Medieval Minecraft w/ Mark Ep. 3

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play sound Clips to flex your go Excel I'm not gonna do that you're gonna Flex on yourself you're not recording so I'll hit you I did just start the recording welcome to the episode everybody we're back with more Medieval Minecraft um thanks for making the basement look nice oh yeah yeah make sure you show that off so everybody it's beautiful it's just cobblestone in the wood yeah but the Cobblestone looks nice here that's the difference normally Cobblestone the texture pack does make it look pretty good it does you barely need to put any work and it'll look beautiful so I I don't know if you saw it just now but I did add a little bit of a Farmland area outside oh I want to check that because when I logged on to clean up my inventory it wasn't uh expanded yeah I I did this like oh yeah 15 minutes ago oh my God my frames though I gotta my my Farmland is causing causing lag to take place yeah it must be yeah so we can get our our bread Farm started so we can actually have some decent food on us yes so I I kind of let this side open so we can go bread Farm to the Max and in this mod pack yeah I don't know if you've already done it but you can right click on a grown crop and it'll just collect what it can and leave the seed planted so yeah you don't have to like take it down and replant it's very cool yeah um so we'll just have to let this go for a bit and then we can keep on expanding it but now we'll have hopefully food I also um I I put like a row of melons here I'm hoping I think the melons will grow onto the Cobblestone once we have seeds next to it so that way it's not like wasting Farmland with the melon growing on to another piece of Farmland turning it in dirt and they're good for you know having both thirst and hunger regen at the same time sorry I'm getting distracted by the cat noise I don't know if that's getting picked up on on your head I don't hear anything my cat is meowing oh it's your cat I thought maybe you would like no not in the game or something also since you're now recording we just to clarify to anybody who was like probably backseating about the um traveler's backpack cake bit that was a problem that was just a texture pack incompatibility issue I see the ability it's just bad it's not really like like worth having the backpack for but it's it's nice to have the feature it only feeds you like one slice of cake every six or so minutes so and you said though we should make the hose and put them into sonic mode yeah we need to put the hose in suck mode hahaha the terminology we do have the maps to make the hose nozzle but we don't have any Cactus cacti in order to make the green dye in order to then make the hose okay I'm gonna did you make one already no I did not okay well I'm gonna I'm going to iron one gold and a lever yep yep getting it done I'm getting it done now the crafting table Blends in very nicely but I don't know I don't know if this desert has green cacti that would then you know smelt into green dye that we could use I'm gonna go look I mean I I I would think even like the modded flowery Cactus probably still can be turned into green dye yeah I would expect oh actually I think it is just a normal Cactus over here there's like flowering on top but nope just Cactus okey-dokey cool yeah it's three of them oh what that'd be easy someone's throwing sand balls at me what is this guy yeah whoa skeleton whoa whoa what's it spawn it just it literally just disconnected me because wait a disconnected the server kill you from the server oh no it died okay okay so so um yeah nothing nothing wrong happened I'm not at all concerned to go back over to that guy and have him potentially correct oh the Paste can just can just form into it it's fine okay so you've you've just decided to spend the time of me reconnecting to smelt up some Cactus and so the paste that you smelt into freshness can just turned straight into dye okay um so then I should be able to take the hose here put the green dye like yes like an L like that then we got a hose so you can do the same with this you can take the green dye now let's see about connecting the hose two the backpack I might have to look up how to do this let's see I mean I'm trying to nope shift clicking it in doesn't work does it go into the backpack settings perhaps um enter select mode like no Maybe not maybe maybe you craft it in let me just see maybe there's a nope no crafting recipe so I'm not entirely sure there what you're gonna do is you're gonna shift right click your backpack onto the ground and then you're gonna shift right click your hose onto your backpack and then it will bind and the current mode is suck and the current tank is the left tank so I guess it chooses one of the tanks no no like place it shift right click place it on the ground and then shift right click with the hose shift right click place it ah to backpacks in your hand backpacks in my hands right click I understand put it on the ground click yes and then do what yes then you shift right click without so shift right click put the backpack on the ground there you go control right click for me sorry I'm never gonna remember how to do that now do what now I'll shift right click with the hose wait and now it picks up the backpack and check your hose it'll say hose in suck mode ah did I do Hmm this is your hose is your hose not in suck mode it didn't attach oh we are there and then just control right click on the backpack with the hose um yes sorry control right click uh like I said if I say shift no no it's not it's it's hover over the hose oh there we go there we go I see it now I see it now it's in stuck mode okay this is is good so I mean I don't know it wasn't displaying for a bit you just keep the hose in in your engine in your inventory slide and then that's that and then change the mode so how do you change the mode do you have I would assume you just shift right click the hose like while it's active in your hot bar let's see current mode or maybe it's a shift scroll nope that's not it one I'm about to go check and see if it stocks up the water yes it did just right clicking sucks the water up wait you were able to suck water up directly into the backpack yeah I so if I'm hovering over the hose I went to the water and I just right click it goes right into the it's connected to my left tank it says oh that's fascinating wait let me see if this works there there would be some kind of way to change the tank that is so cool okay and then but then the question is yeah how do we change modes and how do we get it so that we can drink from it and stuff like that but I do not know we've got it partially working at least you want to go see if we can not get crashed by the Sandman again oh yeah yeah let's go see if we can dude but it might not let's see okay I thought you were playing the fart sound effect again and then I realized that was just a B I think I don't I don't know why they sampled someone farting in order to make the B noise but here they actually or that I don't know it really does sound like or something though doesn't it doesn't it you hear that hold on where's the B oh I just heard it well okay he's not here right here yeah well I guess we're safe but um yeah I'm gonna go check over at this building and see if that's where it was all right anyway I'm gonna grab the I'm gonna grab beds um since we can't use one already in my inventory okay cool I'm just gonna grab the other one and then um we can Adventure again before I realize that I've inevitably forgotten something that I should have on me but anyway did you have any any thoughts I don't know how much digging into things you did in between episodes I was not able to I just like spent the time doing the basement and also redoing my inventory and at least like learning