What We Do for Love (2023) | Full Movie

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♪ I see you ♪ ♪ I see it in your eyes ♪ ♪ Just hold me ♪ ♪ But don't hold me back ♪ ♪ Let's take a ride ♪ ♪ Anywhere you wanna go ♪ - I'm so excited. This is it. We're going in. ♪ Anywhere you wanna go ♪ ♪ Ooh ♪♪ I just want to say a few words. Thank you so much for making my time at Hope & Associates a wonderful experience. I can't believe that I'm leaving. I'm gonna miss you guys so much. It's gonna be really strange not coming in to work every day and... oh! Oh, and I'm sorry, there should also be a lobster special. I pre-ordered it weeks ago. Obviously. (laughing) OK, although I am very sad to be leaving, I am super excited about the opportunity to work for Floating Lotus. Thank you all for your well wishes and for the gifts. Let's eat! Cheers. What is... Sorry. Hi. (laughing nervously) Sorry, I think that there has been some sort of a mix-up. You see, that is my lobster. I pre-ordered it. - Oh, man, that sucks. This is the last one. - What? - I know. Anyway, no big deal, Maitre D said he's gonna get you something else. - I don't want something else. If I wanted something else, I would have ordered something else. - It's so good, right? I told you that food critic was dead on. - Really? Right in front of me? - It's getting cold. - I have been wanting this for over a week now! - You are absolutely right, I am so sorry. I saw it, she wanted it. It was a whole thing, trust me. But I tell you what, I'm gonna get your whole table's dinner and drinks, OK? Unlimited, on me. - No. - Excuse me? Hi. Anything that table wants goes on here. Hi, there! Hi. I'm the lobster thief. Hi. Order whatever you want tonight, I'm gonna take care of it. OK? Enjoy. - No. Keep my lobster and you keep your money! (sighs) Thank you. (laughing) - Oh, man. It's true, though. (man chuckling) <i>- Your voice is your most</i> <i>powerful currency.</i> <i>How can you expect someone else</i> <i>to appreciate your voice's value</i> <i>if you're unable to see</i> <i>the value yourself?</i> - Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. (squeals excitedly) Femi! - Welcome to Floating Lotus, girl. - I can't believe I'm finally here. Look at you! - Ah, it's so good to have you here. Femi and Sophie back together. It's gonna be just like college but, you know, not as wild. (laughing) George and Amanda will be with you in less than two minutes. - Wow, OK, very efficient. - Amanda says that time is an underrated currency. - I agree. I didn't think that I could admire her any more than I already do, but here we are. - They were gonna send a PA to meet you and I was like, "Hell, no. That's my girl Sophie." - Oh, welcome to our space, Sophie Martinez. You blew me away in the interview. I can't wait to see you in action. - It is great to see you again. - There you go. - Amanda, this is beyond an honour. Your cover of TIME 100 was breathtaking. Everything you said about investing energy in the right people was spot on. (chuckles) - Thank you, you are too kind. - And Mr. Sharpe, I was a little shy to say in the interview, but you actually spoke at my graduation years ago at NYU. - Oh! (chuckling) - I will simply leave you with this. Be your own hero. - Oh, looks like we have a super fan. - Yeah, I-I'm gonna stop talking now 'cause I sound like a crazy person. - Oh no, not to worry. Thanks, Femi. - Thank you. - Do me a favour. - Mm-hmm? - Never apologize for being the smartest person in the room. If you have the knowledge, own it! - Thank you. - Well, shall we? - Yes, please. (George): So this is the executive suite area and, of course, your office... Thank you all for letting us borrow your valuable time. - We'd like to introduce our new relationship life coach, Sophie Martinez. (Femi): Woo! (applause) - Sophie here graduated at the top of her class at NYU. She has a master's degree in psychiatry. And she comes to us after ten years at the Brooklyn firm of Hope & Associates. Is there anything you'd care to add, Sophie? - This is what I've always dreamed of. Thank you for exceeding my expectations. - Well, we only work with winners here, so you'll fit right in-- (man): So sorry. So sorry, so sorry. Traffic. So sorry. Hi, Femi. - Jason! We just assumed you wouldn't be here. - Amanda, what can I say, you make it a delight. (chuckles) - You! - Oh, hey. Lobster lady, small world alert. Are you following me? - I could ask you the same thing. How did you know that I worked here? Who let you in the building? - Well, I asked you a question first, lobster lady. - Stop calling me that! - Can someone explain what is going on here? - Sophie, this is Jason... (Sophie): OK. (George): ...Sharpe. - Hardly. - My son! Jason Sharpe. - That's my dad. - Oh. - For the record, I do work here. I'm not a trespasser. - I... Mr. Sharpe... I-I... - I don't know, I think you owe me an apology, right? - No, you owe me an apology. - Oh, do I? - Yeah. Thank you for ruining my last day at my old job, and now ruining my first day at my new job. (sighs) - Oh, Sophie! - Ow! - What is wrong with you? - Jason, can I see you in my office, please? - Sure, Dad. - Feeling better? - Yeah. I think so. It's just not how I wanted to start my first day. - What I want to know is how do you already know Jason? - A very long story involving a stolen lobster meal. (Femi laughing) - That sounds like Jason. He's just a goofy guy. I won't lie, it takes some time to get used to his style, but you'll soon see that he's one of the good guys. - I'm not convinced. You could've warned me about him. - Do you want my advice? - Mm-hmm... - There's more to Jason Sharpe than meets the eye. Save yourself a world of pain and forget whatever nonsense he did when you first met. He's like the prince of this company, everyone loves him. And he is a great relationship life coach. - I don't know how you can spend an hour with that person, let alone a decade. - I'll admit it, I didn't love his personality when we first met, but it takes time, and you need to give him a chance. - Sounds cute and all, but no. No, I can't imagine a world where me and His Royal Highness ever become buddies! No! Hopefully, he's just never in the office and we never cross paths. - And don't think we haven't heard things swirling around you, missy. You squashed a mediation in two hours? You keep pulling magic like that and we'll all be out of a job by the end of the year. Your records are putting us to shame. - Hmm. Thanks. - You got this. - I can do this. - Yeah. (chuckling) (indistinct chatter) (George): Hey. - Hi, I am so glad to have caught you both. I am so sorry about earlier. - Oh, no worries. The past is past. Actually, I'm glad we caught you. As you and Jason already seem to know one another, we thought you could partner on an upcoming case. (laughing): Partners! As in being in the same space on a regular basis! - Well, yes. Our new clients, Thea and Alyx Green, are having a little trouble with their marriage and they could use some guidance. - The newspaper heiress and social media CEO? That's huge. - Mm-hmm. - That's a lot of responsibility for Jason, George. Now, look. I normally handle all high tax bracket clients so I would be more than happy to oversee this with Sophie. - Now I understand that, Amanda, but Jason needs to do this. - But can he do this? - Oh, well, with Sophie here I'm sure he can. Your reputation makes you the best person to handle this. - Yup, I'm on it. You can count on me. - Excellent. - Great. Just great. - Great. - That's great. - Shall we? - Thank you, sir. - So you two are partners now. (laughing) (Sophie): Yeah, you're right. It's gonna be OK. (Femi): It