Medieval Minecraft Modpack Let's Play 1.19.2 - Episode 1 (Cows and Villagers)

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foreign crusters welcome back to the channel or to the channel if you're new here and to episode 1 in my Medieval Minecraft Modpack series um yes I am in a tree right now because the spawn that I got as you'll see in a second is right by a dungeon so thankfully it spawned me in a tree so we can hide here for now but uh yeah there's lots to do lots to explore I'm super excited so grab a drink grab a snack whatever it is that you get for while you watch videos and let's get on with the fun I'm going to start out a little bit differently because the mod pack itself has these Origins that you can choose for your Minecraft character to give you kind of like some pros and cons to your gameplay or you could choose just to be the normal human which is totally cool I'm definitely not choosing that one I'm also not going to read through all of them but I will um kind of mention the names of them so there's the avian the elf the goblin the Knight the arachnid the elitrian the shulk another night cleric feline Arachne Banshee demon they Necromancer Paladin pixie plague victim siren Yeti and Darian Mage Archer Bard Merling Hickory dwarf Gorgon ogre blazeborn Phantom Thief brute and then it'll choose a random one for you if you want that so there's a lot to read through I'm not going to read them all obviously there's a lot of them but I will read you the one that I chose so I chose the shulk because because for a few reasons one is the cool little inventory that you get to kind of carry around with you for if you you know you want it and you have some little special things you don't want to lose on death and also because I can break Natural Stone with my hands without a pickaxe so it's good if I like you know go and get caught in a mine or something you know so I'll read this one to you so it says related to shelkers the bodies the shulk are outfitted with a protective shell-like skin uh hoarder you have access to an additional nine Slots of inventory which keep the items on death sturdy skin even without wearing armor your skin provides natural protection now that is going to be great for me especially in a hard world where I don't know what the armor situation is like so this is going to be great um strong arms you're strong enough to break natural stones without using a pickaxe so that means Stone um Granite diorite um what's the other one andesite so those ones um unwieldy unwieldy the way your hands are formed provide no way of holding a shield upright in large appetite you exhaust much quicker than others thus requiring you to eat more which is fine because once we can get the burgers made which thankfully they are in this pack um those will be easy enough for us to to Nom on and Munch on so super excited I'm ready to go let's get on with it all right we are now out of the tree so I'm gonna try to get away from this dungeon as quickly as humanly possible um it looks like there's a bunch of water up there so I kind of don't want to go that way I want to go around the dungeon but oh gosh I guess I can kind of go up and around I have to get used to using Journey map again but um yeah so there's a few things you guys are going to notice I'm gonna get away from this dungeon while I Babble a little bit here so I'm not using the texture pack that comes with the Modpack I'm just not a fan of the textures and they don't really mesh well with a lot of the the modded textures that um are in here so we're leaving that out for now um or we're leaving it out period and um I'm still using the kind of like 3dish texture from the Shader so you guys will notice that because I like how that looks and yeah I haven't really touched much touched much else um I have added the furnaces in and I have added the mob catcher in but other than that there's really not much else that I've kind of tinkered with I do know there's a tree chopping mod in this that um makes tree chopping interesting uh and a little frustrating it's not like the tree Chopper mod from the other one where you know it just chops the whole tree down after you take out the bottom block this one I have to get Oak anyway so I'll show you it like breaks it and breaks it in like pieces and then like it just continually breaks it more and more and more and depending on how big the tree is it'll take even longer so I'm not sure how I feel about that we'll play with it for now but if it starts to like really drive me crazy I'll probably switch it to the tree chopping mod from the other mod pack because I really enjoy that one so this one's not terrible and oh I love the look of the items when they're on the ground like this it's just it's so cool I think you can click to pick them up as well which is really neat um I love that little little addition and the sound of walking around and oh there's just so many things I really love I haven't played with it too much I did Tinker with it a little bit in like an off recording World um just to kind of get the feel to for a few things like this dehydration mod which I know that milk is really good for that so we'll definitely have to find some mumos and stuff so uh yeah we're just going on an adventure figuring things out uh when the sound is so cool wait why do I haven't of an apple on my forehead because I accidentally put it in my hold on [Music] oh my God that's hilarious okay so you can put things on your head can I put wood on my head no okay what about it what about it no okay that's so funny and you get this like orb of origin as well so I think that's to kind of like give yourself a re-roll if you don't like your um almost wanted to say profession but your your origin so yeah that's a pretty neat lots of stuff to discover um I know that charm is in here but for some reason the crafting table in the inventory isn't working so that's a setting that you can turn on in the configuration so I'll