Sparks Over Brooklyn (2023) | Full Movie

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(bright music) (insects buzzing) - Hi! Oh, pfft... (sighing) - Here you go, Patricia. - Oh, Lidia, are you sure? Won't you be needing these for the restaurant? - Ah, we'll be fine. And I insist. - You're too kind, dear. (chuckling) - Ugh. Those squirrels really did have a buffet, huh? (chuckling, sighing) - Hey, Mom? I uh, think they had a snack over here too. - Oh... - Don't we have some back at the restaurant? - Yes, but for Allen's birthday, I wanted fresh ingredients grown with love. This is going to be special! - You say every dish is special, Mom. - Ugh... - Take it. Mine was spared. - I couldn't, no. (laughing) - To quote someone very generous, "I insist." - Thank you, Patricia. - Say hi to your aunt for me. - Of course. (sighing) - Hey! (bright music) (humming) - Alright, you're up, Dr. Sous Chef. - So, Mom... I saw this video online all about this fusion restaurant out in LA that lets you create your own dishes by smashing two items off the menu together. Want a chicken parm burrito? Boom! Barbecue paella? No problem! - I know where you're going with this, and the answer is no. - But-- - No buts! Our menu is perfect just the way is. People come here for tradition, and that is what we give them. Home-cooked Italian meals that connect them with their family and their past, We can't risk messing that up. - Would it hurt to spice things up every now and then? - It's a slippery slope, <i>piccolina.</i> (playful music) What are you doing? Sammy... (gasping) Sammy! - It's not going to ruin it, Mom. - No, this is... (slurps) ...delicious. - Ah-ha! - Just because we like it, doesn't mean Allen will. - He's going to like it, Mom. (sighing) (upbeat jazzy music) - We had a lineup around the corner. I sent everybody home. I said, "It's Allen's birthday tonight, you gotta come another time, people, sorry." - Oh my... Oh! (laughing) <i>- Buon appetito.</i> <i>- Grazie.</i> (grunts) - So? What do you think? - Well, I know I've been ordering the same dish every week here for over 30 years now, but... ...tonight... This is exactly how my ma used to make for me! - Aw! - I swear I hear humming in the kitchen! (laughing) - It's the chili flakes! - Oh. That's all Sammy! - Ah, Sammy. - This is on us tonight, Allen. - Aw... (together): Happy birthday! - Too much, too much! What did I do to deserve all this? - Oh, come on! After everything you've done for us over the years? - Ah... - I mean, without you and our community... - Who knows where we would be! - And where would this community be without you guys? - Aw... - Especially with Pasta Paradiso going down, and uh, Fellini's Ristorante shuttering up last month. But, Elena... When you decide to enter the wonderful world of retirement... (Elena laughs) couldn't be leaving Violetta's in better hands. Ah, thank you. Thank you. Now, let me enjoy my meal. - Okay, bon appétit! <i>- Grazie!</i> (chuckling) - Good job, honey. - Mmm... (indistinct chatter) - Um... Hey, so, um... With everything Allen was saying about Fellini's and the other restaurants, and the way business has been going, I was... I was wondering if we can talk about my plans for the place when-- (whispering): Lidia! There's no time to explain. I'm springing you from this joint. Quick, before anyone notices! - Uh, this imprisonment is self-imposed. Hello to you too, Kate. - Boo, no fun! Hi, Auntie. (Elena): <i>Ciao, bella.</i> - Elena, can you please tell Lidia that she should join me on a night on the town? - Lidia, you should go out for a night on the town with your friend Kate. - You heard the lady. (scoffs) - Where would we be going anyways? Not that I'm interested, I'm just asking. - Okay, well it's a trendy place, obviously, and it's supposed to be based off this super popular video game, Cook something... - CookVille? - Yeah. Wait, sorry, how do you know that? - 'Cause Sammy's really into it. Zia... - Oh, please! - Do you mind...? - Please! - Yes, Sammy can stay the night. Go out and have fun. - Okay, but bed by ten. - Yeah, yeah, okay. - Sure. - Yeah, come on. - Ah! Oh, my God. We're going... (Lidia): I need to change into something more fun. (pulsing music) - Oh. This place is certainly-- - A choice. What is up with the underwater cave aesthetic? - Well, apparently, it's based off a popular level from the game. Oh, and get this. All of these dishes, you can make in the game, hence the name CookVille IRL. Designed to lure the biggest diehards and the most popular influencers. So, you know, we're basically the target demographic. (laughing) - Okay. So hey, how's the barista gig going? - Oh, great. I always wanted to work in a café. There's something... romantic about them, you know? Oh, but man, is latte art hard! Huge learning curve! Well, it's all good, 'cause Steve, my super hunky coworker-- Seriously, Lidia, this guy isn't just a snack, he's a full-course meal! showing me the latte pouring ropes. I'm about two shifts away from asking him out. (laughing) Ugh, the self-restraint it is taking me to not take a photo of this. Okay... (♪♪) - Wow, that's, um... - Incredible? - I was going to say "depressing". - Mmm. Yeah, at least we're fans of the game. Oh, hang on, I'm gonna ask this guy a quick question about the drink menu. - Uh, what about what's-his-name, the barista? - Steve? Oh, he's just a work flirt. Hang on, I'll be right back. Uh, excuse me! Bartender. (Lidia sighs) - Oh, excuse me? Would you mind taking a photo for us? My selfie game's not too good. - Sure. - Okay. (clears throat) Oh, um, make sure the flash is off. - Got it. - And make sure it's in focus. - I know how to work a camera. (chuckles) Can you stop moving, please? - Could you take the picture, please? - Believe me, I'm trying to get out of this moment as fast as I can. (camera shutter clicks) - Thanks. Okay, we're good. Uh, say, um... What do you think of this place? - I think it's a modern tragedy. - Wow. I was gonna say "cutting edge" or "next level". - Come on, look at this place, it's like a surface-level gimmick. Don't even get me started with the food. The food is just... (scoffs) - Hey, are you one of those secret critics or something? - A chef, actually. - Oh, so you know what you're talking about, then. - Yeah. Just a little. I mean, you know, the dining experience, it should aspire... - Hey! Welcome. - be more than this. This is just... - Sorry, what was that? - Who are you? - Conner. Daniel Conner. Oh, uh, this is going to be fun. You have no idea, do you? - Um... - I'm the creator of CookVille and the owner of this... tragic establishment? - Uh... I am so sorry. - Don't. I appreciate the honesty, especially coming from the esteemed chef at...? - Violetta's. It's a small Italian restaurant in Brooklyn. - Well, I'll have to come by sometime and you can show me what a real dining experience is like. - I think you would be disappointed, because we focus on food... ...instead of atmosphere. (chuckles) - Wow. - And do you come-- Oh. No, he's so cute! Okay. (whispering): Call me. (water running) (soft music) (Lidia humming) - Yes! The new CookVille update is dropping on Saturday. Man, D-Con's a genius. - D-Con? - Daniel