Overtime: Ann Coulter, Van Jones, Dr. Jean Twenge | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

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[Applause] okay here we are on CNN she is a psychology professor at San Diego State University and author of generations Dr Jean twangy R welcome back he is a CNN political commentator and host of the podcast Uncommon Ground with Van Jones you all know van Jones from CNN and she's a political commentator and author who now writes her own column unsafe on subtac and Coulter is back with us okay so here are the questions uh what are your thoughts oh this this is for you van probably because you were the greens are remember when you were the greens are I do remember okay what are your thoughts on the tactics of environmental activists who throw soup at the Mona Lisa and disrupt traffic they also glue themselves to things uh and is there a better approach to advocacy no there isn't that that is the one that works and it's solving the problem in record time no it's um it's it's sad because all that crap overshadows the people who are doing the real work um we got a bipartisan Bill done uh under Biden uh young people worked their butts off for that they did it the right way they knocked on doors they they they did it the right way they get overshadowed by nonsense and I think we need to really lift up uh you know the the you got this generation that really does care um they're trying to be constructive uh you do have uh red states that have you know clean energy jobs that are growing alongside the jobs that like a little bit less it all gets overshadowed some idiot blocks traffic and that's allbody talks about why soup I don't know it's vegan soup it's vegan soup okay what are the panel's thoughts on Alexi naval's death and President Biden's statement that Putin is responsible uh predictable and obvious would be my two answers to that I I I think it's horrible that um I I had a lot of hope you know CNN uh did the the noal documentary and so a lot of people I work with really got a chance to know the guy and they say he's a real deal it's kind of like a Mandela for Russia kind of waiting in their wings and you just kind of hope that the guy live long enough to maybe bring that country back around and uh you know actually shed real tears this morning what do you think of Tucker I mean you you used to be friends with him right I mean going over there and giving a lap Dan Bas yeah basically just I mean parading himself for all these years as so proam and then going and basically saying this is the really good country Russia and this guy and not bringing up any of his crimes what what what what what is his motivation where can you can you get into his head a little from now well no but and no I'm not a huge fan um I don't know I think a lot of what people do um on both sides is motivated by seeking money and fame but what this is the way to do it this is how I mean couldn't he still be on Fox look I mean he he he went over there and said you know Moscow is this amazing City because the trains run on time right like isn't that what they said about Hitler musini musini like like a fascist like okay so the trains run on time but people are being literally you know killed in prison because they have an opinion that's not a great country I think you can say I think you can say that people are motivated by money and fame um if they were on Fox News The Fox News that then had to pay 700 million in defamation I would say you can you can read it on my substack first or wait for Fox to pay a 700 million defamation judgment all right uh Gan what explains the gender divide in politics why are young women skewing oh yes I've read this more liberal like by 30 points then young young men are getting more conservative and young women are getting more liberal what do you what what is your generational view on that yeah so I mean that's U from a big National survey of 18year olds and uh young men have become considerably more conservative over time young women a little bit more liberal so there's just a growing gender gap when it comes to that the why question is always a hard one to answer in any of this type of of research um it could certainly maybe have something to do with abortion it may also be on the right uh the existence of Andrew Tate and some of those commentators who try to uh make masculinity into this um almost game that young men may be responding to even though that's maybe not the way they should be going well I think it gets back to your thing about technology technology changed so that what used to be brwy stuff that men did that made them feel like men that's not what matters in a in a Information Society we're an Information Society now the the jobs that women do and are better at Comm they're better at communication they're better at cooperation that's why they're doing better in the workplace that's why they're doing better in college right so the men feel lost and and I and then they turn to idiots like Andrew Tate right and their you know military service isn't compulsory anymore um so instead it's video games I I I also think that there's something happening on on the Progressive side that it feels like almost all masculinity is considered toxic right and so you I think the young men may not feel welcome like if if you're in other words I don't think it's so much of a pull of an Andrew tape though that's playing a role I think it just may be a push like if you show up and you want to be just like a regular you know guy's guy you just may not be eating enough kale and doing enough yoga to fit it on the left it's true just being a man it's a little suspect yeah no and I think this winds up being not good for women either because I don't think women like that well I mean right I mean the rhetoric may be one thing but at the end of the day a lot of I know we're all gay and we're all fluid now and we're all trans and when nobody's but a lot of people are still the old school you know there was a the old school from 12 years ago well there was yeah I mean there was a default setting and a lot of women I think still want a man to be a man not abusive man but just a man yes yes I I mean remember hey you're cancelled how dare you yeah I remember when my mother was a widow the last 15 years of your her life she was always you know unhappy and she said I just miss male energy I need male energy you know so plenty we got good thing we got plenty of it right here on uh van does AOC supporting Biden mean the rest of the squad will help progressives line up behind him well I mean that's I just really don't know and I think that this idea that there's a squad is a little dated and the reason I say that is because you know when they first got there they were it was like a these were the the New Kids on the Block right they're not the New Kids on the Block anymore and ALC is a is a a rising star in our party she's almost seen by some of the younger people as more of an establishment figure as hard as that is for people in my age group to imagine and they're going to go their own ways they have different they represent different districts um and so uh I I'm glad that ALC is uh supporting Biden but I don't think she's going to be able to snap her fingers and get the rest of progressives to do anything they don't want to do uh what do you think panel of the report that Trump told his advisers that he wants a 16 week abortion ban with an exception for rape for him no [Applause] we make little jokes we make little jokes but that I now this what gentle chiding and good kidding it's all in good but apparently this is his way to I mean because this to me I thought maybe not still true true but I think still true is going to be the Achilles heel for the Republican Party in the next election I mean they caught the car they finally did what they wanted to do for all those 50 years and they overturned Row versus Wade and people don't like it women don't like it men don't like it everybody hates kids I say it all the time it's true everybody hates kids everybody wants kids speak for yourself no people don't want kids they certainly don't want ones they don't plan for and and so what do you think is this a good compromise 16 weeks he said I picked it because it's we we this is only a secondhand thing he told his advisor so but he's apparently picked it because he it's even it's four months exactly like that should even come into why would thank God we all hate him right um I think you're clearly right this this abortion is really hurting Republicans um I don't think you can blame all Republicans for this I'm glad it was overturned by by the Supreme Court I think I'm a pro-life Zealot I think it was disgusting to call that a constitutional right but it has been sent back to the States that's all we ever wanted and guess what fellow Pro lifers we're getting slaughtered there have been seven direct to the people votes and the tiniest restriction on abortion loses overwhelmingly in Montana in Kentucky States Trump won but Kansas 20 points and it isn't Republicans per se I think pushing this it is these these pro-life zealots um who just they don't care I'm going to be pure and did just see see my write up in the Catholic insights magazine and you know you guys you're like you're like the the corporate Republicans who who will not give up on their cheap labor we have to tell them we can give you some things but we can't give you everything or we're just G to lose well what a great way to end this segment because I'm going I Got 5 Seconds perfect timing thank you CNN thank you P we'll see you next [Applause] week that
Channel: Real Time with Bill Maher
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Id: j9v0Qpjl-K0
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Length: 10min 41sec (641 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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