have to turn that on at some point and hopefully the lava bucket in the inventory works because that is like my go-to garbage can so I have to have that but yeah it's all things that we'll discover as we go so also I know sleeping bags are not in this which I think is from the Comforts mod so there is a sleeping bag that you can put into like your traveler's backpack that I think works in some way that I haven't figured out so we will just have to make a bed which means I do need to kill these sheep I'm sorry and The Swinging of the sword is gonna be something I have to get used to too but for now we'll just have to put beds everywhere when we're on adventuring which kind of sucks because then like I'm gonna be sleeping and setting my spawn in places that I don't want to but I'll have to I think The Travelers backpacks show up in loot a lot so that'll be that'll be fine come here Steve I'm sorry oh and a cow oh cows oh no I don't have anywhere to oh I don't want to live here oh cows I need your milk and I don't have iron oh man you guys are gonna be so lucrative in this mod pack I swear all right let me just make a bed real quick oops there we go and I also need to make um actually wait a second I'm a shulk hold on let me let me just grab some Stone really oh I am way too close to these baddies oh I don't like if you guys have watched the first series that dungeon in me at the start of the game really don't have a good relationship but hopefully I can get some Stone really quickly maybe Stone pillow are you here Stone hello oh thank you okay so as a show I can do this look at the oh iron hello you know what that is great because I can make a bucket which means I can I don't think I could break that with my hands though that means I can oh I love my crafting table up there that means that's um you can make a bucket and take some some milk give me them sticks foreign [Music] [Music] I guess I deserve that I I pushed it and stayed too close to the dungeon dang it I guess I deserve that well that's a that's a great start to the series cool that's number one let's go uh which means the zombie's still here um which means I don't know how I'm gonna get my stuff back uh you're still here can you chase me out are you stuck on My Grave oh no I picked up my grave oh gosh how do I oh okay I'm a little confused I bet the whole grave thing and um wow you are tough foreign [Music] okay I'm getting out of here there's another one coming I'm just gonna leave that goodbye nope oh man oh I really wanted some milk oh wait I don't need to break leaves um um um that's gonna drive me crazy can I get rid of that thank you okay I wanted to go up and around oh man they really went really far out there too okay we're gonna go this way we're gonna go this way oh that's embarrassing thank you dolphin because I want to go up this way stinky so much for the shulk I can't even tell if like that helps me I mean I got hit a couple times but oh man this is gonna be tough isn't it I just I just wanted some oh there's a creeper over here oh my God oh and another cow okay you um stay there I need to make sure these Creepers Are oh gosh I'm so scared are you above or below I can't tell I'm gonna go over here I just I just want some milk oh wait I don't have enough iron on me though oh man this is like pure panic I'm starting out like I don't even remember what I was talking about oh geez I've never been so like insanely desperate to get iron at the start of a Minecraft episode or game or whatever but it is really cool that I can break this with my hands so loving that I need to make sure I don't there we go the sound of like the walking on the stone and stuff reminds me of RL crafts a lot of this actually reminds me of RL craft which I oh my God never again my anxiety levels are way too high for that nonsense heck they're already way too high right now if I can get some iron so I can get some milk that'd be great please I am so terrified of the scrapers like they are literally gonna wrap on my head aren't they oh I did not mean to do that they give you um four of the Torches from Adorn which is nice because you guys know I love those Stone torches just gonna have a little a little sleep see all right oh I don't like that that sound oh my God I'm so nervous okay um I don't think I want to look for iron right here there's too many almost fell into the hole I made we're just gonna go this way for now man that was embarrassing okay we're gonna make this all right I'm gonna grab these carrots all right all right all right all right okay so let's go this way other scrapers everywhere is that Apple thing still has me laugh and I love it so much but we are gonna have to find iron soon because oh no don't tell me this is a snow oh why is the spawn so bad spawn is awful okay I see a plane's over here oh that's just a little Islands dang it oh I see some weight random growing wheat interesting okay um oh man I am already so nervous about this the water like the the dehydration thing really like keeps you on your toes holy cow and you can't drink like you know ocean water or lake water or whatever because I know it gives you like little green ickies so you really have to you can um I think purify water in a furnace but it's just smarter to find things and like grow things and stuff and make stuff so and of course cows uh let me make a boat let's go this way see what's over here oh my gosh I'm like on the edge of my seat did not expect it to start like that that's that's fun that's that's fun thanks Gabe appreciate it Oh it sounded so cool I love it all right let's go over here oh there's a house over here okay we can shack up up here for now at least I'll have somewhere to like put a bed if we die again and all that stuff and then we can kind of go from there and get our bearings because oh my gosh The Nomad life is not the life for me let me tell you use my my shelf powers of stone breaking awesomeness hello actually I want the white bed not a fan