Conner? The creator of CookVille. Come on, Mom. As if you went to the restaurant last night without me and still don't know anything about it. - You really want to work in a virtual restaurant instead of hanging with us at the real, actual restaurant? - But I figured out how to get a new color for my chef's outfit. Just a bit of hacking. (chuckling) (phone chimes) (soft music) - Everything okay? - Yeah. It's just... Dad. We've been talking about me spending the summer with him in San Francisco. - That's great. It's a long time, no? Your dad has to realize you have a whole entire life here. - It'll only be for a few months. And besides, it was my idea. - Okay, why don't we talk about this later? I gotta get things going for the restaurant, and I'm working the rush tonight, so there's going to be leftovers in the fridge. The real fridge, not the... ...virtual reality that you got going on there. - Maybe I'll make a fusion dish. - Hey! (Dani): Always after Labor Day! (laughing) (Dani): You know? (Elena): That's true! - It's like nobody gets it! Anyways, so this security guard guy, he's like, "So, where is the pizza?" - No... - Yeah! (laughing) - I'm sorry. The restaurant isn't open yet. - Oh. Is that how you greet all of your customers? You can feel the hospitality. (Elena laughs) - Actually, he showed up just in time. I was going crazy trying to set up out here. - Oh, no, no, no. It's all moral support, that's it. Uh, do you care to join us? - Oh, yeah. - Actually, why don't I whip you something up? - Oh. (scoffs) - Oat unfiltered? I know exactly what to pair this with. - Do you need some help? - No, it's okay, Zia. You guys enjoy yourselves. I'll be back in a bit. - Okay. Top me up. - Anyway, you were saying these yoga classes... (gasps) (whimsical music) Beautiful! Oh. Sorry, I didn't... I didn't mean to startle you. - What are you doing back here? You can't be back here! - Really, why not? - Personal space, for starters, and... second, you can... You could be some sort of mole or-or spy! - Ah, so you do see me as a threat! You were so high on your horse last night, it was hard to tell. Where are all the other chefs? - It's just me. I can handle the kitchen. - What about your zia, doesn't she help? - Yeah, she offers, but I'm happy to do it on my own. - It's a lot of work for one person. - It's the way I like it. Hey! Hey, hey, hey, hey! - What? What? What-what is... What is that? - That is a family secret. My great-great-grandmother Lucia created it. It's called Amorietta. But if you want to be technical, it's a modified version of <i>sugo all Arrabbiata.</i> - Just the most incredible sauce I've ever tried in my entire life. Secrets, right? Man... This place is incredible. I mean, yeah, it's a little rough around the edges and out of date, but... but that only adds to its charm, which is off the charts. Whatever you're making here at Violetta's, I'll double it if you come run the kitchen at CookVille IRL. - Absolutely not. Now, will you leave my kitchen? (soft music) (Lidia sighs) - Just... Just think about all the new dishes that you could create-- - Do you know how many offers I've turned down over the years? Some of the best restaurants in the city, and I said the exact same thing. No! Violetta's is and will always be a part of my life, and nothing is going to change that. And did you really think that I was gonna leave this place to work at a pop-up? - Oh, well, look, technically it's a pop-up, yeah, but it's got the potential to stick around. I have had my eye out for another restaurant to... (gagging) I'd like to buy Violetta's. Outright. Right here, right now. (laughing) - Is that a joke? No. No, in the most absolute way. - After everything your zia told me about how business has been lately, what are you gonna do to save it from going under when you're in charge? - You don't think I think about that every single day? - This place is a diamond in the rough. With my influence and ingenuity, I think... I think we can put it back on the map. - Here we go. - Of course, there would have to be an augmented reality element mandated by the aforementioned shareholders. Like, virtual reality, you-you put a helmet on and then, bam! You are transported to another world. Sounds fun, right? - No! I'm sorry, but no. - If you change your mind. There's a QR code on the back for you or a family member, for a discount at CookVille. Okay, yeah. - Ugh! The arrogance! Like he has the first clue about how important Violetta's is to this community! I bet you he's never been told "no" once in his life. Oh, and the virtual reality tech? Oh, yeah! Let's... Let's take away from the food! Yeah, good idea! (scoffing) - Lidia, Lidia. Please, sit. (Kate sighs) I know this might be hard to hear... Dani isn't exactly wrong. (scoffs) Okay, look, listen. The restaurant has been tough lately, right? And it's not exactly the hub it once was. But... it doesn't have to be all doom and gloom. Just think about the money you'd be getting from the buyout, right? Your zia could retire comfortably. You could put that money towards a new career, or opening your own place. And most importantly, you could put that money towards a college fund for Sammy. - I've always pictured my life being a certain way, and there's just so many curveballs. But Violetta's... ...has always been there. You know? It's been... It's been my constant. - You are the hardest working, most inspiring person I know. Seriously, your dedication to this restaurant is next level. But... change might be a good thing. Okay, I know you think my life is ridiculous and turbulent, well, because it is. But it's also fun. Okay? How else would I have met Paul? - Paul? - Paul! The bartender from last night! Oh, he's so sweet! Okay, I gotta show you this so you can... - Ah... - Look, sorry. Okay, all I'm trying to say is that I think this might be the perfect opportunity for you to strike a new path for yourself. - What if there was another option? (panting) (Eric): So, following the meeting regarding the auction, there's a call with the shareholders to discuss next steps for the pop-up. Then after that, we're meeting with the event organizer to touch base. She's not gonna call just 'cause you're staring at your phone. - Look, can you let me live in the fantasy for a bit? I mean, this could be potentially huge. What? What is it? - It's just... Look, I'm glad you're so jazzed about this place. Really, I am. This is me being jazzed. But I wish you'd told me before you made that offer. I mean, there's not enough going on with CookVille IRL? - Ah, this is what we do! We juggle a bunch of balls in the air, alright? - And when we were in the gaming industry, that was okay. But Dani, it's one thing doing a gimmick tie-in to the game. Investing in an entirely separate restaurant? Games to restaurants isn't a one-to-one. Infrastructure, the workflow, marketing strategies, this is a career 180! - You're right. I should've checked with you before I pulled the trigger. - Well, in the meantime, word on the street is that Brain Waves is finally gonna pull back the curtain on-- - Sight?! - Sight. I-I know! I know they're sick of us always hounding them, but this is it. The next jump