will. You'll be fine. - Mm-hmm. - Be nice. - I'm very nice. So, I'm guessing my dad told you the exciting news. - Yup, I'm stuck with you. - OK. Do you always say exactly what's on your mind? - Amanda once said in an interview that... (both): ...honesty is freedom. - You're an Amanda super fan, awesome... Uh, listen, lobster l... - Sophie. - ...Sovie. - Sophie. - Sophie. You're new here and I know you're very fast and very good at your job, but it's gonna be a lot easier if you let me take the lead on this one, OK? Trust me. - How about no? - Just no, just like that. Just no, OK. Why don't we find a middle ground? Finding a middle ground is what we do. Let's do a brainstorming session... Except I left my laptop at my place. So that's gonna be problematic. - You came all the way to work without your laptop. Of course you did. - OK, easy on the tone. My place is very close to here and this office is way too office-y. It's the worst. Why don't we work from my place? - Mm... Yeah, I'm not sure that's a good idea. - Look, if we go late, I'll even cook to say... I am sorry. - Fine. - Great. This is gonna be great. We're gonna have fun. - Mm-hmm... - And we're collaborating. (clears throat) Yep. OK... Okie dokie. Here we go. - So, Alyx and Thea Green. They've been married for just a little over eight months. - Eight months. - No kids. - I don't know, do we want kids? - Alyx likes to burn the midnight oil at the office. - Works too hard... - Mm-hmm, and Thea likes to hit up the hottest spots in New York. - She's cool. - They couldn't be anymore opposite. - Well, opposites attract. - So, what's the grand plan? - We start with a natural approach, getting them to truly listen to each other. - That's it? - Well, sometimes starting with the simplest way is the best way. - Well, my idea, is goal measurement personality overview, a rescripting of key moments in the relationship, and reviewing how to maintain goals. - Wow, that's, that's good. It's clinical, um, and just so I'm clear, what's wrong with having them talk it out and we casually supervise? - Well, because there's no proven research to show that that works. OK, can you please just go with me on this? - Ah, I did promise I would cook, didn't I? Look, we can't make decisions on a couple's marriage on an empty stomach. It's... It's wrong, it's unethical. Trust me, it's no fun. Really. - If I do eat this "meal", can you please promise to let me take the lead on the Greens case? - What does "meal"... Why did you do "meal" in air quotes? Prepare to be wowed, OK? Prepare yourself for the third-best meal you've ever had. - Thank you. It's edible. (whispers): Wow. (upbeat music) OK, let me take the lead. - Yes, absolutely. - I want to spend this first meeting working with the Greens trying to figure out what they want to achieve through this mediation. And then get them to write down some end goals. - Aye aye, captain. (Sophie): Great. And then what you can do is-- - Yo! Yo! - I thought you were joking when you said you were gonna be on this. - Oh, come on. Nonsense. My two favourite people on the entire planet are in trouble, I am here to save love. Hi. - You all know each other. - Yeah, since private school. - Yeah, how's your dad? - Thankfully, on a yacht playing golf in Sydney. How's George? - Eh, same old. - I'm Sophie, if anyone's interested. - I am so sorry, I completely high-jacked this meeting. This is Sophie Martinez, who is like a hundred times smarter than me, allegedly. - Thank you, Jason, with the hyperboles. - I got you. - Hey. Please, take a seat. Thank you for coming in. Can I first applaud you for taking this important step in your relationship? I don't want you to see this mediation as a resuscitation, but rather as an opportunity to take pause and check in with one another. - Aww... It looks so pretty outside. Hey, I wonder if the botanical gardens would be busy right now. (laughing) - You remember that? - Remember what? - Our first date. - Can you believe this genius over here was gonna take Thea to see, what, a guns-blazing Vin Diesel movie for their first date? - Who doesn't like a Vin Diesel movie? Jason suggested I take her to the botanical gardens, and I think he said, "Be original, dude." - And he did. - You know what? Why don't we go? Why don't we go right now, this room is way too roomy. - Uh, no, we have a mist machine, it's really nice here, plus all of our documents are here. We should probably stay. (Sophie sighs) (Alyx): Hello? Yeah? - What happened to me taking the lead? - I was just flowing with the energy in the room, it's kind of my thing. But it's all you, OK? From here on out, you got the lead. It's you, OK? (Sophie sighs) OK. I want you both to take your minds back to your very first date, OK? What words would you use to describe how you were feeling that day? - Nervous. - Mm-hmm. - Stressed. - Yeah. (Alyx): Awkward. - Awkward. OK, any positive words? All right, uh, new plan. Alyx, I want you to take Thea over to the greenhouse, just the two of you. Find a plant that you think is the other person's least favourite. (both chuckling) OK? So you're gonna find this ugly plant, but you're gonna talk about it positively, using positive words. The goal here is to see it from the other person's point of view. OK, and it could be fun. OK, you got this. - How are we meant to monitor and make notes for our report if we have no one to report on? - I think we should give them some time alone. Trust me, I know them. - Thanks for omitting that. - You never asked. (sighs) - Great. (chuckling) - Hi, how's your day going? - And how was I meant to ask? Has your work style always been this... unique? - I haven't lost a client yet. - Right, you probably bribe them to stay. - What was that? - Nothing. (squeaking) (in a high-pitched voice): Hello, Sophie. (squeaking) I promise you I'm not shellfish. But I think we should be friends. - We should probably call them back. - High-claw. (squeaking) Low-claw. Don't be crabby! (squeaking) (muttering) - Hey! Hey! Over here! (Thea): Hey! - Oh! (chuckling) So, I have to apologize on Jason's behalf. He has a very unique approach. We wouldn't normally send off a couple on their own devices. - That's OK. It's been nice being here, remembering the good times. - Yeah. But we already knew that so... - That's, that's very positive, but while I have you two alone, why don't we set up a new meeting just the three of us to help improve your communication. I have worked with couples with your predicament... - Hey! - ...in the past and we-- - Hi, guys. Hey, here. - What's... what's this? - What are you talking about, it's a plushie, remember? You literally just begged me to buy this for you, like, two seconds ago. You kept doing that weird lobster voice which was very funny by the way. - I definitely did not do that. - Here. So kids, hello. How we doing? What have we learned? (sighs) (Alyx): This place comes with turtles. (Jason): It does. (screams) (gasping) - What happened? - Did those kids just shoot you in the face? - Could we get some towels, please? - Is there a water? Or maybe not water. - Let's just catch up tomorrow, I'm gonna head home. It was lovely to meet you both. Jason! Always a pleasure. I'll see you tomorrow at the office. OK. (sighs) (in a high-pitched voice): Bye. Uh, so what plant did you pick? - So that was... a lot. (chuckling) - They have issues. - Do you think they can fix this, fix us? - Honestly, I don't know. But Jason's basically the brother I never had, so I trust him. - Yeah. I trust him too. And that Sophie girl seems... good? I guess. - Hey, I'd be all over the place too if I had to work with the guy every day. (laughing) - Remember when you and Jay tried to sell ice-cream sandwiches in the park after school? (chuckles) - How could I forget? Worst day of my life. - You literally had smoke coming out of your ears every day. - That was a very teachable moment. Be friends with Jason, don't work with Jason. (phone ringing) Oh. - It's fine, take it. Sure it's important. - Brody, hey. No, uh, I can talk. (phone ringing) (clears throat) - Hey! <i>- How'd it go with the Greens?