I Survived 100 Days in One Piece x Better Minecraft in Hardcore! Here's what happened...

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this is one piece a mod that adds all sorts of pirates and new abilities into the game now this is better Minecraft I'm sure most of you know what better Minecraft is by now but in case you don't it's Minecraft but better I guess and this is Zorro the Navigator wait wait a minute why is Zorro the Navigator do you have a problem with my navigating skills or whatever man anyways over the next 100 days I am going to be spending my time in this one piece better Minecraft world my goal is to slay as many beasts as I can collect as many devil fruits as I can and ultimately become the pirate king [Applause] so sit back relax and join me on this journey as we sail out into the grand line to survive 100 days in one piece better Minecraft hardcore wait wait are you gonna make us crash foreign starting my pirate Adventure I washed up on a beach and big mom herself actually greeted me and gave me a devil flow big mom is talking to me right now okay yeah since you're part of my family same as all of my children I would give you a devil fruit place and right click this for a random devil fruit my child now goodbye oh wait wait this is a smile through it's uh it's like what they reproduced in uh the dress Rosa Arc right I'm currently watching the dresser of the arc right now so this is really cool to see wait actually let's see what that before we get no this is actually a terrible devil fruit bruh ain't no way man like give me that get that out of here I'm just kidding let me actually grab that all right oh man I don't want to eat this double fruit it's actually such a bad devil fruit oh why do I have bunny ears huh no way did they make me a furry hold up Charlotte dang oh my gosh I'm a furry guys no way all right so the game automatically assigns your race and it just so happens that they made me a mink so I I don't want to see you guys typing in the comments OMG haha Taste of snow is a furry and you know there's there's nothing wrong with that bunny ears look good on me not that I know from experience of course but anyways before I could even Explore my surroundings I realized that everything here wanted to kill me oh yeah holy crap there's so many marines I'm actually scared what is that whoa this oh shoot it's a monkey yo Buggy's chasing look at these giant boars all right what's up let me go this way is the house oh yo Mr GateKeeper no help me there are people out there who want my booty right now being trapped in this tiny house I started to grab some wood and made myself a boat so I could escape and while sailing I started to take a look at the quest book and received some pretty nice rewards for starting my adventure charm of life one I saw this girl stranded on an island and there was also a Kung Fu Dugan there are you stranded on this island oh look at this it's a Kung Fu to gong how you doing man how's he doing you guys are so cute so the girl told me that her name was Felicia and I offered to give her a ride off the island because you know I'm a nice guy watch for your point in that uh blade I saw a desert temple off in the distance but it was guarded by kainu who was a marine Admiral so I had to be careful that's the kind of no no no no no oh oh I know geppo sick I managed to sneak inside the temple and got myself some enchanted books diamonds and even a dragon egg I also realized that because I am a mink I get night vision jumpers and speed during the night which was pretty cool I think I'm getting permanent night vision jumpers because I'm a furry but I do want to check that um building uh that one oh there's smoker you see that hey what's up smoker oh no he's after me run oh yeah at least I gotta speed through right now so I'm actually fast what is this oh oh my gosh it's Rayleigh give me a hockey Quest yes I would like to turn in puso hurry he's coming oh my God oh my God oh my God all right you know what I'm going up here I'm hiding in here yo wait is this Arlo and Park oh my gosh it's Arlo yo wait hold on back off man I'm not ready to fight I have nothing dude I'll be away from me oh my God all right let me just loop around I think there should be something in here this is Arlen's weapon let me go inside hopefully there's no one inside so inside of Arlen Park I found a lot of gold yummy beef kebabs and cool weapons like a rifle and a metal rod look at this this is the alvita's weapon oh my God I can throw it you ready oh there we go how dare you how dare you bully Nami man for being a fish man I gotta say Arlo was a pretty slow swimmer I found a diamond chest in the building which required me to spend some diamonds to make a diamond key to open it and when I opened it I only got a soldier King Cape it was not worth at all the next morning I found myself facing all through a smoker he's one of the Marine Commanders who tries to capture rookie Pirates like me so I had to get into a fight with him actually let me see if I can fight him do you think I can fight him I don't think the gun will work on him right [Music] okay baby girl oh shoot don't go fast okay smoker okay baby girl oh killed him but he dropped probably dropped the cigars oh two cigars oh my gosh when you need to stop smoking it's bad for your lungs after defeating smoker I met back with Felicia and we started sailing towards a Marine base but the whole entire ride she was giving me the cold shoulders oh oh shoot your neck is oh she just turned the other way this is what I call negative rizz I guess my Riz only works on guys is that why 85 of you are dudes you know what let's see if we can balance that percentage out and get some more female viewers in here I want to have my sister edit and write the rest of day one and let me know if it sparked your inner girly pop [Music] foreign good morning my lovelies today I'm starting my morning routine by taking a stroll in a Marine base hey girl I always try to get 10 000 steps in every day as this helps with not only my physical health but mental health as well you know what they say a healthy body means a healthy mind as I kept walking some Pirates started attacking me so I had to take them out they must have been Geminis I wanted to go to Rooftop to watch the sunset and do my daily gratitudes but then I ran into my toxic ex Ugg said we are never ever ever getting back together okay I can't anymore if I keep going I'll probably start losing my male audiences at this point anyways regardless of if you are male female or whatever gender you identify as I love you all and thank you for watching my videos unless you're criminal of course Luffy what's up holy crap because the wano country because this is like literally whenever he's like the most powerful what is going on outside oh oh my God what is Kuma doing here he's holding the giant Bible all right I do not want to mess Akuma Kuma is really powerful the next morning I looted a shipwreck beneath the Marine base where I got a suspicious dude and a treasure map I started swimming back to Felicia but tragedy awaited me wait where's Felicia huh did she die no this is so sad oh man my dear Felicia where are you anyways there was a fight going on nearby and I saw a smoker dying in the water what are you doing in the water oh okay so for those of you who aren't familiar with one piece basically there are these things called devil fruits which you can eat to gain powerful abilities however once you eat a devil fruit you lose your ability to swim hence why smoker was dying in the water because he ate the smoked smoked fruit which turned him into a smoky man on my way out I saw kaido and kizaru and they were really powerful people so I did not want to mess with them right now I stumbled Upon A Pillager pose and this was the most amount of pillagers I've ever seen we gotta take these guys out come on okay here we go I get XP from killing these guys dude look at the amount of arrows on the ground I need to