forward in virtual reality tech. A fully integrated wireless headset with the clearest image ever created. It's like looking through a window into another world. Pair that with their interest in multimedia, and our new endeavor... - This is the ticket! This is what we've been chasing! - Well... (phone chimes) - Eric. Do you believe in serendipity? - Why am I excited? Why, huh? How do you do that? (laughing) I'm not in the right shoes. - Da-da-da... "And so, under these parameters that we will maintain full control over each and every creative decision or else..." Do you think I should take the "or else" out? It sounds like an ultimatum, right? - I say keep it. It's a real power move. - Stop sneaking up on me! - Stop being so jumpy. Oh, by the way, this is Eric, my business partner since the before times. - Hello. Eric. Nice to meet you both. Your place, it's... The... atmosphere is very... - Inviting? - Yeah! - Hmm. - So, shall we get to it? - Yeah, sure. Do you want a couple more run-throughs first, or are you ready to go off book? - Very funny. (Lidia sighs) We will sell to you and your company. - I knew it. I knew you would come around. - We'll sell to you and your company, a 49 % stake in the restaurant. My family and I will retain 51 % and have full creative control. The menus, the décor, or whatever gimmick you have up your sleeve, it will go through us, it will be our call. And... ...there will be no tech involvement whatsoever. - Just, uh, jumping in here. Hi. This is all very interesting, but for a decision this big, we have to go through our legal team first-- - We'll do it. But there will be tech implementation... ...or else. Sorry, that was supposed to be a callback, but it just came out all ominous. - Deal. We'll just have to show you why tech is not necessary. - Great! Eric, get legal on the phone, have 'em draw up the contract as per Lidia's stipulations. I think we can have this thing wrapped up by the end of the day, and then we'll get started tomorrow, yeah? - What do you mean "we'll"? - Oh, uh, I'll be working with you on the redesign. Hands-on, you know? I like to get in on the ground floor, otherwise, what's the point, you know? - Fine. But it'll have to be in the afternoon, because I do daily donations in the mornings. - See you tomorrow! - I don't know if I should be excited or terrified. - I call that the Dani effect. I'd say get used to it, but I don't think I have. (sighs) (laughing) (rhythmic music) (camera shutter clicking) - Uh, do you want a couple non-smiling ones? I know my sunny demeanor suggests otherwise, but I have a great smoulder. Hey, Eric, um... You know, I love a photoshoot as much as the next guy, but why are we doing this again? I mean, we're never gonna top me wearing a chef hat. - Because you made yourself the face of the company. I'm sorry, but I agree with the shareholders on this. We need more press. Your face, your voice, it's the only way we're getting more people in here. - Well, I guess it's the burden for being so good-looking, huh? (camera shutter clicking) - I just got off a call with the investors. They're not happy about you making this Violetta's decision without them. - Look, tell them not to worry about it. We'll... We'll change the name! - You know that's not it. They wouldn't have agreed to it. Which is why they're mandating an opening a month from now. - One month? - One month, or they're squashing this restaurant excursion. They want results. And there has to be tech involved. It's their words, not mine. - Hey. I'm not gonna shoot the messenger. (camera shutter clicking) I'll, uh, I'll talk to Lidia, get this all straightened out You trust me, right? - Of course. - Well, I guess that means full steam ahead with the whole restaurant industry thing, huh? Come on. - No... - Now, you're in a photoshoot. - Oh... This is nice. - Hmm? Isn't this sweet? (camera shutter clicking) - It's not prom. - Huh? It would be like this for prom. - Yeah, that's... Yeah, okay. Alright. Cute, cute. - Alright, okay. (rhythmic music) - I am so proud of you, you know that? - Ah, Zia, I'm just so stubborn. I can't... give this place up. (laughing) - Well, you inherited that stubbornness from your father. You know, when he was a kid, he insisted on making us dinner every Sunday night. Completely by himself, never asked for help. Adamant that he could do it. - Sounds about right. - Wasn't until he finally asked for my help that everything started to click. And I'm not patting myself on the back or taking the credit. I mean, please, I was only ten. But the point is, we helped each other learn. So, all I'm saying is be open to a little bit of collaboration, okay? (sighs) I know how much this place means to you. To everyone. But as long as you're here, I mean, it'll always be what it's supposed to be. The rest of it, that's just sugar on top. (chuckling) (Dani): Knock, knock! - Oh, speaking of sugar... - Sorry, I was trying to announce my presence better this time. - Why are you wearing a full suit? - Because it looks good. - Well, I didn't realize there was a dress code. - You look like you're going to the MET Gala. - You do realize that's a compliment, right? (sighs) So, you're gonna be donating all of this? - Yep. And on that note, why don't you come back later? - No, now that we're partners, I'm gonna be helping you. So, you are stuck with me. Where to first? (laughing) - Bye, guys. See you. - Ah... - Ah... - You are quite the celebrity around here. - Oh. Are you a little jealous? (Dani scoffs) No, it's just a lot of face time over the years. Plus, I teach cooking lessons whenever I can to the kids. And it's free food. - Don't sell yourself short. Think I could get in on some of these free cooking lessons? - Please tell me you can cook. - Oh, yeah. Uh, yeah! Uh, grilled cheese, mac and cheese, cheese board... I'm just kidding. I'm kidding. - Why leave the gaming industry? Why get into restaurants? - Everybody on the CookVille message boards were saying that the food looks so good, they could eat it. So... ...bam! We opened a restaurant. (gagging) (sighs) (bright music) - Hmm... Hey! And I'll just leave these right here. - Our Kitchen, Your Kitchen? - Uh, yeah. - So, the delivery at the youth center? - That was a part of it too, yeah. All that food, we donate every week. - I'm just trying to wrap my head around how you find the time to do this all on your own. - I'll do anything for this community. It's everything to me. Is that how you solve every problem? (scoffs) Come on. One more stop. (insects buzzing) And here's one Italian hoagie for you, with extra dressing. (chuckles) Patricia! One caprese salad for you. - Hey. How's the family doing? - Oh, we're good. - Dani Conner? (gasps) - Hey, girls! How are you? - Can I bug you to take a picture with the girls? - Oh, yeah! No, absolutely. Hey, girls. (camera shutter clicking) (chuckles) - Your game changed their lives. My girls love cooking now! - Oh, that's so heartwarming to hear, honestly. - So, how do you two know each other? - Oh, um... We are... We're just acquaintances. I only met him-- - I'm the new co-owner of Violetta's! As of yesterday, that is. Lidia and I, we're going to be revamping the entire