Love for Starters | Full ROMCOM Movie | Stephanie Bennett | Jonathan Cherry | Andrea Agur

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[Music] [Music] the goal is to tie in your Rich history to create a one-of-a-kind experience that will make guests eager to come back to the Sky Lounge at the Skyland Hotel again and again you know I was worried we were coming to hear a residential interior designer pitch to us but everything they've said about you is true Olivia you are quite a Visionary thank you ma'am your hotel holds a special place in my art and it would be an honor to take on this project we'll be in touch thank you I think you pulled it off Zing the Skyland would be a dream come true my mother and I always used to stay there every time we visited the city if this goes through the partnership is officially yours and you'll have the highest gross in client which is quite a start this new chapter hey thank you again for letting me take this trip really means a lot trip what trip he Crescent like to help my dad dad get his hotel ready to open for the summer season that's right must a slip my mind well enjoy it maybe the last break you get for a while I'll see you soon and congratulations partner I should be there just after 6 did you need me to pick up anything for dinner no our new Chef hasn't covered new Chef I thought you were going to wait to hire someone until the design was finished so that we could pick someone that matches the vibe of the space I create we've had a slight change of plans but you're going to love them he's great now the two of you get to create the space together Teamwork Makes the Dream Work who is he Dax Hutton he's the one who did that fancy place in New York City the one that celebrities all love and the one with all the fire drinks Clover and axe that's the one how did you land the chef from Clover and a I guess I gave him an offer he couldn't refuse he's quite a catch get it he's a big name Liv I don't know which is exactly what the hotel means oh I've got to run drive safely hello Hotel El Dorado can I help you [Music] how are these all my options what kind of place doesn't have organic smoked minerals or ammo about an hour Northeast from Seattle do you need some help no I'm just looking for some salt well looks like you got quite a few options they all taste the same right excuse me salt can't honestly taste the difference kosher salt great pink Himalayan salce different color same salty taste thank you uh who are you I was just someone doing my civic duty trying to relieve some salt and de stress yeah I'm sure whatever you choose will be perfect but this one's got my vote table Sal yeah it's my favorite just not on my [Music] list good luck [Music] okay there she is my beautiful baby sister Abby hi hi oh I missed you do more impossible so how are things at Pottery Studio good Brian's just closing up there now oh do you want to come by and make something for the new restaurant while you're in town uh as long as you're up for making backups because I have zero Pottery skills consider it done we've got a workstation with your name on it so how are things with Doug the day trader still no ring I see no no ring and no relationship but why I thought he was perfect he was on paper but I don't know something was missing anyway I don't have time with work right now I just had a meeting with the Skyland I know and if we land this client I will finally get the official offer for partner which needs all of my attention so a dating break is more than necessary a dating break mhm no distractions okay believe me Nancy I I do get it that the last last review given to me was less than Stellar I get it and please don't read it to me again wasn't Stellar the socials F wasn't Stellar this review was horrible thank you Nancy dock I tried catch on the lake was the only place who made you an offer what did you want me to do have you seen this place they don't even have salt options okay and by the way they're good with that they they have like four streets here think of it as a change of scenery I'm an awardwinning Chef Nancy going to La would have been a change of scenery this is I'm in purgatory I get it okay like I I need to reinvent myself but like I couldn't I have done it at some Scandinavian popup instead of some small town Motel restaurant this is not a motel it is a hotel you needed a head chef position they gave you a headchef position I will reach out to a few of our contacts again just to double check but don't get your hopes up make this one count and you will be back in the New York Market in no time okay fine just don't tell anyone I'm here okay your reservations confirmed and we'll see you soon when we officially open for summer Miss [Music] Smith good to see you how was the drive drive is beautiful oh be beautiful this time here I am so glad you were finally letting me do this Dad sad to say but I guess it's time there ain't nothing sad about it Dad it is a long Pas time oh it looks like there's a produce you're arriving soon yeah our Chef has a new protus distributor so hey organic oh my gosh are you okay I think it looks worse than it actually okay oh my gosh oh man let's uh what are you doing here what are you doing here I work here and I I live here well my dad does you're the interior designer from Seattle while your dad talks about you so much wait so if you work here then you you must be Dax Hutton the new head chef I've heard about you you're the guy that does the fancy micro meals we like to say deconstructed dining experiences does my dad know about that well I'm going to assume that he does because he hired me oh so you guys have already landed on a menu