</i> - Great. Yeah, really great. <i>- Please do not lie to me.</i> - Working with Jason has been awful. And then the day ended in a disaster, I am so embarrassed. - Oh, Sophie, I'm so sorry this is happening. - It has been exhausting. You know, he's late, he never listens, and he is distracted all the time. And then this evil little kid squirted water in my face and I bet you that Jason paid him to do it. (sighing) I can't believe that George and Amanda are forcing us to work together. <i>- Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on.</i> <i>Is the kid real or is that some</i> <i>type of metaphor?</i> - Real! This has been my dream since college. You know, I've always wanted to work with Amanda, and now, this is just turning into a nightmare. - Listen, you're a smart cookie, so rise above his antics and just keep a professional head. (beeping) Oh, uh, I've got another call coming in. Lunch tomorrow? - Yeah. Yeah, that'd be great. Professional head, right. <i>- Femi!</i> - Jason... I just saw your email about the baby shower, and don't you think it's a little over the top? - Fem, as the godfather of your future child, I believe it is my duty to throw you an over-the-top shower. - OK, if you say so. - So vegetarians, vegans, gluten-frees are accounted for, balloons are booked. Cellist, booked. Ice sculpture, booked. - Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa. Excuse me, but I didn't sign off on an ice sculpture. - Ah, yes. We have an ice sculpture now. - This is what I mean. All I need is some place to sit and to be within walking distance of a bathroom, and then I am blessed. The guests won't care. Oh, um, speaking of which, can you put Sophie on the list? - Are you sure she'd wanna come? People normally have fun at baby showers. - So she's a little old-school. - She doesn't know how to go with the flow, it's exhausting. -She's so smart and beautiful, she doesn't need to be so strict and stressed out all the time. - Hold on, back up. Did you just call Sophie smart and beautiful? Should we maybe put the ice sculpture on hold for your wedding reception? - OK, I get the hint. I'll cancel the ice sculpture. - We both know you take a while to warm up to. Sophie just needs time. - You know what? You are very wise. You have given me a great idea for how we can live in total harmony. I just need to find out what she likes and do more of that. <i>OK, let's see...</i> Sophie... OK, family pics, volunteering at a homeless shelter, wow. Family pics. Bridesmaid. Running pics. Jackpot, baby. (rhythmic music) (exhales) ♪ Wake up to your new reality ♪ ♪ Slow down 'cause there ain't no guarantee ♪ ♪ Make up for lost time and you will see ♪ ♪ That you can be anything you wanna be ♪ ♪ On track you can't know but still you go ♪ ♪ Unwrap you want what your future holds ♪ ♪ Slow down keep it up and you will see ♪ ♪ That you can be anything you wanna be ♪♪ - What are you doing?! - I believe the kids call it running. - Like you would know. - What are you talking about? I run all the time. - Yeah? In brand-new running gear? (laughs dismissively) - Fine. I like new things and new challenges, and giving new things and new challenges a chance. - Stick to the gym! - God, I'm in bad shape. OK, how about a joke? - How about silence? - What do runners with bad shoes feel? The agony of defeat. OK, that was really bad. That was really bad. OK, what do sprinters eat before a race? Nothing, they fast. Even worse, I know. You smiled a little bit though. Oh! Oh, I am so sorry. (barking) - All right, thanks for the laugh, partner. - I am so sorry. Hi. Hi, there. (Femi): I wonder why we're here. - Hey, what's going on? - Did you not get Jason's email? - I did. It was very vague. Treasure maps have more detail. (laughing) "I'll provide a bark that will help bring the spark. Come to the fountain." It doesn't even rhyme. - He was never great at English. -- Does he always do this? (mischievous music) How does anyone get any work done around here? - Hi, everyone! Hi! Sorry to be so vague in the email, but it's hard to type and wrangle these fellas at the same time. I thought with everything going on in the office lately, we could all use a little morale booster. - Aww. (Amanda): Jason. Are you working hard? Or hardly working? - Good one. (barking) Oh, don't be embarrassed. Dogs just have a sixth sense on picking up people's vibes. It's a skill. (Jason laughing) - So sweet. - So if you have them for the day, when are you gonna write up your half of the Greens progress report? - It's all up here. Listen, why don't we start fresh? Let's take these guys around for the day and talk about the Green case. - I guess I'll just write the report myself. I'm gonna get back to work. (George): Oh, there she is. Come in, come in. Welcome. Welcome to my safe space. - Thank you. Can I start by saying thank you for trusting me with the Greens. - Oh, well we have every faith in you and Jason. The two of you give off a very positive aura when you're together. (sighs) - To be honest, George, and I hope that I don't cause any offence, I feel more like Jason's babysitter than his partner. - She's a smart girl, George. She'll figure it out eventually. - Figure out what? - Well, look. The truth is, your job is to babysit Jason. Look, I'll be completely frank with you. I've been doing this for a very, very long time and I'm looking to retire. And I made my late wife a promise, so I plan to hand the reins over to Jason, but he's still a little green in certain areas. Everyone around here wants to be his friend rather than be guided by him. But I mean, you, you're a straight shooter. - Thanks? (chuckling) - And I know that you'll get him to step up his game. - Sorry, but I always assumed that Amanda would take over given that you're VP and that you've worked so hard for this company. - Yeah, but this is a family business. My wife Claire and I set it up for our son to take it over. - Sophie, we admire your confidence in wanting to take the Greens case solo, but Jason does have history with the couple, so discretion is paramount. If the press should get wind of this, well, it could spell the end... for all of us. - Exactly. Press is a big no-no. - This is all about minimal impact. - Got it. So, no pressure. (laughing) I still think I could seal this case if I was on my own. - Time is so important and you're famous for your speed in resolving cases. Now, um, if you can't turn Jason into the relationship life coach he needs to be, your time here might be very short. - Noted. Thank you. (knocking) Seriously? How does he have so much energy all the time? I'm gonna give you a piece of my mind, Jason Sharpe. - Soph! Pull up a chair! - I think I'm gonna stand. Listen... - This is who I was talking about, the one and only Sophie Martinez. Sophie, gang. Gang, Sophie. Here, let me get you some food, yeah? Or maybe a margarita? -- No. - If you're feeling fun. - I'm not staying. - No? - Jason, I need to talk to you about your workload. Um, we need to prioritize the tasks that I've assigned. It's a formula that works and I just need you to be on my team... - I am so sorry. - Jason. - You gotta hold that thought. Oh, I gotta do this. - Is he always like this? - This is my jam right