of the yellow there we go okay we got a chest here ooh and some goodies um um I don't really need the quest book and stuff it will keep the arrows that's those in there okay and I'm gonna oh I forgot you have to click follow it's showing night time stop that Waypoint create waypoints there we go oh man Journey map is such a trip like I haven't used it in so long making my forage days all right let's see what's around here are there any Momos oh I forgot my wheat oh you know what I should actually chop down a tree because if I do find a moomoo I'm gonna bring a couple of them down here and put them in a fenced area let's go over here and make a little fence area and also grab our wheat because we definitely want to make sure that we can leave the cows back all right so what am I doing brain farts let's do this and then this oh wait we don't have enough for what am I missing what we need another door make a little spot here for some mumos because apparently milk is the most important thing ever right now oh I made a boo-boo there we go ah cool down what does that mean this position is on cooldown what does that mean oh man there's so many things that I have no idea what they mean this is gonna be one of the you guys are just gonna hear me keep going like what does that mean what does that do what is what is this for all right let's go try to find some cows lumos hello let's see all these things unlike zeros it's just not marked like friendlies or anything it's just white uh little thingymabobs and the mumus oh man is this like a ah please don't tell me this is like a Dead Island or dead end Island wait wait wait oh I don't have zoom I keep trying to zoom okay well uh I guess we're gonna pick up our stuff and move because that is a birch Village which actually looks really nice so yeah we're gonna we're gonna go Mosey on over there gonna grab our stuff and uh hope that there's some cows over there because I'm getting thirsty although I still don't have a bucket so this is uh oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy this is uh this is already starting out Grand all right I'm getting thirsty oh it's so cute okay I'm just gonna grab this grab all our stuff okay and head on over to the Village I'll just leave those fences there bye buddy oh my God you're so precious the moth was making that sound what the heck all right over we go oh please have something to drink I'm so thirsty hello new friends you mind if I live here for a little while oh that is going to take some getting used to good grief can I have one of these houses do you mind is that another wart who knows oh and it weighs down let's go and name it temp um oh I have to take off that waste or Waypoint that was uh over here there we go all right so please tell me you have why is it you guys see what I mean by like sometimes the name doesn't take because it's showing the way Stone name but not the name I gave it oh oh I see a cow see a cow I see a cow see a cow oh they're already in oh my God they're already in a thing oh my good guess perfect this is so great I'm so happy now we just need iron okay okay this is this is shaping up to be to be pretty good okay okay okay okay okay okay oh God I'm slow because I'm hungry or thirsty oh yeah I don't have a bucket I'll respond there for now oh my gosh I really need some iron I don't think bottles or anything will work either oh man you guys have any iron iron please I'm so slow I'm so thirsty do I have anything that'll give me water nope nope no I don't oh man this is going to be an adventure of Creo trying to get something to drink literally nothing around here oh my God anything oh don't just more food actually can I just potato thank you oh I should probably sleep sorry I'm stealing your bed I don't want any baddies to spawn give me the Magnum torches are in this okay good all right okay well I'll come back for the wheat there but oh gosh I'm gonna have to go digging when I'm I'm gonna start dying soon because I have not this is a little kitchen right there's a bowl and a fish what's this greater orb of regret refunds all skill points actually oh no I'm gonna start dying in a second um uh oh dear um this is not good this is not good this is not good uh well I guess I can put down my stuff somewhere which one do I want to live in and I want to go over to this one with the netherwort oh man this sucks this sucks so bad oh man oh man oh man I am just gonna shack up in here okay sorry oh oh glass bottles okay I don't know if those are gonna do anything for me right now but uh we're gonna have to Ed turn upstairs no okay we're just gonna put the bed there let that oh this is actually a really good spot okay um that in there hi sorry took over your house hi what are you Alchemist oh mind if I might become your roommate ooh Alchemist table gosh there's so many cool things oh my God I'm so excited hello it's like right in my face hello uh okay yeah I'm gonna be your roommate for a little while sorry I hope you don't mind um okay all right we need to go find some iron because I am so thirsty and I really don't want to drink oh I might have to drink some of this icky water first because like oh it gave me a I really don't have a choice I have to do this oh it's so gross but like I have to find some iron um seawater so salty okay let's just grab some of that oh I forgot to put my saplings back that probably would have been a smart thing to do so let's go do that hi hi roommate okay so um first things first going to find iron because that is going to be the most important thing so I think like we're yeah if I go up here I should find some iron maybe I can get lucky and find some iron in here oh some more coal okay thank you foreign powers of breaking stone but like I don't want to keep switching between it wait okay I was gonna say ranks at the same speed as like a stone pickaxe grab some of this coal I just need a couple more pieces of iron so I can make a bucket please man okay okay I swear I've