night show Luke  Burbank is talking with Taylor Tomlinson Just for   Laughs okay so this is stage 30 that's where we're  gonna be it's Taylor Tomlinson's first day on the   Paramount lot and the set for her new late night  show after midnight is well non-existent that   that's where your show's going to be happening  yeah that's I'm telling you nothing's done yet   like I I thought that's where they were storing  chairs I'm telling you like it's everyone's like   asking me I'm like I don't know yet we're working  on it and Tomlinson as the the host of that new   late night show premiering next week the one  that has yet to start taping a show that will   follow none other than Stephen Colbert himself on  CBS she's still figuring things out allegedly we   can fit through this but we're going to find out  together uh you're good over here oh wow all right   look at that would it be great if I just totaled  this golf cart like before I even started working   here at this point not even a golf cart mishap  could derail Tomlinson's Fast and Furious career   my career is going very well right now yeah that  that's like in the middle so I think we just need   to pick which angle we want she spent December  editing her third Netflix special have it all   which is due out next month nobody gets to have  it all and then I saw Hugh Jackman in person and   I was like oh no I guess you could have it all  but there's none left because God gave it all to   you but if watching the 30-year-old on stage or  screen makes it seem like her Career Success was   a foregone conclusion to hear Taylor Tomlinson  tell it it wasn't I grew up super sheltered and   very Christian so I didn't even really know what  standup was until like Middle School Tomlinson is   a self-professed introvert Who first got started  with standup comedy at of all places her church   all my jokes of always been really rooted in  my real life when I first started obviously I   was very clean I was 16 years old very sheltered  like I mean I hadn't dated I hadn't had sex like   I hadn't done much of anything and so I think  the jokes I was doing were probably a pretty   observational and B um very self-deprecating  probably to like a point where it might have   been a little sad actually I know that my friends  both Envy and Pity Me simultaneously just like I   envy and pity them I know my friends look at me  and go yeah I'd probably focus on work if I was   all alone and I'm like yeah I'd probably have a  bunch of kids if I had no Talent so we're all this   special is different because it's me acknowledging  the fact that I I am a successful comedian which   felt sort of hard to say for a while not that  anyone made me feel that way I just felt that   way in my own heart Tomlinson lost her mother  to cancer at the age of eight and says as a   teen she used standup as an outlet for writing  performing and eventually working through her   grief I started writing jokes about losing my mom  when I was much younger but they were very like   hit or miss as far as how often they would work  because I was doing them you know like on Sunset   Friday night and everybody's like we're kind of  here trying to get laid um can I say that oops I   want to just give that version of you a little  side hug I those jokes eventually found their   way into her second Netflix special look at you  I know dead mom jokes make people uncomfortable   I know that and if you are uncomfortable I don't  know what to say you should have worked harder   so it was you up here few work as hard as  Tomlinson does or reveal as much in their   comedy as she did when she shared a difficult  diagnosis on stage I'm so glad I know that I'm   bipolar now I mean I have the right meds I got a  mood ring I'm handling it but when I first found   out it was a very tough pill to swallow and I've  swallowed a lot of pills because when you first   find out something like that you're like oh man  am I going to tell anybody should I tell anybody   and if I do tell people am I hot and/or talented  enough to be an inspiration all all joking aside   her openness was an inspiration to many as has  been her directness about how helpful therapy   has been in her life I really want to find out if  I'm my therapist favorite client you can't just   ask they won't tell you I've tried Tomlinson's  new show after midnight will feature herself and   other Comics riffing on the latest updates from a  little place called the internet she's hoping it's   television's equivalent of comfort food there will  be memes emojis laughs murder what no no there's   no murder who put murder in here we will get that  fixed before we air no murder I mean I don't know   murder's pretty hot right now so what is it that  you think will be the biggest learning curve for   you about this new gig after midnight honestly  the the thing I'm most nervous about and this is   sort of a lame uncool answer I'm naturally very  introverted and it's something I've worked on a   lot over the years thing I'm most nervous about is  like the social aspect of it and how many people   I'm going to be interacting with and and like  being on in that way because that is a a skill   that doesn't come to me naturally but again I feel  like I'm in a place now where it is something that   I am better at and want to continue to keep  getting better at um but it is the thing I'm   most nervous about weirdly enough but something  that does seemed to come to Tomlinson naturally   and that's served her both on stage and off is  finding the humor in some of life's most difficult   situations if I can write a joke about something  that was sad or hard or uncomfortable for me it   sort of neutralizes that event and makes me go oh  that was a joke that's a joke now that's not like   a bad thing that happened that's a joke like I  got it makes me feel like I got something out of   it that I know you can't like hold a joke in your  hands but it has the same feeling because you can   put it in a special or on a late night set or even  if it's just a clip on Instagram I'm so grateful   that I have an outlet like stand up to do that  with but you should go to therapy too an introvert   who goes on stage in front of thousands a once  sheltered kid who's now Flying high in public   without a net Taylor Tomlinson might not have  it all just yet moved but she seems well on her way
Channel: CBS Sunday Morning
Views: 442,208
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sunday Morning, CBS Village Women, Entertainment
Id: 2iMRAIxE0eI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 35sec (455 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 07 2024
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