I have we are presenting it tonight not sure how receptive our guests will be to having to put together their own sandwiches I would never have them do that good because uh sandwiches are the least exciting food on the planet I I wouldn't ever serve that at restaurants have you ever eaten at one of my restaurants I have yeah okay the uh deconstructed coffee you served in the little beakers yeah that was that was an adventure mhm so it wasn't a High concept multi-layer dining experience for you I really just wanted a cup of coffee well it was meant for a very sophisticated palette so well uh can't wait for dinner tonight sure it will be an experience I can't wait for you to experience mhm [Music] stop here oh here let me help you with that I'm sorry I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you noise counselling they seem to work really well they really do here let me oh thank you oh my goodness first day with a new client and I'm a little nervous garrid brid Penton oh is this your first time in the hotel cuz it's a beautiful place but but uh the food it's just all right but I'm really excited to know what the new Chef is going to do with the menu well it's a good thing I hired him then right I'm Peter Adler the hotel owner oh my gosh hi so sorry you're fine you're fine I know the menu needs an upgrade it's nice to meet you Bridget uh these are my daughter's um Abigail and Olivia uh girls this is our new produce distributor um Bridget yeah hi well it's really nice to meet you both nice to meet you too this place is great you know are you open all year around because I'm thinking that I might just have to book myself a little getaway when you're back up and running romantic weekend no no no oh no no not that I wouldn't want a romantic weekend here it's just uh well I need someone to do it with single oh jeez what did I see well the um the the the the kitchen is through here so why don't I help you with these please thank [Music] you she SS nice more than nice I'd say lovely that's the perfect word for the sweet farmer lady lovely so I tried to stick to the brief as much as possible but uh your ideas were a little all over the place I think Lake yard is a really solid jumping off point and it was but I just want to make sure that catch feels like an extension of the elderado by the way Dad have you given Dax any direction on the menu I I gave him full creative control what's up oh Brian's just giving me an update update on what we're hosting a little gallery night to fundraise for scholarships to our Pottery school it gives us a chance to give back to the community and also allow us for us to Showcase some of our students work I have a piece there and I'm really proud of it I think I could go pro dinner is served first we have the smoked salmon crisps with capers and black pepper bouren then we have the fris and carrot ribbon salad with zatar lemon vinegret and finally I think you're going to like this one caviar freit with with trout row and creme fresh and I'm sorry what kind of salt was used on the salad only your favorite is that french fries with fish eggs uh it's a trout row with you know what yeah in layman's terms that is exactly what that is right all right well should we dig in okay enjoy I'll just be back there okay I can say confidently that I don't think our patrons are going to want fish eggs on their french fries I'm going to have to second that I don't even know what half these ingredients are Dad this is not what I had in mind ditto this is all very fancy yeah what catch needs is the wow factor and this certainly has that is it too late to find another Chef one who cooked food people are familiar with honey Dax is essential he he's a big name he he'll draw in the clientele that we need clientele we need what do you mean business not doing well business is is fine it just could could be better but but but that's why I hire Dax he has a huge following he gets lots of press yeah but Dad this is beautiful it's elegant but we can't serve this this isn't to fine dining establishment we can't really break his contract I mean blacking out now would be well it's un undoable I I need you to work with him [Music] live it's the only option we [Music] have at least we know he's got a sense of humor dressing anything oh I hate I just I hate it hate them what do you mean you hate them can we at least agree on black tie and like a six-month weit list I hope you're kidding oh I'm not kidding I'm thinking Elegance there's a reason why a black tii six-month weight list type of place doesn't exist here okay but if we make it good I mean like really really good they'll get an appetite or they'll be too scared to try it because it's super fancy and they don't recognize anything on the men so they'll avoid it and then business will tank I don't think so I'll level with you okay okay my dad wanted lake yacht as the theme and I told him it's a noo but I do want to give him something along the same vein just elevated [Music] it I really don't want to be rude that's what someone says right before they're rude but in my opinion I think these design signes are homie comforting classic see I was going to say kitchy boring and ordinary Dax this is not some downtown Hot Spot okay okay okay wait where are you going just um what are these oh these are my designs oh okay so now you're the chef and the interior designer oh well I think it's only fair the interior designer has opinions on the menu that the chef should have opinions on the interior design a this is all wrong what is no no no I mean this looks amazing no Dad what's wrong you okay you remember that uh list of restaurant you sent me the ones I told you