Rich Girl Forced To Get A Real Job

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Hello friends it's me and today is Darman Monday and we're gonna be watching a video about a spoiled rich girl who has to get a real job let's watch all right here it is what do you think pretty cool huh huh seriously dad a Porsche your parents bought you a Porsche girl what did you want a Hyundai perhaps a Volkswagen don't tell me you'd rather have a BMW than a Porsche I told you I wanted a Rolls-Royce I'm sorry this girl is how old now I'm guessing like 16 you want a 400 000 car for what so you can scuff up your rims going through the Starbucks drive-through I don't care how rich you are I don't care how rich your family is a teenager does not need a half a million dollar car for their first car oh yeah run back inside I should have gotten hear the cooling in no you should have raised the better child are you kidding me you spoiling her is why we're in the situation in the first place John can you imagine how excited we would have been to get a brand new Porsche for our 16th birthday 16th birthday bro I would have been excited to get an iPhone and a brand new Porsche like you guys are nuts I cannot believe there are kids on this planet that are gonna cry about a brand new Porsche for their birthday insane like there are people dying dying I would have been crazy excited to have any car at all at 16 I was working at this soup kitchen trying to save up money to buy a used Jetta exactly there are so many children who get nothing yeah yeah maybe if you would stop treating her like Daddy's Little Princess all the time she'll learn to appreciate something for once that's the thing and I've met kids like this like their entire life mommy and daddy just bought them everything they never told them no and you know what happens they grow up with no drive to do anything it doesn't matter how much money you have like growing up spoiled long-term will you please let me know if there's anything else I can get you thank you what is this a complimentary Bradman I know it's Brad genius where's your guys's Brown baguette bread that's one of the reasons why I came here in the first place it's not a big deal Victoria I'm sure this one is just as good I want the brown bread let me go talk to the shrimp yeah you go do that no okay real story I went with my friend's little sister to this fancy restaurant it was the first time I've ever been to a fancy restaurant and they had just brought out the dinner menu but she wanted a sandwich on the lunch menu and started crying tears in the middle of the restaurant until the waiter came over and was like okay you know what I talked to the chef and they said they can make your little lunch sandwich it is so wild that these people actually exist they're really not gonna say anything she wants brown bread you know it's fine it's her birthday you did not have to be so rude the waiter didn't do anything wrong yeah he did he brought me the wrong bread I'm sorry let me just my notes app on my phone oh the birthday girl brown bread basket this is exactly what I want black on black like I don't want that too at least you got the color combo right on the Porsche you know your father was just telling me that when he was 16 he had to work in a soup kitchen to save up for a used Jetta and I'm proud of him for that okay so I mean you raised the kid to be like this y'all probably never told her no she has never had to work a day in her life she doesn't understand what a struggle is what does that matter we're rich now we're rich because we worked really hard for everything we have not because anyone gave us anything do you want a cookie or something what mommy's trying to say is that you should be a little more appreciative of what you have the Porsche is a really nice car in fact a lot of people would love to have a car like that unfortunately really good car it's a really fun car she's kind of giving Maddie from Euphoria and why don't you try this bread I'm sure it's delicious no I'm not trying it I don't want to keep the Porsche you want me to have the same car as every Junior at viewpoint feel lucky I'm not asking for a phantom you should be lucky that you're not getting a used Jetta there can be a school where everybody has a Porsche I mean I've never been to a rich person school come on now or having to work in a soup kitchen yeah because that'd be so hard you would not last a week in a soup kitchen Victoria I would y'all want to bet all right I'll tell you what if I can work at the soup kitchen for the week then you buy me a four hundred thousand dollar card yeah if you offered me a cullinan come on now grow up that's not a bad idea she's gonna work in a soup kitchen for a week and get a quarter of a million dollar car it's more expensive than that what kind of a world are we living in I'm terribly sorry but we no longer have the brown baguette then go find it there's no way I'm eating this whoa whoa but maybe you working at the kitchen will humble her man I would be so embarrassed if I was her parents I would have picked up that bread off the ground and smacked her with it all right time to get a real job [Music] thank you so much she's like whatever I'll do this for a car he really people actually eat this crap hey I can take over the soup if you want to just do the bread let me guess your parents are making you work here too no I've been volunteering here for years because I just love helping people you mean not everybody here is getting offered a brand new car for their 16th birthday if they can make it a week girl needs a reality check enjoy thank you so much Shelby and here you go dad is it okay if I have one more bread I'm really hungry um oh sure whatever have as much as you want actually it's only one per person [Music] they changed the policy remember um come on that's a big deal it's just bread she could have more well trust me I want to but with every budget cuts our funding has really been affected and we have even less supplies now what are you talking about I just knocked over a free bread basket at my stroke and you're telling me this little girl can't have another piece of bread like what if you give two pieces of bread it won't be enough for everyone unfortunately there gotta be at least one person that's gluten free that doesn't want their