played Minecraft before I swear I have a uh that never happened [Laughter] okay let's uh yeah okay oh my gosh I know if I go up to like above 100 y level I should get a little more lucky I've never been so just like determined to get iron at the start of a game before I know I said that but like really this is crazy oh hello little babies oh and there's a mushroom Hut over there too nice okay we're at 87. oh oh my God what are you what are what are you why does this look so much like RL crap it's wild corruption okay interesting we'll go up here a little more and hope that there's some iron because we need a bucket whoa I don't have a cell that's gonna drive me so crazy I need my zoom oh there's iron there but I oh God there's so much of it too um I guess I'll go over there and dig down oh the Splashy water noises when it's raining oh my God I love that okay I have to figure out where to it was over here right oh my gosh I don't remember where it was it was like there it is okay so like down here um I have stone on me okay so you're right there all right down we go I guess I could make a shovel or his phone as I called it last episode like a dum-dum I don't have any sticks this is just starting out Grand I forget where it was going I guess I could block up actually that might be a little more smart so I'm not like just digging into Oblivion oh there's more over there too distance blur thing that is gonna drive me insane hold on okay there we go that's better hello iron you are gonna help me make a bucket I hear baddies oh oh my keys are so sensitive that if I like just touch one of my keys I go flying to the side okay there we go we can go home and make a bucket see the determination to find a bucket is just or to make a bucket man I swear oh wait it's not our home Village that's our home Village oh my God I could not talk today there's another Village here which means another way Stone so we're just gonna take a little detour and go get a the wavestone from over here because that way while we're adventuring we can oh my God there's so many cows I'm loving this oh of course it's all the way up there that splishy splashy sound is great oh my gosh that detail love love it love it love it I am just stealing your waist down thank you goodbye let's see what other goodies you guys got here before I leave here's my fall damage isn't that bad as a shark okay chicken and onions a bowl what you got cooking nothing food um bone meal in your kitchen for some reason gosh this is so cool what is this from I didn't even know Farmers Delight had that okay cool oh I will take this though no thank you do apples give you I think I already checked this no they don't right because I checked when I accidentally put the apple on my head hi sorry I know I know I'm terrible I'm sorry I'm sorry oh right and you can't hit anything with an ax apparently what's the straw bales actually don't these turn into straw never mind I thought that that was something completely different okay oh excuse me oh uh I guess I should sleep sorry little dude I stole your bed my bed rainbow I'm gonna grab this coal oh where's my bread I'm getting sidetracked and detoured because you know it wouldn't be a Creo episode without major distractions then we'll grab this coal I've been playing with my mic settings and stuff so hopefully it doesn't Peak too badly or at all but I think it might have already a couple times but it's getting a little better fortunately when you do like some upgrading and things change it you gotta really Tinker with everything again and that is the space I am at but hopefully it isn't too too bad all right so I guess we can go back there's a lot of these little mushroom Huts around which is nice okay back home we go and then uh we'll make a bucket oh wait again detour mushrooms thank you thank you mushies I was there's a lot of mushrooms around holy guacamole I'm sorry I'm stealing all your stuff oh that is a bad little place to go into no thank you because we need to get hamburgers going as soon as possible which means cows are going to be lucrative for more than just their milk and home we go look at these no just different colored sticks to kind of match the birch trees that is a creeper over there careful Creo I already died once in the first 20 minutes don't want to be dying again foreign which way words where did I put my stuff okay do you have a furnace in here no you don't I'm gonna keep that take those at um I need to find a furnace or actually I could just make a furnace what am I talking about is there a crafting table in here negative do this this don't fall in the hole oh wait where's my my precious iron go there it is okay I was like wait I thought I had another piece that I guess it just like combined which is good what's this REI okay um we got some quests let's see huh decoration okay waist Stones okay what's this oh thank you uh thank you and I will be right back because I need to go and get some milk if I remember where the cows are there they are hello little Momos you are very very precious oh my gosh I'm so slow I need milk milk please oh my gosh it gives you so much that is wonderful thank you good cow I appreciate you and we'll take this bread this is definitely one of those mod packs where like you really need to make sure you're prepared to go adventuring have all the milk on you that you can get things like that I still haven't really figured out the distilled the distilled the uh what's the word I'm looking for um no what's the word I'm looking for purification there we go okay so what is it called it's called dehydration there we go so there's okay there's flasks you can make oh it's just leather oh there's diamonds gold okay iron and that holds oh so it'd be good for me to make those bamboo pumps is that something where you just like put it in the ground and it like hmm and cauldrons the cauldrons purify water like I have so many questions so I know you get purified water from doing that but oh