to reach out to once the design was finished I had some time and I put a few feelers out and guess what Walter greggson has just agreed to review us for his hometown hotspot series um Peter did you just say uh Walter greggson who's Walter greggson he's coming here he's only the biggest restaurant critic in North America wow yeah this guy is a big deal yeah yeah I told him we had our new celebrity chef redoing our menu and he was all of a sudden very interested yeah I'm sure I didn't think he'd get back to me so quickly or that he'd want to stop by so quickly how quickly is so quickly a few days days did you say days okay so we have a few days to get this place ready you would all get a vibe that you could maybe push it like a couple days maybe year or two do I don't think that's an option because he's already confirmed and backing out now would look bad yeah right but I have all the faith in the world in you too oh good you can do it right right yes Dad right Dax mhm don't don't worry we we can do it great then I will get out of your hair and let you two get to it okay okay do you want to get some air oh air would be so good okay I mean what are we supposed to do a bad review from someone like this could syn this place yeah it could that's why I say we stick with my plan look you're clearly very talented and Walter greggson is really interested in you so what's the catch your father offered me a job and I took it and my father's offer was far more Superior than all the other offers you must have received Mr celebrity chef fine yeah this is a reset from my last job what happened at your last job I was let go I got a bad review from a Critic that was not fully deserved who gave you this bad review Walter Greggs ah so you're telling me that my dad hired the one Chef Walter greggson already doesn't like like I said the review wasn't my fault and there was too many people wanted too many things and there was too many many cooks in the kitchen what are you doing looking up your review while the place is poorly managed the food is no better the food reflects Dax Hutton's usual flashy style but lacks any inspiration that was the kind of food management wanted so that's the kind of food that I made which in retrospect was a giant mistake and it's one I'm not going to make again Dax we cannot get a review like this one I mean my dad would never admit this but he put everything he had into this place after my mom passed so got to find a way to make this work we need to create a space that's authentic that Walter gron cannot help falling love with I get [Music] it okay let's good to work okay okay black truffle duck Cofe with Creme Fresh and caviar they're going to love it no you're not feeling that okay okay I have my signature dish I mean this is problem solv okay wild Pacific big eye tuna Pokey with avocado Crema and toasted orange zest I dare you to say no do you have anything like grilled salmon or smoked ribs or chicken roasted chicken simple nice roasted chicken yeah you guys flew me out from New York to make roasted chicken I feel like you could do a really good roasted chicken you could make roasted chicken hold on I got it all right okay you want to take a train to flavor town you ready simple Chilean sea bass with palm puree champagne truffle sauce shy TR yeah how well do you know Crescent Lake I well I don't know Crescent Lake exactly let's go you need to get to know the area to cook for the area so you none of these no [Music] what exactly is this a Seattle style hot dog AKA Sea Dog delicious I promise look I'll try anything but you got to understand in New York the hot dog is sacred and this thing has cream cheese on it I know but without it the other toppings don't shine just try it try it for you [Music] so oh you want my opinion on this yeah wasn't what I was expecting but you're right cream cheese kind of makes the grilled onions and the jalapenos kind of sing I told you so you'd say you liked it I'd say it's surprisingly not terrible that's it sauerkraut in the brown mustard are but I get it I feel you I feel you Seattle I get the charm I want something like this on the [Music] menu that is what you're up to no I didn't say this exactly but you know an elevated version I don't do street food then I guess you'll have to make an exception this time you're trouble all right I'll consider it if you consider silk napkins we can't do silk the maintenance on it is too costly and it's not durable enough but I will agree to a high-end alternative I am a hard no on granite floors can compromise on that don't get used to this what's with the heart your sister has that too what's inside I have no idea actually my mother gave them to my sister and I when we were really little with had messages inside but the key has since been misplaced so until it reappears I'm wearing a mystery around my neck I am very curious to what's in there me too thank you looks like there's some menu changes really happening yes there are hey you wouldn't care to stay for dinner would you I mean you're already here I wouldn't want to impose are you okay it's no bother I always make extra well then I'd love to Great okay hey oh Bridget thank you for doing another trip it's really not a problem at all Dax you'll stay for dinner right I'm making my world famous ribs well I I insist the more the marrier the more the marrier I'll stay great so Dax I heard you went to the spring fair today it's the best right yeah it was um it was inspiring he had a Sea Dog oh so good so would we land on menu and design I'd say we're off to a good start I would agree great pass the line oh sorry here I'll get pass him the wine if you would like thanks uh