bread girl Welcome to the Real World [Music] thank you sir I have the chef find the brown buckets for you it wasn't easy you had to go to seven different stores just for you well thanks hmm that's so yummy imagine if it was the wrong one what's she gonna do flip the table over at home how was your first day it was horrible it stinks there and the manager is so strict she wouldn't even let me use my phone it's more like a prison than a job so it was kind of like a prison just because you didn't get to use your phone I think you guys should take her to a real prison for a week and then she might deserve the car that's just how I would do it are you sure you're gonna last a whole week for the Conan yes if it weren't for that I wouldn't even be it's here do you know anything about this no idea please do not tell me you got another pair of designer shoes with our credit card you already have too many not red bottoms I only have plain white you know how many kids only have one pair of shoes you don't need every style in every brand uh yes I do I'm gonna go try these on [Music] she made such a big deal about this brand only to take one little nibble good oh that was my dinner what's she gonna do go in her room and eat the shoes what a little animal hey Victoria I'm just on my phone and there's not even anyone here no I was going to say that maybe you can pass out these crayons to each parent that comes in with a child someone donated these Isn't it nice great more work thanks she acts like this job you know Victoria now might be a good time for you to take your lunch break before the rush comes I just made a new batch of soup no I'm not eating that crap my chef made me lunch my chef made me lunch that's the most privileged thing I've ever heard later it's okay here [Music] at least until we get home and then I can we'll put some crazy glue on it vamos hey I was wondering if you guys yeah we decided to wait until dinner since the kitchen only allows one meal a day so what are you gonna do for lunch here have mine oh no no no no we couldn't no please I'm not hungry honestly thank you thank you so much this really means a lot to us that was very skinny each of a good guy I am so what is it we're gonna share it and then we'll go to dinner [Music] dad your dad had some business honey what's up how much longer do we have to stay in this dump for my room and my closet are literally so small this is not a dump do you know what people do to live in a place like this you know the renovations are going to be going on for probably a couple more months a couple months are you kidding this is going to be the longest summer ever I feel like that is such a flex oh the main house is under renovation let's go live in a whole other house while the main house is being renovated like what what do you mean you don't just like live in the house while it's getting renovated what a luxury here you go thank you of course and here you go yeah so are you excited about what after today it's officially been a week so you know to do this anymore well yeah I am Shelby is she coming for a second oh yeah everything good it's her birthday today and Sophia wanted to have you over as a thank you for helping us the other day oh I really hope you can come sure I'll be there okay let's see hey you're just in time she was about to start singing Happy Birthday come in um at three okay one two three happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear Sophia happy birthday to you bro did you make a wish okay good I'm gonna go get your gift okay please give Victoria some company again thank you so much for being here this really means a lot to us what'd you wish for let me guess toys new clothes [Music] I know a puppy no I'm good with what I have I don't need anything else really not to be mean but your shoes are kind of falling apart you have to eat it at a soup kitchen and your place is pretty small yeah I know but my dad always taught me to be thankful for what I have because there's always someone out there who has less I feel like her millionaire parents set them up she's like you know what we're gonna get her to see what the real world looks like you know another perspective on life I thought we're only poor in the movies I could have no food to eat no shoes or no home she got a point that kid more woke than her oh Sophia that's so true and really smart for your age you know so would you actually wish for for my dad to get a new job he's been sad since he all right open it [Music] new crayons thanks Dad I love them you're welcome sorry I couldn't get you anything else but well Dad stop it thanks so much you're welcome at least you got a dad that loves you I don't think you realize how valuable that is do you love it or do you love it huh I can't believe they did that yeah honey and we're so proud of you for having completed your week we are go check it out I cannot believe you you're a very lucky girl so what do you think I love it rolling up to the soup kitchen in a Rolls-Royce plot twist it's not hers it's darman's car you're not as excited as I thought what are you gonna do no give it to your dad it's just is it okay if we return it return it but but this is a car you wanted honey no dad I don't want the colony I just wanted the brown bread I don't understand where is all this coming from let's just say someone told me to be grateful for what you have because there's always someone who has less than you are you sure you're even our daughter really humble her please make sure everyone can get as much food as they want movies [Music] I saw this oh she got her new shoes a small birthday present for Sophia [Music] wow buy a rich girl a Rolls-Royce as she can change the world but anyways that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure to hit that like button and turn on notifications click click and I just released some new merch we got hoodie shirts tank tops at OG I'll link it below and subscribe to the wolf pack I love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 2,539,642
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, dhar mann, dhar mann monday, sssniperwolf dhar mann
Id: N_kKfO2ymt8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 29sec (929 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 31 2023
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