Mean Maid Can't Stop Lying

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Hello friends it's me and today is Darman Monday and we're gonna be watching a video about an evil maid let's watch oh this is inspired by parasite I love that movie one of the greatest movies I have ever watched so you know this is probably gonna be good oh she found some earrings laying around there's a camera right there she really going to snatch them up why were they right next to each other it's like somebody put them there I didn't mean to startle you oh I'm sorry it's okay I I I just I didn't think you'd be back so early I didn't I I I didn't think you would catch me stealing your diamond earrings Alan had to bring me back because I think I left my earrings have you seen them I don't think so what do they look like yeah I actually just shoved them in my pocket I'm gonna take them to the pawn shop later they're diamond earrings no I could have sworn I left them never seen him a day in my life who leaves their diamond earrings on the couch especially one of those couches that will literally swallow them whole and you find them five years later excuse me Cyrus I don't mean to impose but if we don't leave soon we'll hit traffic on the bridge when we won't have shares and find another pair of earrings okay if you find them you'll let me know right of course okay what were you doing on the floor pardon me I saw you when I walked in what were you doing on the floor oh the child knows kids and pets can just like sense evil I thought I saw a stain but looks like I was wrong a stain on wooden floors um oh she watching you she's gonna be the one to expose you hey honey how was work did you find a job yet Jose no luck today nobody's hiring construction workers right now it's been six months six months and you can't get construction job lies I tell you their construction jobs everywhere bro just doesn't want to work I am tired of taking care of everything myself around here bet you could get around 500 for them at the pawn shop but it still isn't enough we gotta move to plan B Plan B what do you want to do Rob the whole house these 500 diamond earrings aren't enough you sure about that yeah I'm sure it's not like I can count on you for anything she got a point like y'all are struggling but he can't get a job at that point take any job you can get Raphael come out here please hi honey did you make the stuff I asked you for yeah it's all right here Mom why are we doing this again are you crying nothing bad's gonna make your kid do this is just something I need for my job hey trust me this okay what does she make him do you making him do something illegal I can't believe this uh I'm all I'm always so thorough when it comes to vetting my staff it's okay you can't catch everything I saw this when I was helping my husband find jobs she literally had her son Photoshop a fake article to make her drive her look bad all right that's pretty good but also can't you just like Google search him and be like well I can't find anything about this hmm sauce I can't say I'm too surprised I think I smelled alcohol on him the other day drinking on the jog I can't believe I never noticed she just threw him under the bus get him out of here how am I gonna find another driver on such short notice what's wrong with you you have two arms and legs learn to drive yourself we live in the suburbs my husband drove a cab for many why do you need a driver it's not the same course but it could be something not to find somebody really Anita yeah oh my god do you think he can start ASAP oh of course why don't I bring him over tomorrow so you can meet him yes that would work oh my God you're such a lifesaver yeah get rid of that driver so my useless husband can finally get a job how was the first week of soccer practice she's off to a great start amazing and thank you so much we'll get you paid by the end of the week okay Miss Jessica is her mom like loaded you basically have a live-in made a personal driver a private soccer coach that's excessive for somebody with one of those big brown couches um Anita take Hazel inside please I need to handle something what is wrong with you drinking and driving what are you kidding me I didn't do anything what you're not doing anything no more because you're fired this is not okay I don't want to hear anything else go drink it drive on your own time bro just like that he didn't even get a second to explain himself man I would have showed him the article and then he would have been like that's not real me personally I would not let that slide resume is great Mr Diaz says here you drove for Sherman Oaks taxi for nine years I did I did yes what do you mean I did oh yeah not like we're gonna go over the script and rehearse this whole situation in the car you know if you're gonna have a fake life at least know your lines how does five thousand dollars a month sound sounds amazing miss Iris thank you I uh that's a lot listen besides I don't know who gave you that article but it's not real someone's trying to set me up please just hear me out Anita's husband Jose is now taking over please Iris I don't think there's anything more to be said really just Bamboozled this poor man out of a job you know my mom used to say when people show you their true colors believe them the first time oh are we getting the man lesson from the villain this time oh Jesse I totally forgot about soccer practice today come in I'll get hazel first what y'all gonna get her fired next got my back down I gotta run to the trunk and get a few things before I set up outside no no problem why are you asking the maid if you can set your bag down she don't own the place she sure acting like she does I wonder how much Iris pays Jesse wrath played soccer in middle school she getting the whole family involved right she gonna milk this household Drive welcome to the pawn shop yet go get him I don't want to Mom first you made me Photoshop that fake article now this that was different Rob this is a great opportunity this is a great opportunity to scam this household milk them for all their worth easy money money can change everything for us a new house new car but everyone has to be on board at this point y'all are making at least eight thousand dollars a month you're being greedy wanna lie they don't have to lie you know how to play the game maybe this isn't a good idea he's just a kid he doesn't need to be a part of this and besides between the two of us we're making 