Mr Adler your ribs delicious oh come on now it's Peter oh yes sir I mean Peter the trick to the ribs is long slow smoking with at least four different kinds of wood what's in the sauce Ah that's a family secret little brown sugar a Sprinkle of chili and crushed pineapple that's it the crushed pineapple M gives it that sticky sweet flavor and texture oh that's smart that's a good combo Liv calls it the catch twist we used to put it on everything back in the day everything I don't blame you you should sell that sauce so yesterday when you said capture the essence you meant oh I think I nailed it yeah and this is all inspired by the spring fair the color palette was oh okay that's a step I just thought that we were blending upscale and homie I did oh I used white flour instead of organic quinoa flour okay it's good what you know what let's just pause on the menu for a beat and get started on the design come on you so I've narrowed down the colors for the accents you wanted neutrals I wanted something more Rich so I picked colors that were solidly in the middle and like we agreed all of the final decisions are made together so sandun cladding or walnut sandun okay that was easy now sandun or Cherrywood yeah it's kind of heavy I get that maybe as a stain oh yeah I kind of like a Cherrywood stain all right I think that's the winner still understated but it's still elegant yeah I won't overshadow that landscape wow it's beautiful yeah I mean this is the star of the show no matter how good the food is or how on point the decor that people will always want to come to this place for this yeah exactly [Music] amazing what it's just funny what you notice when you finally stop and slow down it's amazing yeah yeah it really is well now now we get to speed up again no let's get started [Music] on oh got to get to you now you Som way oh you My Blue Heaven I need you right now make it okay W oh you got new heaven [Music] I am so happy my dad is letting me do this cheers to that and once we finish the dining area we can give our bar a little makeover what what is this oh my gosh it's just my mom's I wonder how I got here [Music] oh not you yeah it is we were pretty adorable huh yeah and that's my mom [Music] Sandra Oh oh oh my gosh it's Mom's takeout menus she would get these wherever she went and she'd cross off the menu items she tried she had a rating system so the heart meant she loved it the star meant she thought other people would like it and then the Red X she didn't like it so much exactly man I loved this place their toos were so good did you say toos tater tot nachos they're amazing we don't have these in New York oh yeah this is the old diner by the fish market they were so good until they sell to a chain oh this one they had the best burgers in the town and then they became a branch spot stuffed blue cheese salmon burger with grilled onions and a fried pickle mhm that one was Mah you know this is the most comprehensive culinary history of Crescent Lake you're probably ever going to get some of these are 20 years old amazing do do you mind if I hang on to these for a little bit yeah sure I I'll give them back I promise just these are incredible whatever you need Mr Chef thank you now we paint so when you said catch twist you meant something unique to this place to my family to you you know something to really make it ours okay oh you you missed a spot I didn't not oh you did where right there okay well you just pointed to the whole thing you're not a very good stainer all right you know what I think you missed a spot yeah wa Fair actually a bunch of spots it looks like you missed that spot too as well as that one and then that one this is my favorite space Su on guard I'm a oh you're going to pay for that one jab hey what's going on here uh just painting well the new light fixtures just drive you want me to bring them in oh no it's okay we can grab them hey you okay yeah our caterer for the pottery show just failed oh no and I'm scrambling to find somebody in literally 48 hours I'm sorry what well what about Dax what about DXs well it could be a good trial run could test some recipes on a smaller audience see how they're received that's actually not a bad idea a trial run for Walter gson actually that couldn't hurt uhhuh oh my gosh Dax your Lifesaver I'll email you all the info right away okay you know this does mean you're my new Sue Chef oh does it yeah can't wait another one [Music] done okay what's wrong oh nothing I just there's just a lot writing on this fundraiser we want to make sure we can continue to give back to the community you know well sounds like I need to be using my fancy handwriting yes that's exactly what we need item picks no one can read like little F cute oh sorry it's my boss Jasmine hi Olivia darling sorry to call so late are you sitting down no why you might want to we landed the Skyland I'll email over everything now they are ready to work oh I I thought the start date wasn't for 3 weeks it's all in the brief I'm sending over uh you might have to cut your trip short a bit but I I can't cut my trip short Jasmine it's part of being a partner in the most sought-after design firm in the country oh and we landed a huge new designer Kenzie Rob have you heard of her she's perfect for the Skyland oh I got to go see you Monday oh [Music] what no this design is all wrong hey hi fabric for curtains which do you prefer I like the one on the left that was my choice as well great minds think alike so my designer my chef it's on Deck today well Dax is doing the appetizers for aby's pottery fundraiser so I was thinking we could head down to the studio get a feel for the space and then maybe pick