now. Excuse me, can you turn this up? (lively music) - Can't you see I'm trying to talk to you? - Sophie, all we do is talk. Come on, have some fun. Come on, we're off the clock. - OK, I don't dance, Jason. - What are you talking about you don't dance? A life without dance is like life without water or air. I think you just need a little bit of encouragement. Sophie, Sophie, Sophie. - No, no, no. - Yeah, this is happening. (all clamouring) - The people love you. Sophie! Sophie! - OK, OK, OK. Provided that we talk like partners. - We're partners. - I don't know what game you're playing here, but I need you to stay focused on the Green case. There are a lot of people who are relying on us to get them to reconcile. - The Greens, tomorrow. Today, we dip. (tango music) OK, I did not see this coming. Oh, we're doing this. - Mm-hmm. -- Oh, yeah. You just said you can't dance. - I can dance, I don't dance, it's very different. - Ah. Oh, oh! Oh! (grunts) (Sophie sighs) - I gotta go. It was lovely meeting you all. See you back at the office, yeah? - I'll see ya. (soft music) - I'm worried the two of you aren't getting along. - What?! We're like Simon and Garfunkel. - They broke up. - OK, Siegfried and Roy. - Do you not read the papers? - Penn and Teller? - Perfect, you could be Teller. - Which one doesn't talk? - This is what I mean. The atmosphere in this office is suffocating and it's distracting everyone. Now, I'm gonna book the two of you into the Retreat Centre. - Oh, no, Dad. There's really no need and I don't think Sophie would want to. - I think it's a great idea. - It is? - Yeah, the Floating Lotus is an institution and I've always wanted to visit, admittedly as an employee, not a client. - Wonderful. I'll have Jodie make the arrangements. - Well, since we're taking things off-road, I think we should add Alyx and Thea to the guest list. I really think we need to surround them with positive stimuli and I can't think of another time when those two were happy and drama-free than when we would spend summers at the retreat. - You know, that might not be a bad idea. Just promise me you'll be on your best behaviour, no late-night fishing. - Don't worry about it. It's not important. - And keep in mind, the two of you are gonna be on your own with our two biggest clients. Please conduct yourselves appropriately. Now, how this pans out will reflect on both your futures with this company. Do I make myself clear? - 100 percent. - Absolutely. - Thank you. - Thank you. - Bye, Dad. - Goodbye, Jason. (sighs) (Sophie): Jason, do you always drive this fast? (Sophie sighs) Jason, can you slow down?! So, are you going to tell me about this late-night fishing incident? - All right, but you can't judge me. - No promises. - So Alyx and I used to spend summers here when his parents were away. So one night, we wanted to go late-night fishing, but we didn't have any bait. So we decided we should use slushies and pour them into the river. - Seriously? - We thought the fish would be drawn to the sugar, and pollution was kind of a new thing back then. Anyway, camp security came running over and it scared us so much that we jumped into the river, and when we came out, we discovered that while fish don't really care for sugar, mosquitoes and horseflies really do. Next thing we know, we're in our underwear getting aloe vera gel thrown at us by the camp leaders. - Well, folks, that's what we call karma. - Hmm. Could really go for a slushie right now though. After you. (Sophie): Thank you. - Ah, welcome to the Floating Lotus Retreat Centre where we aim to mend your fences. It's a dreary day out there! I'm David. Mr. Sharpe. - Hi. - I'm sorry, I didn't realize it was you. Oh, welcome back. It's an honour, sir. - Please, please. - Mr. Sharpe is here! - No, that's unnecessary. OK, if you insist. - Thank you. There you are, some non-alcoholic drinks for you. Now, here are your keys and your confidentiality agreements. Now I need this signed before your first activity. Now, shall I sign you up for the couple's package? - Um... A couple? No, um, definitely not. (chuckling) Mr. Sharpe and I are work colleagues, we are definitely not together. - However, Alyx and Thea Green are our guests and they'll be arriving this evening. - Oh, OK. Well, that's great. May I suggest a hike this afternoon? - Sure. Let's hike. - Great. - Great! OK, then. Well, I'll just let you two settle in. (laughing) Enjoy your stay. - All right, thank you, David. All right, follow me. Hi, there. - Could you help the lady? Thank you so much. (Sophie): Thank you. - Excellent. I look forward to that hike. (sighs contentedly) - The drive in was fine, apart from Jason's driving. Except that when we were signing in, they asked if we were a couple. Can you believe that? In what universe? - You guys are always, you know... <i>- No.</i> Not you, too. No way. - I've got eyes and ears, honey. - Pray tell, how am I meant to be with a guy that I can spend, what, max an hour with? That doesn't seem like the strongest foundation for happily ever after. - All I'm saying is you seem to be less angry when you're talking about him. Friends, maybe? (sighing) - Doubtful. - Hey, neighbour. Crazy I'm in the room next to yours. Beautiful place, isn't it? - I'm gonna call you back. (chuckles) - I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm having serious separation anxiety from the city, but there's just something about the country air that just grounds you, right? - Hmm. We're gonna need some ground rules. - OK. - The biggie being scheduled time-outs. Is that OK? - Sure, whatever you need. - Great. I'm gonna take one right now. - OK. - OK. - What's a scheduled time-out? Scheduled time-out... Yeah, I can't use aloe vera gel anymore. (David): I can understand why. - Hey, how was your scheduled time-out? - It was delightful, thank you. - Sophie, are you ready for that hike? - Mm-hmm. (chuckling) And, might I add, that this has been on my bucket list of places to visit for years now. - Wow, love the enthusiasm. Now, just to give you a bit of brief history. Decades ago, when the company finally broke even, George Sharpe and his late wife, Claire, they were exhausted. Their relationship was strained, they had taken on too many responsibilities. So George decided to have a weekend away at a pottery class. A place to have them open up about their feelings. - Uh, that was actually my mom who suggested that, not him. - Oh, yes. No, you're absolutely right, Mr. Sharpe. It was your mother, Claire, who suggested the pottery. Well, the couple, they were so inspired that they saved up, they bought a plot of land, and they built this beautiful retreat. Which is what Floating Lotus is now. - And it has become award-winning. - Yes, exactly. Whilst you're here, you'll have access to tennis, hiking, fishing. And mediation sessions to help with your communication. On the last night, we ask all our participants to gather at the promise tree, where you'll make promises to each other before tying a ribbon around a branch of the tree, which symbolizes your commitment to continue working on your relationships. - And what if we don't... What if they don't make it to the promise ceremony? - Oh, I know you may feel that way now, but we are here to support you. I have total faith in both of you. Now, are we ready for that hike? - Mm-hmm. (radio static) - Excuse me. Yes, Charlie? David. - Sounds like there's a lot to do over the next couple of days. (David): I'm with clients. (sighs) I'm so sorry, uh, I have to go back to base. - No worries, David. I think we can handle this on our own. Right? - On our own, yes, right. - Have a great hike. - Thank