10 grand a month it's more than enough a 10K a month she okay the housekeeper 5K a month no more jewelry this isn't for me this is all part of my plan you stole more jewelry I'm not gonna wear it I'm going to use it for evil okay okay do you have change for a hundred let me check my bag change for a hundred let me get this straight you pay the housekeeper 5K the driver 5K a month soccer coach 75 and she gonna ask for change is that my necklace yes it is I don't know how that got there I've never seen that before um Iris days now and you're the one who took them no I didn't take anything I I wouldn't do anything like that I I swear so they just magically appeared in your bag mom because Jessica would never do such a thing she is not like that until she can give me a valid reason as to why my missing earrings and now my necklace are in her bag she's no longer your coach mother leveled up level 100 crook after framing this girl payment little girl you are lucky I'm not calling the cops get out oh she ain't even gonna get paid payment wow don't look door hit you on the way out by the way my son is a pro soccer player you know maybe my son used to play a soccer it's been a while for him but he could help Hazel if you'd like really gosh it's like the universe sent you and your family to me you guys have been such a blessing hmm can you start tomorrow I think he can make that work anything for you Messiah anything I will frame the world for your paycheck now she got the whole family working [Music] oh look what a happy family you know some families sit at the table to eat dinner this family sit around the table to count their money a flex oh they got a new place dang their place is nicer than Miss Hazel's good morning good morning iris is Hazel ready for her soccer practice with Raphael there's been a slight change in plans but come in please who's that new character his cousin Beth is in town for the summer and she offered to train Hazel she's a great player thanks I'm gonna grab a quick shower Rafael I'd really love for you to continue training Hazel after Beth goes back to school she don't like him okay sure no problem I'll just leave then wait so you're just letting him go yeah that's exactly what I said did you not hear her how about I give you something extra to hold you over in case something else comes out me you know this is when you think about the lesson someone shows you their true colors but leave them the first time we need that money do we we paid off all of our bills we've got a new place that was the goal right yeah Stop Being Greedy do you think you get a life like Iris has by settling don't hang up your soccer cleats just yet oh she looked diabet through that fridge what are you gonna do poison their water what is that a packet of salt perhaps the silica is that a silica packet no that's salt oh it's hot out let me get you some water oh there you go there has your name on it what did you know you did you poison the cousin She Gotta pass out what if she dies oh my gosh Miss Beth what's wrong I don't know she's just acting really weird okay why don't you run inside and get your mom okay she really trying to get rid of her oh of course she gonna help out make it look like she didn't do anything wrong she's the good guy she's only here to help Beth and steal your money with her I don't know I just came out and found her like this I haven't seen anyone like this no I know I'm sure Beth is a good girl she wouldn't she wouldn't what the last time I saw anyone like this it was owlette and he wasn't exactly sober are you kidding me yeah last time I saw somebody pass out from heat exhaustion it was actually drugs I can't believe that she probably just needs to sleep it off I'm sure it's not drugs or anything if it were we'd have a problem are you sure I mean maybe we should call an ambulance just just in case you know and they can run some blood tests and confirm what it is no that's all right but you know with how much she took what do you mean how much she took um but I was I was just assuming that she again took something I don't think that's true Anita do you think that's true Beth oh she was faking it the whole time you're okay but I thought what's going on what is this some kind of some kind of joke yeah you're the joke oh he back yeah when I got fired my phone was a little bit odd that your husband got my old job trying to think anything of it it is until I came back a few weeks ago to pick up my last check he came back yep and I ran into Hazel and she was really upset about everybody being fired and they mention that it was your family members that kept replacing us that news article that you gave us was a fake I have a friend that works in German taxi pulled a list of all the drivers to verify of your husband works you're cornered and it turns out they never heard him when Alan and Hazel came to me about all of this I didn't know what to believe so Alan came up with the idea of catching you in the ACT oh they saw her putting the things in the laundry Rafael's job just to see what she would do [Music] over the house lo and behold why does the mom have so many people the camera she doesn't even have a job herself on the kitchen counter she got all this time old minor footage to expose the maze set me up oh you can't do that only I can do that only I can bamboozle people the great bamboozler but when you do it it's illegal because it's my house I wouldn't be surprised if the police found my jewelry in your new house either Police Hold on there they are uh police come on take her away this is all a big misunderstanding you know the old me may have been willing to hear you out but as I've come to learn when people show you their truth when people show you their true colors believe me because you've been the first time yes yes yes we get it thank you Darman for the life lesson we all needed to hear a happy ending but anyways that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure to hit that like button in the and make sure you turn on notifications click click and I just released some new merch we got hoodie shirts tank tops at OG I'll link it below and subscribe I love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 7,702,192
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, dhar mann
Id: W6NpE0MFmek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 9sec (849 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 26 2022
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