out some pieces for catch you're the boss all right here bye do you travel a lot for work yeah well I have in the past I bet that's hard on a relationship I have one relationship to maintain and that's my restaurant anything else cost to come second I totally get that relationships just take up so much time and energy energy that ends up taking away from work and it makes the work suffer mhm which is why I am taking a dating break it's always good to do once in a while get all that time and energy back [Music] exactly so we are here for you to see the space and for us to pick out some dish wear hey guys I've got your stations all set up a what come on H abs are you sure we could just buy some pieces you've already made you could but this is for fun okay so to start make sure both of your machines are turned on on the right hand side and make sure both of your hands are wet using your water bowl start to pump the wheel quickly we're trying to loosen up the clay and as you pump push the clay forward there you go that looks great when the clay is loosened up we call it complies you can either continue to raise it up into something like a vase or push it down for a bowl or a cup the trick is to keep the clay moving so it doesn't dry prematurely got it got it got it okay great I'll be just over here if you need me got it do I she lost me at get your hands wet I don't I don't remember what what is that your focus face I don't have a focus face oh you have a focus face [Music] I don't look like that okay fine well if that's mine then this is yours yeah I've never made that face in my life yes you have you're literally just doing it I look nothing like that going to charm all the ladies with that face this you two are having way too much fun over here Are we almost ready to get those pieces into the Kil or is this just a practice round practice okay well you let me know when you're ready to take the next step I think we should probably just buy some of aby's pieces for catch oh wa so you're saying you wouldn't serve my award-winning summer salad in this no I'm sorry I would not whatever I'm holding out hopes this might be like a centerpiece or something don't hold your [Music] [Music] breath well it looks like this is the best we're going to do can we get these into the Kil lead the way yeah so these are better than ours yeah ours aren't even close we should probably buy some of aby's pieces what except defeat I don't think we have another option anything C your ey yeah can you make us a dozen of these excellent choice I'll get to work thanks so I got to go work on the recipes for tomorrow do you want to you want to come taste test yeah I love that um let me just see if Abby needs help cleaning up and I'll meet you there okay my baby sister finally letting herself have fun for once what I have fun I haven't seen you smile like that in a while like that that smile I've missed that smile you guys kind of make a great team okay I need to get back to work he seems like a great guy Liv and he's cute and he can call bye Abby [Music] you're so beautiful I would like to think God Made You for me waking up with you each morning makes my life complete I'm so in love with you [Music] hey Nancy you've had an offer I have yes there is this trendy new tapest bar opening in the South Village they just fired their last chef and want you in first thing tomorrow what about catch what about catch you hate it there and you're right you never should have had to take this job in the first place so how soon can him get you on a plane back to New York pump your brakes Nancy I can't what was that I said I can't leave Walter Gregson is coming to review this place plus there's Abby Studio show tomorrow and there's a grand reopening I can't leave them with no Chef they will be fine I can have Tony book you on a flight tonight I'm not leaving them hanging they hired me to do a job I'm going to see it through if you are not on a plane tonight they'll hire someone else let him I'm not bailing on catch are you serious think you're making a huge mistake dogs of course you do I beg to differ bye [Music] Nancy what's wrong dad nothing uh nothing um if I were to say extend an invitation to someone someone who I just met to aby's fundraiser do you think I think you should just call her you know what I don't want to bother her she's sweet and funny and you know I've seen the way she looks at you plus dad you haven't been excited about someone in a long long time it's your life but calling her has my vote Bridget hi it's Peter Adler um how are you great I'm doing well thank you how are you uh sorry I just ask you that um uh listen um Abby is having a fundraiser tomorrow um I thought maybe you would like to go with me as a date uh no not a date oh you would great then I I'll pick you up uh tomorrow at 5: perfect okay yeah I'll see you tomorrow okay she said yes great now we just need to get you an outfit H jeans jeans still in style Always In Style yep okay just maybe not that plaid shirt you like it doesn't work it's dated what's all this just some little things to make your life here feel more normal smoke salt thank you this is really sweet look I'm just trying to get us Sol a good review the sooner we get this place on the map the sooner we can get back to our lives right right well should we get to work yeah you're [Music] good what you got it you got it you got it wow up I [Music] don't oh [Music] nice yeah [Music] hey eyes closed you wait how do I know you're not going to feed me like straight mustard or something oh you don't like mustard no I do just not on its own I promise I will not feed you straight mustard really all right I have pinky