you. - Thanks. (sighs) (screams) - Oh, oh, my ankle. - Oh my God, oh my God. Oh my God. OK. OK. You're fine. OK, don't panic. - Stop I'm OK, I'm OK. - It's gonna be-- This is a disaster I don't know CPR. - I don't need CPR. - Well, how do you know that, Sophie? - Because I'm breathing, Jason. - Yes, you are. I see that. Good job, good work. - OK... (groaning) - Here, I'm gonna carry you back. - No! No, no. No, absolutely not. Put me down, Jason! - Let it out. - Put me down. OK, wow. Just give me that stick. - This? Great. (breathing heavily) - Thank you. Let's head back. No talking and no panicking. Ah... (wincing) Yeah, we're OK. - I'm gonna talk now. How's the ankle? - It's fine. I'm just a bit embarrassed. - Come on, don't be embarrassed. Do you know how many times I've ended up in the emergency room? I'm being serious. (phone chimes) Oh, thank the techno gods. We have a signal. That's weird. It's from Amanda. She emailed me, but I think it was meant for you. She wants to know if Alyx and Thea are still here or if... "Jason has chased them away with his unique relationship management methods." (scoffs) - Amanda wouldn't be doing her job right if she didn't check in on us. - First, Amanda doesn't care. Second, she just wants to see me fall flat on my face. - I think Amanda has been very patient and gracious towards us, especially with the stunts that you pull. Oh! Sorry. The pockets of spontaneity that you find. - Wow, thank you. Thank you so much, that makes me feel so good. - She's a successful businesswoman and she's the VP of this company. Maybe if you spent more time trying to do your job and less time trying to be everyone's best friend, she'd be less worried about you. - I'm gonna get some air. - We're already outside. - Just more air! Away from you! I'm taking a scheduled time-out. - Hey. - Hey. Hey, you're here! - Yeah! Thank you. - You OK? - Yeah, I can ask you the same thing. We could hear the two of you guys screaming at each other from the car park. (sighs) - Look, you and Alyx know I genuinely want to help you save your marriage, right? - Of course. We wouldn't have come to you for help if we didn't trust you. But Sophie also wants to help and we trust her too. So what if she's a little bit more corporate and likes doing things by the book. Stop being difficult and go and talk to her, like a grown-up. You got this. - All right. (soft music) (fire crackling) Here. - Thank you. I struck a nerve earlier, huh? (crickets chirping) I just really struggle with you. I don't think that you do it on purpose, but... I don't know how to be around you. And you being related to my boss just makes it harder. - You know, people think this dropped on my lap. I had to fight for this job. Yes, the company is being handed to me, but I want people to know I can do it. I can be CEO. I have some big ideas for this place. - Really? Like what? - OK. Take on a broader range of clients from different tax brackets. There needs to be a way we can help couples that can't normally afford us. Give the option to all the relationship coaches to having theory and practical training. Have weekly collab meetings where we give and get advice, sharing what we all know. - That actually sounds really smart. - Yeah... You know, I could be great at this job. (sighs) - I know what you mean. Most days, I just feel like a hamster in a wheel. I know that I can handle the theory and the administrative side. But you... you've got an instant connection with everyone that you meet. - Except you. - I guess. - You're not a hamster in a wheel, OK? You're incredible at your job. My dad wouldn't have fired you for any other reason. - Right. - Hey, having my dad respect me the way he respects and admires you is my dream. I know not everyone agrees with my style, but I... I try and support the clients instead of treating them like numbers on paper. It's how my mom wanted to run the place. Free-flowing, personable, catered to each client's needs. She had this way of making everyone's problems feel completely valid. I miss that. I miss her. - Obviously, I've never met her. But if that's how she wanted the company to be, I think you're doing her proud. (gentle music) (Alyx chuckles) - This brings back some memories. (Jason): Yeah, man, for sure. - Oh, look. We've already got some. (whispering): Hey, psst. You have good judgment with women. - I guess? - What's your, uh, what's your take on Sophie? - I think she's pretty cool. - Cool. Cool, cool, cool. (laughing) Yeah, cool. - Seriously? We're your clients. - And you and Thea are our number one priority. - Yeah, I'm not surprised. You haven't taken your eyes off her this whole trip. - No, that's not true. - Hey. Just fix us first, please. - Hey, absolutely. OK, besides, I've only just started to get her to talk to me without driving her nuts. Baby steps. - That's my guy. - They haven't said six words to each other. We need to help them rebuild their communication. (grunts) - I can't focus. It's so beautiful outside. It's like a deodorant commercial out here. (geese honking) - Excuse me? (with an accent): Floating Lotus deodorant is guaranteed to leave your underarms feeling refreshed and ever-closer to the great outdoors. - Please, stop. - I used to do a little bit of voice work on the side. (with an accent): Floating Lotus deodorant contains all natural ingredients and is available at your local drugstore. - Very impressive. (with an accent): Once you start this voice, it is very hard to stop. (in normal voice): Oh, I got something. Here we go. Oh, it's a big one. Yeah. Come to papa. - Oh, wow. (all laughing) - All we need is some iced tea and we'd be right back at your mom's tennis tournaments. - Iced tea! That is a throwback. My mom was completely obsessed with tennis. Every Wimbledon Final, she would host these epic tennis tournaments. - And I'd beat him nearly every time. - Did that happen? Did that really happen? Does that lie come with a challenge, sir? - Jason, we should let Alyx and Thea... - You're on. - Your serve, Federer. (Sophie sighs) Give me the juice! (Alyx): Class is now in session. (grunts loudly) - 15-love! (Alyx): I hope you stretched this morning. - Yeah, buddy, I'm limber. (both grunting) (Jason): Love-30. - All right. I saw a little spin there, a little spin. - Little bit of a spin. - No, no. I see what the problem is. Thea, I think I could use some help here. Doubles? (Jason): Yeah, fine by me. Martinez, it's you! (Alyx): We got this. (Jason): Let's do it. (Sophie): Let's do it. (grunts) (shouting) (Alyx): All right. 