poor boy only has water for school lunch

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Hello friends it's me today we are watching a Dar man video about a poor boy who had tap water for lunch so grab a drinky drink a snacky snack and let's [Music] watch the class just started or did it just end you guys remember what to do when Miss Steven comes in right hey Joey what happened to your neck y'all are too young to be having hickeys on your neck good morning Mr D she's going good morning class sorry I'm Joy what's going [Music] on Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you that is so sweet how do they know it was our birthday the teacher on famous birthdays or something my i' start balling up right then and there my whole class last she surpris me for her birthday like that's how you know she a good teacher happy birthday to you all right Ariana Grande oh thanks guys whose idea was this I should have known now we know who the teacher's favorite is even though I never had children of my own you guys make me feel like a mom and I'm guessing you drew this too you're so talented I need to get your autograph now before it gets to expensive that's so sweet you know it's funny because my fourth grade teacher was like I need to get your autograph before you be famous I never had plans in my life to be famous what happened to your neck uh you want to believe it I couldn't sleep last night so I went to the kitchen don't tell me it was a night walker that's one of three possible explanations the monster under your bed a night walker a mommy hit you with the slipper it hurts more than you would think and on the counter is a jar of my mom's delicious homemade cookies but when I went to grab one I came across a field of laser beams laser beams yeah like the one of those James Bond movies to get those cookies I had to do a series of acrobatic moves cap okay we're done here sit down this ain't drama class it accidentally hit my neck what okay Joey you play too much let's get back to our seats okay but what really happened like a child came into the class with a huge bruise on his neck is nobody like extremely concerned and I assume you didn't get that cookie he didn't get a cookie but he got a beating or something I don't know I see a bruis on a child I am like immediately concerned okay class let's get started with a paragraph description of last night's reading me for at least 7 hours a day my leg always be shaking and then I found out it was an ADHD thing Miss Gibbons she had to retired for health reasons what's going on bad children really loved her But Here we are now something smell stinky or is bro just tweaking out and we're so happy to have you with us at the school Mr Smiley I wonder why they call him Mr Smiley cookies for the adults for the kids oh no help yourself [Music] cookies the soft ones with the frosting why you going bananas over some cookies is this not like a red flag you did that to the cookies what do you think he's going to do to the kids my name is Mr Smiler Okay C be your new history teacher I want everyone to write my name down it's Mr Smiley what happened to the nice teacher she just literally disappeared Into Thin Air and they're getting a new teacher in the middle of class like oh it was my birthday woo got to go she couldn't handle all the emotions so she quit hey hey what's going on over Joey's left-handed and I'm right-handed so we keep being elbows that is actually a very valid explanation just write with your right hand Joey I'm left-handed yeah just right with your right hand stupid what do you mean there's no such thing as left-handed [Music] people Ste out some cookies oh no now there's some pizza play you going brother yeah listen you know pepperoni is my favorite right you about to throw that away you want it abely bro thinks he's Tango sniffing out free snacks what I'm talking about I got to have get Miss smile about 5 minutes maybe six what are we supposed to do you got lunches don't you yeah we'll eat them no I'm about to eat here you go no that's okay you already gave me food earlier you can have some of mine I'm not going to eat all this Joey hey what's going on over here we're giving Joy our food I have never seen such sweet loving classmates like this is so wholesome I might feel something today is that uh oh peanut butter and jelly sandwich chunky regular oh y Jo you can't be eating everybody else's food man you got to come with your own for health and educational Reasons I'm going to have to confiscate this and a little evidence I know where the stor came bro became a teacher to get some free food hey you can't give the staring kid any food pay the peanut butter jelly tax it's like the cheese tax when you're c a piece of cheese you give a piece to your dog you must pay the cheese tax the cheese tax the cheese tax I am a good law-abiding citizen I pay the cheese tax whatever you eating you got to give a piece to this guy Mr steal your Sammy uh Mr Smiley is it okay if I go to the bathroom it's always the nice kids it's like you never know what they're going through this is why you can't be mean to people unless they be mean to you first but like you never know what people are going through at home hey Joey eat her at home I'm okay Cam thanks my mom's right there she parked in a handicapped spot is she really handicapped is that not his mom I guess not he took one look at her and said stranger danger I could