promise this okay thank you all right are you ready yeah wait is this I see dog inspired popper yes you did I knew how much it meant to you so I made it in a way that wouldn't completely Crush my soul I encase the flavorings and the toppings and a toasted puff pastry you know just get away from that like street food thing yeah no it's it's perfect I love it thank you mhm all right what is next this is a riff on one of your mother's favorites the mac and cheese lobster bites this is fantastic I just thought it would be perfect for appetizers for aby's event yeah I couldn't agree more what's next deconstructed cheesecake no you promise [Laughter] me kidding I swear you were so mad A promise is a promise and I promise really what's next is a fig bite with brie and Paar yep it's good but I feel like it might be missing something all right what's that like something to bring out the sweetness of the fruit but not overpower it hold on let me see oh is that would be good no one do do you know what you're doing or what these spices are just following my nose okay really oh that'll be perfect let's try this here put a little bit of this on there that to [Music] try that's some that's fantastic really really that was cardamon right I'm tasting cardamom uh you don't even know yeah yes cardamom it's like Fruity and piny it add all these extra layers I bet you if I soaked pear in a cardamom marinade would add all these extra layers oh my good work well what can I say I'm basically a world famous chef oh how are you yeah I make a mean PB and J well I'd like to try that sometime all right I should go I got to prep these for tomorrow so thank you for uh lending me your nose suf anytime [Music] [Music] one day [Music] right hey kiddo hey you're up late well no breaks when you're on a deadline so how are things in Seattle I feel like we haven't seen you much lately I know I'm sorry about that it's crazy at work it's just one thing after the other and I keep saying to myself I'll take a break after this next one and then something comes up and the cycle continues well you you got to take breaks to enjoy your life I know and I will once this Skyland Project's done you don't sound too excited well I am I am I just well my boss s me the brief and it looks nothing like what I had planned but I'm not the designer anymore I'm managing this job so I have to let the designers do their thing is that what you want to do manage the jobs well it's what a partner does plus I've worked so hard for this it would be silly to be anything other than thrilled at the opportunity but are you I know how hard you work and you you always do the right thing but for what it's worth I've seen it change in you over the last few days you seem more present less stressed more like your old self well that's just because I'm home it's just sometimes the thing we think we want and the thing we actually want aren't always the same thing just in case you need a little [Music] guidance I was waiting for the right time to give it to you not saying now is when you should open it but I think it's time for you to have it hey get out hey [Music] hey hey what are you doing here H I couldn't sleep you same it's so clear I didn't realize how much I missed the Stars until I came yeah me too you see the Big [Music] Dipper no right there I don't see it you see that big star right there yeah okay just look just to the left anything no I see that bright one but right one yeah and then go to the left down oh up I see it it's beautiful really is I [Music] uh I should go yeah it's getting late get some sleep me too M good [Music] [Music] night wait no it's not ready yet on your team remember I know also that looks crooked what no it doesn't yeah it does thank you so are you excited about tonight Dax Hutton are you nervous if this goes well we'll be one step closer to a good review yeah little nervous well I have no doubt that it would go well thank you oh I have something for you you serious what is that got to make this official um oh no now you look like a pro I look like a marshmallow little bit hold on let me fix it there you go thanks perfect well wish she got going I don't want Abby to worry okay okay how do you think it's going looks pretty good to me right I thought yeah hi hi who did the catering are the new chef at catch on the lake I didn't realize that place was still open it reopens next week this is part of their Sunset menu you should stop by I definitely will nice job get ready Walter greggson yeah coming for that good review greggson nice work yeah you too Chef who did this piece that's remarkable I'd like to put in a bid for it really yes it's Exquisite that detail okay well I'll open up a bidding spot for this one Exquisite did she talk say the detail I mean it's gorgeous she lookes the droopy part hey uh we're all going to have a bonfire by the lake later tonight if you want to join yeah I'd love to cool um I'm going to start cleaning up it's like the food is a hit nice job son thank you sir I know a small place like this probably wasn't your first choice but I am really glad you came here yeah me [Music] too well that was a success I'll say and if you you told me dax's piece would sell for the highest amount I wouldn't no no none taken I mean you know I guess Fine Art takes a sophisticated pallet to understand yeah something like that how do we do in terms of fundraising we exceeded our goal we can offer four new scholarships instead of just two oh ABS that's fantastic hey thank the chef over there I do what I can oh I love this song I do too may I have this dance my good sir the pleasure would be mine okay come on come on you know this one nope do you no