15-30. (Jason): That was a close one. Boom, that's good! (laughing) - One last one. (grunts) - Yes. (Alyx): You got it, Thea! - Yes, oh... OK. OK, you guys win, you guys win. - That was so close! (Jason): You guys are good. - That was impressive. - Well, I'm an impressive girl. (Alyx): What do you say we get a smoothie after this? (Thea): Sure. - OK. - This went exactly the way that I planned it, the whole time. - Yeah? - Yeah. (soft music) - In an ideal world, no one wants to raise their partner. For example, if someone's not very organized, which I will admit I am extremely guilty of myself, Sophie stop smiling. (chuckling) But if you can help your partner towards a better way of doing things in a way that feels honest and respectful, and most importantly, doesn't feel like a chore, it can be incredibly beneficial to the relationship as a whole. (gentle music) - Thank you, Jason, for that park session earlier. I think we can all agree that you are very unorganized. (laughing) That was my main takeaway. - That was the point of the whole thing. - It's true. - On a more serious note, we are going to shift gears slightly. And we're going to do a rescripting exercise I like to call "In the Moment". It's going to be a bit intense. Feel ready? - Mm-hmm. - OK. We are gonna start with you closing your eyes. Keep going. Think back to a dark moment in the relationship. - The day he proposed. (sighs) - It's OK, Alyx. We're gonna give Thea the space to say what she wants to say, and then we'll come back to you. - He planned it all with my assistant and got us to Scotland. He took me to John o' Groats where Grandad is from. And we went to a hill, he got down on one knee, and I said yes. But then, Alyx was upset for the rest of the trip and we got into an argument over something stupid. - Leaving parts out, as usual. - OK. Thea, are you comfortable with Alyx to continue from here? - Fine. (Sophie): Great. - I wanted to propose to Thea. I love her. But I felt pressured to do it by her family and her best friend, Shelley. It was like they wanted it on their terms. But I wanted it to be about us, that's why we went to Scotland. - I'm so sorry that people actually care about me and didn't want to see me waste my time. - Waste your time, what does that even mean? - You know exactly what that means. - All I wanted was you. Not your family, not your friends, just you. And as soon as we were engaged, even before we left the hill, your family's PR machine went into overdrive... - OK, OK, OK. We're gonna stop here for a moment. Thank you. - You know, fun fact about John o' Groats, they're famous for a kind of Scotch... It's not the time. - Really? (sighs) - OK. Alyx, when you're ready, keep going. - Thea knew I was gonna pop the question. She was dropping hints the whole trip. She squealed every time I went to tie my shoelace. I was so tired by the end that the romance of it all was gone. - Stay in that moment. We are going to recreate this crucial moment in the relationship. I'm gonna be Thea. Jason, you're gonna be Alyx. Let's get up. - You're me. (Sophie): OK. OK, talk us through how we should stand and feel in this moment. - Jay, you should be gazing into her eyes, a little scared, a little annoyed. - And Sophie, you should be excited. - And what do you wish you would've done in this moment? - Wish I'd taken her by the hand. And wish I had said, not in a jerk way... ...that I felt pressured. And I'm sorry for not speaking up sooner. (gentle piano music) - I wish I would've said, "I'm sorry for being so intense." The moment was about the both of us, not just me. (Alyx): I'm sorry. (Thea): I'm sorry, too. OK, so? What's next? (Alyx clears his throat) - OK. OK, that... That was good. - That was good. Good work. Breakthrough. - Let's take five. Just gotta process. - OK, five minutes. That was amazing. I mean, where did you learn to do that? How long did it take you? Did you have to take a special role-play class? Is there an exam? Is the exam hard? (chuckling) Seriously, you're like Yoda, Freud, and Dr. Phil all in one. - Hey, breathe, Jason. But I do appreciate the compliments. - It was kind of wild holding hands, huh? - It wasn't awful. It was kind of sweet. I guess we'll see if it all pays off tonight at the promise ceremony. - Yeah, I'll see you then. - Yeah, I'll see you then. - Bye. - Bye, great. (Sophie chuckles) (Alyx): I promise to be there for us, to make sure we have proper time together, just you and me. - I promise to start listening to you, be there for you, rather than run away. - Look at them. It's working. - I think I'd rather look at you. - OK. What's our promise? - OK. I know that my approach hasn't always been-- - Helpful. - I was gonna say traditional. But I promise you this... To be open to your ideas and to try to help you instead of goofing off or adding stress. Now you. - OK... Those were good. I promise to be more flexible, sometimes. I promise to have your back more, and to give you a chance. And to admit when I am wrong. - That's a good one. - Very nostalgic. Haven't been back to the camp since we graduated college. It felt good to come back and reconnect. - Morning, slowpokes. - Oh, hey. - You're awake. And you're here, but we're the ones who are early. - Well, you can never be too early. I have already checked us all out, I got us breakfast vouchers for the dining hall, and I wrote up a little worksheet you can both do together to remember everything you accomplished this weekend. - Early and with worksheets. Who are you? - I'm impressed, and a little scared. Are you Jason's long-lost, more organized twin? Blink twice for yes. (laughing) - Just trying out something new. Come on, let's get these to your car. Oh, what did you bring? Is that you? Oh my God. (funky music) (phone chiming) (laughing) (sighs) (indistinct mumbling) (phone chimes) (laughing) (Sophie laughing) - Hey, superstar. - Hey, Amanda. Can I get you anything? A water? (chuckling) - That's so thoughtful of you. No, no, thanks. I'm good. Does it ever bother you being the only one in this partnership doing all the work? - Not anymore. Jason and I are working to our strengths. It's what makes us a really great team. - Fair enough. Well, you and Jason make a killer team. Now, I doubt that it was easy, but you tamed the untameable Jason Sharpe. (chuckling) - There were some teething problems at the start. But yeah, we're really good now. Permission to fangirl for a moment? I have admired you since college. Your authenticity is unmatched. I honestly believe that I have a better handle on this Jason situation because of you. He is finally almost company president material. - Nice to hear. - Would you be free for lunch one of these days? Once I wrap up on the Greens case, I would love to pick your brain and hear about how you got started in this business. I have listened to all your podcasts, but I would love to hear your origin story from you, directly. - Well, I'm always glad to help people up the ladder. Now, some words of advice. You are Floating Lotus material, so you have gotta stay laser-focused. Don't get too wrapped up in this "Jason is amazing" train that everyone else has been hopping onto. - I got to admit, he's kind of worth the hype. Jason is good. I mean, he's better than good. - Don't get too attached to Mr. Good. - What do you mean? - Mm? - What do you mean? (laughing) - You know what? It's just tired brain rambling. (laughing) Good night. (chuckling) - OK. Have a good night. (phone dialing) - Gary? Hey, it's Mandy. How's things? Um, listen. Is it too late to send over a little story? Anonymously, of course. Great. (elevator dings) - Hey, everything OK? Something happen? - Oh, yeah. Everything's fine. I... - You never come over. - Yeah, I... Hey, the place looks great. - Oh, thanks. - I just... I just wanted to say that you've turned a corner recently, and it's been great watching you grow. I'm proud of you. - OK, wow, um... Thank you. That means a lot coming from you. Thanks for pairing me with Sophie, we make a great team. (chuckling) - Oh, I remember this. Your mother... She'd be proud of you, too. She definitely left her mark in you. And I'm so glad she did. Anyway, I'll let you get on with your evening. - Dad? - Yeah? - Maybe we can order takeout and watch the Mets game? - Yeah. I'd like that. - OK. (laughing) - Stay close, I don't wanna lose you in this balloon forest. - Wow. (laughing) Jason has really outdone himself. I mean, what is this? - Ah, he's just excited. - Hey! Keep those hands where I can see 'em, these are for the guests. Are you a guest? - It's my party. Thank you, Jason. This really is amazing. - My pleasure. - You hungry, baby? Let me grab you some quiche. - Hey, I saw that. I'm watching you. Hi, presents go right over there. - And shall I hand this to you? - Sure. You look... great, by the way. - Thank you. (Jason): Hey, welcome, guys. - I'm so glad you could make it, George. - You're family! Anything I can do to help celebrate this next chapter in your life is my pleasure. - Thank you. (Jason): Make way, people! (George): Oh! - Godfather present coming through! Four-wheel drive, Wi-Fi, leather interior. Your little man is gonna ride in style. - This is too much. Thank you! (laughing) (phone ringing) - Oh, I have to take this, excuse me. - Is Amanda on her way? - Oh, she couldn't make it, but she sent a gift. - Mm, that's unfortunate. - Social gatherings aren't really her thing. - Neither are smiling, children, or joy. (laughing) Did you just laugh at a joke about Amanda? What is happening? - Clearly, someone has been a bad influence on me. Maybe if we stop hanging out, I'll go back to normal. - Look, I don't know what you're insinuating here, but this is against Floating Lotus' ethics. - What's going on? <i>(Thea): Jason, where have you</i> <i>been? We're all over the news!