Four 4 Ingredient Recipes Using Canned Biscuits!

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guys today i am making recipes using canned biscuits guys you're one these are one of the best inventions ever my great-grandma was so happy when she didn't have to make biscuits anymore i'm going to show you our favorite recipes using canned biscuits all right so we've got our jumbo biscuits grands biscuits i just get the off brand whatever you want preheat your oven to 350 degrees then what you're going to do is you're going to roll out your biscuits and just get it a little bit bigger doesn't have to be huge just like so now you're going to do that with all 10 biscuits okay so you're going to roll it out put it in a greased muffin tin then this is my hamburger that i pre-cooked i pre-cooked five pounds of hamburger at a time and then i put it in little baggies and freeze them and then i already have pre-ground hamburgers so this dinner literally takes me five minutes prep time okay then in each biscuit we're going to put a little bit of hamburger in each one now if you want you could add spaghetti sauce you could use pepperoni you could use sausage you could make a vegetarian one where you just put onions and green peppers and mushrooms you could do an alfredo sauce a pesto sauce any combination that you want then you're going to top it with cheese and there are my cheeseburger bowls my boys just absolutely love them you can see dave started picking at that one right there mini apple turnovers you're gonna roll out your dough for this one i like the butter flavored biscuits then you're going to take your can of pie filling i like to add a little extra cinnamon to my pie filling and then what you're going to do is an apple pie now blueberry and cherry you don't have to worry about but for apple pie the the apples are kind of large so i cut them up in the can with a knife first just like so then just stir in your extra cinnamon yum that looks delicious a little bit on one side of your turnover just like so fold the turnover and crimp it on the edges then you're going to place it on your cookie sheet take a little bit of water tap the top i don't see people give this tip very much but if you put a little bit of water on the top and then sprinkle it with cinnamon and sugar it will hold the cinnamon and sugar on there better and won't fall off quite as much we're going to do this with all 10 put them in the oven at 350 degrees and bake for about 20 minutes and by the way guys if parchment paper is not very dirty like i use this before for cookies just reuse it don't throw away perfectly good parchment paper that just has a little bit of cookie oil on there you can reuse it several times especially if you're making cookies i'll probably be the end for this one because of the leftover little pie filling there but reuse your parchment paper to save some money and there we have our little mini apple pie for girls you want your hamburger with some seasoned salt if you'd like you could put taco seasoning in there or any other flavorings that you want yeah these are totally versatile you want you could make them little pizza pockets you could make them chicken alfredo you could make them with pesto and chicken you can use any kind of filling that you would for like pizza or calzone ham and cheese would be super delicious ham and cheese would be really yummy then we're going to pop these in the oven at 350 degrees and bake them for about 15 to 20 minutes until they're nice and golden on top there you go you want you can brush the tops with some melted butter that adds adds extra yummy goodness that's what we usually do but this is my boy's number one favorite dinner is cheeseburger part bread or monkey bread this recipe is in our dining on a dime volume two and this is an adaptation of the easy pull of bread on page 112. now the recipe in the book calls for a bundt pan but i know that everybody doesn't always have a bundt pan so i'm going to show you how i make it take a loaf pan spray the loaf pan with cooking spray then in a zip top bag i'm going to put my sugar and my brown sugar and if you guys don't know how to soften heart hard brown sugar i have a video that we did several years back on how to soften brown sugar it's super easy so i got my sugar my brown sugar and then my cinnamon now i leave these in the zip top bag because then whenever it's time to make pull apart bread i just reuse the cinnamon and sugar and just keep adding to it as i reuse the cinnamon and sugar okay so we've got our cinnamon and sugar sugars mixed in there next we're going to microwave our butter then you want to cut it in quarters with either a knife or this little scraper works really well then what you're going to do is you're going to take a well-greased pan you're going to take melted butter and dip your pieces in there and then you're going to put them in the cinnamon and sugar until they're well coated shake them around and then you're just going to put them in your pan just stack them around you want about two layers just like so if you missed a little bit of cinnamon sugar just sprinkle it on there then you're going to take your leftover butter you're gonna pour it over the top and if you want you can sprinkle a little bit more cinnamon sugar then i just store this in the refrigerator and then the next time i use it i just add a little bit more cinnamon sugar and i just do that three or four times and then i throw it away all right now we're going to bake this at 350 degrees okay so this is how you tell when they're done see how it's kind of jiggly that's not done in the middle so we need to go about another five or ten minutes so i'm going to turn it around so it gets brown on the other side because most ovens don't cook evenly okay okay if your top gets a little brown but it's not quite done yet just take a piece of foil and set it over the top and put it in there and that will keep the top from browning now i have one of these instant read thermometers and i love these for baking because i can always tell for sure my baked goods are done if your bread is 200 degrees well 190 to 200 degrees then you know the inside of your bread is done mine definitely reach that and there you have perfect monkey bread [Music] i am recording now how would you like me to record mother these recipes are in the description below and on our website at living on a dime dot com you
Channel: Super Easy Recipes
Views: 32,587
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: canned biscuit recipes, easy dinner recipe, canned biscuits, easy apple pie, 2 ingredient recipes
Id: efpEfrAEruI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 56sec (536 seconds)
Published: Thu May 27 2021
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