there's a handbook oh did they give me the handbook at the beginning hold on let me let me go check let me go check if I have a handbook in here somewhere because you would think they would have given a handbook right no it didn't give me a handbook and I don't know how I could make it there's no recipe oh that sucks how am I supposed to learn things if you don't can't even make the handbook oh man now I'm gonna have to figure things out so I guess we're gonna need copper so oh man we need bamboo I really need to figure out how this mod works because it's so incredibly important for survival to make sure that we can drink so um that's gonna be something I'm gonna have to look into between episodes because yeah definitely definitely water is very important is there anywhere around here that has bamboo what's up huh I kind of want to go adventuring but I'm also a little bit scared I am going to make some more torches though because that's going to be important I kind of I'll like wander around a little bit in the area oh my gosh I'm like terrified I think I'm gonna make another bucket and bring two milks with me and then make some more breads bring that with me um that's because I need to make some more Stone rods don't worry I'm not going to take over your place Oops I did not mean to do that I do need to make some torches though grab our Stone and then we're gonna make ourselves Stone rods and forget where our coal is there we go because apparently you know brain power boy effects by the way put that away Stone on us go and grab some more milk oh maybe it's sleepy time that's in my bed nope not for you no mine all right where do we say we were gonna go I guess we're gonna go and check out that little mushroom Hut because apparently there's adorable little mushroom guys in this and I want to go see it again I love that there's all kinds of Lily of the valleys here too so that's awesome so so so happy there's Kyle's here oh let me grab some more milk for my my adventure please thank you very much I'm just gonna add a thing so I don't have to keep oh nope that's not what I meant to do there we go up is this delay so yeah I'm definitely gonna have to figure out that the dehydration system I don't have to like pack a backpack full of milk I gotta say though I had Venture before that there are um some Forge mods that I really love and I do really miss sophisticated backpacks because it has that like it has those um upgrades and stuff that you can you know use and whatnot and they uh there's one that feeds you and all that stuff um automatically and I oh man I miss that so much but I do not miss the the frame rate that Forge provides quote unquote hello chicken how are you doing bud ooh patch sheet oh I love that the animals so I guess it's a glitch when they blink they're oh [Laughter] that's the whole body blinks that's so funny okay so amethyst deceiver dealer what do you do exactly like am I supposed to like give you amethyst or something like what's the dealio here bud oh gosh I can't break anything with my ax it just swings it sorry I'm stealing your ouch is this the room yep that's the room like I said I played on this mod pack very briefly and there was a village I spawned in and this was right next door to it [Music] babylet dealer so like you guys don't do anything though foreign what's this minus oh it has the same okay here I'll trade you you can have that and I'll take this oh mushroom soup perfect thank you I appreciate the goodies and I will take these oh there's another one look at the face oh my God the faces are so good how are you so freaking cute like then why are you guys marked as enemies if you guys see on the mini map they're marked in red which means they're enemies but they're not they're oh gosh I keep trying to hit these they're not though like they're I am confusion again I'm sorry I'm taking all your goodies but I need them to all right we'll keep the stew here because apparently that gives you a little bit of um water which you obviously can't do well you're not hungry so that Tower over there looks like death so we're not gonna go there um which way do we want to go I guess we'll go this way and let's see what we got over here I'm gonna kill these cows though because I know I do need some meat how do the crits work with this weird swing [Music] I love how stuff like flies out of them when they die like I need to remember to go back and find the stuff that flies out hi I'm sorry oh that is going to take some getting used to I do need leather for a water pouch though so I appreciate your sacrifice can you make the Traveler's backpacks hold on let's see I don't remember if you can oh you can make them backpack tanks glass and iron and there's these different ones too like that give different like abilities but I know that they weren't working when um hubby and I were playing with it so I'm hoping that it does work in this pack because some of them are really cool they give some really cool Buffs oh more moo moos I don't have to worry about killing these ones because there's Kyle's back at the Village oh what's that I really miss my zoom I was worried that we weren't gonna have zoom because like OptiFine isn't on fabric but like there was zoom on um there is zoom sorry in the other pack in the better Minecraft pack for fabric so it must be like an add-on for like Iris or something if iris is even in this I'm not sure let's see iris is in this let's see there's a spyglass Improvement so I'm guessing we'll just have to make a spy glass but ugh I don't like having to look through like the Spyglass like lens so hopefully that Improvement improves that I know I'm complaining but like when I get used to something I'm just like oh I need that keep it that way I'm back here please hey snake don't worry you're safe 3D texture stuff from the shaders it's pretty cool though all right we got eight leather but yeah I think I'm gonna definitely figure out the dehydration stuff after I'm done