kill them out like oh there's fujitora fujitor is coming oh no no no I I cannot find that guy I can't fight that guy I can't fight fujitoro no no fujitor stay away from me food store please please please please Fuji tour I I've done nothing wrong I'm taking out evil right now tour don't you see me taking out evil isn't that what you want the world to be free of evil please let me take these guys out oh my God you see my vertical slash why was it so strong but hold up oh my God he's shooting at me all right oh my God I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die oh I'm like and I'm like oh still back oh I'm gonna die oh after seeing how strong fujitor was I got out of there I did see a Nails flying airship in the sky though but I knew I was too weak at the moment to explore so I would do that in the future I took some iron from some villagers and made some iron armor and there was also this Marine base nearby so I made some iron keys and started looting the chest to see if I could find any devil fruits and to my surprise I actually found a devil fruit this double fruit gives me the ability to slash my enemies with sharp long nails but it was actually pretty terrible oh no karma coming on me oh I need 35 stamina boom bro this this stuff was trash out there messing around with the devil fruit I found a catacomb deep underground and decided to go explore it and since I was underground already I decided to do some mining as well I found some diamonds and found some more diamonds underwater however since I ate the devil fruit I couldn't swim now so I wouldn't be able to get it so close but so far a goblin Trader approached me but my man didn't accept raw iron no it has to be the iron ore this is so stupid as I came out of the mines I had to fight smoker man man this guy must have a crush on me or something because he would not stop attacking me I managed to defeat him and unlocked a bunch of new abilities what just happened did I kill him no way I unlock Army and hockey oh my gosh look at this Beast oh my gosh look at him go I saw another purple Marine base nearby which I later realized was the imple down prison so I went inside to release all my fellow pirate prisoners yo come on out Pirates of Swords oh why are you guys hitting me I I'm freeing you guys I went upstairs to find the warden but instead I found something even better and he can probably predict what happened next bottle oh my gosh wait actually I want to try this yeah Zora would love this right now oh shoot oh my gosh oh my gosh I'm moving so slowly oh no I'm a little bit tipsy right hey what's up how you guys doing what are you guys doing up there you know yeah I continue to check out and pull down and later realized that I could check my bounty and apparently I was already a Yonka level pirate with only a 55 000 Bounty which was kind of crazy I found sabo's pipe in the chest and the San Riku rifle I think that's how you say it I also found an iron box which contained the Oto otunomi and this devil freaking transform a person's body into different musical instruments to hurt enemies but I decided not to eat it because I want to save my devil fruit slot for another cooler devil fruit then guess what I found that other cooler devil fruit which was the real ryunomi which can turn me into a dinosaur oh this is that dinosaur one I wonder if I if I eat this if I can change into a dinosaur so the next day I pulled a Blackbeard and ate the rerunomi so I could have two devil fruits and transform into a dinosaur let's turn into a dinosaur wait hold on bro bro oh my God you see this trapped under my chin imagine a dinosaur running towards you like this and then just like yeah wait what about this one oh my gosh hold up hey wait I am so fast [Music] what's up buggy oh what was that all right smoker you don't want the smoke I'm telling you oh imagine watching a dinosaur doing gecko all right here we go boom boom boom [Music] I'm just gonna stay in this dinosaur form this is so funny after messing around in my dinosaur form for a bit I found another devil fruit in a watchtower which would allow me to shoot explosive boogers Yes you heard me right shoe explosive boogers the reason why I can eat multiple devil fruits is because I added three different one-piece Mods together but normally if you eat another devil fruit while having one already you would die I found another desert temple which had another Dragon Egg and I also stumbled upon Barako the sun Chief nearby so I fought him hey Morocco what's up oh my god dude all right here we go oh my God actually he's doing kind of decent amount of damage right now holy all right let me just take these guys out strong slush all right man whoa he is ascending all right I'm about to finish the final blow on him but actually let me do it in this form all right let's go day seven was a day filled with surprising discoveries in summer unfortunate mishaps first things first I stumbled upon a guy but then I got attacked by captain Oh shoot get this guy out of here drop the um chess [Music] so I want to save my mind piece devil fruit slot for the gomu game but in the meantime I want it towards me to join my crew I want you to join my pirate crew I want you to join my crew oh [Music] um yo I accidentally shot the poor fella let's just say that he wasn't too thrilled about that whoopsies speaking of unexpected encounters there were tornadoes everywhere and I just kept getting stuck in the eye of the storm because I literally couldn't escape from the tornado I started to invest all my skill points into stamina so I could use geppo to get my way out of the spinning vortexes and I managed to find two more guys whom I did not shoot by the way and they were willing to join my pirate crew and the three of us stormed a Marine base and took everything that they had yeah yeah I eat some cake guys eat up boys eat up however the next day as I was looting a chest upstairs ingmar just combusted oh what what just happened to ingmar what both Eric and I were a little confused at what just happened but we carried on as we knew that's what inchmark would have wanted us to do we got attacked by some zombie villagers and we were getting ready to raid this Pillager windmill when Eric got shot and died get out of here no Eric no my first two crewmates they both died both my crew members died after a day of meeting them but I wasn't going to let their deaths be in vain and I was going to take revenge of them and fight these pillagers strong sloths I came to go inside get out of here man termination what are you guys doing down here let me just slash you guys real quick goodbye [Music] after destroying the windmill I explore this cake Tower and there were a lot of iron gold and diamond blocks on the very top I also switch out my almost broken Cutlass for a saber I started ahead for the ocean but then I just straight up started getting attacked by everything here oh my god dude it's a freaking monkey with a sword and in the middle of the fight I picked up a chest opened it and guess what devil fruit I got oh my gosh we got the karma coming on me all right no way we got this I'm eating it yes waking up the next day you already know I had to play around with the new gomugomu fruit abilities I want to see what how this looks like like bazooka Gatling yo what's up oh my gosh this is sick wait look at this guy you see Bellamy let me just you know just uh pistol him real quick how about we just bazooka oh I caught a glimpse of the legendary Sunny the iconic ship of the straw hat Pirates so I had to go say hello what's up guys broke looking snazzy upon the sunny I found another devil fruit to open no way I started to test it down through out on the straw hats and I was a little confused on how to use it but I know a lot of people say that the opio know me is really op in the anime I mean it's literally in the name and on the topic of devil fruits comment down below which Dove fruit is your favorite for me my favorite devil fruit has to be