restaurant. The menu, the décor, a brand new immersive tech experience designed by yours truly. - Forget the last part everyone. Violetta's isn't going anywhere. Dani Conner here, he is just... He's just a financial partner. That is all. - We'll be reopening in one month from now, so mark it in your calendars, everybody! - What?! Since when? - Uh, there was a call with the investors this morning. Look, a deadline is not a bad thing. - And you didn't think to tell me about it? - Well, we were so busy, I just didn't-- - Unbelievable! I mean, if there was any hope of this working out, you have to communicate with me! You can't just ice me out like that! - That's not what I was doing at all, Lidia. You have to trust me on that. - I have to trust you? I have to trust you? Wow. You know what? We just have to go back to the restaurant, 'cause we have a lot of work to do. - Okay. - Okay. - Uh... Lovely meeting everybody! (birds chirping) What's with that face? - What face? - This face. - Ugh, you are exhausting. - Your menu is boring. - Excuse me? - Your menu is boring. I mean, name one thing on there that you can't get at another Italian restaurant. Which, let's face it, are a dime a dozen in New York. - Amorietta. It's the dish I cooked for you the other day. The one my great-great-grandmother created. - Yeah, but didn't you just say that was a family twist on a classic? So it's just another staple. - It's how we prepare everything. That's what sets us apart. - And for the people who have never tried your food, the ones walking by and they see your menu plastered out front, how are they supposed to know? - They come in and they try it. Word of mouth. The internet. - Look, I know you have your regulars, but I don't think it would hurt to try to attract a younger demographic. You're not bringing in anyone new. (sighs) By the way, when you said I was just a financial partner back there, it's not really me. I mean, yes, I did create a game that's on its way to becoming a billion dollar IP, but I'm more than just money. I mean, creatively speaking, I know I can put this place back on track. - Dani, I admire how highly you think of yourself, but with all due respect, you don't know anything about this industry. - Sure, but I see the potential to move it into a modern era for, you know, the Millennials and Gen-Zs. I get them. All we need to figure out is how to harness the power of technology and infuse it with the power of your family's cooking, and I think we have a comeback story on our hands. - No! No technology. I already drew that line in the sand, and if we do that, it's just going to be a slippery slope. - Well, would you consider overhauling the menu? I mean, when was the last time you updated that? - Okay. But you're gonna have to let me sleep on it. - I'll take it. When you're ready, my offices are in Manhattan. - Another one? (sighs) - Okay, so you see, it's all about patience, timing, and control. I know that sounds dry, but that's what Steve told me. It's just about raising... and lowering as you pour. Just remember to take your time. Ah. Easy-peasy. I'm just kidding, it's actually ridiculously hard. (laughing) - Can I give it a shot? - Yeah. Knock yourself out. (sighs) How you doing over there? - Well, I'm just looking at old recipe ideas. - Mmm. - Dani wants me to revamp the menu, but it's not feeling right. - Okay, so your current menu is all traditional, right? - Yeah. - Maybe there's a way to break from tradition while also not. (soft music) Can I be you when I grow up? Oh, whoa. Not yet. (chuckling) - Only if it means we get to switch places. I'd like to skip the rest of school, please. - At least, you know, summer's coming up. You got any big plans? - Yeah. I'm actually planning on spending it with my dad. - Oh-- Oh, yeah, that sounds like a blast! You know, San Francisco is super trendy and very expensive. (bright music) - So, I did some thinking last night. - So it would seem. - Italian food. Well, Americanized Italian food is steeped in tradition, right? All the classics, their roots stem back to different regions all across Italy. What if we tap into that? Like, I mean, really dig deep into these regions and shine a spotlight on these cuisines and the respective cultures that they come from. At an affordable cost, of course, 'cause we want as many people to experience this as possible. See, I want... I want Violetta's to be more than just like a peek through a window. I want it to be like we're stepping into another world. With food so vivid, it transports us to the countryside of Italy. And I want everybody to experience something like that. - Out with the old, in with the older. Mmm. That sounded better in my head, sorry. - You know... (sighs) I hate admitting it, but there are dishes that I really want to try. I just need the right ingredients. - Oh, uh, I'll go with you. - No, you can stay here and you can research some of the regions, or something like that. - Nah, nonsense, I'll order some books online, I'll have them express delivered for tomorrow morning. Let's go. The atmosphere here is magic. This is the type of immersion we can implement at the restaurant using virtual reality, you know? You put a headset on, and boom! You're in Italy. - This is how we transport them. (heavenly music) - Point taken. - Hi. - Hi! - Dani, this is my daughter, Sammy. Sammy is a big fan of the-- - CookVille! I play it every day. My mom says I should spend more time with actual food in the actual kitchen, but I'm obsessed. And oh, my God, I'm fangirling. This is exactly what I didn't want to do. - Hey, it's alright. I'm glad you like the game so much. - I really, really do. But I do have some notes on the coding for the latest update. - This is really advanced stuff. - Really? - Yeah. I'm gonna pass some of this over to my team. - What's all this for? <i>- Tortelli di Zucca.</i> It is tortellini filled with squash. and it's originated from the Lombardia region. - Sounds delicious. - Yeah! And I was thinking of putting crushed chili peppers in it to spice things up, because it's very trendy. Think about it as my own personal twist. - Um, spicy foods? That was my idea. (chuckles) - You're right. - And it's a good one. No, it's a great one. Lidia, this... this is what I'm talking about. - What if that is the whole ethos to our menu? Cultural Italian preservation with a modern twist? - Yes, yes, yes. And I was thinking more about your window analogy, and I was thinking we could make the dream an actual reality with some VR tech, fully immersive? - How many times do I have to tell you that that's just gonna take away from the food? The food is the immersion. - Tech is cool, Mom. - You're not helping. - Look. The good is still gonna be the focus. The tech is just gonna be the window dressing. Hmm? - Have you ever made tortellini? - Absolutely. In CookVille. - Yeah, I don't think that really counts. I gotta know what you can do. Can you chop this evenly? - Absolutely. (upbeat music) - Okay, you know what? I got it. - I should probably get going anyway. Uh... Yeah, I'm hosting an even at CookVille IRL tonight, so I should get a head start on that. - Mmm. - You should come! Meet some of the