recording today because that's really really I mean like it is in real life water is the necessity so is that another Village wait where am I oh my gosh follow is where am I here I do not know foreign [Music] so I guess we should start making some mushrooms too as well because that seems to be pretty good as well grab some of that sugarcane I know a lot of people like dislike restarting worlds and stuff like that but I really enjoy that I don't know why I enjoy it so much but I do is this uh oh yep yep yep yep oh for Pete's sake oh my God they're everywhere can you guys swim what's that I love that sound what's this oh Comfort what does that mean it doesn't say what's this wondering oh my God the Magic in this mod pack is gonna be so fun to Tinker with I'm really excited oh I love that sound hello why can't I break this with it why could I break is it because I'm a shulk is that way I could but why can't I break it with a an ax that's bizarre but okay oh wait [Music] um oh man uh I don't know what I want to get rid of I guess oh but wait is this sex armor what does this do 15 Arrow blocking 10 explosion resistance this armor is pretty good immersive armors I kind of don't want to get rid of it hmm I really need a backpack oh my gosh I really really need a backpack oh wait what am I talking about I got my shulker inventory uh we'll put that in there that in there with some of our precious milk in there so we can go back and grab the stuff that in there there's iron up here okay oh man I'm gonna have to sleep here aren't I poop okay really need a sleeping bag I know my response set I hear a spider come on let me sleep let me sleep please sleep sleep oh no freaking cave spiders are you serious no oh there is spawner right here oh you stinkies okay okay okay okay okay grab the string did I not break that with that okay I guess not if you could have a backpack in here that would be super slow please gosh more stuff I can't carry a chance to pull Bobs together and slow them down interesting um oh man um I don't care but what was that that sound was uh interesting oh spider eye I don't really care about the bow do you want this though oh my gosh I just want to like record forever today but I know I can't oh my God this pack is so much fun already I'm having such a great time um I don't care about beetroot right now even though I died for like the first five minutes oh my God what's this one stunning one five attack damage six by five okay I don't care about that I don't care about the feather I'm gonna break this in case I'm dumb and like oh did I go in there yet um hmm what do I want to get rid of I guess I can get rid of oh no I'll never be working goodbye bye I guess I have books at home okay and it sucks that we can't loot like properly but now I get to go all the way back home and empty this before I continue actually what am I talking about hold on I have this lovely thing right here so it's marked properly in the way Stone but it's not marked oh my God whatever and why did I not put this over here okay just gonna empty this is a backpack excuse me thank you and I got more of these those in there yes hello hi that's tacos oh nope and that oh wait oh yeah that's right I took full out to make my torches what do I need to make mushroom stew of obviously mushrooms but mushrooms oh and bowls wait we have all of that hold on huh what's this full full of milk that sounds odd okay we got four mushroom stews wait I just saw something leather flask okay so we'll make one of those and I think we can make an iron one right iron and then isn't there a gold one as well hold on bolts I don't think we have enough golds because I'm pretty sure it's what four let's see oops if I could tell you that'd be great gold yeah you need four okay okay so that's good enough for now wait what do I need for the backpack let's see four leather okay we have that oh my gosh we just oh we didn't use the gold okay wait so we need a sleeping bag to make the backpack what huh I'm so confused that doesn't make any sense all right well let's go get some sand because I think we can make a backpack why do I need a sleeping bag for the backpack what's this oh oh that sound effect is great I'm so confused though because like does that mean that it'll like automatically be built in them is this really gonna suck if I don't have a sleeping bag for when I'm out adventuring you know so I guess I'll have to figure out how that works this should be paying attention to how much sand I'm getting oh yeah we've got plenty okay let's go make some glass and get ourselves a backpack but we need to go get some wool actually while we wait okay so I have to now if I fill that with normal water is it or do I have to make the purified water no no I filled it with dirty water whatever I'll just drink dirty water for now when I run out of milk poopy I don't have any copper to try that out either okay I'll definitely have to do that between episodes okay let's see this oh wait okay I thought I had enough iron there we go so I need to make two of these more glass does it automatically show up there's one and then we need four leather perfect and right golds and then I need to go kill some sheep um I thought there were more shape over here I don't want to kill the ones in the pen with the cows for risk of smacking the cows by accident there's gotta be some over here there's one there I love that sound okay there's one any more stupid bees it's weird though because you can see some of like the icons for some animals like the cats and stuff but you can't see sheep and stuff there's a thing over here I want to explore as well um maybe there's sheep in this field over here I should definitely be taking a bed with me oh my gosh oh hello I guess I should have fully looted this uh this Village too oh my gosh I need to get over there why is there a big red being there oh I just need two more oh maybe I will kill these sheep you know what all right little guys oh wait oh there