</i> - We've been calling you for over an hour now. Not cool, man. <i>- Sorry, we're at a baby shower.</i> - I'm sorry, my phone was on silent. - "The Greens go grey as marriage troubles plague the power couple." "The grass isn't always Green-er." OK, that last one's not even clever. - Not helping, Jason! <i>- You're right, sorry.</i> Alyx, could you make some type of code on your app that blocks your names, like, make it a curse word or something? - Writing that type of code could take weeks. - Could you ask your news outlets to stop running the story on TV? And stop anymore print papers from going out. - Daddy can't do that. It infringes on freedom of press rights. We'd look biased. - Look, we are going to work around the clock to ensure that this is rectified ASAP. - Yeah, as long as those two are nowhere near this. (sighs) (cameras clicking) (both): Oh, Jesus. - How did this get out? - No idea. Look, I'm so sorry. I know I was late, but I'm gonna have to leave and handle this. - Is there anything I can do to help? - No, you're on maternity leave now. Now, you rest. We'll handle it. You just enjoy your party. Excuse me. - We have to get ahead of this. Our jobs are on the line. - I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. - It's OK, go. - Bye. - I'm sorry. - Go. - We have no idea what happened with this leak, but Jason and I had nothing to do with it. - Dad, let us help, please. - I'm calling Amanda. I need an explanation from you two within the hour. - OK. I'm gonna swing by my place and grab my laptop. - And I will call the retreat office to make sure that any documents the Greens signed haven't gone missing. - OK. - No, no. I already told your boss, no. We don't have any comment at this time. I don't understand it. The only people who had access to some of that information were the four of us. - I honestly think this retreat was a very bad idea. - Well, I think you might be right. - We made a lot of progress with the relationship there. The Greens relationship, I mean. - Yes, but were all the safety protocols taken? Anyone could've followed the four of you up there. A fan, a journalist, or who knows, maybe Jason talked about the couple to one of his buddies. - I think he can get carried away, but I wouldn't think him capable of something like that. - I haven't known Jason a very long time, but he is wonderful with clients. He is attentive and adaptable. I think Jason is being scapegoated by someone who feels threatened by him. Reeks of a guilty move, if you ask me. - I think it's admirable how committed you are to this role, Sophie. But need I remind you that you are only pretending to like Jason so you can keep your job. You're a babysitter who needs to know her place. - Wait. Please, I can explain. - I'm sorry for the trouble this has caused. - I don't know how our reputation recovers from something like this. - Dad, come on. Come on, don't say that. We can figure this out. - Not this time, Jason. This type of damage control needs a seasoned pro at the helm. - Why don't I take the fall for the leak? I mean, everyone thinks it's me anyways. - Well, that's very admirable of you. And very grown-up. - All right, you know what, Amanda? I don't really care what you think. - Jason. Jason! Enough. Stop. The leak is just the tip of the iceberg. Your behaviour has been unacceptable for years, the lateness, the poor concentration. I wanted to pass this torch onto you, but... - No, Dad, come on. Please give me another chance. - You've made it impossible. I have no choice. It pains me to say this, but... I'm gonna have to let you go from Floating Lotus. You know the protocol, so just leave your ID and the company equipment at the front desk. - Jason, hey. Jason. Hey. What the heck was that? - I'm never gonna be good enough in his eyes. Apparently, I need a babysitter. - About that, context got lost. - No. I think I got it. You know, even though you were pretending to like me, I actually did like you. I didn't want you to get fired. - I'm sorry. - Well, I hope you learn a lot from Amanda and this job turns out to be everything you wanted. - Why did you treat Jason like that? - I honestly have no idea what you're talking about. (scoffs) - You know, whenever I was having a bad day at the office, I would just watch one of your presentations online and all my worries would wash away. You were a different person in there. Jason didn't deserve that. Him and George were this close to mending their relationship. Do you really not like Jason that much? - Do you remember what I said to you when we first met? - "Never apologize for being the smartest person in the room. If you have the knowledge, own it." - Over the past 20 years, I have brought us some of the biggest clients that George could only dream of. And for what? To have it all disappear and be given to some child with the right surname. - So you did do the leak. - I wasn't involved in any unethical activity. But I'm not sorry for the outcome. I only work with winners, Sophie. Now, if you have some free time next week, we should do that lunch. You have a future here and I want to help you. - I'm busy next week. - Some other time, then. - Some other time. (laughing) - I know, right? Hey! - Hey. - Are you OK? What happened? Guys, I'll meet you at the car. - I'm sorry. I don't mean to do this, I just, I need your help and I didn't know who else to talk to. - Of course, what's going on? Is Jason OK? - Well, Jason took the fall for the leak, and now, he won't talk to me because he thinks I was just pretending to be his friend which is sort of true. Ugh! This whole thing is my fault. - That is not your fault. He's a grown adult who made that decision all on his own. - Unless someone forced his hand. - I don't understand. - Well, let's just say that my idol, Amanda, is not as idyllic as I first thought. - Those two have always butted heads, I'm not surprised. Sophie, as long as I've known you, you've always had a clear sense of right and wrong, but that doesn't always leave a lot of space for grey. - You're right. But don't get me wrong, Jason is beyond annoying. But when he tries, he's passionate and he's funny. Like you said, he's one of the good guys. - And he obviously cares about you and doesn't want to see you hurt by this. - I don't know what to do. (upbeat music) (door buzzer sounding) - Yes, I hear you buzzing. Hello? <i>(Sophie): Jason?</i> <i>Jason, it's Sophie.</i> <i>Please, please, can I come up</i> <i>and just talk to you, please?</i> - It's not a good time. <i>- It's not what you think.</i> <i>Please, let me explain.