about the backpack I had to look around for figuring some stuff out because okay um like the funny thing was on the page for the backpack like to make the hose like it shows the items that are in the crafting Grid in order to make it but it doesn't tell you what they are reference with a database of The Craft items to make sure that what I was looking at was a lever in you know the the hose nozzle thing so like that took me a little time to to make sure I had that I wonder if you have an issue with jei because it should be telling you exactly what what the items are on display you know what I should have done I should have gone into I didn't have the game up I should have had the game up so I could search got it no I didn't do that yeah I was just looking online understood yeah that no you're way more [Laughter] mold if I'm holding hold Z configurable and controls so scroll up or down can be set to use keybind only in config to change the active hose mode oh yeah Z does a lot of it does you can Scrolls in you'll see the the tip the hose tip changes for me when I press Z it does the thing where I crowd like I said yeah I know it does both it's conflicting keybinds but it actually does both wait why is mine so all you're doing is you hover over that you're on the hose then yeah then yeah then scroll I got it I got it so let's let's sleep let's sleep let me get my bed out hold on my God mark sorry I was gonna attempt to drink out of the hose now does it I I guess I'm not thirsty enough hose into drink mode and then you right click like it just oh yeah it does that's awesome yeah it works it's just like food you just eat the hose like food did I pour did I pour my water out or something I don't have any water in my thing let me go look hold on I'm gonna go fill it up with water one more time and then try to drink it I can give you a water bucket if you need it I got lots of water I do I do have um a bucket I'm just an X to a water source okay uh let's see suck mode drink mode what the foul just heard something uh Kaboom over here I don't know what so weird thing here I am um like I'm filling up the water with the suck mode but and then I'm using it when I drink but I'm not drinking huh I'm not gaining any um okay yeah I've got water in the tank I'm on drink mode I'm drinking and I'm not gaining any um hydration points oh so this was all for nothing that's good news um very good news everyone I mean like you said isn't something else with the backpack turned off by another mod for the um like difficulties just some upgrades but no I mean if the hose is functioning is round to the backpack then I it's just certain items aren't craftable or available that that shouldn't have anything to do with this I just have a feeling that maybe this doesn't isn't compatible with the drinking in it yeah I just drank out of my bottle and that was fine that just filled it up okay well I don't know something wrong with my drink mode I can still use the hose to like move other liquids though so you know like in the end there's still a use for it I guess all right let's go um on a sailing adventure and see if we can find something new and exciting and with lots of loot we need to get more diamonds I think we have 11 diamonds just picking up water as we go yeah I'm in suck mode while we're I thank you for being here while we're boating nope that's a different thing man yeah that's conflicting keybind that's probably gonna mess with it you know what we really need we really need to find some way stones which should just exist out in the wild but we gotta either that or we have to find a um we have to find a supply of Ender Pearls and I suppose purple diets I think we have we have two two at home and those are never mind I don't think those are the same thing you said Elder yeah they might they they might be in the chest at home just two of them though okay let's see this is a cool biome oh I see something on the map did we yeah for sure run into that before think hold on oh wait I see something over here I think these are kind of chunks that we loaded in last time and I don't think we actually explored whatever was over here so we should check it out that is okay [Laughter] uh I don't see it you don't see that okay but okay so hold on it is it's a bit away I'm a little bit concerned of the possibility of a sea monster coming and ruining us at any moment but man the Cherry Forest is so cool I started a 1.20 just like vanilla hardcore and my goal was to find a cherry forest and make up that one I found one in episode one and it was very exciting because I'll get to make a very Kawaii pink Hut and that's where I'm gonna live I'm so happy for you thank you I I built one when I did um my like snapshot oh look we're passing your body again good memories um yeah I built one when I did my Snapshot video when they rolled out the cherry trees and I wanted to do one in a real let's play ever since um okay so there oh yeah there's a witch hut over here if we want to maybe it has like a good loot or something also a Boss Bar Medusa do you see that oh I do I do yeah you know I think the Medusa that um we ran into yesterday or the day before um when when I ran away and then you died that wasn't the Boss Bar one oh God uh that's the way it voices trying to get away I got hit with something for a minute and a half yeah I'm poisoned for 40 seconds now so um this is good news for me yeah okay oh no witch will get away from me didn't realize it would die so fast yeah I got hit with something that's like a ball and chain uh icon um okay yeah on my end I'm gonna go down to half a heart which is always a very slow thing yeah oh yeah when you get smacked in the face with a poison splash potion it's it's always good it's always like exactly what you want right [Music] and we're good all right you got a front door to your place here we go yeah there wasn't really anything in it nothing nothing in here at all so what I was looking at is a little bit over to the west from here there's a house looking thing and then beyond that I do think that is a cyclops Den now I don't know that we're ready for the Cyclops Den but you know if you want to be able to take a quick look at um you know a future future potential fight yeah let me get in the boat we're gonna get there eventually it's just um probably not you know right right this second might not be the best play oh yeah there's that is this another witch hut house I wonder it makes sense we are in a swamp I guess it's some kind of house there's a fire going on in there all right let's go see if there are any witches home convoluted to get to this house oh yeah it's just like another repeat of what we're living in right now oh okay let's see neat neat uh wait is this just water Book of Shadows altar I don't know that our house had that also for Yandel did always always up for a free Anvil and maybe we should take the bookshelves as well and then does this one I was about to say does this one have a basement and I was like wait a second yeah it's just water underneath no I I was like I wait a minute I I built the basement in the last year yeah you did you did why would there be a basement anyway oh here let me try uh drinking from the hose it's where you keep your um you know your your experimental subjects I can effectively say that that the hose is not it's not giving you any water huh well we got our hopes up we got our hoses so much time learning about this thing all right well back into the water we go hop in oh I missed there we go I tried to jump in and right click at the same time but just uh what an epic MLG gamer mm-hmm okay no sea monsters as long as there's no oh there it is yep that's definitely a cyclops down over there okay so if you if you get really close to it if you get really close he'll pick you up until yeah how did how close do we dare get I don't