investors. Seven PM. Sammy, you're welcome to join too. Honestly, it's probably going to be a little bit dull. - I love a dull environment. I thrive in them. But I do have homework I need to do. - Ah, well, that's too bad. Maybe next time? Nice meeting you. - Oh... my... (rhythmic music) (indistinct chatter) - My first controller. Yeah, it's just a piece of plastic, but it holds a lot of memories. I didn't think you'd actually come. - Neither did I. - Oh. Those, uh... Those are not my idea. - This, and all of this? - Uh, mementos from my life. Yes, I know, this looks like a big vanity project, but uh, I promise you, it all goes towards a good cause. The proceeds from tonight are going to the new artist initiative. - Which is...? - It's a not-for-profit focused on supporting and lifting up children who are looking to get into the arts. - That's actually amazing. - Hmm. - What's the backstory behind this one? - Well, believe it or not, I grew up cooking. (laughing) - Okay. - I know everybody thinks this new direction is a phase or a fad, but it's not. I grew up cooking with my mom. I wasn't very good at it, as you very well know, but uh, didn't matter to her. She just encouraged me. Uh, I was actually in culinary school when she passed. (soft music) I flunked out. Didn't seem to matter anymore. I just kind of stopped caring. But then Eric helped me get into the gaming industry, and well, the rest is history. Throwing my hat back in, it's just... Well, I guess you could say it's just a way to say thank you to her, for everything. Oh. There are some people I'd like you to meet. (indistinct chatter) Lidia, this is Heidi Fitzgerald. She's one of our primary investors. - Very nice to meet-- - Charmed. - (chuckling) - Look at this, huh? World's colliding! Pew! Haha, I love it. Oh no. I think Eric's having a panic attack across the room. You two, uh... (chuckling) - So... Dani tells me work at the restaurant is going well so far. How do you feel the redesign is shaping up? - Well, I-- - And please, you can be candid. Dani is known to talk things up. Like, for instance, how charming you... and the restaurant are. - Uh, yeah, um... A little shaky start, but we're finding our footing. - Dani is a creature of impulse. Acquiring your restaurant... He's digging in his heels. - Isn't the pop-up doing well enough? - Hasn't he told you? Numbers are steadily trending down. That's why we've been inviting all of these influencers. Comping their meals in exchange for a plug in one of their livestreams. - No, he hasn't told me that. - Well, just so that you know, moving forward, there's a lot riding on this endeavor of his. We just can't afford another setback. Well, I guess I should mingle about some more. It was a real pleasure meeting you, Lidia. Ciao. (intriguing music) - Did you know that 10 proposals have happened at this fountain? This app you introduced me to, this geocaching one, I think there's a lot of potential here for the restaurant. If we could just get Lidia on board to implement something like this... Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. - Hit me with it. - Well, good news first: the auction was a huge success, great turnout, great... great publicity. - This was not a publicity stunt. - Right, of course not. But still, the investors were very pleased. They're interested in making it an annual event. Or maybe biannual, I don't know, there's some logistics we'd have to work out... - And the... the not-so-good news? - After meeting Lidia, they have some concerns regarding Violetta's. They're worried that there isn't enough communication between you two to make it, well, to make it happen. To pull it off. - A lack of communication? - They say she had no idea about the struggles we've been having with the pop-up. - Well... I don't know, why does that even matter? - Really? Dani, she has to know what the stakes are here. I mean, we're all going out on a limb here for you. Backing you in this. We're still waiting to hear from Brain Waves, but the tech implementation is mandatory and... - And... and what? - And you're being given three weeks to get this thing off the ground, or they're pulling the plug. (soft music) - Get them on the phone. Tell them we'll do it in two. - Wha... what? No, no, whoa, whoa, why? Think of the stress... think of my stress! I beg of you. Why shoot ourselves in the foot like that? - Because they underestimate us, Eric. And because we can do it. Huh? - Okay... (insects chirping) - Lidia, how are you? - Hey, Allen! Oh, you know... There's just a lot of change at the restaurant right now. - Oh yes, your zia's told me all about it. Bigwig celebrity and all that jazz, huh? - Oh yeah... - But... you haven't answered my question. How are you doing? (chuckling) - I'm okay. There's just a lot of change... happening right now. - Embrace it! You'll always land on your feet, kiddo. See you tonight? - Yes! What else would you eat? (laughing) - The setting sun hits your face as a gentle sea breeze brushes through your hair. You're sitting outside a small café in Portofino overlooking the Italian Riviera. Kids play in-- (laughing) - I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Continue. Children play in the cobblestone streets behind you as ships move in and out of the port below. And you think to yourself, can life get any better than this? Yes, yes it can! Your senses are overwhelmed as freshly baked bread-- - Dani. That was... that was really beautiful. It was. Now, people wanna laugh together, they wanna share stories, That's what it's all about. - You're right. - Are you... Are you agreeing with me? (sighs) - I am. Look, I'm sorry for being such a broken record the last little while, but... ...the investors are serious about the tech implementation. They don't think I'm very serious about the restaurant industry, so this whole push for VR is just a holdover from my image as a game designer. I... My hands are tied to it. Of course, if Brain Waves was involved, I might be singing a different tune, but as of now, I... I don't want anything to do with tech either. - Brain Waves? - Yeah. The massive company at the forefront of VR technology? We've been trying to partner with them for years. Currently, they have us waiting. - So... how does this change things? - Because despite everything, their opinion matters to me. On a... personal level. - You said yourself, you don't need these investors. - Unfortunately, we do. Since your family and I signed the contract under my company, the investors get a say. Also, they're giving us two weeks to be ready for the reopening. And I know we're gonna nail it! Aren't you gonna say anything? (chuckling) - This is pretty good. I mean, it's... a little overcooked, but it's pretty good. - Elena helped. I can't take all the credit. - Parmesan. Okay... The community holds a potluck every year. It's super cute and wholesome and it's happening tonight. You should come. - Aren't you worried about anything I just said there? - Uh yeah, I'm terrified. We're gonna get through it. We are. Tonight's gonna help and... it's gonna be okay. - I'll be there, you just tell me a time and a place. - Okay. I'm gonna get some more parmesan. Do you want anything? - No. (uplifting music) (intertwined conversations) (laughing) Hey. - Hey! You found it okay. - Uh, actually, I stumbled into the wrong gathering a few blocks down. It was a family reunion. It was only mildly awkward. - Okay. (glass clinking) - I'd just like to take a brief moment of everyone's evening to publicly thank the Arriettas for all that they do. For the "Our Kitchen, Your Kitchen" program, and for hosting this wonderful event every year! (applause) We all need something to look forward to. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving us this. You're family! We're all family! Right? To Lidia and Dani. I must say, you two make a lovely pair. (sighs) - Did you wanna go... - Uh, I'd love... yeah. - Yeah, okay. Oh! Cabernet. (soft music) (indistinct chatter) (♪♪) <i>- La bella vita.</i> <i>-</i> Dani Conner, did you just speak Italian? <i>- La bella vita!</i> I read it in one of the books that I ordered. It's the idea that we should strive to live a more comfortable and stress-free life. - I could get behind that. Violetta's was named after my mom. She and my dad... they opened it just before I was born. They put everything into it. Well, Elena took it over and... I never left. The amount of opportunities I turned down, the lives I could've lived... It's all for the restaurant. For them. It just feels like it's the only connection I have with them. - It's not, though. It's Sammy... and Elena. And all of this. (intertwined conversations) - Do you see what's happening? How they're sharing their food and pairing their wine... - What is it? - I think... I think I got it! What to do with Violetta's. Okay, so... When you walk into the restaurant, you choose either a drink or an entree off the menu, and then you're "paired" with another guest based on flavour compatibility. I think it'd be a really fun way to center the experience between food and... and making bonds. And it doesn't just have to be for single guests, it could be for... families or groups of friends. You know? And you put them together and boom, it's like a party! Like one big, joyous celebration every time you go. (thrilling music) - And for the tech part, I don't know, but... maybe we can do like an augmented reality-based app where you hold your phone over your dish and, like magic, all the facts, all the information and anything you could have ever wanted to know about the dish is right there at your fingertips. - Yes and that will also tie into the cultural preservation we were talking about. - Exactly. - And we'll call it... "Pairings"! (both): We did it! - So... now what? - Well... I'll set up a meeting with the shareholders in the morning and I'll pitch it to them. (soft music) - Mmm. (♪♪) - Hello, everyone. - Hello, everybody, this is Dani speaking. Thank you all for waking up early, especially those on the West Coast. I would also like to preface this announcement by saying thank you for standing by me during this new adventure, especially those on the gaming side of things. You've put a lot of faith in me over the years, and I know the last couple months have been shaky, but I promise you, this won't let you down. - Well, come on, out with it! - What if I told you we were about to revolutionize the dining experience? (humming) (sighs) (soft music) - So... Have you talked to your dad? About the trip? - A little. I don't know. The closer we get to summer, the more nervous I get about going for that long. - Well, I'm sure whatever decision you make, you're gonna make the right one. - Yeah. (sighs) Everything okay? You're acting kinda funny. - Yeah, everything is fine. Everything is fine. (phone ringing) Hello? What did they say? (laughing) (excited squealing) - I don't know what's happening! - Oh, and the bread, Tony makes it fresh every morning. I mean, the smell alone, there's no comparison, I swear. Oh, and the cheese, Antonia, she finds the best humanely sourced dairy. All from Jersey brown cows. And don't even get me started on her butter. I mean, there is no equal. - Hmm. And over there, those are super rare cured Italian meats, literally melts in your mouth. (sighs) See, this is what I want. I want everyone to get a chance to taste flavours like this. What are you doing? - What do you mean? Isn't this how the pros do it? (sighs) - No. (soft music) And then, just close the ends. Now, take the fork. - Okay. - And just... the edges. - Got it. Just... the edges. - Good job. - Now? (Lidia chuckles) Not bad, right? - It's better. Do you think this is too close together? - No, this is all about bringing groups together. - Yeah, there's sitting next to each other, and then there's sitting on each other's laps. - There's an idea! Separate group tables it is. Let's nail that <i>la bella vita!</i> (grunting) - Okay. That's good. - Uh...Those curtains... They gotta go. - Is it not modern enough for you? (sighs) - Well... it's not even noon, and it looks like the sun's setting in here. This is it. This is it right here! - I used to come here all the time as a kid! - Well, based on geocached locations, app users can log stories and memories connected to any given place. Kind of cool, right? Like, okay, for example... Um... This one reads, "Alex, although life keeps pulling us apart, we'll always have this fountain. The fountain is the first place that we met. Where we held hands. The place where we first tried Frank's amazing cheesesteaks. Where we first kissed..." Um... So it's kind of like carving a heart into a tree or putting a lock on a gate, except in some ways, this is better. Every one of those coins is a memory that you can read about here. - That's actually... really sweet. (soft music) What if we implement a similar feature into our Pairings app? In addition to the fun facts about the food and drinks, guests could log and share their memories connected to the meal? I mean, food can be so evocative in how it stirs up memories, you know? - Lidia? - Hmm? - Are my ears deceiving me, or did you just pitch me on a tech idea? - You will tell no one! (♪♪) (coin clinking) - So Dani, the app, I have some ideas. - Oh yeah? Well, tell me. - I found a way to incorporate the older features without disrupting the main experience. (intriguing music) - Sammy, this is genius. I'll tell you what, I'm going to email Eric right now and see if he can get that stuff over to our dev team. - Really? - Yeah. - Wow, I think I peaked early. Well, I'm off to Zia's for the night. - Sammy. - So... How does a dork like you raise a cool kid like that? (laughs) - I couldn't tell ya. - You know she's a genius, right? That coding stuff she was showing me, that's really advanced. - Yeah, she takes after her father with all that stuff. - You okay? - Yeah. Yeah, I'm good. (sighing) Okay, fine. Sammy has just been talking about seeing her dad in San Francisco for the summer and... and I want her to go, I do, it's just... Three months is a long time, you know? To be away. And... it's not like her father isn't gonna do a good job, he is, and... ...he's a good dad and I want her to go. He deserves to have time with her. It's just, I... I'm sorry, I'm rambling. - No, don't apologize. I don't know what it's like to be a parent, but... knowing