shall we [Music] yeah with what nothing just thinking about how arbitrary things like dating breaks are what you got to admit he's kind of great yeah yeah he's really great but I am going back to Seattle so our lives aren't compatible at the moment I think you guys can work something out dad needs him catch needs him and I just made partner it's off the table for me too so the dating break is is staying firmly in place until I have a better grasp on things you know love is a funny thing sometimes it sneaks up on you when you least expect it and you don't even realize it until it's too late I'm just saying promise me if you think you found something even remotely close you'll at least let yourself explore it even if it doesn't look the way you expected my lady may I have this [Music] dance were [Music] only and I don't think I can do this [Music] [Music] alone okay open your eyes in three 2 one live you guys do you like it [Music] all right who's ready to eat live you pulled this off in record time it's amazing wait for the food food is here first we have a smoked salmon tart with a side of double baked Rosemary bread then we have slow roasted short ribs with Swiss chard and go chees palenta and finally we have a summer citrus rugula salad with a pomegranate reduction now for the sauces we have honey Dion mustard red wine ketchup and for the catch twist we have Mr Adler's famous pineapple barbecue sauce I had a friend from New York do me a favor and make these up they're not perfect but I mean if you like them we can have them made up into small batch barbecue sauces and you could sell them here I hope it's okay um I used Sandra's favorites as a guide to make a best of Crescent Lake menu but with a Twist this is it's perfect it's absolutely perfect well enjoy wait a minute you're going to join us right honestly I would love to I call the sh rib all right let's dig in Abby wants the shore rib so dad wants the Barb sauce tus 10 minutes until Showtime copy that thanks abs [Music] Hello Olivia what's going on are you still not back uh you said Monday well now I need you tomorrow Mrs Cota moved up the start date again Olivia you know what this client means to our company I'd expect more from my newest partner what's going on with You Wayward used to be your number one priority I know I know I'm but I'm I'm just really no no I can't have any butts Olivia I need your head in the game if it's not then then we might have to go in a different direction is that what you want no no of course not if you're not back in Seattle by tomorrow morning we'll have to remove you from the partner position and potentially re-evaluate your position at Wayward completely [Music] do you think he likes it man it's so hard to tell of [Music] him that could be a good sign what do you think he's [Music] writing don't no hold on whoa [Music] good evening sir hello I was just coming to see if you needed any water but it looks like you're good okay [Music] um mandarins I noticed that you are enjoying the mandarins on the salad that's also one of my favorite parts of the as you [Music] were SM did you see what he wrote down I did not oh I think he's done should I should I say something go go [Music] thanks again for coming Mr gson did you get a read on him at all nothing well it looks like my work here is done done wait what do you mean well we got the place up and running that was the goal so uh Dex you can take it from here right unless you've got some other pressing engagement what no no don't you want to stay for a bit and relax I mean you worked the whole time you were here I I would love to but I got to go deal with this just call me if well I'm only an hour away if you need me I love you Dad bye I love you too Olivia wait wait are you okay you seem what I I don't know is something wrong you tell me I don't know I have to go you know Dex I get it okay Crescent Lake isn't fancy we're not like the cities you're used to but I really thought that my family is really counting on you so if you're planning on making some changes you should let them know as soon as possible just so no one gets hurt I hurt I it was nice meeting you Jax I have no doubt you'll find what you're looking for I found what I'm looking [Music] for the sun is shining I'm sure it's going to rain [Music] I would love a list of your available chefs my family might have a position opening up at their restaurant and I just want to be prepared thank you for [Music] [Music] [Music] there she is look I saw your second round of notes on the design I'm going to have to respectfully disagree why did you offer me the partnership because you brought in a huge client not because of my skills or technique or unique perspective or shared Vision I mean sure but also because you landed skyin firms all over have been wooing Haley Coden for months but you got her to sign on the dotted line now you have a lot to catch up on no I don't you lied to me you said that they wanted to move up the start day they wanted to go in a different direction from my design but I just got an email from Mrs codin and none of that's true sure the move up was my idea but and this new designer Kenzie Rob was she Mrs cen's idea or yours Kenzie Rob is a hot upand Comer getting her on board is huge for her company even if she's not right for the space I mean her designs are nothing like what Mrs Cen wanted thank you for the offer but consider this my official resignation I quit what why because I can't work for a company that goes behind my back that doesn't value or trust my instincts please give my regards to Mrs Coten Abby hi hey I'm sorry for leaving so quickly I just well Dax is planning on leaving I guess