know I don't even have that many arrows if I wanted to play the range game yeah I have zero arrows on me okay hey buddy oh I think he sees us not happy about us being here but I don't think he can get out the front door and get wrecked shouldn't have left your carcass there it's blocking you idiot he's so mad dude he's huge I wonder I don't know if there's a way to cheese but I'm also a little kid yeah maybe get on top of the structure maybe we can hit him in the head wait there's a hold on there's a water over here oh I think this is on top of a chest probably you can check that I'm gonna go up top and I'm gonna break open and stop here and see if I can get to his head I got a free Anvil a silverfish spawn egg and a few bits of iron I don't know that like I don't know if dropping on his head is because usually the hitboxes are kind of wonky but yeah I'm not gonna drop I'm just seeing if he's tall enough you know okay then I can just reach but wait where'd he go he's not over here he's doing a sneak attack he's grown smart it's fine Jesus how close can I get I mean you can't reach me um what are you doing he's eating you he's great he dude he just he just full-on command grabbed me out of nowhere like I never even nothing indicated nothing indicated that this dude was anywhere near able to grab me and I all I did was just teleport like above him and fall down again and then just get grabbed one more time um so uh grab some wood make a boat yeah yeah I get a bed and then um you know the usual come on over all right I see you on the map bringing it back bring it back that's a good cut for the YouTube video right there yeah here you are uh let me let's just do the smart things uh right click that right click that bed right there yep yep yep and then walk across my I built a beautiful bridge for you mm-hmm and you're going to the other side to help me right I think you're fine honestly you guys I think so yeah maybe not maybe he's right there on my body though look at it okay hold on hold on you back off you back off I'm gonna try to kite him a little bit lose the aggro hold on just a sec is he still over here is he gonna be eight hey hey man I'm a beer hey come on he's looking at you he's no no he's looking at you again he's looking at you hold on I got this guy he's so annoying he doesn't know how to go all the way to the other side it's like classic me in video games yeah I never remember to like look up things hey buddy I'm right here acknowledge me he doesn't I mean am I invisible oh he's he's okay he likes me he likes me go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go he likes me he likes me he really really likes me he's super angry at me you have all the time in the world I still need to build up and get this backpack hey get wrecked he's just making angry faces at me getting me aware hey you know while you're over there mine up some of those bone blocks it's free bone meal for us we can grow some crops with it he's only mad at me right oh these guys yeah yep I'm trying not to remove any that will stop him from oh yeah that's good to keep the blockade in place for sure I think I can take all of these though let's go let's go free okay all right you good I got 12. I got 12. all right making more at night I have my backpack on I do I've got all my stuff okay yeah no big deal that's some nice cake on you no big deal so yeah you know what are you what do you do yeah no problem um what do you uh what do you think do you want to where did I put the boat by the way um [Music] but anyway you have one do you want to keep exploring this area of the Overworld or do you want to like take a sneaky peeky into The Nether a peek in the nether I mean if you think that the content is worth going to the nether right now let's go I mean I think we've got like iron diamond so on and so forth will probably want to make like gold boots at least to go with our stuff but like I think we're good to go probably yeah yeah so do we go back home first uh yeah because we'll need to make a diamond pickaxe and um we'll just want to make a portal and stuff okay I see a thing now I don't know if this thing is a good idea because there's oh down there yeah there's a chance to see monster could just pop up and be like surprise I'm gonna do it the B there's just a B on here randomly there is actually some stuff down here it's scary I'm just gonna try to grab like what kind of tempts me before I um I'm looking nothing nothing's around coming back up foreign ER all right yeah I'm spotting cool cool what did I I got a nameless there's like one guy walking around down there um but it doesn't seem to be a serious problem okay guards boots what the frick oh it's an item friend okay there's definitely more stuff in the chest um I don't know as long as it's not a siren because those dudes like they sing to you and then you get sucked today my Island I have no idea oh Saddles we can have our own um all right let me just stuff and grab whatever else more music discs and things and go oh wait that is like a little I see that's a little mermaid all right probably good probably good with that for now it didn't die oh you're you're leading the way yeah as soon as you got out I put me in the driver's seat hope you hope you're okay with a kid driving the boat it's all right son just don't press the gas too hard you gotta ease into it all right don't be like me when I was 16 and I put the car into reverse when I meant to put it in to drive and then I went right into a tree um in the back it was not fast not fast not fast but yeah I put it in the wrong gear or I forgot to shift in the drive I never had that problem okay well you know I haven't done it since unfortunately and um so don't everyone makes mistakes at some point or another yeah all right let's sort this out we've got like a spawn Shard okay so we have 11 diamonds I'm gonna make a diamond pickaxe that way we can mine up some obsidian we could just do the bucket method but I feel like we'll want to like quick easy access so do that and then let me go did you have any more bone meal you give me 44 or if there was a stack in agriculture there's another oh okay cool yeah I just figured you wouldn't need all of it so I just put some away but if you actually do I don't know how much it takes for you it's not a matter of need it's more of a matter of um oh sleep okay coming up and yeah yeah I'm just gonna spam it because the the beautiful thing about this is you can just right click on a junior bed oh my bed's in my area there you go oh okay I just forgotten it was in my backpack I was about to pull it out but did you ever make a bone-headed driving maneuver early on um nothing of any consequence no I I mean the only accident I've ever been in was because a deer ran out in front of me oh I mean but it wasn't like that's hard to avoid yeah it wasn't one that I had to stop for um I just drove home after it happened the way that I interpreted well luckily it it wasn't a male and it only it hit the front right side of my car if it had been like half a second later it would have barreled over the front of the car um and then you know potentially broken the windshield all that but it went down the side and it did tear out the wheel well it it got it got like caught pretty hard so the way that I interpreted it was like it wasn't one that I had to stop for I thought you meant the deer and you just like you just saw the deer and you're like you know this isn't what I need to slow down it was it was dark I was the only one on the road and I I hit it and I never saw it coming because it ran out of the dark uh from the trees yeah um and it didn't slow me down at all and I looked behind me and I didn't see it so I just kept going home got it yeah I mean you're not a vet what are you gonna do I guess and I had just gotten the car two weeks earlier and that