you and Sammy, I think you're gonna be alright. Plus, there are other ways to stay communicate these days. (clears throat) CookVille! (chuckles) - Thanks for listening. - Thanks for sharing. - You wanna try? - Let me try. Yeah. - Okay. Just one roll with your thumb. Just one. Okay. (laughs) (rhythmic music) - So... You know how I like to bug you like a nagging parent, but we're two days out from the opening. Are we going to make this deadline? - It's all gonna work out, end of story! Finished. - Okay. Oh, uh, by the way, Lidia's daughter Sammy, she's got some ideas for the game. - Uh... - Hey, don't, don't, don't worry. Trust me on this. Her instincts for design are... well, better than mine were a couple years ago. - Uh... where are you going with this? Don't worry, look, it's just that... I don't know, her passion... it reminds me of why we do this in the first place. - Well, whatever inspires you to get to the finish line. - I want to take you for last night. - For what? - For talking to Sammy, for listening to her. For taking her seriously. I mean, I try to connect with her with all that techno stuff, but I have no idea what I'm talking about. (chuckles) It means a lot. To her and to me. - She has a bright future ahead of her, heck, if she isn't already a great collaborator. You know, I was so in my own head when I first got into this business. It was all about me and my image. Believe it or not, I've been trying to distance myself from my own brand. What I'm getting at, and what I've been telling myself for years is... the fastest way friendship is through collaboration. - Speaking of collaboration... Do you want to try out some newfangled recipes with me? - I just get to be a taste tester though, right? (chuckles) (soft music) I've got it this time. - Just a few days ago, it was like you'd never picked up a knife in your life. - Well, in my defense, half of that was pure nerves. The other half was I was just pretty terrible at this. But... I did some after-hours lessons. I chopped so many cloves of garlic, I don't think my apartment or my hands will ever smell the same again. - Well, as you were, sir. - Thank you. - Mmm. - Perfect, 10 out of 10, no notes. - This is really good. Explain yourself. - Well, uh... - I mean, it needed a little bit more garlic. - Okay, then 9 out of 10. I'll take it. Where's Sammy? - Oh, she's crashing at Zia's. They watch a show together, it's serious business. - Well, what do you say we clean up and walk this off? - That sounds lovely. (uplifting romantic music) Be honest, did you think it was gonna work out? The way it has, I mean. - Well, if there is one thing you should know about me by now, Lidia, it's that I am an eternal optimist. But no, doomed to fail, obviously. (sighs) - It's getting late. - Yeah, we have a lot of work ahead of us. Walk you home? - Yeah. Okay. (soft romantic music) - So... you and Dani? You cannot tell me that there isn't something going on there. - I can tell you, and there isn't. (scoffs) - I don't believe you. - Well... - Lidia, come on! When's the last time you dated anyone? This could be good for you and good for Sammy to have someone like that in her life. - Someone impulsive? Yeah, I don't think that's good for Sammy. - Ugh, okay, well it's clear as day that Sammy idolizes him. And a little impulsiveness could be a good thing for you. You know, it'd help balance out your, uh... your steady nature. - My steady nature? - It was a compliment! (laughs) Okay, and speaking of which, tell me how good that coffee is. - It's above average. (scoffs) - We need to get legal in on this as soon as possible. We need to... uh... - Am I interrupting something? - Um... - Look, I know I've given you reason to doubt me in the past, but I promise you that Lidia and I are right on track-- - Dani. This isn't about that. - Uh, it's... it's not? Uh, what...? - It's Brain Waves. <i>- They've made an official</i> <i>offer to partner with us.</i> <i>-</i> They want to collaborate with us on the new restaurant. We'd be the first designers to work exclusively with their new proprietary VR tech. Their first true foray into the multimedia space. - I can't believe it! - I know, I know! I was gonna call you, but I wanted to see the look on your face. After all these years... - It's finally happening. <i>- All that's left to do</i> <i>is draft up the official terms</i> <i>with both parties.</i> - And we're all set to get this train rolling! So, what will it be? Are we... are we doing this? We're doing this, right? (excited laughing) (soft music) <i>- La bella vita.</i> - Hello. - Hey, Allen! How are you? - Hanging in there, sweetie, hanging in there. - Let me put an espresso for you. - No, no. I'll only be a minute. Sit down. (sighs) - What is this? - Open it. - Allen... What is this? I... I don't understand. - It's for you. For your family. - No, I can't accept this! This... Generous doesn't even begin to cover it. I... - Nonsense, kiddo, of course you can! It's just a little fund I've been saving for a rainy day. Along with some contributions from the community. (♪♪) (voice breaking): But why? - Why? Because of you. You're a good egg. I don't wanna see anything cracking your spirit. Consider it a down payment for the next chapter. - Allen, I... I can't... Hey... hey! Um... Everything okay? - Oh yeah, no... Um, yeah, everything's great. - It's just that you're so early. Not that I'm complaining or anything. It's... - Yeah, meetings went quick. Listen, um... Uh... Okay, this is gonna sound crazy, but do you remember how a little while back, I was always pitching you on the idea of virtual reality and you were always shooting me down? - Yeah? - Because... - Because food is what transports you. - Right! And I totally agree. But what if, now bear with me here, but what if we could actually transport them? Like, beyond the emotional response that's triggered from a bite of food. - Uh, Dani, what are you trying to get at here? - Brain Waves wants to work with us. - What? - Brain Waves! The pioneers of virtual reality technology. They reached out to us this morning, Eric and I have been chasing these guys for years, and look, they want to partner with us in the restaurant. They want to use this place as a launching pad for their new technology, and their new technology is beyond anything anybody has ever seen. It's a whole new frontier. Look, I know this is a lot to take in, but I think once you see what we can actually do and try it, I think-- - No! No! Why would you think this is what I'd want? This is not what we agreed upon. What about Pairings? Dani. What did you do? - I... I already agreed. - Oh! I... Are you kidding me? You made that decision on your own? - I thought you would be excited. This is exciting! - For you! It is exciting for you! We put so much work into this place. You don't care about anything, do you? That's your problem. You go from one thing to the next, and then you expect everyone else to clean up your mess. - Is that what you really think of me? Do you know how hard it's been to work with you? How much I've had to compromise? You're so stuck in the past you can't see that this, what we're doing, is something special. I mean... Sometimes, it's