it is foreign just sleep in the middle of the the feels okay so mushroom stew is a good alternative as well so that's good so I can find a bunch of mushrooms now we need to make this grab this make one more of these can I make this yet yes and so how does the sleeping bag thing work though oh they're bigger nice before it wasn't this big at least I think um how does the sleeping bag thing work though oh here we go oh cool oh cool oh cool okay so now we have a sleeping bag oh that's awesome okay oh and if you guys didn't know for these uh Travelers backpacks when you right click them you put it on your back by this uh little icon on the bottom left and if you want to take it off you do the same thing you just take it off like that okay so now we have a backpack perfect so we can put our milk in there uh we don't need the bed but we will set that respawn point there because as you saw at the beginning of the episode I will probably die again oh wait oh that wasn't my stew okay um do we have more mushies we do actually let's make some more stew perfect um I really have to figure out that water thing for sure I'm not sure drinking dirty water does anything I could be wrong oh this is cool skill fire spell Powers okay so I'm guessing these are things that you build into if you're like a wizard or something oh levels oh cool so if I put my my XP into there needs okay so Constitution is Max Health knockback resistance poison resistance strength is Health regeneration attack damage and armor and dexterity is lightning resistance light oh God Is there going to be something that's going to be shooting lightning at me no lightning resistance attack speed range damage melee crit damage Spell critical damage intelligence intelligence ranged crit damage heel amplification spell power wither resistance and luckiness range crit chance evasion luck melee crit chance and Spell critical chance Okay so [Music] okay what do I want to put into let's do strength I'll do four strength for now [Applause] um or into there and then I'll do one dexterity it turns up your reach distance too that is so cool oh my God I'm gonna have so much fun with this pack this is crazy Okay so let's go over and explore actually get rid of this oh wait no how do I there we go um we saw something over here and over there oh my God I'm loving how like there's so many more buildings in this one okay so temp Waypoint that I think that was pink right yes okay let's go over there we've got our drinks we've got or milk over there put our boat in there put that in there because we can craft in the backpack as well this um three by three here you can actually craft stuff in which is really cool so let me actually just make another pickaxe what's on the the bouncy board let's see so two zombies you get some pie a melon and some bone meal you get some emeralds this is good stuff for like the beginning game but like I mean I really don't want to spend time doing that right now I want to go Adventure because I'm a loop Goblin and I want loots I want all the loots hello Momos actually let me drink some milk and grab some more milk from you can I put milk in the flasks hold on um [Music] can I put let me say no okay do I have to fill it from the buckets can I not put milk in there what if I put it in like a no what if I do this no okay well we have some bag right now to do that is for sure and now I have used my water but that's okay we will definitely have to do some figuring out up we go I'm hoping that there's not a lot of baddies over here oh pretty colors daddies and get rid of the sway point a lot of pretty colors oh oh gosh flaming quiver the squiver is filled with the deadliest of arrows oh and it gave me meat it gave me beef for my burgers oh I'm so happy Burger beef oh I will take this and this and this these are all going to be helpful and this oh my gosh thank you for all the helpful stuff and then we'll go over to this one oh my gosh they're everywhere oh my God the floating ship of a bob thing what's this iron hide Amulet the iron hide amulet is both ancient and Timeless sand mysteriously and endlessly slips through the cracks in the iron okay I wonder what that's for you make something with it or do you like put it somewhere oh no I guess we're gonna have to figure that out too oh man so many cool things I'm so excited this is great taking all these tables yeah we're gonna be able to make burgers sooner rather than later that's for sure no bricks oh the creatures from the snow is in this that's good that's good um was there only three these are four cool it was a nice little collection of the loots it says Tome contains one level okay oh thank you all right my backpack is already full okay so there's the blimp so we're definitely not going to do that right now because I will get my butt handed to me for sure oh there's so many cool things to explore and look at love it love it love it love it um let's go empty our bags oh I just realized I left that way Stone at the um other area so we're gonna empty our bags then go back and get that way Stone and just continue on from there because I definitely don't want to forget that oh I swear I'm gonna fall into that Ravine at some point I'm calling it now I know it's gonna happen oh I thought you were a witch oh there's copper right here literally right under the house perfect not a lot of it but I'm pretty sure copper drops yeah quite a bit so um I want to put these and these down is it sleepy time oh it is sleepy time excuse me that's my bed normally I would like put like a trap door to stop them from coming in but I don't want to like completely take over that one guy's house and be like nope you can't live here anymore now can I repair this gear that I have on because it seems oh it's wood how do I repair it do I repair it with wood let me see you um oh wait I was doing something with this wasn't I like a line of like tables I can't is it because hello oh there we go put stuff away I want to know