was it was four thousand dollars worth of repairs but it's like more than the value of a car no no no no the car no no no no it was a nice car not a nice car just like it was only a year old so it was like 18 Grand oh okay but the the the you know I just paid my deductible it was it just sucked to have to do that two weeks until owning the car that had already had to have body uh repairs done to it no that does suck ouch but that's the only only trouble I've ever had with it so okay did you want some of the bread that I just made it wasn't actually yeah much but yes did you believe it in food oh no I was just gonna pass it to you up here okay it's at the top of the uh the ladder um so let's go do this be I I just he just heard your fart noise and it was like a serenade and now he's here for it clearly all right um I wonder if we should like dig out of mine here from our house or if we should just go down the desert I guess the desert pyramid's like pretty close yeah close enough yeah oh I was no I was like totally good I I passed the driving test the first time granted like okay it's not like that's hard to do in the U.S they're not no I was one mistake away from failing really yeah was it because like part part of my um you know part of it was uh going in reverse on a road and they told me I went too fast what do you mean going in reverse on a road like to parallel yeah so so next to the follow me next to the um the DMV where they did the exams it was on a road with a dead end uh that was undeveloped and unused okay so you did a backing up um portion of the test on that road and I was probably going over 20 miles an hour on in Reverse like because it was an empty road and I was like yeah I can keep it straight it's fine but they told me it was stupid turns on a closed course for a a driving course like fun thing yeah I don't even know we were on 20 miles an hour in reverse and it is unsettling to go that fast I don't know it didn't bother me ah to be young and carefree also do you hear this guy I didn't realize the weird Endermen are in this mod oh they are listen to this guy let's see oh you spinning a desk over there bud oh wait why are you mad at me I didn't look at anybody oh they're almost dead oh they're both bad they're poisonous hold on they're different holy frick I'm in trouble do they aggro differently they must oh thank goodness he's hooked on the uh he's hooked on the guy I'm okay what the hell yeah because I was looking at the ground I got him I got him I got him why is he poison you that's ridiculous so like it was an easy kill though no it was not like I wouldn't say easy no okay it was a I survived we'll put it that way oh my God you know the the crazy thing about driving tests here in the US though is that as opposed to like in Europe they don't get you on on what kind of passenger vehicles you can drive after you get your license like you're not allowed to go drive a big rig but you can just go and if you have never driven a manual transmission car well it doesn't matter you can still go drive one and on public road and uh also it funnily enough to speak on the rig issue I mean it's yeah like I would my dad had a truck that was a combination of a hospital van a uh a semi cab and a Dually bed and it was huge and it was a diesel engine truck and like with a normal license I could drive that too and it was gigantic oh oh we got some mans down here yeah that's there's some weird weird regulations I feel like maybe we can keep the spawner just in case it's like useful for later but oh there's some stuff in here yeah a 16 year old with a lifted F-150 just plowing somebody off of the road I'm sure that happens more often than we would care to admit yep my brother was one of those people with well I mean he had a Dodge Ram and I it wasn't lifted but he he messed that truck up anything in here all right I mean he would take it mudding and he went he went to a place that was too deep and it got mud all inside of the truck and just think like just think of how tall even a stock Dodge Ram is like you have to go deep to get water inside of it geez and she didn't like flood the engine oh okay that's a big man that's a big man skill I freaking I I crushed him Powers Yeah you owned it oh my God the B is just like why is it here following us it's giving you encouraging buzzes well behind you behind you oh boy okay the no what uh I see there's a spotter up there you are that you are a weak little boy I am I'm so squishy apparently I mean we're close it's not a big deal okay I'm lighting up this is much closer I have to destroy this monitor get into the channel oh enchanting table um that's cool I wish I was paying attention to see how much damage I was taking per hit there I'm sure someone in your uh chat can give you the metrics oh my God I'm gonna get lost you don't actually oh I was gonna say you don't need to come back but you do need to come back because all my stuff your stuff is there yeah dude all my stuff um okay well I'm I'm gonna go and just start collecting some Abby so that like we'll just be good to go and make the Obby dude yes here we go all right it's gonna it's gonna take a while to collect all ten but when then we'll not have to do that we're able to get rid of the spawner yeah yeah I just built up and everything was everything was good I um it's I will say that the uh the Paladin extra damage on Undead skill has been pretty helpful on a lot of these things mm-hmm I feel like on the other hand your half Health skill uh has nothing maybe my skills are a little more Niche but I are you committed are you committed yeah I guess I could use the orb and change if I really thought that it was not worth it in the long run I'll think about it because I will say that with your current health there's a solid chance that you will get one hit by brutes in the Nether um even with good Armory you think maybe not with good armor but I'm just saying where we're currently at because we might hit a Bastion with our current set of gear like you're probably a one hit foreign God are you able to find your way back I'm getting there but I think I took a different route so like finding a safe way down is a little a little harder but I'm like 20 meters away from my body I just don't want to drop I'm gonna slowly dig down there are Vines next to you I see I think with your character you basically need the gold armor since they get bonuses from it I should look into what it gives me yeah I haven't tried on any gold armor to see what um it's offering me as a goblin yeah like what was it again does it give you enchantment it's just like I think it boosts the defense rating or something uh I don't remember if it's anything else but that okay okay all right I am almost at 10 Hobby and since we have an enchantment table now I don't actually think I need to get more so we can just stick her over here yep I think we're good so uh you made it back and and now we're good to just immediately return the surface good spelunking trip for me yep yep I do like how your body just like stays here with all of its years I I was still oh wait you just got rid of it I did oh yeah yeah so I guess you can make it removed because I was running into my bodies from the first episode is there any iron because we got our we got our boy over here we got our boy oh yeah yeah actually wait okay two to three on gold wait Sandstone gold ore we should grab that because if you need some gold armor maybe while we're down here let's just see if we find any uh gold or gold you and we also will probably want to trade with the piglens so yeah Spiderwick dude you just one hit him another one what a what a machine oh what is this let me pull out torches I can't see nothing whoa wait what's down here where are we going there's a big wall which I wonder if there's actually a thing behind here oh sing uh