the clear clear fruit because then I can become invisible and I would use it in a way just like Sanji would to fight evil anyways I sailed out the next day and created a screen trip using my new devil fruit abilities I made it home and tried to sell this Navy ship but it was just way too big there was another smaller ship nearby so I went and hijacked that one instead I put a Helm on the smaller ship but it also just started sinking I try to make some floaters to hopefully stop it from sinking but it didn't even work so I was going to have to build my own ship from scratch I started to head back to Mainland and found a Marine base nearby for me to temporarily stay at I started to collect resources for the ship but then I realized that I should probably enchant my tools first so I could be even more efficient however I realized that I didn't even have any lapis on me so I would have to go deep into the mines and go find some I also found some obsidian while I was down there so then I could eventually go to another and after getting a decent amount of lapis I headed back up to the surface went to the old Marine base and Enchanted my tools and armor there where I got efficiency for and protection prop 4 heck yeah I spent A14 chopping down dark oak trees and man do I love these tree chopping mods I also explored the world looking for Spruce and just admired at how beautiful this world was oh my gosh this is so beautiful I made a quick stop by Arlington Park to slap this man real quick and also steal his beef kebabs and then the next day I saw the going marriage oh my gosh it's the Mary [Music] oh it's the entire cruise here Luffy Chopper what's up my man it's the emergency food you look so droopy what's that even mean to be therapy oh my God it's pretty time skip Frankie what's goody oh nice panties look at that oh my gosh guys Frankie you got some hot cross buns bro let me slap that oh I did not mean to do that hey I'm sorry Frankie let me slap your cheeks real quick Zorro what's good oh Frankie's after me what's up [Music] Sanji not me hey there oh all right get away from me Frankie Robin all right it was really nice seeing you guys I started to look for rabbits in the desert because I needed rabbit High to craft a backpack but for some reason ravage just didn't spawn in this world however I did find something else that no one would have expected to be in the desert is this the barati why is the variety why is the variety doing in the middle of the desert I guess the burati's whole mission is to provide food to people in places where food is hard to find and I guess the desert is one of those places oh one of his food in here oh look at this steak can I eat this can I eat it upstairs I found sanji's famous fried rice that he cooked for getting and eating it gave me a boost of energy it was definitely Uncle Roger approved no way this is actually sanji's fried rice is actually nutritious and delicious I took out Dawn Creek in the back and he dropped his giant spear which literally covered up half of my screen in the evening I discovered the fairest rotnot's Lair so I decided to take the armored Knight on what's up oh shoot oh my God I'm actually stuck holy crap he's tanky I need him to slap me okay this is where we're going and slap in real quick slap me down yes let me just bazooka your back real quick oh I did not mean to do that oh shoot all right oh he's got me trapped in a corner all right this guy is always really annoying to fight here we go oh my God I just did so much damage to him oh pistol okay so my abilities don't work on this guy yes now let me just slap you in the back finally jeez dude this guy was so thick man I got a helmet and his weapon oh yeah after defeating the fairest rotna I found a mushroom house with redstone and cobwebs which is literally perfect because I needed it to make a Nature's Compass so I pointed the Nature's compass in the direction of a spruce Forest but as I was traveling my way there I saw this dungeon thing peeking out of the ground and I was like what is this thing so I went to check it out and I I couldn't believe what I actually just found oh my God don't tell me this is the end portal and stronghold what yeah I just found the end stronghold without even trying to find it but this was really good I found an Aether Dragon in one of the chests which I would definitely hatch later on but I would spend a long time walking through these maze-like corridors trying to find the Portal room and along the way I found a pair of diamond boots that had some decent enchantments on them I also found the library which had a lot of cobwebs which I needed them to make floaters for the ship and then I finally found the portal let's go so I started building a giant pillar up into the sky So then whenever I do have the eyes and come back here I will be able to find the Portal immediately and just go right into the end so I kind of realized that I made my temporary base right next to a pillar Outpost like annoying neighbors they would constantly come to my place and just start attacking them so I'd psycho next door to give them a little bit of a beating however no matter how many times I killed them these small prizes kept respawning over and over again eventually I cave up and built a wall to hopefully keep them out on day 19 I started to head in the direction of the spruce Forest to gather some wood and I spent the next day Gathering dark prismarine blocks as well once I had all of the materials I started to spend the next few days building the foreign [Music] [Music] after days of building the ship I finally put the helm down and our ship was complete we got our first ship oh my gosh this thing is beautiful oh my God I started to transfer all my items from the base onto the ship and for some reason the chests were invisible but they were there I finished transferring all of the things on day 32 and patched up some of the flooding that was happening in the basement and tomorrow our pirate Journey will officially begin a new day begins today is the day that we finally become an official pirate and I'm even gonna put this pirate captain's hat on look at me oh yeah we're official pirate now can't wait for our power journey to begin here we go [Music] what the look at that guy jeez man I stopped by a weapon shop and they had a lot of cool Legendary Weapons including Griffin and yoru I also started hatching my fire dragon a because I wanted a little companion to join me on my journey because I needed fish to tame my fire dragon my mission for the day was to find either an Arlen Park or the barati and with a stroke of good luck we actually found the bratty and well let's just say that Don Creek learned the hard way not to mess with me yeah that's right goodbye I grappled the fish I could find in the kitchen and thought it was time to shift their focus to completing some of the quests I said so once again and encountered a skeleton pirate ship but if you're not me hearties we fought Bounty and murdered Victorious claiming their Treasures as our own arc I don't know if that was a good pirate impression but my throat like hurts from doing that in the midst of Adventure I decided it was time to venture into The Nether I didn't know if building another portal on the ship was going to work since the ship was a moving entity so I took the precautions of backing up my world to avoid any game breaking mishaps and of course the portal did not work I I knew this would happen I was like if I built this nether portal and the ship is moving would I be in a different location every single time that I like sailed away to a different location on the ship and another portal would move right theoretically I would be in a different location in another every time so I was like this will definitely break the game and I guess it did break the game because it's it's not supposed to oh are Dragon hatched already what oh my God he's so cute hey hey there little guy wait let me feed you some fish oh yeah yeah