Jodie Foster on Working with Gen Z, Filming True Detective & Being Oscar Nominated as a Teenager

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our first guest tonight is a legend if ever there was one and she's an Oscar winning actor director graduate of Yale and silencer of lambs next she stars in The Long awaited return of True Detective season 4 premere Sunday on HBO and Max please welcome jod [Applause] Foster [Music] how you doing guys I saw you on ay bun I saw you on the television on Sunday night at the Golden Globes you were nominated for niad which is a great movie about a very interesting woman I happen to know Diana niad and Bonnie too uh yes and Bonnie too and uh yes very lovely very interesting fun funny people really quite a pair and um and you present you know it occurred to me that you've been going to these award shows since how old how old were you at the first one well I I I did the Oscars when I was like eight or nine I I sang at the Oscars you did what did you sing I don't some awful song from a animated movie and um they made me wear like bright orange vinyl shoes and I was just mortified I couldn't believe I had to wear these orange shoes so PTSD moment after raising children you ever think about that like like at 8 or 9 singing on cuz like you go to a kids's recital or something it's like it's a big deal and they're nervous you're out there singing on the Oscars yeah I think about that you know I thought about that when they were little when they would like L around and I'd be like what are you doing get a job what's the matter with you what's this summer vacation thing how old were you the first time you were nominated for an Oscar I was I had done the movie at 12 I I was 13 13 years old you're sitting there for Taxi Driver Taxi Driver yeah you and Robert dairo obviously Marty scorsi obviously who were there at the yes they were there they were seated right next to me um which was kind of amazing it is it is amazing that the three people from that movie would still be like there nominated and working here we are and alive alive incredible I mean even that is an accomplishment so we have a um a photograph that I I'd love to share 1977 your first Oscar nomination there you are that was my date and your date that was my date cuz he was the cutest boy in my class Todd cats you're out there somewhere Todd Todd is his name yeah my dog's name and that's my mom and your mom so did you ask Todd if he would go to the Oscars with you I did and he had a little tuxed and everything he he didn't like me anymore after that did Todd ever try to run out the door um your Todd I mean uh not really but I Wrong Todd do you keep in touch with Todd you I don't I run into him every once in a while like the Baskin Robins or something when's the last time you saw Todd it was at the Baskin Robins it was at Baskin Robins we have a surprise for you actually Todd is Todd is here with us tonight there he is he's he wants to know if you want to go get some ice cream that's really funny he's going to laugh man I was reading something an interview where you you were saying that um dairo and scorsi were scared of you when you were shooting that movie yeah which I you know I understand I was 12 and they had to say things like you know can you pull his fly down and it was a little awkward yeah I had made a lot more movies than they had so I was like whatever just move over you had made a lot more movies than they had at that that age wow that's pretty crazy um yeah they were a little they were a little scared scy especially couldn't stop giggling he just kept giggling every time we talked to me start giggling and then dairo had to take over and really uhhuh does he still giggle when he talks to you sesi Giggles with everybody yes he does he's like a tickle Elmo in a lot of way he is like a tickle Elmo who um scared you working with the many people that you worked with oh well there were you know a lot of Legends when I was a little kid yeah um Lucille Ball I think was the scary what did you do with Lucille Ball I did the Lucille Ball show but not when she was like younger and happy in doing comedy she was like rough and older she was super scary and I don't know she I don't think she like kids that much oh really yeah yeah even seeing her in color would be disconcerting I think this is post I Love Lucy and then oh yeah so she wasn't uh yeah probably did her color I think it was a clown thing cuz it was it was a tangerini she had a tangerini thing going on in her head for sure yeah it was that was scary yeah I would think it would be a little bit scary unless you're at a birthday party or something like that this uh True Detective well we're going to see a clip from that when we come back I saw it last night it's I love this series and uh I know Matthew MCC is still an executive producer on the show he is he is because he's in there somewhere in in the mix uhhuh okay all right all right very good wonderful wonderful show we loved making it and and uh it's just the thing I'm the most proud of we're going to take a look at a clip from uh the new season of True Detective with Jody Foster after this we'll be right back you live here all year long all along it's like monks what are they looking for digging that ice up I think the origin of Life H that thing [Music] well that's a heck of a thing to see on a dryer a board we are back with Jody Foster that is True Detective season 4 and each season of True Detective is entirely its own thing yeah it's an anthology series which we love it means it's like a full long movie each one of them is a long movie yeah this one's super this one well I think the first one yeah there has been some Supernatural themes this one seems a little uh extra Supernatural it's very spooky and of course the environment is like nothing else that we usually come into contact with it's the Arctic uh in northern Alaska and um with lots of women so that makes it different too and uh yeah I just love this one this typically there aren't in these stations we see from time to time up in alas typically there aren't a lot of women in those stations well it's they're scientists and as we know science is um behind in terms of having women