is this like a roguelike hold on it might be like a roguelike of some sort down here that's water okay I hear some mobs yeah there's a zombie trapped in a cage and then there's also a spawner oh that's a big man holy heck what oh yeah hey mate what is he hurting you I think you hit me I didn't do I didn't swing anything wait you didn't swing no huh weird are you lying to me I'm not who would never do that is anything in here oh yeah why is stasis like the most oh this is like an idol on um dungeon thing okay that must be what in the books okay so I think this is supposed to like help you get started with eidolon probably plus you know there's just bonus random other stuff that they give you in here but that's kind of what should we kill the guy I mean he's got a chest in there what the heck so there's a okay yeah he is damaging me if I get close don't maybe don't oh wait do we want oh yeah yeah he gives the zombie heart I think I don't know if we want to wait we might want to wait for like looting I was just trying to look inside of his chest but he keeps popping me okay but yeah we want to wait because I think if we got looting we could use him to get more of the uh Zombie Hearts which only dropped from those guys okay and they don't spawn super often so all right I'll leave him alone yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah uh but there was your chest for now but one day it will be mine so I got I got an item that says uh using this artifact um will summon a llama to Aid you in battle nice but I love my battle that's definitely the ideal uh companion to bring into the fight as an assist yeah got an ender pearl cool okay well I guess let's uh let's go back wait I wonder if there's a hold on let's see if there's anything upstairs or if that was just like the whole thing oh God I'm in water in a cobweb help me save me from this pain the real struggle the heck is this place yeah what uh let me through wait is this just like in the ocean yeah are we going oh no don't go there don't go there that's that's a drowning place it's a place for you to drown so we need to find the other exit yeah uh I mean it was right it was right here to get back out but I was like maybe I was thinking maybe that just LED out to the ocean but in fact it just leads out to a cave you can get yourself trapped in and die um all right okay yeah here's the where we came in uh I don't know if we need any amethyst let me let's just grab a bit of amethyst really quick in case we need it for any recipes or anything like that snow block down here weird okay hold on there's a Stella Arcanum block okay all right crystal or okay I want you to here can you come over here I want you to oh hold on check out this really cool block that's awesome Yep coming to you Okay so you see oh wait hold on oh no that's exp petrified just kidding that's fine I'm gonna grab it um no no I thought it was I thought it was another one I thought it was the Stella the arcanus block which is a um it's pretty cool it's a pretty cool um anyway all right I think we're good such a cool block all right back up to the surface trap I stepped on a thing and there was a pressure plate but there was diamonds and uh we get the stuff so well I don't know it might have there were multiple TNT explosions so I think the diamonds may have been toasted um I got it I know I've got six diamonds I've got yeah let's go also there's gold oh my God oh my God diamond dude that's there you go I'm so glad that I stepped on the Kaboom that is so worth my inventory is full now I need to like seems like a good time I mean I was in the process of heading back up and then it was well then we're right behind you in just a sec what what a stupid spider yep [Laughter] nice imagine being able to stick to walls and you end up dying of fall damage mm-hmm that's what that spider did you feel bad can we come through this way I'm taking a shower and there was a bug above my shower that I just like left alone because it wasn't like an annoying one um just something that had come inside from the rain and it was like on the wall above where you know the um the tiling starts for the bathtub and it started to look over the edge of the tiling and then it lost its footing and it slipped into the tub and then just got sucked down the drain while I was taking a shower I thought you were gonna say it like fell on your head or something no no no I was watching it the whole time just seeing it was doing what it was doing and then it just fell into this poor fellow uh okay it was really tragic I don't know my way up bug bro [Laughter] oh we made it uh you do you build up there oh God there's an angry rattlesnake potentially don't get eaten why is the bee just fine is this B the thing that gives me vampirism I don't understand yeah I don't know why it's just it loves you it follows me it is my special ability is that I just have a vampire bee that follows me I don't know maybe it is looks like even gold pickaxes will mine faster with your class that's interesting I mean gold pickaxe is mine super fast the problem is that they don't like actually drop the ball they don't last yeah or oh yeah I say what you mean free bro the Wimpy the Wimpy put on my shield is attacking him oh it is helping that's actually awesome oh did he drop anything cool power reinforced male chest plate um we have something else over there yeah my inventor Rambo I think I have one of those oh hunting bow I have one too and then they're reinforced okay yeah just another extra that we could have here let me get the skeleton okay all right well now we get to do one quick additional session of inventory management then we go to the nether I am making a flint and steel and then we just have to figure out where we wish to build um oh oh let's make the gold stuff did you make gold boots I did not yet all right I'll just make some for both of us okay and then is it like full set bonus for you do you need to have um that I don't I have no clue okay well there you go there's some gold boots put those on and then um also let me give you this that thing will probably do you pretty well the gray and the name you could you could repair that right now in the Anvil if you wanted to just like combine it with a with a gold ingot or something you're Golding it okay hold on and then go upstairs to the angle and actually you know we have okay so we have we have 14 diamonds hmm why no why don't you make yourself a diamond pickaxe as well um and I'm gonna make a diamond ax just so I can have additional durability not have to actually like worry about this thing breaking on me and making more pickaxe first before I leave here I didn't realize inventories are shared in the crafting table my sticks oh my sticks you took my sticks yeah usually it's not usually how it works but uh it's I think that's why you can see when someone is crafting like look look at this yeah yeah it shows on top of the box yeah there we go Diamond ax doesn't do more damage but it will last anvil okay so Scythe in with a gold ingot should work is it the other way around no hold on if it doesn't work it means it's something about like that modded item that's kind of weird um and let me let me actually pull up the info about it with uh no again I mean if that if it's just not letting you combine it's just for some reason that type of weapon doesn't work it requires an eternal Stella yeah okay okay so oh God where the frick did you come from dude these guys just pop out of nowhere did you have any thoughts on where you think we should build the uh the Nether Portal um what do we want it to look aesthetically please well I just always like to put it in a place where we don't hear all day long while we're in our base I mean hmm or would that be don't do it on the water yeah I guess in the water makes sense we were not gonna walk by that a bunch