oh my God what should we name him we'll name him um freaking momonosuke yeah moment No Escape because you know he's a dragon and he's like tiny and momonosuke is like tiny you know I still wanted to go to Nether so I docked the ship by a small island and constructed a working nether portal there however as I entered the portal I got trapped forever I could not move open my inventory or break anything I try to use my devil fruit abilities to teleport me out and it did work but I was still trapped and could not move so I used the room to teleport me out try that again nope after struggling a bit more I decided to just load into the world that backed up the previous day it was a good thing that we backed up already our Dragon hasn't even hashed it but it's fine it's fine oh oh wow look at this Dragon it's it's not like this is our first time seeing the dragon or anything I sailed a little bit further away to make a new nether portal and this time luck was on our side and we successfully traversed into this fiery dimension once in another I wanted to trade with some piglets to get ender Pros but these greedy swines didn't give me a single one there were some wither skulls lying around so I did manage to snatch a few and then I threw all of my gold at these guys and still did not receive any ender pearls in return I explore this Mighty Bastion that was guarded by some of these Rock throwing dudes but undeterred by the danger I stole some gold Netherland ingots and even stagged myself a pretty nice Diamond Helmet I also found another Temple that had a respiration 3 book in it but it's not like I could actually use it because you know I can't swim I continue my journey through the Nether and stumbled upon this toxic waste area this entire place was stained yellow like someone just let out a massive fart but anyways I found another Bastion in the toxic waste area and got efficiency 5 shovel too the next day I found another Fortress and started harvesting some blaze rods yes I also found these altered things and I thought to myself that this had to be some sort of boss fight so I looked around and found these ignited Revenant dudes downstairs which I killed and they dropped some burning ashes which I assumed I could use to summon the ignis boss burning ashes oh there's another one over here let me get inside you I want to get inside you I went upstairs to alter and put the ashes in and I summoned ignis himself oh oh something's happening oh oh it's ignis hey yo I I oh my God the Bazooka Gatling oh I'm actually doing damage though dude this guy's attacks are so like dumb yeah that's right oh he turned blue oh all right oh he took a shootout got me buddy [Music] oh my God he's almost dead we're gonna finish you off come here yeah that's right that's right where'd you drop idiom ignatium ingots so that's defeating Agnes once I thought it would be pretty funny to fight him again but in my dinosaur form go into dinosaur mode all right rotary slash horizontal slash I hit you with the jump slash where'd he go oh shoot I just blasted him so far away yeah that's right get out of here man that's right yeah a little tea bag on his body as it died I alluded some more bastions and even found some Marines in the nether there's also this thing called the mid game Citadel and there were Endermen chilling here and I needed the balls I need your balls bruh why are there no balls I did find some balls in the chest that wasn't yes balls let's go on day 40 I crossed past the netherite monstrosity and for some reason this man was bowing down to yo are you praying down are you praying to me oh yeah look at him look at him praying to me I was able to kill a giant monster pretty easily and got his hammer as a reward so the last time I killed the netherite monstrosity I didn't realize that this area had a lot of ancient debris so I made sure that I got every last bit of it my inventory was getting really full at this point so I thought this would be a really good time to start making my way back to another portal and back to the show honestly another was pretty peaceful and with all the netherrite that I had I was able to make myself a full set of netherite armor and on top of that I was able to use the ingots drop by ignis to make myself one of the best armor in the game wow that looks sick dude this is crazy look at me I'm so dripped out I am so dripped out right now and I got the the Hammer as well I also received the bulwark of flame shield from my quest rewards and I was just feeling really powerful at this point but I let that power get to my head as I accidentally killed Moma nosuke oh what oh no I just accidentally killed momonosuke no no oh no no no no no I'm so sorry I need to make a grave for momonosuke rest in peace momonosuke you were an amazing friend and a dragon the best dog I've ever had please accept some of your favorite fish as an offering I'm so sorry that I accidentally killed you I hope Wherever You Are you look down upon us and guide us through the Seas may you rest in peace omonosuke easy my friend with the memory momonowski still fresh in my heart I made a decision to hatch some more dragons while waiting for the eggs to hatch I headed back to Nether with all the gold that had to try my luck again in trading for ender pearls with the piglets let's go I got nine total Ender Pros which is like a good amount it's like enough for us to go to the end the next day I saw kaido and Kizer nearby with the new armor and devil fruit abilities I thought I was now strong enough to take these two I hit you with that bazooka all right yeah that's right that's right [Music] [Music] let me get this give this dude a beating real quick two kind of just take that out of here into gear two where'd he go deadly Ah that's right [Music] pistol dude I just blasted him oh I got his glasses holy crap and his transponder still all right kaido I can't even hurt him yo what's up how's it going why is he not fighting back oh he's fighting back now pistol pistol yokaido you see that right there you see that oh dude he is not fighting back at all I mean it's cool with me I guess there I just killed kaido that is crazy after defeating the two I headed back to the ship and my fire dragon had hatched my dragon hatch hey little guy all right I'm naming you Momo josuke yeah Momo josuke yes Momo Joe's gay sit down Momo josuke we're waiting for your brother or sister to hatch right now how's that sound mobojosuke you'll probably hatch um pretty pretty quickly wait hold on what if I like sat on it I'm like it's what dinosaurs do right keep it keep the egg warm you know what am I doing yeah look at me oh yeah Momo josuke this is how you uh take care of little baby eggs you know you gotta sit on it man just ignore my stupidity but not long after my Aether Dragon hatched the two dragon siblings will join me on my journey look at you guys brother and sister what should I name you I'll name you or neighbor Jolene Jolene yes Jolene all right guys you guys ready you guys ready to set sail the ship was stuck for some reason so I had to disassemble and reassemble it and it kind of messed up the entire ship the dragons also got teleported into the basement and I tried to get them back up but they just ended up teleporting to me on an island and then I realized that Momo josuke was weak to water like me and uh he died no no no no to knock on the water no why are you going in the water oh my gosh I'm not oh man I don't think I was meant to raise dragons guys I wanted to set sail but Jolene was rebelling she refused to get on the ship and I tried everything I could and it was just so annoying so I had to spend an entire day and night waiting for her to grow up so then I can put a saddle on her and manually get her back on the ship I made it back to where our old base was and I made a name tag for Jolene as I was getting ready to take off for Jolene we started getting attacked by some Pirates oh my gosh why are you dying oh who's hurting Jolene get out of here