</i> (buzzer sounding) (elevator dings) (sighs) - Are you OK? What happened? - You know I worshipped her. And she doesn't care about anyone but herself. And you were right all along and I didn't listen. - Amanda? (agonized chuckling) Wait, did she confess to being the leak? Do you have proof? - No. - Well, then there's nothing we can do. - Everything's a mess. You know, this wasn't how it was supposed to be. Fast and discrete, that is my whole thing. And now, you can't get on a subway without hearing about Alyx and Thea... - Look, next week, it's gonna be about another couple. News gets bored and moves on. - Maybe. I just... This doesn't feel right. And I just know that you're the only one that can help me fix this. Jason, come back, please. You have this magic touch with clients. - Yeah, well, that doesn't mean anything if I can't be trusted alone with them. - You know, I'm truly sorry for not giving you a fair chance in the beginning. I wasn't just pretending to like you. - Was any of it real? Or was it all so you could get hired by my dad? - Are you kidding me? You're amazing. You are wonderful with clients. You are creative, you are engaging, you're always thinking outside of the box. - Well, I am pretty fun. - I just got blindsided and I panicked and I know that I was wrong to approach it in this way. And I am very sorry. But you have to believe me when I say that I would never do anything to hurt you. So now I'm willing to put everything on the line to make sure that everything is right. - Well, hopefully you won't need to. Our friends asked us to help fix their marriage, and that's what we're gonna do. - Great. Grab your coat. We're going stationary shopping. (rhythmic music) One thing I've observed as a common thread in their interactions is humour, using you as a catalyst. Now, this might not work this time since emotions are heightened and, well, they don't really like you right now. - Hard to hear, but I agree. Alyx even blocked my number. I don't know, maybe I'll try him through his mom? - OK, and location may have to play a part. Somewhere neutral. Now what's this with Alyx and this Swedish supermodel? - Who Astrid? No. No, no, no. She's dating Alyx's cousin. She's in town for a photo shoot. You really shouldn't believe everything you see on TV. - You should take the lead on this. I trust you. - Let's get started, partner. Come on. (sighs) - Come on. Hey, hey. How are you holding up? (scoffs) Sorry, that was a stupid question. Thank you for agreeing to meet with me for lunch. I totally understand that Floating Lotus did not meet your expectations. - You could say that again. - Yeah. Look, I'm just hoping that after we talk, we'll at least be OK with each other again. - Look, I know you tried. Let's just go. I have a meeting with my father later and he's not happy with me so I don't wanna make things much worse. - I get it. Absolutely. - You still mad? - Well, you didn't have to call my mother. - I haven't spoken to Michelle in years, I was calling to say "Hey" and happened to casually mention you were screening my calls. - Listen, man. My whole life with Thea is out there for the public and it's not something-- - I know, I know, and I completely understand if, after we sit down, you never want to see me again. But we've been friends for over half our lives, man. We owe ourselves a conversation, right? - Well, I'm here, aren't I? (cameras clicking) - Hey, thanks for giving this a chance. - Let's see how this goes first. Anyways, what did you drag me down here for that couldn't be said over the phone? - OK. Have a seat. - What is she doing here? - Are you kidding me right now? You said it was just going to be the two of us. - Wait, please. You two have made a lifelong commitment to each other. You can't seriously expect to not be in the same room for the rest of your lives. Whatever you decide, stay together, don't stay together, at least walk out of here knowing that you tried. You wouldn't have come to us in the first place if you wanted to give up. So, don't be brats. Sit down, talk it through, and see if this relationship is worth saving. (sighing) - Hi. - Hi. - That was really good. You were really good. - I came on too strong, didn't I? Be honest, on a scale of one to ten, do you think this is gonna work? - It's 7.5. (chuckling) But whatever happens, I have really loved spending time with you. - Me too. - Look, you've opened my eyes. - Same. I can't think of anyone else I would've rather gone through this journey with. - You know, it's been weird not spending every day with you at work. I guess that's my new normal. - Wherever you go, I go. - Wait, you're not giving all this up, are you? This is your dream. - Don't worry. I'm not giving up a job for anyone. Lower your ego. I've just got different priorities now. - I'm not going anywhere. - I love you. - I love you, too. Nobody in the world I'd rather fight with than you. (laughing) (cameras clicking) ♪ In my heart ♪ ♪ In my heart ♪♪ (George): I got your text. Hey. (Thea): Hey! - What are you two doing here? - I'm guessing this was some elaborate ploy by Jason. - Did the plan work? - Well, we've been talking and after everything that's happened, we decided that we're not ready to say goodbye yet. - Oh! - I mean, we still have some ways to go, but I can't think of anyone else I want to face it with. - Well, that's wonderful news! - And we want to thank you all for everything. I know you care. - Also, you might want to look into that Amanda chick. - Amanda? - Mm-hmm. The news world is small. It took a little bit of digging, but someone came out of the woodwork and said that she's to thank for the leak. (George sighs) - OK, thank you. And thank you for giving Floating Lotus a second chance. (laughing) You've made my day. - Good luck, you guys. (Thea): Bye! (George): Take care, you crazy kids. (Thea laughing) Well, I don't know how you pulled this off, but you did. Jason, you really proved yourself on this. Look, I'm sorry that I ever doubted you, really. Well done, both of you. - Thanks, Dad. (George chuckling) - And Sophie, we gave you a Herculean task when you came on. - I'm right here. - And you have gone above and beyond every hurdle that's come your way. Well done on embodying what it takes to be a part of the Floating Lotus Family. - Thank you, George. You have no idea how much it means to hear you say that. - Now, um, if you'll both excuse me, there's a vice president that needs to be fired. - Get her, Dad. - I'm gonna need to lie down after that. - I'm just glad you're back in his good graces. - Oh, me too. Oh no, he didn't say if you were back or not. I will go-- - No, wait, wait, wait. I don't want to work for my dad. - What do you mean? I thought you loved your job. - Of course I do, don't get me wrong, but... This whole experience got me thinking, why don't we start our own branch of Floating Lotus somewhere else? In Atlanta or, I don't know, California. (chuckling) - What about you taking over the office in New York? - I think Femi is the right choice for the job. She's the daughter he's always wanted. You know, the old man actually hired her before me. - That doesn't surprise me. - So, lobster lady... What do you say? - Well, someone has to babysit you. (epic music) (lively music) Subtitling: difuze
Channel: Movie Surf | English
Views: 182,552
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Reel One Entertainment, #englishmovies, english thriller, thriller movies, #MovieNight, #FilmLovers, #FilmRecommendations, #MovieTime, #romance, hallmark, hallmark movies
Id: XyA9aPhhhx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 53sec (5213 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 23 2023
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