all right I'll do another beautiful Cobblestone slab path and we will lead it to the perfect the portal it's gonna be but a sea monster I mean I don't think there there is any like right next to our house we have okay here's that's famous last words we are inevitably now at some point in this series but then build up once you get out there oh you think okay inevitably in the series one time jump out of the water and somehow grab you yeah as far as we need to go just to not hear it while we're in the house that's all I think this is this will be fine wait is that uh hold on oh wait that's that's on a um is this a full block that's a full that's a half block I've messed up foreign okay there we go so then this we'll just put the portal down like here yeah and then uh I'm gonna surround it like like show this is gonna be just yeah prettiest nether portal that the world now you have to make some posts so you can extend it down into the sand so it actually looks like it's a bright yeah so it's not floating because that doesn't because it's really well and we gotta make sure it physics pretty good okay hold on I'm just making sure we have a one block thick border around it because otherwise just look hideous and now boom we did it wow that is so pretty big progress all right are you ready I think so yeah here we go all right watch this like freeze my computer completely I'll try to load this in I should have brought um arrows this is uh okay hey well it's a good thing I brought some blocks I mean actually performance was fine coming through the nether this is weird looking I'm taking a nice little screeny because actually no we should uh go into go into your uh J and do a waypoint for oh for where our thing is yeah create a waypoint for the nether portal okay oh hey there is already something directly to our East along with aghast directly to our East along with something that is directly right there oh frick here he comes to break the portal already ah geez um so the one downside is like we did spawn in a pretty pretty bad spot as far as yeah we're like right up above lava yeah we're in a Spire that we have to build off of do we want to build over to the uh South and like get on yeah you know there might be the session that might be the best bet okay over there is not mad [Music] if he starts shooting at me you tell me you start shooting you tell me okay come on we're on the mainland anything okay did you happen to bring a um what you call it a crafting table I should just grab it uh your backpack is a crafting table oh right that's so cool right nine grid that is the yeah I was just being forgetful you know you know I mean being forgetful and stuff like that [Music] what is that it's something mean I'm blocking it oh my God there's so many I'm seeing if I can kill one my Shield's working okay okay I mean it's not too bad you killed it I got one dead wait is he mad he's mad why is he mad at it it's mad okay you're an idiot I'm literally wearing gold you stupid stupid idiot oh my God what are these guys hmm dude man's hurt though oh my God demons dude they have a lot of Health once once we get enough of them away from us we should probably do the bed save point you think right in the nether oh I guess not yeah no no no no don't hit him oh God don't hit him it was coming after me and I was already mad again yo he's bad he's been careful careful build up build up that's gonna be really bad yeah okay I didn't have time at least it's right next to our our house so uh that was a big boy like special uh zombie pigman so the thing is that I if I go to the nether I just assume everything is hostile if it walks towards me you can't walk towards me I'm just like immediately on the defensive um yeah make sure to make sure to bring a bed though so that you know we're good to go grab my stuff uh where's my backpack there right click that I'm gonna look around and see if there's any bastions or fortresses nearby what we can do is we can you know Jay Jay can kind of cheese us a little bit and show if they're any nearby things which doesn't look like there's actually a fortress but this this structure over to the east is interesting looking yeah yeah I see what you're talking about it's worth checking out here I'm gonna get some let's get some blocks from the uh the trees just so that we can like you know oh my God this is gonna explode into a loud noise I didn't all right because leaves don't Decay here okay scythian stems all right are you ready got some build over here I have some dirt too anyways just to build with need me here's where I'm not going to attempt speed bridging practice no we we are holding the Crouch you know let me just avoid building over The Lava no bad gas no bad gas should have made a hay bale got cushioned our fall watch hey all right you ready to you ready to to no fall damage this oh what do you mean hop in oh yes I forgot about this yep so silly oh okay yeah weird assortment of characters down there yes there are let me hear let's just do a quick little event what the frick there's a check underneath see if there's any a man's down here um there's a chest so um just if it is a gray dreary looking Pig dude leave them alone yeah don't neutral okay because they will rock your world if you make them yeah so once you kill one like the other ones get mad yeah you just get overwhelmed yeah also though um another thing to be mindful of is if you open a chest in proximity oh if you open a chest in the proximity of one of the piglens not the zombie pig ones the Normie piglens they will be upset dude I found a corrupted crossbow oh yeah all this stuff is from like it's supposed to be Minecraft dungeons did you ever try that um ah the Minecraft dungeons game no I don't think I tried dungeons I played um what's the most recent one Legends uh that is dungeons no Legends this is the most Legends yeah I tried Legends I did not do dungeons radiant shot poison Cloud multi-shot velocity Dynamo yeah I'm I'm holding on to you I am do you get anything good out of your chest or nothing terribly interesting but I'm just no taking a quick trip over into the next room I'm gonna break a smaller break smaller I don't know why the trees are like growing through this place I mean the the weapons they look so cool it's just I don't know how good they are and there's even more deeper yeah we use the tree as a staircase [Music] needed to bring a hoe hoes are what you use in order oh that's what you use on these I was like what tool will break these apart faster I don't know a lot of silver silver everywhere exploding seven mobs May explode after they're defeated here's another bow if you want lightning harp crossbow yeah it's kind of cool I I really I needed to bring up I need to bring air oh hello there's a spawner um I need to craft some or something okay uh there is TNT in here I careful about there is levers I'm gonna just break the Redstone so that they can't blow up the TNT oh the TNT yeah oh somebody's here somebody they they do be looking they're looking they're like Hello what are you a jerky behind you behind you oh okay thank you how you doing how you doing oh my God it just it dropped in from the roof I'm ironing it more rotten flesh I want some diamonds why are there no diamonds anywhere it's Iron Wolf vest I'll take it just to look at it later man I gotta move some stuff to my backpack it's already it's already taking over yeah it just fills up so quickly I really wish they hadn't removed the upgrades from the mod pack it just feels like the stuff that's inside of the chest is just so So Random like I'm not sure how it's selected like putting in what it does but it's like it's the same stuff yeah but it's like you have seeds mixed in with random dungeon gear mixed in with it's weird I found a zombie spawner so I want to take the iron yes reinforced helmet actually