no oh my God the death of Jolene sent me off the edge and I would go on an absolute Rampage go away man you are so annoying I do you know do you understand the pain I went through to wait for Jolin to grow up and stop rebelling and then you just decided shoot her to death as we're about to literally depart no akinu go die you so annoying I'm about to fight all three of the Admirals right now kizaru fujitoro and Akainu they're all here [Music] I kind of I hate you the most I hate you the most bazooka all right I think I killed a kainu oh my God it's Luffy gear five gear four holy crap sorry frigidorah where's kizaru where's kizaru [Music] where are you come out of hiding come out of hiding kizaru I know you're hiding somewhere oh I found you yeah you know what he disappeared all right yeah there you are [Applause] yeah that's right after letting out some steam I started to head for the end stronghold when I got there I dropped out into the hole that I made and put all my eyes in and the portal opened all right let's go where's the Ender Dragon where are you hello there you are hey guess what I can just fly to you I can gap on my way to you look at that it's gonna destroy these real quick just you know hey dude my thing doesn't hurt him foreign to kill this guy foreign come on let me kill this guy two more hits one more three more one more one more come on yes give me the XP after killing the ender dragon I made my way to the outer islands and it was a really pretty sight to see jeez that's beautiful wow oh look at that what is that look how pretty that is my first time in the better end mod that is beautiful what is that whoa It's like a manta ray it's like a phantom I guess wow look at this so beautiful oh my God they're like trees here like green ones look at this it's so pretty I was searching for the end City so I could grab myself an elytra and on my way I encountered a lot of different things in this Dimension like this corporate Tower an eternal portal and all these cool new biomes but eventually I spotted an airship in the distance above an end City and ship yes sir what is this an Ender crate oh my God oh it's so cute there are a lot of shockers on this Airship that just kept constantly shooting at me no but eventually I made my way to the bottom of the ship and got myself an elytra all right give me that yes sir the sky's the limit that crashes no I can't I also looted all the chats here and also got a lot of shocker boxes from the city structure itself I did find a few more end cities and looted all of them as well and I wanted to find an end boss but I didn't find any on my Journeys so I decided to head back to the Overworld once I got back I continued my journey through the Seas and sang a sea shanty that I'm sure a lot of you are familiar with [Music] gather up all of the crews time to ship outpinks is Peru seeing wimble see where who knows the waves will be our guide oh we're across the ocean tides Brays of sunshine far and why birthday sing of cheerful things in circles passing by bit farewell to Weaver's hell say so Long's report renouncing a song it won't be long before we're casting off cross the gold and silver Seas the salty spray puts us at ease day and night to our Delight The Voice never ends ho ho where am I did not mean to come over here also explored laws submarine and slayed law himself my main law whoa Lo relax I have your devil fruit s look we just swapped positions see I have your devil fruit look I can even grab your heart if I wanted to look at that I have your heart I don't know what it does though but like it's pretty cool look I have your heart whoa whoa whoa relax but relax relax my brother hey goodbye law I'm sorry I had to come to this it drops your hat though we got a lot of transponders now as I kept sailing and singing I eventually ran into someone really powerful actually I'm looking and I think I just found Shane's ship so I'm gonna turn my fov up and fight him okay uh I'm gonna fight Shanks like look at my armor am I down for like I don't think Shanks can even like defeat me right now Shanks was one of the strongest pirates in one piece and I thought I was ready to take him on I had to take out a bunch of small fries but then I ran into Kuma and Ace to really strong devil for you what is going on oh my God why is Kuma here no wonder Shanks is dying what Ace is here too what is going on in the ship Ace had the flavorful oh my God she was absolutely just burning the whole entire ship up holy crap oh my God oh holy crap yo Relax He's any heck here too here too bazooka let me hear holy crap to Ace is so strong bazooka holy crap I need heal any heal ing [Music] where is he he's burning the ship is he dead no way he's dead the fire was spreading really fast and I knew I had to go find Shanks before this entire burned down I eventually found Shanks in the Captain's Room and he was already half injured somehow but I still wanted to take him on are you having a battle of Luffy holy holy crap you're actually kind of strong you already like half dead shakes I'm sorry oh no he's not dead ly oh my God I'm actually scared oh my God I'm scared I'm so scared right now huh oh my God he's actually gonna kill me holy crap dude he's actually gonna kill me oh my gosh I don't even know where you went but he got me so low I'm like pretty sure he just fell into the ocean things has got to be here still somewhere he's not where did shakes go well the battle is over regardless yeah I don't know what happened but sages would Ultra Instinct mode it just started slapping me silly as I was escaping shanks's ship I accidentally fell into the ocean and would not be able to swim my way back up I was in a little bit of a pickle I I can't swim back up because I had eaten multiple devil fruits so the only way for me to get out of here was dig underground all right let's just focus on getting to the islands oh eventually I was able to dig my way to an island and get to the surface safely and then when I made it back to my ship there was another pirate a really strong one waiting for me oh why is mihawk on my ship oh me Hawk this isn't the um the episode where you fight Zorro with a knife uh I'm not gonna try to mess with you as as I just saw that I got completely wrecked by Shanks so I'm gonna go to bed oh my God can I not sleep because you're on the ship right now so I gave mihawk a ride back to the land and since he's the world's strongest swordsman I asked him to join my pirate crew mihawk why don't you join my pirate crew I could use someone as strong as you join my crew mihawk no why not why don't you want to join my crew why not please be hug please I'm begging you I'm begging you I need your shame to take out shakes cause we all know that you're stronger than Shanks right no if you say you're not stronger than Shanks then we'll have to put that to the test now don't we come over here we shall fight like men oh my God I need to put the shield up here he comes oh shoot brutal slash I just blocked my vertical slash Strong's left oh room all of mine I have to eat this I can't I can't fight him holy crabby he's not even damaged at all dude I can't fight him nope nope nope nope I just looked at his health and he has 320 out of 360. that's actually nuts that's actually nuts all right let's let's get away from here oh my God the boat is sailing so slowly I have to put cult he's coming he's coming oh my God he's coming I I can't go hurry get down into the funeral room oh my God we need to run we need to run from this man this man is way too powerful this man is way too powerful go go go go go see you later I'm out oh my God that was scary man yeah I was wrong about mihawk he was definitely way stronger than Shanks after being utterly defeated by both Shanks and me Hawk I knew I had to get stronger something must change from now on I'm gonna train and we've become the strongest pirate there is I'm gonna become the pirate king because you know like I just got absolutely handed I got my booty