Girl Can't Stop Lying

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hello friends it's me and today is darman monday today's video is about a mean girl who cannot stop spreading rumors and then i found out that she still sleeps with a nightlight are you sure that's true positive a reliable source told me well maybe there's a good reason for that the fact that she's still scared of the dark at 16 i wouldn't be surprised if she still wets the bed bro did you hear that she still sleeps with a nightlight what a baby i know adults that sleep with a nightlight maybe i like a lighted path on my way to the toilet in the middle of the night everyone knows monsters can't legally hurt you if the light is still on a valid fear also weak drama nobody cares she's crying she's clearly upset about something and we'll find out what it is oh somebody's crying time to get some juicy gossip hey please are you okay hey berry i'm i'm fine are you sure why are you taking your harvard stuff down to be honest i don't feel comfortable talking about this right now i don't want anyone knowing about this you don't have to worry about that i would never tell anyone your business you can talk to me well i i didn't get into harvard are you serious but you're like the smartest girl in school how did that happen i don't know i mean i nearly had perfect i say t scores plus my interview it went so well i'm just confused but do you have rich parents because sometimes that's all it takes doesn't matter how good you do at school you know as long as mommy and daddy slide harvard some money you're good please please don't tell anyone about this bree i'll be so embarrassed i promise your secret's safe with me harvard's missing out it's their loss the smartest girl in school didn't get in there and no hope for the rest of you guys you're a good friend i'll see you around man she trusted you don't tell me she gonna go gossiping around to everybody you will not believe what i just found harvard rejected grace what she didn't get not supposed to say anything oh sorry if you weren't supposed to anyone why'd you tell me you're my best friend stacy of course i'm gonna tell you i mean that's obvious i feel like that's acceptable i tell my best friends everything they tell me everything if somebody tells them something you're not allowed to tell anybody they still tell me because it is safe with me and vice versa and we know the information ever goes out of my group you know maybe try not to tell anybody else i don't think grace would like that besides that's how rumors get spread i'm not gonna tell anyone don't worry i think i left a book in class i'm gonna go grab it oh okay bye you know you have a problem when your own best friend is gonna be like yeah but they'll tell anybody else okay like she literally only told you can you put two brain cells together and be like oh if anybody finds out it's gonna be because of me unless you don't care they go crazy hey guys yeah what's up you know who grace is right yeah valedictorian yeah what about her wait till you hear this literally already yeah i promise your secret's safe with me even to her best friend i'm not gonna tell anybody hey i read the people i've never met you know grace you know she got rejected right why grace didn't get anymore yeah how did you even find out brie i can't disclose my sources but i can't disclose my sources source trust me bro can i talk to you yeah give me a second what happened to not telling anybody else about them i mean they're like my second best friend really i've never seen you hang out with them before regardless you shouldn't be making fun of someone and you're never gonna feel good about yourself when you hurt somebody else you're right i'm just getting carried away i guess i don't even sit here i don't even know these people want to hear this hot tea anyway i'll say bye to them and come meet with you oh i have some work i have to get done some head into the computer lab but see after school yeah cool this seems like such a fake friendship if you just take what your best friend says and just like throw it out the window are you guys even like friends i mean she could have a problem she could be like a compulsive gossiper anyways i heard it's because she got really bad scores on her sats no way grace is the smartest girl in our class didn't she get a perfect gpa yeah but apparently the pressure became too much for her remember when she missed school for a few days a while back apparently she had like a mental breakdown wow this is also shocking you didn't hear it from me what do you mean you didn't hear it from me you just said it is this your way of making friends just lying about other people you know this is why you should never believe what you hear on the internet because people always take what they hear and like twist it up into something completely different she got a near perfect score on her gpa she's like well she did really bad on her gpa and people love to twist stories for drama wait is that 2015 kylie jenner what's she doing in our school evelyn phillips she's new and i heard some things really what apparently her dad stole some money from some people so her parents are going through a divorce that's why she transferred here she looks just like kylie jenner what the frick are you serious yeah but i could be wrong yeah but i could be wrong like i don't know i heard this it could have been a whole different other person but like i'm not sure i probably shouldn't have said anything yeah i mean if you're not sure why would you even say anything you sure you got the right person this whole lunch table right here is like a drama channel hey i'm bria i saw you sitting over here by yourself and thought i'd join you sure uh hi evelyn nice to meet you i remember what it's like being the new girl first day is always the hardest i bet she was never even new grew up in the same city went to the same elementary middle and high school shut up i heard some rumors and i am i i hate gossip but i just want to make sure you're okay is it true about your dad they stole money that i need to talk to you hey grace is everything okay did you tell people what i told you this morning uh this is embarrassing the thing that i specifically said not to say no way i told you i wouldn't tell anyone about that well people know bria and you're the only person i told grace i promise i didn't tell anyone anything maybe someone overheard our conversation now you break your promises now you lying what's she gonna do blame her best friend the only one that was there during the conversation i'm gonna go to the nurse's office to see if i can go home because i really don't want to be here right now feel better we'll try and find out and spread the rumor what a great first impression what was that about that's grace now you go and tell her her business smartest girl in our school but between you and me she's a little paranoid i feel bad for her wow that that sucks anyway you were saying about your dad you know somebody just comes up to somebody and is like did you tell everybody our little secret no i would never like the fact that somebody even like said something you can't even trust her with your zodiac sign keep it going bria this tea is so hot so evelyn billups's dad stole 50 000 and the worst part is it was from non-profit organizations no way it's true now because of him all these hungry children can't eat because the money's all gone how do you know so much about her it's her first day because i just know and