he got an offer at another restaurant and I was hoping that he would tell you guys but are you sure about that pretty sure yeah Olivia he just signed a three-year contract don't understand I guess he cares about the place so he decided to stay and now you're freaking out because you think you might have blown it with the guy you're in love with right well at least you still have the skyling uh about that um I quit it's about time wait word is cool and all that but what you bring to the table is so personal and so authentic they never valued that thanks sis um do you think I'm too late oh no you have hours until the grand reopening not that you know you're just going to have to get here and find out thank you for all of this what you created here with live is something extraordinary thank you really for the opportunity getting to create this with you all is this is something never forget I think your daughter is really special yeah she is can I have everyone's a attention please thank you for joining us as we reopen the catch on the lake uh the menu was designed by the award-winning Dax Hutton and uh the space was designed by my youngest daughter Olivia who unfortunately couldn't be here tonight um but with that being said please enjoy um we are so very thankful to share this momentous occasion with you all enjoy everyone what are you doing here just trying to follow my heart for once have you seen Dax anywhere uh he's around here somewhere hey live listen ladies first Abby told me about you turning down the job in New York I was never even considering it as an option I really wanted you I really wanted to be here have a home base a menu I'm proud of an incredible space I feel connected to so you're staying in Cresent Lake as long as Crescent Lake I'll have a celebrity chef that's right really good to hear I think I I might be here a while myself actually what about Seattle the partnership I quit there were too many cooks in the kitchen no shared vision and a relatively Wise Guy taught me that listening to my gut is the only way to go what happens now I don't know I sent an email to Mrs Cen explaining my resignation and thanking her for the opportunity but I'm I'm going to take a beat I'm going to actually relax spend some time with my family and and then I'll hit the ground running and look for some new clients Dex I'm sorry for not trusting you and for leaving the way that I did you know you're a really good guy you're so kind and creative and and a little stubborn but you know that's just cuz you know what you want I've gotten into this habit of putting work above everything my family my happiness love I just don't want to do that anymore I got it open you got it open MH oh success is fleeting love is forever treat them both accordingly mom I like that Dax Olivia get in here hurry come on [Applause] you guys did it did what what is this you eat it it's Walter gregson's review oh catch on the lake a quaint but sophisticated Lakefront spot is a must try on my hometown hotpots list okay the view is incredible the decor is impeccable and the food is everything I hoped it would be in more catch on the lake was the most Charming waterfront dining experience I've had in a decade and I cannot wait for my next trip 10 out of 10 Hometown Hot Spot hey we did it oh my gosh we did it scoten what are you doing here I don't want to impose but I'm sorry where are my manners you must be Peter hi and you must be DC ah yeah hi I'm Haley Coden owner of the Skyland hotel when Jasmine told me that you were working on a project here I wanted to come and see it in person and it's as perfect as I imagined I wanted to see the design but after I tried that food I wanted to discuss our options have you thought about franchising or opening the sister restaurant because this is exactly what I was thinking for the Sky Lounge I can see it now catch the skar Mrs Coden I don't work for for Wayward anymore I know we're also no longer with Wayward their Vision was all over the place but yours after I saw what you two created here I thought yes this is it Anyway think about it will you let me know if you'd like to discuss anything further Mrs Coden wait I'll give you two a moment I don't know what to say I mean do this another restaurant together mhm I mean it doesn't sound terrible no I've definitely had worse job offers with worse co-workers yeah same you know Dax I would would love to do another space with you I really would but you're worried about compromising your Creative Vision well we're going to do this I think I think we need to set some ground rules okay first off since presumably we'll have a bigger budget I want silk napkins ooh and black tie dress code mhm with a six-month weight list you know I go ahead when I first came here I wasn't sure what I was going to find but now I can't imagine being anywhere else with anyone else you challenge me you are so unapologetically yourself I mean even terrible taste and salt you helped me like you really help me remember who I am and I love making food it makes people happy happy and doesn't just wow them I was sad when you left I'm really happy you came back I am too and I would love to make another restaurant with you yeah I was just thinking the same thing yeah I could really go for a deconstructed cup of coffee right now and a beaker was there any other right no [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Films 4 Us
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Id: doRWDihsR48
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Length: 87min 10sec (5230 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2024
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