cheeks handed to me my bee Hawk yes this whole entire time that I've been playing this mod pack I've been playing with a limiter but I think it's time to remove my limiter yeah I had a power limiter on this entire time if I didn't have the limiter I would just be one-shotting everything and it wouldn't make it very fun or challenging for me so with my limiter removed now I decided that no ship would be the first place for me to start training my devil fruit abilities oh there you are what's up my man how you doing oh whoa relax buddy oh what's down here oh shoot your eyes are blue that does not look good you might need to get that checked out bro come back up here come up here okay how about we do this we use my shambles on you right shambles yeah there we go we switched places I was able to teleport you back up okay this is training training for me to defeat mihawk all right I literally beat you in an arc that was pretty early on in the season what the frick what the heck is that I've never seen this form before slapped in the face boy you can slap the bass boy fatty why'd you turn so fat bro oh slapped in the face boy oh yeah you like that slapping the face boy let's go I also found a hidden room in the back that I guess the devs didn't finish stop please stop what's going on no stop stop stop stop to be continued again what do you mean what were they hiding from me oh is it because this room isn't decorated that's funny bro I had to rebuild some of the bookshelves because they were messed up from me reassembling the ship but I was able to put efficiency 4 on my ax then I grabbed all the diamonds and emeralds I had saved up and traded them for your roots nice your isn't as good as the infernal Forge in terms of damage but it should be faster oh my God you're out of here man with this cool new sword I decided to test it out on some Admirals nearby all three of the Admirals are just chilling oh my gosh fujitora has been pinned down on the ground as I was training I unlocked conquerors hockey and some other cool new abilities I don't have my strong vertical slashing we just unlocked gear four vertical slash dude look how sick our slash looks now all right Odin all right I'm about to hit them with a crazy sword attack that I I invented 69 000 pound Phoenix 420 Phoenix jeez they're almost dead or actually Fuji tour is dead oh my God we have conkers hockey we unlock Conker's hockey I'll kind of yield to my conquerors hockey where did he go yield to my conquerors hockey there's no effect on him yes you have a gear 4 unlocked let's try it out oh my God look at us do it I need to take the shield off oh dude relax relax oh there he is holy crap you have any oh my God no King Kong gun I gotta try this out we just unlock gear 5 as well yeah within a day of training I was able to unlock Conker's hockey gear 4 and gear 5 of my girl I met some new friends named Olaf and elav and then I noticed that I had the gravity blade which I assume I got from slaying fujitor at some point this thing basically can apply immense gravity on my enemies forcing them into the ground Olaf and elav were teleporting from blocks to blocks as I travel but then tragedy struck as elove died to Buggy love no buggy how dare you slay you love because of he loves death I gave Olaf my Ignus armor because I wanted to make sure that he was the strongest NPC known to man you are gonna be the strongest man the strongest NPC that's ever lived Blaze right bro whoa whoa get him get that man yeah get that man get him yeah shoot him to death Olaf yeah buggy don't mess with my NPCs bro don't mess with my crewmates whoa you better stay back there Olaf get him Go Olaf go yes beat him up oh Olaf is winning yes Olaf look at this dumb stupid clown he was the man who killed your friend remember that Olaf remember that you use the rage use the rage to kill him that's it that's it boy that's it yes use the rage fight him off fight him off oh I'll fight him off yes good job my man I built Olaf a little Hut beside the ship but then as I was examining his inventory he just combusted oh Olaf's just exploded I I have no words let's all have a moment of silence for Olaf the strongest NPC that has ever lived I thought it was time to switch up my devil fruit again so I went to search for a new devil fruit and Ashley found the Paw Paw fruit and the attacks for this thing was really sick okay I want to go try it out now all right uh it's cool if I try this out on you guys oh that was z x counter wait what does counter do uh G what does this do oh my God holy crap hey oh my God that was sick I spend the next day just exploring and found this ruins area in some strawberry scones that were pretty yummy strawberry scones that looks delicious on day 60 I thought it was a bit too long since the last time that I brought out the dinosaur form so I decided to play around with it again oh interesting what the heck oh my gosh wait this is actually so funny look at this guys oh wait hold up oh my God look at this look at me it's because I have the lighter on dude this is so funny I found big mom and I defeated her pretty easily and also tried to tame him horse but then just got attacked by fujitora and then I spent the night exploring this place called the thornborn towers and it was actually a really pretty sight to see it's beautiful I flew around exploring the world for a bit and then made my way back to the ship I realized that I could get something called a blazing rod for my quest rewards so I wanted to test this thing out and spend the entire day fishing all this fish that I got from fishing oh yeah I started sailing out again and I guess who I found I found the white beard Pirates oh shoot it's white beard wait I gotta fight this guy oh where are you at hey yo white beard yeah man what what are you looking at what are you looking at I can literally blast you away with bazooka what about like I'm gonna um just absolutely destroy you real quick all right it's gonna break your ship probably all right thank you oh there you are all right goodbye oh who is this ah what do I feel so bad now man I have so much respect for this man like look how he died so honorably and he let me learn how to use his weapon the bicento as well what a man what a Chad yo my man is a giga Chad can we get much my ship got stuck again somehow so I had to again disassemble it and just made it more messed up like it was so messed up that it was now sailing backwards instead of forwards like how did this even happen however I was able to find shanks's ship again and I managed to defeat him pretty easily this time with my new powers because the ship was getting really deformed I wanted to build a completely new Airship so I started looking for sugarcane to craft balloons I explored some Bandit towers and inside of the tower there was actually a stage and so I decided to test out some comedy skills all right what does Ace in Whitebeard have in common they both like to cosplay as donuts and I pulled my pants man never let me become a comedian guys I can never make any of you guys laugh aside from the bad stand-up fate had another surprise in store for me mihawk the renowned swordsman was waiting for me on the roof and this time I was not going to back down I'm ready to fight you oh he fell off where'd he go did he fall all the way down ah there you are yeah that's right oh my God I'm gonna become the greatest swordsman and the pirate king come on yeah goodbye mihawk oh that did nothing to him that's right gear four real quick bounce man got Lee King Kong gun bazooka League I'm out of food how are they still not dead [Music] maybe I gotta go into dinosaur form real quick [Music] yes the strongest swordsman in the world we finally beat mihawk dude that took so long that was crazy oh my gosh I started looking for sugarcane again and stopped by the barati for a quick meal and then guess what I realized that I forgot to press record for the next few days so I'm just going to reenact what I did in replay mod