seems pretty good okay sure why not you can oh let's go I found another one of the eyes for getting to the end that's good you are yeah the Lost eye okay that's cool so you don't have to go into like a dedicated nether fortress in order to be able to find it and this place like keeps going down though I know it's so long I see something on the map over there hmm all right we keep on going oh Dark Helmet that's cool I'll take the iron literally because it says oh that's sick and then another old eye I feel like we have so many of those who don't need them oh careful you're gonna oh what was that arrows arrows dude we can try the we can try the cool stuff oh there's a trap okay okay God I got so confused hello mate wait I wanna okay I'm gonna try this bow okay what does it do I wish I could see what you were doing but whatever I tried the 360 me now easy oh there's no oh wait I should do this oh wait there's multiple rooms in a row nice nice couple more in here how you doing on health uh oh I'm fine okay I got hit once I've gotten so many reinforced males oh my God you're thinking yeah I don't think we're going to be oh yeah that we've gotten so many chest plates that are just sitting at home this thing just keeps going yeah it's even deeper what Lord oh the TNT hanging off the did you see that um it's almost like a decoration just hanging off of the wall attached to a thing to your left oh you just punch it friendly TNT get rid of it hey I think it's next to buttons oh I bet it's next to button so that if a skeleton is shooting you while you're up here it might accidentally hit the button and then Kaboom oh wow yeah even though it was a zombie spawner so just kidding um we should grab the skulls because they do come into play in a machine I've actually totally passed up on the skeleton skills so that's my bad and then is there anything any other places to go in here or melon seeds Mana regen neither of us use Mana we might at some point because the ours yeah ours Nouveau has some multiple stuff and I'm sure that some people are probably hoping that we're gonna get into it and we'll be upset if we don't and this one well I will I will get the Mana regen potion for later um yeah I haven't grabbed those though so no no issues yeah I this kind of seems to dead end over here so it doesn't Okay um let me see I'm going up this path okay did you go up this ladder or yeah yeah okay well I don't know if it's the same ladder than I was oh no no I'm sorry that's the one that you said was a dead end yeah my bad so you went uh look at the map you are shoot I'll go back I'll go back to the room and you can see where I went the big room here yeah go in there and then there's a ladder up uh got it okay you did it all right I don't know if we've uh explored this to the fullest extent I do see I feel like I see other stuff on the mini map but it's almost everything's so samey that I'm getting a little turned around yeah and it doesn't show anything like if you hit J it doesn't show anything else but if you're looking in the circular map then it does so yeah I don't know oh hello ow you good I am all good okay oh laughs oh God we this we couldn't be in a worse spot well we can but this is pretty bad I mean I'm fine you just don't have health man yeah I couldn't survive a fall with only six hearts oh yeah for me it's like I don't know I can probably run it I think it'll be fine you've killed most of everything in there yeah I think you should be able to make it back just going on my bridge and stuff oh my God okay I've made it worse you made it worse much worse what the [ __ ] uh shoot okay oh God Jesus oh my God Jesus yeah so I um I may have so this area uh maybe underneath a lava lake um and so yeah I was trying to dig like so that you would have a way to like get down and jump on so guess guess who's on our bridge right now well I guess a Minotaur probably yeah uh okay it told you in the chat when I was killed by yeah oh it just it just bashed right into me and knocked me off in one shot how am I gonna solve this Pro oh my god I've really really missed I mean I guess the only way I can do this is to re-gear myself from home so I at least have a weapon and some armor on and then just kill my way back because no no no I'm gonna I'm gonna work my way out to the top and I'm gonna give us away back because I see an opening above wearing that right now okay you do yeah so I just need to get something I mean do you think though that I should still like just get a little bit of gear so I can live nah you don't think so okay sorry it's just there's there's um yeah there's just there's some stuff I think the goblin sucks it might yeah and change it might not be the worst idea to make sure that you have ten hearts on a on a class I I would say that it's a good good thing anyway no no it's gonna be it's gonna be chill I'm gonna build up to you and then you're gonna be we're gonna boat and drop down and you're gonna get your stuff and the issue is that we are under lava level so I was like breaking blocks on the side of the uh the room that we were in yeah and it was just lava flowing in okay and I can trade our boys here okay hey buddy it's good it's good I can I can escort you I can escort Mission this just um take take the iron ore and give me that thank you Medusa freaky oh frick okay we're good yeah sorry I actually cursed but the the the fear that got set into me because there was a um I don't even remember what the mob was called but as soon as I came through the portal it was a skilled something Cube and it like it like slinkies itself in the air Magma Cube and it was literally next to the portal when I came in and just looked at me and started jumping up and down that is unfortunate okay so I got I got you I got you come on back make it to the bridge I'm coming back I'm gonna take out this I was just trading because the guy was down there so I did our iron for us just then okay Minotaur is wrecked good all right I'm coming through the portal now okay you're gonna see me over towards the Place yeah all right okay so come to me come to me just just follow the bridge follow the normal Bridge okay I didn't know if you had built something different gotcha normal Bridge sway all right and then just follow the path down okay here we go I'm gonna have to I'm gonna have to try to take out Medusa because Medusa might be a problem gotcha oh frick oh God Medusa's down get wrecked nice nice okay oh God that's a fancy oh my God my B is on her though you're in freaking legendary you died no set on fire not my B it's one shot it's one shot basically there you go all right escort Mission success wait hunting is four has a chance to instantly kill most animals wow okay okay um so just um come here and uh we will boat we will boat down oh boat down yep yep I'm in I'm in that's so scary to do there we go there it is yay in my backpack click that maybe okay so here's the thing it's it's time we head back and you switch Origins yeah probably you blocked it I do have dirt I just need to set myself up to where I can go here this way I think right here no amount of loot is worth the six hearts I'm sorry no no I don't think it is it's too much but you know I got to be a cute little guy for a while and that was fun all right um I still do not know exactly what it brings might be into play but yeah me oh God okay demon over here demon demon demon is going to come after do not hit me off here I'll hit the back here that was scary dude they're fast yeah are you mad he's mad are you mad bro why are you mad we're wearing that oh you're not wearing gold anymore you are why is he mad I don't know what an idiot I don't know what I did [Laughter] Apparently one of the classes Burns in sunlight oh yeah there there are some really high high gameplay impact classes that you can choose from if you want to um all right