i have a feeling that she knew about it all along you know usually the kids know nothing about their parents business and sketchy things that their parents do i would not blame it on the kid but you didn't hear it from me so you've been running your mouth about me bria what are you talking about ariana this is a word about you i know that's a lot does she still sleep with a nightlight sound familiar that's her who told you that it doesn't matter you told everyone oh that's me i would have shoved somebody against the locker for making up something as stupid as i sleep with a nightlight are we doing this right here and she exaggerated everything do you want to know why i sleep with a nightlight i'll tell you when my dad died my little brother sleeps in my room because he's scared of the dark so yeah i sleep with a nightlight for him that's embarrassing you better get canceled for that i didn't tell everyone about the nightlight i might have said something else but it wasn't about that so what did you say then i don't remember it was a long time ago i don't remember but it was probably something small i'm sure you remember what you said about me oh didn't know i was here did you listen i can explain how could you spread lies about me you don't even know me and you exaggerated everything i didn't mean to exaggerate what i was saying i yes you did bria yeah you've been doing that since i've known you bro everybody's against you 4v1 you can't victim your way out of this one i promise you wasn't me she basically got a lemonade stand for like piping hot tea why is everyone attacking me don't act so innocent you spread lies about alex and i and that pretty much caused our breakup and when i didn't make the volleyball team you literally told everybody you've been spreading rumors about everybody and we're sick of it so beat her up everybody just go at her is there a problem over here no she's the problem no i'm not i didn't do anything yes you did bria i've been here one day and everyone thinks all these things about me that aren't even true all because of you all right that's it all three of you to my office but i now really i feel like the teacher wouldn't care he'd like just sip his coffee and keep walking by unless like they were attacking each other but all right bria has been spreading rumors about me and a lot of other students even about evelyn this is true miss phillips yeah brady have anything to say about this bro i literally like can't stop lying it's like a problem it's like water i i need to do it sir there's another student here who'd like to join in this discussion miss ryan are you okay i heard about what happened in the hallway i wanted to say that bria is also spreading rumors about me she has yeah i i didn't get into harvard and oh no i'm so sorry it's all right i've come to terms with that but how about school already knows thanks to bria so what everyone's going to find out everything anyway i mean one of these girls sleeps with a nightlight and one of them didn't get into harvard like boo hoo my school would have been spreading stuff like ashley has chlamydia this is mild you guys are really just making this a bigger deal than it has to be all right ladies thank you i'm gonna ask you to leave so i can talk to bria alone bria you know it's not okay to gossip about your classmates i really just don't see what the big deal is oh she finally admits it by tomorrow those three girls will care how would you like it if people were spreading rumors about you people are spreading rumors about me they're saying i'm spreading rumors that's a rumor isn't it i wouldn't care am i gonna get in trouble for this i'll tell you what i'm gonna give you an assignment to complete today and you can come back to me tomorrow and i'll let you know my decision what's the assignment i want you to write down everything you said about everyone on that sheet of paper then i want you to tear it up into tiny little pieces and throw it out the window on your way home got it i mean you told me to throw it out so i mean i'm not even gonna do it i'm just gonna say i did it you know since she has no problem lying all the time this doesn't even make any sense when you have a pee brain nothing makes sense oh she actually did it bro you're littering why is she littering though hey good morning bria so did you finish the assignment yeah i ripped up the paper and threw the pieces out the window like you asked luckily my mom didn't see me littering that's okay because what i want you to do next is go out and find all those pieces of paper and bring them back to me confused bring them back to me and i won't give you detention oh great should have just not done the assignment but i threw them out the window they blew away in the wind exactly life lesson learned i'm so confused when we say hurtful things about someone it works the same way we're never able to get those words back just like those pieces of paper brian i thought he was gonna say when we say mean things we like twist the story and we can never like piece it back into like the original story but i mean i guess it's the same thing don't trust rumors don't trust everything you read on the internet i guess i never thought about it like that so does this mean i have detention hopefully it'll give you time to think about what we've talked about detention at my school used to be like you take a seat and like you stare at a wall and if you're like late for your class you have to stare at a wall the entire class so it's a lot of time to like think about your actions hey you okay what happened hey i'm fine i have detention for a week that sucks i'll tell you about it later okay now her friend goes and spreads the rumor oh bria has attention for a week i heard she mooned the principal i heard she tried to get extra credit can you believe what happened to bria i know it's crazy right i heard she's got detention for a month she has to pick up garbage serves her right my friend alex she told me that bria only spreads rumors about people she's secretly jealous of makes sense i heard that she keeps a notebook full of lies she uses to spread about people it's all over the school what a weirdo so you're spreading rumors about me now none of that stuff is true well i heard it is and even if it isn't who cares you do it to people all the time oh how does it feel yeah but it doesn't matter you're standing up for her didn't she gossip about you too yeah but i don't think she should go through it it hurts so how about we just stop talking badly about each other and we'll be happier otherwise this will never end school would be so boring without drama i mean you go to school to learn okay you're right oh that was easy i'm sorry bria i'm really sorry about everything i said to you i wish i could take it all back but i know i can't i understand if you can't forgive me dang that's a good apology i already have lesson learned i'm sure you know how it feels now yeah i do catch her on the next day of school spreading even more rumors but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure to hit that like button in the and make sure you turn on notifications click click and subscribe to the wolf pack i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 9,658,730
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, funny, dhar mann
Id: FkrPwkOvjQI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 17sec (857 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 13 2022
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