man I'm all out of string I need to go look for some oh hey look it's a pagoda I wonder what's inside Yoho it's my man Odin let me just give you a good beating record all right I really need string there's probably some in this cave hey let's go I hit the white sticky jackpot all right now that I got all my materials let's start building this Airship I'm just kidding I actually don't like how it looks so I'm actually gonna restart and completely build something else all right this actually looks really good let me just add some finishing and yeah after that I started recording again but basically I spent the next few days building the house because I thought it'd be pretty funny if I attached a bunch of balloons on top it made it fly like the house from Up but then I ended up not liking how it looks so I scrapped the whole thing and decided just to build something completely different oh yeah and just like that the SS Squidward was complete what yo this is sick the flying SS Squidward it was so ugly man I'm honestly starting to question my building skills at this point guys tell me that I'm a good Builder I spend the next day moving all my stuff into the Airship so now that I finished the SS Squidward I was planning on heading to the Twilight Forest Dimension to complete some of my quest there and slay some bees so I steer the ship into a flower field and made my first Twilight Forest portal oh I've actually never been to this Dimension before so it was quite the experience it was a snowy area nearby which had a cave with a lot of Yetis and I couldn't damage them because I think I was supposed to defeat the bosses here in a chronological order but I found a way to kill them anyways my conquerors hockey will take them out Bow Down that's right I later found an aurora Tower and it was really pretty but I couldn't break any of the blocks here these little purple bear dudes kept teleporting on me and they dropped a book that talked about a pointy Wizard Tower so I thought maybe if I killed this wizard it would give me the ability to break blocks so that's what I did I went out and killed the wizard I found a Naga which was this really ugly snake looking thing so I slayed it and there was also this Labyrinth nearby which I needed to find a minnow shroom in order to progress through this Dimension I literally ran and ran throughout this entire Labyrinth for so long and I just could not find a single middle shroom So eventually after spending the entire day running in circles I just gave up I went out to find the Hydra monster and the Hydra was actually really close to Labyrinth so I started attacking it but I realized I couldn't do any damage to it unless I eat this thing called the meat stroganoff and guess who drops this yeah The Minnow shrooms in The Labyrinth so back I go to the maze-like Labyrinth running around trying to find this minnow shroom and after such a long time I finally found the minnow shroom killed him and grabbed his meat oh thank goodness after eating his meat strong enough I went back to the Hydra and for some reason I still couldn't attack it so I tried everything I could and realized that only the Paw Paw fruit ability could damage it for some reason oh that worked a little bit okay so using my Paw Paw fruit I was able to slowly chip away at its house let's go and after defeating the Hydra the next Monster I wanted to slay was the euro gas I don't even know if that's how you pronounce it but it was located in the dark forest and as I got closer to the center of the forest my vision started to get impaired I made a little rest stop and put my shulker down and then I realized I couldn't pick it back up again because the area was protected it was kind of stupid I looked online and found out that I needed to kill the Lich in order to lift the blinding curse and I already killed the Lich earlier but I think because I didn't kill the bosses in order it didn't count so I went to find another lich's Tower to slay another Lich so after I killed the Lich I went back to the forest and I was still blinded so I just said you know what I'm just gonna fight this thing blind where this thing at hello oh there you are I don't know where you are but where are you this way hello [Music] foreign man oh I found you [Music] all right where are you I found you aha [Music] wait that was that not it must be another one where are you [Music] I found you here somewhere oh wait foreign using my observation hockey I'm just kidding I don't even know I literally just walked around in the dark until I found it but it took me a while before we did it uh whatever I feel like we've spent enough time in here oh it feels so good to be able to see again [Music] I came back out of the Twilight Forest and was greeted by the handsome SS score against the SS Squidward the next boss I went to the fight was Frost mall so I pointed my Nature's Compass to the nearest snowbime to find this beast on day 84 I made it to the snowy Taiga and ran into some hiking Bears after showing my respect to them I found frostmont nearby and would be able to slay him pretty quickly what is goody come on boy oh my gosh I actually just destroyed this the next day I found a gatekeeper he had a portal to the everdon so I decided to light it up and head inside and inside the dimension there was a wizard tower nearby and I was able to find all four of the keys that allowed me to summon the Alchemist all right dude the Simmons teleporting everywhere slash oh uh there's water there there we go a thus Arc granting visual sneaking with smoke after defeating the Alchemist I started looking for a poison dungeon I flew so far away looking for this thing and eventually I finally did yes I found it the spider's Lair it was deep underground and this place was just like the Labyrinth running around for a very long time I was looking for all four of the keys for me to unlock the very last floor I'm not gonna bore you with all the details but I did find all four keys and was able to fight the giant spider boss was goody boy come here boy Whoa [Music] whoa yeah yeah get off of me yes look at him yeah die because I had traveled so far away I literally spent an entire day flying back to the portal to get back to the Overworld but eventually I did make it back on day 89 my ship started going out of control and this would lead to some difficulties uh why is my ship moving on its own hey yo look my ship is moving on its own that's a Squidward where are you going oh my God I'm actually gonna lose it come on please come on please yes after tirelessly chasing down the ship I finally managed to catch up to it and bring it to a stop I then spent the entire rest of the day looking for new Devil fruits and I actually found two the first devil fruit I found was the tsukesuke Nomi also known as the clear clear fruit and all this devil fruit does is basically turns meat invisible or anything else that I touch invisible the other devil fruit that I found was the dokudokunumi also known as the venom venom fruit in my opinion this devil fruit is actually really strong in the anime like you literally become Untouchable because you're just surrounded by Venom the only downside of course is the uncontrollable diarrhea you get from it so I forgot to press the record button again but I basically spent day 90 flying around and exploring the world and on day 91 I started to build a dragon pen to start hatching dragons again and I had to go to another to grab some magma blocks because I really wanted one of them to be a fire dragon my dragons hatched the next day and I was able to eat them and tame them on day 93 I wanted to start collecting devil fruits and seeing how many I can find in the last few days that had left so I went looking around at all the different types of structures to look for them and in the evening was when I realized that I wasn't recording and I was in the middle of a fight of shanks oh my God it Shanks but mama know me version of shanks he got me in the water he