doing signs so mostly they're men up there and in this case there are men and they're missing there are men and they're missing and I'm not telling you anymore yeah I know yeah it's it would yeah you'd kind of ruin it if you did tell us anymore did you shoot it in Alaska we actually shot in Iceland uh because Alaska the area of Alaska that we needed to go to is sort of inaccessible they barely have any roads and it would have been too difficult uh the weather much colder there than it is in Iceland so we shot everything in Iceland which um couldn't have been a more amazing extraordinary Place great town do you see the Northern Lights while you were up there oh yeah yeah we saw the Northern Lights all the time is that like something yeah they're just like yeah the northern lights they the you know it's like when you live in Vegas and you see the Treasure Island well you don't see them every night yeah you don't see them every night there's some nights there there's it's something about magnetism and and you have to have no wind and you know certain conditions but uh but there were moments where we'd be out shooting on frozen lakes and stuff and then we'd all look up and suddenly the whole sky was green wow that's pretty great otherwise though it seems like kind of a terrible place to work yes I mean actually no it's like dark all the time isn't it well it is dark yeah well it depends I mean from December let's say 12th or the 15th to maybe the beginning of March it's pretty dark so you know the sun comes up around 11:45 a.m a.m. and then you try to poke your head out so you get a little vitamin for an hour or so and then it goes right back down well yeah it's not never it doesn't really come up so it's just ambient light until about 2:30 or three W see yeah see that's what I was saying when I I said it sounds kind of terrible but work there it's like bad we can come up with other stuff to do did you get yeah no but I do is a place I want to visit not necessarily in the winter but I definitely want to visit there sometime did you like get to know the people did you get out there oh yeah yeah yeah they have great music in rikic and just wonderful people people they have this um this tradition of these kind of baths uh these warm water baths that come up from the thermal Waters that they have and everybody goes every single day or at least once a week and kids and old people and everybody in your neighborhood they're little public baths all over the place and then some more remote areas where you go from the hot water to the cold plunges do you like that the cold plunge thing I do it's very trendy now I like that I like that a lot and and even sometimes where you jump in the water like the regular ocean water as well the people up there is it true they believe in elves in Iceland they 100% believe in elves they do they do and they're not funny elves either they're kind of mischievous elves so they're elves like you know you're missing your keys they're like elves no uh or you get one sock from the dryer and it's you know the elves got it and and they're they're Christmas elves because there are specific Christmas elves and there's whole storyes it's just awful it's like you know mothers eating their children all the little kids are like oh G you know they're all super excited about these elf stories that are not nice do you think they really believe in the elves or it's just like kind of part of the folklore of the country yeah well no they to they totally believe in the elves they do believe in the elves they do they do oh I'm definitely dressing like an elf when I go there and I'm going to wreak havoc on the nation yes you are I can tell you can I ask you about something that uh it was a newsworthy item I guess uh or at least it made the news um there was a quote about J xers at uh oh magazine j zers z sorry I don't know one of the letters we skipped right by why it feels like um uh you said and correct me if I have any of this wrong they were really annoying especially in the workplace they're like now I'm not feeling it today I'm going to come in at 10:30 a.m. or an emails I'll tell them this is all grammatically incorrect did you not check your spelling and they're like why would I do that isn't that kind of limiting yeah I got some grief from my sons on for that that one oh really yeah you know cuz you know you're older and you tend to do that like well in my day we had to walk to school with crampons on or something everything we did was right and everything what we did was um good for us but the new generation you know they're lucky because they can say they learned that they could say no and we didn't know that right we didn't we didn't have the kind of freedom and there's a there a double edge to that there are things that you learn when you're when you're um unfree and and overly disciplined and uh like for instance if somebody gives you a pair of vinyl orange shoes to wear on the osar shut up when you're 8 years old you put them on and you sing yeah yeah yeah and I I do have a lot of those stories as a kid and I'm always saying that to my kids where they're cold you're like cold you don't know that cold let me tell you what cold is you knowy being six years old at three in the morning and somebody's painting you with makeup all over your body like I have I have a lot of that I'm sure the kids really enjoy that my day a lot of that well it's great to see you True Detective uh season 4 Premier Sunday on HL and Max Cody Foster everybody we'll be back with Jeffrey Wright
Channel: Jimmy Kimmel Live
Views: 1,128,686
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jimmy, jimmy kimmel, jimmy kimmel live, late night, talk show, funny, comedic, comedy, clip, comedian, mean tweets, Interview, Hollywood, Los Angeles, West Coast, Celebrity, Actor, Actress, Jodie Foster, Oscar Winner, Silence of the Lambs, True Detective, HBO Max, Golden Globes, Award Shows, Taxi Driver, Artic, Lucille Ball, Iceland, Northern Lights, Thermal Baths, Cold Plunge, Elfs
Id: TetT9rChR1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 12sec (732 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 10 2024
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