not stop laughing while I was reading your oh she's back you have such a creative mind why didn't make it look like she was fired you did such a good job she's still here I'm going to give you this oh teacher p is something wrong with my bag no the hummingbird it reminds me of my mom why is your mom a hummingbird take it it's the least I can do considering you brought me that cupcake and madebe that beautiful drawing that was so kind consider repayment I can't my mom told me kindness is always free so thanks but I can't accept your payment a I mean yeah kindness is always free stop trying to pay me back consider it a gift then yeah maybe he doesn't like his mom I don't know maybe she heard him have you seen the beaks on the hummingbirds I almost forgot try outs for the school play are tomorrow I'm directing it and I think you would make an amazing lead boy Oliver ow why don't you two switch seats it took until now to figure that out why are you guys the only two people in the classroom whose desks are connected spread them out a bit we are one elbow touch away from this not being a problem anymore I just realized that I left something in the car I'll be right back sunny and Jason and I are going to be playing basketball at your school you want to join I can't I promise my mom would help her with something come on call her an Oscar I'm sure she'll say yes uh I don't have a phone then use mine hey Mom can I go play basketball after school with play friends why did he do that does mom not have a phone mom has to have a phone is mom alive I have so many questions I love how nobody makes fun of him and everybody just like helps him out without judging I mean this is how things should be I can't a let me talk to her oh wait I can thanks Mom you're the best she said yes bro was really good at lying where did you learn this skill from first the lasers now the mom W that's G this is so suspicious about this guy haven't T in a long time we play every Thursday after school you should come they staring at him like some vultures and you going to come here a piece of that Kit Kat it's like the mini one too how you expect them to share that with four people well everybody get a bite okay cool guy hey boys brought you guys lunch no way we get a pizza I told you you should come wow that's so nice maybe it's not so bad that he split his Kit Kat four ways oh and can I have a napkin too of course is that his mom since I'm your little servant it's not like I own the place B I just asked for a napkin you're waitress when that boy gets here Woo is this the evil hummingbird yeah thank you and why she get so mad she acting like she asked to borrow her favorite sweater I just asked for some napkins so dramatic Where Have You Been huh you were supposed to be here an hour ago I went to play basketball with some friends you expect me to take care of this place by myself while you go out and play I mean yeah he's like 10 years old he's a kid kid should go out and play not slave away I'm taking this as punishment for a week if you disobey me again I'm taking the mattress too what she make him sleep at the floor in the restaurant I'm going to have to call trial Services what an abuse is going on here do you think I can have some lunch money for school tomorrow I gave you $7 yesterday should be good for the whole week I spent it on a cupcake and candles for my teacher you know 2023 what $7 going to get you a wee little Frappuccino from Starbucks is like $7 oh that was dumb wasn't it I guess you're not going to eat then hello are you open go take care of the customer isn't that your job it's like your restaurant mother literally owns a restaurant and like he ain't got lunch money you can't even give him food to eat you can't even give him like the leftovers and giving mother gothal look what I brought you since you shared your chocolate with me I want to pay you back no it's okay I mean I'm giving you a gift everybody take out your books and turn the page okay what's the deal with this dude everybody hide your food hide your snacks Mr sniffer is coming to collect his tax who wants to play a game meet me outside the class come on I'm going set up for you yep right outside class go ahead n he's going to steal their food I already know it he's going to sniff it out y you can't just be taking kids' launches so it just disappeared not just my pizza my bag and everything does anyone know when we're going to start we're still waiting for Miss Stevens I don't know what's taking Miss Stevens had an emergency principal Daniel's asking me to fill in I can't believe this dude is stealing from the hungry kid which one of you kids is audition for all let's start with you this is this guy is not the Drama teacher oh you know what he could be he pretty dramatic a poor boy a very very poor boy indeed I've been left in the streets deserted by those who should have cared for me how many door Dashers do you think this dude is assaulted me lingering death in the dirtiest corner of that horrible place all right all right that's enough um before we continue on I think we should break for lunch we literally just had lunch like 3 minutes ago bro was at a constant state of lunch okay calm down L who's in charge here he acted like he going to waste way he going to evaporate if he doesn't eat a pizza every 13 minutes a son of mine no that's okay you already gave me food earlier come on not going to eat it all watch your