knows I'm a dumb fruit user all right here we go deadly holy crap this shakes is so much stronger oh foreign [Music] pounded my guy oh let's go since I forgot to record the last few days I did find two devil fruits and I wanted to show you guys I want to show you guys that uh I got the the gomukomonomi prime piece that fruit and the kage know me those were pretty cool pretty cool I also found this crab guy by the beach his name was hermit Harold I came on board shanks's ship and started raiding it for devil fruits and I was actually able to find the Ito etonomi which was the string string fruit and the here hinomi the ice double fruit that aokiji has however because the ship was close to an ocean Temple oh no I kept getting mining fatigue I can't Guardians got to me I have mining fatigue for four minutes this sucks because of my mining fatigue one of the devil fruits got wedged into crevice and I had to blast it out carefully to get it oh yes what is it they're going go go go go go go go no me with that I managed to add the go go no me and the Chicho no me to my collection but on day 95 I was getting really annoyed at the Elder Guardians constantly giving me money fatigue so I went to teach him a lesson out of here man and I would continue to find even more devil fruits and I'm not even gonna name them all out because there was just a lot but I'm just gonna say that shanks's ship was literally a devil fruit Paradise it's actually kind of funny how there are so many devil Foods on this ship but Nano shanks's crew members are devil fruit eaters I got back to my Dragon Pen and guess what my fire dragon died again what why is it always the fire dragon man I feel so bad honestly at this point you should just call me Natsu the fire dragon slayer there was also a gear 5 Luffy nearby and so I went to fight him and he dropped a one-piece music disc so you already know that we were going to gym out to it hey and that's all you get I have not tried to get demonetized a copyright strike I'm a broke college boy bro but anyways I spent the entirety of the next two days just testing out all these cool new Devil fruits that I got honestly let's do the sugar sugar no me because it's the lamest probably and like literally we just go up to people and we press z x yeah we just plagued them and then see chronic fatigue and feminization honestly not that cool let's try the go go know me go go know me I want to see what it does try on these um these sheep feel bad for the Sheep but oh so it's like kind of like the um the Skyrim freaking scream right whatever I've never played Skyrim before yeah I literally just started screaming this will be a perfect devil fruit for Karen's you're just like at Walmart imagine this is a Walmart employee and he's like excuse me oh yeah pretty cool I guess the mokumoku no me this Smoker's devil fruit that we should be able to fly with it right oh yeah look at us we can fly oh yeah hey yo fujitoro white storm yeah hey yo get out I don't even remember what the kage know means we'll have to find out let's see what this is let's eat it oh it's the devil fruit I'm not that it's it's the shadow one it's the one um gekkomoria has right it summons a bunch of bats on him but X what does that do whoa whoa I can freeze him so many bats you like that oh yo you got something on your head there what does g do dopple man oh get him get on top oh man yeah attack him get him double man get him let's go you're crazy man let's try here here know me this is the one aokiji has probably like one of my favorite devil fruits as well oh shoot oh this is sick wait hold up I need to find some victims oh perfect Bellamy what does X do hit an enemy oh it freezes though what's this yo I got a bike wait I wonder if I can ride it on the ocean oh my God this works no way I wonder if you know if you see in Tokyo if you see me see me I don't even know what I'm saying bro the Chooch you know me this one seems kind of lame but oh I think it gives me regen right maybe wait what does this do I'm like shooting something out oh look at that buggy there's how the Ito etonomi I can shoot string at him what is this oh my God there's a string it's like attached from the ceiling oh my gosh all right I got a cage now so like you guys want to go out you know you'll die yo GARP this is perfect activate Buddha wait how do I activate Buddha H oh what's up X oh I'm so confused get ready oh my God that's right so I wanted to find some people to test out the Meta Meta Nomi's Powers but as I was using its powers I just started getting attacked by literally every single person on the planet and this was literally the craziest battle that had yet like the whole place turned into a war zone died what's up Kuma oh get burned baby firefist [Music] they call me fire fists Ace for a reason you don't want the smoke Kuro tell him you don't want the smoke that's what I said yo I wouldn't you don't want the smoke oh shoot Luffy's fighting me as well you must be mad I have Aces though fruit golly holy crap they are not happy Fireball holy crap everyone's here [Music] oh my God fireface Aces everyone's here everyone's here it is a battle holy oh my God what the heck is going on oh my God I'm not ready for this guys please there's two owners come on oh my God oh my this is crazy this is actually nuts all right hold on I'm gonna have to head into gear four galley [Music] died in these men okay I have to hit into gear five real quick I don't even know what's going on but like the Great War is happening right now you guys are watching the last chapter of One Piece die and Guy oh my God I want that devil fruit that elephant is so cool all right come on all I have is aces down for right now oh did I kill him let's go man I wonder if this is how the Battle of Akainu and aokiji went because this entire landscape would have turned into Punk Hazard but the battle wouldn't end there because I was about to eat probably one of my favorite devil fruits and use it in battle against Akino let me demonstrate what power truly is come over here oh look at that I am so fast you can't even see me bro it in here you haven't seen anything yet that's right that's right oh he's still alive [Music] maybe I gotta go in a dinosaur form who knows oh he's shooting it's pissed at me all right kaidu get rained on baby oh I'm on fire yeah that's right jeez stay right here get in there come Rigo shall know what pain truly is oh you're still alive congrats out [Music] dead yet I burn him to a crisp uh I think it's safe to say he's dead let's go let's go with the sun setting in day 100 approaching soon I wanted to start looking for Roger because he only spawned at night I thought fighting him would be the perfect ending to this 100 days and prove that I was worthy to be the pirate king so I went out and searched for him and bought many strong opponents along the way even some of his former crew members I was definitely fire really comboing him let's go dang oh it looks like I couldn't find Roger it's day 100 now but what do you guys think you think I became the pirate king I think we did a pretty decent job the Sun finally rose on day 100 and although we couldn't fight Roger I still think we would have been able to defeat him but anyways thank you guys so much for watching and joining me on this adventure this is actually a really fun video to me besides the fact that my computer crashed like 70 times and also malware was installing my computer because of Chris Forge but yeah anyways it was really fun but thank you guys so much please subscribe and peace [Music]
Channel: TasteTheSno
Views: 633,848
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, 100 Days, Hardcore, Hardcore Minecraft, Forge Labs, Luke TheNotable, Better Minecraft, One Piece, Mine Mine No Mi, True Prime Piece, Fantasy Minecraft
Id: cjhFgxW151I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 21sec (5601 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 25 2023
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