what's in here if it's deadliest arrows does that mean it's just gonna work on a bow like a normal bow wait where's my bow oh I think I tossed out my bow didn't I okay well we'll we'll figure that out later oh yeah right I wanted to do this okay so how reforge gear what oh okay how do I repair this how do I repair this do I need wood hey how do I repair you what is that from immersive armors let's see okay so immersive armors um it doesn't like have a repair kit or anything do I need like wood and not planks Maybe do I have any woods yes oh it does okay so you need logs but I don't have any experience because I just used all my freaking experience oh dang it okay well we'll have to remember that you guys are literally going to oh it's because I put all these tables in here you know what I'm sorry you guys I might have to kick you out of your own house though because you're driving me bonkers oh my gosh you were driving me insane go away shebus why do they have to get like right in your face can you guys leave what if I carry an emerald with me will you follow me you follow me no this is going to drive me bonkers am I gonna have to break all these tables yes yes I am oh my God go away now leave out out if I put the tables up if I put the tables out here will you bugger off I was like I just finished saying how I'm not going to kick them out of their house but then like every single villager and his mother had to come in here go out get it there oh my gosh you guys are literally the most annoying things in existence you can stay in here with me as you are fine nope you're stuck I'm not opening the door again because they are going to drive me bonkers nope [Music] look at them trying to get in here go away um what I do need to do is huh let's see I have more machines I think I might need to go get my mushies oh wait maybe not a bag is an absolute or this these chests are an absolute mess when you guys can keep trying to go in there that's cool but all right so now we're gonna go look at them like the villagers are the most frustrating things in this entire game well one of the most frustrating things but then when you want them to go to a a bench they're like nope okay where's the way Stone over here grab this and where were we going where am I right now there I am we're gonna go over here and go and see oh what's this I love it these buildings generated oh my God it's so funny this is probably trapped should we not I think we see red it's weird like normally I'd put the iron chest plate on but I like my gear more I just need more levels there's creepers up there all right time to scale as a mountain [Music] oh even when you switch from like the soup to the bread it's so cool sound effects are on points it's a house oh it is what's this you've got goodies in here for me oh that's another thing with this tree breaking one if I break these the entire house is gonna go down Oh that's oh gosh something is not happy is it these very bizarre don't need any of that actually no I'll probably take this anyways because it saves me for having to chop down any of the trees making me lag hello something is not happy in there all right over this way we go oh lions and buffalo blinking Buffalo oh my gosh that boss startled me so if they have levels on them does that mean they can level up or something because this is like very RPG based so like I'm wondering if there's like a way to level animals and stuff up that'd be pretty cool if you guys know anything about this pack definitely leave me some tips and stuff because I am just flying by the seat of my pants here I don't know what's going on I wonder if the foundry's in this all right let's grab our boat oh I need to eat why is my little dude in the middle red what does this mean what does it mean when your little guy's red because normally it's white so I'm a bit curious as to what that means oh I have two extra Hearts too wait oh I think that's from um when I was leveling up the the attributes or whatever that's so cool oh man this pack is awesome all right what's over here I've been recording for quite a while so I have to end soon but I am not ready to just yet oh this is so cool I love it nothing there what's this well it's a pelican I think I thought those are called Pelicans yeah actually I'm gonna grab um oh wait you put this down oh cool we use our sleeping bag let's break it like that put that back on oh man it's a couple extra steps but honestly that's really cool and I've used the Traveler's backpack mod before so I wonder if that's like a new addition or something what's loose um that's a spawner we're gonna go over here ooh ding dong is the spirit mod in this no I don't think it is okay is there a chest wait I thought I saw another one where is it oh excuse me oh even the chests like have a creaking noise that's cool honey leather cool cool did I not see a chest above I swear I did maybe I'm just seeing things cool that was a neat little Temple oh I'm thirsty um uh oh that didn't do very much well I did but did not as much as I would have liked wait what is that flame thing oh no is there temperature stuff here oh gosh all right well I guess I'm gonna get thirsty quicker because I'm hot oh man oh right I can't break that interesting I love this so much this is so much fun all right everyone thank you so much for watching episode one of the medieval mod pack series I am so excited to keep playing this this is a great mod pack and I've only just scratched the surface so if you have any tips and tricks for me leave them in the comments below and I will see you in the next one goodbye [Music]
Channel: Creothina
Views: 14,969
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, modpack, medieval, medievalminecraft, series, letsplay, survival, 1.19, 1.19.2, episode
Id: qpNUyPfS4KQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 56sec (5216 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 31 2023
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