lunch again Joey I uh had some pizza but somehow it's gone you can't be eating all these kids food the audacity of this guy you got to bring your own I I did it just come on Joe come with me now and bring them with you come on Joey you got to bring your own food so I can eat it Le bro snatched it as said where's your food listen I don't know what's wrong with you but I'm sending you home but but nothing if you don't have your lunch you're not audition you understand that now Beat It Now give me this sandwich who was allowing the teacher to act like this if you got a teacher that's taking things from you you got to report them cuz what is this but if you ain't got a snack for me today I ain't teaching you go on get out of [Music] here why is everyone at lunch already hey where'd you get that this whole thing um last um birthday Christmas my home it's about time she just had knitted something put together oh it's interesting I used to have the same one oh good taste awesome awesome we enjoy your lunch have you guys seen Joey he's supposed to be auditioning is the teacher not going to say anything Joey's lunch got taken I overheard Mr Smiley saying Joey can't come back until he has his lunch he did why would he say that I can't believe this I saw Mr Smiley taking Joey's lunch it was in that hummingbird bag finally somebody speaks up and says something like if you're at school and you see some Shenanigans like this go down tell somebody and don't even think about eating any food until you clean up this kitchen you hear me she's at the restaurant uhoh are you okay have you been sleeping here I'm so sorry I didn't know your life was like this yeah you always be lying about your life Joey like I thought Mom B you some fresh baked cookies everything just goes perfect for you your biggest problem is like fighting off lasers it wasn't always but lately it's gotten a lot worse you see I so you see never really knew my dad but it didn't matter because I had my mom and we were always together but I had no idea that she was about to get really sick it happened out of nowhere I sit by her side every day holding her hand praying she'd get better she didn't after my mom passed away I lost everything and why I didn't know was things were about to get even worse this is so sad I wasn't expecting a cry today oh no mother gothal my new foster mom she treats me really bad she makes me work doesn't feed me and does mean things to me all the time I bet she going to blame you for breaking the plate huh that's what's going on why didn't you say anything to me I pretend like everything is okay at school because I don't want people to judge me is your foster mom the one that's responsible for your um uh who are you what are you going to do hit her too I'm Joey's teacher and the person who's going to take him away from me oh not so fast you're not going anywhere yes he is unless you would like me to call the police and let them know that you're violating child labor laws not to mention countless others I wonder what the prison sentence is for someone who would do something like that right back at you bro except with some spit parents like that do not deserve a child it's like you just using them for free labor and a government check looking for something Mr Smiley get this guy out of here one of these kids back you wouldn't be stealing from a student's backpack would you still Mrs Smiley love kids Mr Smiley love food I me I Pizza I me snack I mean kids because Joey told me that his lunch went missing and it was in the exact hummingbird bag that I gave him the same bag that I saw you eating lunch yeah bro you've been caught we will no longer require your services Mr Smiley what services is he providing in the first place besides sniffing out food you're dismissed I might just keep these cookies I already have no no can't should be eating this many cookies this a lot of cookies no no go I'm surprised you don't go raid the lunch ladies I have been sir a poor boy without a home oh they made him all without a friend without a father without a mother without anyone that's so sad they made him play that and I believe with all my heart that one day I shall find my Guiding Light to lead me out of this Darkness I hope she had doed him he's such a good kid wasn't it obvious by the Applause I got you this but don't fill up cuz we still have Thanksgiving dinner after this thank you I owe you big time for everything you've done for me you don't owe me anything it's a gift because a wise person once told me that kindness is always free oh what's she going to do she's not in jail oh here they come here come the Ops Gretch and Johnson we're here to investigate some alleged violations of child abuse I do dude do I look like I have a child that's just my dog's mattress ain't no child here busted but anyways that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure to hit that like button in the peace and make sure you turn on notifications click click and I just released some new merch we got hoodie shirts T Toops at OG wolfpack.com I'll link it below and subscribe to the Wolfpack I love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 1,349,419
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, dhar mann
Id: 4ZJwcmrAxc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 31sec (1051 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2024
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