okay to let some things go. - Exactly. We are done. - What's that? - This is more money I've ever had in my entire life. It is my ticket for Violetta's to stay exactly how it's always been. You and I and this endeavour, it is done. - Oh, Lidia, Lidia-- - There's the door, please leave. (soft emotional music) - Sweetie, I know how hurt you are right now. But over the years, I have watched you pour everything into this place. And to be honest, I mean, I've been a little worried at times. But ever since Dani came into the picture... it's like a weight lifted, you know? - I wouldn't say that. (scoffing) - No? Lidia, come on, you put so much pressure on yourself to do right by this restaurant, by your mom and dad, you lose track of doing right by you. And I mean, Dani, he just... took some of that burden off of you. - The restaurant isn't a burden, Zia. - Isn't it, though? You've always been so fiercely independent. Never asking for any help. But honestly... we've never seen you lighter, and happier than you've been in these past few days. Finally allowing someone to share the weight of it all. - Well... What's done is done, right? And now, um... We can do what we wanted with Violetta's. - Okay, Heidi, everyone. While the deal may have fallen through with Brain Waves in relation to Pairings, hope is not lost. It seems they have some renewed interest in CookVille itself. Talks are still very much in the preliminary stages, but they're open to the idea of partnering with us to help facilitate the next big step for the game. A fully integrated virtual reality relaunch! Now, the level of immersion this would offer our consumers is guaranteed to generate unprecedented buzz. <i>(Heidi): So this means</i> <i>no more frivolous detours</i> <i>into restaurants, correct?</i> (clears throat) - Well, given the state of the pop-up, things are starting to wind down-- <i>- Yes or no?</i> - Yes. Once the pop-up is closed, it'll be full steam ahead for CookVille VR. <i>- Excellent. Back on track.</i> <i>-</i> So yeah! Exciting news! (soft music) - You miss him, don't you, Mom? Maybe you both can still be friends? (sighs) - I don't think that's how it works. - I know the timing isn't the best, but is there any chance you could bring this tablet over to him? I have encrypted files with CookVille ideas I've been working on that I want him to look over. - No, no, no... Of course. Okay? Keep doing your homework, I'll be back in a flash. Okay? - There you are! What are you doing here? - Did you know we served a halibut with a panang curry glaze? - Dani, are you okay? - Yeah. Working with Lidia at the restaurant, it's... It's giving me some clarity. I'm proud of all of the work we've done at CookVille, I am, but I think it's time for me to change gears. - And do what, exactly? - I don't know. Maybe cook somewhere? Teach? I just want to connect with people, you know, face-to-face. Work on something more tangible. I'm gonna be stepping away from the company. And... I'd like you to step in as CEO in my place. - But... This is a joke. This has to be a joke? This isn't a joke. - No. Look, I might be the face of the company, but... you're the lifeblood. You know? I mean, nothing would be done if it wasn't for you. So, the job is yours if you want it. - Thank you, Eric. Thanks for everything. - Hi. - Hi. (soft music) - Dani... All the things that I said, I didn't... - No, no, stop. Don't apologize. All that is on me. I shouldn't have gone behind your back. I betrayed you, I betrayed the trust that we built. And for what? Some old dream from another time. I totally understand if you never want to see me again. - Everything that you just said to Eric... You meant that, didn't you? - Yeah, every word. - I've always had my life planned as one set thing. And working alongside you, seeing how you just throw yourself in without any worry, it made me realize that none of us know what the heck we're doing. Things change and dreams come and go. - I thought I was supposed to be the sappy one! This whole thing with Pairings... The investors, Brain Waves, they've all moved on. To them, this is over. - It's okay, because we weren't doing it for them anyways. We.... finish Pairings. For us, and for our friends, our family. For everyone. - And we do it... by tomorrow night? Thanks to my big mouth, everybody's expecting a grand opening. (chuckles) - Dani... are you doubting us? (phone chimes) (clears throat) (sighs) Sammy gave me this because it's an encrypted file she said that you need to get a look at. - She emailed me this last night. (sighs) Smart kid. (chuckles) Yeah. (uplifting music) (laughing) (♪♪) - I wanna show you something. - Okay. Oh! Okay, what's this? - This is a last-minute addition. It's just a caffeinated alternative for those who are not, you know, feeling the wine menu. - Okay! But you're not gonna pair decaf people with triple shot espresso people, are you? No, seriously, that's a recipe for disaster. - It's true. (sighs) How would you like to manage this side of the restaurant? Put your barista skills to good use. You know, have the café you've always dreamed about? - Are you serious? - Of course! I mean, you can even call it Kate's Corner or something! - Stop! Okay! Okay, yeah, I'm in! - Yeah? Okay! (♪♪) (indistinct chatter) (laughing) - Wow, you two! (laughing) This is way beyond anything I could've imagined! - You like it? - Do I like it? - Cheers. - Sammy! - D-Con! (indistinct chatter) (chuckling) Hey, Mom, can I talk to you for a sec? - Is everything okay? - Mom. - Mm-hmm? - If it's okay with you, I really would like to spend the summer with Dad. (sighs) And we can still talk every day. Plus, it wouldn't even be too long. Maybe you could even come and visit. - Of course. Of course you can go see your dad. Life is flashing by and I want to spend every moment of it with you. But it's okay, because you're gonna go see your dad, and you're gonna have the best time ever. You and your dad deserve it. Okay? - Really? - Mm-hmm. - Oh, thank you, Mom! Thank you, thank you, thank you! - I love you, tortellini. - I love you too, Mom. - Come on. Could you help me bring some water in the back? - Yes. (soft music) - You know... Lidia... I have to say... I haven't this comfortable with myself in a really long time. - Did you write me a cheesy monologue? - Yeah, I even practised it in the mirror a bunch of times. - This is gonna be a regular thing, isn't it? - You love it. - Ah. I do. And that is why, I wrote one too. - Hmm. - Dani... I always thought I would do everything alone. And I was okay with that. Until I met you. I just never thought that... - Now, do I get to finish my monologue? (romantic music) (applause, cheering) Subtitling: difuze
Channel: Movie Surf | English
Views: 245,821
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Reel One Entertainment, #englishmovies, #MovieNight, #FilmLovers, #FilmRecommendations, #MovieTime, David Lafontaine, AnnaMaria Demara, comedy, romance, family, hallmark, hallmark movies, Britton Webb
Id: 8uAzqENrSTc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 58sec (5338 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2024
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