I'm gonna sword inventory okay you are now a shelter I should be um wait are we the same size my inventory is not any different you're sitting down wait we're the same size oh my god oh we are the same size yeah wait no it's probably a different tab in your inventory if I had to guess kind of like you have a shelter box built in that would be my guess yeah I'm looking for it and can you levitate or anything like that because that'd be pretty cool and I levitate I don't think G right because that's the active ability oh g is how I get my extra inventory slime okay good point yeah that's uh yeah it's an extra nine that's how I get it okay cool all right well you got 10 Hearts this is great now you just need to regen hopefully this will be the beginning of a new a much better experience for us yeah a new era oh man good God what a mess oh it's so weird being slower now though because I was so used to the goblin walking speed oh were you much faster walking yeah your base walking speed was faster I was like okay let's sleep really quick and then I guess it doesn't really matter in another but whatever we're sleeping really quick anyway I you know at this point any x-ray inventory is a blessing as far as I see it oh oh okay cool me I mean I'm still holding the block button and it's using my shield so maybe holding a shield upright means something different than using it to block with I don't know though cool so you said all we need to do is right click on the Wii and yeah yeah I don't no maybe the melons won't grow onto the Cobblestone so I might have might have messed that up oh really but yeah it is it is what it is oh well and we can expand the farm after it might be worth putting down like a here I want to put down a fancy Nether just kidding you can't make chests out of scythian planks doesn't let you do that I'm gonna put down a chest out here that we can put you know like Farm related things yeah more seeds and stuff so let's go right there and then just anything he's mad at the bee is that the problem is fault oh the B is making them angry oh it's so the gold boots don't matter if the B is around oh well I don't know why I don't know why the piglands are mad I can understand why the oh no because that makes sense the B is just staggering everybody why do you what how do I make the B not be here do you know what the B stemmed from was it an item that you're using or is it a class thing oh I wonder if it's I wonder if it's the holy law is it the holy locket I got no idea that's so funny maybe it's the holy locket or something like that let me take the holy locket off and see there's the B no let me go away I'm so confused by what makes the being uh yeah I don't know [Music] yeah we could just like I don't know see if we can find a way to take a peek take a picture you can travel a little further and like see if there's anything um oh [Laughter] let me out all right what is our best bet for traveling um there also is that little structure over there we could try to work towards um let's go yeah same going on our same bridge is probably a good way to get back over there unless my bee aggravates the dude standing on the bridge in which case maybe it's not going to be a good way God that is an intimidating ax please don't get mad please don't get mad don't get mad don't get mad they're not mad okay good good I guess is my bee not here yet my B's not here yet I guess not yeah oh frick Medusa's here Elite Gorgon oh Elite that's a freaking Elite I'm being pulled in ow man this hurts hold on eat eat how long are we pointing oh my God that was a long time yeah wait I need to um Frick Dude where's she hiding out I don't know I lost her I was trying to shoot but oh my God look at the gas and they're like wavy tentacles it's a it's in the distance to the north oh I think that's why I can't see it what the heck did Medusa go invisible or something okay there is a demon in between us and the thing I think you're gonna be way more survivable now with your double Health yeah I just it's the noises of everything it just you know it's unsettling hey oh God I almost hit you okay what is in what is in here so it's like a it's like another version of a jungle Temple basically [Music] has a demon in it oh oh she coming nice nice oh cool okay careful because uh they might get mad and they're not mad okay that's good we can just avoid doing the puzzle and simply go get the goods ah oh wait that's the other number immediately yeah look look in the upper right hand corner of the chest I'm pretty sure oh neither I yeah I'm pretty sure that is the other one that we have to find another so that that basically just made it like unnecessary for us to um go to a Master we should still go to Bastion for the treasure but hey look there's a gold sword weapons and stuff too and then augmented arrows yeah I'll just take them to bring them back home if there's anything on the other side though some schematics oh wait there's probably three arrows in here lots of stuff okay oh yeah backpack what the heck the bee nest armor boots interesting banana narrow but what careful there's uh more no no don't get hit don't get hit you're gonna blame it on me don't do it oh my God oh God that was a close one yeah we're good we're good oh my God another another eye what the heck is a rage glove oh that's crazy four stone swords with different enchantments yay illager's Bane too try this uh plus seven percent dealt in two percent incoming damage per each hit though in a three second after the latest you probably put this inside of your bubble slot if you wanted to try one of these uh things try the rage the rage glove yeah yeah hold on let me hold that in let's see damage is 300 bucks obtain the rage glove oh cool so yeah seven percent dealt and two percent incoming damage that's fine two percent incoming isn't that big of a deal it's a good trade-off I think yeah I think that's fine um okay neat oh hold on a little freeze we're good a little freeze all right well that's cool I mean we we just right within a small radius of our portal managed to get I think both of the eyes that you get in the nether so that's really good yeah we kind of conquered this but I think we should still Explore More but we can that's probably a good wind down point for yeah we can explore on our own terms not desperately looking for those eyes exactly and God we really need to find like a Way Stone or something oh that poisons you okay what poisoned you um walking over that certain like I don't know the the end of a tree or something uh some kind of thing it was the effect was coming because you're hit by it too right so I'm not poisoned right now no oh that's your lifesteal never mind sorry that's always coming off of you but back here hold on here I'll show you okay I believe it was yeah yeah show me how to get poisoned wait I feel like I walked over this and I got here can you imagine oh frick oh it's that it's the purple mushroom poisonous it's the it's the mushrooms called poisonous mushrooms yeah yeah yeah it is [Laughter] all right well uh yeah thanks for playing and I hope everybody had fun and uh hey you know I think next episode it's gonna be zero death right probably right because you have all the only reason you died was because six hearts yeah that well yeah I think that is no no I did anger the Cyclops that was that one was my fault the fault that is true yeah that was because of the hearts but the Cyclops was all me that is fair all right see you all next time bye
Channel: CaptainSparklez 2
Views: 52,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: captainsparkles, allshamnowow, medieval minecraft, minecraft mods, modpack
Id: VtYReacMZig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 32sec (4952 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2023
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